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Seminar Akuntansi

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Overview Mata Ajaran Standar Akuntansi Keuangan

Pengembangan Standar Akuntansi Kualitas Standar Akuntansi

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Bahan Bacaan Wajib IAI – PSAK IAI – Interpretasi SAK International Accounting Standard Committee –

International Financial Reporting Standards FASB – Statements of Financial Accounting

Standards FASB – Statements of Financial Accounting

Concepts Choi, Frost, and Meek – International

Accounting, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

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Bahan Bacaan Wajib (2)

IAI, Prosiding Konvensi Nasional Akuntansi ke-3 Profesi Akuntan Indonesia Menuju Milenium Baru, 1996 atau edisi terbaru.

Radebaugh, L.H., and S.J. Gray, International Accounting and Multinational Enterprises, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997 atau edisi terbaru.

Kieso, D.E., J.J. Weygandt, T.D.Warfield, Intermediate Accounting, International Ed., John Wiley & Sons, edisi terbaru.

Berbagai jurnal dan artikel profesi akuntan publik. Hendrickson & Breda, Accounting Theory,

Discussion Questions & Cases, 5th Edition.

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Overview MK Seminar Akuntansi

Tujuan MK Seminar Akuntansi Meningkatkan Penguasaan peserta didik

ttg SAK dan Aplikasinya dalam menyusun laporan keuangan untuk pihak ekstern.

Pemahaman ttg hubungan SAK dengan International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) dan SAK yang berlaku di negara lain.

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What is Financial Statements ?

Financial Statementsare Balance Sheet, Income Statement, the Statement of Cash Flows, the Statement of Owners’ or Stockholders’ Equity, and also Notes to Financial Statement who defined these ? and why ?

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What is Financial Report ?

Financial Reports Providing financial information in a broad

sense regarding the assets, liabilities, equity, operation result, etc. of an organization. So, it is including the president’s letter or supplementary schedules in the corporate annual report, prospectuses, management’s forecast and description of an enterprise’s social and environmental impact, bisides the financial statements of the company

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BASIC ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS1. Money Measurement2. (Economic) Entity3. Going Concern Balance sheet4. Cost5. Dual Aspect6. Accounting Period7. Conservatism8. Realization Income Statement9. Matching10. Consistency11. Materiality

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Money measurement ?

Monetary transactions vs Non-monetary transactions ?

Monetary account vs Non-monetary account ?

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Economic entity

The activities, assets and liabilities of the entity should be kept separate and distinct from those of the owners’ and all other economic entities’.

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Going concern

An enterprise is assumed will continue in operation long enough to carry out its existing objectives. Implication to values reported in the financial statements

Going Concern vs Liquidation ?

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Cost Current cost

Market value Replacement cost

Historical costRelevant representing the price paidReliable objectively measurable, factual,


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Dual aspect

Any transaction will be recorded in both sides, debit and credit

Accounting equation

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Accounting period

Economic life of business can be divided into artificial time periods; months, quarters, or a year for meaningful financial reporting purposes

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Conservatism When in doubt, choose the method that

will be least likely overstate assets and income, but it does not mean understate assets or income.

Absorb unfavorable manners instead of favorable manners

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A transaction should be recorded only if it is really happened.

The value reported in the financial statement should be represented in the (conservative) value possible to collect

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Let the expenses follow the revenue Revenue should be matched with all costs

used to generate the revenueExc: Depreciation Allowance for doubt-full account

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The same treatment/methods/principles should be used in the comparable statements.

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Materiality relates to an item’s impact on a company’s overall financial condition and operation.

Information can be material if the absence of the information will modify a decision made

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What is

Balance sheet ? Income statement ? Statement of cash flows ? Statement of owners’ equity ? Notes to financial statements ?

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Why do we need PSAK ? There are many parties who use financial

statements for making economic decisions Each user has his/her own need of the

financial information, Uniformity in the treatment (measurement and

disclosure) of providing financial information of a company

Certainty in presenting and interpreting the form and content of financial statements.

As a criteria in evaluating a company’s performance

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Sejarah Perumusan SAK IAI berdiri tahun 1957 Terdapat 3 (tiga) tonggak utama sejarah dalam

pengembangan standar akuntansi keuangan di Indonesia

Tahun 1973 menjelang diaktifkannya pasar modal di Indonesia, dengan mengkodifikasi prinsip dan standar akuntansi yang berlaku di Indonesia dalam buku “Prinsip Akuntansi Indonesia” (PAI)

Tahun 1984 Komite PAI melakukan revisi secara mendasar atas PAI 1973 dan mengkodifikasikannya dalam buku “Prinsip Akuntansi Indonesia 1984”

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Sejarah Perumusan SAK Tahun 1994 Komite PAI kembali melakukan

revisi total terhadap PAI 1984 dan mengkodifikasikannya dalam buku “Standar Akuntansi Keuangan” berlaku per 1 Oktober 1994

Sejak 1994, IAI memutuskan untuk melakukan harmonisasi dengan Standar Akuntansi Internasional (pengaruh globalisasi)

Sejak 1994, IAI juga terus melakukan penyempurnaan standar yang ada serta penambahan standar baru dan interpretasi Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK)

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Sejak 1994 proses revisi SAK dilakukan sebanyak 5 (lima) kali sbb.:

1 Oktober 1995 1 Juni 1996 1 Juni 1999 1 April 2002, dan 1 Oktober 2004 Buku Standar Akuntansi

Keuangan 1 Oktober 2004 yang juga memuat Kerangka Dasar Penyusunan dan Penyajian Laporan

Keuangan Bank Syariah SAK 1 Okt 2004 berisi:

59 PSAK beserta Kerangka Dasar Penyusunan dan Penyajian Laporan Keuangan yang melandasinya.

7 Interpretasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (ISAK)

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Badan Penyususn Standar Akuntansi 1973 : Panitia Penghimpun Bahan-bahan dan

Struktur dari GAAP dan GAAS 1974 – 1994 : Komite Prinsip Akuntansi Indonesia

(4 periode kepengurusan IAI) 1994 : Komite PAI diubah menjadi Komite Standar

Akuntansi Keuangan (Komite SAK) Pada Kongres ke 8 IAI tgl 23-24 Sept 1998 di

Jakarta, Komite SAK diubah menjadi Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (DSAK) yang diberi otonomi khusus utk menyusun dan mengesahkan PSAK dan ISAK

Sbg pelaksanaan keputusan Kongres ke 8, juga dibentuk Dewan Konsultatif SAK yang anggotanya berasar dari lingkungan profesi akuntan dan non akuntan sebagai representasi users.

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Kebijakan DSAK Mendukung program harmonisasi dan

konvergensi yang diprakarsai oleh International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) menyelaraskan PSAK dg International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Dalam menyusun SAK, mengacu pada IFRS dengan mempertimbangkan pula faktor lingkungan usaha di Indonesia

Pengembangan SAK yang belum diatur dalam IFRS dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada Kerangka Dasar Penyusunan dan Penyajian Laporan Keuangan, kondisi lingkungan usaha di Ind., dan standar akuntansi yang berlaku di negara lain.

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What is PSAK ? Accounting standards defined by IAI,

should be used as the base in presenting financial statements of a company

Providing a framework to set out the concepts underlining the preparation and presentation of financial statements for external users.

As a criteria for auditors to assess whether the financial statements of a company has presented accordingly in order to provide auditor’s opinion,

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Quality of Accounting Standards.

Financial Statement can be more useful Comparable Not misleading

The standards should be Evaluated Up-dated developed

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