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  • 8/18/2019 Servian Manual


    Silver Age: Servian Manual


    In Isaiah it is mentioned, "to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed..." Jesus had a spiritual mark on his right arm and hand called "God Hand". The arm of the Lord meant he was God, is God, and always will be God. God hand gave him the power of it. Yet some angels of the Lord grant their "angelic arm" tocertain humans. Enoch, Elijah, Isaiah himself even became some of the bearers of the angel hand which made them the eternal servant race of the angels, and granted them abilities as such.Angelic Arm

    In order to receive an Angelic Arm, your guardian angel must be seraphim.You must then use the Angelic Arm to further its purpose being that it marked its claim upon you by giving it its hand. Having Angelic Arm automatically makes you a servian, the immortal servant race of the angels. Here are the abilities of Angelic Arm which is a sub-power of angel physiology:

    Blessed Arrows - Extremely powerful arrows that rain from the heavens and does great damage to demons caught in area.

    Elemental Manipulation

    Energy Constructs - Makes all blessed items of holy nature that were destroyed able to become matter once more through the servian, once found.

    Enhanced Combat

    Enhanced Durability

    Enhanced Speed

    Enhanced Strength - opposite Demon possession strength

    Regenerative healing factor - Physical Realm

    Regenerative Faith Healing - Spirit Realm

    Ergokinetic Combat - fuse physical combat with energy

    Please keep in mind angelic arm is only a sub-power of the servians guardian angel. Jesus Christ was the only being to have God-Hand, A.k.a. the arm ofthe Lord. The arm of the Lord is not a sub-power of God, for it works differently than angelic arm. The arm of the Lord means Christ is God incarnate. A Servian is only the arm of the angel they are placed under.

    When Christ performed his first miracle of turning water into wine it was to show he was not a servian. A servian can only manipulate elements they are

    around, they cannot transmutate or alter atoms like the angels of the Lord. Butsince Jesus was born as a human with power beyond servians he showed he was Godincarnate and the arm of the Lord was revealed to him.

    I am going to use a different analogy to show the difference between a mortal man and a servian. It will allow you to understand roughly what I speak. I will use the analogy using something a mortal knows, the book by tolkien, Lordof the rings.

    A servian is the servant race of the angels. Like an elf they are, thoug

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    h they are not elves themselves. They do not use magic, instead they use elemental miracles. Yet the comparison I am trying to make is that the lifestyles and characteristics of elves are apporximately the same as a servian. Though the servians are not elves. There is no half elf among us, a servian was created starting mortal, yet through training and angelic arm, became purebred servians, like full natural elves.

    If this is so, then using the same analogy, the orcs, which were once fallen elves in Lord of the rings were not originally servians that fell, but thespawn of the fallen gregori angels who mated with man. They are the opposite and equal in power of the servians, only twisted for evil. Though they are not orcs, but nephilim. They use magic, thought he servian uses Miracles.

    In this campaign there will be made 1,008 servians. the eight are my brethren and myslef that go back through time, yet the thousand will remain duringthe long and possibly thousands of year silver age, as the servant race of the angels.

    Much power comes to the servian. Yet in God's eyes, the mortal man is the greater, and so it is in the servian eyes as well, despite their power they uphold. Mortals are the apple of God's eyes, and all servians know this.

    Once more I say we are not elven, nor are we users of any magic, for all magic, be it so called white even, is disgusting and vile to all servians.

    There is another race of creatures that were made to assist mortals andservian alike. They are called the nether races, or arials if you will. Though mortals can obtain one, the arial cannot speak to them, nor show a shape of a body to the mortal. Yet to the servian, the arials are in bodily form, and speak wi

    th them.We do not enchant, we do not summon, we use no incantations, we use prayer in a deep manner. There is nothing of paganism that has any hold on the servian, nor can a stupid mortal who thinks they can use such methods to call or impress us work. In our minds the one who tries is cursed by God. If you are meant to see a servian or an angel, would not the Lord send them to you? No evoking, no spells would do you anything but damage you unto hellfire, and we would hate you. This is just an analogy about servians in a language most mortals could easier understand it.

    I am the first servian to be created in this host of servians of Thyatira. The other servians before me exist in the kingdom of heaven. A Thyatira servian's place is the world, and tartarus. For this is our place. As for the thousand servians to remain, the galaxy will be their home during the silver age.

    In the analogy, just as a mortal is different than an elven one, so understand that the way we servians think and act are much different than mortals, and may seem wierd or strange to them. We hate wizards, and other occult practioners. Instead of a wizard, a servian would honor a sage of God. Understand that all things occultic are our enemy and is the path to the orc, which to us in this analogy is just a nephilim.

    Angels are mighty ones of God. They grant their angelic arm to whomeverthey see fit. When one is chosen, I will grant the eye beam in submission to the angels will, and the servian will begin transformation. Perhaps now you will see that instead of an elven language, it is only the language of the angel tongue we will know.

    `Servians tend to stick to themselves, and deal with mortals as little as possible. In the silver age, mortals will be able to harness to tools of the a

    ngels. For example, a mortal can use angel stones to Elemental miracle cast. Yet the servian needs not angel stones to do this, nor are they comfined only to what the angel stone would allow. Mortals may find the blessed items and armor and weapons of angels, yet servians can create such things themselves, and bless them appropriately. In every way servians can use these type of abilities, etc. naturally. Yet mortals do not understand the servian way, though they are greaterin God's sight, and ours. For this Servians typically stick to themselves.

    Servians are unimpressed with mortals, unless the mortal fears God and shows extreme honor and might and devotion unto God. IF a servian does seek a human out, it is one witht these qualities. For a mortal to go above and beyond the

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    ir calling unto God, is most in deep awe to the servian.A mortal who is a warrior but is greedy and self-centered in this analog

    y is like the dwarves to the servian. They may be strong in battle or even takehonor in being a man-at-arms, yet if he is greedy, self-centered, and cares little for the way of God is a fool to all servians. The dwarve-minded think themselves great or something I guess.

    Once a servian is created, they have angelic arm, which grants elemental manipulation, and physical enhanced condition, and othe rgifts, mentioned elsewhere in this folder. With enhanced durability, for example, it would take alot for a servian to bleed. Each area of enhanced condition is granted to the servian.

    To a servian, a crude rock and a lump of gold, feels the same, it sounds the same. Only different in mortals and dwarven eyes. A gem is not more valuable than a piece of stone. Only different in mortals and dwarvwen eyes. A serviancan feel the elemental power within from the Lord's creation in all things, though earth is sorrow. Yet mortals think stones from earth are their joy, and their wealth is in something that was cursed by God.

    Even the arials, long time faithful immortal companions to the servians, feel as they do. Even an arial hates wickedness and folly. So also the servian. A servian is not perfect. They too, make mistakes. It's just kind of different. Even the names of the angels themselves are too great for a servian to understand. If a mortal and especially one dwarven-minded knew that a servian could manipulate an element like earth and cause it to increase, and shape or decrease, their greed would greatly consume them, and they would seek to capture the servian

     for their own greedy gain. For this reason, among others, servians stick to themselves, and are rarely seen my mortals, unless the mortal fears God above and beyond what a mortal would be called to do. However, many mortals see them without knowing what they are!

    Yet in this comparison we very much differ than Lord of the Rings, for Lord of the Rings was all white people. White elves, white dwarves, and white humans. Our servian race has EVERY type of diversity in this world. We are not white people living in a white world to make the world safe for only white people! I am laughing as I write this. There are black, white, red, and yellow skinned servians, and mixes between! We pride ourselves in EQUALITY!

    A power contained withing all servians is the power called bueatification. A servian can appear as a crude human to one's sight. Yet if a servian chooses to rev

    eal what they truly are, they activate the light of the body and heart, and thewarm light emits from them, and all their features are shown for who they really are to the one they reveal themselves too. When a mortal sees it, they are tooastounded by such beauty they cannot help but be in silence and feel their own shame. They see and feel and physical beauty that cannot be expressed by them, one far greater than the so called hottest models of mortal men.

    The gift of showing a mortal or each other what is inside us is a servian attribute. It can also be used to show the power we have from within. The strength, the feeklings we have inside, all can be shown to each other and to mortals. The servian may choose to activate this gift at will. all the future generations of servians will know why the thousand are the first generation. They will feel our own struggle we went through to bring the silver age. This gift of beaut

    ification is so amazing, and is a natural attribute of every servian, among other abilities such as searching hearts and minds of mortals, and even speaking tothem telepathically, even over distances.

    When the silver age begins, the thousand servians which exist will in asecret place build a gateway on earth to a secret planet which exists in the galaxy. After the allotted seven day completion of the planet, the thousand will walk through it, and the Lord will destroy the gateway left behind. This large hidden planet will be divided among the ten clans, who will each have their own territory. Other than a sage, no one knows it even exists.

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    Yet sages do not merely appear for no reason. When a sage is born in the silver age, all the elders, and servians are in deep distress. For it means a great evil has appeared in man, and that man is forgetting their maker. When a sage is called to be one, he goes through a painstaking pilgrimage, seeking something he does not even know exists, without a reason to why. YEt he is driven by God without knowing why it is everything goes against him to a destination he doesn't understand. When he finds a gateway that no one can open, the spirit of the Lord will put the angel tongue in him and he will speak the phrase necessary and walk through unto a planet which is beyond even his knowledge.

    Yet the elder is troubled. For the servians have seen many prophecies from the angels. Some of past, already fulfilled, some yet destined to be. Yet they know not the order of such prophecies and which prophecy seemingly so small leads to a prophecy so large. Yet a sage's appearance means a prophecy has been fulfilled. A most disturbing one, for it means that man is forgetting their maker, and a great sin has appeared. Yet the servians love the sage who fought so hard, driven to near insanity and death to find an answer to something he did not even know existed.

    After a period of time he will spend in this world. But no longer than a decade. He will learn of things he did not know and speak simple things which spark so much fulfillment in the servian's own things they have seen. IT is showing the servian that the report of man, a report of what they have seen and heard has been confirmed. Perhaps then, a prophecy given seemingly long ago to the servian will make the servian smile, for this direction to the sage, and thus keep the servian at peace because these prophecies that disturbed him by not knowing

     the order of them has been stilled, that there is reason to some.It is sad to see a sage off. He must be given Servian gifts of course, topof the line, and his own miracle power is far greater than even a miracle worker in the silver age. Once he finds his purpose he may leave. If he is to return in the course of his life, he is welcome, as long as he doesn't stay too long indeed, after servians are a secret folk, they like not to be disturbed that much at all.

    Yet, woe is the appearance of the final sage! It means that the man of sin is about to be revealed, and then we must act! We must be prepared for all our training throughout our immortality is upon this sage's appearance! We are prepared to die! We will fight in all our ferocity against the beast, and satan's own army, and may we die bravely, though some will make it to the second coming.

    One day, my servian comrades, the seven and I with whom the thousand fought with to bring the silver age will come again. We will appear after a long voyage through time. We do not know when we will come, we may come more than once. We do not know, for we are not in control of the morningstar or where we are sent. The eight servians of Daniel 10-12 will come. We will greet eachother with a holy kiss and speak of so many things that the Lord has done for us! Blessingsto you fellow servians! Amen.

    Over the many millenia of man's history demons have existed. Yet every demon has their appointed time coming to which they will be annihilated completely during the silver age. God set boundaries for these demons, telling them thatthey cannot exceed certain torments on mankind, and put limitations of power that they give to the worshipper of evil. As long as they obeyed their boundaries t

    hey were free to wander earth and live in and throughout it. There were many demons throughout time that disobeyed God's boundaries and they were hunted and cast out by the devil hunters of old. however throughout mankinds existence to thepresent, demons are everywhere. Their mass numbers are the strongest they have ever been, although the demons of the modern age are much weaker than the demonsof old. So it has been in time. During their beginning of man they were small in number in comparison of today, yet the older demons were much much more powerful.

    Yet now their appointed time has come! the silver age beckons on the hor

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    izon, and demon extinction is now on high priority to the Angels of the Lord. As such the Archangel Uriel, who presides over tartarus is appointed the task of overseeing this process of their appointed time. The Archangels and Seraphim of the church of Thyatira have been given authority by God to choose for themselvescertain humans to aid the battle to rid the world of all demonic creatures! Knowing this, the angels of God set it in their hearts to create the angelic servant race, one lower than mortals, yet with the sub-physiology of the angels themselves. They call these servians, known by having Angelic Arm. of the elite servian order who were chosen by the seraphim, the ability to rule and govern the earth during the silver age under the authority of the seraphim placed over them created a secret society opposing the illuminati themselves! For the illuminati worship lucifer, the former angel of light, death, and the world. However, Uriel isthe true angel over the world, and tartarus and as the angel of light before the Most High God, Jesus Christ.

    As for the other 7 humans chosen to bear angelic arm and thus become servians, it is their duty to kill the demonic kingdom and remove satan's tie withman. The eight together are a team of hunters whose mission is the annihilationof all witchcraft and false cults of the world, always existing in the shadows,only known to those involved. Where all else fails, they will not...

    The Servian race are not born of angels and humans through intercourse between the angels and humans, for this unholy act is repulsive to the Lord. Thus the servians were made starting off as humans, yet through trial and test prove

    d themselves as worthy candidiates of usage to the holy angels of God. The servian race is the opposite of the nephilim, which were the giant spawn of the fallen angels and women before the flood. Every servian is placed against a nephilimand thus it always has been. Enoch, the man who walked with God was a servian of St. Michael, Archangel of God, just as Elijah the prophet of old became a servian to a different Archangel. Servians are immortal, but are made differently according to which angel they are under. Angels are powerful servants of God, however the human species is the apple of God's eye. Thus in becoming a servian, they are placed below man in order. Once recieving angelic arm, they are tested to see how they will use their power. After the test the Angel who gave them angelic arm then will accept or deject the person. If accepted they then become official servians in an angelic ceremony.

    A servian is called the angelic servant race for a reason. They have three servian laws they are bound by.

    Law 1a. - Worship the Lord God Jesus Christ and obey his commandsLaw 1b. - Obey the angel placed in charge of you, unless it disobeys law 1a.

    Law 2. - Protect humanity from demons, unless it conflicts with law 1.

    Law 3. - All servians are to treat eachother, as well as all gifts given by God, and secrecy above their very life, unless conflicting with law 1.

    A servian is only allowed as much power as granted to them by their ange

    l. Upon becoming servians their mind and body, now immortal does not function like a humans mind. It becomes a mix between angelic mind and human. In the scriptures it is noted that apostle paul and peter would walk down a street and whomever their shadow touched became healed. Because of the intense nature of elemental miracle casting, the servians, once initiated in the ceremony do not cast a shadow ever. Instead their guardian angel of whom they have angelic arm from has their shadow.

    Angelic arm is also called angel hand by some, yet it is different thanwhat is referred to as God-Hand which Isaiah the prohet called "The arm of the L

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    ord". God-Hand means that he who bears it is God, God-hand is not a sub-power of God, for it works differently than angelic arm. Jesus is the only one with Godhand forever, as both angelic arm and the arm of the Lord can only be given to one person. In God's choice of Jesus, we have the Messiah Eternal Emperor Jesus,and with St. Michael we have the sub-power Enoch the servian, etc., etc.

    Being a sub-power of Angel Physiology has many abilities associated with it to create the servian. The following is a list of abilites found in all servians. Keep in mind that a servian has another set of abilities based on the Angel they are under. These are just the ones that are shared:

    1. Enhanced Condition2. Elemental Manipulation3. Adapted Spirit Physiology

    The power to remain in the peak physical and/or mental condition of user's species with little or no maintaining.


    The user is at the peak physical and mental condition of their species in that verse can achieve without any supernatural methods and remain that way with littl

    e or no maintaining. This entails that they are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to fellow members of their species without being obviously supernatural.


    Contaminant Immunity

    Decelerated Aging

    Enhanced Agility

    Enhanced Athleticism

    Enhanced Balance

    Enhanced Beauty

    Enhanced Charisma

    Enhanced Combat

    Enhanced Dexterity

    Enhanced Durability

    Enhanced Endurance

    Enhanced Flexibility

    Enhanced Health

    Enhanced Jump

    Enhanced Instincts

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    Enhanced Intelligence

    Enhanced Lung Capacity

    Enhanced Marksmanship

    Enhanced Memory

    Enhanced Reflexes

    Enhanced Senses

    Enhanced Speed

    Enhanced Stamina

    Enhanced Strength

    Enhanced Vitality

    Enhanced Wisdom

    Regenerative Healing Factor


    Support Powers

    Levels of different conditions:

    Peak Human Condition - User is at the highest un-augmented condition that a human can reach. (Mortals)

    Enhanced Condition - User's condition may be augmented, but not to supernaturallevels. (Servians)

    Supernatural Condition - User is blatantly more powerful than other members of t

    heir species. (Genie at lower supernatural levels, Angels at peak supernatural condition)

    Absolute Condition - The ultimate type, the user has no limits to physical strength, speed, stamina, etc. (The Lord)


    Body Manipulation

    Computer Perception


    Encyclopedic Knowledge

    Flawless Coordination



    Intuitive Aptitude

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    The ability to manipulate the elements.


    User can create, shape and manipulate the basic elements of nature, the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which nature consists. The four principal, basic elements and their states are:

    Solid (Earth Manipulation)Liquid (Water Manipulation)Gas (Air Manipulation)Plasma (Fire Manipulation)


    Create/generate/increase elemental materials.

    Shape, compress, and/or otherwise manipulate elemental materials.

    Efficacy Manipulation including speed, density, hardness and/or sharpness.

    Repair objects of elemental materials.

    Sharpen/dull elemental objects.

    Elemental Attacks

    Elemental Detection

    Elemental Negation

    Move/lift elemental materials

    Elemental Flight

    Elemental Constructs, including weapons, walls, armor.

    Elemental Matter Manipulation

    Solid Manipulation

    Crystal Manipulation

    Earth Manipulation

    Glass Manipulation

    Ice Manipulation

    Metal Manipulation

    Mineral Manipulation

    Snow Manipulation

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    Liquid Manipulation

    Acid Manipulation

    Bubble Manipulation (in combination with air)

    Nitrogen Manipulation (in liquid form)

    Ink Manipulation

    Oil Manipulation

    Water Manipulation

    Gas Manipulation

    Air Manipulation

    Neon Manipulation

    Hydrogen Manipulation

    Oxygen Manipulation

    Pressure Manipulation

    Smoke Manipulation

    Sound Manipulation

    Plasma Manipulation

    Electricity Manipulation

    Fire Manipulation

    Ionic Manipulation

    Magma Manipulation

    Microwave Manipulation

    Pulse Manipulation

    Solar Manipulation

    Thermal Manipulation


    Element Drain

    Elemental Absorption

    Elemental Shield

    Elemental Augmentation

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    Elemental Combat

    Elemental Empowerment

    Elemental Enhanced Condition

    Elemental Healing

    Elemental Invisibility

    Elemental Mimicry (Genie Ability)

    Elemental Portal Creation

    Elemental Recomposition

    Elemental Regeneration

    Elemental Teleportation


    User may gain Molecular Manipulation, Atomic Manipulation


    User may be unable creating elements, being limited to manipulating already existing one.

    User may be limited to specific elements.

    Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

    User may only be able to manipulate for a certain period of time.

    Power to enter into spirit realm and use current abilities as a spirit.


    User with this ability can transform into a spirit: a supernatural and conscious being that in its normal state is incorporeal, invisible and immaterial. Power to transform into or have a physical body made up of ectoplasm.


    Fear Inducement




    Portal Manipulation


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    e mentioned, and in the Catholic Church, there is Raphael, mentioned in the book of Tobit. Some churches celebrate seven archangels and give them attributes, and often the names are conflicted.

    How can one make biblical sense of these I asked the Lord? The answer came when the Lord showed me a neat little trick about the seven spirits of God, and since I contemplated Uriel in that question, I got all of the details in scripture:

    In the matter of Uriel, pair the fourth church, the fourth seal, the fourth trumpet, and the fourth vial mentioned in the holy book of revelations. Doing so will unlock the some of the mystery surrounding Uriel.

    The fourth church of Thyatira is the church Uriel is over. How do we know this you might ask. Let us look. In the message of Thyatira it is mentioned by God:

    REV 2:23

    23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.KJV

    So then, if God searches the hearts and minds of men, and this is an attribute of the angel of Thyatira, I guess it would be safe to consider Uriel as t

    he angel of repentance, after all how can you know repentance unless you searchboth mind and heart.

    What about Uriels name. How is he biblically the angel of light, and also the regent of the sun? The answer lies in the fourth trumpet:

    Rev 8:12

    12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, andthe third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.KJV

    And the fourth Vial:

     Rev 16:8 8And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.KJV

    Now, If we linked the trumpet and the vial and get light and the sun, Ithink these really could be Uriels attributes. But where does one get the idea that Uriel is over the world and tartarus, mentioned in the Book of Enoch. Let us

    examine the fourth seal first:

    Rev 6:7-8

    7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beastsay, Come and see.

    8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth partof the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the

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    beasts of the earth.KJV

    Okay, Im convinced that hes the angel over tartarus, considering death and hell are in his attributes, but what about the world? The answer once again lies in Thyatira:

    Rev 2:26

    26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:KJV

    So that explains that. I can also simply explain how Uriel guards the entrance to eden using the bible and these fair points, but that is in the next chapter..

    I guess in the end you would have to admit that even though Uriels name is not mentioned in scripture, you can use scripture to uncover an angels attributes and thus you would admit that there does exist an angel who has power over everything attributed to Uriel, and thus why not call him Uriel.

    Chapter 2


    As promised, I will now explain why Uriel is considered the angel who guards the entrance of eden. Yet before one can understand this concept, they must understand the system of the spiritual gateways and how they are connected to Uriel.

    As we read in the last chapter Uriel is placed with the fourth seal, fourth trumpet, and fourth vial. In this chapter I will tell how each of these correspond with Gateways. Let me start with the fourth seal, which is death and hell following close behind. Here is the gateway connection for death:

    Job 38:17

    17 Have the gates of death been opened unto thee? or hast thou seen the doors of

     the shadow of death?KJV

    In this section of Job, the Lord is questioning Job showing Job, that the Lords knowledge and power is beyond mortal understanding. Yet this is an interesting verse. It shows that there are gates of death, and the Lord is saying to Job, you dont know where they are.

    I will explain how to locate a gate of death and hell, but let us firstlook at the rest of scripture that speaks of Gateways. This following section is about the Gates of hell:

    Matt 16:18

    18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.KJV

    This shows that hell is accessed by gates. So how can one be sure that the gates of death and the gates of hell are not the same? Everyone must die, and thus everyone passes through a gate of death. Not everyone passes through a gate of hell, some pass through the gates of heaven. Yet we can be assured that the fourth seal of death and hell is in deep connection to gates.

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    Before we continue to unravel the puzzle of how Uriel is the angel guarding the entrance of eden, I must explain where the gates of death and hell are located. Your probably expecting a chapter length answer of deep biblical study,yet it is actually very simple. The answer lies in the fourth seal of the sacred book of revelations:

    Rev 6:7-8

    7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beastsay, Come and see.

    8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth partof the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with thebeasts of the earth.KJV

    How does this verse aid in figuring out where the gateways location is?First let me say that what Im about to share is a combination of the bible and real life. In the human world we have haunted places. Strange, evil things happen at such places, yet let us see if the haunted places can give us a clue about thegates of death and hell.

    In the fourth seal death and hell were given authority to kill with sword, famine, death (In some translations pestilence), and wild beasts of the earth

    . So if we can connect these four powers with a haunted place we might discoversomething. Let us connect them now:

    Sword  Attacking Spirits able to leave marks on humans.

    Famine (Hunger)  Usually manifested along with pestilence.

    Death (Pestilence)  Do I really need to explain death or pestilence swarms of flies or wasps, etc.?

    Wild animals  Like hearing animal sounds in the woods, or someones pet dog barking and acting strangely.

    Now if any or all of these symptoms are occurring at a haunted place, and there are doors opening by themselves, as a gateway would open, then I would think that there would be a connection to the Gates of death and hell in that location.

    Before we move on, I would state that Gateways are only a seventh of what exists in the spirit realm, as Uriel is only over a seventh of creation. Speaking of Uriel, we need to press on to determine why he is the angel who guards eden.

    Therefore the next thing we need to discover is the fourth trumpet and the fourth vial mentioned in revelations. These are somewhat interrelated. In the sacred book of Jude in the new testament, Jude quotes directly from the book of Enoch. I realize the book of Enoch is not canonical, but I did pull something from it that makes sense. Its when Enoch visits the fourth heaven, the heaven of t

    he sun and moon. After looking he observed that both the sun and moon travel through Gateways.

    Wait a minute! Are you telling me that not only is the fourth seal related to gates, but possibly also the fourth trumpet and fourth vial? If there is a gate of the sun, where would it be?

    Lets put our thinking caps on; The gates of the sun that exist in the spirit realm. The only thing I can think of is things like Stonehenge, and the pyramids of Giza which line up on the longest day of the year.

    Thus I come to the conclusion that if it is a structure that lines up on the longest day of the year it is a gate of the sun, and would be open only on

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    the longest day of the year, but this is extra-biblical. The gates of the moon would open once every full moon, from sunset to sunrise.

    So lets end this puzzle of Uriel and look if he does guard eden. HE is the angel of all the gates there is; Gates of death, Gates of hell, and the gatesof the sun and moon. Would it then be too far to venture Uriel as guarding the entrance or Gateway of eden, being that all gateways are under Uriels authority? I dont think so.

    If, Uriel then being the angel of death and over gateways, it would notbe too far off to place him as the angel which guards the entrance to the most holy place in the temple of God. After all in the old testament King David made a consensus against the will of God. God sent an angel with a plague and king david ran out to meet the angel in the angels process of killing the israelites. When king david then saw him, he repented heavily and God was so moved that he commanded the angel to stop at a threshing floor. King David then bought the threshing floor and had his son solomon build the entrance to the most holy place at that exact spot. Angel of death and Gateways, Sounds like Uriel was definitely involved.

    Overall, I believe the answers of those before me who claimed Uriel as the connection of the attributes he has were spot on, as long as they followed God, and though some of what I said is extra-biblical, for the bible speaks nowhere of haunted places being gateway holdings, I think this stuff makes sense.

    Chapter 3

    Uriel vs. Lucifer

    Some of the following may seem extra-bilical, but in the end of this chapter it flows together. Uriels name means God is my light and also flame of God. Iou do your studies you will see that there was a former angel who was the angelof light, his name was Lucifer. Lucifers name meant Carrier of fire, or also bearerof light. Lucifer was the former angel of death, yet now Uriel is over light anddeath and hell.

    What happened? I believe when Lucifer fell, Uriel took his place. If sothe two would constantly be at war with each other and battling over gateways and the world, which Uriel is over. So if Lucifer is under Satan as Satans tie tothe gateways and the world, it would make sense that the evil people who rule the

    world would call themselves after Lucifer, the illuminated ones, or illuminati.But what biblical tools can we use to decipher what seventh of the world Lucifer is in charge of? The answer, being that he is Uriels opposite, lie in the fourth church, the fourth seal, the fourth trumpet, and the fourth vial.

    Let us examine the verses and put them all together, starting with the key verses in the fourth church:

    Rev 2:20

    20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.KJV

    This Passage reflects Emphasis on sexual immorality

    Rev 2:24

    24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.KJV

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    This passage puts emphasis on Hidden Mysteries which are the depths of Satan.

    Now the fourth seal is death and hell, which puts emphasis on the underworld.

    The fourth trumpet and fourth vial would put emphasis on those who worship the heavenlies.

    Now lets put them together. Are there any religions that put emphasis onsexual immorality, hidden mysteries, underworld and worship of the sun, moon and stars? I think so. And if Lucifer was opposite Uriel, these would be his attributes and the religion he was over. Finding the root land where these attributesfirst appeared of heavenly worship, underworld and mysteries and sexual immorality is the key to finding Lucifers land of origin.

    Yet what is Lucifers purpose in these religions? His purpose is to make and fuel his own Gateways for transporting evil from hell to earth and vice versa. So in demonology, whenever we see a cult with Lucifers attributes we know there is a gateway at the cult devils location. Keep in mind gateways are only a seventh of the picture of whats out there in the spirit realm connected to earth. I gave you a small taste in this document, though some extra-biblical I know none of it contradicts scripture.

    Uriel is blessed, but I want to remind you never worship the angels. You

     are saved by Jesus Christ alone. Angels are fascinating, yet do not focus on them so much that you forget who your true master is, the Holy Lord Jesus Christ.Amen.

    If angels had a character class, Uriel would be the textbook devil hunter. Dealing with gates to seal demons in hell and fighting against evil and evendreaming up new ways to torture the fallen in Tartarus is his glad duty. He represents the devil hunter's cause, and teaches us the knowledge to hunt and through Gods power he teaches us how to utilize our field abilities.

    Keeping this in mind it is really important to show you that the other 7 spirits of God, once tied to their church, seal, trumpet and vial, all help paint the whole picture of what exists on unholy ground. For example the second seal:

    Rev 6:3-4

    3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

    4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.KJV

    The thing we focus on for devil hunting is realizing that the riders symp

    toms are taking peace to cause people to slaughter one another. This symptom isfound at haunted places. Commonly between married couples and families turning against one another or being more violent than usual. While I do not know the religion responsible, being I specialize in Witchcraft, One can be certain that the religion tied to the second seal, second trumpet and second vial is certainly responsible for much violence and the haunted places are a fruit of this religion.


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    A "twist" is a term we use as the process of truth being contaminated by evil and used for evil's gain. It is knowledge of rules and power of things God made in the universe, but tainted by evil into half-truths and corrupted powerby the devil:

    John 8:4444 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. Hewas a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there isno truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.KJV

    We see in this passage that Satan is the father of lies, and therefore in our terminology the father of all twists. The devil cannot say something outside of his nature, for a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

    Matt 7:1717 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.KJV

    As so, the devil cannot produce something that he is not. He may pretend

     to be an angel of light, but once resisted his true self is revealed.The devil exists to corrupt righteousness. Like when you see rust on a metal object. The rust is a decay of that piece of metal. The rust cannot appearby itself, it can only contaminate that which is pure. The Devil seeks to contaminate, and thus devour the life lost in that process:

    1 Peter 5:88 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:KJV

    The devil is seeking whom he may contaminate. Who will believe his liesto cause the twist, and thus cause contamination so he can devour the life force

     of ones soul, and the best way to contaminate man is through his desire for sin. Justification and Rationalization are satans twist for confession and repentance. Believing your helpless, or some other excuse of not relying on God's powergives the devil power to devour, for you gave into his twists.

    Some fall into some areas of twists more easily than others. I say thisto you now before I begin to unravel the basics of Christian Demonology, which is the order of principalities and how they work, so it can expose the reality and theology behind twists, and how the devil uses sin to gain power.

    Just remember that twists can be so simple and cunning such as being envious of someone, to the most complex twists of sorcerers studying long words and their proper pronunciation to call upon twists to provide an exact cause and effect result. Most are unaware of their twists, and most that know are bribed into power of evil. Be wary.

    There was a witch hunter of the church in the past by the name of PeterBinsfield. He classified the seven deadly sins with ties to seven prince devils. Although many lists of the seven prince devils have been made throughout the centuries, the list I use is the one created by Peter Binsfield. He tied a deadlysin with a prince devil to show what the prince devil was over. We devil hunters took it another step further to show the theology behind the devouring of man by listing the seven demonic elements. Being that the wages of sin is death, it would be appropriate to tie each deadly sin with an attribute leading to death. This attribute leading to death are the seven demonic elements, being that demons

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     are creatures of all things of death, their tie with the demonic elements are the perfect tie to sin.

    Prince Devil: Deadly Sin: Demonic Element:Amon Wrath CurseMammon Greed DecayAsmodeus Lust SpoilLucifer Pride DarknessLeviathan Envy PoisonBeezlebub Gluttony RotBelphegor Sloth Disease

    The deadly sin once committed then gives way for the demonic element tocause that demonic element of life lost from your soul allowing the devil underthat prince devil power to devour spirit life and gain a foothold of ones life,for demons bond with souls through sin.

    Christ, and his saints, intercede for us thus giving our soul life, butwe must choose to accept that healing or use his power he gave us to further sin, and thus sin is progressive, for the devil wants that energy of life gained through intercession. BEcause the fallen angel gained power from God before they fell, they needed a twisted power from God to sustain their twisted ways. Sin was their answer. Seducing humans to sin gave the fallen angels access to the verytwisted intercession power of God they needed to sustain their own twisted life.

    Every demon made is placed under a prince devil's twist and thus has a n

    atural demonic element placed with it. Each fallen angel is a branch of Satans demonic army, and all serve different purposes. In the beginning of this manual we can see Uriel vs. Lucifer over gateways, etc.

    Yet just as Lucifer is over evil gateways, so another prince devil is over something other than gateways . Because the seven prince devils originally had their own twist and land of origin.

    At the beginning the seven prince devils had his land of origin, and thus be limited to not having the comforts of the abilities of the other prince devils. Yet through intermingling of people and the expanding of nations, satanic adaptation of twists would occur as people blended religions, creating all the things necessary for a complete demonic global system design to not only enslave man, but also so the fallen could use the devoured life to further their purposes

     as they so needed. And humans who did not realize their "gods" needed them in order to survive fell for the lies of the power the fallen portrayed, thinking themselves lesser than the fallen angels and became servitude to their very end. Once that occurred a prince devil could pretty much start any cult anywhere in any land or originand it would flourish granting it whatever it wanted. God set rules and limitations for the fallen and all placed under them If any demon, cult devil, keybreed, succubi, or nephilim, or anything associated with the fallen angels themselves break those rules and overstep their boundaries, a bounty is placed on its head and is hunted until destroyed, and sent to hell.

    The question you ask is why does God allow them to live, and why does he still intercede for the humans who are lost and allow the fallen interaction with man?

    The answer is because:

    2 Peter 3:99 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.KJV

    The power of that prayer is given to the human. Prayer brings life where

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     sin brings death. This is why prayer is so important as a tool of the righteous. Life commands death to flee and disrupts the demonic soul ties, the footholdsof sin and brings life as salvation to their souls. Always intercede even for the most evil of men, for that is what Christ and his saints do.

    When an unbeliever is struggling with sin and a demon sees prayer powerfrom the holy spirit come into the unbeliever from a believer's prayer's through conviction, he asks himself where that power came from. Once finding that connection of who prayed for their "property", he Traces it back to the exact humanwho prayed, the demon then attacks the believer with spiritual warfare just forpraying for someone.

    When a believer seeks God and prays to the father, they are granted holy power to give to the world. They give their own power meant for themselves to whoever they pray for. This selfless act really makes demons upset, and thus they attack the believer always. It is through these moments prayer warriors are born, Believers who pray constantly and face the enemy through intercession.

    With God's help through knowledge of prayer, and when exercised correctly in the dependence of the power of the holy spirit, prayer is the weapon of God.

    When Principalities Came to Man:

    As previously written, the fallen needed man to give them power to live. The mind of man is much different than the mind of an angel. The fallen neededmediators to bridge their mind to man's mind in order to devour from man,

    There were a group of angels known as the gregori, the most human of the angels. They were entitled to watch and advocate the needs of men to the otherangels. Yet watching the daughters of eve turned to the desire to be with the women, and desire to action, and thus they fell as written:

    Gen 6:1-26:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.


    The Hebrew term "Sons of God" is used to reference the angelic host as it did also in job 1:6

    Job 1:66 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.KJV

    In becoming fallen they knew that they would no longer have God as their power, yet decided to fall so that they could take the daughters of man as their own. They shared their twisted angel name with these women, with dark lust as

    their motive in return for their sleeping with them. The tainted true name of the women distorted them into severe yet unnatural power, and these women became "succubi", women creatures who devour through dark lust. In the times where thistook place they were seen as Goddesses.

    With their knowledge of studying man, and knowing they needed power they taught a twisted form of rules that they were over. Basically teaching men theoccult and other false beliefs, and twisted the readings of stars into astrology, and gave much knowledge to men in return for their worship.

    The Succubi were tired of being the mediators for the fallen angels, and thus the succubi birthed the nephilim, the offspring of the angels:

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    Gen 6:4

    4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.KJV

    Yes, these creatures that were half human half angel fitted perfectly in the devil's plan, for they were the perfect mediators. Physically the nephilimappeared as giants in the human realm, yet because of their second half being angelic, they had a "spirit body", one that existed in the spirit realm tied to earth. The nephilim existed in both planes of existence. The existence of creatures such as the baphomet, or the witch goat of mendes, represent nephilim, as do so many creature/man beings.

    The nephilim gave powers to humans, to let them see in the spirit realm, though what they showed was twisted, that they could devour from men. Then this power was used to feed the fallen, and the nephilim gained a percentage to connect to other animals, elements etc. so that it might grow stronger, and thus give more power to humans, and devour more and the process continued. Man no longer cared for anything but power, and all was corrupt.

    Yet, the nephilim didn't want to deal with men, for they were sick of having so many humans tied to them. So, they created creatures from the animals they connected to. When the human would sacrifice an animal to that nephilim, he w

    ould infuse his power to create a demon. Only the strongest and meanest animalswere chosen at first. With man it became a test of might to slay a giant creature for their "god". Animal sacrifice made perfect demons based on the animals chosen to be killed. Not all sacrifices made a demon, some just added power to existing demons, creating strange looking creature demons. Sometimesthe Nephilim would infuse his elemental ability he had connected to into some creatures creating elemental animal-demons, now capable of demonic sorcery. Not all demons have this ability, some are just vicious.

    To rule over the demons, the nephilim made cult devils, which were in charge of all the animal sacrifices and jobs of humans receiving marks, physiology, etc. in return for being power devoured. The cult devils each had a cult, and every cult had a cult devil.

    But man's wickedness and the betrayal of the angels made God grieved:

    Gen 6:5-75 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that everyimagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.KJV

    We all know the story of the flood, and the nephilim were destroyed. The Gregori were collected and sent to Tartarus as written:

    2 Peter 2:44 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, anddelivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;KJV

    In Pagan Mythology we find the same word tartarus used in context of the powerful titans, which were gods locked in the dungeon called tartarus. This was a twist off of these events. Yet no need to completely forget about nephilim,for though their physical bodies were destroyed, their spirit bodies were not. T

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    s as their entry into the world, which lucifers breed oversees. They then go back into their trumpet gates by sunrise, and trumpet devils have a higher resisitance to the curses of its breed.

    Yet the most powerful cult devils are called Vial devils, and vial devils are very powerful. Their connection with man is only open on the summer solstice, in which they give their commands to everyone else on that day before goingback into hibernation after they recieve their percentage of power devoured by the entire demonic army from the year.

    When a keybreed physiology, for which we will use lucifer's keybreed asthe example; vampires. If it is a seal vampire, they are very weak, yet throughfeeding and training their power can grow. They are very weak against sunlight,and are very weak against Christian prayer. However if you have a trumpet vampire, it is very powerful and unlike cult devils, keybreeds can wander about when they feel like it, yet usually hibernate like the cult devils that are trumpet devils. YEt if they do go out during the day, even though the sun does greatly drain their energy, they can last for awhile because they are so powerful.

    If you find the ancient vampires, the ancient keybreeds of the fourth vial, they are damned near impossible to kill. They can withstand practically a whole day in sunlight, though they are being drained rapidly. Yet they hibernate,for sometimes a thousand or more years at a time like the tie to the vial cult devils. They are also extremely powerful in the dark arts, a challenge like you wouldn't believe. The vial keybreeds are the only keybreeds that can have physical appearance in the physical realm tied to earth at will.

    The seventh breed of demons, tied to the seventh church, seventh trumpet

    , and seventh vial are the only breed of demons which only can be casted out with "prayer and supplication". This is because the seventh trumpet talks about the incense of the prayers of the saints, and the prayers of the faithful.

    What is a construct?

    Some devils and keybreeds contain the power to insert their own life into inanimate objects from the human realm, making it come alive in the spirit realm connected to earth, thus creating a "construct" demon. Though these items originated in the physical world, once inserted with life force in the spirit realm, so it then dwells in the spirit realm, undetected until you are close by.

    These demons come alive, but with basic functions such as attacking or defending. The most common are things such as trees or stones which come alive and are used to defend or guard something, or used as traps. Most lay in wait until approached, seeming just like some inanimate object of the physical world.

    These Enchanted demon objects are not part of the category of demons and they do not change form the more they slay, nor do they devour like demons andkeybreeds, etc.. they will always only have as much life as given by their maker, and their maker can add to it if needed. The devil that gave them life is weakened in the process for his own life was inserted into the object.

    Case Study:

    A young woman is interested in the new age, but knows that one of the fi

    rst steps of being "accepted" into wicca is to see what pagans call, "the greenman", a supposed spirit of nature who all wiccans and pagans see in their spiritual beginnings as the guardian spirit of nature Magick. The young woman focusesherself to the proper ritual designed to see the green man, and through the rite, succeeds. Seeing a glowing light emanating from a tree in her mind with a face among it, as in a vision. Knowing that the green man appears on a tree or sometimes stones, she feels excited that she has the power to be a pagan and rejoices, her long new journey is about to begin, because she has the "gift".

    Reality Check:

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    In the cult devils mind a human is their necessary energy to exist and run the army of satan. In order for the energy needed to make a construct to guard its territory is to connect the human with a supernatural tie to an inanimateobject like a tree or a stone, thus allowing the cult devil to devour power from the human into the construct. Yet the new cultist has no idea why the true purpose of the "green man" vision. Every single power of witchcraft that allows an effect be it in vision or physical power is always allowing a power of the humanto be opened up to devour more from it. Different rune traps, doorways and gateways, all have their own ritual all unique as the cults themselves tied to thesepurposes. Yet they are all used for evil and the humans do not even recieve a tenth typically of what is devoured.

    In talk of spellcasters, the reality is that part of the energy devoured from a human is used to "guise" the demons to seem as light, and thus the young woman saw part of her own power that was being devoured to think that this spiritual awakening was something of life, not knowing it was part of her own life being drained. As for Preists of darkness and witches, which follow the blackestof evil, they have no need to be shown the "guise" of life, instead they worship what they see in the spirit realm in the truth it really is, demons. For a black magick worshipper the power or "vision" they recieve is never "Guised" to seem as light, and in return for this blatant blaspheny, they recieve more magick energy than other "white magick" worshippers, for the cult devil does not have touse the energy to disguise itself. IT is therefore important to realize that in

    the kingdom of the occult, black magick is ALWAYS more powerful than "white witchcraft", which supposedly "harms none".

    A keybreed is a human who reached a point in power, a connection between two realms or powers that a devil cannot devour in one lifetime, and that the cult devils could utilize in keeping the person with that connection immortal. Thus the devil makes a deal with the human. They must die, and in the process of a slow 3 day death, they will gain a spirit body and exist like a cult devil with some demonic abilities and do evils bidding.

    The keybreed agrees and dies and is turned into the evil being, beings like vampires, which are lucifer's keybreed, and like demons keybreeds need to feast on men. Because they are not physical the bite marks are not physical either

    , but the human dies from the life force drained through the spirit wound, often dying of a heart attack or some other random act of natural death.Keybreeds only feast on wicked souls, the more wicked the better for the

    m to devour. There are seven different types of Keybreeds, associated with the seven prince devils, and thus the seven deadly sins, the sin of the prince devilthey are under is the sin they seek to devour.

    Even though keybreeds cannot be physical, the keybreed can appear as physical in dark ceremonies for a short time. In these evil ceremonies of darkness, a keybreed can appear and even eat with the evil preists of darkness, and thendisappear. Keybreeds love to destroy life and feed even when unnecessary. The reality of people dying in mass amounts is very real, but a follower of Christ cannot be fed upon. Of catergorizing keybreeds we have clues in the bible that aidus. Lucifer's Keybreed is the Vampyre. And we can see their abilities and li

    mitations written in scripture. Because the opposite of Uriel is Lucifer, and Uriel is over the fourth church, thyatira and also the fourth seal, fourth trumpet and fourth vial, we can see all of Lucifer's demons, cult devils, and keybreeds limitations.

    The fourth vial declares that the sun was given power to scorch anyone it wanted. This is why Lucifer's army cannot go out in the sunlight without being severely and rapidly scorched to oblivion. Therefore vampires and cult devils,etc. of lucifer dwell in "safehouses" of gateways hiding them in the spirit realm until the dark of night. Convieniently, lucifer is over the use of gateways opposing Uriel, who uses gates for the glory of God.

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    The fourth trumpet declares that a third of the night was turned dark, and a third of the day likewise. This merely means that the undead breed of lucifer only feast in one third of the night, when darkness is at its fullest, and can appear with very limited powers during the third of the day when light is weakest, twilight and dawn, both part of the third of day seperated evenly.

    The fourth seal declares death and hades given authority to make war with the earth. Well, they are called undead because of their tie to the contamination of the fourth seal, and have abilities and function of decieving man. Vampires feast on pride, for pride is Lucifers sin, and thus darkness is his demonic element.

    The fourth church of thyatira mentions the so-called deep things of satan. The mysteries that are today known as occult. Vampires and cult devils have power only offered in the occult. the other six of the seven twists have their own abilities unique to their twists. Also, the toleration of Jezebel as sexual immorality displays that the undead devils are lust-minded. Bloodlust is the vampyric motto, and is very wicked and evil.

    Keeping these things in mind when a vampyre does feed on a human, the human's soul is trapped within the vampyre and can be summoned into battle as a zombie, a spell called, "Raise Undead". The human who was fed upon is in constanttorment and like the nobodies of witchcraft have no control over it. To releasethe human soul into hell, either its form once summoned must be killed, or the vampyre who owns it must die.

    Devil Hunter's specialize against undead as their main focus of hatred.Other character classes have other main focuses that drive them, but the church

    of thyatira was by design, to be against witchcraft as the church who spreads the teachings of Christ to the occultic humans, just as the other six churches were designed against other twists and religions.

    The other keybreeds, things like werewolves, beezlebub's sin of gluttony and demonic element rot, exist within other areas as their origin. And thus, may exist during the day, and have other weaknessess and limitations as well as power. Yet one thing reamins, Christ is more powerful. They cannot feast on a follower of Christ.

    In some cases of haunted places you will find an ultimate evil in whicha person who was alive offered his/her life as a willing sacrifice to the devilphysically either by spell-casting or by suicide or straight up willing physical

     sacrifice. Once the sacrifice is over the human gains a spirit body connected to the realm of death. They are unable to control that spirit body, remaining ina cage in which there is no escape.

    The devil that the human sacrificed itself to controls their every supernatural ability and energy, and they cannot help but obey against the cult devils will and become forced to be the puppet of that devil. They are in pain and torment constantly. They are the devils tie to the realm of death. We call these NOBODIES, for they are there, but its not them.

    When a human sees the poltergeist, they are seeing not the person choosing to reveal their selves, but the devil choosing to reveal the spirit, as the spirit can do NOTHING on it's own will. As a matter of fact, the spirit's pain increases while the devil is forcing them to reveal it.

    People who visit places where "ghosts" are, feeling their emotions, etc.

     are not feeling the spirit's will, but the cult devil who owns the spirit's will. The nobody is always in a state of pain constantly of both the realms of death, and hell. For this reason they die over and over again to create the feelings of death people feel around poltergeists.

    Naturally because they are puppets, they can do nothing to warn any living being of the fate in store of those who give their lives over to the devil as a sacrifice. The only way a NOBODY, which is our hunter term for these spirits, can gain freedom is for the devil who owns it to die.

    This, however, does not free them into a happy place, because they go straight to hell. This does release some of their torments, because they are no lo

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    nger attached to the realm of death simultaneously alongside hell.Many animals exist in the world, and there are so many senses animals ha

    ve that humans don't. When a medium or psychic make a deal with cult devils as a constant sacrifice, they are granted extra senses and demonic abilities. It isthrough these abilities, these senses, that they can see into the spirit realm as some animals naturally can, however it is not the exact same sense of an animal, but the demon made through animal sacrifice allowing these extra senses. Therefore at the demise of a psychic and medium, the cult devil gains a nobody. If however that cult devil were to be slain, and the poltergeist removed from this world into hell, hell becomes way more vicious to them, because of their extra senses, which increase the torment dramtacially. Pagans worship things like the fly demon, called beezlebub or belial by some for the "fly sense", also called "premonition", twisted the flies ability to detect extreme movement very quickly. Cat sense once twisted allows "see the unseen" because cats can naturally see halfway the things in the spirit realm. The demons twist such perceptions to be a controlled force3 of evil and bribery.

    In a spirit guide process. The living spellcaster binds the nobody to himself, choose to suffer the same fate upon death for promises of power. It isn't until death, in which the living soul realizes what a sad bargain he made.

    Leaders of cults die and become these collected trophies to the devil it was tied to, and some devils even trade souls to other devils in deals made between cults.

    Christ tells the world that we all have a home inside us. When a nobodydies, its home becomes part of the cult devils dwelling. Many dungeons take plac

    e is wandering through the haunts that were once a humans home, both mentally and at physical homes connected to their body while they lived.Demonic possession follows same typical symptoms as those who become nob

    odies, symptoms such as loss of control, deep torment, yet unnatural power. Puppets on a string, Puppets we call NOBODIES, and unlike the living pagan souls who think they are "mischievous, joking spirits", their fate is far from funny.

    The mystery of the marks

    There are many different "marks" which exist in the evil world. Each mark comes with a curse, yet has abilities, and all marks have a tie with evil as a torment. Different marks include, "the medium mark", "the psychic mark", the "t

    wice damned mark", the "magician mark", "vampire mark" and many more. Even Cainwho killed Abel had a unique mark. All marks have a torment contained unique totheir own demon or devil offering the mark, though not all marks can be bought from a demon, some people are born with them.

    Some marks are weak compared to other marks, yet if a pagan were to begin with their "mark", as they accepted the torment, they would be granted power from the mark. It is a large mis-conception that people with marks would lose their soul because they gained a mark, what i mean to say is that people with marks will lose their soul unless they repent and turn to Christ. people with marks know God is truth, they know that Jesus saves, yet their lust for power and drive for sin is increased, sins even feel more pleasurable to them with a mark.

    Every devoted pagan with a mark, called spellcasters by most, start offby "dabbling" in evil. When they are attacked by a test according to what they d

    abbled in and don't ask for forgiveness from God, the devils then test to see if the pagan can indeed be worthy of their mark they offer. If they "pass" the demon's testing, they recieve the mark. It is near impossible for any pagan who recieves a mark to even desire salvation, so trained for evil's test, however it is possible for them to repent.

    If they repent from their mark, their torment remains with them, haunting them, and they don't recieve the extra powers from their mark. At what cost do they seek to be redeemed? One day their mark may be fully removed through a sanctification rite from the spirits of God, yet after they overcome what they caused with their mark in suffering and pain. Redemption will come, eventually as lo

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    ng as they resist the dakrness they caused, and prove to the Lord, his grace isworth more than power despite torment.

    Even the "twice damned" mark, which is one of the rarest and most sought after marks among the most evil of men, comes with the sacrifice of dying froma sword blow to the head. yet they are brutally tortured before recieving this mark, and also extremely tormented with it. The mark of twice damnation is blasphemy against the son and the father, but not the holy spirit. Yet Christ states in his holy word, blasphemy against the son and the father can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the holy spirit cannot be.

    The mark of the beast is the only mark that will be revealed in the endtimes and is blasphemy against the father, son and holy spirit. Therefore, it cannot be forgiven. Yet all marks existing today can be forgiven. Until the man of lawlessness is revealed with the mark of the beast grace can forgive ANY mark.Yet the road to forgiveness is a very hard one, because if someone desires repentance after they recieve a mark, they go through the torment of the mark, without the powers given to see if they really desire forgiveness.

    Some marks can only be obtained by collecting other marks together on one human. prerequisites of powerful marks include a combination of lesser marks. We call these rare humans who collect marks "kingpins". Not very many people carry a mark of kingpin status in which they can take other marks upon themselves. Typically kingpins take other marks because they will recieve a spirit body form so that when they die, they will become a demonic form themselves. A vampire mark for example requires first a kingpin who takes the prerequisites of certain other marks related to what they would need. of course when the human die

    s through the process of being turned, they Gain the spirit body form. This is why vampires only seek those who have a "connection" that demons would need, as written in the demonology files. Only kingpins can become a different physiologyupon death. Once a kingpin dies and becomes a different physiology, they have zero chance of being saved or redeemed. Damnation becomes permanent.

    There are creatures created by the nephilim and in rarity of extreme kingpins who recieve the mark of different "Physiology". If you can look at the different physiologies of the supernatural, each is made by their mark. "Mark of Djinn", "Mark of Ifrit", and the list of different physiologies, and thus the marks of them will help me determine the different marks and their capabilities.

    Some marks can only be obtained by collecting other marks together on on

    e human. prerequisites of powerful marks include a combination of lesser marks.We call these rare humans who collect marks "kingpins". Not very many people carry a mark of kingpin status in which they can take other marks upon themselves.Typically kingpins take other marks because they will recieve a spirit body form so that when they die, they will become a demonic form themselves. A vampire mark for example requires first a kingpin who takes the prerequisites of certain other marks related to what they would need. of course when the human dies through the process of being turned, they Gain the spirit body form. This is why vampires only seek those who have a "connection" that demons would need, as written in the demonology files. Only kingpins can become a different physiology upon death. Once a kingpin dies and becomes a different physiology, they have zero chance of being saved or redeemed. Damnation becomes permanent.

    There are creatures created by the nephilim and in rarity of extreme kin

    gpins who recieve the mark of different "Physiology". If you can look at the different physiologies of the supernatural, each is made by their mark and the list of different physiologies, and thus the marks of them will help me determine the different marks and their capabilities.

    What is a Demon Glyph?

    Every cult devil has their own symbol that they place upon items and certain structures to mark their claim. This symbol is called a demon glyph. A demon glyph is more than just a symbol, it actively devours what it is placed upon.

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    Amulets and charms have the glyph supernaturally imbued which slowly devour thespirit power of the human wearing it. Because the cult devil put his glyph on it, the devoured power of the human is transferred to the glyph source on the demons body, much like a demonic tattoo.

    This demon glyph is far from only used for amulets and charms. wheneverthere is a cult killing from a serial killer or cult gathering associated with that devil, in the spirit realm connected to earth you can bet the demon put it's glyph on a nearby surface, more often on the pedestal the sacrifice took placeon, and also commonly the weapon used for sacrifice. This is extremely useful to us hunters in identifying which cults are responsible for certain deeds, for in surveying the location of a satanic murder, there will be a demon glyph there.Once the demon glyph is found then one can see what cult is responsible and search the area for any humans in that cult as prime suspects. This benfits humanity, for once stopped the pagans will be unable to kill again. Serial killers are a little harder because they typically do not "belong" to a cult, yet since their tie to their demon is just as powerful as entire cult high orders, their sacrifices are not to be taken lightly. Yet it is harder to track which demon is responsible for the sacrifice when the cult or serial killer has no public records. As for the devil hunter, we are not here to kill people but the demons themselves. Yet through the arials we can supernaturally point those with force arials inthe right direction.

    If a cult devil places no glyph, then it does not recieve the power from the human. Keep in mi9nd that the demon glyph is not visible in the physical do

    main, but only at that location in the spirit realm tied to earth.

    When two demons make an agreement or make a deal to start a new cult based on a combination of their teachings, they place their glyphs on the new cultdevil, creating a new cult devil, and thus a new demon glyph. The reason they make a pact is basically done when the two cult devils need each others powers, be it doorways or whatever they need from eachother. The two cult devils share equally divided devoured power from the new cult devil. This new cult then, is a combination of the two different cult devils which made pact. Since cult devils and all demons hate man a new cult is often called when the two cult devils who made the pact can get enough energy from the new cult devil so they can "retire" and deal with men more rarely.

    Whenever a nex cult is made, a plague, famine, force of the land, etc. is unleashed upon the world. Spellcasters look forward to affecting reality through their "magick" even if it does summon plagues or a spirit of doom upon a land.

    A cult devils demon glyph is the activator of constructs and all its sorcery, and exists somewhere on its body. All the glyphs on amulets, pact stones,constructs, etc. are destroyed when the cult devil is destroyed because the cult devils body has the source demon glyph.

    If a human is marked with a demon glyph, the human is possessed, possessed humans are called DEMONIACS. IF a new cult is called for and the new cult demon glyph is placed on a person, they are the new cult leader. Exorcism helps the human,

    yet as a devil hunter it is not my place to exorcise them. This is done by the sacred clergy of the church. I am only here to kill devils. If the demoniac or cult leader's cult devil is destroyed so is it's glyph, and thus the power of it is vanquished.

    Jer:23:10: For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the landmourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right.

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    When a very high level devil is released it can unleash a curse upon the land. it could be a plague, or it could be a spiritual curse designed to sap the land of holy power and creating an energy of doom which is called a demonic mist, which causes doom or sadness and drains all in that are of land. IT is interesting to hear of christian missionaries who journey to lands thick with polytheism devil worship, and the very moment they step off the plane they feel spiritually drained. The demon mist is what is meant when the holy prophet Jeremiah says "their force is not right".

    Once again, as it is with demon glyphs, if the devil responsible for the demon mist, be it a keybreed or nephilim, or cult devil is slayed the mist will no longer exist. For the pc's remember when entering the dungeon of a cult devil who is the source of the demonic mist, miracles are less potent and magick is more potent, yet on holy gorund the opposite is in effect.

    Case Study:

    Drought has arose in the land of a wicked people, which affect the people's only source of food. The people gather together in panic, and make a plea of sacrfices to their demonic "gods" to take away the famine from their land. Through their magick spells and sacrifice, they feel the power of their "god" in the land and the drought ends. confident that the worst is over, and confident that

     the energy of their gods are helping them, they dedicate and serve that "god" with more admiration and deeper worship...

    Reality Check:

    A powerful cult devil which has the famine attribute to it is ruling the land with evil. In awakening a more powerful cult devil in the land, he can now "retire", and the new cult devil takes its place which has the Demonic Mist attribute. Even though the demonic mist is more powerful in devouring mankinds energy than famine, the people in its domain are grateful that their drought has faded, and in gratitude do not realize they are in a greater evil with this new cult devil. The new cult devil, because it was awakened from its chains in hell grants some of what is devoured to the cult devil responsible for its "freedom from

     hell", allowing the leser cult devil to "retire", and not deal with humans fora time. The followers of this new "god, the new cult devil, now have an undyingloyalty because in their minds the new "god" saved them from drought. Yet to their unknowing, an energy drought has now come, the demonic mist.

    It is for this reason the Holy Lord Adonai, Jesus Christ, uses sword, famine, and plague to disrupt the cult devils tie to people by not letting the heathens prayers of relief from drought succeed and thus stop a deeper worship of evils more powerful. The Lord JEsus commands all worship and respect, and it is only he who deserves it.

    In the past, and even currently a lesser cult devil tied to a larger one would a

    ppear, releasing another curse upon the land. This would unleash a plague on a land, lesser in power than the larger cult devils curse upon the land. In this case the lesser cult devil would be destroyed, and therefore the lesser curse would be removed. This is beneficial to the larger cult devil who awakened the lesser so that when the people turn to the false larger cult devil (false god), the lesser plague would be demolished, making the people think that the larger cult devil is protecting them. This deceives the people, making them believe their worship is authentic and powerful. It is for this reason that the Holy Precious Lord, Jesus Christ releases plagues on the deceived people, to show that it was not the "god" that saves. This is one of the reasons the Lord uses, famine, plague

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    and sword as tools of death.

    The first thing I need to explain is that the human mind is incredible.Our thought patterns are all unique from each other and there are traits of ourminds which can roughly relate to an animal which exists upon the earth. Some are more intelligent, but lack common sense, vice versa even. There are so many animals with instinct drives that human kind, though above animals, can roughly resemble creatures in their thought patterns. Some humans are more visual minded,while some more through hearing, or hands on. Thus different traits of animals can be roughly matched with certain animals. We call this, a "creature mind". Keep in mind, animals have no souls and man was placed above the animals on earth by the Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden of Eden, and afterwards as well.

    As we all have creature minds, so also the Nephilim had creature minds.Yet the Nephilim, being half-angel had creature minds much different than man. Alien beings are the Nephilim creature minds. In and out of reality, as their sentence on was set on earth, Even alien ships represent a nephilim's alternate alternative states of mind.

     When one does an "alien autopsy" and notices high levels of certain radiation frequency's or other things they try to find out the planet makeup of where these visitors came from, the reality is that these alien creature minds have elemental defenses and poison resistances, etc. according to the elements that the nephilim combined with.

    The nephilim's bodies physically were giants, their half-angel spirit fo

    rm bound to what they combined with, yet their minds are aliens. This in hinduism can show three sets of arms, for the ones with three sets of arms are the nephilim that can go out into space-heaven dimension. The four-armed nephilim cannot, and therefore have only two sets of arms representing physical, and spirit realm. But to have a twisted heavenly creature mind, is the third body to the pagans nephilim of three arm sets.

    An abduction occurs when a human enters completely within the Nephilim psyche, which is its ship and thus usually granted abilities, like medium and psychic abilities, extra "senses". But being that the Nephilim are against God, everything they are planned for is evil, for the Nephilim are always making war with man. Thus we find certain DNA within the nephilim who had creature minds which existed after the flood. Understanding these humans who have such DNA is what the nephilim are after in abduction.

    Guardian Creatures

    To make drawing from animals like mammals and reptiles, etc. easier forthe Nephilim, they created the Guardian Creatures. For their tie to mammals, theycreated Bigfoot. Because of the mysteriousness of the nephilim trapped in and out of the spirit realm tied to earth, so also is bigfoot. The nephilim tie to reptiles is lizardman, to insects, mothman. To the aquatic creatures, mermaids, and even the centaur

    On a side note, one would wonder the connection between ancient cultures in which the people would imitate this act of Nephilim drawing from a companion creature by having a guardian creature, or animal guide.


    The nether races are the exact opposite of nobodies. Just as nobodies were designed as a system to entrap men into death and spiritual slavery, so thenyou must realize that this practice of making nobodies was a twist or corruption of a holy "nether race" as opposing it, as evil is only a corruption of what is good.

    There are three different types of nether races; the first created is th

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    e Arial of Light, designed for war against demons, particularly those who portray themselves as light, such as "white witchcraft". The second created nether race was the Shade Arial, whose purpose was to be as a spy among the demon's lair,to aid the church in showing the demonic plans ahead of time. And lastly came the Hucks. The hucks demonstrated strength in being against the rogue character class' demons of brawl.

    The nether races started out as humans, who had a strong will of honor against witchcraft and evil and had a strong drive to protect humanity from demons. When these few humans died they were offered a chance to remain in the spirit realm for a short amount of time to aid a christian pc dedicated to stopping evil and witchcraft. In agreeing to this, their former memories of who they were as humans previously was frozen and taken from them for their short time remaining on earth. When assigned to the new christian pc the pc had to give it a new name, for it is there new memories can be recorded. The nether race were allowed to keep their drive against evil and knowledge against it, but became spirit aids to that christian pc. In agreeing to own a nether race being, the christian pctakes the oath, that once they die, they will become the next generation netherrace to another human and the previous nether race is allowed to recieve all their memories of when they existed in the human world as humans as well as how they made a difference as an arial and enter the kingdom of heaven. The sacrifice of waiting to enter the kingdom of heaven to help mankind against demons is veryadmirable and honorable.

    The nether races however appear somewhat in human shape, but exist withonly three Laws:

    1. To serve and obey Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God (and for angelic order nether races, the angel they are under)

    2. To protect humanity from demons, unless it conflicts with law 1.

    3. To obey their human master without question, unless master's command conflicts with Law 1 or 2.

    Nether Duties

    All nether races function together as an anti-satanic army. However there are different Duties for each of the arials, aside from just appearing differe

    ntly. Here is their duties:

    1. Angelic Nethers2. Clergy Nethers3. Force Nethers

    An angelic Arial deals with matters that directly affect the angels plans with man, through the servian (Angelic servant race with Angelic Arm) These arials are the highest ranking arials, and are the most powerful. They are the nether races given to the Servians. Because Servians are immortal and cannot thus be granted to be a nether race being upon death, instead they fulfill their bargain being the Angelic Servant Race themselves.

    Clergy Arials are the second most powerful type of arial Duty. It is the

    ir job to serve the church with matters of devil hunting and exorcisms, etc. They typically only help the clergy of the church, granting th

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