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Table of Contents

Introduction: Your Self Publishing Coach

Chapter 1: About Self Publishing

Chapter 2: Self Publishing Costs

Chapter 3 Self Publishing Books

Chapter 4: Self Publishing Book Template

Chapter 5 Book Cover Design 101

Chapter 6 Self Publishing Software Options

Chapter 7: Self Publishing Companies

Chapter 8 CreateSpace Self Publishing

Chapter 9 ISBN Lookup and FAQ's

Chapter 10 Obtaining a Copyright

Conclusion: Self Publishing in a Nutshell

About The Expert: Shelley Hitz

Other Resources: Book Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

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Introduction: Your Self Publishing Coach

If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It!

Self publishing has never been easier! Now, with the recent advancements in technology, anyone can get

published. It's not only simple, quick and doable to get your ideas published, but will also save you money. It

simply amazes me!

Honestly...if you can dream it, you can do it!

Hi, I'm Shelley Hitz, and not that long ago, I was in your shoes.

You see, in 2008, I was researching self publishing options on the internet. I actually stumbled upon the idea

when a friend of ours showed us his self published book... boy was I impressed! His paperback book looked and

felt great in my hands, VERY professional.

Then, I found out what he paid to self publish it...practically nothing! Plus, he could order copies at his cost for

just $2-3 per book. My jaw dropped!

"I could do this," I thought to myself. I had to find out more.

And I did. A lot more.

In fact, I have self published five books in the last two years to sell on my website, on and through

speaking engagements.

Not only that, but I've learned how to publish those same books as: Paperback books, eBooks, Kindle books,

audio book downloads, and audio book CDs.

And I'd like to help you do the same.

I'll take you step-by-step through the publishing process in this book.

And on my website ( you can find articles, tutorials, reviews and so much more!

You can think of me as your own personal coach...Your Self-Publishing-Coach, that is. :)

And hopefully, from my experience and research, you will save a few hours along the way...maybe even

hundreds of hours! Your time is precious, right?

So What Are You Waiting For?

Let’s get started!

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Chapter 1: About Self Publishing

Self Publishing Online

Do you want to learn more about self publishing books? There are various options including traditional self

publishing or print on demand self publishing online. Find out which is right for you.

I have to be honest. I am very thankful for self publishing...and I'm thankful for the continued advancements in

how books are bought and read. Years ago you had to go into an independent bookstore to buy the book you

wanted. Now you can buy books online from,, and the list goes on.

Not only that, but you can now buy books electronically as eBooks and Kindle formatted books. I even have the

Kindle app on my phone that allows me to buy books and begin reading them in seconds. Talk about instant

gratification! We can all see that times are changing- and rapidly.

As the way we read and buy books changes, so does the publishing.

-No longer is it necessary to submit your book to a long list of publishers and endure rejection after


-No longer is it necessary to spend thousands of dollars in self published books that will sit in boxes in

your garage for years.

-No longer is it necessary to pay a publisher money to publish your book as a "vanity press."

Gone are those days. Say hello to print on demand publishing...

My Choice: Print on Demand Self Publishing Online

I am basing the information on the chart below on my experience with self publishing online with CreateSpace, a

print on demand self publishing company owned by I did all the formatting and editing of my book

and uploaded the files myself, which kept the costs low and the profits higher. I also signed up for a Pro Plan

which is just $39 the first year and $5 each year after that which significantly increases my royalties. Each POD

company varies, so do your research!

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Chart Comparison about Self Publishing

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Chapter 2: Self Publishing Costs

The Cost of Self Publishing

What are the self publishing costs for a book?

The costs can vary, but I have been able to publish my books with no upfront costs. This chapter will go into the

possible costs depending on the options that you chose.

If you are anything like me, you want to know the easiest and most cost effective way to publish your book. As I

began researching different self publishing companies, I realized that there were several options I could choose

from that ranged anywhere from no upfront costs to thousands of dollars.

Wow! I knew I didn't have thousands of dollars in the bank to spend on publishing my book, but I quickly found

out it was possible to get published with no upfront costs with the fairly new technology of print on demand


As I discussed in the previous chapter, you can choose from the traditional self publishing companies or print on

demand self publishing companies. Typically the print on demand self publishing will be cheaper, especially if

you do most everything yourself, like I did. However, if do you have the money to spend, it will be worthwhile to

research the traditional self publishing options to see which choice is right for you.

How Much Will I Spend on Self Publishing Costs?

Most self publishing companies use the Lightning Source to print and ship their books. Generally, this will cost

around $0.015 per page and $0.90 per standard paperback cover. Knowing this tidbit of information, the base

cost of printing a book, is very valuable and will help you in deciding which self publishing company to use. For a

190 page book, the base printing cost would equal about $3.75.

Therefore, if the production costs for a 190 page book are around $3.75-$4.30 (15% markup) you know you're

getting a fair deal. Watch out for publishing companies that mark up their "production costs" with hidden fees.

So far, I have found CreateSpace to be the most affordable.

They use their own printers and I have been satisfied with the quality of the printing. If you want to know they

type of quality printing you will get from a self publishing company, simply order one of their current books and

see for yourself.

Let me use my first book as an example. I use the company, CreateSpace to publish my books. They are owned

by and are a print on demand company, which simply means that as copies of my book are

ordered, they are printed. Therefore, there is no inventory which then means lower costs for everyone.

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My first book I published in 2008, 190 pages soft cover...

What Was the Total of My Self Publishing Costs??

It was simply my time + the cost of ordering my first proof copy at my discounted cost of $3.13 which is even

less than the typical printing cost of $3.75. Overall, with shipping included, my cost equaled less than $7 total.

Now that's a deal!!

And, on top of that, I could have sold my proof copy at retail price to actually come out ahead.

I know what some of you are probably realize that your time is valuable. And it is! For some of

you, it will be easier to hire someone to design your book template and your book cover, edit your book or

upload your files to CreateSpace. However, if you are willing to learn, you can realistically self publish your book

with no upfront costs!!

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Chapter 3 Self Publishing Books

How to Publish a Book the Easy Way

With 8 Simple Steps!

There are many options for self publishing. Believe me, I know. When I started researching self publishing

options, I had no idea what I was even looking for in a publisher. I had no idea what features to look for, or what

questions to ask - I simply started my search.

Do You Know Where to Start in Your Self Publishing Journey?

Whether you're just getting started or already have experience in self publishing, I am here to be your virtual

"coach" - helping you from the start to the finish... the writing, formatting, book cover design, choosing a

publisher, publishing in various formats and finally marketing your book.

Does it sound overwhelming to learn how to publish a book? It doesn't have to be! Remember, a journey of one

thousand steps begins with one. Whether you are a high powered executive publishing books for your company

or a stay at home mom publishing books for your family, you can do this!

Eight Simple Steps to Get You Started

Self Publishing Books:

1. Choose a topic for your book, preferably one you are passionate about.

2. Write your book in a word processor (i.e. Microsoft Word) formatted for your preferred book size.

3. Format your book into a PDF file.

4. Design your book cover or pay someone to do it for you.

5. Choose a self publishing company.

6. Upload your files and approve the proof copies, if applicable with your self publishing company.

7. Market your book and start selling copies online and/or at events.

8. Format your book into an eBook, Kindle book, and audio book to sell online.

If you have already written your book, you can literally have it published and start selling copies online within a

week. It really is that easy! However, you want to make sure you publish a professional book. So, don't skimp on

the editing, interior design and book cover design.

And if you want to go the route of true self publishing where you do all the leg work and form your own self

publishing company, then check out and Dan Poytner's Book, "Self Publishing Manual" for

more details.

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8 Simple Steps to Self Publishing Books from Your Website Content

Do you already have a website or articles you've written? Then, good news! You can re-purpose that same

information into a self published book.

Find out more by downloading my free PDF article, "8 Simple Steps to Self Publishing a Book from Your Website


Or if you prefer, you can listen to it by downloading the MP3 below.

MP3: 8 Simple Steps to Self Publishing a Book

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Chapter 4: Self Publishing Book Template

Formatting Your Book for Print

If you want to self publish your book, you will need to start with a self publishing book template. I have

developed my own, but there are also free templates available online that you can download and use.

Actually, it's really simple. Let me share how I designed my template and give you links to download more book

templates for free.

When I decided to self publish my first book, I didn't know where to start.

So, I started doing some research and realized most authors simply type their book in a Microsoft Word

document and then convert it to PDF to upload to their publisher. It sounds simple, but I wondered how to

format my Word document so that it would be the correct size for printing.

That's when I developed my own book template.

Designing Your Own Self Publishing Book Template

My book template is simple...nothing fancy. But, it works. And I continue to write and sell books today using my

original template.

So what did I do?

#1: First, I opened a Microsoft Word document and saved it to my computer. If you don't have Microsoft Word

installed on your computer you can also use the free software.

#2: I then researched the fonts that are recommended for print books...the best fonts for titles and for the text

and inserted them into my template. I set up my first chapter in the fonts and sizes I decided upon.

#3: Next, I resized my Microsoft Word document to: 8.5 inches x 5.5 inches. It is simply half of a regular sized

sheet of paper (8.5 inches x 11 inches) and tends to be the most popular and most affordable size to print a


#4: Then, I created an endorsement page, a title page, copyright page, table of contents page and dedication


#5: And finally, I was ready to start writing my book in my self publishing book template.

After I was finished setting up my first template, I saved it as a template that I now use over and over for all my

books. It really makes writing new books a snap because I already have my template ready to go!

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Add Pizzazz to Your Template

To spice up the design of your template, you can add tables, text boxes, graphics and more. Pretty much, if you

can design it in Microsoft Word, you can add it to your book template.

I have decided to publish my book interior in black and white to save money in publishing costs. But, if you want

full color, you can publish in full color. Just realize, it will be a lot more expensive.

Tips on Inserting Graphics

One thing you need to know about inserting graphics into your Microsoft Word template is to choose graphics

that are 300 ppi (pixels per inch) for print quality. I choose to buy stock royalty free photos from which gives you the rights to use the pictures on printed materials, like books. You can search

for images on their website. Once you find the image you want for your book, make sure to download it in the

correct size for your book in 300 ppi quality. will show you what file size and quality you will get, so make sure to get it right. Otherwise,

your pictures could turn out fuzzy and look unprofessional in your book. It pays to make sure you get the right

size the first time...I know this from experience!

Once you download your photo and insert it into your template, you can then change it to black and white (or

grayscale) as well as add text to it in Microsoft Word. Or you can use graphic editing software like Adobe


However, Photoshop is expensive if you don't already have the software. So, another great option is to use free

graphic editing software.

Free Graphic Editing Software

Here are a couple options I have used and recommend. You can also search Google for many other options. - an online graphic editor or - download free graphic editing software to use offline

Want to See the Template I Designed?

Well, you can!

And it's even free...because as your "Self Publishing Coach," my goal is to help you get published.

Download my template and begin using it today for free when you sign up for my "Self Publishing Coach Tips"

Newsletter. Through my newsletter, I will share with you the tips and tricks I've learned for successful self


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I love to share what I've learned with others... and that's what this book, my website and my newsletter is all


So, sign up now and download for free my self publishing book template (.doc) along with my report (.pdf), "7

Things Publishing Companies Don't Want You to Know About Self Publishing!"

Sign up to download my book template here

Download More Free Self Publishing Book Templates

However, you may want to publish your book in a different size. And if you do, offers many

different template sizes for you to download for free. They have templates available to download in the

following sizes:

5 x 8 inches

5.06 x 7.81 inches

5.25 x 8 inches

5.5 x 8.5 inches

6 x 9 inches

6.14 x 9.21 inches

6.69 x 9.61 inches

7 x 10 inches

7.44 x 9.69 inches

7.5 x 9.25 inches

8 x 10 inches

Check out their templates at the link below:

Download CreateSpace Book Templates Here

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Chapter 5 Book Cover Design 101

How to Design Your Own Book Cover

Book cover design for self publishing is really not that complicated. You can use my free Adobe Photoshop

template to design your own book cover quickly and easily or you can hire someone to do it for you. Some

companies, like CreateSpace, even have online book design software you can use for free.

Book Cover Design Step #1:

Write Your Headline and Description

Even though designing a book cover is simple, you should really put some thought into it. Your book cover

design will make the first impression to your potential readers.

It could scream, "Amateur!!" or it could invite them to find out more. According to the Wall Street Journal, the

average person shopping in a bookstore spends 4 seconds looking at the cover and 14 seconds reading the back


Therefore, you need to design your cover to draw people in and write the headline and the description to sell.

If you are like me, you might be asking, "How do I do that?" Good question!

I will admit copywriting is not one of my strengths. That's why I love Ken Envoy's book, "Make Your Words Sell."

He makes writing sales copy simple to understand and apply - without feeling forced to be too "sales-y." He

keeps it real.

Oh, did I mention he now gives his book away FREE? Yep!

No more excuses for poorly written headlines and book descriptions! Before you know it, you'll be writing a

headline and description for your book that draws people in like a magnet.

Click Here to Download and start reading "Make Your Words Sell"

After finishing the book, force yourself to sit down and brainstorm titles, as well as write out your book

description. I'd recommend setting aside at least 2-3 hours - uninterrupted - to complete this step.

Book Cover Design Step #2:

What to Include When Designing a Book Cover

Front Cover:

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Think of your front cover like the billboard advertising your book. It must be done well to draw people to take a

second look at your book. Include the following:

1. Title

2. Subtitle

3. Author's name

4. Related picture or drawing**

**Important: Make sure you buy pictures that give you the rights to use them commercially. Read the fine print. You can

check out for stock photos or search "stock photos" on Google.


Beware of too much clutter on the spine. Keep it simple with an eye-catching headline and the author's name.

1. Title

2. Author's name

Back Cover:

The back cover is the most complex, but also very important (second to the title). Remember, people spend

almost 80% of their time reading the back cover when shopping for books.

1. Title

2. Description

3. Benefits and Highlights (bullet points are recommended)

4. Endorsements for your book (up to three quotes)

5. Author's biography

6. Author's picture

7. Barcode/ISBN

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Here is a sample back book cover layout:

Book Cover Design Step #3:

Choose One of the Methods Below to Create a Book Cover:

You can design your own book cover using...

-Your publisher's book cover software (free, but has less options and only provided by certain publishing


-A book cover template (must have Photoshop software, also takes time and skill)

-Book cover software (must purchase software and has a learning curve)

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-Or hire a professional (most expensive and must find a designer you like)

If you want to hire a designer, but don't know who to trust - consider crowdsourcing sites like 99

Designs and Crowdspring. Simply name your price, post your project and then watch as graphic designers bid on

your job. The best part? Love your book cover design or get your money back!

Finally, if you are only publishing an eBook, I recommend Killer Covers, where you can get a quality cover

designed for only $117.

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Chapter 6 Self Publishing Software Options

How to Convert Your Book Template to PDF for FREE

What about self publishing software? There are many options, but honestly, you can self publish your book

using free software available online - like I did. If you have the money and want to purchase additional software,

I will also share a list of recommended self publishing software options below.

The Self Publishing Software I Personally Use:

Microsoft Word - to type and format the self publishing book template. If you don't have this installed

on your computer you can also use the free software. - to convert the Microsoft Word template into a PDF file to upload to the publisher (more

on this below). However, the most commonly used self publishing software for PDF conversion is Adobe


Adobe Photoshop - to convert images to print quality (300 ppi) and the size needed. I also do the book

cover design work in Photoshop to create book covers. I was given this software as a gift for free, but

you can also use free graphic image software like or to accomplish the same result.

BoxShot3D - to convert my book cover into an e-cover and CD cover for my website. Great quality and

fairly easy to use, it does have a one-time cost of $60. However it will save you money over time.

Instead of paying a graphic designer to convert your book cover into an e-cover or CD cover, you can

easily do it yourself! - free audio recording and editing software to record the written book into an

audio book.

Site Build It - website design and hosting for effective book marketing

Self Publishing Software Tip:

How to Convert Your Book Template to PDF for FREE

Most book publishers, like CreateSpace will want your final book draft uploaded to their website as a PDF

document. You are most likely familiar with PDF and have probably downloaded many PDF documents online.

PDF is simply the acronym for Portable Document Format. It is the most common format used for eBooks and

document downloads because it maintains the formatting of your book or document on any operating system

and between various versions of software.

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As I mentioned above, the most common self publishing software for creating PDF documents is Adobe

Acrobat. It truly is the gold standard for PDF conversion and your best bet to guarantee the best quality for your


However, the Adobe Acrobat 9.0 standard edition currently has a list cost of $299. Many times you can find it

cheaper on or but if you are on a shoestring budget like me, then $300 is a big chunk of


Therefore, I researched all the free PDF conversion software to find another viable option for self publishing


And I found one: - That's what I used to publish my first 5 books. However, I've now begun using

the free OpenOffice software to convert my documents to PDF. Check out my list of free PDF conversion

software here.

Easy Steps to Covert Your Book Template to PDF

Why pay lots of money for self publishing software to convert your book template to PDF when you can do it for

free? Right?

There are many different types of free PDF conversion software available, so it should be easy. However, it isn't

as easy as it looks. That's because you need to save your PDF in the same size your book will be printed. Most

free PDF conversion software does not allow you to customize the page size. But, the good news is I found a

way! It is possible with PDF995 when you are publishing a book that is 5.5 x 8.5 inch size.

Here's how:

1. Download PDF995 software and install it on your computer

2. Create your self publishing book template in Microsoft Word as 5.5 x 8.5 inch size (download mine for

free here).

3. Choose File, then Print

4. Once the print screen opens, choose PDF995 from the drop down menu of printers

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5. Click on the properties button

6. Then, click on the advanced button

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7. In the advanced screen, choose "Statement [5.5 x 8.5]" from the dropdown menu for paper size

8. Click "OK" three times

9. Choose where to save your PDF document and press save

10. If using the free version, an advertisement will then pop-up. To make this go away, you can pay

$19.95 for the full version.

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11. Congratulations! You're book is now saved in PDF format for the 5.5 x 8.5 inch size and ready to

upload at your self publishing company of choice.

I personally use and highly recommend CreateSpace for self publishing.

More Self Publishing Software Options - Helps you easily create your book interior in Microsoft Word with just copying

and pasting. - Software to help you write a fiction book. - Software that turns your book into a digital book where the reader turns the page

using flash technology. Great for magazines and online brochures. Can even insert audio and video.

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Chapter 7: Self Publishing Companies

Should You Choose a Print On Demand Publisher?

These days, there are almost as many different self publishing companies to choose from as books in a library.

Okay, I might be exaggerating a little, but really, which self publishing company do you choose? Out of all the

companies competing for your attention, which is best for you?

Do you choose a print on demand book publisher like CreateSpace as I did or do you go the route of true self

publishing and form your own company using Lightning Source as your printer? Those are my top two

recommendations for self publishing authors.

If you don't have a budget and don't want to deal with all the details of being your own publisher,

choose CreateSpace. However, if you're up for the challenge of self publishing on your own, check out Lightning


It really depends on what your goal is for your book.

-Do you want to buy copies at the lowest price possible to resell later?

-Do you want to sell books online and at

-Do you want the credibility that comes with being a "published" author?

-Do you want a hardcover, paperback or full color book?

These are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself. To help you decide, I've researched some of the

top companies for you listed in categories below. Ultimately, you need to choose what option is best for you.

But, hopefully, by reading my reviews below you'll save a lot of time finding this information on your own.

Items to Consider When Choosing a Self Publishing Company:

-Reviews and reputation among other writers

-Upfront publishing fees

-Royalty payment structure and when you get paid

-Author's cost to purchase additional books for resell

-Contract terms (i.e. do you keep all rights to your cover and interior, copyright, etc.)

-Cost of any additional services (cover design, editing, marketing)

-ISBN number and barcode included

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-Listing on and other online retailers

Overall Self Publishing Comparison

Mick Rooney's blog, "POD, Self-Publishing & Independent Publishing" has published a Self Publishing index of 59

companies. The company I used, CreateSpace is #1. The company I recommend for true self publishing, Lightning

Source, is #2.

Print on Demand Self Publishing Companies

-CreateSpace - (owned by My #1 Recommendation for soft cover books for many reasons.

-Lulu Self Publishing - Well known and offers many different covers including hardcover and spiral

bound. Also has ebook publishing for the iBookstore (iPad).

-BookLocker - Has a great reputation.

-48 Hour Books - Quick turn around when buying books to resell. No webstore or submission to


True Self Publishing

-Lightning Source - If you want to form your own self publishing company and go the route of true self

publishing, then Lightning Source is the way to go. If you aren't very tech savvy or don't want to deal

with all the details, then choose CreateSpace.

Other Self Publishing Companies

-Xlibris Publishing

-Outskirts Press

-Universal Publishers

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Chapter 8 CreateSpace Self Publishing

How to Get Published with No Upfront Costs and

Publish Your Book on Within One Week

CreateSpace self publishing is what I've used to publish all of my books. I love it and highly recommend it to

anyone wanting to self publish. Some of you may also be familiar with BookSurge. Well, BookSurge has merged

with CreateSpace and is now using their platform.

Why I Use CreateSpace for Self Publishing:

When I decided to self publish my first book, I researched many options. I didn't have a huge budget (or any

budget, really) and so I was looking for the best quality publishing for the lowest price. And what I found

shocked me.

Through CreateSpace, you can:

-Publish your book with no upfront costs (if you do everything yourself, like I did).

-Open an account for free - no hidden costs.

-Add a new book title to your projects and fill in all the book information yourself, which gives you

complete control.

-Upload your PDF interior (book template) and exterior files (book cover) by the click of a button.

-Get an ISBN number and barcode for free. However you can buy your own if you want, it's up to you.

-Use their free cover creator software to create professionally looking covers (although I still

recommend getting a professional book cover designed if your budget allows.

-Quick turn around allows you to publish your books fast. I have published my books from start to finish

in as little as one week!

-No revision fees.

-Set up your own personalized store front at CreateSpace for free to sell your books online.

-Set the selling price of your book.

-Sell your books 24/7 (literally, while you sleep) and CreateSpace handles all the order processing and

shipping for you!

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-Choose direct deposit or a mailed check of your monthly royalties from online sales. I like direct deposit

because I get instant access to my earnings.

-Get paid your royalties once your sales reach greater than $20 (direct deposit), $28 (check) and $45

(wire transfer). I end up getting paid just about every month!

-Order books at your cost to sell in person and ship them to your home, all at cost price! In fact, I

haven't found a cheaper price anywhere. If you have, please let me know.

-Set up special discount codes for certain sales or groups.

-Have your book listed on for free.

-Sell your books on - these orders are eligible for super saver shipping (with $25 minimum

purchase, restrictions apply), one-day shipping and 1-click ordering.

-And much more!

The Down Side to CreateSpace?

-Every really good thing still has some negatives. Let me share a few about CreateSpace with you.

-To sell with CreateSpace, you need a US Individual Taxpayer Identification Number(ITIN). Therefore, if

you live overseas, this step may delay your publishing date.

-If you're looking to print a hardcover book, you will need to look elsewhere. Currently CreateSpace only

prints soft cover books.

-If you want a very small booklet or a full color book, the cost might be better with other publishers.

Shop around first.

-And finally, keep in mind that CreateSpace is a print on demand publisher and may not be the right fit

for you. You may want to start your own publishing company instead or take the time to apply to a

traditional publishing company.

However, if you want a quick, easy and cost-effective way to get published - go for CreateSpace. In fact, you

don't even have to pay any upfront costs!

You saw a layout of my self publishing costs using CreateSpace in chapter two. Believe it or now, my total cost

was less than $7!! And that was simply the cost of ordering my first proof copy.

However, if you don't want to design yourself publishing book template and book cover yourself, then you'll

have to pay more money upfront. Also, if you'd like someone else to upload your files and configure your online

account, that will cost you an additional fee.

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But, if you are willing to learn and do it yourself, you can literally get published within a week. In fact, I created a

CreateSpace tutorial that you can watch on

Timeline for CreateSpace Self Publishing

I have found through my experience, that it can take as little as one week to self publish a book through

CreateSpace. So, if your book is already written, you could be making money by selling your book in person,

online at your own webpage and at by next week.

Here is how the timeline usually works:

Day 1: Create your account and upload your files.

Day 2: Wait for CreateSpace to approve your files. Make any necessary changes, if needed, and re-

upload your files. (Note: If you re-upload your files, you start the process over at day one. So follow their

guidelines from the beginning to avoid any delays.) Once your files are approved, order your proof copy.

Day 5: Your proof copy comes in the mail. This is a great feeling to see your book in print form for the

first time! Celebrate and enjoy the moment :) Then, examine your proof copy and if satisfied approve

your proof copy. (Note: Shipping time will vary depending on your shipping address.)

Congratulations! Your book is now ready to start selling on your CreateSpace webpage.

Day 7-14: Your book will now be visible and ready to sell on with search inside features.

This step varies. Sometimes it is live within a few days; sometimes it takes up to one week to be live on

Congratulations: It's now time to start marketing your book and selling copies!

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Chapter 9 ISBN Lookup and FAQ's

Discover When You Need ISBN Numbers for Self Publishing

ISBN lookup, ISBN number search, ISBN numbers for your self published book. Most likely you are familiar with

this acronym: ISBN (International Standard Book Number). But, what is it really, why do you need one and

where is the ISBN lookup found?

The ISBN number is commonly confused with a barcode. However, the ISBN number is not the barcode. It is

simply what it says it is... a number.

When you do an ISBN lookup or ISBN number search, you simply type in the assigned 10 or 13 digit number to

get the book title, author and publisher. Pretty slick, huh?

ISBN Lookup

If you want to find a book by an ISBN lookup, you have several options:

-ISBN lookup via Advanced Book Search at

-ISBN look up FireFox Add-on

-ISBN look up at

When Do Self Publishers Need an ISBN Number?

So what is an ISBN number and why do you need one?

The ISBN number is an identifier used world-wide and continues to be the standard for identifying books

internationally. In short, you could say that the ISBN number is an identifier.

It identifies the title of the book (print, audio, electronic, etc.) that is either published or self published and also

identifies the book's publisher. Therefore, if a bookstore wants to order a particular book, the ISBN number

allows them to contact the publisher and place an order. It is also helpful to the publishers for tracking orders

and sales for a particular book.

If you plan on selling your books in stores, libraries or with wholesalers, then you need an ISBN number.

However, if you plan on selling your books on your own, then an ISBN number is not required.

According to, you are to issue a new ISNB number for the same book published in different ways.

For example, you will need a new ISBN number for:

-Each updated edition of your book

-Each different version of your book (audio book, PDF, electronic, etc.)

-Each language the book is written

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If you made minor changes to your book and reprint it, no new ISBN number is needed.

Should You Use the ISBN from the Publisher or Get Your Own?

It's really up to you. The ISBN number simply identifies the publishing company. If you want to be your own

publisher, then you'll need to buy your own ISBN number.

I personally use the free ISBN number and barcode given to me by CreateSpace. I see no reason why I should

pay extra money for my own ISBN number when CreateSpace provides one for free. In the end, I still own the

copyright of my book and can still publish it with another publisher if I choose.

However, if I do publish the same book with another publisher, I will need a new ISBN number to use with the

new publisher. For example, let's say that I decide to publish my book with CreateSpace and two years later,

want to publish it with XYZ Publishing Company. If more than one publisher is publishing the same book, then

each publisher needs their own ISBN number and the publisher who fulfills a particular order puts their ISBN

number on the book.

Read the fine print with your publishing company. If you're not comfortable using their ISBN number, then most

of the time you can use your own.

You can buy ISBN numbers in blocks at the US ISBN agency's website, The prices listed here

are for 2010:

1 = $125 (standard package)

10 = $250 (or $25 each)

100 = $575 (or $5.75 each)

1000 = $1000 (or $1 each)

Where Do You Put the ISBN Number?

Make sure you place the ISBN on the copyright page of your book as well as the back cover.

If your publisher places a barcode on your book for you, like CreateSpace, then you don't need to worry about

the back cover. If you need a barcode made, you can have it done at the US ISBN agency's website, for $25 or do a search online for other barcode providers.

What Does An ISBN Number Look Like?

You may see ISBN numbers that are both 10 digits and 13 digits long. Why? Well ISBN numbers were 10 digits

for over thirty years. Then, on January 1, 2007 the official ISBN system changed to 13 digit numbers. Therefore

all new ISBN numbers are now 13 digits long.

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If you bought your ISBN prior to the switch, don't worry. You can get yours switched over by using the converter

at However, you cannot change your number by simply placing three digits in front of it. It must be

properly converted.

Unfortunately, once a book is published with a certain ISBN number, that number can never be reused.

What items are not eligible for ISBN numbers?

-Advertising materials

-Blogs (ISBN numbers are not assigned to items updated frequently like blogs, magazines or online


-Board games


-Music CD's (ISBN numbers are only assigned to audio book CD's or instructional CD's)


-Coffee mugs

-Electronic newsletters

-Video games



-Magazines, academic journals or other periodicals

-Online databases

-Pictures/photos (ISBN numbers are used only for text, never for pictures)

-Playing cards

-Sheet music

-Software (ISNB numbers are only used for educational software)



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Chapter 10 Obtaining a Copyright

The Top 10 Most Important Tips on How to Get a Copyright

Obtaining a copyright is about registering your work, for example, your self published book, at a copyright office.

Your work is under your copyright as soon as you imprint it on a fixed device. For example, if you write a song on

a piece of paper, you already have the rights to that work.

Personally, I have not officially registered my books with the copyright office. Technically my products are

copyrighted as soon as I publish them. However, you may want to know more about how to get a copyright and

if it is the best option for you.

The Top 10 Most Important Tips on How to Get a Copyright:

#1: Obtaining a copyright is easy.

You simply need to register your work in a copyright office. If it's possible, they will keep a copy of your work.

Whenever someone else claims that they are the owner, the copyright office will compare their work with the

copy you left at their office. As a result, they will reject the claim of the other person.

#2: Obtaining a copyright is inexpensive.

If your work is going to bring you money, you should definitely register the work and pay a fee. The registration

fees range between a few dozen and a few hundred dollars.

#3: You need to be the first author.

How to get a copyright involves being the first author of the work in cause. It doesn't matter if you are the

second person who created the exact same work. Only the first one counts.

#4: Copyrighting is hard to prove.

How can you prove that you are the first owner of a work? Unless you register the work it's quite hard to prove

it. Of course, there are ways to do it. As a singer, you can sign the song during a concert and be filmed.

#5: Protect yourself and your work.

It's much better to prevent a problem from ever happening than to solve it. The whole process of how to get a

copyright is really easy. Contact the copyright office and they will let you know all the details.

#6: Your boss will hold the copyright if you are the one hired for the job.

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As a person hired, you will not own the copyright. This is exactly what the copyright definition says. The process

of hiring is similar to the process of buying. Your boss basically buys your work and your copyright along with it.

#7: Obtaining a copyright is helpful in many situations.

Even though obtaining a copyright by registering your work is not legally enforced, it's still helpful to do in many

situations. The alternative could be quite damaging. You could lose thousands or even millions if your work is

distributed for free. No one likes to pay money for something that's already free out there.

#8: Your work is protected from derivative works as well.

According to the copyright definition, derivative works use one or more parts of the copyrighted work. A

rewritten article is a derivative work.

In the US, there's also the "fair use". Basically people can use your work as theirs unless they lose you money. An

example of fair use is the user generated content on the Internet. Millions of people take parts of certain

movies, edit them and upload them to YouTube and other video sharing sites. Their work mostly enhances the

popularity of the movie. The rightful owners can still get their work down.

#9: You receive the copyright by default.

As soon as you create a work, you are the rightful copyright owner of that work. You don't have to think about

how to get a copyright. You received it by doing nothing. The problem is that you are the only person who

knows about it.

#10: How to protect yourself in court.

Let's say that you create a work but you didn't register it at the US copyrighting office. If someone uses your

work as their own, you can not win a lawsuit against them by default. You need to prove that you were the first

person who created the work. That's pretty much impossible to do. This is why you need to register the work

right from the beginning.

Obtaining a copyright for a work that's going to bring you money is mandatory. The potential losses are huge

unless you do it.

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Conclusion: Self Publishing in a Nutshell


So there you have the basics to self publishing a book. We have covered the cost of self publishing, book

layout/design, different self publishing companies, software option, and so much more. In a world that is

constantly changing, I encourage you to stay up to date with the self publishing industry. One of the ways to do

that is to sign up for my free newsletter at:

You can also find more information about self publishing on my website:

Before I close this book, I wanted to include the step-by-step process to self publishing a book from start to

finish. After all, knowing is only half the battle. Obviously you have to start by writing the book, and will end with

the marketing, but here’s a quick run through of everything that comes in between:


Format your book template

Finish your first draft

Go through the editing process


Start an online platform to publish your book (e.g., blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube…)

Choose your publishing method – if you are going to create your own self publishing company, now is

the time

Book cover creation (either by yourself or someone else)

ISBN purchase (optional)

Purchase Copyright (optional)

Publishing – Printed books

Choose your publishing company

Sign up for an account

Save your file as a PDF and upload it

Set up your Amazon Author Central account

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Publishing – eBooks

Choose your publishing platform

Re-format your book

Upload your file

Book Marketing

Your Website/Blog (if you created this earlier, you just have to announce to your followers that your

book is ready)

Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.)

Go on a virtual book tour

Use press releases

You can find a printable version of this checklist on my website at: http://www.self-publishing-

You should be well equipped to self publish your own book now. I wish you the best on your journey.

To your success, Shelley Hitz

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About The Expert

Shelley Hitz

Shelley Hitz is an entrepreneur, speaker, author and

consultant to individuals, organizations and small businesses

who want to multiply their impact through self publishing.

And she teaches from personal experience. Over a two year

span, while working full-time, she published five books,

multiple audio CDs, authored two websites that attract

thousands of visitors each month, and created multiple

products that she sells through her website and at her

speaking engagements. also offers free book

templates, articles, monthly newsletter, tele-classes, special

reports, e-books, webinars, podcasts, videos and other resources to help you get self


Sign up for her newsletter to download Shelley’s free book templates and her PDF report,

“200+ Book Marketing and Author Tools.” at:

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Other Resources: Book Marketing on a Shoestring


Expand Your Book Marketing Efforts Without Going Broke!

This series of special reports is written for self publishing authors.

You’ve published your book…now what? It’s up to you to market it.

But, you’re not alone! We will help you with get the most out of your book marketing efforts on a shoestring


Amazon for Authors: How to Optimize Amazon for Increased Exposure and Sales! http://amazon.self-

Get Your Audiobook Done! -

Book Marketing With Teleseminars -

Book Marketing With Podcasts -

YouTube Marketing for Authors -

A Step-by-Step Guide to Guest Blogging -

How to Spice Up Your Blog With Free Images -

Twitter 101 for Authors -

Get Your Facebook Page Done! -

Get Your Press Release Done! -

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