
SENATE 0VM-RTBEg" Hurls Protesti M “ ‘

^int-O ut-i^Bappy-W ftrrior's - -

1928 Policies

Apprmches Its Climax ]


______ _i>iiLlilul), a scinff on .H li|>s anU

;<l Ur.- cJ r. (Ill iit-.y iio

-Dpfpn^^j^nt On1/ \_/ll CTTCsTEVly^

Prater Denies Claim

•XT.~ T .AHHRq BfiTTt^rvprr------ '•To-it-n-vgry-bw.i-ftfr Ai'—jlusioo-trom Jbg_dcfensc, the prosec«liQii_today-x«»tea=itfl-cw»gi'lii iisl<vil. lairainat B o u c h s V an V laok. chnrired w ith thn mnrrfpp nfagainst- D ouglas V an V laok, charged w ith th e m urder of

Hildrcd-Hookrhis'attractiviryoTing“ex^wif?:-------- ----------------------— M rar-C arl-V ag .V lack -th e n to ok thB stand th is a fternoon as

th e defense began presenting its sT Je o ! th e c ase : " ' ------Delivers Caustic A^aiilt On;

“ Socialism” As Adopted by A'aminislraiion

w^HiNGTON. g s r ’s r j j h j a ? - a s•Rnuna -onU— XitJunU;''

Inftatlon^ngW Certain A.-b6agreMk«aI flgb t'for b

u x ^ tormie^'tfae boouBa tUs oouaection. It wu p^^-

1 «(t ;«ut/ "-'- - ------

Last>lHDQat« T h ro w s H asten ToTWei

^ g b ^ y -queftliW «C. jro v M ^

Payment, .Uie WU provWed. wlU iw’ inaao In "U b y " Doodi-vW i* pui he tartieil or beM m bo Inwat--

' . I t w w uid m to od U)« trewury ! depaiitment had kegun pr«{Mu«Uoil ■ ft» Prt«Un« t b e ^ d * . in IM Ofl-

"••t»m m M loni;r trat- an Im m v m ;• amount o t detaU work #1*11 la n w

«Hary. Ttw boncto wUl ba dated < JUM IS, »o vnenm a muflt

w ait Jive nuxjthji tor ttwlr ■ ’rh‘ev'^11 be iWrMTSaBmwnrOc

, }K>ld them for nin* jreaw. recoiv- . three per cent faKerept. .

•■'•’ Loan* Dfldooted .■ Tlw amount of boode and o a ^

“ ieS io win;Mapond.lo tibe 1040 or full matur* Ity value :o f hla oer''tloate,.

'^ppbiatmenti ' -:<Vartoni ^ (d n o tr X d ito d :^

f '", i r-Otimajltilonorj^”

n t ^ i i 'K - S ^ 'e ._ ^ paro!ed convict and aOeKed oo ot p re t^ 'M a ry -B m u n e r , 14, daughter of a pros

l)er^ Hoover and— - ......... I*' r«P'y the laller'8| cash In on micccwi of their Jit-chfljgcs of, "SoclalUm.' . ty w lh a film 'cnjragrrom t-thftt

Hoover waa quoted as accuelngl win keep them 'here tor afvi-fal lm ith-or^-BtatirSgclftttpTr"-in-thcr-monUi'i — ------------------

W28 prealdentlal catnpaign, and; ' The iwQ-fiODjrwrItera.wcrc.2-1 tnflClTjappy'Warrror" aa .teU!Bg..a...hAu'.« la t« -in aarivlnK Uuc toMnate com mlttccnii 1933 that lit* w iM ircii In the cast which'«ie-''avored 'a '-“pubUc-works-dictntPr. inyca' their train. FflWey. ItlloytBd-flbelvlne- l»-flonBtltutlon,'^------- ; v ■ " ['.is i;f t hrrr— O nyx-

, . Caustic A'iHuiili citih band Ijcs'an pullinf; off==Bftfm ‘r 8pgech^one o f the most .■ l u /.-y wl-on. Uu-y

■ New Deal., rocked the capital i no other political spcech has *)n Gl.AKGyears. He was wildly applaude»r'by. NEWARK, N. J-, Jan. 2T UMi)

' the-8;600 pcfflowa—at—the-bHwrty ——-Motorirt.i -complalniHV—to—■ Jam es


Vail VlaclTa"Attt5nieys To Prove Insanity Basia

----------- In'Courl'H ere'------------

th« first llmo daring th t trial to protest that he was not given right to legal counacl by hia Jailors w'

I anil ilcnWd thia.Morley. Barnard, the man who n

jwna the iiiurdcr giln. tesUffM ■ '‘ •a " I t Van Vlacit took the gun wl '

^ after. heH

ICO ana WH h«r if; nnychv ihte|=^ fered.. HU tesUmony wai. attacked— ' as.■?al.Se'-hy-L«L.l£ftt5>-dgteng&-flt- _ tom eyrw ho-aflked-hlm -1f-h e " I lM ~ Raid other-things to' him which

;hi! dufonsu for Douglas Van Vlackichlldhood, schooling and ypung J.

n of the Brutal crime. ;

ibninster fie lore F u n e ra l B ite s

records"—were 'SwreFary tit tne: v.-ith a nsliror’ was .Interior HaroU L . Ickea, Sen. Ai:[ iraf/lc by Jlnshlng

^ n W. Barkldy, D.. Ky., and Don- ught Into drlvcra' eyes. Siaple- aiiT-It-iWchberg, -ro«ncr-Jjca<l_on_ton'found that the glare wasNRA. Th^y Smtth nt ro.i — [ilylTrrh-. iiintn ‘^y'"g

the policies ho advocated, gmgj in a atorc window. Ha,Tiift.,aiia'a raya,

King naorga’a t in AM i t fop .tbe last dt r In Weatmlnstar baU.

F r o n all-over great, sprawling ‘ ifrtHo


n tajffia

In line awaiting the bpwmg 0 halL For-the first time In

meana ot handling theraordea of' the vai

Sporfem an a n i~ iC ® b e-T ro tte f Gives 'W ty ' Jo -g b cia l-S tu d firit as Edw ard V II I

Eeaolutely:FacBB T a sk ;

808.w a In One Daythat 3oe;e8oIt

' 'a n d 'tta t M9,a8 T"ln sjriiad viewed It alnce It .was placed, in Btata Friday momtng. Scotland Yard officials ihalated that the offlolaliy announced flgurea were

t low. 'i..wMn-Jnwo-tt»6n W.-

of strain and a t ^ for all' lg ' tTWlfl, BUt WpecftlHt B T the vaat empire be Is.called to rule, Edwahl Albert,^loiir4fPOwn M the Prinee of-Walea, becomee a parorooujit figure. T h ii 'b the flMt-of a Mriea of alx albriaa by M Utoa-BroaMr^BA-Servloe. L«n: don -correepondent, wboM tone rcvldeiiee there give* bim unuaual

of tbe n

far to6 1LONDON, J a n .'27—When death c a m e '^ r King

Edward VllI automatically became Ring of England, to another world figure.

A'lac-..^ . . . .DctcnHc attorncyB indicated they; Crowd M ibs Courthoui

will_undcrtako to prove: - “ I .The croWd mobbed the court- ■Van M ack waa Insane at,house for Uie afternoon aesalon and • '

uns fougbt-U>-g«t-inU^the-chambera

. . __________ D.,.i'B.ninnlnir-hiit4 to th e ,

I p r ^ e h l i a l pamtoalgn, ^111 :e the administration's formal y to anrtth'W a SO-mlnutcTBdic

y nationwide hookup

_______ Ing e terge o f ,flame. The li re company he called kept the /Ire confined to the window. ' • ' .

Rcpubllcana apptouded. Both were (Continued on Page'2, Column 7)

---------------ORGA rCHICAGO. Jan . 27 (U.Pi-The

commlBSlonert of the Diatrlct of -C h ica g o -

BRJEAHITEDpiano manufacturing c by ordering a pdrtabtb 33 feet high with a 130 feet .. weighing only 60 pounda.

wfin’t (

E N H N E SBlood Olot Proves Fatal

To Director of Federal Koclamation'

WnThall, an*offTcla"'of ,tha*c pany auld, "The empty c tmch an organ would wel

-m n cr

s waste basket."

■ T O - . i i S ' S R '' i S V '< f fmlaat«two. yeara,^ aiiC w ln j tp w « » "maqkL depMstlva*;,.state .^nhaiioed by the persecuUoaa of his fa th e S In-law, Joseph Hook.

(S) He waa alwaya a kind helpful to his parenU and un ... Ing to-barm-aoyoa«,-man.DrJ>eaaL,

t o There , has • beep Insanity and a tendency toward It-ln Van Vlaek-'a-fMiilly-on-both •aldea' for

e past 00 years.(til Royal- B.—Tracy;-Tacom a

paychlatrlst, pronounces the do-fradant-loaane.— — ----- -------- _

The parade of defense wltneasca will include character wltnesaea,

,-boylsh.looklug.apottanian.. and., globe.trottarthe I’rlnco ot Wolea, \VA8llINi3T0N, Jan. 27 (I'.HI—

,_|The death of Dr. Blwoml Meml, 78, Idlrector of the federal reclamation

ilnwlItingncBS bu feS in in co ’ IBS'i. was atlBlMjtetl


ioy to a blood olot. Ho had boon v k tln i BoUeved Dead for Two about a month. i . ^ ,Mead waa appolntud cnmmlN- MontUfl; Ja p a n e se B oilgllt

and Harold Myers, Ban Francisco clerk. Next will come physicians who will Uatlfy that Douglas Van ■Vlaclt 'was niQiose Bud'“queei'’ fur the past two years. They are Dr. S. S . Jones and~Dr. A. Ulalr,-both of Tacom n..

Will Tell •‘Perseciitloni” Stowart IClllot, asalatant prose­

cuting'attorney at Tacoma, will teatlfy aa to the perseoutloiis which Van Vlack underwent a t the hands of Joaoph-H«4)k< tha girl's father.

Mrs. Alice ICserley uml Miss B otty Cook Of Tncnma will jlv e’uiruelcr evldfliica. ___

Mrs, Ethel Ucnnett, New York, auut of thu aocusod man, will toa- tlfy as to the insanity in the^am - lly. .

n r TrjH^ will

____ ..f,#{40..JoB.-iom# w a o atu k n o m i'tb ^ doora wera elosed > S l a a t V t ^ * n n i i to dlvtfr^ tbe \i»A o t tlur lines from the d oors.'

li^deed be dead. In beginning bis relra'h 'e'aUips Into another cha^ aeter, begins another'llfe,


yr«r«;|ier« or a^m iu ihlB f daorga-V, Of late years; a& .lih W M 'to atten3^tba-^lf bad bawma iaarkwlly mofe tm rrpw , . ' I . . ioui,’ more matdrp. He Is ni


But the truth la nearer to ihls: Between the father, Oeorge V, and the son, there has been an extraor* dinary devotion find affection. Con­trary to many princes, who have been Impatient for power, Edward has always keenly noped tlm t his father would llv« and reig n 'for »

edly comes,from

n many, - d . A* k i u , tha free-aod-eaay n^aq-

u edly com es,from realiiaU w that 1 aaoendlng Uia tb ro M . mi«nt> .the . end of belng'a lone « a g le ,jm l'b e -5 —

____ — ■farmePrrtaaohbri auiveyurand state engineer o f, Wyoming, He died late last night.’ During the past two years Mead

directed expenditure of the fl7D,* 000,000, apt>roprlaUd by the Nev/ Deal for Irrigation, ateam control

' ' Iro-eleotriQ projects. The )f theae ‘★ a* Boulder dam- filM in ^ another r tW O .j

000 progrjm ^jfOf th e 'n e x t'fla c a iyear to further ....... .........many o f the large federal-Mrlgat tlon ' and w*ter>pdwer devaiop*

flPOKANET.'WMiC'Jin'. 27~«tP) — A Japanese who registered a t a Spokane hotel for two wbelis last November was sought today by -po. Ileo InveatlgoOng the "trunk mur­d er" of MrB. Dolores Naccarto,.24, former waitress,jffii.a.vWu's;.!”®the body after Hotel attaobss, p i ^ Blod by tho wofflan'B,abaenoe froin the hotel, enterM) her room to Ukapossession. In a olo- * ------ *a aitam er .trunk i

, ptSS J t ’OTH'SI ' Mur,*;cdwi xt. wM uotvu A| Area -man,

Bom in Bwltaerland oounty,-ln> dlut^, Mead entered engtneerlnfat the kgs 9f 14, serving as a rM m m . H4 worked hls’ through Pur* Aua Uiklaenlty m a.^«toly-sucvay«

Deputy Sheriff J . B a t Ortffln said the body, oIa;d'Iit liagVrle.aNI

.... .......... 1. . . - -

bom a t Brie, 1 _______ „an'uR)iatbrally bom child: ah a-L . tUied. His head waa i n j ; ^W ^ aad bad'to.-1» -resb a ^ isSr*7

school In-Olympla, Wash., a t about ' seven years of age. He.wiu sraitrr; in schooJrJnmplng'ryearilieW.'*"^—

-• Spent Time a t ' T '"Douglas spent moat of his tinla .

at the Y.''M; O. A., In tum blt^w ld

mcuiyKEDeyiittMiVE' By-HAROLD>l

Y. M. C. A ." ___Mrs. Van Vlack smiled proudly ?

^ ^ y ^ o F S m A - e a t i n g a ll 'th a ’ cookies and ' leadlng"t«'e oWldraa : In'ploy. r ' . :

"In 1 0 1 0 Douglas h^d a bad ab< cldcnt, falling oft a bl<^c1e durloM~ summer vacation.” she con tld u ^"Ho tyos brought home uhoons6k>ua - and continued so for four-or'-fii«'- ' days with a *the hraln. .Hs ......................... .... ,was in a stupor for tWo or thref-SK. Wicks. He hod severe-headacbas.-^^: iU coM ld-not-tor baek-to-H * ' rlt'ht away,

riiih k eaift'Bcg>6 1 " in ai yenti,no nun'Red.’~F In terot Jn school, He was ,d

A l~ < 9aae r-ih e^ l brought him h o m e .'_____

; io s i . iiwU R--

- HgfTwo

i m R E S l S I H .- I N W G I I S

Defons« Hurls FrptesU Collusion &s Tnal Nears

• Olim&x

More brown cgg'i, Ibla time a AinKtc egg, brought ia- (>y Urtr. W alter McClftln. Eden. I t 1» un- usual in th at 1C is tplotched just

o f ; right to prcArnt a profile of n : lady's face. The egg was loW

by d Rhoda Inland Rod hon. . . . One or the rejccteU yenlremcn

-In the-Van V lack caae aUUnK

N E W IG W I R O T T E L y

iOlobe-TrotUr an^ Sportsman Gives W ay to ^\ndent of

, , Social Needs'

I noy’B qucfltlor

' ' im o tb cr on ‘ 'Ifftmcd

Newi in Briel

r ' rs ;ssria‘;si! i-BONOSMEASORESpaxksl^om

The WarI R l i K

m i ijOver-Eides Veto to Approve

“ c ' u . r o . ^ S M . ; a i u r . „ n P ro 6S » r » l . i m .M cO oy.arelfr. and'Mrfl. J . . £ ^ c - - Becom es L&w CuU o^ ^traUunors, A lberts. ’

ncy. to <lcr - -J him.Van Vlack *aW that before he

- w as taken to Iho Burley, ja li after the llnUIng of Mlldrc«ra body. Tic Mked Sheriff E . F . PrAt«- to got Laraot), bis defense coiuwc!. for

. confer with Van VlacH.t M him Lareop dtd not have a

. p&m^ the"priflon« «nlcl.,J1)l* oc­curred on the monilnff Van Vlack Tras taken to B iirloy..

■-------------------- csmfln‘tJ}>>)eCt-_*‘DW you object to belnp taken

A o m c y G fn * « l B ert MUl- « r asked.-

■ “Of MUf»* nnf .V *a Vlack flared.

— -BUerJtf CalledtU s teatlmony lhe Jurj-

-,^Van Vlack re-’ ralkinal during

___________ Juf=fla?ed-u ir inwhen-MUloc—osMtt--

-he-ha«i-not Intended to convoy UijV^W s^ggwa^tihUdr^^

, but rather, that he continued to be concerned 6vcr tlielr welfare', and that, da a p aren t he n jm ly recogtllscd hla obllgntlonn to a lf

- inembera pf Ws family, lie nays that under the atraln o f'a tto r* n«!y'a questioning ho was some*

affirmative answer to a law- yerJa^ODfuslng question, f;a .^ an ii)j!erenco which was rcniBU from hla mind. Seen Today thua

bray, and wUhout any fusa feathers follow the Belvolr bounds, though oven th at keen pleasure has been denied' him Jn reeent;P- ypnrs. d(ie to public apprehension

_____ ____________________________ !ConLlnued from Page One)8«rvlcca being beUl a t the Pleas-land leas in tm at to -Sept. so, lU

ant View scboolhousc are to belT%e bonds.will be non-negotlablc continued thla week dally a t 7:30|and cahrot bo Mtactoed for debts

Hejolns Ship ! a-j^UcALloirblanlcs vm-e reedy and

Ethiopian i^edfroaa hospital near, Makole, on tJie northern fronts^ Satunlay and wounded four patients, usually rellabtaquarters ~«ald~toaay. ' .7 ..................

- ^ » b in g _^ rp lan ^

old tnen, women and children during the past week, a com- jnun

, , , • 'nioming for Bremerton, «>aaci„ ,iIn I^ndon he could unobtru- ,,.^^^0 he will, rejoin hft ship, the

slvely buy & couple of fleaU in a ; , - g s . PennsyJvanin Ihcaler and attend the show with; rennsyjyaou).a friend.

He could fflJp over to the pm -i ^ k..^.bassy c|ub, alt a t a little Uble vorenoon *xmtinu«l moet o f the

iJp, the to their district <t-'1cm for thcae

Newt of Record

•rti Mr. in d Mra. Fred I*."WnsoB, RUer, a son y e a i^ a y a t 11:35 a. .m: a t the l i o s p l t a l .— ■— '------ '

To i l r . and-Mra. Louta Presnell. iMIlner, a son yesterday a t the ho^-

. Sfl^ndiation of 'Hls Own , 1028P o U d es-........

(ion, Tartn Falls, a daughter yee tcrd ay at 0 a- in .-at the hospital.

To Mr. and M rsi-Bem sM Quiim,. . ----------- t p ^ ipgju, a.tfaughiet..Saturday..:

- fL’ontinUW m un Pag e -O n e ) ^ ^ t ^ ........................'

led speec > had be

m . Curroll F . J > k - eet/ a daughier yes-'


UtHh.frirnda.llk f anvho d i L £ l f le ^ d - ; ,» . ,^ u > ^ ^ h ^ o the bonus bill ^ dance with women friends. ught ooattotf by mW-afteroooo. Jifferenco >n^ o

I He could pop Into a frlenrt’o ______ to the absence ol

to their district bionics, it was said.

No Chiinge-Overs There was not a 'single switch

from the voting on Ja n . 20, when the bonus bill passed 7 * to 1«. The

_33kJB t t e t b e .didn't-K«t

•to the teetimoov Van Vlack bad

J - . l P m ta lo^gK -_n=to^ooffi« to M e U m - a i d J ^

M G A C C i rK l l i l

Burley-Yontli Succumbs Week

I f « a r _ ^ g p r e _____

- lo i k f o i ---------- ----

I ^ nxMdM bo abow, Ur-Bsporter," Judge B arclay drnwlett

------- -'tiMiBficil tihe ■ v~.—.. - — -

_ a 5ia jlrf<*»e asked for time to

d until ftSter lunota.

Laroon protested.

which perhaps umlviiy r.xcro.wt the., gentleman. ..but_ifHportant- cnough to justify ftn fxplana-

Btatement of thU kind. . . . ugH ilgni' mow n r- th c '^ f t-

thls forenoon to confirm a pre-

few .wcckH of "roughing I f on his luncheon, Mra. C. R. Scott, will be '•B, P . Ranch'* In A lberta.. - tco-h08tees.--

LJfe B eco m s ''Ceremony"

of WaleS*1ie"can not*do as Wng. ~TBeTiintr*uny not.indulgtrf

,aln av>nuy, left after an injury to himself. out-of-state car which liad’ o t- wfrcn 'H i' VUlia

mcna.- i t

jnuat_ait..tigid , ,ftDd <iuUt ta the, toyal box.

TJnr.h i- .n.tiAa ft- W g“ ‘I4^,I3lvV_fliaiMtar--M^EIte____

B U W .E Y , Ja n . 27 (S p « e l« l— C !afenceT^Ie-TToualon,-^31rioir^ Jifr. aad-M ra. E a rl Houston, Bur-

school.Mr. .H ousto n _^B bom August,

1B14, here ami p ^ u a le d from the Burley high school In 1932 and from AlbIoh~5taie” normal school

103g.-H e-^g^:toaching-at.K U .fg o ff-iM t t un;

'Surviving him are hlA parents;le i^ ter . *Mrs. Mario Alice Lar­

son, ahd a brother Edwartl. Hous­ton, all of Burley. Funeral serv- lc« a t 10 a. .m. a t St. Augustine's Cathbllc church with Rev. Fro nd s Reeves ofHclatiaff.-Burial-wUl->>a In Btir-. ley cemitery.-•-Until tim e of tha s«rvlc«sfriends may call a t tha Johnson mortuary.

of pairs today.-Tha-.galleriea hrgfui_to .empty,

will m eet Wed- “

on the northern front Jan . 18, i t was announced .olflfilally to* <lay. The regulation Red Cross Insignia was dlsp^yed by tho unit, the announcement said.

The unit was in command of Dr. Schuppler, an Austrian, and

drptrBfcpRnrsjarrriBhv msn, as transport officer. The

-u n it, has bcen-.awamped.'.wlth woric among the wounded b«- Jiind B a a Siyoum'BJloea.. '


1 Democratic national will officiate arid burial-wlIlan o p ^ i > i n F l l c r ctm ctery.

Kills 0 . O. P . UopeHis statement that he was

\ tho Democratic party and pccted-to die In it

DAHO.-•-W isuiN GTO N.-Jftnl, 27 «’•«>- The senate roU call on overridli President Roosevelt’S bonus ve'

F o r pTerrldlnj the veto <76)

O KLBBERRY— a e .Norman OWeberry. scven-month*- old non - of - Mr. and Mrs. E klnn _

■ared to dla- Okleberry. JMen. wIll bo held t^ f l i t y - t h f t t - ' - - ” "> " ' ’ 'f'-

Ilfline from CoastFollowing three w icks’ v isits — ------ -- —

in Los Angeles Mrs. Val Honder-| • Democrats— (57)—Adams,Ison and her m other,-M rs, P, B .jhurst, Bachman, Bailey, Bank- Preckel, have relumed to thU city, head, Bariileyv Bilbo, B lack, Bone,

I W R fprelldentiaT-nominee o r 'le a d

" coalitlinU tkit-of-any-klnd;---------- .chll^d jed .-Frid ay- uU-Xhe_famlly-----Smith, hla voice (ensi wilh «mo* borne. ------ ------------

- tlon. shouted that New DealersI, might disguise themselves as lto r l ; , Tem pBratTlh»

-■■ iicw ladle* aod chUdrens rca ily -to -!iiji,”Miioney. McAdoo.*'McCarran, When ha goesT^-lhe lh c - ite F 1 ll . !« « ^ « ;y - » g :y a ^ ..........................

;took_fc4m.toi Portland. 8s n _ R fla :iRa88eU,-8chw ell«jiba^, flheppwd.

~ ' a &"a:°aikur"»'Sp o ft^ m * c t sout^h ceutral Ida-|DemocHUs shouting such A s ^ J c s ......56

ho^toLky h «a .Joln«l hands wUh|aa "termites," "polltlool .ncas/'M l)*» C i t y .....

.............. “ " " " r ^ 'iLe. I W UUitUi- • ........formatloatS n o o o n c -__ ^__________________ ,state ’8 wHd Hfe and natural re­

a l home in h is various castles andnnlnr/Hi H« Mn«f Iv. nn hOBflpalaces. Ho must be on hand con- fltaally_Xot_conaultaUoa^wiU» ;h is ministers; H e has a lot o f formal


Progressives—( I J : L a FoUelte. L -Farm c^-Labor— (2 ) — Benson, Shlpatea^^^ ^

1 Democrats—(12)—Brown, Bulk- tey; Burki.^BjrTd.-x:oaBiJJyr««t<>»»-

- - e r Gerry, G lass' Hayden, King.

Hastings, Johnson, Keyes

___________________________________ _____ n itit irm c d L th e JM c a L ^ Z jE Ilgatkm ^ I c t , a tteod ri boOi ttoejchaincterlsed Smith os 'a em o ^ i__________________________________ ____ ____ ________ — TOOTt---------s o w r v e t lo o r 's e a s id p aod Ute'a'Qcy's most f^ m i^ walker o^t'-|willlston ........—14 — B ..00SouUm eK Idaiw Sportsmen’s as- er." ' . _ . . . . lYellowstonc ...... 0

n arN w tJi-A m «rleanW lM .ti«eecn- o< SmHJu T * * i - preclpllatftd- fereoce a t WasStiDCftcn Feb. 3-7 much noise from the'D cm ocn------ ‘ -■-■■-■^■■ :ckert;-itaJ ■ i - - - ................................... — -

;nd, Vande'nberg.

re^kmal fo rm er. ■ I Shaven who for the past severalCouncil .Wni Have SS lyears has fanned In the Deep;

Tho sCote conscrvattou counclltcw ek «cUon. has leased the Buhl,

llah- throne as th o-m ost widely- ‘ raveled m on arch in her — tepeated Journeys to the be earth have given him a per-

nol acquaintance with tho world - - • fem ote~Britl»h

. Larson objeoted to the demon- •tnUlon as incompetent, im 'lcvant, and immatcrtftl. ’lUe objection was •Overruled twt recorded. ^- - " I t is my opinion that exWWt B (iJiABJurdw buIlK) was fired t r m e x B t il A V an V lach 's RunJ,"

® 'l ? f ^ m “ K i i r « l the ehcll tM- tn r found neur Mlldr«l Hook’s

-body as having been fired fix>m Van Vlack's gun:,’ t.eo Tonts dc- fMuie eo-counael, again objcote<l

■ but was ove«TUle<l. * .O lt«i DlHercHres

- T m s ■ took up. a iwUilw . ^ 1 squinted Maf-«d«hte«lty ut Uw alctiir* flflW i. Ho brougia out llw SlffereoKcs In tlie murder b«U«

......tin in irrM o'h rtn ight m>t l-li«t !>•Imairra were diill and tndlstlnot otx the screrti. 'nft dcmandrd ti»at the pn>JeoU»8' machtoo nn<l sorm i Im K S m p K «a .U o n exlJhlts J u d ^ A. B. Oarolay rule<l lhat th is be done. IT it n grw i w tak m from tiio oourlJ-oom.

Mort«y Hatnord, T bc»hiu«, - •alM and m x iir man, was ralltil

• H« knew Van Vlaok and Mlidwl since be#ore they • wwe marriwl

••Y<m own this i ^ r * Wamartl w as BshcJI by J . \V. 'RiyJor, m -

fa r as 1 iirviw,’" l i a jw d ' u i s w i^ . JtefiMed Him Uun

l o c m eDr. J . D. Dunshee. sU le health

ndvlwr, Boise, was to arrive here this nftomoon for a conference on local health Conditions, particular­ly scarlct fever, which has been prevalent.

Dr, C. D. Weaver, county health (ifricer, said thin aflomoiin ' that only Ihrre now cases had been re- |H>rled over Uio wcck«end, He did not JinowofDr.TJfinstiea'flexpcctect vIkU.

At Iho office of the nupeHnlend' ent of Hchool It was lejxirlad that thi'-Ktnto-hrnltti nfflrer tinrt

UllzalMlh Unilth, scUoul . nursu, a t

It Ifl thiiUKht that puiiNliee will offer tuMstnncn In tho ............ '

. He has m et and listened to more hundreds and thousands of people oC all climes, religions end classes than any other klnjr. H e has liter­ally thousands o f personal frieads of all conditiofi's, ranginK from haughty dukes to common soldiery

ncr IB apparently quite genuine, and-has-no-sm ack-of-condesoen- sion. ■

Demoeratio OutlookThe spirit back of It Is well

lUBtrated by the story o f his dry com ment-to-a'-frlend-who-rem on- B tratcd Jhat Kinos*o?“ e^nie there were so fte in blue-blood­ed circles who objected that the prince was .gotUng "common'^r and commoner."

T h a t w as all right, responded

C arl-D ,-Irw ln . ‘Kimberly, was reflected president by -the dircc- tora of the Southern Idhho Bean Growers' assocJaUon fo llo w U ^ ^ - ja th aimual meeting here t f fa y w M im tttT * " ^

- f t i r _ _ a r i o i l ,8 mm’a- gKm]

gets royaller and royaller.’The reference was to Viscount

Loscelles, his brothor-ln-law and husband 'of Princess Mary, and tiie dedurtlon has been madu tlial Rd- wanl was not fond of the nrlatO' cratlo pretensloiui <jf his rclallve- by-marrlage.

This. i*SBenfl«l(y d«'m<KirBlJo oyt- Imik huH revealed Itself of ifiH'nt years lit more Important thlnRS Ihitii mere Ao61al roiitocls, '

s b flU i-T n in k er—

intention of tl]e looul Ited Cro;

commencing Wednestlay, the plan lielng to broaden tho vlK«roi)fl rampalgn against the spread of scorlel fcv<u-.

Vmi ViMk- askMt lUm to JuAo him tiie gun, Uamard rtifusod, l^ t i s o Van Viaok saM he "sho^d lukve «<lo<l i t Wur *yOi" cartin ’ oon- voniltion Van Viaek Mfd to m m - aril U at he k)ve«l Mlkirwl m> m\ich lie would kin her rathw than glwi bar up. He sold he would Ilka Ui t e t MlUlrod. In » oar and head for Slealou awl "m ake •omeUtlng of M." T ) » t was why U a iw U redut-

"Do you know ytni’ro uM w cathT Dirt you tPU m e aTl tlils Uukt

> Von VlM-k ^3li. }Huiiunl said . . tlxit he paid him hatk In giis,nil and money.-------- • -• ■

Van VlaiiU woke up and wh, {KnMi iiKllgfWintly t» Trats, liis eyes sliinitkK with awali«n«|d in- I i m L He told. Teals tti ask Bftm- ard -If ho had I'eoe^its for the inoitey he paid back, llomard, a Bhort pi^ii'fao<<iI man with airly ?)(o«l hnir, WBS dlnmbwNl, wHrt

" ImUiriMitlon.

J .yoU’are t e l l i^ t ii i liiryT"

"Y m str," was liam an ls :.... phi

Mnal Hatiirrtay Kvrnjs Batuhlay's oUmiiiK events

wmrti IAflor tlin R p. in. rccoas, CtiW

A. O. Pwkoi- of IJiilil t<"'k tlin stand aial i^ i f le d iltal ho look Van Vlack-W t>*e 'M n 4fr\ills owm. ly lxi(i|iltal /or iiiy Itn iry 0 .

...w repiy. " Jih. j d ^ n r il yw» this Mid i be-

Shook Ills Hheulden “Did ywi •hake y«n*r slumUlora

• t m« w h « I tri^l to talk to yo»i ' l n » S s J ' ^ » ) ‘>W 7W h y d ld y o «

' '■^• 'bSw is* this court Is the pises - , Ui diMUM lh« oaM and nut Uio

" .........

directors were ro-clccted.Other officers re-elected are W.

L Ssckett, Twin Falls, vies presl- dent.^J, T . Anderson,. Knull, secre- UUy, and John a . Feldhusen, Twin Falls, trcasujrer. ' f _

Directors re-elected Included AndersOT.

the board'iare Irwin, JL JO ..Ja g a ^ Buhls Ray PetUJohn. Castleford; L , B . Fool, Haselton; W . E . Btish, Jerom e; Peter Bricson, Twin Falls.' Report by the jnonaffer, John 8. Peldhtjsen, sbpw *d-that-ths-coop. eratlve marketing institution, lunm a'cperateB'^ wawBuuMsand eleaniivr' an*! spproxl- mately 3S0 members, will handle appro«ln;atcly 10 .000,000 pounils or about BO carloads of the* 1635 bean crop of southern Idaho.

B . U Gamand, s la t i and fed­eral Inspector.ln thls dlBlrict, gn -- an explanatory talk on fedei bean grades, nt the meeting which

I WHS held in Iho Odd Fellows hall.

seven eecSt from ' th e ttve ‘■ports-Lgg Ujg giandard Oil station the: men’s districts in Idaho. Tempor-L.oiniQtf year. W. S. Love.who for-a*y repres«taUves-;.W »w -B«rB*d “ ^o ^ eraU d the-stntlon-wJH—

(Contlnuoii from Psge One) Rock C reck -M rt. 'Ohas. Oine.

Rock Creek. ' , ■ - • RorersooT-^ M rs,' Fred-C hite.

n S w o r th - W . n T Gibbs, Rooe worth.

T itom elt-M rs. CSiaa W. Kevan, Twin PWls, route 1 .

Buhl No. 1-^Mrs. H. A. DeNeal. Buhl No. 2 -L a u ra B . Ct»arltoo,

•~BuhI~m~3=7tf« . Ii.- Or-LBCeyr-JJuhl-No..4-M Tff. C b a s . Hat-

s e T M ti« meeUng c a L e r ^ — -, atato J in lo r Clianibcr, diacusaedl wild life eonservatk* and s t r e i ^ l Idaho’s sta te rigbts in o o n c e e t^ with the aaUoMU pnSgram. parley was laUled by W. R.rPriebe, Twin Falls, p ru d en t, wtoo teemed i\ " th e m ost successful we’ve e '"

Ja -W V ••-S.-ClgTid atewar t ^ -e*>aifina» <t th e ’Twto Foils d ele^ tloo “

teodtatr .th e .B o ise stM to o s .,. - deleffatlco Included Prtebe, S tw * art. I ; ^ Appel. Alvie K n irtt.


Whltarl.Twin Falls No. 2 — Mrs. C

Pool.Twin Falls m a — O u r

Swope.Twin Falls No. 4 — Mm Itulh

WiMlle. *ywin >>lls No. 5 — Mrs. He4en

la, Minnlck.Twin Falls No. (I — M 0 s

Twin Falls No. 7 — Mrs. Ruby IXiclkiy. ____________

(liolM A 'l D aily Feed, f l's cheap- than Jiraii. Try it. Mobe Meed ft F«*< Co.—Adv.,

Scheduled to Speak Oucirt speaker a t the m eotlui

•nnirBday a t 8 p .-m . of-tho-W gn school Psrsot'Teaeher association will be Charlton O. Laird, profes* Bor o f Engllsh-and ebalrman of the historical m ukum a t the Univer­sity o f Idaho, southern branch. ’The m eeting will held s t the high school audltoriuhi.

4-aaA nd enw M . Pk. S U ^ .— Adv

(^uitutnr H. I * Hlown rev«ik«i .. - bullet WIiloJi killed Mlldreit IlKok wvtorert h tr heart hi fro ^

Inatluii plans und model huuslng proJfiulH, vlbraut «p«4iolie» to' walU fed audiences on their social re- HiHinsIbllitles; trips thiouKl huvels and dreary slums of unem­ployed m iners—all these thingn :aro straw s thttt point (o h now Kd- ward who has gradually been re-

f t ............................the cause ...........,

ship and extchdlaH forclra mar­kets, and his devotion lo lb s .w e l­fare of his fellow World W ar v«t-

.baira beim nddlLiuOBl ledlgft- tliis of (his change.

T Itle s ’Now aimpllllad I’rlnca of W ales, Bart of Ches­

ter, Duka of £omW(tl). UilKv of Itotliesuy, Karl of Carrlok, Baron of llenfrcw, Lord of (he IslcB, Qroat fltowonl of Beotlaiid. High fitewanl of Windsor, i>fthe Garter, Memlwr of the Privy Council, ICnlght of tha Order of Iho ’fhlstle, Knight of the Order of m, Patrick, Oranrt C( the Hlar of India, Grand Maaler of the Order of Ht. Michael and Ht. George, Grand L'l m a-O rter-T ff-ttJB 'Jn AiJinlml of Ihe Fleet, Ueiiera) of the army, and ChUf Marshal of tha Air K u rco -a ll theso titles Impressivn honors of the prince

------- and Are swslhwed ,.i'Pof King and inm

' Flnnl report nf Mrs, Cora H. fite* I —

iHkek, anil not « > t « i ^ tha iMuik of tile head a s Van Vlack told of- riMTS. Tltore were luJ bn otliM' parts <>f th e body in hend, Htowe testified.

Oapt, M. M. Sweoley, Twki Kills attohMw, and bollM lM enw it MRce 1 (M , tn tirted t * « t the b«tl- let wMob Ullad Miss Hook was

.a ffun in tesls. H« — fe, Um buUet stK>w«d th e same mark-

i S m I photos whn> Uie trial w«s nrtjmimed imtll tmiay.

iIko UCC..Z3 were um <-ollected being |03D,33fl.

o r the total Of 11,077.410, real iroiwrly taxes levied in this coun- y for 1B35 one-half of It, or Was,-

lOT, was poysble on o r before Dec. 28.

The sum actually paid enceeded the 60 per cent figure by |02A.10, and exceetlert the amount of the sum actually due a t th at lime by

fraction of ouo per cent,

Dairy Meeting Set ^For TuesdayyFeb. 4

*lev«nth-im m itt-n ............ .Twin rstid County Onopflmttvo Dairymen's asaoclatinn, a unit of tl>e Jerome Oooperativ* Creamery, fl anniiiincwl for the fa ir grnunila a t Flier, T»iea.lHy, Feb. 4, con mencing nt 10 :!t0 n. m;

Dne director Is to bn .nliosen and ollivr important Iniilnesa Is to be Uansaeted, ^ounrdlng, .in . A. .11. Jn|)«li, secreiavy,


/M U I V We Can’t UoMO N L Y . T ben Any l^ ngerl

Clonllnuoaa Bkoivs Today »nd Tomorrow


at tlie rnrnera or liln eyes, Iml viiUh yputhrjil flpurn and vigor, un-

K liis and Ulmperor ImpBlMd, (actful, demoeratl^ nibiiT'tin f i, ffitr w iffRm w r^im TO t m n T r i t n - ^ ^

* ..............- -* sense of duty and a rather quirk,ilry wit, a ]>ersnnall.ty that markh him o(it of any gathering-H lnarrfvnr.

coDiplcuoufiw abse^it- tlio title hiiBband, Bdward ascends i throne of Bngland a liarhelor, king one of (hn few in nil the (hnuaamt'

Ntr history of Uis Uritlaii r.ruwu Ail In Past

Tlie blond baby, the slim public sohool boy. tinryoulhful suhaliem the tntem atlonai playboy, -

Tnay-caro sporisman,

In their place stands a man of nearly 43, h is hair Iw^lnnlng tt

In, the l>«gliinlOMs uf ui'ow'a-feot

Majfsfy, Kdwarr:

r^BXTJ Thouflh Bdwiird oemei 10 the throne a baoNder klnji. fiw reyai prtnees have fiuttsrsd m sra feminine .hearts than in hie yters. ae Prlnes

“ andM m m er- oonneotitf with Mb namt

ubllo print, but the D[ltlBh 0 le at Is it oonvlneed lhat h«

IntendB newsr to marry.

T lie G y ra U to r waahiDit a o tio o , o r ig ip a te d M aT tag ^ and th e

InVestfgate MaVtag'n' . many advantigM and


tu b , r e s a l t . i n fa s te r .w aahin gi V H h g re a te r i n f c ly <of th o d otb ea .

« lo c t4 e it7 , anjr M a)rtag m ay b e h a d w ith g « i ^ Uoa M n ltb ^ u u u ^ v

V i i i i ia B SM iaann w n ttw wiliii ai'Wi Tiw i m atviaaiiH T A ia 'it^ lM T '^ '

y\riLSON-BATES APPUANCE COMPANY1 ^ P h o n . i M T ’ ‘

OarfooB'> K tw s Bveats ''Valea a t S s p e ite m '' .

X :::~

, Mfilltlny, .Tnnnnry 11 , -LDAHO EVENING TIM E S. TWIN FA LLS; IDAHO P » g e Thro#-^




g a m e y .B e ta in T itle a t E n d of

19^6 Cam paign

...........B.V- OEOUGB KUtKSBV -

W ilh Joe,Louis Idle un«l aurtmer,. the way wa« opened' today, fo:

tfhatnploina In otlifiii dlvl^ons 'lo cash In on lhe boom alart-ed by . tha. brown bombor. .

Four champions are coming <iown o « .t o e ahcU thto w w K .tc

weight mat«bc8 aod get Into con- dlilon lo flak thedr tlUea lator in

for-Jm portant'-- m o«y . , Several Uyoboldcrs, rcaUzing'that,

^ lopplod. ___.J^ r4 ’" , -AlTTngBO^PPlc, “

Or the seven gcncraUy rccogniz-------o^l-clmropioiM, lf«-a-good b«M-h«t

no more than three will rolBn at . _tl)o end of Um yoar. The wOtoIc

deck, from the bontanis -through'___the hcavlw, might bo swept clcan

■ It .tnt WfltengclgRt raniM uhw(

Barney Ross'hot to hold his title a t the-end of

Tlio situation In «ach dl)'H oavw yclght:_C h^-il(w Jam es

inetts Joe Louis in IUmeSeptember.

'Tfs aaiJ hia dally’ prayer ends,

____pen to Joe---- ftTiiwiy'etvBruiHiL. ................. ...

I>er cent o f a million dollar g&tc------alul-H^•e-httpplly-«VC^‘- a r t w :~ ^ ~

. . English Threat• ------------t JocK McAvoy of ^ g la n d at

Mndlson Square Garden April 3. M ceu Joso Martinez o f Mexico ot


M eeting a t C ollege S e t F o r Fe b . 13-15 -

Battling Sailfish Offers "Real Angling Thrill, Mac Discovers

.GOODING, Jan, 37 (.SiwiHn —

lAVe boon iwi r i i *clay and Saturday. Feb. 13, M. ond 15, acting PrwWcnt \\'. C. Bo-a-- niftn has announced,- Coach - Clement- Parbm -y- ..... .::<!nt Invltntlona lo a ll.u f the 22

iJifll. JMU-Ili;


Jan. 2^ n'.Hi —If hor.-<e m cing is ■ of Jdni'a, .tJiyn flnll

in tfio Guif slieftm ycaliTday In soarch of Hnilfi.-ili wab the aunic from whose rolTing stern Warreil J i : llarJln g. -1"

gumost fighter.Oiicc you have hooked a,.sail*

flail you’H im dmtnnd pcrfcctly

ind aUo lo new teams 'th a t have l‘ccn organized slncc.

This will be the 1 1 th annual .'it«glhg' b/ thlii iilhlclTc^^cIEsslfc -hlch for. rcvcml years ha-s hcD

time to think about bonus ar- mles. bonus bills, red thrcats.'ln-" flntlon, or wliere .Dolly Gann. ■Its. From the moment he );ols

strike iinlil he brings the fish ami .he’d get a worse go- ing would fix}m an

I'l- litirrijnaiy cnFifti'iHe CiniRht

I know, bccBu.He I caught a ."itrcnm-Ilned g a m e s

been prefli<lenl - I —would—have _,1.1 . ^ . . . . »

J- Although definite -enLrlas have not yet. been ‘te(>clvcd, It la tcnta-

all of the following o

After twenty m lnutcs-.had I been prealdenU—I would, have >igo<:d a treaty, with m y flah.

1 In hmI portion or all of the following out- „c o u n t ’s l^ r n n ia 'W ill-B s rT a t t t ln g to drthronc —i

^ 8t e « whcn-'tou.-ncy lime rolls, around: Jerome Moo.<ic, Bur-

^ ftflPTTmw fe iinHli'lBJ, t» -Ai r g n<~ffir'rogv<v~6r san-r5Kg~cns7:

North American .rMord holder.X -;,

But I wasn't president,- so One heiir ond ten minutes

-;h«(Ht-out. At^ttre--tintslr1 t-Triur:

re rendy for th i laxMi’niilsl, rtho.riRh',.

'F ish I^ookn Him OverQfi_wijl_mm>jm.nc5_ni2_y-atUlflwlt-wflsn^t-flgbHng-

flghtlng for him. I grew -Jtua-- plclnus of hia inUntlons a fi-w flceondfl after Ik- struck my bait, when lie came fhuililng out of


dovo ciuwn, and I've no-doubt Ihiit he went down to lle.lo hia conipanions about the n\?.c of the man he'd hooked. Three times he allowed me to pull him close to the boat, where he'd

and take a look to see how tired I'w aa. I don't know, but I'(l bet that after what he saw. after i!i m'nules of our fight,

wont back and told hli wife

tiiiimlc -- ~-txin'.f.-tW «

I finally caught him that I out liUHted him. He must ' ' '

si'voral yiMi- ng lh<: HobcatJi, 41 I

AlHlon N’ciimiil floor (• nlng.

Coach R. V. Joni'3’ w-.nioij fliiap)>e<I mt<i the lead after lag.

---------- tffo mlnulos. ron-

hl.s patienee and decided to come aboard and get me, for when ! puUed'lilm over the side ho wfra atlll full of fight and only a .................of t*f- '

■ hatl he-reacJied I Ukk.L

looki.^For. th« time in my life even my were tired. -M r • were

inib, and my Icgs'were so stiff

■"•-'--‘ stm^s^ty sail- moro-

mlnutc and ho would have been fined for catching a speckled

-ttcT'Tiut: (fTseaHOir"~aportsw tr

favore^ wta TtTH riRnTITT rOH 0

Aberdeen Krazy Kata, Orange lTranai>orta.Uon of Pocatello, Good­ing Lcgton; Forrt v-8 of-Blackfoot,

____ G ^ l np collfj'e. Albion Normal.


Outatandlng. 0 ......... „be Freddy Stoele, Tacoma, Wdflh. tjou B»^ »^ ;Euioneen chftinrtoo Marcel 1 Paris, elab ranked ovqr UlskO.--------- Bamey FowLinHW----- ,

Welterweight: Champloo BameyR033 iwpee to net 5100,000 tWs •j-ear, but 'no one in aigbt for him

— to-flght-unlefl8-4ie-aiKj-Tony-Oftn‘ > .- -aonerl-put ........................ .

Irwin Falls M Men, Gooding 0Jiuiatcta

_________________ ...Je ll, Fairfield,Oannett, ' Cnstlefofd,Mur.laUjltf ' afc«EN IIIS™

m m m— - - —SATUIW .^Y OAMGS------

S. B . 27, Rleln IS. Inford 51, U. S. C. 41.

40, Oregon 26.•v wikn. '“nu —

vl Up ft 21-14 isIhc a t the hiUf md effocllveiv Kittled Uobeat linisLs lhm>nrt.-ir.Ac^llc toriia- Ivo Burk-y flu'.->hcs und-r pacing 'f CniiiiT ami Aeaiturri.

iiiy Tumt r H [Viliil.'i . r iwo, oad the Uruln.<' Klnier, I..iul)oii- . , . « ilua-ju8l-hm utiui- hiU® IJa a h ^ to J jr i lliim c o .lu_cllckl-‘ *“ ‘- th« ^anke.-H » ll f iii K oao ................... ... ■ - - V.'. imiiiLs I I'l lii't' liipprri-.Hiiii.: tmli'li hlplipr thiiii tliclr.-cuslu-

t)y the cunfemii rule-infmollonK.

Official sanolton v In ihci cnmmittce's report oil Its liivo,.illi!Hllou'of. charges Involving fifteen Ohio Statf* athletes. __ :

■ We fin.I no evidence that either . - ilht- 01uo_Stnle_athletlc department ■or oilier urilvernity officials weie.7 lu any way, lnatrument«t:tn'.secur- “ ing the appointment to these-Jobs,”

'th f committee-said. ■ ''flip liivefltlgallon was aakcj by

■; thf-<>hirr-atnt.e-athlet<c board ln~t------.lOcliibcr _Hf_ler Gov. Martin 1-

•d lU. . . ICiilw Win I

Twin Faib Cub.n d^-featnd Hur-: ey seconds. 30 ,lo ID. In llw pif.- ifiiliiarv game with A rt Tnitimcr,

mighty .mite of the Cubs. Icaillng 'tiR- aitark witlt-iOjy lfrt.*.- I«»t: guncta ha<l- six fw 'B urre^s best.

Lineups, preliminary: Burley rc*

Tho .New Vork nniu.iK.'r reallM^ : w..i lt| by reporting; lhii(‘ HUtiHfartory niplaeeim-nt ■ ' Wt' have done cverytlrlDg v e for the ajfliig Tony Ui/ierl (can to help the Ohio Stale teum would help no lltlli-. < ol. JiK-oli ;aud have most of the football Hupj>err» clu»> lillll’ Ih utigllng. isquoiLon the state payrpll."

Emeralds were credited by a

lialgMH \Vlth the CleH-litiid In- .who t h e betiutiful stones

'Turaci'. guards. Sub.'5tuntw>ns;l_ ;v,rl,.y _ Sprague, Lyowi,•Powell,;

Crarior mid Lynch, forWiu-ds:Ion, center;' B ell'an d 'A'faiturri,,gtianls.LTsrtnTlfiUs—Sehiffman wkI;

SuballtuUons: Burley— Warr. Twin Fa jls—Andrews, Smith, Andor?

Yo u\ l lio lintli “ lailes nnii m oney n lio .T l" if yoii.lrado • .T C U }L ,tJO .V Ja,^-(irt-U n- C o v fy -lm b it- tM i'l . 's lo if in -f tt^ -

'A PiuiIS


T h e S ta iW - T k a t A p p r e m tu Y o u r I

NEW YORK, Ja n . 27 (L'.Ui-

d o U h e n

S ectio n a l M eets W ill B e H eld , i;Th_rougho'ufU;:srridaho:lni:

____ '»UU> .........................Stutfi 42. '----------- ---------------

- 4 rijiv 35, -Antherst 30.•■ ’iivy 44. dglethorpe ^2.

North Curollii^i 44, Muryland

-rocxrnjj ijrpiarOharlos'Har is. W cst-Palm Bcach, today, held t lo Orla-ido winter ten-

., _ . . . . take the elnglefl tille. &(orcol B invllle, veteran 'Can-

. iir-over>w^bt-bout a t...... ......phlanonight;'-- Llghtwdghtl OhobpUn Tony

Cinzonort txeodlng on dangarous ground, with t t e Utie Ukfily to be knocked from Ua.brbw first Ume h<s r isk s It. Haa .hU beaJCb ' '

__________ flnit K. O. of career-rag:Ww<Ki ignlnHt httn.. Cg^S«; —wr-tloflga-Wertey Ramey;- Q n a i

Rapida; Mich., <me,of Mb mort-per- , fllfilent «hoJlengw , .Lou Ambera, •• l« c k Ir action irflei' belTff laid up

^wU¥brojtetf ......................

won Uurett’ pincca on America track and field team. .

Despite the fa c t th a t Sutace Peacock, Temple Negro, beat Owena In the IQP m eters and broad lum^ In the national A. A. U. • - ■ - the Ohio Statfrath;

lete wss picked by Dan Forrls, aec-retary of the A. A . U., for tbo 200 _____BUtseaaiJiS OQanetfflL-JiuEdlefl il aetwilii;

KANSAS CITY. Mo„* Jon. 27 )U.I!i—The National Collegiate A. A. basketball tournament, one of 10 «Ilminatk>n . moots leading to U n ite d .S u S b aelccllona for Uie Olympics, wilt bo held hore March 12 to 14.

DV. J . A. n dlly . In charge of the

Rod anc

{H IG H fiO RO O L SO H E D U L E !


auion Davii .cup player, and J . Gllbect-Hall Wniitlh Omnge N. J, toamcd - lo c sp tu re -th e-d o u b ^ crownT def< Ui«

Tuc«„ Jun. 28 — Natlonul ] - la o m lry vs.-liHlfl^ndenUMisut, ..

alleys 1 ond 2. Brookfield vs. i M und M Ncmu, aHcys S und 4. |

Wed., Jan . 2&—?4LitUluB vs. Triway Broker*, alloys ,1 and 3.

-10 ttnrev Koh(l laud, ."Kroom house, bn^ri^hiul granerv— .$j,illh),llt|,^i:l,0ilU,l‘('lil<j\vUj_balaucc-LcrHi8i_A djoining •!() irT'TD.'fTTnT'flC Ipn' cd. — ^

'SO acres 'Muron .Scliottl d istr ic t, :!-room house, barn , a n d . spud collnr.\\U A-1 Iniid in good s ta le or-cu llivnlio ii—

iipr a’g r f . , . -

8. 8-2, U-1 F.-C. -Grave* 6t Son:

Tl¥ bro k af t e * ; ttJtlittDg w ay to 5nrenan5 pSra6oif5Jjr.-PB8m

broad Jump ot tho-nnnual team.he aeleclea fdr SpaldlnaTa. Athletic Almanao.

Eaalem athleUa domlnaUd-the

both the N.. C, A. A. and ilt<isouri Valley A;-U. U. -toumamaitsNA-ouW b« held h m duriog-tlM\We«b; ot U arch .0-14^-

. Monliaat,____________n n o t h a r dangeroufl-------------Cantoneri meet« Toota Bashani la ovehvolj^t mat(^ aA P h " ' ’ Thuraday night.

Nine .went to >tha mldwcat, alx lo and tWffTo- the aoutli;

The team ; 00 meiera, Bon John- in, Columbia; 100 m eters, Eulace

Peacock, Temple; 200 moters.

. dy Miller moat aoUvo of <01 Utle- liohlor*. flghUn* orfour times a montih from o oa A lo ooaat. .R«oenUy dropped fton-tltto decision to Johnny Pena <la ooaat, but neema secure on ' ttiroae. May be matobo<: wltii Mauriee [Holtaor, Fi-nnce. only roan lo g«t dRUtoa over him during BurSpoan oam- pslgh laat year. Miller OecU Payne In ovemv«4«ht bout a t Se- attle AVodr-wlay plBbt. , _

* 'BaiiUmwoltrhts Champion Blxta .'Eiico^^^ln

JesM Owena, Ohio State; .U r*.-ttd d to-0 'Brlen<. Syracuse;

winner will meet the vlotor In the olgttth dlMrlct tournament Wyomli ■ ‘

000 ntotera,. Charlie KomboBtel, Boaton; 800 metera, Elroy Robin- aon, Olympic clu|>. San Francisco; 100 meters, Qien Dawaoo, Tulsa, Okla., iSkelly club; 1000 motors, Qlea Cuiinlngharo, unatlaohed, Iowa City: 6000 metors, Joe M e Cluakey," NeWTTorlc At A.-: 10,000 metera, Thomas Ottey, imattachod,PhllodelphU; 16,000 motora, Puul ■■ ' f, Mlllroae A . C., Now

m eU n, Elllaon.Drui

Vyoming, Utah, Colorado and Now

Dr. RellfyTibpea to'T53(lc« the loumamoit <lekl to eight teomn In tWa dlatrlct through ollmlnatlona In regtilar*«e«i»n gamwi. Elovcn university teams are eligible for Um jouat..

rinaiii a t N«w York The fUial .tournament will U ‘

held In Now York.AprU 3 to 0.

JeronM a t Fllor.Khnberly at Twin Kolta.

_^ v lu FuUa glrla a t Hager-

Burley a t American Fallt, -Rnpertnt-AJWon;<Joodlng a t WMium.Dietrich a t Sboaboiie.Eden a t MurUugh. lloybuni a t Paul. >M(- Ilotne at aienns Ferry.

OAHTI^FOilU VS. TIM ESCA8TLEF0R D , Jan. 27 (Spec-

lal)—The Cai)lleM W Tbw ira»Kot- bbll team will meet the Idalu Qvo- ling Tlmea “Alley Oopa" In the lilgTt Aobool gym lk«ro Tucaday a ta p. n

Gun Club Elects at Jerome

JERO IltB. Jan . 27 (Spe^lai)— Otflcera .elec ed last week by th« Jerom e Itod and Gun club Include

E , LaTdrnar, president W fiinSpotir-vloe-pAaldcntU . lienry, secretary; Clark Hclaa. treasurer Direclors, W, N, Hanl- wrick anil F . A. Burkhalter.

will be held la te r 'In connection

to o l Brunswick, allO-* I . ■~*.-Buhl p la )-e» ,-a»^ y e-»- 180 Mtte Hortfa

; Vlaking Both Ends Meet!

Lions Nip Packers- LO S ANOBLBS, Ja n r 2 7 (U.HK-

daah through tackle by Ace

r NEW YORK, Jan, 27 (U.l!> — Dully SUirk, reoently named by National leagnis playen w the moat popular and effTclent uoipire in that league, baa realfned, It .wai lonniod today, . ^

Htark, who alto coachea DaH* mmith'a baaketttalJ {< * » , m y g i f t }}p“ T«¥nKa«nnj!J»>y " iw t''* n » rU pcralat that erforta ar« belaff made In havh him take over tha bUitoM*m an W rr lob 'Wlth tha Brooklyn Ondgera, a poaltlqn held last year

.b y noh Qiilnh, BOW bead ot tha HoHefljBwvoa.tU c e r K illed

L O a ANOBLOB, Ja n .. 2 7 ( U l ! ) ’ - Al gordon of Long BeaeJ)* CalU., nationally know/i-auto .p o t ,

tty^'Oon Laah, inaiana u.; ilichaBo, J W McClflhkey. New t|A. .0 . : OS m etar . hurdles, )(lBBi»fi»,-Vew V o rlU L C.; 110

' EVEm N G TTl^ TWtN FALLS: IDAHO « d By ,.J a a u jrv 27. IflHfi.,:

T B L E l'H O N B 3 8 '

P o x ' S h o t s


• T>la SUIiuPoat OKIm . Api

STTMOKITTIOV 9J^B[Or <^iTl<r In Advtne*

By*{l»n* Wl*hm~'id»hO, -.Bt-MHIT Oul«ld« Iitaho. On» T.

*n n|(te«ii r«titr«« by law or"BlTora«r of cojlBTof i»mj>«{!nrjd^»IToIl5


;; A l f r e d E : * S m i t h , o n c e t h e D e m o c r a t i c c a n d i d a t e f o ^ t h e p r e s i d e n c y , a n d n o w t h e m o u t h p i e c e o f th e A m e r i c a n L i b e r t y l e a g u e , p r o p a g a n d i s t s o f s o - c a l l e d b i g b u s i n e s s , , h a s . s o u n d e d h is p o l i t i c a l , e u l n g j '.

e f e a t ^ d - i o r - t h c - n o m i h a t i o n - i n - 1 9 3 2 b y F r a n k l i n — !o o g ovcl> : t h e h ^ r o o f t h ^ sid m v rtH -s n f f t o v Y o r k ;

:— w a s , b i t t e r t h e n a n d t i m e h a s o n l y s e r v e d t o m b i t -f e r h im f u r t h e r . ' r - “ — ------------

H e o p n o s e d t h e c h o i c e 'o f t h e D c n i o c r a t i c — - t h e n , a n d i t i s 'd o u b t f u l i f a j i y t h i n g t h e p r e s e n t acl

legal; atKint bo n u a ^ t «tur< oooa. cfauod from odd room to anoihcr b y ■ m a l t oloBtfDS ftrmy.

, “I’m Eotog to lha Ir tra r j and read *d 'H o u r or two." Nancy said. **Mnyb« wbeo 1 le l back I'll

AaefJn in your room rf*h{ t w t j . Mftyfi* U won’l ja k # two hour*. Your e u ru ia i tr « sp «nd- Us« m *« »widown.“ - .

MOTTJ »boot lU "_N «n«

THUMP, TKUM P (Aimed a t the Fellew Aiwayi

Wearing Leather Heel» and Metal Heel-Tap»)

Olackety clack,There goes Jaek . - - • • Oow'n the walk athumping.

Da n a * 11(1 Ronnl# * c r * to »-ttSTrled Frid ay .-T h la - * »

WfldODiday. an4 aU tbe Uilnga Mrs. Cameron thooibl ebould o* dooa in hOBor ot tba oecoelon woro 'lD pr,qccM ot bclDB tcoom- p]]sbed.

• keept the'publlc jumping

r v , - jib e bou# only tbst brief-w blie vbon bo-eaiDfl JlO_take .^ n a awax with blm, iho booB« niuet Bfl Broomed and'eblnlng. As U al»aya

■ ^ r ~ t i s - e I d : i ) o l U i e R l r a s s o c i a t e j - T ' r a n k l i n - D . - R o o s e v e l t — Professor Pill

= i - ^ : :^ H © - b e r f t t e s - t h e D e m o c r a t i c .c o n g r e s s in m u c h th e rS a nH iifashion^afi a cani[]w fiJier of. th e o p jw s ite poliLi-am pM ^fiJi'

c a l, p a r t y T a r a w s i h e a p | )la u s e o i ' I h i i L lb f l t J y ^ ' . l e a g u e r s , a n d d e n o u n c e s t h e p r e s e n t ' D e n io c r a f l t T

I m i n i s t r a t i o n i n g e n e r a ^ _________A1 S m i t h i s n o t t o b e d i s c o u n t e d a s a D e m o c r aT ; bu i

. .. . . . . m i t l T e a d " e T T i O a s " b e c n . " s u c e e s s f u l . S h o n i . o f t h e ' p o w e r ' t J i a t .o n c e w a s h is ,

- ^ e - o i i l y e m p l i a l i z e g - h i f f - s h o r t c o m i n g s b y c h o o s i n g ......................................

, HW two- i tCB --------- _ . . . .. . . 'rartalDB down and put t iem ucJu{.lii .rolurat&6 .^aQ(l .Nancy

CONTEST W INN ER for l a s t a n d crisply- week wc ix! clH({ to cav, f« Veg/eiTbo *blD# o i ibe Tncua.ra cloaoer M to . Hi. Men heard in arerr room .1

■ird to

'• d e s c r i b e d - i n t h e t e i p n : ^|sour f^ r a p e s .__________ _______ _.■ .The Happy Warrior is ho longer happy wft ch is

Tsad, nut ne may iind ms needed comfort In tR^roldi of the American Libertyn[e^Tenvhicli^e__hel^ to ci-adle.’ ,, ;•___

-flncMs It prmlcntly. lolled mopa. had eono into tbctrTHK . HONORABLE menUon own aginn. - •

d in ners thU time w fw Windy HnT,- " Bftl‘al)7 1 ir*plrH.-ira8:b#cV-rB-th«- ......................... ....... ;g<»4 -oU -dfty«. .camellin g ,tlio_ton^ herr-wboa-RMBW^anOkad-

■THIS W EEK W E are glvlng,taglon oflici.m lgirosf’ nsood.a bloomlns under tbe

the licBl short'verse, mtttlmum:nn .in f Kn iHg' lip

your pencil, ship your brain chll- dfvu' to~Pot“Shot8,' who'‘love!*'-all- brain children In spile . or,_that Wa-stebaa k c to f hla?

couldl- HanciH .w lte wia.reba- rooni. “ Bni U 'I m . jou 'fl onlj doaplae m e .*/ '

Thay w er» almost, bome. Im- pulslTely. itonnlo pm sed bla tool down -aod tba car* pasttd tbt Cainoroa ~bon>« ^ a burst «l

----- .’.“B h 0 o .C

"tt'a * long walk to U>a llbraa.“ har aunt aald. ‘•It yoo'H wait «wbl)» AgtthR^oa i>u« wiO ba back and Dana eoald drln yon thera.” •

-Wo thanJta, V i ratfiey

DvrlDx tka aftamoon tta pbosa rang. Aont Allen nn iirm d^or nla waa eaUlsc Dana.

“Daoa’a down town. 1 tbtnkaJja-11 be Jfl-fooK--------- --- ----------

T i l drop by on'my way home,

It's geltlns.lato. 1 wooder It you'd' ffllm^-yoin* b r lo f-b e r ."

sinrt walkiDg borne sd er dnrk be- ehs conld send ibom tor her

InU ap p o are in ST yw r

I uasBilDs open twfo

"Honnla 'aald.

fair t o 'tell' ns«“Tea," Naoey Mid. aa tbonib §b«

bad m l> ad -A i^ .4 Klalen ot aomi kind. *‘t • Well. 70s

1 don't Iblnk jron’ra m lly In lof« wltb bar e ltta r.*

'Too b'ar«B't M o v aee ol.aniH in yonr bead.” Bonnla aald angrl-

.raon !T t.U itj4n »b_o «,f^ _aw y

Wben Toa -vtra > IHUa toy yoa were alw ayr eU klni aft penoUi tor girla. Wbe&'yon got'back trom collece roo/itarted blndiag « l

a e J i lo i beartA Now tbai D ana 'r-b ^ R .U bora brokeo tbap anybfld^B ,bearlL:TW_kilow. yoa start picking op tbe plocaa and niitiint tfirn toitthcr t a l f l . * .__

_ E A P i . J L A t . L O N . '

•NEW S B E H iN -D T H E -

. - 7 V ' -An E*cluilV6 Evening Tlmea Dally Report on uie rut-m oTln* Event* In the Nallon’f Capital

«» ttxpertJBterpreler and Corrimentator.(C X w ri«bt.ie58.B yPm nlM aU ot»K .

ward v m . They arc. tbe French.Parisian auUioriUea Jxave good

inalde reaaons fo r siupectln^Tttuit

baa drawn Great Britain. - S X la conaldcrably more friendly ot- wsid GerraaBy. Hla private ^lant Is that France too often haa tued Britain aa a poUUcal tool on Uie nmtlnenL If It wew left to Mm. a t .would.DOt .U f e l t S e r ^ . l ^ e ^or-O enaasy.-but-uae-tha-BrlU ihiMianee of-power to keep boUt from endangering the peace of Europe.

Thia uaderatandlng of the new king’a aentlmenta will never be nseaUoned offlcUlly, but Is-so well Isnown am onr a few high-ranking diplomata' -of the world Be-ticyDnd Question^

M A K C t Stopped t^T breath. WbeX nbim lb" dian'l—spwlr,-

And-.tbere!^-<LHly—one_idan-.«bo coQld help !Dan&. Sbo'i tn love

and. Tou. kaaiT It.Ronnte aald. ljoan(ly> “Toa're

oiii . f yniiF tiPHit. l >Mgd Dana long betoro she y t i t i , married ^cotir"A bd If sli'e 16fe'lT'*inir-ftr tnucb. why did ahe lea Ts hlmT'

donjf, !to«w -T.enythlsi-

Furthennorc, Ednnrd la ktio«n to bellevo th a t ateps should be token to l»pR>ve relations betweenthe German- and EnglL-*------- >~Ho docs not-Uke Hdler, m atotala -» genuine fcfllng of Iriendablp fOT-«h^G*muH»-pMple. That what wua behind hlsj

lino also, leaving Mra.- I ear far back . She akated back tbrmigh the sleet to find It and ■ aa la to - fv the train,

^ g ^ g outh,' a few monUia-back.

to AUanta. Definite arrangemenla I made th at the 1 0 cara leav- Wann Spring ahould be kept line. V ^ en the motorcaoe

reached F o rt -MoPherwn, the Geor^ft-«oogT«samen-aad AUantft. commltteemtti raia « d -c ^ n j^ th ^ a _

dosen car* up front. They pointed out lhey-wep« u p -fo r reclectlon and they wanted the voUra to ase them early In the parade. Th« accrcla iy campromlscd. Jetting4hrefr^ngr«aglonal cnra In »p nfur__the Preaident. _________. •

Roosevcjt gainerca legnl au. >-tacra and congressional leader* around hla desk tbe other day tnr a heart-to-heart talk defining tlm legal Unes of the old and new farm progmaw.

n niid

^vhat couldn't. Tliey did. Thl

.-.iitM iipMt about that. 8 0 M-cro some ot the British .mhi- l»trr«, .nJthoush It did not get] ^ t^ at-lttc-tlm ei— _ I

iint<»l)'.~ the 'g’ii**‘*‘'’' " g~nd '__ —journed ia .th o depths ut doubt. ' ..

0(1? entkJCat coitgrrsstoaa) Ieu<;. - er Mild he-had had a fairly cle^r

-VW jfO uiilnXM 'n'^.ll.l* yon for-the lr pfrtu rliiitlon.vnder a microBoop*. to i j 'f t ye

im ^^ oim le. • I n e w saw —

_ 1plain i t


BctlvUlos with exciting clahc*.fro™

a departmoot.aloro vould arrive.

. nooo. I'm n ot'tfnink ; isn aba mooshlc—hlc. It goes 'round and 'round." . ’ _ .------ _____ —The bucheii

.. _ LIFE’SrSANGTlTY _ , . \ 4 ' Washington ia not the only p l a c i d I i te tSey have been^inqumng into the ". J te y have been inqumng___

i . ___ A r o y a l c o m m i s s i o n - h a s b e e n s it t in i ! ; , i n ^ :i " g i n g m t h B r i t a n n i c th o r o u g l in e s s ' I h f o i th e :

t.................... .......................... .................................................. ...


!U ;-R . Jipped tells us abont~h apeed. 'well he should s ee an o T fn c le -o fT i--------------------------

Already, there bad been aarmU- mg. One ot the aldi bad Queried: '•Wbot%-golB-- to-happen-’found hereT- Wever-aaw-aleb golBg-ona ^eopt te r wtddlDn.”

. . . „ . . . „ _________ . ____________Ot■*5 S i i m i t i o J i r T r a k e r s r a T i d - s o n r e T r f - i t s - b e s t 'p a y ^ jf l i T ^ h a s

been found in_the footprints of that mystfiripjas an rather sinister gentJenjan, Sir'Basil ZahaiwfiU 1

The commission mai>aged to slide a witnes ;^hair under the dignified person, of Sir Herbert A . L av ^ -

T.'^ renpp, chairman of Vickci-s, famous fnr itsS nrpduc- ‘ tion of war materials, ' . _ _ _ _ _ _

~l{jf~Prprhgrt ilid-ini-i'jg^?i-4mtjei^ifec

old boy will turn out the light at jg b t and move ao faat that h e la

in g , j i i a k i n g t h e c u s^ to m a ry d e n u v ls th 'c e r s h a v e ' J in y w is h t o s e e w a r-

P h i l i p G ib h .s , __pn h im f o r i t .

1 n u 'in h o i ' o f t l i e c o in n n f is lo n ,.lp o u n i

In Jiis sl.'U t'm en t S i r H e r b e r t r/’fe r re d to o ru h le b u t n e r lia p s m i.staken id ea l- 4 'esn i‘cU n g s a n c t ity o f l i f e a n d tiie in iq u ity o f w ar.* ' S ir P iim n e d ia te ly fjiiiz7A'd liini a l)o u t it.

“ I th in k ," s a id th e ch a irm a n o f V ic k e r s , “ lh at . QUcatiyn o f th e sa n c t ity o f iu u n aii l i f e hak ai

In m 'S n eo n o x a g g e r la c d tn Die dl.'^advnntago ,o fla in (ith o r fa c ts o f i)u)ilic l i f e . "

— “ I)(i v o u ( ju n k y ou ciiu ld tbi* in ito f w a r ? * ’ a sk e t i —

'*Y ^ s 7 .T t l 1 1 iT i r T ” .•an7’ ' n r i t n l T I i t ' t i : n a te ;

L in k * im in t c n tio n a l'r ( tv ( !la liin is l ik f tin s c a ii o f m o re in ip o r ta iic e tli.-in w cig Jily di.HtliwiiivH co r n in g p ro d u ctim i HcheduloH a n d p r o fit-a n d s t a te m e n ts ; fo r w h ile il is g ood fo r uh to f in d out we c a n a b o iit U ie w ay o f w a r, tiie w e a p o n s w a fo u g i it w ith , a n t i th e d iv id en d s l i ia t aru m a d e tli fro m , a r e ta n g le d a ll lo g tilh er, i t is e v e n m o re

HE-8 FA ST, TOOPol Shota:; All thcM guys talking about

their epecd—shucka from n r them. I knew a fellow who BQ lipcedy he got out of his clothes ^ » l Into bed ao fa s t that his just kept aUndlnft- u p .^ _ cll(\n-t know he'd left.

■' --------: ■ ■ ■ -^ sre rm a tr

WHAT'S A MONTH OR 6 0 7kill' r o t aiiota;

DfHli culemlnr cnnu' In llie nn fiH w k-from tln‘ I><-lweH«w-hoi ,

wUli i i .v fr y nlco ciiul <iff<TlHK kHHnn‘’ri ^.foflinj;'’-"Wliul

WK HAVK NO h.ilutlon to llie ■*t In ioiliiy'ii rol-

yuni, IL wuM lyiii'cl on ii puwtal cani rcci'lvc'cl by .4. Clauil Slrwnrl nt till' Twin ViillH pollcc ilrimrl- mnii. n wiiH niiiMi'il m Hrniili? nnd ti.UlrcBm'cl I., "J.itlK.- <.f r-llcc" hrri!. Tliu ( un>itnl)iiliuy liiiu no in.iro fiiclfi oil It timn (In yr.ii I'ul Hn-itn r«-ii(icr.f. wi- <ifrc i' n iw u

limit' l<> NhnvjH'M iiji .vi’Ui'■i j 1:;t I':i';t i n (1 a i i i u j t v :

sat down opposite her. inqtfUlhg, "la tb f lt^ e Irlod of lltoraturo you cat upT Ahd wbon did yon start rcadlDg thlnn hpslde dowatr

color nnniled Naucy*B‘ “fi '‘Mcllo Ronnie. 1 gueaa Dana acDt ifon to brln‘8

'You're a bom- g o ^ r . - I bflTffn'l i iMin Pfipfi I iuaehwl ifltH~he'r"*i!~noonr'l~hnderfl«5od


boaaa good wlthont fiavtn’ i

caow what cleanla’ la. When i ” Jft* wia. -yo^ •ouIda’L .lln ^ ji

was UklDg an 'edlcatlon.' •

D 0 7 R Daaa and Nancy bad V moved qoleUy la-the m ldit ot cbaoa. ITra. Oamoron and Dana woro shopptbg. Nancy bad pleaded « headache aod remained a t home. Attnt'fillea beard bar noviag atBa-

He does not entirely share the bttllcf lhat polltictanB should be pcrmilted to run Britain's affairs. He wiU work quloUy, -buC ho has

'L ittle bird told tae." ' ■Annt B U e a r K ao cy langM

a~lUtl^~A BdTI»t^i I'eanyie cl_il5E ip ilon r.

Ronnie nelpcd Nancy Into tier coat. I t raddeoly atmek him Itiat“T ain t BO waddln’ *taP." Sarah ,

-Ued.gllMy.. "OnrM tnlka Mb w w k tog tbla. and tte re.wera Bhaaows ang^'ber~eyee:H»e~ thought depresaod kira, «Ba>

IndT;-B e tnmed tod n e t N a o ^

mourntul eyaa. Sonstbing Ja tAalr exproislon shocked him- ‘ Better tell Brother RosDle,” Ronnie ded with a cboeriulncaa he not tooling.- ..- I . wlaha-Could_QlLJ_wifth. 1

SENATORIAL PRICES* The rtaaou Uie Democratic sen. alora" cohllhue • h'alTpThgTon- -AnTKi 'lions Chairman Nyc’a outside I., come from apeech-making Ia» be- causo they were -Upped t_^t. he

• 2 almoat SlOtfO that wav in ’ wce}<. That is , ho Is au|i-

poscd to have collectcd lhat'mijch In-expcnac'a and "honoMrla’’"fro m ''

lieatlbna beforo whom he <le-On_mQfC.^V'''-<wl nrlilm.


will he a good new ncUv cnee fqr peace.' All the top dip- i loniatfl in Waahlngton are person* « Blly fond’ of him.

iHNii:There 14 a strong .lip 'o u t-ln -

New Deal cfrcfes th a t .

I t is now poasible to purciinse

girl, »a»ey. g Uttla gtyl when be. He *a a wish­

ing; vehetnutly. that bk hadn't kissed lier./ 1 • ' ' , '

tTa N > w tlaqed .)

^ k ild x m

16 Y E A R S AQO

The city counrll liifit nij;lil nuriitl lo iiiainliitn Ihe lnurlHl pi

nnj; tlie siunmfr when n Oeli'


a l l ■ )8re- ital

th a t w e iu iow jUHl w lia t f«)rt o f mt-n th e w ai'-n iaK ers «iri>.

• • •

JL in i ia n l to g e t an exacL (h 'f iiiilitm o f th e th in g w h ich wi; pi'i/x* iis civ ili/.a tlon 1 l)ut a5.siiredly one o f th i‘ ti lin g s th a t iiiakt! it iiidhL w o rth p r i 's e rv in g in the sl()W iriow th o f th is b e lie f in llie Humility <>f lim iiaii J I fc .

'I’lia t w a s H oniclliing o f wliicli th e ea v e iiiiui n e v e r d i 'e a ii ie d ; il f a m e in to b e in g by lo n g a n d p a in fiil Slagt'S, w ith w iclu 'd cilifH a n d b iirn e tl liniiuisteadH

. a n d Htark er«mHes to m a rk ita ro u te , a n d i f w e lose r ” -------I r w T io R c th o -n o u l o f civlliK allon it««U.

iiKl L'hliii'M K‘' l 0*' 'r " ' " ony r.llyi i>ollcemui> will pkk lilni U|i

iivcnllitiitlon. guli;k (or two or I cliiy«. Kiml him i:<'t nothing. hriitis liny lim i: o iu l Dwit Jc

him K<* 0 1 1 1 ' or rlvl tlniin tliii pii " '■■iiiiin j>lck iiio ii]>, (Ulrr U:l ni

), tuku pr<ipoity from inu luid If. ...'st time, any placu they pick mo II).. 1 will tell liim where 1 get evrrythlng ami lio will pul samtf In IxK'k nnil I will K«'t H'ci'lpt. If you i;et |l,OOO.l)U iMiunnnd ring, ha tun Itilie U niicl ki'ep tl. Nn lilutf,

I ' r o i m b l y i t 1h tjiiHy f o r a m a n g r o w n r i c l i o n t l i e s a l e o f t h e to o lw o f tU -alh t o lo s e Ihi.H b t 'H t 'f , H u t w h e n h e d o e ^ i t m g o o d f o r im t o f i n t l i t o u t , U o in p h a s lz c a t h R M liv is in n t h a t h im i a n H o e iiity m im t

tv y ‘1 lie I (ifricK tiiki n. t.'iiii not

THEi n 0PKbP<«lNG I’dl Hholii;

I would Uk>i lo toll you ifl <wiv<'r/w(l<m J ovrr)ipjfi

. -'Oh y.'h. Iiu'n Ju«t a 'm.irvcl, Mrn. CliniU'rliiii'. .Jiinl aboul a pcrrci't child*-II i;ijc>d «in(ter ami rriilly ll'ti Ininr to i-iiiint tliu A’n liu Hrlii ijji hln crtvit, Why, hr wuulilirt hmi.Ue nr dilnli tor the wnrlil, anil r»ewln;t in fa r lielow Huminy'tT'' ‘

n story

B y O liv e I to b c r ta B a r t o n

Mtirthri cnme home from'nchool ilon't - l? - I hftvo tn go with the

bureau ot parka imd m - • - i)ic «l ’}uyi;ri>iii>ilii nppenrcd l>e/nj'0

niunicipnl body and nnkell th at the irl/imeil to the luann th at |siii'iiiK luTiinKi'j^'llli lli«.owner ot TUc irrmniit. ^ ~ •—‘i‘hr-ttelegetWin-wa*-l»w«UMl-Li ,T. Flnoh, chairman >if tho bureau, n r. W. M, Dwight, M. O. Mtlchell, Pull Allen, Anhcr ii. Wllso Nt'will H, Wight.

il liMiUed at tho hall .clock, minutes jiaat four, Hho would ( practlco- until ten nilnulcs past ) five, No. mnybo alio would ilo Ihel "Hut see how nicely Miirthii

II r Imlf aftiT dinner when her coincfl homo and practices. Kh<i ilher was dnlng tho ilishcs.. keppa clean,'too. She never wor- .Slie Hot tho cluxmometcr to rli'a me Iho way you ^o. Cun’l you

. goiMl boy T" I am a tood kiy. I ' ain’t ii

meanlo. I just forget. I'll alny ctcan - tomorrow,- Mom, lion a tt.::, liut ahe knew ha wouKIrv't. Half

. ■ ho turnedIxiek. ”1 want to kins you. Mom."

T h e-ch b ■ • • • •

l« o .« r j; l i l , ' Do .v.iu knov

tinili r plans workiid out by (he Imri'nu Iho eapucity of tho park will Im? douhh'd thbi year. Ono nnro was uBfil lor tho purpose of pro- vi.llng for the acoommodaUon of the tiHvi'llng piiblla Iasi year. Them wan not nultlclent room to

imoiiitlii all applicants. Two.........will Iw UHPd this year duringihfl months of heavy travel,

ition wft» poatird by the c|ly hint nlKhl whleli will re-

,i|iilre all rulurn fireman niiiillranln til nlanil a phynlcal examliialloti l>y II iihyslclaii,

I^mny-No. Uul t)ierc'/i a anl

mal Mown a t llio nilliniid iiml a1l/lila lvan> " ,4l|ld

and mother aighwl. "1 wImIi Ihp diUdren were more alike. Miirthu never given mo the h ast bit ot Iroulilr, hut I never know where Ix t m y II

Kveryhnily, Inciinllng teAchrrn, remarked at Martha's strong

of duly. She kept her head aliovo her and Jtn«w uvrry mlnuto Junt What sha waa next,

What Escaped’>(otlc«

27 YEARS AQOTlie Tv ln Vb IIs poultry oah|l»lt

iihirlril <ml Wltb a flourish this ling when the dmirs of the rJnk I thn)wn)oi»n to tho vWtnra, n full of cankllng. crowing li's anil rmistiTfl woi-n ranged

. O n . i m e s i d e , w a r ; o n th e o t h e r , p e a c e . O n tm e a id e , th oH e w lio d o u b t t h a t l i f e is e s i i e e i a l l y n a tu e d o r w a r ( ' .s p e c ia l ly (e i 'i ’i b l e ; o n t h e ( tU ie r , I I m)« o w ) jo a t i l l i i o p c t o W!t‘ t h e r a c e r in e a l i o v e i t s l i in i ta llo n H a n d r a a r c l i f i ’o iu t lm d u a k o f e u v ly m o r n i n g I n lo f u l l

d a w n .

W « a r e n o w t tp i ) r o n c l i in g t h e p o l i t i c a l p ^ r io d ' w h e n l J ) e fllig h to H t j a r t o a r a d i o m a y h a v e A m o H

'. V A n d y o r y o t i r f u v o r i t o c r o o n e r m id d e ii ly . " Y l o w l n g S v ith m n i w

TTn -^ vrnfO Tr .ti'lliiiK m« and h« wmihl*

n’t iliink or ""lluui|i|il lh i mual hr a sli>sy,

rd ralhrf iiavu my HmIh'iI ilumb UIBII iKt Iihu th at, /litminy i>t yournl"" T r t M I ' i m t - p -----------------

ipriKfi ...................................rnrlv lo esUmato the tiitiU

of Ibu show, yet lh« mnniigemenT (n ilt'tlghfml over the iiiannor In which Ihn fiiMoJei's ot the county Imv tliii

II rrniMmilbil and tlm peiipla of o iimly will m rlv e a «uri>vlno

(ivcr the varlftiien nnd lirntdn r* '

U ». JI(S|)«<I


I iiotlri' wUuin u fiiniiiun iloi'top nitys III) <h'vli'<i will ilniOKii th aliiipa ot llie aililR

At lhat,'I ikm’t au|)|>onii you <• rail .liw l.iiuln a iK'Vltr. .

->Allia Lete

fAM OU S UAUT t .lN t ''•. . . A oinie c a ll-h o t It


3 I I 2 ' ^ ' ’ A V E F. C UST OM T O W I N G

P H O N c S ' . ' : ■«TW IN P t I . I.S

of trionilH, but no clone one». One |)orBon was no more Important toher than another, 8hn h ......... *llkcible, lilt not too tikioontormed, but usually In tho way Kho wlahed to. Not always, how­ever, ■ Bho rather glorltlad In m ar tyrdum and doing (hlngs nhn pre- terred not to.

l/inny straKgled In after s while. llQ called ujmlalra, "Vou home, morn? Hero I am. oughta seen what I naw, ^om« lilg umpaa or sonielhlnK lh at filled a-whole frelNht car. You

’ ■ Wm luiiirt.— Wttmn-

iiut of here, vlp......................Mutner heard. Hometliing in her

tigbtcnwl and ached. She knew tho tnitft. i t was pn( L o m y Worried nboul, hiiLMartha the per* feet, the heartless, the precise. (Copyright, IB80, NltA H rv. Inc.)

You May Not Know That—

A livinR pprsoii )itiR nl- reudy Imd i-rcoluil in Iho T w ill Kulla (icmotury, ■ K m oniim cnt over iiis pro^j-, {}fioiiya grav't>i oarvptl w])}i Ilia nnmo lyHWblrlh tliito.

-T-W. Wllaon, Michigan

f'lly. 1 ml. wiH» him been vjBltlng for Oi» iHKl fiiw days with Ur. II,W. I'll.... link di'pnrluil fur hln himiryi'fitcnl«y.' Tim ijoclor was so well tilpiinud with Twin Kalin thnt ho made some |iiv«flmri|tn inink’. li<’ ni'iiy iVnicluiln to retm Ik' i« In llin Nprlng and mako th

oOt'fl was lUNloniAry lu mUI miilrnii'iidi a fhi'ir of '

hiiiimi In Fraiiro, for i


il* lime* imithi'r camo down, aa always n«i;casury to nhecU

I.,<mny up, tn see It he still had • •• shoos, l« th ears and his

,1 . Ills ololhu uaiMlly had tn

ihant for wrestling, and U jollier WHS rrmvenient, IK) much the lirtter.

Today he waa a mess. He'd had to piimmi'l his way to Ihe front lino to see. and some of the big

his iMoks wtr« npap<rs site haiT gluotl.............

Ill lsMi<i’N, "Oh, I/inny,

Pinochle Party H^eld . T o 'H on or Birthday

r i u c n , Jan. a t (M|>e<ial)—Mrs.

'fhureiUy evening In honor ot Mr. lAtKaaler'B birthday, 'fh rfe tables ot pinochle were at play with high aooroa going tn Mrs, Richard Davis aod Homo WalkDV.

Ouesia were Mr. and ^trs. Von

Walker. Nr, and Mrs. Richard Dq- via. Mr. and Mra, Don Shaver MUb Alleo Flslier and Harry lliffirit

era huiu

Tlie newt*Ihp

lug'lM IftMfi". "0)1, ■.......... iiike mu want (o cry,.chldeH him.. “ I don't km»w ti> do wltb you."

A Hoj'a 2,«gl<>••Well, woullin't you want to

«M? I hsvfi to iro tn see im n ji,

fiettinsUp Nighto

The Pennsylvania Mrmorlal, QtUysburg

CO M PETEN CE— /o p tllo Jlnim t !"«*» oumiMllinR nioUvo In , Tlie'

tliiiintinn a l oni' trnditioii f o r fln o f iin o r ti tilreo* rlo j), JU'tfiirdtoiut fl{ llio fn c t tliAt tliln. truiViUoa (iiiilii'iKicH nil pliiiHcs o f our Hcrvicn and onvflrB flvory Hltuallon, tlio lOiiirgfa iu r d ireo llo n liy u t .urn Iilu'ayg Wininnnlily l»w T«qnt,.l«i[an y lypo o f h oi'vIi1o,iuo thvfcyn wMnoineil by nvftry ini'inln'r o f lliii f irm ’ll profi'HHloiml Bluff.

WHITE JViORTUARy. INC.£Uam m f.m m au-



PATTpRN 0766 .Who' &moDtr ua couldn't <3o

H new. mld-Bcason frock? E^ho aamverB—"Who IndMdT” So h e rd Marian Mortin’a ■uggesUoa for tWa,nted.':J)oem'lJuat.aQo,kln6 ai I t make you want to allp U

3 'tcrm«Kf conn'ini^l' you m ow, ror your la;

HONOUJLU. H a\*li, T. j&n. .27-:(Speei5n=n?rrHiRn3UK W. H. Burkholder of Twin FftltP, Idabo, w bo-arrivcd ■ at this mld- .PBclUc- American port ja o . 0 aboard the Matsotf express Hoer jLurllne fo r a atay of Iniloflnll'e length, a rs living In the Walklkl b«ach district o f tho. clly . They have mado no reaervalions an yet for thelc ^ lu m voyage.__Pcfore retgrning home they n\ayvUJt tb« S . naUonol parJt - islaiHl ' ■■ "

w aaa't a. tlme-aaVU. None of the «tyIe-was-s*criflee<},-bowtveri and you’ll find thoBc.easy-to-cut and ^

and awlflh of Individual The *klrt'fl penclt-alim, gle gore and knee flare: Neat darts over tile btut-gfre «2upe}{nesa And ■oft fullocsa to ihfl bodice. Choose a bright crepe, aynthetic aheer or — we almoat forgot-r» aprlng-Uk< -yriBtr-<3oBiplet«r^>lag»»mro«d-Mr t U a MarUn Sew Chart ii^luded.

Pattern 9766 may be ordered only In fllies 1C, 18, 20, 30,' 32. 34, 5«, S8 aniriO . Size 18 a u irea 3 u yards 30-&ich fabric.

send nFTEEN-CENTS In coina

Me>-fr, four month« old dauRhter o( Mr. and Ura. J&l<c Mcycr,~\\ho died O’csterday ot 10 8 . ni, a t llie

orTttaw ^ »rcomg~prg -eACU-MAKL4N^AKTI.Vpatt«ri B 0 sure to wrJto' Plainly your

-NAME,-ADDKK!Wt, tho S T Y L E -JJU M BEIt .and S iz e of each pat­tern. ■ ■

Bo sure to send for DUH NEW I PATTERN BOOK and seo howl .easily your Spring wardrobo canj » f lM t -th»-lateat laahioQsl Dounfl

._Aonie - sketched, aomu

evening at & 1 - given by Misfl Virginltf

.iflss MorIJyn B ri« e a t the home c t the former. GueslsXwere seated at

crimson tapers. O o v era -.V erc- - marJceii w ith place' cards a '*

cups r«f]ectlng a'W l^ntine“ T----- X*..-..-Calendar' '■

__________ Conimunity_, jhurchiLndW- ---AW-BoclelyHwHTS^neit-Wedne^

AKltANGED B Y C L t t f

i dub, Uieir families and guesta w6to present over wcok-end 5t"&5V<aHy.wlnlsrp!C0icUeW»t

e o l Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher ,.ng. An-7dB&»'pioijuct«^in« s a^rv-ed tho j g ^ p and was • * I cart_ games arranged

•fiieiurci-Riiiff' B ty m a o tiies hlnlB.‘- p n « c fH r ‘ for “ th o - whololfamUy. _riUCE_OE_J10QK_i''II!=j TEEN CENTS. BOOK AND A PATTERN TOOETUEK, TWEN-

, TK -FIVE CENTS. - .•I— Bend-youp-ordey-to-Idaho Kve* ning. Times, paltcrn department

bers we^o voted on and invitations usaMr-Plans ..wuiu - lUstr-diactutKd for tho annual firring d.incc given by the club.

Choir o f the Golden Rule Sun- day-sehool will roc«t ^Yed^esdBy

. . . tveniag_ . l n - ,Ujfi..: Cr - - church parlora.-v/— ance-to-requealed.-

M agici-Y "club will m eitrto .' day a t 8 p. ra. a f t h e home-of

T M ^ y iureiniamniuitPi savgntBr avcnue ea s t for initiation and a. aoclal flcsslon. • • . \

Mra.j'C: P . Hampton.

skil^^^^’ R^jl road" a n d ' ‘'Ti-aveiln'.'' fay M rs .,

Bridgadiers n^et last week a t the hom6T)fHWr<3cnrvlcTc-Tacfret forthe t c g i^ - c lu b . session.; Curing....

__ __ s-PlorencO'Lusk.jcHIc Long recetraJ—tho

w as under’ the direction of Beckley aiid group- Binging accofapanicd by Mrs. Ralph Taylor.

Order i f ,

w n ic ^ m p le Tuesday a t 8 p. ri

uCHti'were m e, und Mrs. Dup* son, and Mrs. J . C. Poe, Kim- bc/]y,-Mr. and Mrs, W. Clark, Mr! and M ra.^eH e-fieekley-a}itl-Byrd _


Room' mothers and members of the executive commltteo. of tho W ashington Parent*Teach-

18SCJC9 m viTA TIO N S ' M lsa.Keleh Severin was hostess

yesterday tem oo n to members of the Trl*C 'club’a t her home for a business sesaloiC Miss Frances W il­son, preaident.'was in charge of the meeting, during w hich new mem*

late Friday from heart trouble.Surviving her Is a aon, Lloyd,

Falrflctd;'twD-8)iteTa and a grand- sdnV Fftlrfleldrond another sister

Tho Ladles Democratic club of the Salmon tract will meet W cdaenlny-at 2 p. m. with Mrs.

• W . A. Farlev. northeast o f Hol- -T fiter . Mrs. H iud Kleiilkopf will

be In charge of the program. All ladies are cordially Invited attend.'

G E T t h e m o s t F ^ O M P fO U R


Dines Quality CoalL ' ' mined AT Dims. wyo. ■ ■E P R I C E S E

Snclc “A tV ard Dellvernl 100 lb*. C

S L U W P ... .- ................ $ 0 .00..... ;.......?0.76...._...... 80o g

.BOo. *B T O V B ........... .......... 8 JB .. .

•:»— NUX-w..._________ 8.26^« PWA

. 6.B0...

'M iiwa v .« f'enJor a ..........■81 .Chovrtlet Coup# ^;..,.,;.„iaT8 '84 ForO V -8 Tordor Sedvi f ~ '34 Ford V '8 Tudor Sedan | „ - ■SI F o ra Fordor Sedan ....4 2 0 0‘81 Ford Fordor S ed a n ......|:—■50 Ford Fordor S jd a n ......I■30 Ford.Tiidor SeU iK .......,|“ isfna■83 ^ 8 Coupe. '89 iio«nM...|828 ■29 Ford Ooup« .................... MM'

■mffiKS *^^ucKa“‘TOua. -‘20 I^ord Truck ............... .....IIW'31 POnl Truck.

131.W,?, p y i ..... .............

■38 V.B Truck.IM W .B. p W .....................»MB

...................H ..

Cosh or Terms I t P a ;» to a«« Your Ford- D e»l« ffTml


_ ^ A isto u -llM -T h o lu Jrp m O .B .l . P iu u m je iJ lJ fo t , P B o n ! m B . i| ix w o o p , g iir . r f i o m s7d

o t U E S D A T S P E C I A L


o v Ie r h a u l e d

1. Pull all four «b««ia to Inspect lining.

* '-£ ? * p Im ,* b ol^ Bttti,•prtnfs, eU.

8, Clean brake drums with >|4s1bI FJ itone Cleaning Bolution.1

-iqi|y, - dtrt,.

L b, Buff Ups of brake aU«a .lo prfcvant •■groan'l and •■ohatter."

«, i n m c t front b«w .u f p ro p irr««M .

make them fresh, crisp and spotless be(6re they cafi 1 worn or used again. Is th a t your job? I f i t is, you know it is a back-breaking, spirit-breaking job on tlie old >vash- board. U ttle wonder that the efficient E lectric Washing Machine h^s come into such prominenceiin simplifying the washday problems of millions of housewives and saving them eountlesB hours.'

You cannot afford to go on w eek-af^r week wearing your health and strength away waHhing clolfisL-byold-

this,hard wflrk for you at n cost of only a ffe^-centa ........" M r washing. ' --------

An Electric Washer saves dollies, saves tJme, saves money, saves health. I t banishes the drudgery associated with washday and m^kes ^washing • pleasant, easy task. No more scrubbing, no more back-brealdng, and no more needless wear on mateiials—these are the rewards that come with an Electric Washing Machine.

See the New Electric WashersOn 1)isplay at Your Dealers

Visit your neanat deakr >nil ace Uie new model £lec- trio W uhei» on diipUy. Let him aliow you tlie betterments ■nd improTementa that have been m ^ e . Ask him to dem­onstrate hov nncK It will m eui to you to have ai-modem —

your home. You wUl he convinced thatth is m eth od la e a s ie r , f a r t e r , an d (IW u lb ljr a cru b d o th e a c le a n in th e o U -fa a h io n e d y n y .

: a o a - p g E i i i i ; M m iU il); r a » W < iilU ‘J w ^ - ,

Priced at * 3 9 3 0

!■ «uv«r f« «.a kith ^MTRrT“»oK n l raW T T l



WANT-AD SECTION <Today’s Markets and Financial News


p P d g a t t q c t M W - a t h A T f c B . W A K ltD TO BUT^lOOO

L0W,mP-f-9-TOP-L O S T -B lttk Zipper brief c m .

nAL.MXk'Ot IQK.BkUS FO R 8 A U B -a b o iM t aU .w ^

located. Oae sew. Eanr tc n u . 8«« B .^ M o g o .'

FORD T COOTH ' Ruiu good, all gUuw 10?

" 126.00 _

V A S T U E ltT fl 9 0 K BEHT

M «SW »J«3W ^ R !B ra. . , im * B u a e^ U a . P r op^

Feed Pea*, 91.00 - c w t , g round t a u d Backed. W aahburn„_—[ Seed Co., Pb. 648, T w ^ a l

A lfa lfa s e ^ before m U ^ .Seed and Feed Oo^ Tw in Falli .

E S n U A T E B gladly g tT e D jn all

WAKTOD TO BUT— About 200 tone of cbolce hay, Pbone 1624 aftef 8:80 p. —

FU RN ITURB. WANTED — We buy uaed furniture, coal nmgea.

K u b Adulte only. ro n ^ lumber. Woodtawn Lus-iber -------Oppoalta Swift *

- FO B BENT-BOOBIBF ron t bedroom.-Phone 481-R.

(f room; Re* e people. Suite S over Fix- :4 -M iU a.A ve..N a.-:_____

CARBURVT0R8, C a r b a r e t o r parta u d aerrlce. F . O. H. Uotor Scnrlce. 380 .Sbotf»ne_ 8 t W.,

mcorered. Wool cardtaig. Twin 9 * ^ M attrea FWtary- IWtaiM


S E g P A T lO H a jg A lffE P ,

PracUcal nurae wiabea “ worit; PnU tim e if POMlblftr-Phope-lW^

Married man wants work of any kind. E x . farm band or truck

. . drlver— JaO U to iOng,. 7 0 W .-------

" 7 0 B B A L X ->

, 3 E lectric b ro o d en ^ -O iS O -R a .

J O R S A l iS ^ ld HickotT Smok- ed S alt to cure your m e a t-^ tb

led flavor. Dlngel


bold funliblnsii. Hoon'a. Pbone 9, Store Wo. i r r a i n e 816. Stow Wo. a.


yoar aaab or w v e . your. c a r ■ In.

D you ft bnal M uriiy Hou tmel^ Floor i

__________ _ «-HoufBnamel^ Floor and Unolram Tar> nieb dry* la two. hour*. W e alM bave a Wrfe ito ik of WaU Paper and Linoleum Ruga. Wby pay war pricea. .Pbona S. Moon**.,

We are In the Market for Af­fidavit and CertUted Cossack AUalts B ^ . . Gtad to h ave'


l S n»ll«a_»uUi, H llaxerm an... u ra.

'Pbone 6. Uoon'a.

L E G A L A D V E B T IS E H E N T 8

proralw ry note aBd“ ?eal e i l a l tmortgnge set forth ' ......... ..amended complaint, that_BMd :r c 9l_e8t ' ' to rrecltd , i ' .......... i n o

-to include, the real-ee- tate Intendwl by the partlM to be covered by-the «ame and to bo ln« d u d ^ thcreln,"aijd acelw.tbe (ore- closure of t)|&md.r««l.«etate-nort> gS ire^ tictied to m id . amended complaint as an exhibit, and the

Qlassified D irectory i

LIV ESTO C K ’ l l l E A I ’ F i y R E S ~ l L N. Y . S T O C K S Hsmsitu i^ iw ;- to p .)10.26; . w ! bulk 170 to 26 $IQ7iC ;--------

NEW YORK, Jan. 27 <i:.P)-.-Thc ' mnrkct cIobcU higher.

Of Twla Falla.ID.7GJ9.40.


510.15; most sows »0.00 to

14,000; calvca l,000:j

H A IB D B E 8 S B K 8

0%-er Roxy. S p e c la ls -12\4 to 60% reductions, Mra. BeAmer.

ilon pMsiWUtrcB.'lifi, senate’s ovcr-Hcllng. of the prcjil-

....... ........... . ................. ... deatiHl veto on the bonus hill to- .,_„rirnn9 unevenly elendy to 25 ccnla!‘*‘ y' holding: n n r r o w 1 Tob.icco H

weak to. 25 c - U j c « p p c ,oif; v e ry little i

M onday's levels; medium STa<leprc-:"'5>’® ilom inatinRj bulk of quality to wU ™ a t $10.00 dow n; beat early $11.50;

K laos U p-to-D ato U od-jbo th local and-.outnldo dcmanii

X S ^ y S A t l a n l i c RoflnlnK

Cd iip >■; to 1«4 ccntfl a hushrl. ' l^ lul’rn o ro 'i 'T M ii. ‘ CO „.W cm lH I n l l . t l o n .U lk » ■ .

te r tratlcra had I r ln l lo pu l p ilc fn ’ up by conCcntratlnK In n varie ty i.f group* du rlnn th e session.

F i rs t th e u tilitie s v o r c whD ltil 3 lo a new h igh in th e uvn;.j;i- g«;i‘ 1033. T h o ^ helcl.

— y Shoppe 230 6Ui Ave. E . _ 1356. Tw in Ff^’*

Pe rm anents. tt.CO to W.OO, A ll

s lu g g iah . Jiv aym pathy w ith slow ^

' a teady lo 25 cents low er; ^

'’ .Uendlx Avi

Uocilik' ........

'■i HliK-V.s anti lo 3 po in ts In the ]u<- ' i ie rrrd f. No.'tl th e uviiillons N'uint,'’« rorx ian l w llh D ougl;is h illing 70\ . ' i ‘up 3 -, polnLs and a now hij;h. Ki'.ll® U ]w tr t nc-\t, the avov,ij;e rising t,>

• i m t . Lu te in in .- ■

^ r k guaranteed to 'so llsfy. Comfe I mostly a t iflay <flHy at $b.tH) » j . j. uriSO C<'. .to 'and let u s h e lp -y o u -w tth -* « to S6.50;.cowb scarce; fu lly advice at Cb C0K0 .W0Uiaichi..-.\

.. „ ------1 opera tors, bulls 25 c en ts higher and vealers im porta tions of C h i^ .ik r Ci-n). . .K ipp., strong. . - wheal on a p»«/JfnbJc

S heep: 20,000; f a t Iambs opening lost'u lm a ll of an c.-\rly <“ 1- |Ci)iiiiiicrclai’'suivT’i

- n r cI 'l la v n'lmerfiU mmnillty ;o.-ks

O P T 0 M E T E I8 T

O R .’.W IL L IA ll D .' RaY N O L D S.liam bs n o w 'h e ld $10.25 to $10,35 ................. ...................M a to A V « lie B ootle-’— ^ f a n d nKovFTsheep In iiici^.ised n iim ^ C H JC A C O ,- Ja n ; - 27= iu irt-G r« in ;i> u p o n t <)« N em o

'hrm! Iinrforfnni' 1 T. 'ncf ,»in,% Wn.tnle

CKATTf rTA m .r..Com munwenllli & Sutiilu'H

cjirrleii h ighe r luiiowinK ; “ '• ; n t c pimKago or th e soldier h>.nus

'b ill t>ver m e prestdenl s veto. —*>*'(•!( -V<i1umc app roxim ated 3,090.(W<j . ' '^ - 'K h u re s coropurcci w ith S.r^O.Oi'l

■' jshaivR ye.sterday. C urb soles wi'm

. , , .• T T m i I undcrlonc w eak; feeding ra/ific;-P A I H n H f t-» « -J lB O p R A T n iO n s iH iM r-« iir c c ;-im iic jtt io n fl- i tc a a y i . - - O p e n- E * i B o i n n r a o - — — ------- ■ I

jCQUlinciiLiiLOiLiif_D.tliiw.iij;i:-..Jt‘L‘.i:j 1,2 : 6.000—shaisa ,, cuiiip;>rcd \vi;li iCorn F-roducl.s . . . . .... 7J> jlp5o;,)yo jihnres-Kri<iav,-I>u P o n t dft N em o u rs-..- ..,.:.,-..l44-'s.j ' Duw "76he.s -prcTlnilKnry c lrv fnp ' f':nstmaij Kmi.Tk ......................-------------------------- ----- ............ ....... •

A .,fn T H/. .

Painting. B. U Shaffer: Pboael

Lots three (9 ), four (4) and the Northwest five-(6) feet of lio t five <6),_Block.Fiftyffiv& -. (63) of Buhl TownstU, In Twjn

. Falls County, Idaho, a s4 b e sam ej s plattW on^tbe final and amended plat Ibereofrof -

—r«wMd-ln the office of the Re­corder o f Twin Falls County,,, Idaho, together with the tene- ^toenls,—hareditam entB*and—M ^ p u rte n a n ^ ' th ereC ibelongbe

_JD on't throw away m oncy'anyU teady; Blockers and feeders »low,i • j , . longer. W e ^ u il d your old shoes weftk; bulk steers and ycQilings tofv, ';? ’ r^-. kt- r r . , ««t 'tbe P f e te fy -W ,- lx .n i r aatf $V.5tf- to iB.SO: s ^ d medium ..... ’comfort * t new ec|onomy priccs. weights bold IfO.^I atid above; t

sh<maSt..W. Ph0DC.SM,.

* M O H B Y W L W i r ^ ^

WAMTED — Dead or tiaeless bor8ea,-wiwBrsliMraBdtegs.-Idafao Blde'C'TBDonr Co.-One-mUe MUtb

' ITwln F i l la Pbone conect Twin

(SEA L)HAUL a. B O m -

Resldlnff a t Buhl. Idaho. • CHAPMAjr * CHAPKAW— *

-rAttprwyH:*or Pim tM f.

M b n C B 'O F S H E R IF rS 8AXX

Bruley V 2& d8 t l

L B a i U . A D T O T I S E I g i p T B


state of Id«ho, In and for thi County o( Twin Falls.


S v U iU A M S T U A C T d U ■-------- ------------------ -—104 3rd Ave. So. TSvln Falls

........ ..

'Ksute o f araee U . also known as O n ee deceased. ;

JOHN M. WOODCOCK, some* times known as J . M. WOOD­COCK. JOHN M. WOOD*. COCK, Administrator of tbe B iU te of Eva Woodcock, de ceased, VBDA ifcCONNBLU and the Unknown Helni and. the Unknown Devisees Of Evft Woodcock, deceased.


RANCH FO R (JUICK SALBJ— 820 ucrea .7 miles from town on m nln -M ad r^u tb— FanflMt : f i ^ rfcnoed. ditched. 100 acres 1b klslke

Iju id oompoat, ore«k th rourt ■IdB. Ciood pr ■tank.

once. A ."V «rtlP,(l&mhJ Oft) -

TbA old SUtlM U Ainsteidam. 100 m tm

ti 'F b w ttr

a f K a ' i S ' i r i f e i i sTtmWi

TH83 STATB OF ID, n e e tin n to JO H tr^ ytp tr, someUfflei known as J . M.


VBDA McCONNBLL, and the Un­known Heirs and tbe Unknown

wttasM -of. Bva. .WoodWk. <Je. MMwd, Um above named defand- hta:You Are benby nolUiftd th at &

yartn««ad»d oomplalnt

f s f S T S W i . ’S f f lDlstriet or tbe 8 U U ofld ^ bo, la and for the County of Twla FiOlfc

ENOBAViyQWE D P m q - A i w ^ ' c :

printed. Uany correct style* to| choose from. Call a t tbe Bve-j

Times oMc«, Ar&

Frank A Terili and Wanda “ JTerrili. husband and wife;

iMny .OMAHA LIVESTOCK lJuly ......PO

OMAHA, Neb., Jan . 27 iUi:i

High' I^w. .Clo.'.-e lf,:icc. Auto LiteiKIcctiic l?i»wer & LilgbL(.icne ra l'W eclrjc .

IGencml KooiI.s General M otbra . Goodyear. T iro

31.03. un 0.21).

L ocal M arkets

- IntcrnBtional-TclephOTic-.T;::::7 -17ftf,Johns M anville ..... ...................106?;

" K ennecott «-^>pi>cr--------— .DCYiNO PR ICES

27'-i 27<!iLocw’a Inc ........ ......- — ------ 5Z»»:Solt .w heatWuiilKumcry ***" ' - '■•••

to »6.00;-practlcal tnpivc&lcrartlO. — Sheep; 12 ,000; no early saUa; talking 25c or more lower; on kill-' linp clasHen; feeders about steady; Ibest fed -wooled lambs-helil eboyc

- OGDEN UVE^TOCK OGDEN, Jan. 27 <i',P) (U6DA)—

_________________________________ ioK ffnrT 4T:~about“ « 4 M jr w itnL E G A L ' A S V 2 B T I B K 1 IE K T 8 1*“ week’s -extrem e close,' early A K V J i t tA W iW c n iP L p ^I0.00..m bccd driveias J0.7S StH H O N S FO B PUBUCATIONtdown; packing sows $ $S.26. . . ------- . . . I " - t t i e ; 271; mostly steady w tb

ly ....I

M ay:rrr43V jB----- -

Nash Motors ......................N(iUpnal Dali7 I'roduct.i.N afJ D istillery-:................Nnv York Central ...........Packard Motors ................Parnmount rictu ies ......Penna'.'R. II. ........... ...........

CASHGKAIN* Ipufe .................CHICAGO. Jan, 27 ilM !)-W bcat;;n„.„o""(i‘j,r,,.................

________. . Reynolds Tobacco U .........................

Com; No. 4 mixed 50li-68U e,,gj^ jg s to r e s ........................ 33^<a. m ixed 5 ^ ; No, ysJJ.owjschenlcy DlsUIJcni ' - ■

17^ 'Barley, a hundred .......Beana

...M e

• - u. S. C .'N . No, 1..........™:.:,52.SO-- 31-S XJ. S. C . N. No. 2...« ............ I2.S0•••• ’ •‘■ Small Reds, No. l .................. *1-70^ 1 ° Smnll R ed i.-N o ...;;- • “ 4 Pintos ...

- , Potatoes-O’* Russets No. 1—

hulk I ..:.6J 5c

ftSn.ctig: N o: s - y e i io w a e - 57''«c:A ....UL*. r.Qf,, K MrkitA* Pi'Jr* *—INo'., 4 -white 59c;

san^le 50-Q5c.—Oats? No. 2 while 33-33^c; No. 3 white 27% -32‘^ic; ‘No,- 4 white 27-27’4c ; sample 22>i-30c.

R y e:-nd .sa les.--------------- -----------, Barley: No. 2 Wisconsin 80c; No. 3 Iowa blighted 70c; No. 2

■ .Illloi '

- , Onions- (Loodcd C a n ) -

.€ 2 _ ' ValcnciaB,.2-to J Jn^- cw l^ «-4-14?—iSheli.Unlon Oil..,............. - ....... , l« U [valcncia«.3.1p. up,'Sim mons Ccy ................- ......... 23',i PoultrySocony Vacuum ............ ....... if l'i’ tcolorcd hens, over 4 lbs........ „-....13o—Southern Pacific ................ .. . . .2 8 IcolortdJicoa.'u nder 4 I b e . .....lOc. . indnrrl Branda . . . . . . ---------- 10»;n>yhot bena .....- .-ly :

Standard OH of Calif,.:............ - S^iiColored-roasiers, over 4riha------la c --------^Standard Oil of New Jersey ..-66- Letrhorh fryers.................. ............ I6c

sw ift & C o : .......’ 2 4 W L < g B 5 r5 m n c rH ;i> r ib s . up_..-;.i8c r -•■CurpT--------------------------- ------------------■ ........ -

H ogs: 200, about steady; tjuekins S ia to S10.75. ouotfiblc ton S ll .

- PO R TIA N D -U \XSTO C K ,PORTU^ND, Ore.; Jan. 27 (UPl

o'; Ju im ry , « 6 . • iW ib S b j , ]oi«l lo l. mo.Uy J J l i

ClnclnD atfcXrflVBlir-rTanho, 2r Mich., 1 Nebr. Track holdings: 22 incliKUng: broken. , Supplies mod-1 •rate. .-Deomnd-alow.-J^arket.firm. 1 Idaho Russets U. S . No. I ’s mostly $2.00 ; a few J2 .0S : poorer ■U. S. No, I ’s In 1C lb. sacks mostly 1S4o per sacl

Under and by virtue i f der of Bale, issued out of the above entitled Court, In the above —

^ PA U L H. GORDON, Deputy. 'r a y b o r n a RAYBORN,Attorneys fo^ PlainUff,

tilied wtKm,-dated the 2« h day of Jauary, 1036, wherebi the plajn^

obtained- a decree of Foreclos- agn ln tt'tbe above named dc.>

___Jants on the I8th day of Janu­ary, 1038, said decree bcine record­ed /R Judgment Book 17 o f saidDistrict Court oh Page .... I amcommanded to sell all that'cettaln

we oi>.MKel of. land situated County of Tw in'Falis, Slate

. . __ ifi3,'~and bounded and.duucribed na follows, to-wit:

Tho Southwest Quarter ot

(10$ the W M t H alf of the Northeast Quarter, (ho Bast hair of Uie Northwest Quarter,. M d W N 6rtay »eit"Q W tfter of the Southeast Quarter of Seo- uoa Thirty (M ). • Il ln Town-

the Sotae Meridian In Twli)( Falls County, Idalio. Oont«lp^|


THAT 1, George Olllllan, will, at the n est regular meeting of the Idaho State Board of Pardons, to be held a t the SU te Housf, Boise, Idaho, oH~the first Wednesday of April, 1096, 'make application for » » ( sentence from that cerlaln Judg

. ‘ -•’on..of_4Corgary W"th«"Court of

tbe Eleventh Judiclhl District « S la te ot Idaho, In and for the — •CTT « r i r m r ,-o ir

s '‘r . t o . ‘a “'piKS<r2s

. . . . . . „ .^ t W « t y lW ) d ayloftto .

iTurUwr BoUfUoTfir............- j.^ ia e n d s d - f lo m n la ii iL

ibLn ■ ----- -----

and lU Ultoutarlk^ With » prt.!orit^ ^ a U "o^ f^ ^ D w a^

Number One ( I ) " lb e :l» in a belnff mor* partloulariy d«»t>

to M.60J feeders qtwUble to >1056.C attle :. 1,600, calvea’ 160; slow;

early aalrs abound eteady; some steers and heifers held around 45c higher; few loads fedgiteers M-M- S6,76: best held above $7,00; h«lf- - ■-T^U y-SB ’.BO-unOSOrTew good

. 27th, 1080.>ted'St ^olse , Idaho,. JanuBiy

20lh, 10S6.(BigQed) OBORQB'OIKCILAN,


[ b u t t e i ; !

BAN I—ButteriiM Kore i! “ OOmnMoir

)«»• 1

boef oows »6.00 to $5,10; some held higher; low cutters and cutters $2,60 tO-98,60; bulle $4.Q0 to 16.26; beef bulls up to 10,76; goo<l-cholce vpslers 4B.(«-$f>.00.

Sh«ep: 2 ,260; early sales an» hida weak to 26c lower; early top fed Umbs M ,60|-few loads heki around $0.26 to $0 ,60; good drlye- in i saieftble around -fa,!!!! to lOIOOi fa t ewea scarce; a few medium $4* choice quotable t(^$0,00.

.ID AH O FA ixS ^ O T A T O E S W c ^ ^ ^ ^ ( i h '”£W estern Union “ .■.'.;:,.'.....;:;;...'77i,y Westlnghouso Electric — — lOO'A F. W . WooJwortb Co. ....... .. 63

D m sed TurUeys No, 1 young hens— .... Non'youBg. tomsn:nr.:z:

i; A m erlcan3uper. P6.wer 8% No. a butterft Cities Service, com________ 474 Eggs, speciV

S P E C I A t ^ I R E___C oartM S _ot.___________ _^Sudter, W egener M Comp*ijy

E lk s BM g. — Phono OlO

A rrivals:.-15 . Cola, . 01.I t o . 'D t e n l 'o i i . ; 18 a i r . . ' f ™ k L ^ i ™ . 9 ™ E N ? ^ t W r SM J M n : m ................ - ................liberal. Demand .moderate.

12 'ja i i io ; t M hn., 10 N .bk, 2 W yi! I '™ " 'Diversions from team track: 40 . I,>OTATOEScars. Track holdings; 68 unbroken. Jan. delivery .................. $1,77 (bid)Supplies iftoderate. Demand IlghtlM orch delivery . .............. ........noneM arlfct-about-eteady. V eiy f e w - - . BONDSsales on account of t)jo w e a th e r H o i.c 2 K Pet. - . $ DO.OO-J 00,678C^arjot sales late Frl.: Idaho Rus- pjeMC 8 Ppt.......•.$101.D0.$101,676sets U. 8 . NO. r e i car $1.66. U. S. MINING STOCKH

Mtn, City Copper ..........|6.70-$585J*nrk City (Doneol, .................. fW-87o

rw i ia 1. 01..:

N o ,2 ’s 2 c a r 8 | l .lB .I S t. Louis—Arrivals-. 6 Colo,, , , Idaho. 1 Minn,, Iv Nebr,, 1 Texas, 1

r fe w !,

XivwtookCboic* U ght-butiiars. IBQ.tO_______

210 pounders ..................... _..$0,76Ot«rw«lftJt'tnrtchers.-rBlO-to— —

260 pounders ......................... W'26 •

a n c A t i o P O T A x d ra r CHICAGO, Jan. 87 iUI‘>—Pota-

toM; Supply RiOdiVBte, late 8«(ur> day t r i ^ fairly aoUvei «arly lu n rtiM in ff alow bKAon of w eM Jw ;’ market s l« d y . ' RU0W t BurbMlW | U 6 to

i t i A V J i a W ' ' '0(do«uk),M caur(fl II,«a . . _____Nebf«alt«<Biias Triumpto I t U ' t o'»1,4B,' , , 7'

An<y»k 78. <n track '881. ablp- meoU ^-fiaturdtr,

sales, Idaho ROsaets $1.86-$1,00.

F o rt W orth— Arrivals; 3 Colo:---------------------------------------------m n r

CbeeMi'e—!!*fancy-fiits 18t4c; trip-

holdings: 6 unbroken. Late Frlc and early Sat.: supplies light. De­mand alow. Mvk( • * ••

SeatU»->8ai>pll moderate.

. ilboral, Dvmaad alow. Mar-__ dull. Owrlot wlaai, Idaho Ru$rMUU. B, No. l ‘sU.46-11.60,. ,

Loa Ao«ole»-ATritalB: 13 CHJf,. (T Ztfabo. TVm Jc h o J^ s j M ufr

demand alowt mukftr dull. 1> , ■r. 8.N0, 1'aioofowaales

LOBLOfl-ANokuBS. J«aBUD 8, >Ja n . 37 01i!l—

_____ jKtruJtttnilfln* tlnU88c: stud ard a 42^«| wdetfrftda I3e. .j j f a ^ i a r , . Ble; i « s d lu m J7 c {

Waatern chaw t: dalaiea 17He, _Jpl#ta MUe. kmsh-“ .................. -■wkihpHi

^ V W l v, ^ , ar> (u m -B a r

- W ILL B U Y - MCOMMERClAir 1 1 ^ 8 —Din»r:From 6»owwr- '

In Any Bonded WarebsUN - N ortlnn-Aouthl«da .---------- '“ - y r m t s s m m sKpiM ■adt w tnu'fliimik i

j T H E ^H AS. W ^ A R i ^■ c A u .A 'c 411 s H o a B o N a n . a o . a r m i i i

y iI 1hibll#3^| i> -^ T ir ^ n a g p h ito A > w ^ -a 'g V m t of Curry SUUaa, « r

* 'w E D N ESD A Y r JA N U A RY^

MPxrft 'W g h t .W onflay,-Jaimfiiy gT, 1958*’m


- B o l l» l o t T h ird S ix W w k s and i^ 'B e m e S tiD r L isted b y d rado ;H— ^ ___A n d _ H i « b _ 8 c h o o l _ _ : ,

>. g» tnnnw i—iimt—rrnntr nnm -iJean BIcvlns. Thelmii Ueynolila.and \p..

- y a r jo r la McFarland; Rccond p-iiile,• '■ Beverly Gordon, Galen McMaatcr,

' Robert'Pettj-xrovc, Vclma.Lancas-

R lW liC C S C ^ E“ T O P H A T "- IN ID A H O F IL M

ilEmND: .■h a r o a ; a u L :!

r douhtjr w i l l ' See? T h re e B a l l s ' Thure'dHy in N atio n w id e.

B e n e fit D rive

' SEN A TE Hears Prcsldcnt'a bonus veto

« irordiing Oomptyiy B raw flO ontlngent

■ ^ MQCar. ; ' F S m Oamp

‘ ^r?th« iiUer; thlnlV»<l*. vu«-k l«# .M og*h»ehi!A im *,C om ^r fU rt

phUdeni: jeveoUi g r« J« / Jv .N leh *- •* - ieiin*-Mill«.__ _ M Tegau.^

Wilma .WUKin. .M u ln e Miller, Alen«_Sb6v9r.' . v f

Helping Your Family to \

e o N «R e i^ ;« lt^1 RUrnFn imuiy >jn-

- ^ i . -lrtimTirDrPPrliiflnns-ctimTTTlttfe,................. .. -mAOH

■ Collor, Dean Rust, Burdell Browns. .V-Kcnneth Blcvlna., . .

. Fourth grade, Vinnlc-Boalrleht. Roland Arment; fltth grade. Betty pop»cy, Marjorie Rambo. Stanton

^.'Clai'ehcc''Ram bo; eighth grade;!th e world'« ace dancing^,

i;:grovc. R ay Klrtcald, Glen Hoaga. \ cbmedlan, F red " A staire, viKo- a*.-Gra:do seliool honor roll mctudesj introduced th e •'Carlooa" in .: the following for the semcBton Divorcee," the ''Contlnen-

c i . th ln l grade. Lola Pettygr.ive. T h el- j. ta,;^ :,„._..R^,b^rta7 » - an d -n ow -Mc-Furiann.

J 5i^ fla .H i»t.--B br< !r il Browns; R g j,o ., masJcaA- "Tap Hat."

if;; ‘Rtii'rryiei ' .nl^od^'lnd "Sda^'ca"

i-thlru“ six weeks is; frcajimen. U ar-; 4; if il,. *■

klayflnncoirw'ajt RturnFn imiay ">jn- I dcr thf commttto« clinlrraaushli) 1 of Ronald Gravea.I •I'htL'e (lAnco.4 will be 'held In I this county next 'niursday nlKlil,

Jan . 30. ill conjuncttqn with sitnl-

j io u t liie" natirfn.' A l lluillolnt«l'4 Twin Fnlla. Sliadowland-in Kfm- siherly, 'iiid at the Legion-hall In [lB i:h l tlipse dancorf will bo prpseaf- I 'e d for the third succcssivo — *■ [ ’■in an cttort_to_r.-ilso fuD('

J bat Jn/antUe parsJyBiK— a ':" i T hc uiti?.gBs- ’ar thiH cl , .

->,^ifrftt„panlcHl*riy from •, th e « - 4 iinces-.Inasmuch os seventy, per

oont of the proceeds will go .to Uie I McCliisUy memorial h e a lth -------

eveFT56}navttnt»g»~"'of- a-tm HciioolInK ln"oUy-BKiyi«n#-vetatnK offered b y the Lindo Air Producti company, a unit o^Unic^ Car-wrf Carbide corporation, took pIoc« here last week-end a t the Nonlllng P art compaoy. accorJlnfr to gpoB'

land practical demonslratloh Iductcd-by E . E . Savjile, salesman,

immmf ir a o i PrevOnt man/Coldi

~At the first warning sneeze ot tusd If a a id has already dcvdoped, usewas paid Muldrelch.came 13 eorollee* statea'Albert A, InluUon, ,q u lc k l-a few drom of VlcksVappRub.themother’sBtanUby, - 11, n u«au«y-uui .u>alWnal Brivlsrr whn' VlfltsVa-tnwwlupeachnMtril.Ewft. In tTga»ng a»ld». Rubbed on a tte j>

Wh»^*rnnfnrrtfl rInMrs there In:17_Bubj., daily dalaned for nose and thf6«t, t^ .fe ico m M n e rf^ to -v a p o ra c .• . . * ...wj—w I . . . f . . . . . i j . . —- I L -l— _.* r-*r^— - ^ L i - - ........... i>— I —mvrtuary chapcl. Rev. M onroc.;jccls, one of which Is welding:,

pastor of the Seventh Day Advent-; He d tW this as Indteattng-thnt 1s t cW rcK dfflcldtca.'M usic waii;the experienceu>f-the enrollecfl is

b y ‘Mrs, Robinson and: educational m well aa manual. Per-

■ tion tooaero-pwegm,.aooti»e^irtitat tion, nCiprtffcaKconj

- nornjng the worst ol

r'io'bulunec EoiiiR to the Warm Mrs. Fender, who sang three selcc- mission for the youth to ^ t * c i .~-q.riiiK« Q ther-ccm- lions,-------------------------------------- ------- jpate capie from Wayne H ackett of■ I'linU.iM Ih this, state Will dcvi

Beryl Mercer . and Nydia TifUoia ih ii venr W«.tman in "T h ro . LIv. I ' " ,Ghosts, with niehard Arlen heading the past a t the Idaho theater. A cartoon, musical,

oty-antt nswt flashes-com - • 1. Wednei

Uielr 'filmre of dance proCPOds to Hot Springs w hcv {I'f

Infniltilc paralysis Is being •jiKCcl extensively, . . .Ticketa this year aro priced al;morluary,

SI per couple und .student tickcts also iivallttbio at fiO cent.i.

~TaTlbearer»~'«>-e flCharka snrar.^-thc-forcsT^ervlec,-' Ed Shc^r; Jdwb“ Shaak, A u g u st_ .l’orUcJpat£ng_WM

FoUow VIi;kt Plan for Better C M tr^l of Coldsle tp/fiucr «lds and a/mrterookls. Developed by Vicks

McCall, Interment was In ' Filer.m an McFarland. Virgil Smallwood, cemetery under the direction of the Forest Graham, Perry Bradley,■ orluary, 'idhn Congrove, Charles Mcek.s;

Mr. Kurtz dlert a t his home Jan, Llnnle Powell, -Lester Armatngo.V irgil-Fryo and Arthur Uilesple,

plete the propram. lesday

..TiSVJrPcnnlngtojirJunlors.- ” Aridcrson. HUVH. CviiiiiiU. iiei

; seniors, Janet McMastcr. W iiminy-A ppla w eti.;'f«ii«u,incT' 'A 'T "'" Citws,” a t th er

ll / 1 i'^rptw\im In '.•Inntnfr iilist. ' frtSJWjen,! «TMftni» Ihp nnmm'u mik t ^

_turn^l\it will be Jean Parker'In _ ‘-$equoTa."___ ' • •

lopiiomores. Fawn licM aster, Gc-. n^K-pmiilngtoh;'Junk}rB. Marjorie

; Anilerson, Ruth • Bennett, Irene ■■ Seott, EWlth Trunkey; senlorsi Ge­

neva -Holllfield, Janet McMastcr. ................ •jv school havl '

.Kl‘ CliSt.~l brings to life the great Dlckenal ' storj'. The, flpcctacie and drama of Its background eclipses even. Uiat

. Hrftnac, Seanlno Mu^e;MBrjort8'Aadcr»oarRic>v*

•tion of a Dickens classic -to the iscreen.-— - —

' ’Howels, F&wn . McFarland, lo a ten ior,„

^ Pfincipab>f:S£h g d ^ . .

• "^nRSeaseTH onor'tiit

Uie love of Sidney Gorton for Luc)eiManctt«, and the dramatic chain _______of eventfl-that -brought the groupi help meet th e need-of Ihfei of^njfllsh;3>eople-H«o-the-<lang«r-,i5tt,iontfin Red-Cross,-Mrs.-<3hanwjous F i‘et)c!rn>voluU0h-or-1789,--As - secniUTry' o f 'Ihe^Tw ln' »pectg£ie.-lt-nfl^ uw fnI^iyaethcr7^ l :^ fi4x|"r|tVftoany picture since the advent of-i^^ai unit wfli rccclve cash-contri-' sound has surpasaed-lt. Swlnglngibutlons for the Ethiopian ?und.. , - Uie- fQc al.PQlnt ol imyrC'?t M ’lV en " h u, ngiion- follows rfcr lpt nf-,.t London and Paris, i f depicts tiic , Admiral Cary T . Graysow . fomentiair French rc\-olt and

1 aoii, David Ryaip, Marie PrtHl, , Honors—Dale. HobaoB. • Betty

u_H)ru«v<E^m a^ot<V'EllcirLe-tca-"— lU-BnrbaraTJeftiiVAlwowL-EWonft

rtrim -'B o rd ew ick , George Bi ^ C i i r U s Burt, Laverne Voycc. i

Bloke*. Arland Cunnlngl ' Virrinia Wall, Prancet Stroud,

. ; Mabel. HBmlltoa, PhyilU Bistor Kr v* Wllla Gerber,-E>lhep Rangan,'Rul

' ^H agadorn.. Jack Wesllng, • Helen

^> '^ '8 mltb, Marlon W iinn, Kathleen ’ -G arrranrM urlel-M oas,-U ary-Jua

P a jk s. Audrey Ray, Billy Finke, •Rmn- -HovntrrI,-tmjlse-• -Winegar, Billy Woodruff, N eoba Stoddard.

l £ Bu h l L ibrary Aided

Wlllowxiale s<niool


have reieasoil the following nonor roll_for.*lhcl cnd_o£_ttiC_BCmcstcr: -b ig hJ ..........- ............

Horcjs and Mnry Inchaustl. -- enti) ffrafle; Bobby Chandler, alxth {Trade; Pote-Inchaufltl. fifth grade;

honqrs — Betty W a l p o l e , Ardi^h Marie Har:

ger. third grade; Harold Wack. sec­ond grade;' Larry -^Vayne Horejs, first grade; honors—Blanche No- •acek. fourth: qunley Novacek,

Whpse one crea t deed made t>t> for a wasted -life. Elizabeth -Allen, Donold Woods, Edna May Oliver, ReglnoW Owen.:.H cnry. B . Wal-

Yurka and many nnother- distln- guURcdtirftmattc-Btftr make-up-the

Ja ck ' 0enny’s orchestra ParamQunt., news' complete this current Orphpum prograrti.

l^-a-Backg e t-D dUBliE TOu f im m ^

By Lpcal D onatioiu■ • BUH L, Jan, 27 (Speolall—The

BuUI public lllirary has recclveil■ many k 1((* a»d donatlmiH triitn lU'

cai clubs niicl rcsldenls,lately, Thi

H K tL im iE . Ju n ..27 ..1Su cck l) - l-’unoriil servlcea will be held to-

r morrow a t l» », m. a l Uw Catholic 1 cliuroli hero for Thomas Cliirk, 73,• proininrnt cattin rnnclior luicl resl- e di'ut of Holloviii- for the 'Viist 04

yi-urs, Uui'lal will bo In Holse, iiuvchaso of John frasknr Hcfiffi catiro Friday Mr. ClflrJf

-Hr.t'H-"Amerlrftn Muslt." Tl\e C>‘- ln i ’I i Im hnmi'. He camc lo lili»lio| liar Draw Communlly clllb pur-;from .Inrhson rr»unly,-lowii. nml-rhn^nl Hosh Hirueti-r' Aidrlclio'

. ‘'SprlHK Came on Korovi'r," Tim Mi'iiiiir I'inb. K«vn },i ruallsod liy lt>i hllvi-r lea and tlio llulil Mliiln-

. trrian noH'iiliidnn cU'urod (in.friim • lU.rImhi {hiilr concvrl f»r. thi‘

■tHirnry.-i',-K. AlllaUiat £.<Uiti ibutcil' * .......................... 't^n»inKlnn>^;av^

IMupIo rontrl)>-*n ,7 h c lllfihway Kfi

.»;i,iut and atvurul jniilrd or HUlHciibed for nmRU/iiics. I I 'm l Aitv,

USED CARS__ pH F.V S P f lR T h iih U n-trtin kr-ru n IflM -than-' ^ 18,000 m llos, a. K, fftm ra n te o ......................................W O

■36— O H EV . M A B T B R SE D A N , D cm ouB tralor — fu llyequipped, 0 . K . ...................................................................

-31- O H E V . BZD A N - new fin ish , good ru bber, ftillyeq iilp p o d '................................................................. ..............9275

■30- O H E V ; B E D A N -v e ry Rood, fu lly e q u ip p e d ...... $ 2M’30— O H EV , O O AO H-^Karl-Koen trun k ........... .............. 9239'2tt— O H EV . O I.U B SE D A N r - low m lloage, n ow finU h,

0 , K ............................... ............................................................ *2 0 0^ 31— 0 H fiV .-8 J 0 R r f lO U P E ,- r rim iblo neat, new finiah,

o ’ K. ............ ...... .................... ............... W iT a'80- O H B V . P IO K -U P -c lo B B d oab, v ery K o o d ........... * * • *.'38~ 0S B V . a o A O B -^ m o to r reb u ilt, n ew f ln lu lt ........ f &40■28-rO H E V . B E D A N - it runs .................................................. W ®•H ^IO H EV. O O U P E -v e 7 good , , ' .................................. W>38— DO D O E BEDAN, Btrf, 6— n early now t l r o a ........ » iO O

- ' 39— PO N TIA O B E D A N -ru n fl good ............................... ;,»100'3( ) - P 0N T IA 0 O O A O H -n ew / lnl*h ,‘K nri-K efln tru o h ,^ ^

....l^ g m F On D JB OWW I

139-H U D ^ O N 8B D / H -rH rt« ’ good, tru n k ' f l j O O O A O H -K ari-K een tru n k *1 7 5

1 ’88— Q H a Y B L B R O O UPE, &2— run le u th an B,000 m ile , m r > gO<>d * * *

t B B O A N , M ode] O B ^ a* l i .X R 8B D A N , O lo tfto r , aide m ounli “ t B B D A N -e n W a g o o d ’.

t w r o l o a e d caU— a a 'l i . . ..................... f WN, P 0 1. — now rlnga, ijett^ly new;

^ ^ | < ]K I]N S

•.'• .-.-.■rrv 'T

•ivml by two liruUieiM, LcnvU and Davlil Clark,' bolli nf Hoise, rinil, liirt'c iiU'COif, Mrs. Murgarol, Hwinilfl, NcbiaMldi; Miss Anna (Hark. IIMIcvim', and MIsh Jennie, (.'InjI'. MoIhi-.

' oinhP A -l U'JLlJll'Up-!Iliuii itruii. Tr.v II. (iloitn Hml &

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