Page 1: Service User Involvement in pathways to recovery

Service User Involvement in pathways to recovery

Page 2: Service User Involvement in pathways to recovery

What is Borderline UK?

Borderline UK Ltd is an internet based network of people diagnosed with or meeting the criteria for any PD, professionals working with people with PD and PD carers.

Primarily we work to support people affected by PD in the UK. At the moment we do this through internet based support groups, supported volunteering and involvement work and information provision.

Alongside this the organisation also aims to raise awareness of PD, combat prejudice and stigma and assist in the development of services.

Founded in 2000, the organisation is the oldest and largest PD service-user led group of its kind.

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Real Service User Involvement...

Has genuine purpose and function

Is mutually agreed, and is informed by honest, two-way discussion

Has a real feeling of being “in it together”

Can change or develop dependent on the needs of SU’s or of the service

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SU involvement & Recovery

Self - esteem

Routine and Purpose

Re-framing a difficult period in our lives

Developing new skills that will help us in the future

Enabling a more gradual leaving from services that might not otherwise be possible

That’s the easy part...

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SU Involvement & staying “sick”

For SU’s:

Retention of a comfortable and familiar identity

Remaining in a known “world”

Feeling a need to not fully “recover” for fear of losing job or role

For Staff:

Difficulty in adjusting to new boundaries

Struggles with expectations

Professional Protectivism

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Moving on together

Nothing lasts forever...

Don’t get lost in the label debate...

Open, frank, honest talk is the only way forward:




Budgets & payment

Remember that we’re not after your jobs!

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