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Self Regulation In

Early Childhood

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Self Regulation•What is it?• The ability to internally control one’s emotions

and behaviors.• Infants born with no self regulating behaviors• Toddlers focus on compliance and self control• Pre-school children start learning delayed


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The Problem•Academics being pushed down into preschool programs• Children are failing to achieve. Why?• Programs not focusing on social-emotional competency

of children• Short term success of skill and drill not translating into

academic achievement later in school career.• This is due to a lack of self-regulation.• The effects of self-regulation on academic success is far


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Self Regulation

Self Care

Importance of Building Blocks for School Readiness

Source: Teacher Survey on Importance of Readiness Skills (2008) School Readiness in Santa Clara County

Teachers stress that children must acquire self regulation skills before academic learning can take place.

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Why is it important?

•Social Standpoint: getting along with peers as well as authority figures.• Four year old children who could delay gratification

were more likely to follow teacher direction at six.

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Why is it important?

Academic Standpoint: As children become more thoughtful and controlled, their learning becomes more efficient.• Students that showed delayed gratification at four

scored 210 points higher on the SAT than those who chose instant gratification.

Delayed Gratification

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•Children need to internalize rules for behaviors before they can transfer them to other settings.• Must practice in three contexts• Adult regulated rules• Regulating other children• Applying rules to themselves• Self regulation development

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•Child made rules contribute to self regulating behaviors.

No yelling or screaming.

No laying down.Child made rules

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Research Question

When children are allowed to self regulate by participating in the making of classroom rules, are they less dependent on the teacher in solving conflicts among themselves?

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Significance•Due to the far reaching effects of self regulation on the academic achievement of children, it is vitally important that it is supported in our early childhood classrooms.

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Conclusion•Self-regulation ranked by kindergarten teachers as the most important characteristic for children to possess.• Over half children entering kindergarten lack the necessary self-

regulation to succeed. •In the past, studies of self-regulation as part of cognitive competency have been done on older children. • Well documented for middle and high school students. •More research needs to be done on young children.

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BibliographyBodrova, E. & Leong, D. (2008). Developing self-regulation in kindergarten can we keep all the crickets in the basket?. Young Children, 63 (2), 56-58

Bodrova, E. (2006, December 22). Developing self-regulation: the Vygotskyian view The Free Library. (2006). Retrieved from;col1

Bodrova, E. , & Leong, D. (2005). Uniquely preschool. Educational Leadership, 63(1), 44 – 47.

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BibliographyDeVries, R. & Zan, B. (2003). When children make rules. Educational Leadership, 61(1), 64-67.

Fadell, L. (2011). Teaching your child the art of delayed gratification one marshmallow at a time. Retrieved from

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BibliographyLee, P., Lan, W., Wang, C., &Chiu, H. (2008). Helping young children to delay gratification. Early Childhood Education Journal, 35(6), 557-564.doi: 10.1007/s10643-008-0240-9

School readiness in Santa Clara county.(2008). Retrieved from

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