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    GUESTS HH ' . . . . . . . , - .

    'sulci' Dorics Overland Co. Entertains Dealers of

    the State. .i. ."in; .ehV.; #>:., * I'ifefe.isA/'j'if.

    Automobile dealers from the stat were the guests

    all over of the

    tOrkiid Porks Overland company at a banquet given at the Frederick hotel last night. P. W. Miller, president Mid manager of the 1,verla"^tr C7J; cuy; rua. iv. unsuu., ^u.; . Pany here, gave an '"ter?f"f,wiP ; Johnson, Stephen; Chas. Herrington,

    I v breakfast

    PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., SPECIALS 35c Castorla. Our price. .31c 60c Sal Hepatica. Our price i S4c 60c Syrup of Figs. Our price .B4c

    60c Holt's Liniment. Our price .53c 60c Musterole. Our price ,54c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills. -Our price 54c"' 85c Jad Salts. Our .price ..73o

    '^1 O t 65c Glover's Mange Remedy. Our Price... 59c ^ ft $1.10 Nuxated Iron. Our price 9go

    ^ 35c Freezone. Our price.... sic 50c Benetol. 'Our .price .44c 60c Blauds 5 grain tablets, our price 39c

    {[( \ y II A3II 25c Rexall Cold Tablets. Our price 19c i |fl| J!t( (9) Hinkle Pills, bottle of 100. Our price ~.39c

    50c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. 'Our price...44c $1.00 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Our price. .880

    Send Us Tour Prescriptions or Let Us Call for and Deliver Them.

    Corner 3r'tSt. Z

    To feel your best day in and day out, to feel clean inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; no constipation, bilious attacks, sick head-, ache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stomach, you must tiathe on the

    new state by the London conference of 1912-1913.

    "The resQlution also urged a plebls-. cite in the cut off districts after a previous occupation by American forces so as> to insure free expression of the wishes of the population' concerned, and for the admission of the Albanian delegation in the peace conference.

    Speaks For All Albanians. "The .resolution was transmitted to

    the American government, to President Wilson in France, Col. E. M. House and the foreign ministers of Great Britain, . Italy and France. Though it comes only from, the Albanians of North America it does actually voice the sentiments of all the' Albanians. There is no ^question that the convention is the mouthpiece of all the Albanians wherever they live, considering the fact that the Albanians of America are the only people who can freely express their sentiments.

    "What the Albanians want through that resolution is simple and elementary Justice. Despite the patent fact that the territories taken are Albanian by every title, human and divine, ahd so they are known to every one, the Albanians do not claim them outright, but only through plebiscite. The Greeks inay be expatiating over the Greek character of the southern Albanian provinces; the Albanians slta-

    if he be left now under the domination of some' other nation he will never acquiesce in his predicament. He will be in a constant struggle against his oppressor, whether he be mild or rigorous and cruel, and unless' he be exterminated he will never cease harassing his- enemy..

    "This iss especially true today, when the national Ideals have pervaded the Albanian masses and old Albania has given place to a new one which Is likely to outbid the conjectures made in regard to its latent possibilities of astounding self-development. '

    "This the .world has been lately realizing, though it has not as yet been able to fully appreciate its importance."The Sun, New york.

    The Diet during and after Influenza. Horllck's Malted Milk, nourishing, digestible.Adv.

    ln"ld,e "i ! Ply "ay "let the people talk for them-,

    more lmportant, betu the M|ve8 The Serbians and Montenegrin^ w rl,iffr?! maV claim the districts of northern into thq blood, while the bowel pores an(j eastern Albania on hazy historical do, says a well-known physician. and sentimental grounds; the Alban-

    To keep these poisons and toxins ' ians wish only that the population of


    well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, d.-lnk before breakfast-each day. a glass of hot water with a teaspoonfUl of limestone phosphate In it. This will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary, tract; before putting more food Into the stomach.

    Get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It is inexpensive and almost tasteless. Drink phospnated hot! water even' morning to rid your system of these vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their formation.

    As aoap and hot water act en the* sldn, cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so limestone phosphate and hot water before breakfast, aet on the stomaeh, liver, kidneys and bowels.


    these- districts be given i chanee to make their free choice.

    "No nation either great or small has up to the present's? unreservedly indorsed the principle of 1 plebiscite and self-determination. The Albanians, do not wish to live on charity but on Justice.

    "A satisfactory settlement of the Balkan question will be the one which will" close the door to further in trigues and machinations in the fu ture. But such intrigues and machinations will never cease to have dire effects unless there he t left no '.'terra Irredenta" , of whatever sort and de-scrlptlon and no population In'sub-

    It ia a notorious fact^thit the Al * rvly+d every oppressor

    a* his national solL and

    u p a i, tl ti si

    n r: r< o n


    b a




    STOMACH Get at the Real CauseTake Dr.

    EdwardOlive Tablets ThaPs what thouunds of stomach

    ^offerers an doing now. Instead o! taking -tank* or trying to patch up poor digestion, they are attacking the real cauae of the ailmentdogged liver and disordered bowels.

    Dr. Edward ^Olive Tablets arouse thd liver in a eoothimb healing way. When the liver and bowels are performing their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. I

    If you have a bad taste ta your i ^ outh, tongue coated, appetite - poor,

    iy, donfr&ra. fedihg, no ambition or lergy, troubled with ju should take OttfO Jtilte for calomeL -Dr. Edwordtf Oltw Tafafets 9 >

    OltVO OiL IM WIS jfOOV fMBI olHaedlor. Thqr do thai wdt

    . 'Pt twat SSSk

    with ^


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