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Thought Revolution

The Eternal Law of Karma – IV

Sleep, Dreams, And Spiritual Reflections – IV

The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind – Part 6

A Rishis's Unique Approach to Worship: Research for Social-Welfare – Dr.Pranav Pandya

Yagya-Shala The Laboratory of Rishis

Now is the time. Needs are great, but your possibilities are greater.

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Create your own world

What is the science behind creating my own destiny? (Continued from previous edition)

PASSIVE ACQUIESCENCE BEFORE EVIL ACTS IS ALSO SINFUL Laws of divine justice consider cowardice, weakness and ignorance as grave sins. It is not surprising that these invite harsher punishments. Natural disasters should be taken as stealthy acts of divine grace. These are frequently manifested by the invisible Supreme Justice for removal of corruption from the society. Natural calamities are not aberrations of nature. Instead, these are reactions of out-of-tune actions of living beings themselves. It is like the process of refining in the blast furnace. Through such loud warnings, God mercifully tells us again and again to work for eradicating sins from the society. Here we shall discuss how and when divine justice gives rewards and punishments for the various types of good and evil karmas.

The Three categories of actions (karmas) and consequent samskars

Let us look into the correlation of the three categories of karmas and their samskars with the three types of miseries suffered by man. Samskars are produced by each of three categories of karmas, known in spiritual parlance as – (i) Sanchit Karmas (ii) Prarabdha Karmas and (iii) Kriyaman Karmas. Let us keep in mind that as Chitragupta, the inner conscience of man, which is impartial, pure and wise, goes on recording each and every good and evil deed for dispensing justice of high integrity.

Sanchit Karmas (Involuntary Mental Karmas)

Unknown to the conscious mind of the individual, association with good and bad company leaves some impressions on the psyche. Unless willingly and consciously accepted, samskars produced in this process are faint, week in potency and feebly reactive. The karmas, which produce such week samskars, are known as Sanchit Karmas. These samskars remain stored in some odd corner of the inner consciousness, buried in dormant state. Then there are karmas unwillingly, reluctantly performed under compulsion or in a state of helplessness. If

The Eternal Law of Karma - VI

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.

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one is forced to carry out such karmas with revulsion and these are not made into a habit, these too fall in the category of Sanchit Karmas. Being extremely feeble, the samskars produced by Sanchit Karmas may remain in a dormant state in the psyche for thousands of years through successive births. These samskars generally remain inactive, but if a suitable stimulant is provided to them by deliberate, strong, conscious repetition of similar deeds, these, too become active. In the company of strong healthy horses, a lame horse too begins to trot. With good soil and adequate rains even rotten seeds germinate. Association with identical samskars makes the week samskars gain strength, whereas if the past samskars repeatedly come in contact with the opposite type of samskars, the former are completely wiped out. If for a long duration evil samskars face a long continuous inflow of good samskars, the latter destroy them totally. As a matter of fact, the good as well as bad Sanchit Samskars bear fruit in favorable environments and are destroyed when confronted with an adverse milieu. Pilgrimages and rituals recommended in religious practices are meant to wipe out the weak, evil samskars accumulated as Sanchit Karmas.

Prarabdha Karmas (Karmas done with strong emotional involvement)

Mental karmas, which are voluntarily, deliberately performed under strong emotional stimuli, are known as Prarabdha Karmas. Being motivated by intense emotions, such karmas produce powerful samskars. Reactions of violent acts like murder, robbery, betrayal, felony or immoral passionate acts like adultery are very strongly felt by the inner conscience. Its innate spiritual purity is ever eager to get rid of this extraneous deleterious impurity at the earliest opportunity. It has already been mentioned that our inner conscience keeps a constant watch over each of our karmas and determines greater or lesser punishment for each offence according to the nature of the act. A mental chastisement for a mental offence is however not possible without the help of other means. For giving an appropriate punishment, the inner conscience waits for a suitable environment in the subtle world (Sukshma Lok in spiritual parlance, where the divine system correlates samskars and creates environment for justice). Occasionally this process is spread over a long time. For instance, for redemption of a mental sin of treachery, the sinner is required to be punished by grief. Chitragupta (inner conscience) evaluates the grade of treachery to decide the degree of sorrow required for atonement. For punishing a murderer, the divine system will associate the soul of the sinner with the soul of an individual who, according to its own karmas, can inflict the same degree of pain and grief on the sinner, which latter has caused to the aggrieved person. For instance, inner conscience may plan birth of a son or daughter in the family of the sinner, who (the new born) is destined to die at a young age according to its own past karmas. The inner conscience of the killer will wait for grief-producing event when the son/daughter meets death by disease or accident. In this way, for samskars carried over to next life, divine justice creates an environment for punishment equivalent to the sin. It is obvious that this process is not unilateral. Divine justice makes souls of both the sinner and the sinned interact in complementary environment. This complex process at time takes several cycles of life and death. We know that in this world, too, it requires a long time and consideration of numerous factors before two individuals become life partners as husband and wife. (The popular saying that “Marriages are made in heaven” indirectly refers to the coincidence of samskars of the bride and the groom. The pain of separation in a divorce, too, is a consequence of sinful karmas of past lives.)

All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they

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We may further try to understand the course of divine justice by an analogy in a natural phenomenon. A shrub in Africa called Venus grows to a height of about three meters. Out of its branches spread out thin thread-like offshoots. These keep on growing and swaying in the air till they meet another shrub and they become mutually intertwined. Sometimes these shrubs meet each other barely after a growth of a few centimeters, whereas the others succeed in doing so after growing for a few meters. This is the way the fruits of karmas ripen for interaction over different spans of time. The punishment for the exclusively physical sins is physical and is given without much delay. (Consumption of poison results in immediate death.) Mental chastisement, on the other hand, is neither instantaneous nor is it unilateral. For instance, if, because of his cruel nature, someone commits a murder and is caught red-handed, the state awards a death sentence. On the contrary, if the killer commits the offence secretly, the inner conscience does not punish him immediately. It would wait for an environment for creating in his psyche an aversion for violence, by making the sinner feel the same degree of pain, which was felt by his victim. That is why, at times, morally vile persons are found rejoicing and righteous ones suffering in life. The enforcer of Divine Law takes time in preparing an appropriate environment for dispensing just rewards and punishments.

Is the Prediction of Future Events Possible?

…………..To be continued in the next edition (This series is based on the book “The Eternal Law of Karma” by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya)

You really can change the world if you care enough.

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(Continued from previous edition)

Dreams – Linkage between the Visible and the Invisible World Some of the Modern psychologists like Dr. Haffner M. Roberts describe dreams as nothing more than the shadows and responses of the worldly horizons of life. Several other contemporary scholars of psychology have, however contradicted such views. Prof. Fitz attributes dreams to be –– “the means of transmission of the inner expressions of mind in an esoteric language” which can also indicate the internal condition of the body and mind of the dreamer. Dr. Strumpel deciphers subtler roles of the dreams and states that –– dreams depict the subliminal domains of life beyond the barriers of the conscious or the visible world. Prof. Berdek warns that the study of dreams should not be neglected by treating them as mere reflections or shadows of the day-to-day activities and hidden ambitions. Many times dreams prove to be rich resources of immense information of unique importance. Dreams are like layers of water on the surface of an ocean which might bring valuable substances along with the deeper currents and convey what lies beneath in the core. The pearls of inner power and knowledge can be fetched with the help of these clues. Sometimes dreams help resolve a mystery or difficult problems, which were intractable by the logical thinking, reasoning and trenchancy of the conscious mind. This becomes possible because the conscious mind is overtaken by the unconscious mind during the moments of deep sleep. The extrasensory potentials of the latter thus get a chance to extract transcendental knowledge.

Gaston Ugdiyani of Florence (Italy) had seen a distinct dream when he was seven years. He saw himself as a priest in a temple in India. The dream was so clear and impressive that the image of the temple building remained alive in his memory for many years. It also educed an attraction in his mind. He visited India in his young age and was stunned to find, after a long search, that one of the temples in Mahabalipuram was exactly what he had seen in that dream! He analyzed the dream and attributed this to be a reflection of the memory of a past birth. Supernatural experiences of clairvoyance, vision of the invisible, premonition and intuition are also associated with the dreams of divine (or spiritual) category. Deciphering the realities and mechanisms of such dreams elucidates the possibility that individual consciousness can be connected to the vibrations of the subtle world via the ‘medium’ of dreams. The dormant state of the conscious mind and the active intellect during deep sleep coupled with the charged state of the subconscious and unconscious layers of mind may be likened with the state of mind during deep meditation (dhyana –dharña), yoga nidra and trance. It is in this state that the inspirations of the inner self can be received by our mind without any obstruction and

Sleep, Dreams, And Spiritual Reflections – IV (3)

Be free all worthy spirits, and stretch yourselves, for greatness and for height.

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fluctuation. The spiritual realizations experienced by the yogis in the higher states of trance may be described the most real and lively kinds of dreams. Mr. Tom Feature of Sidney had aroused his inner powers and trained his mind for understanding the implications of the rarely occurring transcendental dreams. He had also endeavored spiritual experiments (sadhanas) to elevate his intuition and willpower to find clues via dreams to meet the needs of the time. He had successfully used this supernormal ability to solve many intractable problems and mysteries posed before him. A report filed in the police records of Sidney stands as an authentic proof of his exceptional dreams. The city police had sought his help to rescue a kidnapped boy. Tom’s dream (seen in a trance like state) gave clear information of the location where the boy was kept. It also helped Tom identify the victim, as though the latter was sitting in front of his eyes. The boy was rescued and the Australian police had rewarded 200 dollars to Tom in recognition of this unprecedented timely help.

The realities of the implications experienced in transcendental dreams prove the possibilities that –– when the frequency of the vibrations of mind matches with the impulses of the soul, the mental domain grows limitless. So the mind can grasp extrasensory signals from anywhere in the cosmic expansion. Sir Oliver Lodge accepts such possibilities in his book “Survival of Man” (pg. 112). He affirms the existence of a subtle linkage, which offers the glimpse of transcendental knowledge to the human mind. He also cites (on pp. 106-7 of this book) an interesting incident in this regard ––

The highest destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule.

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“Priest I. K. Illimode was on a voyage across the Atlantic. In the night of 14th January 1887, he received his uncle’s letter in dream informing the sad demise of his younger brother. The priest had narrated this dream in his diary the next day, stating that he can’t believe this dream because his brother had no problem except mild fever when he had left home (in Switzerland). No one could imagine that he would die. But he got confirmed news of his brother’s death when he reached England. What else the above dream would be designated other than premonition or an experience of clairvoyance? Roman emperor Caesar was once requested by his wife Cornelia not to visit the senate because she had seen a horrifying dream the previous night. She had seen herself with untied hair, holding the bloodshed body of her husband in this dream. However, the king saw no reason to believe her dream or suspect any possibility of a scandal that time. What an ill fate! His friend Brutes assassinated him the same day in a narrow passage of the senate hall moments after he reached there. Charles Philmor of America was an ordinary citizen, living a dutiful, austere married life. He often used to see sacred scenes in his dreams. One night he dreamt that a stranger has taken him to a strange city. He read the name of the city as Kansas. Following the stranger, he reached at a new place, which also was new to him because he had not visited this city before. There he was given a newspaper to read… He could hardly read the first letter “U” in it by then many newspapers began of fall in his hands. Suddenly he was awake. The dream was broken. Somehow it had left a deep mark in his memory. Charles was a religious man and he used to teach people the need and benefits of prayer, meditation and acetic disciplines. Because of his simplicity and piety of conduct, even the nonbelievers respected his worlds. He also inspired many rich and socially active people. Some of them requested him one day to form an organization to expand the noble work of propagating righteous faith and human values. Soon the “Society of Silent Unity” was formed. Surprisingly, the city of Kansas was proposed by the members for the head quarters and the place selected for housing the society’s office was indeed what Charles had seen in his dream. The society also launched a newspaper from this office. This paper was named “Unity”. (Now Charles Philmor knew the ‘secret’ of the letter “U” read by him in that divine dream!). Later on, many publications of the society emerged from this place and proved the reality of the premonition conveyed by Charles’ dream.

……………To be continued in the next edition

(This series is based on the book “Sleep, Dreams And Spiritual Reflections” by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya)

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

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For a longtime, the brain was recognized only as the controller of the conscious activities, motor functions and the perception of the sense organs. The fact that this rather small organ in the human body is a repository of astonishing potentials became clearer with the advancement of neuro-scientific research. Contemporary progress in collaborative studies in the fields of psychology, parapsychology, and metaphysics appear to be bringing the modern science closer to the areas of vedik science that deal with the hidden powers of human mind. It is now accepted by many groups of eminent researchers that, as described in the Indian Philosophy, the human mind is a reflection of the Brahm. The impulses of whatever is happening, is going to happen, or has happened, anywhere in the infinite expansion of the cosmos reach and can be captured by the inner cores of human mind.

The human mind is endowed with the power to know about the past, present and the future, at will. However, this supernormal talent remains dormant in general. The dull and drowsy minds can’t even properly experience, recognize, or analyze the present. Brilliance of intellect and foresightedness help the sagacious minds know and shape the future growth of the subject matter of their interest and expertise. This explains why enlightened and alert mind is said to be the architect of its own life. However, the extrovert attitude, self-centered inclination, and complacence and excessive attachment with the present and the immediate future, often restrain its trenchant vision and talents from reaching the wider and deeper domains of knowledge. Cultivation of introvert and deeper thinking and successive endeavors of intellectual and spiritual erudition unlocks hidden potential This elevation can eventually excel the illuminated minds to the higher realms of precognitive realizations.

The authentic reporting of the supernormal talents of the deep concentration, self-control, and willpower of human mind has drawn the attention of many researchers towards the yoga practices of dhy³na-dh³rañ³ (meditation) and s³dhan³s (dedicated spiritual endeavors). The great yogis and spiritual devotees refine their inner-consciousness and mental potentials by self-restrain, ascetic disciplines and sadhanas. Some people, though rarely, are born with evolved consciousness and extraordinary talents. In a few, such powers are found to be activated accidentally. Spiritual refinement of personality and evolutions of the inner force of consciousness enable the ‘individual self’, emancipate from the thralldom of ignorance and set an active linkage with the limitless. Its domain of experience and knowledge-acquisition too would then expand beyond all limitations. The live experiences of great personalities and sagacious minds do illustrate from time to time that the evolution of the inner-powers can indeed exalt the individual self to unimaginable heights.

Several books, such as “The Third Eye” by T. Lobe-Sang, “Spiritual Journey to the land of Hermitage” by Al Zahir, and “The Making of Heavenly Trousers” by Daniel Bayer, give us a first hand view of the extrasensory experiences of the authors. These intellectuals had had the divine experience of the awakening of the Âjna Cakra (– the ‘sixth sense’ or the ‘third eye’). What they had experienced as clairvoyance and glimpses of the past and the future in the specific states of mental engrossment in deeper consciousness – was also authentically verified. Such experiences evince that human mind is indeed endowed with a divine eye in its subliminal core.

Renowned German philosopher and writer, Goethe mentions in his autobiography that once when he was sitting in his house at Wilma, he suddenly felt that the island of Sicily, several thousands miles away, is being shaken by horrifying seismic tremors. The feeling was so strong and clear that he even discussed this unique experience with some of his friends… But no one paid any attention. What else but “illusion” could such an experience be called in general? How could one see or explain the happenings of several thousands miles away without any mode of communication? It was only after about a week that the newspapers

The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind – Part 6

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

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brought the tragic reports of a devastating earthquake in Sicily. This had occurred on the same day, same time, when Goethe had watched this horrifying event live.

Jonathan Swift described in his popular novel “The Gulliver’s Travels” that –– Mars has two moons orbiting around it; one at a velocity double than the other… His “hypothesis” was thought to be mere fiction because, until then it was annulled that the planets other than the earth could also have their satellites. After about 150 years, in 1877, a giant telescope in the Naval Observatory at Washington, traced the presence of the two moons of Mars and also proved that the velocity of one is double that of the other.

Film actor Chandra Mohan Sen once dreamt that his horse has fallen into a ditch while running in a racecourse. He got up with a panic, but was soon glad to find that his horse was quite all right However, hardly three days later, this horse died under the same circumstances as were seen by his master in the dream. In his book “An Experiment with Time”, J. W. Dunne has described several dreams, which depicted future realities in advance. In one of his own dreams, he had seen the eruption of a volcano in the Crestar Island few weeks before the calamity. Spain’s Ischopiel Palace is a masterpiece of Spanish architect. King Phillip II had got it constructed in the memory of his wife Mary Tudor. One of the halls in this monument was designed for the burial of the king and his successors. An astrologer told the King that his family’s empire would last for twenty-four generations only. Because of his faith in the sage, the king arranged for twenty-four graveyards in the said hall. Queen Maria Christine was the 23rd ruler of the same royal family. She died in 1929 and was buried in the same hall. Surprisingly, Alphonso, the prince designate since a long time, was finally sworn in as the King of Spain. Within two years he was dethroned and assassinated. With him the empire of Phillip’s family had also come to an end. It was sometimes during the peaceful freedom movement of India, when an elderly British citizen, nick-named Nancy came here as a tourist. She was a good friend of Mrs. Sarojini Naidu. Sarojini had organized a get-together to introduce her to some Indian friends. Mr. Jinnah and his newly wed, young Parasi wife were also present on this occasion. Nancy constantly stared at the couple for several minutes while being introduced to them. It looked quite awkward. After the couple had left, Sarojini asked this lady about her embarrassing behavior. Nancy replied –– “I could read it on their faces that within three years from now, they would be divorced. Afterwards, the young pretty woman (Mrs. Jinnah) would commit suicide and Mr. Jinnah will become a king – the head of a state”. All the others around, including the host laughed at this whimsical ‘prediction’. No one could imagine the couple’s separation, as Mr. Jinnah was deadly fallen in his new wife’s love. The possibility of India’s freedom in such a short span of time and Jinnah’s enthronement sounded equally baseless. However, everyone witnessed that the next three years brought a drastic change in the fate of the country as well as that of the Jinnahs. They were divorced and Mrs. Jinnah ended her life in depression. With its independence, India was divided into two nations and Mr. Jinnah became the first head of the state of Pakistan. Mr. Zaidy, the then vice-chancellor of the Aligarh Muslim University (India) had also heard about the above prediction. He visited London six years after the independence of India. There he recalled this British lady – the foreteller, Madam Jean Dixon (Nancy). He did have her address in the diary, so he could visit her during his stay there. While talking about her clairvoyance in general, Prof. Zaidy casually asked her about the future of India and Pakistan. She just looked into the air and said – east of Pakistan will be separated in couple of decades… Indeed, her prediction came true, when Pakistan was divided and its east part emerged as an independent country – Bangladesh in 1970.

A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.

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Seeds of the supernormal vision like Mrs. Dixon and of other exceptional talents are immanent in every individual. Each one of us could gradually arouse and evolve these hidden potentials of our mind by dedicated endeavors. The ancient science of yoga s³dhan³s enlightens the path of such extraordinary attainments.

…….To be continued in next edition (This series is based on the book “The Extrasensory Potential of Mind” by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya)

Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings.

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Maharshi Atharvana was among the noted rishis of yore who added new dimensions to applied research in Scientific Spirituality. He was blessed with multifaceted talents of a scientist, philosopher, spiritualist, scholar, poet and a master mystic. The area of his research was unique — it delved into the subliminal relationship between matter and energy fields of consciousness force. He experimented on transformation of consciousness-energy vibrations into matter and extraction of consciousness-energy hidden in the subtle particles of material elements. Accomplished experts of his time advised him against this peculiar line of investigation considering that a rishi of his level, who had realized higher realms of spirituality, should not spend time and efforts in researching material elements. He was revered all over the world; mightiest emperors of the globe at that time used to bow before him with deep reverence. What was the need for him to spend time in this kind of research? Certainly he too, like all other rishis, had no worldly desires, no aspiration for recognition, reputation or respect. No horizon of Nature, or nothing perceivable or subtle was beyond the reach of the rishis of his level. No field of knowledge was outside the domain of their grasp. All their endeavors, all their deeds were dedicated for noble mission of enlightening others. Maharshi Atharvana's research was motivated for social service at a more grass-roots level. Altruistic service appeared more important than soul evolution and salvation to this great rishi. All beings were dear to him. His actions were aimed at allaying gnorance and agony. Sufferings and sorrows of others used to touch his compassionate heart and moist his eyes. His Ashram was located in the thick forest along side the river Madhumati. The forest itself appeared to be a part of his Ashram, as the small hutments of hermits and his disciples, cottages for class-rooms, yagyashala, etc were distributed in different directions beneath or surrounded by trees, without disturbing the natural grandeur and richness of the forest. Residents of the nearby villages used to call this place as Atharva Ashram. His hermitage, in which he used to stay with his daughter Vatika, was on the banks of the river Madhumati so that the villagers could reach there easily. His daughter too was an ascetic and his disciple. She was also carrying out experiments with other researchers there as per his directions. As it was like a worship of God for him, Maharshi Atharvan had named his field of research as “Rishi Archana” (meaning: Prayers offered by a Rishi). Considering that the principal aim of this research was social welfare – to allay the sufferings and pains of others and to work for their well-being, he and his disciples had adopted “Rishi Archana se Loka Vandana” (meaning: Socialworship through Rishi Archana) as the main mantra of their lives. Though age-wise he was old, Maharshi Atharvan's physical strength, vital-energy, enthusiasm, industriousness and mental sharpness were like those of a vibrant youth. He was the source of live-guidance and inspiration for his disciples. His daughter Vatika had also dedicated her life to help him accomplish the noble mission of social welfare. This great rishi had discovered that subtlization of particles of matter releases immense energy and also emits vibrations of consciousness-force indwelling in it in sublime forms. He successfully experimented to verify this fact using his spiritual power. He also found and demonstrated that superposing of specific energy waves can give rise to specific kinds of matter. Not only that, in several cases he also identified most suitable muhurtas (timings in terms of astrologically important positioning of planets, stars, etc) for optimal effects in such experiment. Through his dedicated research in this field – pertaining to

A Rishis's Unique Approach to Worship: Research for Social-Welfare

Let's not just transform those in need, we can also find ways to help transform those in power.

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unified nature of matter, energy and consciousness force – of scientific spirituality, he concluded the following. If carried out in specific muhurtas deploying devout sadhanas of specific mantras with unperturbed determination, an otherwise impossible or tedious experiment of decomposition and subtlization of matter into energy and vibrations of consciousness force could yield quick results. In his views some such siddha muhurtas for specific sadhana experiments are such that the latter's auspicious effects that would be normally achievable in a year's time could be realized only in a few days. He regarded doing yagya (fire ritual) experiment in a siddha muhurta as the best mode of subtlization and sublimation of natural substances (esp. herbs, plant medicines and some nourishing grains, dryfruits and milk products) for energy- generation, environmental purification and psychological upliftment. The material units used in his experimental research mainly consisted of plant medicines, gems and pearls, and mantras. Related experiments were also conducted at his gurukul-laboratory and at different places on different species of plants, soil and water samples, and some selected metals and non-metal substances. Although all his disciples were sincerely conducting research experiments of these kinds under his able guidance, most notable contributions were made by Kratu, Kautsa, Bhragari and Vatika. These researchers, like the rishi himself, were engaged in sadhana experiments round the clock without even caring for essential food and rest. The long-term collective hard work of all of them had finally fructified in incredible findings. This research had also shown that irrespective of their atmospheric environment, different places and different ambiences have different (sublime) energy fields. The impact of specific muhurtas may also vary accordingly. So, a right combination of place and a muhurta would give the best results. This research work had also deciphered that every entity of Nature — animate or inanimate - has its own specific quality. Depending upon its atomic constitution and energy fields and consciousness level it receives and absorbs compatible effects of the infinite energy currents pervading the cosmos. Maharshi Atharvan and his research team had also found that the receptivity to consonant effects (matching frequency) is exceptionally high on some special muhurtas, as the level of vital spiritual energy is extraordinarily higher than its normal flow in any substance, plant or creature during these timeperiods. For example, Ravi-Pushya Guru-Pushya, (rising phase of “Pushya” star on a Sunday or Thursday), Somavati or Shanivasriya Amavasya (no-moon phase on a Monday or on a Saturday) are some such special muhurtas. Determined efforts with full preparation and strong willpower could give exceptionally beneficial outcomes during these time periods. Miraculous achievements are possible by execution of spiritual experiments, empowered with suitable mantra-sadhanas during these special phases. For example, during these special muhurtas, expert spiritual scientists may awaken sharp intelligence in a dullard brain; may heal an otherwise incurable patient and relieve him of the dreaded disease; may bless poorest of the poor with a fortune that will make him affluent in a short time. Maharshi Atharvan had, with the assistance of his disciples, obtained thousands of such results and verified and applied them several times. Making use of these findings, his team had offered enormous help to the masses in the nearby as well as distant villages. No disease or adversity was incurable for them. Their mantrapowered plant-medicines, gems and spiritual healing had the potential to uproot all illness, infirmities and negativities. They had also helped the mentally retarded ones to sharpen their skills and intelligence. The downtrodden, weak, helpless and needy ones used to see them as saviors. These pursuers of “Rishi Archana se Loka Vandana” had also offered other kinds of social services like eliminating psychological

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.

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complications and misunderstanding between married couples, neighbors, friends, etc, and creating social harmony, motivating the masses for cooperation and collective progress, etc. With successful expansion of this altruistic 'spiritual science research-cum-social welfare' mission, not only the “Atharva Ashram” but also the entire forest region around it became like a healing–centre, a temple, a pilgrimage, for the masses in the villages, towns spread across almost the entire Aryavarta (the land of the Aryans — ancient India). However, there were critics too. Some prosperous and talented ones including some accomplished scholars used to feel that Maharshi Atharvan had deviated from his appropriate path of sadhana and is not fulfilling his duties as a rishi. In their views a rishi being a supramental yogi and spiritual sage should remain engaged in the sadhanas of ultimate soul-realization and salvation. They held that making use of spiritual attainments for solving worldly problems of the masses or deploying Nature's sublime powers for the welfare of ordinary mortal beings, was a diversion from the path of divine enlightenment. Some of them even expressed the opinion that he should no longer be respected as a “Maharshi”, …. etc. But Atharvan being a “Maharshi” (great rishi) in the truest sense of the word knew what the righteous path was for him. He used to ignore the critics with a modest smile. He was least bothered about whether someone respected him like a rishi or not. To the curious ones he would politely explain that his research efforts were for “Rishi Archana se Loka Vandana” saying that he is born to do his level best for the welfare of the entire world, for all beings. His disciples were also humble and duty-bound like him. For them the real path to ultimate light and salvation was what their revered guru had shown them. Maharshi Atharvan and his disciples analyzed the sublime nature of plants, humans, animals, and experimented on the energy in the subtlest core of matter, and deciphered the vibrations of unified force of consciousness pervading the visible and invisible realms of Nature. They discovered the optimal times and combinations with respect to maximal positive impact of celestial arrangement of stars and cosmic energy fields and invented the modes of making constructive use of these in consonance with Nature. It was the spiritually evolved vision of Maharshi Atharvan that made all this possible. His devout sadhanas and illumined wisdom enabled him realize the transcendental knowledge of the “Atharva Veda”. More than half of the nearly six thousand hymns in this Veda are grasped and elucidated by him. The multiple dimensions and noble purpose of spiritual science achieved and shown by him stand as marks of eternal beacon-light for every researcher of scientific spirituality.

The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own.

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Working under the divine blessings of Pt.Sriram Sharma Acharya, Param Vandaniya Mata

BhagavatiDevi Sharma .


Dr. Vijay Bhatkar - architect of PARAM2 supercomputers, India

Dr. Sunitha Guptha - Sr. Research Scientist, U.S.A.

Dr. G. venkat Rao - M Tech, PhD, India

Dr. Arun Kumar – PhD., Sr. Research Scientist, U.S.A.

G. Jayanth - M.S., Electrical Engineering, U.S.A.

K. SaiTej – M.S., Industrial Engineering, U.S.A

Smt. Praphulla, M.C.A., U.S.A

Advisory Board :

Dr. Pranav Pandya

Head: All World Gayatri Pariwar

Chancellor: Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya

Director: Brahmavarchas Research Institute

Shraddheya Shailbala Pandya

Managing Trustee :

Shri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Haridwar

Dr.Marella Sri Ramakrishna ardent disciple of Pt.Sriram Sharma Acharya Dr. Vijay Bhatkar - architect of PARAM2 supercomputers, India,,,

We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.

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