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Tips to take your

nails clean

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Health tips


Peace and Brave “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we

belong to each other.

Ordinary people doing extraordinary

things: The value that forges families,

businesses and different nations.

Courage is a universal value that

teaches us to stand up for what is

worth, to master our fears and

overcome adversity. Without courage in

difficult times our lives could drift,

however the inner strength driven by

conscience, can take us further than we

could imagine.

Being brave is not easy. Sometimes,

courage means facing the consequences

of our actions, products from our

mistakes. Like the child who admits to

his parents that it was he who broke the

neighbor's window, the employee who

recognizes not doing his job as he

should, the parent who agrees to their

children should have spent more time

with them.

Life itself is not simple and can

sometimes be surprisingly hard: The

death of a loved one, illness, ruin a

business are examples of extremely

difficult times. Courage is the

difference between sink or keep


A state of harmony characterized by the

lack of violent conflict and the freedom

from fear of violence is called peace.

Commonly understood as the absence


of hostility, peace also suggests the

existence of healthy or newly healed

interpersonal or international

relationships, prosperity in matters of

social or economic welfare, the

establishment of equality, and a

working political order that serves the

true interests of all.

In international relations, peacetime is

not only the absence of war or violent

conflict, but also the presence of

positive and respectful cultural and

economic relationships.

Peace is the priceless characteristic of

any society. If we think deeply, we

cannot but come to the conclusion that

peace is the ultimate of life. It is a

combination of positive feelings of

happiness, calmness, contentedness,

love, compassion and harmony with

nature, with the absence of negative

ones like pain, conflict, hostility and

imbalance with nature. We may attain

this peace when the inner self and the

outer environment are in balance and

harmony. One who experiences peace

would depict a healthy physical and

mental state, which needs nourishment

from inside and outside, i.e. spiritual

and material needs.

The word Salam or the phrase Salam in

Malaysia is greetings that depict peace

unto others. Indeed the word Islam too

has its roots in a word that means

peace. “Assalamu’alaikum” which

means ‘peace unto you’ is also said to

be the greetings of the people of the

Paradise. The cost of absence of peace

can be huge. For example, to prevent

just housebreaking we install burglar

alarms, keep dogs, pay for security

guards, keep lights on when we go for

vacations etc. But even in the worst

moment, we need to get calm and

obtain peace.


In addition to the standard artificial limb

for everyday use, many amputees or

congenital patients have special limbs

and devices to aid in the participation of

sports and recreational activities.

Within science fiction, and, more

recently, within the scientific

community, there has been

consideration given to using advanced

prostheses to replace healthy body parts

with artificial mechanisms and systems

to improve function. The morality and

desirability of such technologies are

being debated. Body parts such as legs,

arms, hands, feet, and others can be


The first experiment with a healthy

individual appears to have been that by

the British scientist Kevin Warwick. In

early 2008, Oscar Pistorius, the "Blade

Runner" of South Africa, was briefly

ruled ineligible to compete in the 2008

Summer Olympics because his Cheetah

Flex-foot prosthetic limbs developed by

biomedical engineer Van Phillips and

manufactured by Ossur were said to

give him an unfair advantage over

runners who had ankles. Pistorius did

not qualify for the South African team

for the 2008 Olympics, but went on to

sweep the 2008 Summer Paralympics,

and has been ruled eligible to qualify for

any future able-bodied sporting events.

The Paralympic Games is the world's

second largest major international

multi-sport event, involving athletes

with a range of physical and intellectual

disabilities, including mobility

disabilities, amputations, blindness, and

cerebral palsy.



Types of Artificial Limb

There are four main types of artificial

limbs. The type of prosthesis depends

on what part of the limb is missing.

Transtibial prosthesis: is an

artificial limb that replaces a leg

missing below the knee. Transtibial

amputees are usually able to regain

normal movement more readily than

someone with a transfemoral

amputation, due in large part to

retaining the knee, which allows for

easier movement.

Transfemoral prosthesis: is an

artificial limb that replaces a leg

missing above the knee.

Transfemoral amputees can have a

very difficult time regaining normal

movement. In general, a

transfemoral amputee must use

approximately 80% more energy to

walk than a person with two whole


Transradial prosthesis: is an

artificial limb that replaces an arm

missing below the elbow. Two main

types of prosthetics are available.

Cable operated limbs work by

attaching a harness and cable

around the opposite shoulder of the

damaged arm.

Transhumeral prosthesis: is an

artificial limb that replaces an arm

missing above the elbow.

Transhumeral amputees experience

some of the same problems as

transfemoral amputees, due to the

similar complexities associated with

the movement of the elbow.

In recent years, new plastics and other

materials, such as carbon fiber, have

allowed artificial limbs to be stronger

and lighter. Additional materials have

allowed artificial limbs to look much

more realistic, which is important to

transradial and transhumeral amputees

because they are more likely to have the

artificial limb exposed.

Beauty and womanhood

go hand in hand. The

mental and the physical

well-being of a woman

are very well reflected in

a healthy looking radiant


Your skin is not just a reflection

of external factors but also of

various internal factors. A

healthy diet and active lifestyle

is a must to ensure that you are

beautiful, inside out. It is very

important to keep yourself

hydrated during winters. So

drink lots of water, eat lots of

fruit and fresh vegetables and

avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, soda

and other caffeine rich drinks as

they tend to dehydrate the body.

Many of us, irrespective of

our hectic schedules do

ensure that they eat healthy

and follow a strict fitness

regime. But amidst this,

many of us often tend to

neglect a very important part

of our body- our nails.

Gorgeous looking nails would

not just boost the inner

confidence in you but also

make you feel pampered.

Cold weather dehydrates

your nails and cuticles,

leaving them prone to

breaking, chapping and

discoloration. The best way

to keep nails in top shape is

by maintaining a meticulous

nail care routine, especially

during the cold season.


1. Eat healthy: What we eat

directly reflects on our nails.

Our nails are composed of

calcium and other

minerals. So, it is very

essential to replenish them,

which you can do so by an

adequate supply of calcium,

vitamin A, phosphorous, zinc,

folic acid, silica, vitamin C. That

is a long list that’ll do a food

technologist proud, isn’t it?

Let’s deconstruct that to

something we can relate to,

shall we? Here we go. Drink

plenty of milk and also make

sure you eat plenty of milk

products like cheese, yogurt

etc. Eggs, green leafy

vegetables such as spinach,

parsley, coriander, broccoli,

apricots, carrots, and almonds

are also very good supplements

to your diet. Drink lots of water

as it will not just prevent

wrinkles on your skin but also

avoid your nails from getting

brittle. Also look out for

discoloration of nails or

developing ridges, because they

are indication of vitamin

deficiency. Deficiency of

Vitamin B12 leads to dryness

and darkening of nails.

2. Personal hygiene: Clean

nails are not just necessary to

look good but also necessary to

ensure your well-being. Our

nails can carry lots of disease

causing bacteria and germs.

Winters, especially, make our

nails more porous and

susceptible to fungus. Trim

your nails regularly. But do not

file your nails immediately after

Don’t bite your nails.

bath because they tend to

break. Avoid back and forth

motion while filing your nails

and make sure you stick to one

direction. Resort to nail buffing

as it augments blood

circulation, stimulating nail

growth and voila you have

strong and shiny nails. When

you wash hands, make sure

you massage soap near your

nails and cuticles. Rinse and

moisture them well .You could

also use a soft brush to clean

them. Dead skin around the

nails could be removed using a

pumice stone. Do not keep

exposing your nails to extreme

temperatures, very hot water

or direct heat and cold. They

lead to brittle nails.

3. Keep them well

moisturized: Apply moisturizer

while watching TV, before going

to bed and after washing your

hands. Massaging hot oil once a

week could give you smooth

and soft fingers and nails.

Vitamin E oil is very good for

nails and so is castor oil. You

could also use petroleum jelly

to massage your beautiful nails.

Massaging nail serum could also

stimulate circulation and help

your nails grow faster as during

winters your nails tend to grow


4. Avoid harsh chemicals as

they make your nails brittle

and damage them very

badly. Use a base coat before

applying paint. Use non acetone

nail polish remover to prevent

your nails from being fragile,

better stick to acetate

containing nail polish removers.

Vibrant colors like crimson red,

neon blue, deep pink, deep

burnt rust, grey is the new

black, electric green are the hot

trends seen at runway

currently. Apply vinegar on

your nail to last the polish



convention speech was only

hours old when President

Obama, confronted by a weak new

jobs report, found himself Friday

having to use precious time on the

campaign trail to account for the

country’s continued anemic

economic recovery.

As he has been forced to month

after month, the president

responded by shifting the blame to

Congressional Republicans,

calling on lawmakers to pass the

jobs bill he proposed last year and

that has been languishing since.

“Today we learned that after

losing around 800,000 jobs a

month when I took office,

businesses added private-sector

jobs for the 30th month in a row,”

Mr. Obama told a campaign rally

in Portsmouth, N.H. He did not

mention the actual number of new

jobs reported by the Bureau of

Labor Statistics earlier in the

morning, which was a figure lower

than expected.

“But that’s not good enough,” Mr.

Obama said. “We know it’s not

good enough.”

The president called on Congress

to commit to extending middle-

class tax cuts. “If Republicans are

serious about getting rid of

joblessness, they can create one

million new jobs if Congress

passes the jobs plan I sent them,”

he said.




Mr. Obama is on a post-

convention campaign trip through

crucial swing states, starting in

New Hampshire on Friday

morning before heading to Iowa

City and then ending in St.

Petersburg, Fla. There he will

begin a bus tour over the weekend

through Florida, a perennial


He was joined by his full ticket:

The first lady, Michelle Obama

(who the president called

“amazing” at the convention),

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

and his wife, Jill Biden.

Mitt Romney, the Republican

presidential nominee, wasted no

time in jumping on the jobs report

Friday. On his way to a campaign

stop near Sioux City, Iowa, Mr.

Romney told reporters that the

latest employment report was a

fresh reminder that Mr. Obama’s

leadership has left Americans with

little more than broken promises

and empty hope.

“There’s almost nothing the

president has done in the past

three and a half, four years that

gives the American people

confidence that he knows what

he’s doing when it comes to

jobs and the economy,” Mr.

Romney said, adding that the

president’s speech Thursday to

the Democratic National

Convention contained even

more promises that will go


“What is he going to do to get

this economy going?” Mr.

Romney said. “All he said last

night was the same as what he

said four years ago, which by

the way; he made a lot of

promises four years ago. Can

you think of any of those

promises that were met? I

mean, he was going to create

jobs. We haven’t. Lower

unemployment? He hasn’t.

Rising take home pay? It’s

gone down.”

His appearance in Iowa came

as the Romney campaign was

ramping up activity on another

front. It announced on Friday a

major advertising campaign in

eight swing states. The

commercials – 15 in all – are

specifically tailored to resonate

with voters in each of those


In Florida, for example, people

will see commercials about

falling real estate values and

high foreclosure rates. In

Colorado, where the military

and defense contracting is a

large employer, people will

hear how the president’s

budget cuts could cost 20,000

military jobs there.

And here in Iowa, they will

hear how “excessive

government regulations are

crushing small businesses and

family farms.”

The president, meanwhile, got

in some licks of his own.

During his speech, Mr. Obama

tried out a new attack line

against the Republican push

for tax cuts, deriding the

Republicans as running to tax

cuts as the solution for every


On Friday morning, as is his

wont when he finds a line he

likes, Mr. Obama was ready to

expand. Mr. Romney and his

running mate, Representative

Paul D. Ryan, Mr. Obama said,

view tax cuts as a miracle cure.

“Tax cuts to help you lose a

few pounds! Tax cuts to help

improve your love life!” Then,

he grinned.




On September 11, 2001, at

8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday

morning, an American

Airlines Boeing 767 loaded

with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel

crashed into the north tower

of the World Trade Center in

New York City. The impact

left a gaping, burning hole

near the 80th floor of the

110-story skyscraper,

instantly killing hundreds of

people and trapping

hundreds more in higher


Then, 18 minutes after the

first plane hit, a second

Boeing 767–United Airlines

Flight 175–appeared out of

the sky, turned sharply

toward the World Trade

Center and sliced into the

south tower near the 60th

floor. The collision caused a

massive explosion that

showered burning debris

over surrounding buildings

and the streets below.


The attackers were Islamic

terrorists from Saudi Arabia

and several other Arab

nations. Reportedly

financed by Saudi fugitive

Osama bin Laden's al-

Qaeda terrorist

organization, they were

allegedly acting in

retaliation for America's

support of Israel, its

involvement in the Persian

Gulf War and its continued

military presence in the

Middle East.

The 19 terrorists easily

smuggled box-cutters and

knives through security at

three East Coast airports

and boarded four flights

bound for California,

chosen because the planes

were loaded with fuel for

the long transcontinental


Soon after takeoff, the

terrorists commandeered

the four planes and took

the controls, transforming

ordinary commuter jets into

guided missiles.

As millions watched the

events unfolding in New

York, American Airlines

Flight 77 circled over

downtown Washington,

D.C., and slammed into the

west side of the Pentagon

military headquarters at

9:45 a.m. Jet fuel from the

Boeing 757 caused a

devastating inferno that led

to the structural collapse of

a portion of the giant

concrete building. All told,

125 military personnel and

civilians were killed in the

Pentagon, along with all 64

people aboard the airliner.

Less than 15 minutes after

the terrorists struck the

nerve center of the U.S.

military, the horror in New

York took a catastrophic

turn for the worse when the

south tower of the World

Trade Center collapsed in a

massive cloud of dust and


The structural steel of the

skyscraper, built to

withstand winds in excess

of 200 miles per hour and a

large conventional fire,

could not withstand the

tremendous heat

generated by the burning

jet fuel. At 10:30 a.m., the

other Trade Center tower


Close to 3,000 people

died in the World Trade

Center and its vicinity,

including a staggering 343

firefighters and

paramedics, 23 New York

City police officers and 37

Port Authority police

officers who were

struggling to complete an

evacuation of the

buildings and save the

office workers trapped on

higher floors.

Meanwhile, a fourth

California-bound plane–

United Flight 93–was

hijacked about 40 minutes

after leaving Newark

International Airport in

New Jersey.

Knowing that the aircraft

was not returning to an

airport as the hijackers

claimed, a group of

passengers and flight

attendants planned an

insurrection. The passen-

gers fought the four

hijackers and are

suspected to have atta-

cked the cockpit with a fire

extinguisher. The plane

then flipped over and sped

toward the ground at

upwards of 500 miles per

hour, crashing in a rural

field in western Pennsyl-

vania at 10:10 a.m. All 45

people aboard were killed.

The intented tarket will

never be known.

At 7 p.m., President

George W. Bush, who had

spent the day being

shuttled around the country

because of security

concerns, returned to the

White House. At 9 p.m., he

delivered a televised

address from the Oval

Office, declaring, "Terrorist

attacks can shake the

foundations of our biggest

buildings, but they cannot

touch the foundation of

America. These acts

shatter steel, but they

cannot dent the steel of

American resolve." In a

reference to the eventual

U.S. military response he

declared, "We will make no

distinction between the

terrorists who committed

these acts and those who

harbor them." Operation

Enduring Freedom, the

American-led international

effort to oust the Taliban

regime in Afghanistan and

destroy Osama bin Laden's

terrorist network based

there, began on October 7.


Under the influence of the

American Revolution, the

American people dream of

freedom from colonial rule.

The Creoles of Central

claimed independence to

escape the control of the

indigo trade exercised by the


In 1811, there were popular

uprisings in San Salvador, San

Pedro Grande, Santiago

Nonualco, Usulután,

Chalatenango and

elsewhere. The heroes and

Delgado Arce, unable to

control the rebellious people,

accepted the repression

applied by the colonial


On 24 January 1814, Pedro

Pablo Castillo, second mayor

of San Salvador, leads a

popular uprising. Repression

reached independence all

mayors, who were

imprisoned, and the heroes

themselves, Arce, Celis and

Juan Manuel Rodriguez, nor

this time supported a popular

uprising that had no control.

They were released to swear

allegiance to the King of

Spain, and Pedro Pablo

Castillo was hanged.



The independence of Central

America was proclaimed in

Guatemala on September

15, 1821. Like in many other

parts, to one or other side of

the Atlantic, the freedom

and the people got the

wealthy enjoyed. At the time

of independence, the

founding fathers were their


After independence, Creoles

and mestizos were divided

into two groups, liberals and

conservatives, pushing the

natives of any discussion on


On November 22 of 1824,

was promulgated the

Constitution of the Federal

Republic of Central America

in an attempt to keep the

joint region. The first president

of the Federation was the

Salvadorian Manuel José

Arce, who failed to convince

liberals and conservatives of

the desirability of the unity of

the region.

The leader of American unity

was, however, the Honduran

Francisco Morazan, who was

twice elected President of

the Federation, in 1830 and

1835. He made the first liberal

reform throughout Central:

granted religious freedom,

enacted the law of divorce,

the convents became in

model prisons and barracks,

encouraged and

democratized education

and abolished tithes and first

fruits to the Church taxing the


However, the Federal

Republic, consisting of fifty

states, each of which is

independently reserving the

legislative, executive and

judicial, was actually a

partnership in which the local

oligarchies reserved the

government of their

respective provinces.

The Constitution, moreover

absolutely prepared by

minority groups, guaranteed

power-sharing between

regional chiefs with the firm

intention to ensure the

maneuverability needed to

control at will the territory as

their own interests.

These private interests

lacked, however, the depth

of national importance or

indispensable to last long.

In 1838 began to show the

breakdown of the system as

a result of tensions between

its components, tensions that

eventually led to civil war.

President Morazán,

appointed in 1830, did his

best to keep the union, first as

Federal President and later as

President of El Salvador, until

his execution in 1842, but his

efforts were fruitless.

Federative idea, however,

did not die at all and still

appears in the speeches of

many politicians, feeding

ideas and the Central

American Common Market.

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