Page 1: Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilized emulsions · Introduction.|Man-made porous media are used in various branches of science and industry, and they form the basis

Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilizedemulsionsCitation for published version (APA):Frijters, S., & Harting, J. (2014). Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilized emulsions. arXiv.

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Page 2: Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilized emulsions · Introduction.|Man-made porous media are used in various branches of science and industry, and they form the basis


Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilized emulsions

Stefan Frijters1 and Jens Harting1, 2, ∗

1Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology,Den Dolech 2, NL-5600MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

2Faculty of Science and Technology, Mesa+ Institute, University of Twente,P.O. Box 217, NL-7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands

(Dated: August 14, 2014)

We propose a new mechanism to create self-assembled porous media with highly tunable geo-metrical properties and permeabilities: We first allow a particle-stabilized emulsion to form from amixture of two fluids and colloidal particles. Then, either one fluid phase or the particle layer is so-lidified, which can be achieved by techniques such as polymerization or freezing. Based on computersimulations we demonstrate that modifying only the particle wettability or concentration results inporous structures with a wide range of pore sizes and a permeability that can be varied by up tothree orders of magnitude. We then discuss optimization of these properties for self-assembled filtersor reactors and conclude that structures based on so-called “bijels” are most suitable candidates.

PACS numbers: 47.55.Kf, 47.56.+r, 81.16.Dn

Introduction.—Man-made porous media are used invarious branches of science and industry, and they formthe basis of, for example, many types of reactors, filters,or fuel cells [1, 2]. Each application has its own set ofdesirable and undesirable properties and as such creat-ing highly tunable porous media with well-defined poresize distributions and permeabilities is of particular in-terest. It is advantageous to be able to create a catalystor filter directly at a location that is hard to access, andwhere fine-grained control over an assembly process isnecessarily absent, such as in underground pipes. Here,the preferred mechanism is self-assembly of the porousstructures; this has been demonstrated before, such asthrough the use of zeolite nanocrystals [3], microemul-sions [4], or magnetic self-assembly [5].

This letter follows a different route and discusses howthe emulsification process of particle-stabilized emulsionscan be tuned to create highly controlled self-assembledporous media [6]. We restrict ourselves to emulsions con-taining two fluid species and suspended spherical parti-cles and propose two ways to create a porous mediumfrom such an emulsion: Firstly, if one of the fluidphases contains an additional component that can betriggered—be it chemically, photochemically, thermally,or in some other fashion—to solidify (e.g. with the aidof solved polymers [7]), we create “filled” porous mediawith a relatively small pore fraction. Alternatively, if thesolid particles are modified such that they can be linkedtogether, an altogether different “open” geometry is cre-ated. In experiments, this can be achieved using, forexample, an additional phase of solved polymers [7, 8],or soft particles that can crosslink and agglomerate [9].The particles can then form a dense layer that can beconsidered impenetrable, creating a wall-like structure.Compared to the previous, this type of system has agreatly enhanced porosity. In either of these ways a

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porous medium can be created in a remote location bysupplying the ingredients (and trigger) from far away.

Particle-stabilized emulsions commonly present in oneof two forms: the Pickering emulsion (discrete droplets)or the bijel (bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsiongel), which have very different geometrical and rheologi-cal properties [10–12]. We use the knowledge of the simu-lation of particle-stabilized emulsions gleaned in previouswork [13–15] to good effect, and we explore the emulsionparameter space for regions that result in geometries withdesirable properties, such as large permeability yet smalldomain sizes (filters), or large surface-to-volume ratio,porosity, and large permeability (reactors). Examples ofgeometries created from Pickering emulsions and bijelsare shown in Fig. 1.

Method.—We simulate particle-stabilized emul-sions [15] by using the LB3D simulation software:a massively parallel implementation of the three-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann (LB) method [16] totreat the fluid components, and molecular dynamics(MD) to treat particle-particle interactions. The immis-cibility of the two involved fluids (“oil” and “water”) ismodeled as proposed by Shan and Chen [17], who add alocal interaction force between the different fluid compo-nents present at a lattice site which effectively leads toa surface tension. The (colloidal) particles interact withthe fluids through the method proposed by Ladd [18, 19],which discretizes the particles on the fluid lattice, andallows for momentum transfer where fluid attemptsto enter a site covered by a particle. This method isextended to allow for multiple fluid components and toset the contact angle of the particles [13, 20].

We use data for different emulsion states which we ob-tained earlier and the reader is referred to Ref. [15] fordetails on simulation parameters and the validation ofthe method. The porous structures are then created intwo different ways: To achieve “filled” porous media, wetransform all fluid volumes that contain mostly oil-likefluid into solid sites. As the original emulsions are all oil-





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Page 3: Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilized emulsions · Introduction.|Man-made porous media are used in various branches of science and industry, and they form the basis



(a) (b) (c) (d)

FIG. 1. (Color online) Examples of filled (a, c) and open (b, d) geometries created from particle-stabilized emulsions in thePickering (a, b) and bijel (c, d) states. For clarity, only a slice is rendered as a 3D volume (grey), while the rest of the porousmedium is depicted as a block with the solid and fluid at the edge of the domain shown as red and blue, respectively.

in-water emulsions, one is left with a percolating system,which can then either contain a large continuous soliddomain (if the source emulsion was a bijel) or smallerdiscrete solid domains (if the source emulsion was in aPickering state). The latter case is slightly harder toachieve in experiments, as in the simulations the soliddomains are suspended in the fluid without any support.However, in most cases the droplets are close to eachother, and therefore such a structure is already close tobeing stable. It can then be fully stabilized by, e.g., asecondary polymeric structure, embedding the dropletsinto a foam, or bridging effects [21]. We assume that theeffect of the additional stabilizing structure is assumedto be negligible. For the “open” variation, we transformboth water and oil regions to pore space, and convert thevolume occupied by the stabilizing particles into solid.As the particle coverage of the interface is not complete,we also create solid sites from the inter-particle spaces atthe interfaces.

We define three geometrical properties of interest:

Firstly, the effective porosity φ =V effpore

Vpore+Vsolid, where Vpore

and Vsolid are the pore and solid volume, respectively,and V eff

fluid is the pore volume that contributes to percola-tion (i.e. this excludes the insides of Pickering droplets).Secondly, we define the effective surface-to-volume ra-

tio ζ = Aeff

V efffluid

, where Aeff is the total solid area facing

a pore that contributes to percolation. This quantityis relevant when studying these solid geometries in thecontext of, e.g., a catalytic reactor. Finally, we follow amethod for measuring domain sizes in emulsions as shownin other works [13–15] and compute the spherically av-eraged structure factor to determine the averaged lateraldomain size Λ as a measure of the characteristic domainsizes of the porous media.

Darcy’s law relates the velocity 〈v〉 at which a fluidwith kinematic viscosity η flows through a porousmedium to a pressure gradient ∇P applied over themedium. The permeability κ appears in this law as a

proportionality constant: κ = η 〈v〉∇P . Unlike the geomet-rical quantities discussed above, we do not calculate thepermeability of a geometry statically. Instead, we again

use the lattice Boltzmann method, following Narvaez etal. [22, 23], and relate this result to theoretical expecta-tions.Results.—We control the structure of the emulsion and

the resulting porous medium by modifying two parame-ters: the particle volume fraction Ξ and the wettability ofthe stabilizing particles, expressed as a contact angle θp.Details on their effects can be found in [13] and [15], butwe include two salient facts here: Firstly, the averagedomain size is inversely proportional to Ξ (more parti-cles can collectively stabilize a larger interface, allowingfor smaller structures [24]). Secondly, in the case of theoil-water ratio of 5/9 that is used here, hydrophilic parti-cles favor Pickering emulsions and hydrophobic particlesfavor bijels.

The porosity is trivially higher for open geometriesas compared to filled ones based on the same emulsionstate. For open geometries bijels have a higher effectiveporosity than Pickering emulsions because the insides ofPickering droplets do not participate in percolation. Thesurface-to-volume ratio increases with increasing Ξ in allcases, because the average domains become smaller. Forfilled geometries, ζ decreases as particles become morehydrophobic: i.e. porous media based on Pickering emul-sions have a higher effective surface-to-volume ratio ascompared to bijels. However, for open geometries, thereexists a minimum for neutrally wetting particles, as par-ticle detachment in the case of extreme hydrophobicityleads to a large increase in available surface area basedon the contribution of the surface area of these particles.We have measured the permeability of the porous media,and conclude that the highest permeabilities are reachedby low values of Ξ and high values of θp. The particlevolume fraction mainly affects the coarseness of the do-mains, while the contact angle of the particles controlsthe state of the emulsion; as such we can say that coarsebijels result in the most permeable porous media.

To combine these results in a more quantitative fash-ion, we use the Blake-Kozeny model, which represents thepore network of the porous medium as a bundle of non-homogeneous tubes with an equivalent radius Rt and aneffective length L′ that is larger than the length L of the

Page 4: Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilized emulsions · Introduction.|Man-made porous media are used in various branches of science and industry, and they form the basis



porous medium [25]. The square of the ratio of these twolengths is known as the tortuosity τ , which is a measurefor how twisted the pore network of the porous mediumis. The average velocity in these capillary tubes is givenby the Hagen-Poiseuille law

〈v〉 =R2


8ηL′. (1)

This law can be combined with Darcy’s law and the hy-draulic radius Rh = Rt/2 = Vpore/A

eff to arrive at

κ = φR2



φV 2pore



2τζ2, (2)

which expresses the permeability in terms of the porosityand the surface-to-volume ratio. Based on the structureof the source emulsions we expect τ ≈ 1. An exampleof the measured permeability and the theoretical predic-tion is shown in Fig. 2; they compare very well untilextremely hydrophobic particles are used. At that pointthe domains coarsen so much that the assumption τ ≈ 1is no longer valid. The figure also shows that variationsof the permeability of three orders of magnitude are pos-sible, without even changing the ratio of the fluids or thenumber of particles. Furthermore, we observe that foropen geometries, the domains that were originally filledwith oil contribute only weakly to the total permeabilityof the porous medium. This is caused by the fact thatthese domains are connected to the rest of the percolatingpores by narrow pore necks only.

40 60 80 100 120 140







Ξ = 0.15Ξ = 0.20Ξ = 0.25

FIG. 2. (Color online) Measured (points) and predicted(lines) permeability κ based on Eq. 2 for various filled geome-tries as a function of the particle contact angle θp, with theassumption τ = 1. A value close to one is expected becauseof the structure of the source emulsions. Measurements andpredictions show good agreement up to the case of extremelyhydrophobic particles (large θp).

We now combine the information presented above ina brief look at how to optimize a self-assembled porousmedium to be used as a filter. For an efficient filter,we assume the permeability needs to be maximized toobtain optimal throughput, while the domain sizes need

8 16 24 32







open geometries

filled geometriesΞ = 0.15Ξ = 0.20Ξ = 0.25

FIG. 3. (Color online) Combining the information we gleanedon domain sizes Λ and permeabilities κ as functions of Ξ andθp we find that the structure of the emulsion is very impor-tant: even though two emulsions might have the same averagedomain size, their permeabilities can vary wildly, especiallyfor open geometries. The colors of symbols correspond to theparticle contact angle, being a gradient from blue (θp = 50◦,Pickering emulsion, bottom left) to red (θp = 130◦, bijel, atthe end of both branches). For an efficient filter, the per-meability needs to be large and the domain sizes need to besmall; thus, open bijels are best suited to this purpose.

to be small; this corresponds to a system with narrowpore necks that block contaminants, such as small solidparticles. Fig. 3 directly shows the relation between thedomain sizes and the permeability of the geometries un-der consideration. The data points can be divided intotwo main branches, corresponding to open and filled ge-ometries. Particles with extreme contact angles are likelyto detach from the fluid-fluid interface and the effect oftheir size as individual solid domains is included in themeasured average domain size Λ [15]. As such, the left-most (open) branch is expected to underrepresent thetrue value of the domain sizes (this is not captured inthe error bars for reasons of clarity of the plot). How-ever, based on the magnitude of these errors (which hasbeen studied but not explicitly reported here), this doesnot affect our analysis and the two-branch structure isexpected to be qualitatively correct. We conclude thatopen bijels serve best as a basis for a self-assembled filter.

Alternatively, we can investigate how a porous mediumwith optimal properties for catalysis or other chemicalreactions can be created. We propose that maximiza-tion of both permeability (to ensure high throughput)and available surface area (to ensure high reactivity) isimportant for this purpose. In particular, we define anefficiency Υ = κζφ to be maximized. We plot the perme-ability against the available surface area in Fig. 4 and addisolines for Υ, which give an indication of the most effi-cient combinations of parameters; the optimization pro-cess moves at right angles to the isolines. Again, the opengeometries based on bijels are clearly the most suitable,and in this case it is also preferred to have as few parti-cles as possible: the increased coarseness of the emulsion

Page 5: Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilized emulsions · Introduction.|Man-made porous media are used in various branches of science and industry, and they form the basis



0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3

ζφ = Aeff/Vsim






Ξ = 0.15Ξ = 0.20Ξ = 0.25

Υ= 0.1Υ= 1.0Υ= 10.0





FIG. 4. (Color online) The permeability κ of open geome-tries is combined with the available surface area to obtain anefficiency Υ = κζφ. The particle contact angle is expressedthrough the color gradient from blue (θp = 50◦, Pickeringemulsion, bottom right) to red (θp = 130◦, bijel, at the end ofall three branches). Also shown are isolines for the efficiencyΥ. The data points for the different particle volume fractionsΞ split off into different branches in the bijel regime. Theirbest efficiencies are similar, and larger than those of Pickeringemulsions, and of filled bijels (not shown).

leads to such an increase in permeability that the loss ofsurface area is negated in terms of efficiency. Particle de-tachment also leads to an additional contribution to the

surface-to-volume ratio for open geometries; this extrasurface area is mostly located in pore domains that onlyweakly contribute to percolation. However, this effect issmall enough as to not affect the optimization strategy.Conclusion.— We demonstrated the applicability of a

new mechanism to generate self-assembled porous me-dia based on partly solidified particle-stabilized emul-sions. By solely modifying the concentration of particlesand their wettability we were able to generate porousstructures with highly tunable pore sizes and permeabil-ities varying over three orders of magnitude. The latticeBoltzmann method has proven to be an efficient methodto first simulate the formation of the emulsions, andlater to calculate the permeability of the resulting porousmedium. As such it could be applied as an alternativetool to optimize novel self-assembled filters or reactors.For filters, optimization was achieved by maximizing per-meability (to maximize throughput) while minimizingthe pore size (to be able to block smaller particles). For aself-assembled reactor, we defined an efficiency as beingthe product of the permeability (to ensure high through-put) and available surface area (to ensure high reactiv-ity). We conclude that in both cases open geometries arepreferred, in particular those based on a bijel.Acknowledgments.—Financial support is acknowl-

edged from FOM/Shell (09iPOG14) and NWO/STW(Vidi grant 10787 of J. Harting). We thank the JulichSupercomputing Centre and the High Performance Com-puting Center Stuttgart for the CPU time which was al-located through large scale GSC and PRACE grants.

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