

Session 24 Self Awareness: The Secret to Effective LeadershipFriday, August 8, 2014 10:50 a.m.Dan Griffiths



Why do we fail to get to know ourselves?

Why do we fail to get to know ourselves?

Fear maybe we dont measure upCompartmentalizationThe busyness of life and other distractions


5 min


Self Awareness in the moment



. . . its about the experience that others are having.5It may be clich, but its really NOT about you . . .

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

- Maya Angelou


6Confirmation Bias


Leadership is the capacity to influence human thought, emotion, and behavior starting with my own.



How do we get comfortable in our own skin?

Amy Cuddy Harvard Business SchoolOur bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes. Amy Cuddy9




Amy Cuddy Harvard Business SchoolDon't fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it. Amy Cuddy11


Values Affirmation

Im good enough, Im smart enough . . .

#AICPA_EDGE reduction in errors


Whats My Motivation?


How do I get good, honest feedback?

How do I get good, honest feedback?Create safetyPrime the pumpStart early in your career15


Create Safety


Create SafetyWarmth . . . And . . . StrengthDo you mean me harm?Do you have the capacity to carry it out?


Be tentative . . .


19Prime the Pump


Start Early20


How Do I Leverage My Strengths?

Focus On Strengths


Not Weaknesses


Contact Info

Dan Griffiths, CPA, CGMA is the Director of Strategic Planning at Tanner, LLC, a Salt Lake City-based professional services firm with 85 team members. Prior to merging his practice with Tanner, he co-founded Proficio Services Group to provide strategic & business planning, leadership development, and business coaching services. Dan is a graduate of the 2010 AICPA Leadership Academy and in 2011-2012 served as the chair of the Young CPA Network Committee for the AICPA. Dan has also been very active with the UACPA and in 2011 was recognized as the Outstanding CPA in Business and Management. He was recently selected to serve as Utahs elected member of the AICPA Governing Council. Dan is an avid flyfisher, backpacker, and gardener. He and his wife Bibiana just welcomed their fourth child to the family.

Contact Dan at: [email protected] Or connect with him on LinkedIn


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