  • Sequoia High School IB Course Offerings

    = Standard Level

    = Higher Level

    IB English HL

    IB English SL (Health Academy only)

    IB Spanish HL

    IB Spanish SL (taught over 2 yrs)

    IB French HL

    IB French SL

    IB History HL (Hist of Americas & 20th

    Cent Topics)

    IB Math Analysis & Approaches HL

    IB Math Analysis & Approaches SL

    IB Math Applications &

    Interpretation HL

    IB Math Applications &

    Interpretation SL

    IB Visual Arts HL (Art or Draw/Paint pre-req)

    IB Psychology SL


    IB Business & Management SL

    2nd IB science SL or HL

    A 2nd IB World Language SL or HL

    IB Biology HL (Chem pre-req)

    IB Environmental Systems & Societies SL

    (Bio and Chemistry or Physics pre-req)

    IB Physics SL (Physics pre-req)

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