Page 1: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

L ~middot shy

C~lt j Environmental Protection Department litlilililiS~ OUR REF (jP) in EP2K14F19 Branch Office )JWJ11llt iBYOUR REF (4) in DSD CM8CE156317 pt1 28th Floor Southern Centre ffl6~~ ii 1ili -s=+TEL NO 28351122 130 Hennessy Road lOIWltPMtJllIIIXillO FAX NO 2591 0558 Wan Chai Hong Kong iHIl-iF E-MAIL ~ ill HOMEPAGE httpwwwepdgovhk

11 November 2016

Drainage Servi~es Department

Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) Ordinance Cap 499 Application for Variation of Environmental Permit

Project Title Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works (Application No VEP-5092016)

I refer to your above application received on 28 October 2016 for variation of an environmental permit under Section 13(1) of the EIA Ordinance and the subsequent supplementary information via your letter (Ref (6) in DSD CM8CE156317 ptl) dated 9 November 2016

Pursuant to Section 13 ( 5) of the EIA Ordinance we have amended the Environmental Permit (EP-5112016) I attach the Enviromnental Permit as amended (No EP-5112016A) for your use

Under Section 15 of the Ordinance the amended Environmental Permit will be placed on the EIA Ordinance Register It will also be placed on the EIA Ordinance website (httpwwwepdgovhkeia)

Please note that if you are aggrieved by any of the conditions imposed in this Permit you may appeal under Section 17 of the EIA Ordinance within 30 days of receipt of this Permit middot middot middot

Should you have any queries on the above application please contact my colleague Miss Queenie NG at 2835 1129

Yours sincerely

~lLC)Ar--~ (Ken Y K WO~)- rr

Principal Enviromnental Protection Officer for Director of Enviromnental Protection

Encl EP-5112016A

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl tJl ~PJaft~~ EP-5112016A


Sections 10 and 13

EIfJWW~ftif~91J cm499~)




PART A (MAIN PERMIT) A~ c~~mplusmn~~J-)

Pursuant to Section 10 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) the Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) granted the Environmental Permit (No EP-511 2016) to the Drainage Services Department (hereinafter referred to as the Pennit Holder) on 22 June 2016 Pursuant to Section 13 of the EIAO the Director amends the Environmental Permit (No EP-5112016) based on the Application No VEP-5092016 The amendments described below are incorporated into this Environmental Permit (No EP-511 2016A) This Environmental Permit as amended is for the construction and operation of the designated project described in Part B subject to the conditions specified in Part C The issue of this environmental pennit is based on the documents approvals or pennissions described below shy~~~ ~lj[~~~f3f~19ti ) (~~ffif9ti)~ 1OIIIJm~ ~tj[f~g~~~-amp ( ~-amp) ~ 20 16 if 6 Jj 22 B M~~tJ[sectlf~m (~i5Jft EP-51112016) trtY~JiW CffPsectlfOJm~~A) o ~~~~~yen~19U~ 13 1~ tfJ ~Yl~ ~-amp IZSI A~amp~lj[sectlf OJ ms9 $ sectJHIfn5m VEP-5o92016fi~sectJ~lj[sectlf orm Ui5m EP-511 20 16) o t) T ~~sectJ8EJa1E~lj[sectlfOJm~ (~i5JftEP-51112016 A) o ~~~sectJBgEJtj[~lfOJ

mf=~~~amp~yenJJyen lliNPJT~3t~ IIJtsect~It~J~ El E~JH~~Ct5BPJT7U~89f~f4 o l~tJ[sectlfOJms9 ~tb 7J~T~f5JT7U89Xf4 trt~t~sectlfOJfF~~~~ shy

Application No $sect~~1 51ft

VEP-50920 16

Document in the Register ~ sect[ fffi t X tf

1) Project Profile - Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works (Register No PP-5342016) If~J~ El ih~ft shy W~~557K~EJflamp~~ampgIf~ (~sectcfffii51ft PP-53420 16)

(2) The Director s letter ofpermission to apply directly for the Envirorunental Petmit dated 25 May 2016 (Ref(19) in EP2K14F19) ~~~2o161f5 Jj 25 a~tb~tsecttHti Ef3 g~~mglforms9f~14 (fi~i51ft Ref(19) in EP2K14F19)

(3) Application for Environmental Petmit submitted on 31 May 2016 (Application No AEP-5 11 2016) ~2o161f5 Jj 31 Bmxs9~msectlfOJ~~$sect~ ($sect~~i5m AEP-5112016)

(4) Envirorunental Permit issued on 22 June 2016 (Permit No EP-51120 16) n~ 2o 161f 6Jj 22 B~~5f~~J~mglform Csecttorm~lfn5m EP-51120 16)

- 1 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ill ft ~liJMf8i ~ EP-5112016A

(5) Application for Variation of Environmental Permit including all attachments submitted by the Permit Holder on 28 October 2016 (Application No VEP-5092016) [Hereafter refened to as the Application No VEP-5092016] ~lrDJm~fsectAln 2o 16rf 1 o A 28 amxsJ~)(IJJl~tPJ mEf3g~sectj3pJTfsectj)fJ tj ($g~~~~5Jjt VEP-5092016)

(flM $g~~~~5Jjt VEP-5092016]

Application Date of List ofAmendments Incorporated into Date of No Application Environmental Permit Amendment $IDt~~~ $IDtBM e-EL~1pound~m~ormr3reg~gr1Jisect ~HTBM

VEP-5092016 28 October 2016 Vary Condition 27(iii) m Part C of 11 November Environmental Permit No EP-511 2016 to 2016 enhance the odour removal efficiency of the new deodorizers at the Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station

Vary Figure 1 of Environmental Permit No EP-511 20 16 to show the revised Project boundary

Vary Figure 3 of Environmental Permit No EP-5 112016 to show the revised Project boundary layout of the plant house and configuration of the balancing tank and associated facilities

~2-J(IV~~tPJm~i5fft EP-51112016 C ~~EJkJI~ 2016 if2016 if

ftf~ 27 (iii) ~ tJmTJ-W~557K~1t~iJifJTt~ 11 A 11 B10 A 28 B

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~2-J(IJE~tPJm~i5fft EP-5 1112016 81~ 1 ~

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~fRgbulln~EJkJ~EI~III middotES~~amp~~ ampn5fu~oifsect~m~~fiiyenJc~ 0

11 November 2016 20 16rf 11 A 11 B


am Principal Environmental Protection Officer for Director ofEnvironmental Protection

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(Ken YK woNG)

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Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ill~ ~CJliftfii ~ EP-5112016A


Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this environmental permit (hereinafter referred to as the Perrnit)shyT JU J pound1 m3lf PJ ~ CT f~ 3lf PJ ~)A =ampB JT mEz 8S 1sect ~Il~ ramp El 8S g)t ~

Title ofDesignated Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Project(s) [This designated project is hereinafter referred to as the Project] 1sect ~ I flU~ El 8S ~ f~ ft~pound5-7sect7j(~ij[Jilamp~~5~Ifyen

[~tl3~IfyenJamp El Tf~IfyenJamp El]

Nature ofDesignated Project(s) 1sect ~Ifyen Jamp sect BS~~

1 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 15000 m3 per day (Item F1 of Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO) ~i[ 8S5-7sect7j(~poundJtffi)J~~ (sectJ72_ 15000 JIjj BS5-7sect7J(~poundJJilamp (fl~fiWU~1amp 2 mI =ampB8SF1 J~) o

2 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 5000 m3 per day and a boundary of which is less than 200 m from the nearest boundary of an existing or planned residential area and educational institution (Items F2(a)(b)(i) and (iii) of Part I of Schedule 2 ofthe EIAO) 57sect lK~ij[Jllamp rm~~i[8S57sect1](~ij[gt)J~~e 72 soooiL jj amp~-f~JlfJJj2ii-Jl~8S~HlIUcp8Sfttlampamp~~ ~msSlampiliJf~JJYM200CEI3SJZ11WU~1amp 2 mI =ampBBSF2(a) (b)( i) Ez(iii)J~) 0

Location of Designated The Project is located at Wing Yip Street of Kwun Tong The Project(s) location of this Project is shown in Figure 1 attached to this Pemtit tsect~I fyen~ sect BS tfu~ IfyenJ~ El 1lzMW~~~1i o IfyenJ~ EI8Sflzi[~~M3i=OJ~

~~f18Siil 1 deg

Scale and Scope of Designated Project(s) 1sect ~Ifyen r~ sectaS Hjt yeno ielll

Expand the treatment capacity of Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works from 333000 m3day to 445 891 m3day The scope of the Project includes the following works as indicated in Figures 2 and 3 attached to this Permit (a) Construction of an underground balancing tank with a volume

of 16000 m3day a plant house an additional detritor or grit chamber and associated grit handling and effluent pumping facilities a new grit building odour control room and new influent channel

(b) Modificatio~ of the existing influent channel and emergency seawall bypass

(c) Provision of separate ventilation deodorization system pumping and other necessary facilities works architectural civil and landscaping modification works and

(d) Installation of electrical and mechanical (EampM) equipment for the above proposed treatment facilities and replacement of some EampM equipment in the existing treatment facilities

~~W~~~-7sect7j(~ij[Jllamp~5-7sect7j(~fJ~ EI3poundJlB~eB333000TI jjt~IJD~eB445891Tin o IfyenJ~ sect BSi81lsectf3T~Ifyen amp~D [i] 2 fO 3 PJT~ (a) ~~-G~J 16000 JJjj8Stfuleuro5-7sect7j(WcJampfj)fu -Illamp ~

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Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl IJ ~CJJM$1~ EP-5112016A

m -~~9~8gEIJ~ctgtJrliY5fu~ttB~~~s9gtJrliY5fuampsectm~ s9liYflt~JJg9fotEI37Kg91itEireg~1~gtmiji5fu ~JTliYflttt ~Dt~fffiJ~fO~JT89llsect7j(~

(b) t9J]~s9llsect7~J~W-f~~~~~~w~m (c) m13U~irJEI3M ~ffi~~~fE jffi7Kamptt1fu~~89g91iffi ~

plusmnamp~~ff1cif~ tJamp (d) ~--UztJ~89~JJg91iffi~~tfoUtg9fO~J~J]~~JJg91iffi

Etgg~JttiU~g9 o


1 General Conditions -if~tj

11 The Pem1it Holder and any person working on the Project shall comply with all conditions set out in this Permit Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap 499) and may become the subj ect of appropriate action being taken under the EIAO

~lform~~Aamp1ffOJ1~$Ifpoundr~ El EtgAplusmn~~~5ciJB=il~or~~5UBgig~f~ftf 0 1f1DJ Aplusmn~o~ff-tits~orms9t~gtJt middot or~5ilamp lt~~w~~~ftif~fJ~ gt c~ 499 ~gtEtg~JUE middot rmamp ~ort~~f~fJ~fIampj~ifriJJ o

12 The Permit Holder sh all ensure full compliance with all legislation from time to time in force including without limitation to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311 ) Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 358) Noise Control Ordinance (Cap 400) Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131) and Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) Tllis Pennit does not of itself constitute any ground of defence against any proceedings instituted under any legislation or imply any approval under any legislation

~orm~~Am~m~~5ciNil~fi~~Bgm~ ~ ~~m7F~~lt~~~~~~~ 19~ gt c~ 311 1l) ltJg~m~iif~fJn c~ 354 ~) lt7Kgt5~~fffiJf~fJUgt c~ 358 1l) ( D1sect-~fff1Jf~f9~ ) (~ 400 ~) ( plusmnJiZrTi~JHliiJf~fJ~ ) (~ 131 ~ ) amp ( ~jo)1~

0fJUgt c~ 123 1l) ~lfOJm$~7F~8xt~~1f1DJ~fJ~mJres9~1ff~rftMJJt1EfOJttL~~JI El3 ~t~~ffilJ~fJIJlffk~fOJftt~t 0


13 The Permit Holder shall make copies of tllis Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit and the documents referred to in Part A of the Permit readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorised officers at all sitesoffices covered by this Permit Any reference to the Pennit shall include all documents refe1red to in the P ermit and also the relevant documents in the Register

~lfOJ~~~A~~fP~~lforms9l$ middot ~roJ$glformrJTZtts9rJT~Xftfamptsglfor~ A gBrJT ZttX~~um~~~-~-A-1f10J~~~ttts~OJmM~-Etgffi~I~Mmiddot~~

0 0~ JLm~~lfOJ~ ~~~f2i~lformrJTZttBgrJT~Xftfamp~cfllt~89sect~~xftfI

14 The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s) and ensure that such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all requirements incorporated in the Permit The site(s) refers to site(s) ofconstruction and operation of the Project and shall mean the same hereafter

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0atsglforms9rJT~f~ftfWm~ Ijfu~fsect~amp~WJyenIt~r~sect89IjJpound I TXrJTmamps9I

- 4 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ft m~CJMij ~ EP-5112016A

15 The Permit Holder shall display conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the Project site(s) at all vehicular site entrancesexits or at a convenient location for publics infom1ation at all times The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated infom1ation about the Permit including any amended Permit is displayed at such locations If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the Pem1it the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original Pennit The suspended vatied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site(s) sectLfPJ~ffl~A~~1IIfyenJ~sect Itili89PJT~~m~CIJ D~-~7J~tili~ middot M~tUili~~2fssecttPJ m89m2fsmiddot~m0~~a~~~~~- o ~PJ~ffl~Am~~~~~~~~~~~~ PJ~ ( middotfsectH31E10J~J[I~nsgsectLfPJ~ ) 89mtff~ilf4 osecttPJ~ffl~A~DXJsectLfPJ~stgg~J~~ iiB bullJ6~~ft~X~-amp8gm~Dif bull~Ji~~~secttPJm89~~fsect[E]tili~~~ o~ljg[B~ffj ~~

~a~~~B9~PJm~~~I~~sectI~~~ middot ~~~ffl o

16 The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project description in Part B of this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~~11X~2fssecttPJm B ampB8gifyen~sect~B)j middot t~amp~yenhyenIfyenJ~sect o

17 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) the application document for environmental permit other relevant documents in the Register the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit mitigation measures to be recommended in submissions that shall be deposited with or approved by the Director as a result of pennit conditions contained in this Permit and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project Where recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly referred to in this Pennit such recommendations are nevertheless to be implemented unless expressly excluded or impliedly amended in this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~amp~f~Ifyen~sect ft(W~~It~r4 8~H ~amp~~M Iyen~sectM11 C~c iffi~i517t PP-5342016 ) PJT~B)j sg~4amp~r~t~ ~~8tPJm89 Ef 8~)ltft ~cim~B9 t1iMsect~mx1t 2fsglfPJ~J5JTg)iB)j sg~if4~immntE ~~2fs8tPJm~~B91~1t~amp loJ~-amp ffn)(~1t~-amp1tt~t stgmxx1tPJT~~sg~mmntE ~amp ~Iryenramp sect ~~~t~~1YB9ffl~ft~ ~amp~~~UIfFPJTtmsg~mmlllli o1Hciffix14PJTMt~~D~~~1f2fssecttPJ~B)j~ffl middot flU iJJ~amp~nlli~~m middot ~~F1i2fs8tPJ~B)j~~~~~~Xffl~~n deg

18 All deposited submissions as required under this Permit shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the comments if any made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Directors comments or otherwise as specified by the Director

PJT~W2fs~PJm~J5EmXampffJJ)(B9x 14 middot~~~HHt~-amp89~5C~D~~ ) 1~ 1 FJ ~C~~ ~F~-amp~1J1sect5E) middot 1~~~-amp89~51Jot)i~lEamp~IUffmX o

19 All submissions approved by the Director all submissions deposited without comments by the Director or all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Pennit shall be construed as pa1t of the pem1it conditions described in Part C of this Permit Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in the relevant permit conditions Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap 499) All submissions or any variation of the submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) referred to in Conditions 2 1 and 22 below before submitting to the Director under this Permit PJT~mx~-ampsbz1i1ttgtt89x14 P1T~mx~-ampffn5ltfffi5~~45ltyenU~-amp~Jsgxft ~r~~ 2fsglfPJ~mXsbz811XW~~-ampsg~JfF CIJI~sectJ8gPJT~x14 middot M~Hi~~fsglfPJ~c ampBPJlg)iBg ~PJ~~B9-$JotimxxM~B9a~bulln middot ~~bullm~-amp89eoom middot ~~~


iJ - 5 - it


~----- Rrr

~ EIAO ~ EPO i ltiJ

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A fll jJl ~DJfM$1 ~ EP-5112016A

0~~msectlfPJ~f~Wff=JT~ fLWf=JTmxs1xf=t~~r-t~~middot~55t t~PJllit~JJXJtamp rr~m~~ ~SJZ1~1t~1Jugt c~ 499 ~) oJJT~mxxftf~mxxftf~fffDJfi~I ~~ampEl3Tx1ftf~ 21 Ez 22 rampf=JTwsl~m~J ~J3~J3 -ampt~~Ez~trf~m~filtAt~w f~13ttEt-lssectlfCJ~mtt jo]ifftmXo

110 The Permit Holder shall release all fmalized submissions as required under this Pennit to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office or in any other places or any intemet websites as specified by the Director or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection For this purpose the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions sectlfPJ~~~A~ampt~f=JT~Et-lssectlfPJ~tJ[tEmXsJXtftEf~0rffl~~0WAplusmn~lli JJ)t~t~ ~~mx1tf1pound7fgtffJ1)C~~m~~~f~f~1JHHcffiHJfi~~ ~iffttsectE~ffDJttftttirtr ~ ~-ampmtt~ffDJ~bullbullbullM~~-ampmE~ffDJ1J)t middot ~~0W~Mo~~ ~PJ~~ ~A~ampmf~JE~~~i81fpoundfgt o

111 All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27F Southom Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong) E lectronic copies of all finalized submissions required under this Pennit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 40 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF version 13 or later) unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies

fgtsectlfPJsectimttioJif-ampmx~f=JT~xftf ~ampJllt~x~tJm5mJJ~mw~~~m~~~SJZ1~1 1JU~~cff1Hh$$~ OJ~Jl~ ~~5~1-TiHJbwlli 130 517tfi~~Jicp~c 27 ft) oJJT~EtfgtsectlfPJ ~t)[Emx~xtf)Ef~~~-TMampfgt ~~amptJ~JZfgtf~ifi~sect ( HTML ) (~ 4 0 ~$~13t Mamp$) f[Jffn~)Ztff~~ ( PDF ) (~ 13 ~x13tMampfgt) ~fi= ~~F~~i~ft[CJ~ stfl~amp Wlilrpoundfgt[CJB~mX o

112 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the conm1encement date of construction of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the conunencement date of the construction sectlfCiJsecti~~A~amp1plusmnIf~Jamp sect ~~~If~~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~t~llfEI8 W3 ~~~ft o llfEI 8W3~~ffDJ~amp~PJ~~~A~~TI~~~iiD1J~~~~ft o

113 For the purpose of this Permit commencement of construction does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director ~ttrfffgtsecttPJ~ r~~If~8g~rffl J ~sectj-3~~mitili5~~f[Jffliif~ ~~ft[CJ~~ t-tlIf~ o

114 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of operation of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the co11U11encement of operation of the Project The Pem1it Holder shall notify the Director in writing inm1ediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the operation

sectlfCiJ~~~Affif~J~ sect 811fWJyen~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~~~~-ampIf~ramp sect rffl~euroJ1f~Jfi81 8 W3 orffl~euroJ1f~b$81 8 W3~D~fDJ~amp sectlfPJ~t~~A~JIT~P~~imJJ~~~

- 6 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl jj filfllJMfi ~EP-5112016 A

2 Specific Conditions WfEf~ftf

Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Personnel

21 An ET shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the IEC for the Project The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EMampA programme in accordance with the requirements as contained in the EMampA Manual of the Project In addition the ET Leader shall be responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) and this Permit The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances The ET Leaders log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-53420 16) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers Failure to maintain records in the log-book fa ilure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EMampA Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension cancellation or variation

1plusmnI~rfi sect8J1~JJyen1mampM ~Lf5J~~JA~f~YtiF- 1 JFJ nlltTI-IJJjtJ ~Jl 0 ~JjtJ

~Jlf1~~Il~JJi El 8971cWJ$jYj~11DTII~~t~AJfffoJ~w~ o ~plusmnJVJ~Jl~Jiplusmnl-iiSl~JjtJ ~Jl ~JJ-ampWfregJ 0 f~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amp~Ji1f~~~I~m~IJ1JrnEi~YJ 1 if~~~ 0 ~JJtJ ~Jlampf~JJtJ ~]Jsect-amp~ampttti~rJi El 89f~~-=tfffr il~B9f~~~JUE Afr~~~tmu 0 ~JJtJ~JI~-amp~ampf~tyen -c~lfffr IOJB~Hc~DJllitf~~I~JJi El fMifl ( ~Hcfffrjsectm PP-53420 16 ) 89~~amp ~i=DJ~8Jf--t~t~55LB94~Hf~~ftf EHImiddot~55L~4~FXt~55L~Hc o ~lJtJ~~Jl-amp~amp1E~l~fE

0foJ~Ji1~~1tf middot~gt5t~t~gt5t~1t1amp 1 fii1F~il~m11DTI~lJt~f~A tyenJ19j~l~JJtJ ~JJ ~Jl-amplyen9c~008Jtit1J ~ampDJ1~tisectJJ~~~AII~JJi El oofl (~Hciffii5fft PP-5342016)

89~~amp~LfDJm89JT~Aplusmn ~-amp~1H~f~A~~B~~Im o JlJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp~DIlli1Ec ~-Rfffrf~ffc~-R llliJrfII~-=tfffrJT3iU~sJI~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amplf~~ ~llliH~f~ftfsJm 5E ~-amp~fltJ~iii~gtJlt~tDJm~~)Jffx~llJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp o ~LfDJ~~~A~D~53f~FA unHm ~1plusmn~m~JTJJJtJ~JJ~JJ~1Jtf]jflli1plusmnc~-Rfffrf~tyen roJWlBJc~ ~tr~~Jz~tDJ~ ~s~wPJ JIZ53~~~ o bull bull bull

22 An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The IEC shall be responsible for duties defmed in the EMampA Manual of the Project and shall audit the overall EMampA programme including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures submissions required in the EMampA Manual and any other submissions required under tllis Permit In addition the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Pem1it The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 21 of this Pennit The IEC shall notify the Director by fax within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET


middot~ R rv~t ltrt

~ EIAO ~ ~ EPO ~~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jft mgtfPJMfii ~ EP-51112016 A

Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

- 8shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 2: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl tJl ~PJaft~~ EP-5112016A


Sections 10 and 13

EIfJWW~ftif~91J cm499~)




PART A (MAIN PERMIT) A~ c~~mplusmn~~J-)

Pursuant to Section 10 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) the Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) granted the Environmental Permit (No EP-511 2016) to the Drainage Services Department (hereinafter referred to as the Pennit Holder) on 22 June 2016 Pursuant to Section 13 of the EIAO the Director amends the Environmental Permit (No EP-5112016) based on the Application No VEP-5092016 The amendments described below are incorporated into this Environmental Permit (No EP-511 2016A) This Environmental Permit as amended is for the construction and operation of the designated project described in Part B subject to the conditions specified in Part C The issue of this environmental pennit is based on the documents approvals or pennissions described below shy~~~ ~lj[~~~f3f~19ti ) (~~ffif9ti)~ 1OIIIJm~ ~tj[f~g~~~-amp ( ~-amp) ~ 20 16 if 6 Jj 22 B M~~tJ[sectlf~m (~i5Jft EP-51112016) trtY~JiW CffPsectlfOJm~~A) o ~~~~~yen~19U~ 13 1~ tfJ ~Yl~ ~-amp IZSI A~amp~lj[sectlf OJ ms9 $ sectJHIfn5m VEP-5o92016fi~sectJ~lj[sectlf orm Ui5m EP-511 20 16) o t) T ~~sectJ8EJa1E~lj[sectlfOJm~ (~i5JftEP-51112016 A) o ~~~sectJBgEJtj[~lfOJ

mf=~~~amp~yenJJyen lliNPJT~3t~ IIJtsect~It~J~ El E~JH~~Ct5BPJT7U~89f~f4 o l~tJ[sectlfOJms9 ~tb 7J~T~f5JT7U89Xf4 trt~t~sectlfOJfF~~~~ shy

Application No $sect~~1 51ft

VEP-50920 16

Document in the Register ~ sect[ fffi t X tf

1) Project Profile - Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works (Register No PP-5342016) If~J~ El ih~ft shy W~~557K~EJflamp~~ampgIf~ (~sectcfffii51ft PP-53420 16)

(2) The Director s letter ofpermission to apply directly for the Envirorunental Petmit dated 25 May 2016 (Ref(19) in EP2K14F19) ~~~2o161f5 Jj 25 a~tb~tsecttHti Ef3 g~~mglforms9f~14 (fi~i51ft Ref(19) in EP2K14F19)

(3) Application for Environmental Petmit submitted on 31 May 2016 (Application No AEP-5 11 2016) ~2o161f5 Jj 31 Bmxs9~msectlfOJ~~$sect~ ($sect~~i5m AEP-5112016)

(4) Envirorunental Permit issued on 22 June 2016 (Permit No EP-51120 16) n~ 2o 161f 6Jj 22 B~~5f~~J~mglform Csecttorm~lfn5m EP-51120 16)

- 1 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ill ft ~liJMf8i ~ EP-5112016A

(5) Application for Variation of Environmental Permit including all attachments submitted by the Permit Holder on 28 October 2016 (Application No VEP-5092016) [Hereafter refened to as the Application No VEP-5092016] ~lrDJm~fsectAln 2o 16rf 1 o A 28 amxsJ~)(IJJl~tPJ mEf3g~sectj3pJTfsectj)fJ tj ($g~~~~5Jjt VEP-5092016)

(flM $g~~~~5Jjt VEP-5092016]

Application Date of List ofAmendments Incorporated into Date of No Application Environmental Permit Amendment $IDt~~~ $IDtBM e-EL~1pound~m~ormr3reg~gr1Jisect ~HTBM

VEP-5092016 28 October 2016 Vary Condition 27(iii) m Part C of 11 November Environmental Permit No EP-511 2016 to 2016 enhance the odour removal efficiency of the new deodorizers at the Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station

Vary Figure 1 of Environmental Permit No EP-511 20 16 to show the revised Project boundary

Vary Figure 3 of Environmental Permit No EP-5 112016 to show the revised Project boundary layout of the plant house and configuration of the balancing tank and associated facilities

~2-J(IV~~tPJm~i5fft EP-51112016 C ~~EJkJI~ 2016 if2016 if

ftf~ 27 (iii) ~ tJmTJ-W~557K~1t~iJifJTt~ 11 A 11 B10 A 28 B

~~~81~~1$ o

~2-J(IJE~tPJm~i5fft EP-5 1112016 81~ 1 ~

~7R~I1~n1amp1yenJr~ El iBIII o

~ampIIJE~tPJm~i5fft EP-5112016 EJkJ~ 3 J)

~fRgbulln~EJkJ~EI~III middotES~~amp~~ ampn5fu~oifsect~m~~fiiyenJc~ 0

11 November 2016 20 16rf 11 A 11 B


am Principal Environmental Protection Officer for Director ofEnvironmental Protection

IJlf51Hi~~~ (sect)fr]lJ~~g_l1_f~Jiyen7~ fl) ltgt~~middotmiddot R

J EtAo ~ ~ 1 n

~ cPQ ~

(Ken YK woNG)

- 2shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ill~ ~CJliftfii ~ EP-5112016A


Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this environmental permit (hereinafter referred to as the Perrnit)shyT JU J pound1 m3lf PJ ~ CT f~ 3lf PJ ~)A =ampB JT mEz 8S 1sect ~Il~ ramp El 8S g)t ~

Title ofDesignated Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Project(s) [This designated project is hereinafter referred to as the Project] 1sect ~ I flU~ El 8S ~ f~ ft~pound5-7sect7j(~ij[Jilamp~~5~Ifyen

[~tl3~IfyenJamp El Tf~IfyenJamp El]

Nature ofDesignated Project(s) 1sect ~Ifyen Jamp sect BS~~

1 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 15000 m3 per day (Item F1 of Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO) ~i[ 8S5-7sect7j(~poundJtffi)J~~ (sectJ72_ 15000 JIjj BS5-7sect7J(~poundJJilamp (fl~fiWU~1amp 2 mI =ampB8SF1 J~) o

2 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 5000 m3 per day and a boundary of which is less than 200 m from the nearest boundary of an existing or planned residential area and educational institution (Items F2(a)(b)(i) and (iii) of Part I of Schedule 2 ofthe EIAO) 57sect lK~ij[Jllamp rm~~i[8S57sect1](~ij[gt)J~~e 72 soooiL jj amp~-f~JlfJJj2ii-Jl~8S~HlIUcp8Sfttlampamp~~ ~msSlampiliJf~JJYM200CEI3SJZ11WU~1amp 2 mI =ampBBSF2(a) (b)( i) Ez(iii)J~) 0

Location of Designated The Project is located at Wing Yip Street of Kwun Tong The Project(s) location of this Project is shown in Figure 1 attached to this Pemtit tsect~I fyen~ sect BS tfu~ IfyenJ~ El 1lzMW~~~1i o IfyenJ~ EI8Sflzi[~~M3i=OJ~

~~f18Siil 1 deg

Scale and Scope of Designated Project(s) 1sect ~Ifyen r~ sectaS Hjt yeno ielll

Expand the treatment capacity of Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works from 333000 m3day to 445 891 m3day The scope of the Project includes the following works as indicated in Figures 2 and 3 attached to this Permit (a) Construction of an underground balancing tank with a volume

of 16000 m3day a plant house an additional detritor or grit chamber and associated grit handling and effluent pumping facilities a new grit building odour control room and new influent channel

(b) Modificatio~ of the existing influent channel and emergency seawall bypass

(c) Provision of separate ventilation deodorization system pumping and other necessary facilities works architectural civil and landscaping modification works and

(d) Installation of electrical and mechanical (EampM) equipment for the above proposed treatment facilities and replacement of some EampM equipment in the existing treatment facilities

~~W~~~-7sect7j(~ij[Jllamp~5-7sect7j(~fJ~ EI3poundJlB~eB333000TI jjt~IJD~eB445891Tin o IfyenJ~ sect BSi81lsectf3T~Ifyen amp~D [i] 2 fO 3 PJT~ (a) ~~-G~J 16000 JJjj8Stfuleuro5-7sect7j(WcJampfj)fu -Illamp ~

rt~middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bullq ~ ~ EIAO~ ~

-3- ~ E~~ ~ ~Ul-l-~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl IJ ~CJJM$1~ EP-5112016A

m -~~9~8gEIJ~ctgtJrliY5fu~ttB~~~s9gtJrliY5fuampsectm~ s9liYflt~JJg9fotEI37Kg91itEireg~1~gtmiji5fu ~JTliYflttt ~Dt~fffiJ~fO~JT89llsect7j(~

(b) t9J]~s9llsect7~J~W-f~~~~~~w~m (c) m13U~irJEI3M ~ffi~~~fE jffi7Kamptt1fu~~89g91iffi ~

plusmnamp~~ff1cif~ tJamp (d) ~--UztJ~89~JJg91iffi~~tfoUtg9fO~J~J]~~JJg91iffi

Etgg~JttiU~g9 o


1 General Conditions -if~tj

11 The Pem1it Holder and any person working on the Project shall comply with all conditions set out in this Permit Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap 499) and may become the subj ect of appropriate action being taken under the EIAO

~lform~~Aamp1ffOJ1~$Ifpoundr~ El EtgAplusmn~~~5ciJB=il~or~~5UBgig~f~ftf 0 1f1DJ Aplusmn~o~ff-tits~orms9t~gtJt middot or~5ilamp lt~~w~~~ftif~fJ~ gt c~ 499 ~gtEtg~JUE middot rmamp ~ort~~f~fJ~fIampj~ifriJJ o

12 The Permit Holder sh all ensure full compliance with all legislation from time to time in force including without limitation to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311 ) Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 358) Noise Control Ordinance (Cap 400) Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131) and Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) Tllis Pennit does not of itself constitute any ground of defence against any proceedings instituted under any legislation or imply any approval under any legislation

~orm~~Am~m~~5ciNil~fi~~Bgm~ ~ ~~m7F~~lt~~~~~~~ 19~ gt c~ 311 1l) ltJg~m~iif~fJn c~ 354 ~) lt7Kgt5~~fffiJf~fJUgt c~ 358 1l) ( D1sect-~fff1Jf~f9~ ) (~ 400 ~) ( plusmnJiZrTi~JHliiJf~fJ~ ) (~ 131 ~ ) amp ( ~jo)1~

0fJUgt c~ 123 1l) ~lfOJm$~7F~8xt~~1f1DJ~fJ~mJres9~1ff~rftMJJt1EfOJttL~~JI El3 ~t~~ffilJ~fJIJlffk~fOJftt~t 0


13 The Permit Holder shall make copies of tllis Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit and the documents referred to in Part A of the Permit readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorised officers at all sitesoffices covered by this Permit Any reference to the Pennit shall include all documents refe1red to in the P ermit and also the relevant documents in the Register

~lfOJ~~~A~~fP~~lforms9l$ middot ~roJ$glformrJTZtts9rJT~Xftfamptsglfor~ A gBrJT ZttX~~um~~~-~-A-1f10J~~~ttts~OJmM~-Etgffi~I~Mmiddot~~

0 0~ JLm~~lfOJ~ ~~~f2i~lformrJTZttBgrJT~Xftfamp~cfllt~89sect~~xftfI

14 The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s) and ensure that such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all requirements incorporated in the Permit The site(s) refers to site(s) ofconstruction and operation of the Project and shall mean the same hereafter

g9=orm~~A~amp1ttsglforms9-f5lrl$x-T~~~IjtM9~JtA l)ft~fjf-J~IftAplusmn5ci~I

0atsglforms9rJT~f~ftfWm~ Ijfu~fsect~amp~WJyenIt~r~sect89IjJpound I TXrJTmamps9I

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15 The Permit Holder shall display conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the Project site(s) at all vehicular site entrancesexits or at a convenient location for publics infom1ation at all times The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated infom1ation about the Permit including any amended Permit is displayed at such locations If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the Pem1it the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original Pennit The suspended vatied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site(s) sectLfPJ~ffl~A~~1IIfyenJ~sect Itili89PJT~~m~CIJ D~-~7J~tili~ middot M~tUili~~2fssecttPJ m89m2fsmiddot~m0~~a~~~~~- o ~PJ~ffl~Am~~~~~~~~~~~~ PJ~ ( middotfsectH31E10J~J[I~nsgsectLfPJ~ ) 89mtff~ilf4 osecttPJ~ffl~A~DXJsectLfPJ~stgg~J~~ iiB bullJ6~~ft~X~-amp8gm~Dif bull~Ji~~~secttPJm89~~fsect[E]tili~~~ o~ljg[B~ffj ~~

~a~~~B9~PJm~~~I~~sectI~~~ middot ~~~ffl o

16 The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project description in Part B of this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~~11X~2fssecttPJm B ampB8gifyen~sect~B)j middot t~amp~yenhyenIfyenJ~sect o

17 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) the application document for environmental permit other relevant documents in the Register the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit mitigation measures to be recommended in submissions that shall be deposited with or approved by the Director as a result of pennit conditions contained in this Permit and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project Where recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly referred to in this Pennit such recommendations are nevertheless to be implemented unless expressly excluded or impliedly amended in this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~amp~f~Ifyen~sect ft(W~~It~r4 8~H ~amp~~M Iyen~sectM11 C~c iffi~i517t PP-5342016 ) PJT~B)j sg~4amp~r~t~ ~~8tPJm89 Ef 8~)ltft ~cim~B9 t1iMsect~mx1t 2fsglfPJ~J5JTg)iB)j sg~if4~immntE ~~2fs8tPJm~~B91~1t~amp loJ~-amp ffn)(~1t~-amp1tt~t stgmxx1tPJT~~sg~mmntE ~amp ~Iryenramp sect ~~~t~~1YB9ffl~ft~ ~amp~~~UIfFPJTtmsg~mmlllli o1Hciffix14PJTMt~~D~~~1f2fssecttPJ~B)j~ffl middot flU iJJ~amp~nlli~~m middot ~~F1i2fs8tPJ~B)j~~~~~~Xffl~~n deg

18 All deposited submissions as required under this Permit shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the comments if any made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Directors comments or otherwise as specified by the Director

PJT~W2fs~PJm~J5EmXampffJJ)(B9x 14 middot~~~HHt~-amp89~5C~D~~ ) 1~ 1 FJ ~C~~ ~F~-amp~1J1sect5E) middot 1~~~-amp89~51Jot)i~lEamp~IUffmX o

19 All submissions approved by the Director all submissions deposited without comments by the Director or all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Pennit shall be construed as pa1t of the pem1it conditions described in Part C of this Permit Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in the relevant permit conditions Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap 499) All submissions or any variation of the submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) referred to in Conditions 2 1 and 22 below before submitting to the Director under this Permit PJT~mx~-ampsbz1i1ttgtt89x14 P1T~mx~-ampffn5ltfffi5~~45ltyenU~-amp~Jsgxft ~r~~ 2fsglfPJ~mXsbz811XW~~-ampsg~JfF CIJI~sectJ8gPJT~x14 middot M~Hi~~fsglfPJ~c ampBPJlg)iBg ~PJ~~B9-$JotimxxM~B9a~bulln middot ~~bullm~-amp89eoom middot ~~~


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Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A fll jJl ~DJfM$1 ~ EP-5112016A

0~~msectlfPJ~f~Wff=JT~ fLWf=JTmxs1xf=t~~r-t~~middot~55t t~PJllit~JJXJtamp rr~m~~ ~SJZ1~1t~1Jugt c~ 499 ~) oJJT~mxxftf~mxxftf~fffDJfi~I ~~ampEl3Tx1ftf~ 21 Ez 22 rampf=JTwsl~m~J ~J3~J3 -ampt~~Ez~trf~m~filtAt~w f~13ttEt-lssectlfCJ~mtt jo]ifftmXo

110 The Permit Holder shall release all fmalized submissions as required under this Pennit to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office or in any other places or any intemet websites as specified by the Director or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection For this purpose the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions sectlfPJ~~~A~ampt~f=JT~Et-lssectlfPJ~tJ[tEmXsJXtftEf~0rffl~~0WAplusmn~lli JJ)t~t~ ~~mx1tf1pound7fgtffJ1)C~~m~~~f~f~1JHHcffiHJfi~~ ~iffttsectE~ffDJttftttirtr ~ ~-ampmtt~ffDJ~bullbullbullM~~-ampmE~ffDJ1J)t middot ~~0W~Mo~~ ~PJ~~ ~A~ampmf~JE~~~i81fpoundfgt o

111 All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27F Southom Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong) E lectronic copies of all finalized submissions required under this Pennit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 40 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF version 13 or later) unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies

fgtsectlfPJsectimttioJif-ampmx~f=JT~xftf ~ampJllt~x~tJm5mJJ~mw~~~m~~~SJZ1~1 1JU~~cff1Hh$$~ OJ~Jl~ ~~5~1-TiHJbwlli 130 517tfi~~Jicp~c 27 ft) oJJT~EtfgtsectlfPJ ~t)[Emx~xtf)Ef~~~-TMampfgt ~~amptJ~JZfgtf~ifi~sect ( HTML ) (~ 4 0 ~$~13t Mamp$) f[Jffn~)Ztff~~ ( PDF ) (~ 13 ~x13tMampfgt) ~fi= ~~F~~i~ft[CJ~ stfl~amp Wlilrpoundfgt[CJB~mX o

112 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the conm1encement date of construction of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the conunencement date of the construction sectlfCiJsecti~~A~amp1plusmnIf~Jamp sect ~~~If~~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~t~llfEI8 W3 ~~~ft o llfEI 8W3~~ffDJ~amp~PJ~~~A~~TI~~~iiD1J~~~~ft o

113 For the purpose of this Permit commencement of construction does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director ~ttrfffgtsecttPJ~ r~~If~8g~rffl J ~sectj-3~~mitili5~~f[Jffliif~ ~~ft[CJ~~ t-tlIf~ o

114 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of operation of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the co11U11encement of operation of the Project The Pem1it Holder shall notify the Director in writing inm1ediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the operation

sectlfCiJ~~~Affif~J~ sect 811fWJyen~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~~~~-ampIf~ramp sect rffl~euroJ1f~Jfi81 8 W3 orffl~euroJ1f~b$81 8 W3~D~fDJ~amp sectlfPJ~t~~A~JIT~P~~imJJ~~~

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Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl jj filfllJMfi ~EP-5112016 A

2 Specific Conditions WfEf~ftf

Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Personnel

21 An ET shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the IEC for the Project The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EMampA programme in accordance with the requirements as contained in the EMampA Manual of the Project In addition the ET Leader shall be responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) and this Permit The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances The ET Leaders log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-53420 16) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers Failure to maintain records in the log-book fa ilure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EMampA Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension cancellation or variation

1plusmnI~rfi sect8J1~JJyen1mampM ~Lf5J~~JA~f~YtiF- 1 JFJ nlltTI-IJJjtJ ~Jl 0 ~JjtJ

~Jlf1~~Il~JJi El 8971cWJ$jYj~11DTII~~t~AJfffoJ~w~ o ~plusmnJVJ~Jl~Jiplusmnl-iiSl~JjtJ ~Jl ~JJ-ampWfregJ 0 f~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amp~Ji1f~~~I~m~IJ1JrnEi~YJ 1 if~~~ 0 ~JJtJ ~Jlampf~JJtJ ~]Jsect-amp~ampttti~rJi El 89f~~-=tfffr il~B9f~~~JUE Afr~~~tmu 0 ~JJtJ~JI~-amp~ampf~tyen -c~lfffr IOJB~Hc~DJllitf~~I~JJi El fMifl ( ~Hcfffrjsectm PP-53420 16 ) 89~~amp ~i=DJ~8Jf--t~t~55LB94~Hf~~ftf EHImiddot~55L~4~FXt~55L~Hc o ~lJtJ~~Jl-amp~amp1E~l~fE

0foJ~Ji1~~1tf middot~gt5t~t~gt5t~1t1amp 1 fii1F~il~m11DTI~lJt~f~A tyenJ19j~l~JJtJ ~JJ ~Jl-amplyen9c~008Jtit1J ~ampDJ1~tisectJJ~~~AII~JJi El oofl (~Hciffii5fft PP-5342016)

89~~amp~LfDJm89JT~Aplusmn ~-amp~1H~f~A~~B~~Im o JlJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp~DIlli1Ec ~-Rfffrf~ffc~-R llliJrfII~-=tfffrJT3iU~sJI~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amplf~~ ~llliH~f~ftfsJm 5E ~-amp~fltJ~iii~gtJlt~tDJm~~)Jffx~llJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp o ~LfDJ~~~A~D~53f~FA unHm ~1plusmn~m~JTJJJtJ~JJ~JJ~1Jtf]jflli1plusmnc~-Rfffrf~tyen roJWlBJc~ ~tr~~Jz~tDJ~ ~s~wPJ JIZ53~~~ o bull bull bull

22 An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The IEC shall be responsible for duties defmed in the EMampA Manual of the Project and shall audit the overall EMampA programme including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures submissions required in the EMampA Manual and any other submissions required under tllis Permit In addition the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Pem1it The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 21 of this Pennit The IEC shall notify the Director by fax within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET


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Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

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units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

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Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 3: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ill ft ~liJMf8i ~ EP-5112016A

(5) Application for Variation of Environmental Permit including all attachments submitted by the Permit Holder on 28 October 2016 (Application No VEP-5092016) [Hereafter refened to as the Application No VEP-5092016] ~lrDJm~fsectAln 2o 16rf 1 o A 28 amxsJ~)(IJJl~tPJ mEf3g~sectj3pJTfsectj)fJ tj ($g~~~~5Jjt VEP-5092016)

(flM $g~~~~5Jjt VEP-5092016]

Application Date of List ofAmendments Incorporated into Date of No Application Environmental Permit Amendment $IDt~~~ $IDtBM e-EL~1pound~m~ormr3reg~gr1Jisect ~HTBM

VEP-5092016 28 October 2016 Vary Condition 27(iii) m Part C of 11 November Environmental Permit No EP-511 2016 to 2016 enhance the odour removal efficiency of the new deodorizers at the Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station

Vary Figure 1 of Environmental Permit No EP-511 20 16 to show the revised Project boundary

Vary Figure 3 of Environmental Permit No EP-5 112016 to show the revised Project boundary layout of the plant house and configuration of the balancing tank and associated facilities

~2-J(IV~~tPJm~i5fft EP-51112016 C ~~EJkJI~ 2016 if2016 if

ftf~ 27 (iii) ~ tJmTJ-W~557K~1t~iJifJTt~ 11 A 11 B10 A 28 B

~~~81~~1$ o

~2-J(IJE~tPJm~i5fft EP-5 1112016 81~ 1 ~

~7R~I1~n1amp1yenJr~ El iBIII o

~ampIIJE~tPJm~i5fft EP-5112016 EJkJ~ 3 J)

~fRgbulln~EJkJ~EI~III middotES~~amp~~ ampn5fu~oifsect~m~~fiiyenJc~ 0

11 November 2016 20 16rf 11 A 11 B


am Principal Environmental Protection Officer for Director ofEnvironmental Protection

IJlf51Hi~~~ (sect)fr]lJ~~g_l1_f~Jiyen7~ fl) ltgt~~middotmiddot R

J EtAo ~ ~ 1 n

~ cPQ ~

(Ken YK woNG)

- 2shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ill~ ~CJliftfii ~ EP-5112016A


Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this environmental permit (hereinafter referred to as the Perrnit)shyT JU J pound1 m3lf PJ ~ CT f~ 3lf PJ ~)A =ampB JT mEz 8S 1sect ~Il~ ramp El 8S g)t ~

Title ofDesignated Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Project(s) [This designated project is hereinafter referred to as the Project] 1sect ~ I flU~ El 8S ~ f~ ft~pound5-7sect7j(~ij[Jilamp~~5~Ifyen

[~tl3~IfyenJamp El Tf~IfyenJamp El]

Nature ofDesignated Project(s) 1sect ~Ifyen Jamp sect BS~~

1 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 15000 m3 per day (Item F1 of Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO) ~i[ 8S5-7sect7j(~poundJtffi)J~~ (sectJ72_ 15000 JIjj BS5-7sect7J(~poundJJilamp (fl~fiWU~1amp 2 mI =ampB8SF1 J~) o

2 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 5000 m3 per day and a boundary of which is less than 200 m from the nearest boundary of an existing or planned residential area and educational institution (Items F2(a)(b)(i) and (iii) of Part I of Schedule 2 ofthe EIAO) 57sect lK~ij[Jllamp rm~~i[8S57sect1](~ij[gt)J~~e 72 soooiL jj amp~-f~JlfJJj2ii-Jl~8S~HlIUcp8Sfttlampamp~~ ~msSlampiliJf~JJYM200CEI3SJZ11WU~1amp 2 mI =ampBBSF2(a) (b)( i) Ez(iii)J~) 0

Location of Designated The Project is located at Wing Yip Street of Kwun Tong The Project(s) location of this Project is shown in Figure 1 attached to this Pemtit tsect~I fyen~ sect BS tfu~ IfyenJ~ El 1lzMW~~~1i o IfyenJ~ EI8Sflzi[~~M3i=OJ~

~~f18Siil 1 deg

Scale and Scope of Designated Project(s) 1sect ~Ifyen r~ sectaS Hjt yeno ielll

Expand the treatment capacity of Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works from 333000 m3day to 445 891 m3day The scope of the Project includes the following works as indicated in Figures 2 and 3 attached to this Permit (a) Construction of an underground balancing tank with a volume

of 16000 m3day a plant house an additional detritor or grit chamber and associated grit handling and effluent pumping facilities a new grit building odour control room and new influent channel

(b) Modificatio~ of the existing influent channel and emergency seawall bypass

(c) Provision of separate ventilation deodorization system pumping and other necessary facilities works architectural civil and landscaping modification works and

(d) Installation of electrical and mechanical (EampM) equipment for the above proposed treatment facilities and replacement of some EampM equipment in the existing treatment facilities

~~W~~~-7sect7j(~ij[Jllamp~5-7sect7j(~fJ~ EI3poundJlB~eB333000TI jjt~IJD~eB445891Tin o IfyenJ~ sect BSi81lsectf3T~Ifyen amp~D [i] 2 fO 3 PJT~ (a) ~~-G~J 16000 JJjj8Stfuleuro5-7sect7j(WcJampfj)fu -Illamp ~

rt~middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bullq ~ ~ EIAO~ ~

-3- ~ E~~ ~ ~Ul-l-~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl IJ ~CJJM$1~ EP-5112016A

m -~~9~8gEIJ~ctgtJrliY5fu~ttB~~~s9gtJrliY5fuampsectm~ s9liYflt~JJg9fotEI37Kg91itEireg~1~gtmiji5fu ~JTliYflttt ~Dt~fffiJ~fO~JT89llsect7j(~

(b) t9J]~s9llsect7~J~W-f~~~~~~w~m (c) m13U~irJEI3M ~ffi~~~fE jffi7Kamptt1fu~~89g91iffi ~

plusmnamp~~ff1cif~ tJamp (d) ~--UztJ~89~JJg91iffi~~tfoUtg9fO~J~J]~~JJg91iffi

Etgg~JttiU~g9 o


1 General Conditions -if~tj

11 The Pem1it Holder and any person working on the Project shall comply with all conditions set out in this Permit Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap 499) and may become the subj ect of appropriate action being taken under the EIAO

~lform~~Aamp1ffOJ1~$Ifpoundr~ El EtgAplusmn~~~5ciJB=il~or~~5UBgig~f~ftf 0 1f1DJ Aplusmn~o~ff-tits~orms9t~gtJt middot or~5ilamp lt~~w~~~ftif~fJ~ gt c~ 499 ~gtEtg~JUE middot rmamp ~ort~~f~fJ~fIampj~ifriJJ o

12 The Permit Holder sh all ensure full compliance with all legislation from time to time in force including without limitation to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311 ) Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 358) Noise Control Ordinance (Cap 400) Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131) and Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) Tllis Pennit does not of itself constitute any ground of defence against any proceedings instituted under any legislation or imply any approval under any legislation

~orm~~Am~m~~5ciNil~fi~~Bgm~ ~ ~~m7F~~lt~~~~~~~ 19~ gt c~ 311 1l) ltJg~m~iif~fJn c~ 354 ~) lt7Kgt5~~fffiJf~fJUgt c~ 358 1l) ( D1sect-~fff1Jf~f9~ ) (~ 400 ~) ( plusmnJiZrTi~JHliiJf~fJ~ ) (~ 131 ~ ) amp ( ~jo)1~

0fJUgt c~ 123 1l) ~lfOJm$~7F~8xt~~1f1DJ~fJ~mJres9~1ff~rftMJJt1EfOJttL~~JI El3 ~t~~ffilJ~fJIJlffk~fOJftt~t 0


13 The Permit Holder shall make copies of tllis Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit and the documents referred to in Part A of the Permit readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorised officers at all sitesoffices covered by this Permit Any reference to the Pennit shall include all documents refe1red to in the P ermit and also the relevant documents in the Register

~lfOJ~~~A~~fP~~lforms9l$ middot ~roJ$glformrJTZtts9rJT~Xftfamptsglfor~ A gBrJT ZttX~~um~~~-~-A-1f10J~~~ttts~OJmM~-Etgffi~I~Mmiddot~~

0 0~ JLm~~lfOJ~ ~~~f2i~lformrJTZttBgrJT~Xftfamp~cfllt~89sect~~xftfI

14 The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s) and ensure that such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all requirements incorporated in the Permit The site(s) refers to site(s) ofconstruction and operation of the Project and shall mean the same hereafter

g9=orm~~A~amp1ttsglforms9-f5lrl$x-T~~~IjtM9~JtA l)ft~fjf-J~IftAplusmn5ci~I

0atsglforms9rJT~f~ftfWm~ Ijfu~fsect~amp~WJyenIt~r~sect89IjJpound I TXrJTmamps9I

- 4 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ft m~CJMij ~ EP-5112016A

15 The Permit Holder shall display conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the Project site(s) at all vehicular site entrancesexits or at a convenient location for publics infom1ation at all times The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated infom1ation about the Permit including any amended Permit is displayed at such locations If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the Pem1it the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original Pennit The suspended vatied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site(s) sectLfPJ~ffl~A~~1IIfyenJ~sect Itili89PJT~~m~CIJ D~-~7J~tili~ middot M~tUili~~2fssecttPJ m89m2fsmiddot~m0~~a~~~~~- o ~PJ~ffl~Am~~~~~~~~~~~~ PJ~ ( middotfsectH31E10J~J[I~nsgsectLfPJ~ ) 89mtff~ilf4 osecttPJ~ffl~A~DXJsectLfPJ~stgg~J~~ iiB bullJ6~~ft~X~-amp8gm~Dif bull~Ji~~~secttPJm89~~fsect[E]tili~~~ o~ljg[B~ffj ~~

~a~~~B9~PJm~~~I~~sectI~~~ middot ~~~ffl o

16 The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project description in Part B of this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~~11X~2fssecttPJm B ampB8gifyen~sect~B)j middot t~amp~yenhyenIfyenJ~sect o

17 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) the application document for environmental permit other relevant documents in the Register the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit mitigation measures to be recommended in submissions that shall be deposited with or approved by the Director as a result of pennit conditions contained in this Permit and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project Where recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly referred to in this Pennit such recommendations are nevertheless to be implemented unless expressly excluded or impliedly amended in this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~amp~f~Ifyen~sect ft(W~~It~r4 8~H ~amp~~M Iyen~sectM11 C~c iffi~i517t PP-5342016 ) PJT~B)j sg~4amp~r~t~ ~~8tPJm89 Ef 8~)ltft ~cim~B9 t1iMsect~mx1t 2fsglfPJ~J5JTg)iB)j sg~if4~immntE ~~2fs8tPJm~~B91~1t~amp loJ~-amp ffn)(~1t~-amp1tt~t stgmxx1tPJT~~sg~mmntE ~amp ~Iryenramp sect ~~~t~~1YB9ffl~ft~ ~amp~~~UIfFPJTtmsg~mmlllli o1Hciffix14PJTMt~~D~~~1f2fssecttPJ~B)j~ffl middot flU iJJ~amp~nlli~~m middot ~~F1i2fs8tPJ~B)j~~~~~~Xffl~~n deg

18 All deposited submissions as required under this Permit shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the comments if any made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Directors comments or otherwise as specified by the Director

PJT~W2fs~PJm~J5EmXampffJJ)(B9x 14 middot~~~HHt~-amp89~5C~D~~ ) 1~ 1 FJ ~C~~ ~F~-amp~1J1sect5E) middot 1~~~-amp89~51Jot)i~lEamp~IUffmX o

19 All submissions approved by the Director all submissions deposited without comments by the Director or all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Pennit shall be construed as pa1t of the pem1it conditions described in Part C of this Permit Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in the relevant permit conditions Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap 499) All submissions or any variation of the submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) referred to in Conditions 2 1 and 22 below before submitting to the Director under this Permit PJT~mx~-ampsbz1i1ttgtt89x14 P1T~mx~-ampffn5ltfffi5~~45ltyenU~-amp~Jsgxft ~r~~ 2fsglfPJ~mXsbz811XW~~-ampsg~JfF CIJI~sectJ8gPJT~x14 middot M~Hi~~fsglfPJ~c ampBPJlg)iBg ~PJ~~B9-$JotimxxM~B9a~bulln middot ~~bullm~-amp89eoom middot ~~~


iJ - 5 - it


~----- Rrr

~ EIAO ~ EPO i ltiJ

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A fll jJl ~DJfM$1 ~ EP-5112016A

0~~msectlfPJ~f~Wff=JT~ fLWf=JTmxs1xf=t~~r-t~~middot~55t t~PJllit~JJXJtamp rr~m~~ ~SJZ1~1t~1Jugt c~ 499 ~) oJJT~mxxftf~mxxftf~fffDJfi~I ~~ampEl3Tx1ftf~ 21 Ez 22 rampf=JTwsl~m~J ~J3~J3 -ampt~~Ez~trf~m~filtAt~w f~13ttEt-lssectlfCJ~mtt jo]ifftmXo

110 The Permit Holder shall release all fmalized submissions as required under this Pennit to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office or in any other places or any intemet websites as specified by the Director or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection For this purpose the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions sectlfPJ~~~A~ampt~f=JT~Et-lssectlfPJ~tJ[tEmXsJXtftEf~0rffl~~0WAplusmn~lli JJ)t~t~ ~~mx1tf1pound7fgtffJ1)C~~m~~~f~f~1JHHcffiHJfi~~ ~iffttsectE~ffDJttftttirtr ~ ~-ampmtt~ffDJ~bullbullbullM~~-ampmE~ffDJ1J)t middot ~~0W~Mo~~ ~PJ~~ ~A~ampmf~JE~~~i81fpoundfgt o

111 All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27F Southom Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong) E lectronic copies of all finalized submissions required under this Pennit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 40 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF version 13 or later) unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies

fgtsectlfPJsectimttioJif-ampmx~f=JT~xftf ~ampJllt~x~tJm5mJJ~mw~~~m~~~SJZ1~1 1JU~~cff1Hh$$~ OJ~Jl~ ~~5~1-TiHJbwlli 130 517tfi~~Jicp~c 27 ft) oJJT~EtfgtsectlfPJ ~t)[Emx~xtf)Ef~~~-TMampfgt ~~amptJ~JZfgtf~ifi~sect ( HTML ) (~ 4 0 ~$~13t Mamp$) f[Jffn~)Ztff~~ ( PDF ) (~ 13 ~x13tMampfgt) ~fi= ~~F~~i~ft[CJ~ stfl~amp Wlilrpoundfgt[CJB~mX o

112 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the conm1encement date of construction of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the conunencement date of the construction sectlfCiJsecti~~A~amp1plusmnIf~Jamp sect ~~~If~~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~t~llfEI8 W3 ~~~ft o llfEI 8W3~~ffDJ~amp~PJ~~~A~~TI~~~iiD1J~~~~ft o

113 For the purpose of this Permit commencement of construction does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director ~ttrfffgtsecttPJ~ r~~If~8g~rffl J ~sectj-3~~mitili5~~f[Jffliif~ ~~ft[CJ~~ t-tlIf~ o

114 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of operation of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the co11U11encement of operation of the Project The Pem1it Holder shall notify the Director in writing inm1ediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the operation

sectlfCiJ~~~Affif~J~ sect 811fWJyen~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~~~~-ampIf~ramp sect rffl~euroJ1f~Jfi81 8 W3 orffl~euroJ1f~b$81 8 W3~D~fDJ~amp sectlfPJ~t~~A~JIT~P~~imJJ~~~

- 6 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl jj filfllJMfi ~EP-5112016 A

2 Specific Conditions WfEf~ftf

Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Personnel

21 An ET shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the IEC for the Project The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EMampA programme in accordance with the requirements as contained in the EMampA Manual of the Project In addition the ET Leader shall be responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) and this Permit The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances The ET Leaders log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-53420 16) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers Failure to maintain records in the log-book fa ilure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EMampA Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension cancellation or variation

1plusmnI~rfi sect8J1~JJyen1mampM ~Lf5J~~JA~f~YtiF- 1 JFJ nlltTI-IJJjtJ ~Jl 0 ~JjtJ

~Jlf1~~Il~JJi El 8971cWJ$jYj~11DTII~~t~AJfffoJ~w~ o ~plusmnJVJ~Jl~Jiplusmnl-iiSl~JjtJ ~Jl ~JJ-ampWfregJ 0 f~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amp~Ji1f~~~I~m~IJ1JrnEi~YJ 1 if~~~ 0 ~JJtJ ~Jlampf~JJtJ ~]Jsect-amp~ampttti~rJi El 89f~~-=tfffr il~B9f~~~JUE Afr~~~tmu 0 ~JJtJ~JI~-amp~ampf~tyen -c~lfffr IOJB~Hc~DJllitf~~I~JJi El fMifl ( ~Hcfffrjsectm PP-53420 16 ) 89~~amp ~i=DJ~8Jf--t~t~55LB94~Hf~~ftf EHImiddot~55L~4~FXt~55L~Hc o ~lJtJ~~Jl-amp~amp1E~l~fE

0foJ~Ji1~~1tf middot~gt5t~t~gt5t~1t1amp 1 fii1F~il~m11DTI~lJt~f~A tyenJ19j~l~JJtJ ~JJ ~Jl-amplyen9c~008Jtit1J ~ampDJ1~tisectJJ~~~AII~JJi El oofl (~Hciffii5fft PP-5342016)

89~~amp~LfDJm89JT~Aplusmn ~-amp~1H~f~A~~B~~Im o JlJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp~DIlli1Ec ~-Rfffrf~ffc~-R llliJrfII~-=tfffrJT3iU~sJI~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amplf~~ ~llliH~f~ftfsJm 5E ~-amp~fltJ~iii~gtJlt~tDJm~~)Jffx~llJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp o ~LfDJ~~~A~D~53f~FA unHm ~1plusmn~m~JTJJJtJ~JJ~JJ~1Jtf]jflli1plusmnc~-Rfffrf~tyen roJWlBJc~ ~tr~~Jz~tDJ~ ~s~wPJ JIZ53~~~ o bull bull bull

22 An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The IEC shall be responsible for duties defmed in the EMampA Manual of the Project and shall audit the overall EMampA programme including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures submissions required in the EMampA Manual and any other submissions required under tllis Permit In addition the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Pem1it The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 21 of this Pennit The IEC shall notify the Director by fax within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET


middot~ R rv~t ltrt

~ EIAO ~ ~ EPO ~~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jft mgtfPJMfii ~ EP-51112016 A

Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

- 8shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 4: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ill~ ~CJliftfii ~ EP-5112016A


Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this environmental permit (hereinafter referred to as the Perrnit)shyT JU J pound1 m3lf PJ ~ CT f~ 3lf PJ ~)A =ampB JT mEz 8S 1sect ~Il~ ramp El 8S g)t ~

Title ofDesignated Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Project(s) [This designated project is hereinafter referred to as the Project] 1sect ~ I flU~ El 8S ~ f~ ft~pound5-7sect7j(~ij[Jilamp~~5~Ifyen

[~tl3~IfyenJamp El Tf~IfyenJamp El]

Nature ofDesignated Project(s) 1sect ~Ifyen Jamp sect BS~~

1 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 15000 m3 per day (Item F1 of Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO) ~i[ 8S5-7sect7j(~poundJtffi)J~~ (sectJ72_ 15000 JIjj BS5-7sect7J(~poundJJilamp (fl~fiWU~1amp 2 mI =ampB8SF1 J~) o

2 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 5000 m3 per day and a boundary of which is less than 200 m from the nearest boundary of an existing or planned residential area and educational institution (Items F2(a)(b)(i) and (iii) of Part I of Schedule 2 ofthe EIAO) 57sect lK~ij[Jllamp rm~~i[8S57sect1](~ij[gt)J~~e 72 soooiL jj amp~-f~JlfJJj2ii-Jl~8S~HlIUcp8Sfttlampamp~~ ~msSlampiliJf~JJYM200CEI3SJZ11WU~1amp 2 mI =ampBBSF2(a) (b)( i) Ez(iii)J~) 0

Location of Designated The Project is located at Wing Yip Street of Kwun Tong The Project(s) location of this Project is shown in Figure 1 attached to this Pemtit tsect~I fyen~ sect BS tfu~ IfyenJ~ El 1lzMW~~~1i o IfyenJ~ EI8Sflzi[~~M3i=OJ~

~~f18Siil 1 deg

Scale and Scope of Designated Project(s) 1sect ~Ifyen r~ sectaS Hjt yeno ielll

Expand the treatment capacity of Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works from 333000 m3day to 445 891 m3day The scope of the Project includes the following works as indicated in Figures 2 and 3 attached to this Permit (a) Construction of an underground balancing tank with a volume

of 16000 m3day a plant house an additional detritor or grit chamber and associated grit handling and effluent pumping facilities a new grit building odour control room and new influent channel

(b) Modificatio~ of the existing influent channel and emergency seawall bypass

(c) Provision of separate ventilation deodorization system pumping and other necessary facilities works architectural civil and landscaping modification works and

(d) Installation of electrical and mechanical (EampM) equipment for the above proposed treatment facilities and replacement of some EampM equipment in the existing treatment facilities

~~W~~~-7sect7j(~ij[Jllamp~5-7sect7j(~fJ~ EI3poundJlB~eB333000TI jjt~IJD~eB445891Tin o IfyenJ~ sect BSi81lsectf3T~Ifyen amp~D [i] 2 fO 3 PJT~ (a) ~~-G~J 16000 JJjj8Stfuleuro5-7sect7j(WcJampfj)fu -Illamp ~

rt~middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bullq ~ ~ EIAO~ ~

-3- ~ E~~ ~ ~Ul-l-~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl IJ ~CJJM$1~ EP-5112016A

m -~~9~8gEIJ~ctgtJrliY5fu~ttB~~~s9gtJrliY5fuampsectm~ s9liYflt~JJg9fotEI37Kg91itEireg~1~gtmiji5fu ~JTliYflttt ~Dt~fffiJ~fO~JT89llsect7j(~

(b) t9J]~s9llsect7~J~W-f~~~~~~w~m (c) m13U~irJEI3M ~ffi~~~fE jffi7Kamptt1fu~~89g91iffi ~

plusmnamp~~ff1cif~ tJamp (d) ~--UztJ~89~JJg91iffi~~tfoUtg9fO~J~J]~~JJg91iffi

Etgg~JttiU~g9 o


1 General Conditions -if~tj

11 The Pem1it Holder and any person working on the Project shall comply with all conditions set out in this Permit Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap 499) and may become the subj ect of appropriate action being taken under the EIAO

~lform~~Aamp1ffOJ1~$Ifpoundr~ El EtgAplusmn~~~5ciJB=il~or~~5UBgig~f~ftf 0 1f1DJ Aplusmn~o~ff-tits~orms9t~gtJt middot or~5ilamp lt~~w~~~ftif~fJ~ gt c~ 499 ~gtEtg~JUE middot rmamp ~ort~~f~fJ~fIampj~ifriJJ o

12 The Permit Holder sh all ensure full compliance with all legislation from time to time in force including without limitation to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311 ) Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 358) Noise Control Ordinance (Cap 400) Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131) and Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) Tllis Pennit does not of itself constitute any ground of defence against any proceedings instituted under any legislation or imply any approval under any legislation

~orm~~Am~m~~5ciNil~fi~~Bgm~ ~ ~~m7F~~lt~~~~~~~ 19~ gt c~ 311 1l) ltJg~m~iif~fJn c~ 354 ~) lt7Kgt5~~fffiJf~fJUgt c~ 358 1l) ( D1sect-~fff1Jf~f9~ ) (~ 400 ~) ( plusmnJiZrTi~JHliiJf~fJ~ ) (~ 131 ~ ) amp ( ~jo)1~

0fJUgt c~ 123 1l) ~lfOJm$~7F~8xt~~1f1DJ~fJ~mJres9~1ff~rftMJJt1EfOJttL~~JI El3 ~t~~ffilJ~fJIJlffk~fOJftt~t 0


13 The Permit Holder shall make copies of tllis Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit and the documents referred to in Part A of the Permit readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorised officers at all sitesoffices covered by this Permit Any reference to the Pennit shall include all documents refe1red to in the P ermit and also the relevant documents in the Register

~lfOJ~~~A~~fP~~lforms9l$ middot ~roJ$glformrJTZtts9rJT~Xftfamptsglfor~ A gBrJT ZttX~~um~~~-~-A-1f10J~~~ttts~OJmM~-Etgffi~I~Mmiddot~~

0 0~ JLm~~lfOJ~ ~~~f2i~lformrJTZttBgrJT~Xftfamp~cfllt~89sect~~xftfI

14 The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s) and ensure that such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all requirements incorporated in the Permit The site(s) refers to site(s) ofconstruction and operation of the Project and shall mean the same hereafter

g9=orm~~A~amp1ttsglforms9-f5lrl$x-T~~~IjtM9~JtA l)ft~fjf-J~IftAplusmn5ci~I

0atsglforms9rJT~f~ftfWm~ Ijfu~fsect~amp~WJyenIt~r~sect89IjJpound I TXrJTmamps9I

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Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ft m~CJMij ~ EP-5112016A

15 The Permit Holder shall display conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the Project site(s) at all vehicular site entrancesexits or at a convenient location for publics infom1ation at all times The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated infom1ation about the Permit including any amended Permit is displayed at such locations If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the Pem1it the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original Pennit The suspended vatied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site(s) sectLfPJ~ffl~A~~1IIfyenJ~sect Itili89PJT~~m~CIJ D~-~7J~tili~ middot M~tUili~~2fssecttPJ m89m2fsmiddot~m0~~a~~~~~- o ~PJ~ffl~Am~~~~~~~~~~~~ PJ~ ( middotfsectH31E10J~J[I~nsgsectLfPJ~ ) 89mtff~ilf4 osecttPJ~ffl~A~DXJsectLfPJ~stgg~J~~ iiB bullJ6~~ft~X~-amp8gm~Dif bull~Ji~~~secttPJm89~~fsect[E]tili~~~ o~ljg[B~ffj ~~

~a~~~B9~PJm~~~I~~sectI~~~ middot ~~~ffl o

16 The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project description in Part B of this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~~11X~2fssecttPJm B ampB8gifyen~sect~B)j middot t~amp~yenhyenIfyenJ~sect o

17 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) the application document for environmental permit other relevant documents in the Register the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit mitigation measures to be recommended in submissions that shall be deposited with or approved by the Director as a result of pennit conditions contained in this Permit and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project Where recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly referred to in this Pennit such recommendations are nevertheless to be implemented unless expressly excluded or impliedly amended in this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~amp~f~Ifyen~sect ft(W~~It~r4 8~H ~amp~~M Iyen~sectM11 C~c iffi~i517t PP-5342016 ) PJT~B)j sg~4amp~r~t~ ~~8tPJm89 Ef 8~)ltft ~cim~B9 t1iMsect~mx1t 2fsglfPJ~J5JTg)iB)j sg~if4~immntE ~~2fs8tPJm~~B91~1t~amp loJ~-amp ffn)(~1t~-amp1tt~t stgmxx1tPJT~~sg~mmntE ~amp ~Iryenramp sect ~~~t~~1YB9ffl~ft~ ~amp~~~UIfFPJTtmsg~mmlllli o1Hciffix14PJTMt~~D~~~1f2fssecttPJ~B)j~ffl middot flU iJJ~amp~nlli~~m middot ~~F1i2fs8tPJ~B)j~~~~~~Xffl~~n deg

18 All deposited submissions as required under this Permit shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the comments if any made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Directors comments or otherwise as specified by the Director

PJT~W2fs~PJm~J5EmXampffJJ)(B9x 14 middot~~~HHt~-amp89~5C~D~~ ) 1~ 1 FJ ~C~~ ~F~-amp~1J1sect5E) middot 1~~~-amp89~51Jot)i~lEamp~IUffmX o

19 All submissions approved by the Director all submissions deposited without comments by the Director or all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Pennit shall be construed as pa1t of the pem1it conditions described in Part C of this Permit Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in the relevant permit conditions Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap 499) All submissions or any variation of the submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) referred to in Conditions 2 1 and 22 below before submitting to the Director under this Permit PJT~mx~-ampsbz1i1ttgtt89x14 P1T~mx~-ampffn5ltfffi5~~45ltyenU~-amp~Jsgxft ~r~~ 2fsglfPJ~mXsbz811XW~~-ampsg~JfF CIJI~sectJ8gPJT~x14 middot M~Hi~~fsglfPJ~c ampBPJlg)iBg ~PJ~~B9-$JotimxxM~B9a~bulln middot ~~bullm~-amp89eoom middot ~~~


iJ - 5 - it


~----- Rrr

~ EIAO ~ EPO i ltiJ

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A fll jJl ~DJfM$1 ~ EP-5112016A

0~~msectlfPJ~f~Wff=JT~ fLWf=JTmxs1xf=t~~r-t~~middot~55t t~PJllit~JJXJtamp rr~m~~ ~SJZ1~1t~1Jugt c~ 499 ~) oJJT~mxxftf~mxxftf~fffDJfi~I ~~ampEl3Tx1ftf~ 21 Ez 22 rampf=JTwsl~m~J ~J3~J3 -ampt~~Ez~trf~m~filtAt~w f~13ttEt-lssectlfCJ~mtt jo]ifftmXo

110 The Permit Holder shall release all fmalized submissions as required under this Pennit to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office or in any other places or any intemet websites as specified by the Director or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection For this purpose the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions sectlfPJ~~~A~ampt~f=JT~Et-lssectlfPJ~tJ[tEmXsJXtftEf~0rffl~~0WAplusmn~lli JJ)t~t~ ~~mx1tf1pound7fgtffJ1)C~~m~~~f~f~1JHHcffiHJfi~~ ~iffttsectE~ffDJttftttirtr ~ ~-ampmtt~ffDJ~bullbullbullM~~-ampmE~ffDJ1J)t middot ~~0W~Mo~~ ~PJ~~ ~A~ampmf~JE~~~i81fpoundfgt o

111 All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27F Southom Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong) E lectronic copies of all finalized submissions required under this Pennit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 40 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF version 13 or later) unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies

fgtsectlfPJsectimttioJif-ampmx~f=JT~xftf ~ampJllt~x~tJm5mJJ~mw~~~m~~~SJZ1~1 1JU~~cff1Hh$$~ OJ~Jl~ ~~5~1-TiHJbwlli 130 517tfi~~Jicp~c 27 ft) oJJT~EtfgtsectlfPJ ~t)[Emx~xtf)Ef~~~-TMampfgt ~~amptJ~JZfgtf~ifi~sect ( HTML ) (~ 4 0 ~$~13t Mamp$) f[Jffn~)Ztff~~ ( PDF ) (~ 13 ~x13tMampfgt) ~fi= ~~F~~i~ft[CJ~ stfl~amp Wlilrpoundfgt[CJB~mX o

112 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the conm1encement date of construction of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the conunencement date of the construction sectlfCiJsecti~~A~amp1plusmnIf~Jamp sect ~~~If~~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~t~llfEI8 W3 ~~~ft o llfEI 8W3~~ffDJ~amp~PJ~~~A~~TI~~~iiD1J~~~~ft o

113 For the purpose of this Permit commencement of construction does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director ~ttrfffgtsecttPJ~ r~~If~8g~rffl J ~sectj-3~~mitili5~~f[Jffliif~ ~~ft[CJ~~ t-tlIf~ o

114 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of operation of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the co11U11encement of operation of the Project The Pem1it Holder shall notify the Director in writing inm1ediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the operation

sectlfCiJ~~~Affif~J~ sect 811fWJyen~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~~~~-ampIf~ramp sect rffl~euroJ1f~Jfi81 8 W3 orffl~euroJ1f~b$81 8 W3~D~fDJ~amp sectlfPJ~t~~A~JIT~P~~imJJ~~~

- 6 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl jj filfllJMfi ~EP-5112016 A

2 Specific Conditions WfEf~ftf

Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Personnel

21 An ET shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the IEC for the Project The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EMampA programme in accordance with the requirements as contained in the EMampA Manual of the Project In addition the ET Leader shall be responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) and this Permit The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances The ET Leaders log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-53420 16) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers Failure to maintain records in the log-book fa ilure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EMampA Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension cancellation or variation

1plusmnI~rfi sect8J1~JJyen1mampM ~Lf5J~~JA~f~YtiF- 1 JFJ nlltTI-IJJjtJ ~Jl 0 ~JjtJ

~Jlf1~~Il~JJi El 8971cWJ$jYj~11DTII~~t~AJfffoJ~w~ o ~plusmnJVJ~Jl~Jiplusmnl-iiSl~JjtJ ~Jl ~JJ-ampWfregJ 0 f~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amp~Ji1f~~~I~m~IJ1JrnEi~YJ 1 if~~~ 0 ~JJtJ ~Jlampf~JJtJ ~]Jsect-amp~ampttti~rJi El 89f~~-=tfffr il~B9f~~~JUE Afr~~~tmu 0 ~JJtJ~JI~-amp~ampf~tyen -c~lfffr IOJB~Hc~DJllitf~~I~JJi El fMifl ( ~Hcfffrjsectm PP-53420 16 ) 89~~amp ~i=DJ~8Jf--t~t~55LB94~Hf~~ftf EHImiddot~55L~4~FXt~55L~Hc o ~lJtJ~~Jl-amp~amp1E~l~fE

0foJ~Ji1~~1tf middot~gt5t~t~gt5t~1t1amp 1 fii1F~il~m11DTI~lJt~f~A tyenJ19j~l~JJtJ ~JJ ~Jl-amplyen9c~008Jtit1J ~ampDJ1~tisectJJ~~~AII~JJi El oofl (~Hciffii5fft PP-5342016)

89~~amp~LfDJm89JT~Aplusmn ~-amp~1H~f~A~~B~~Im o JlJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp~DIlli1Ec ~-Rfffrf~ffc~-R llliJrfII~-=tfffrJT3iU~sJI~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amplf~~ ~llliH~f~ftfsJm 5E ~-amp~fltJ~iii~gtJlt~tDJm~~)Jffx~llJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp o ~LfDJ~~~A~D~53f~FA unHm ~1plusmn~m~JTJJJtJ~JJ~JJ~1Jtf]jflli1plusmnc~-Rfffrf~tyen roJWlBJc~ ~tr~~Jz~tDJ~ ~s~wPJ JIZ53~~~ o bull bull bull

22 An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The IEC shall be responsible for duties defmed in the EMampA Manual of the Project and shall audit the overall EMampA programme including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures submissions required in the EMampA Manual and any other submissions required under tllis Permit In addition the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Pem1it The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 21 of this Pennit The IEC shall notify the Director by fax within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET


middot~ R rv~t ltrt

~ EIAO ~ ~ EPO ~~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jft mgtfPJMfii ~ EP-51112016 A

Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

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Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

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Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


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Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

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rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

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Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


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i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

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middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




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i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 5: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl IJ ~CJJM$1~ EP-5112016A

m -~~9~8gEIJ~ctgtJrliY5fu~ttB~~~s9gtJrliY5fuampsectm~ s9liYflt~JJg9fotEI37Kg91itEireg~1~gtmiji5fu ~JTliYflttt ~Dt~fffiJ~fO~JT89llsect7j(~

(b) t9J]~s9llsect7~J~W-f~~~~~~w~m (c) m13U~irJEI3M ~ffi~~~fE jffi7Kamptt1fu~~89g91iffi ~

plusmnamp~~ff1cif~ tJamp (d) ~--UztJ~89~JJg91iffi~~tfoUtg9fO~J~J]~~JJg91iffi

Etgg~JttiU~g9 o


1 General Conditions -if~tj

11 The Pem1it Holder and any person working on the Project shall comply with all conditions set out in this Permit Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap 499) and may become the subj ect of appropriate action being taken under the EIAO

~lform~~Aamp1ffOJ1~$Ifpoundr~ El EtgAplusmn~~~5ciJB=il~or~~5UBgig~f~ftf 0 1f1DJ Aplusmn~o~ff-tits~orms9t~gtJt middot or~5ilamp lt~~w~~~ftif~fJ~ gt c~ 499 ~gtEtg~JUE middot rmamp ~ort~~f~fJ~fIampj~ifriJJ o

12 The Permit Holder sh all ensure full compliance with all legislation from time to time in force including without limitation to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311 ) Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 358) Noise Control Ordinance (Cap 400) Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131) and Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) Tllis Pennit does not of itself constitute any ground of defence against any proceedings instituted under any legislation or imply any approval under any legislation

~orm~~Am~m~~5ciNil~fi~~Bgm~ ~ ~~m7F~~lt~~~~~~~ 19~ gt c~ 311 1l) ltJg~m~iif~fJn c~ 354 ~) lt7Kgt5~~fffiJf~fJUgt c~ 358 1l) ( D1sect-~fff1Jf~f9~ ) (~ 400 ~) ( plusmnJiZrTi~JHliiJf~fJ~ ) (~ 131 ~ ) amp ( ~jo)1~

0fJUgt c~ 123 1l) ~lfOJm$~7F~8xt~~1f1DJ~fJ~mJres9~1ff~rftMJJt1EfOJttL~~JI El3 ~t~~ffilJ~fJIJlffk~fOJftt~t 0


13 The Permit Holder shall make copies of tllis Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit and the documents referred to in Part A of the Permit readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorised officers at all sitesoffices covered by this Permit Any reference to the Pennit shall include all documents refe1red to in the P ermit and also the relevant documents in the Register

~lfOJ~~~A~~fP~~lforms9l$ middot ~roJ$glformrJTZtts9rJT~Xftfamptsglfor~ A gBrJT ZttX~~um~~~-~-A-1f10J~~~ttts~OJmM~-Etgffi~I~Mmiddot~~

0 0~ JLm~~lfOJ~ ~~~f2i~lformrJTZttBgrJT~Xftfamp~cfllt~89sect~~xftfI

14 The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s) and ensure that such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all requirements incorporated in the Permit The site(s) refers to site(s) ofconstruction and operation of the Project and shall mean the same hereafter

g9=orm~~A~amp1ttsglforms9-f5lrl$x-T~~~IjtM9~JtA l)ft~fjf-J~IftAplusmn5ci~I

0atsglforms9rJT~f~ftfWm~ Ijfu~fsect~amp~WJyenIt~r~sect89IjJpound I TXrJTmamps9I

- 4 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ft m~CJMij ~ EP-5112016A

15 The Permit Holder shall display conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the Project site(s) at all vehicular site entrancesexits or at a convenient location for publics infom1ation at all times The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated infom1ation about the Permit including any amended Permit is displayed at such locations If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the Pem1it the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original Pennit The suspended vatied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site(s) sectLfPJ~ffl~A~~1IIfyenJ~sect Itili89PJT~~m~CIJ D~-~7J~tili~ middot M~tUili~~2fssecttPJ m89m2fsmiddot~m0~~a~~~~~- o ~PJ~ffl~Am~~~~~~~~~~~~ PJ~ ( middotfsectH31E10J~J[I~nsgsectLfPJ~ ) 89mtff~ilf4 osecttPJ~ffl~A~DXJsectLfPJ~stgg~J~~ iiB bullJ6~~ft~X~-amp8gm~Dif bull~Ji~~~secttPJm89~~fsect[E]tili~~~ o~ljg[B~ffj ~~

~a~~~B9~PJm~~~I~~sectI~~~ middot ~~~ffl o

16 The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project description in Part B of this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~~11X~2fssecttPJm B ampB8gifyen~sect~B)j middot t~amp~yenhyenIfyenJ~sect o

17 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) the application document for environmental permit other relevant documents in the Register the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit mitigation measures to be recommended in submissions that shall be deposited with or approved by the Director as a result of pennit conditions contained in this Permit and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project Where recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly referred to in this Pennit such recommendations are nevertheless to be implemented unless expressly excluded or impliedly amended in this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~amp~f~Ifyen~sect ft(W~~It~r4 8~H ~amp~~M Iyen~sectM11 C~c iffi~i517t PP-5342016 ) PJT~B)j sg~4amp~r~t~ ~~8tPJm89 Ef 8~)ltft ~cim~B9 t1iMsect~mx1t 2fsglfPJ~J5JTg)iB)j sg~if4~immntE ~~2fs8tPJm~~B91~1t~amp loJ~-amp ffn)(~1t~-amp1tt~t stgmxx1tPJT~~sg~mmntE ~amp ~Iryenramp sect ~~~t~~1YB9ffl~ft~ ~amp~~~UIfFPJTtmsg~mmlllli o1Hciffix14PJTMt~~D~~~1f2fssecttPJ~B)j~ffl middot flU iJJ~amp~nlli~~m middot ~~F1i2fs8tPJ~B)j~~~~~~Xffl~~n deg

18 All deposited submissions as required under this Permit shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the comments if any made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Directors comments or otherwise as specified by the Director

PJT~W2fs~PJm~J5EmXampffJJ)(B9x 14 middot~~~HHt~-amp89~5C~D~~ ) 1~ 1 FJ ~C~~ ~F~-amp~1J1sect5E) middot 1~~~-amp89~51Jot)i~lEamp~IUffmX o

19 All submissions approved by the Director all submissions deposited without comments by the Director or all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Pennit shall be construed as pa1t of the pem1it conditions described in Part C of this Permit Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in the relevant permit conditions Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap 499) All submissions or any variation of the submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) referred to in Conditions 2 1 and 22 below before submitting to the Director under this Permit PJT~mx~-ampsbz1i1ttgtt89x14 P1T~mx~-ampffn5ltfffi5~~45ltyenU~-amp~Jsgxft ~r~~ 2fsglfPJ~mXsbz811XW~~-ampsg~JfF CIJI~sectJ8gPJT~x14 middot M~Hi~~fsglfPJ~c ampBPJlg)iBg ~PJ~~B9-$JotimxxM~B9a~bulln middot ~~bullm~-amp89eoom middot ~~~


iJ - 5 - it


~----- Rrr

~ EIAO ~ EPO i ltiJ

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A fll jJl ~DJfM$1 ~ EP-5112016A

0~~msectlfPJ~f~Wff=JT~ fLWf=JTmxs1xf=t~~r-t~~middot~55t t~PJllit~JJXJtamp rr~m~~ ~SJZ1~1t~1Jugt c~ 499 ~) oJJT~mxxftf~mxxftf~fffDJfi~I ~~ampEl3Tx1ftf~ 21 Ez 22 rampf=JTwsl~m~J ~J3~J3 -ampt~~Ez~trf~m~filtAt~w f~13ttEt-lssectlfCJ~mtt jo]ifftmXo

110 The Permit Holder shall release all fmalized submissions as required under this Pennit to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office or in any other places or any intemet websites as specified by the Director or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection For this purpose the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions sectlfPJ~~~A~ampt~f=JT~Et-lssectlfPJ~tJ[tEmXsJXtftEf~0rffl~~0WAplusmn~lli JJ)t~t~ ~~mx1tf1pound7fgtffJ1)C~~m~~~f~f~1JHHcffiHJfi~~ ~iffttsectE~ffDJttftttirtr ~ ~-ampmtt~ffDJ~bullbullbullM~~-ampmE~ffDJ1J)t middot ~~0W~Mo~~ ~PJ~~ ~A~ampmf~JE~~~i81fpoundfgt o

111 All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27F Southom Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong) E lectronic copies of all finalized submissions required under this Pennit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 40 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF version 13 or later) unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies

fgtsectlfPJsectimttioJif-ampmx~f=JT~xftf ~ampJllt~x~tJm5mJJ~mw~~~m~~~SJZ1~1 1JU~~cff1Hh$$~ OJ~Jl~ ~~5~1-TiHJbwlli 130 517tfi~~Jicp~c 27 ft) oJJT~EtfgtsectlfPJ ~t)[Emx~xtf)Ef~~~-TMampfgt ~~amptJ~JZfgtf~ifi~sect ( HTML ) (~ 4 0 ~$~13t Mamp$) f[Jffn~)Ztff~~ ( PDF ) (~ 13 ~x13tMampfgt) ~fi= ~~F~~i~ft[CJ~ stfl~amp Wlilrpoundfgt[CJB~mX o

112 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the conm1encement date of construction of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the conunencement date of the construction sectlfCiJsecti~~A~amp1plusmnIf~Jamp sect ~~~If~~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~t~llfEI8 W3 ~~~ft o llfEI 8W3~~ffDJ~amp~PJ~~~A~~TI~~~iiD1J~~~~ft o

113 For the purpose of this Permit commencement of construction does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director ~ttrfffgtsecttPJ~ r~~If~8g~rffl J ~sectj-3~~mitili5~~f[Jffliif~ ~~ft[CJ~~ t-tlIf~ o

114 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of operation of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the co11U11encement of operation of the Project The Pem1it Holder shall notify the Director in writing inm1ediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the operation

sectlfCiJ~~~Affif~J~ sect 811fWJyen~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~~~~-ampIf~ramp sect rffl~euroJ1f~Jfi81 8 W3 orffl~euroJ1f~b$81 8 W3~D~fDJ~amp sectlfPJ~t~~A~JIT~P~~imJJ~~~

- 6 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl jj filfllJMfi ~EP-5112016 A

2 Specific Conditions WfEf~ftf

Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Personnel

21 An ET shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the IEC for the Project The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EMampA programme in accordance with the requirements as contained in the EMampA Manual of the Project In addition the ET Leader shall be responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) and this Permit The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances The ET Leaders log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-53420 16) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers Failure to maintain records in the log-book fa ilure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EMampA Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension cancellation or variation

1plusmnI~rfi sect8J1~JJyen1mampM ~Lf5J~~JA~f~YtiF- 1 JFJ nlltTI-IJJjtJ ~Jl 0 ~JjtJ

~Jlf1~~Il~JJi El 8971cWJ$jYj~11DTII~~t~AJfffoJ~w~ o ~plusmnJVJ~Jl~Jiplusmnl-iiSl~JjtJ ~Jl ~JJ-ampWfregJ 0 f~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amp~Ji1f~~~I~m~IJ1JrnEi~YJ 1 if~~~ 0 ~JJtJ ~Jlampf~JJtJ ~]Jsect-amp~ampttti~rJi El 89f~~-=tfffr il~B9f~~~JUE Afr~~~tmu 0 ~JJtJ~JI~-amp~ampf~tyen -c~lfffr IOJB~Hc~DJllitf~~I~JJi El fMifl ( ~Hcfffrjsectm PP-53420 16 ) 89~~amp ~i=DJ~8Jf--t~t~55LB94~Hf~~ftf EHImiddot~55L~4~FXt~55L~Hc o ~lJtJ~~Jl-amp~amp1E~l~fE

0foJ~Ji1~~1tf middot~gt5t~t~gt5t~1t1amp 1 fii1F~il~m11DTI~lJt~f~A tyenJ19j~l~JJtJ ~JJ ~Jl-amplyen9c~008Jtit1J ~ampDJ1~tisectJJ~~~AII~JJi El oofl (~Hciffii5fft PP-5342016)

89~~amp~LfDJm89JT~Aplusmn ~-amp~1H~f~A~~B~~Im o JlJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp~DIlli1Ec ~-Rfffrf~ffc~-R llliJrfII~-=tfffrJT3iU~sJI~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amplf~~ ~llliH~f~ftfsJm 5E ~-amp~fltJ~iii~gtJlt~tDJm~~)Jffx~llJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp o ~LfDJ~~~A~D~53f~FA unHm ~1plusmn~m~JTJJJtJ~JJ~JJ~1Jtf]jflli1plusmnc~-Rfffrf~tyen roJWlBJc~ ~tr~~Jz~tDJ~ ~s~wPJ JIZ53~~~ o bull bull bull

22 An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The IEC shall be responsible for duties defmed in the EMampA Manual of the Project and shall audit the overall EMampA programme including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures submissions required in the EMampA Manual and any other submissions required under tllis Permit In addition the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Pem1it The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 21 of this Pennit The IEC shall notify the Director by fax within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET


middot~ R rv~t ltrt

~ EIAO ~ ~ EPO ~~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jft mgtfPJMfii ~ EP-51112016 A

Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

- 8shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

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------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


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middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


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M ~ - -r11 rmill


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i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 6: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A ft m~CJMij ~ EP-5112016A

15 The Permit Holder shall display conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the Project site(s) at all vehicular site entrancesexits or at a convenient location for publics infom1ation at all times The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated infom1ation about the Permit including any amended Permit is displayed at such locations If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the Pem1it the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original Pennit The suspended vatied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site(s) sectLfPJ~ffl~A~~1IIfyenJ~sect Itili89PJT~~m~CIJ D~-~7J~tili~ middot M~tUili~~2fssecttPJ m89m2fsmiddot~m0~~a~~~~~- o ~PJ~ffl~Am~~~~~~~~~~~~ PJ~ ( middotfsectH31E10J~J[I~nsgsectLfPJ~ ) 89mtff~ilf4 osecttPJ~ffl~A~DXJsectLfPJ~stgg~J~~ iiB bullJ6~~ft~X~-amp8gm~Dif bull~Ji~~~secttPJm89~~fsect[E]tili~~~ o~ljg[B~ffj ~~

~a~~~B9~PJm~~~I~~sectI~~~ middot ~~~ffl o

16 The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project description in Part B of this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~~11X~2fssecttPJm B ampB8gifyen~sect~B)j middot t~amp~yenhyenIfyenJ~sect o

17 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) the application document for environmental permit other relevant documents in the Register the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit mitigation measures to be recommended in submissions that shall be deposited with or approved by the Director as a result of pennit conditions contained in this Permit and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project Where recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly referred to in this Pennit such recommendations are nevertheless to be implemented unless expressly excluded or impliedly amended in this Permit 8tPJmffl~A~amp~f~Ifyen~sect ft(W~~It~r4 8~H ~amp~~M Iyen~sectM11 C~c iffi~i517t PP-5342016 ) PJT~B)j sg~4amp~r~t~ ~~8tPJm89 Ef 8~)ltft ~cim~B9 t1iMsect~mx1t 2fsglfPJ~J5JTg)iB)j sg~if4~immntE ~~2fs8tPJm~~B91~1t~amp loJ~-amp ffn)(~1t~-amp1tt~t stgmxx1tPJT~~sg~mmntE ~amp ~Iryenramp sect ~~~t~~1YB9ffl~ft~ ~amp~~~UIfFPJTtmsg~mmlllli o1Hciffix14PJTMt~~D~~~1f2fssecttPJ~B)j~ffl middot flU iJJ~amp~nlli~~m middot ~~F1i2fs8tPJ~B)j~~~~~~Xffl~~n deg

18 All deposited submissions as required under this Permit shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the comments if any made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Directors comments or otherwise as specified by the Director

PJT~W2fs~PJm~J5EmXampffJJ)(B9x 14 middot~~~HHt~-amp89~5C~D~~ ) 1~ 1 FJ ~C~~ ~F~-amp~1J1sect5E) middot 1~~~-amp89~51Jot)i~lEamp~IUffmX o

19 All submissions approved by the Director all submissions deposited without comments by the Director or all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Pennit shall be construed as pa1t of the pem1it conditions described in Part C of this Permit Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in the relevant permit conditions Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap 499) All submissions or any variation of the submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) referred to in Conditions 2 1 and 22 below before submitting to the Director under this Permit PJT~mx~-ampsbz1i1ttgtt89x14 P1T~mx~-ampffn5ltfffi5~~45ltyenU~-amp~Jsgxft ~r~~ 2fsglfPJ~mXsbz811XW~~-ampsg~JfF CIJI~sectJ8gPJT~x14 middot M~Hi~~fsglfPJ~c ampBPJlg)iBg ~PJ~~B9-$JotimxxM~B9a~bulln middot ~~bullm~-amp89eoom middot ~~~


iJ - 5 - it


~----- Rrr

~ EIAO ~ EPO i ltiJ

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A fll jJl ~DJfM$1 ~ EP-5112016A

0~~msectlfPJ~f~Wff=JT~ fLWf=JTmxs1xf=t~~r-t~~middot~55t t~PJllit~JJXJtamp rr~m~~ ~SJZ1~1t~1Jugt c~ 499 ~) oJJT~mxxftf~mxxftf~fffDJfi~I ~~ampEl3Tx1ftf~ 21 Ez 22 rampf=JTwsl~m~J ~J3~J3 -ampt~~Ez~trf~m~filtAt~w f~13ttEt-lssectlfCJ~mtt jo]ifftmXo

110 The Permit Holder shall release all fmalized submissions as required under this Pennit to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office or in any other places or any intemet websites as specified by the Director or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection For this purpose the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions sectlfPJ~~~A~ampt~f=JT~Et-lssectlfPJ~tJ[tEmXsJXtftEf~0rffl~~0WAplusmn~lli JJ)t~t~ ~~mx1tf1pound7fgtffJ1)C~~m~~~f~f~1JHHcffiHJfi~~ ~iffttsectE~ffDJttftttirtr ~ ~-ampmtt~ffDJ~bullbullbullM~~-ampmE~ffDJ1J)t middot ~~0W~Mo~~ ~PJ~~ ~A~ampmf~JE~~~i81fpoundfgt o

111 All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27F Southom Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong) E lectronic copies of all finalized submissions required under this Pennit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 40 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF version 13 or later) unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies

fgtsectlfPJsectimttioJif-ampmx~f=JT~xftf ~ampJllt~x~tJm5mJJ~mw~~~m~~~SJZ1~1 1JU~~cff1Hh$$~ OJ~Jl~ ~~5~1-TiHJbwlli 130 517tfi~~Jicp~c 27 ft) oJJT~EtfgtsectlfPJ ~t)[Emx~xtf)Ef~~~-TMampfgt ~~amptJ~JZfgtf~ifi~sect ( HTML ) (~ 4 0 ~$~13t Mamp$) f[Jffn~)Ztff~~ ( PDF ) (~ 13 ~x13tMampfgt) ~fi= ~~F~~i~ft[CJ~ stfl~amp Wlilrpoundfgt[CJB~mX o

112 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the conm1encement date of construction of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the conunencement date of the construction sectlfCiJsecti~~A~amp1plusmnIf~Jamp sect ~~~If~~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~t~llfEI8 W3 ~~~ft o llfEI 8W3~~ffDJ~amp~PJ~~~A~~TI~~~iiD1J~~~~ft o

113 For the purpose of this Permit commencement of construction does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director ~ttrfffgtsecttPJ~ r~~If~8g~rffl J ~sectj-3~~mitili5~~f[Jffliif~ ~~ft[CJ~~ t-tlIf~ o

114 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of operation of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the co11U11encement of operation of the Project The Pem1it Holder shall notify the Director in writing inm1ediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the operation

sectlfCiJ~~~Affif~J~ sect 811fWJyen~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~~~~-ampIf~ramp sect rffl~euroJ1f~Jfi81 8 W3 orffl~euroJ1f~b$81 8 W3~D~fDJ~amp sectlfPJ~t~~A~JIT~P~~imJJ~~~

- 6 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl jj filfllJMfi ~EP-5112016 A

2 Specific Conditions WfEf~ftf

Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Personnel

21 An ET shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the IEC for the Project The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EMampA programme in accordance with the requirements as contained in the EMampA Manual of the Project In addition the ET Leader shall be responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) and this Permit The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances The ET Leaders log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-53420 16) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers Failure to maintain records in the log-book fa ilure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EMampA Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension cancellation or variation

1plusmnI~rfi sect8J1~JJyen1mampM ~Lf5J~~JA~f~YtiF- 1 JFJ nlltTI-IJJjtJ ~Jl 0 ~JjtJ

~Jlf1~~Il~JJi El 8971cWJ$jYj~11DTII~~t~AJfffoJ~w~ o ~plusmnJVJ~Jl~Jiplusmnl-iiSl~JjtJ ~Jl ~JJ-ampWfregJ 0 f~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amp~Ji1f~~~I~m~IJ1JrnEi~YJ 1 if~~~ 0 ~JJtJ ~Jlampf~JJtJ ~]Jsect-amp~ampttti~rJi El 89f~~-=tfffr il~B9f~~~JUE Afr~~~tmu 0 ~JJtJ~JI~-amp~ampf~tyen -c~lfffr IOJB~Hc~DJllitf~~I~JJi El fMifl ( ~Hcfffrjsectm PP-53420 16 ) 89~~amp ~i=DJ~8Jf--t~t~55LB94~Hf~~ftf EHImiddot~55L~4~FXt~55L~Hc o ~lJtJ~~Jl-amp~amp1E~l~fE

0foJ~Ji1~~1tf middot~gt5t~t~gt5t~1t1amp 1 fii1F~il~m11DTI~lJt~f~A tyenJ19j~l~JJtJ ~JJ ~Jl-amplyen9c~008Jtit1J ~ampDJ1~tisectJJ~~~AII~JJi El oofl (~Hciffii5fft PP-5342016)

89~~amp~LfDJm89JT~Aplusmn ~-amp~1H~f~A~~B~~Im o JlJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp~DIlli1Ec ~-Rfffrf~ffc~-R llliJrfII~-=tfffrJT3iU~sJI~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amplf~~ ~llliH~f~ftfsJm 5E ~-amp~fltJ~iii~gtJlt~tDJm~~)Jffx~llJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp o ~LfDJ~~~A~D~53f~FA unHm ~1plusmn~m~JTJJJtJ~JJ~JJ~1Jtf]jflli1plusmnc~-Rfffrf~tyen roJWlBJc~ ~tr~~Jz~tDJ~ ~s~wPJ JIZ53~~~ o bull bull bull

22 An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The IEC shall be responsible for duties defmed in the EMampA Manual of the Project and shall audit the overall EMampA programme including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures submissions required in the EMampA Manual and any other submissions required under tllis Permit In addition the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Pem1it The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 21 of this Pennit The IEC shall notify the Director by fax within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET


middot~ R rv~t ltrt

~ EIAO ~ ~ EPO ~~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jft mgtfPJMfii ~ EP-51112016 A

Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

- 8shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 7: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A fll jJl ~DJfM$1 ~ EP-5112016A

0~~msectlfPJ~f~Wff=JT~ fLWf=JTmxs1xf=t~~r-t~~middot~55t t~PJllit~JJXJtamp rr~m~~ ~SJZ1~1t~1Jugt c~ 499 ~) oJJT~mxxftf~mxxftf~fffDJfi~I ~~ampEl3Tx1ftf~ 21 Ez 22 rampf=JTwsl~m~J ~J3~J3 -ampt~~Ez~trf~m~filtAt~w f~13ttEt-lssectlfCJ~mtt jo]ifftmXo

110 The Permit Holder shall release all fmalized submissions as required under this Pennit to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office or in any other places or any intemet websites as specified by the Director or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection For this purpose the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions sectlfPJ~~~A~ampt~f=JT~Et-lssectlfPJ~tJ[tEmXsJXtftEf~0rffl~~0WAplusmn~lli JJ)t~t~ ~~mx1tf1pound7fgtffJ1)C~~m~~~f~f~1JHHcffiHJfi~~ ~iffttsectE~ffDJttftttirtr ~ ~-ampmtt~ffDJ~bullbullbullM~~-ampmE~ffDJ1J)t middot ~~0W~Mo~~ ~PJ~~ ~A~ampmf~JE~~~i81fpoundfgt o

111 All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27F Southom Centre 130 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong) E lectronic copies of all finalized submissions required under this Pennit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 40 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF version 13 or later) unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies

fgtsectlfPJsectimttioJif-ampmx~f=JT~xftf ~ampJllt~x~tJm5mJJ~mw~~~m~~~SJZ1~1 1JU~~cff1Hh$$~ OJ~Jl~ ~~5~1-TiHJbwlli 130 517tfi~~Jicp~c 27 ft) oJJT~EtfgtsectlfPJ ~t)[Emx~xtf)Ef~~~-TMampfgt ~~amptJ~JZfgtf~ifi~sect ( HTML ) (~ 4 0 ~$~13t Mamp$) f[Jffn~)Ztff~~ ( PDF ) (~ 13 ~x13tMampfgt) ~fi= ~~F~~i~ft[CJ~ stfl~amp Wlilrpoundfgt[CJB~mX o

112 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the conm1encement date of construction of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the conunencement date of the construction sectlfCiJsecti~~A~amp1plusmnIf~Jamp sect ~~~If~~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~t~llfEI8 W3 ~~~ft o llfEI 8W3~~ffDJ~amp~PJ~~~A~~TI~~~iiD1J~~~~ft o

113 For the purpose of this Permit commencement of construction does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director ~ttrfffgtsecttPJ~ r~~If~8g~rffl J ~sectj-3~~mitili5~~f[Jffliif~ ~~ft[CJ~~ t-tlIf~ o

114 The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of operation of the Project no later than 1 month prior to the co11U11encement of operation of the Project The Pem1it Holder shall notify the Director in writing inm1ediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the operation

sectlfCiJ~~~Affif~J~ sect 811fWJyen~rfflM ~Ymf 1 Fl ~~iiDJJ~~~~-ampIf~ramp sect rffl~euroJ1f~Jfi81 8 W3 orffl~euroJ1f~b$81 8 W3~D~fDJ~amp sectlfPJ~t~~A~JIT~P~~imJJ~~~

- 6 shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl jj filfllJMfi ~EP-5112016 A

2 Specific Conditions WfEf~ftf

Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Personnel

21 An ET shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the IEC for the Project The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EMampA programme in accordance with the requirements as contained in the EMampA Manual of the Project In addition the ET Leader shall be responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) and this Permit The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances The ET Leaders log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-53420 16) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers Failure to maintain records in the log-book fa ilure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EMampA Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension cancellation or variation

1plusmnI~rfi sect8J1~JJyen1mampM ~Lf5J~~JA~f~YtiF- 1 JFJ nlltTI-IJJjtJ ~Jl 0 ~JjtJ

~Jlf1~~Il~JJi El 8971cWJ$jYj~11DTII~~t~AJfffoJ~w~ o ~plusmnJVJ~Jl~Jiplusmnl-iiSl~JjtJ ~Jl ~JJ-ampWfregJ 0 f~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amp~Ji1f~~~I~m~IJ1JrnEi~YJ 1 if~~~ 0 ~JJtJ ~Jlampf~JJtJ ~]Jsect-amp~ampttti~rJi El 89f~~-=tfffr il~B9f~~~JUE Afr~~~tmu 0 ~JJtJ~JI~-amp~ampf~tyen -c~lfffr IOJB~Hc~DJllitf~~I~JJi El fMifl ( ~Hcfffrjsectm PP-53420 16 ) 89~~amp ~i=DJ~8Jf--t~t~55LB94~Hf~~ftf EHImiddot~55L~4~FXt~55L~Hc o ~lJtJ~~Jl-amp~amp1E~l~fE

0foJ~Ji1~~1tf middot~gt5t~t~gt5t~1t1amp 1 fii1F~il~m11DTI~lJt~f~A tyenJ19j~l~JJtJ ~JJ ~Jl-amplyen9c~008Jtit1J ~ampDJ1~tisectJJ~~~AII~JJi El oofl (~Hciffii5fft PP-5342016)

89~~amp~LfDJm89JT~Aplusmn ~-amp~1H~f~A~~B~~Im o JlJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp~DIlli1Ec ~-Rfffrf~ffc~-R llliJrfII~-=tfffrJT3iU~sJI~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amplf~~ ~llliH~f~ftfsJm 5E ~-amp~fltJ~iii~gtJlt~tDJm~~)Jffx~llJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp o ~LfDJ~~~A~D~53f~FA unHm ~1plusmn~m~JTJJJtJ~JJ~JJ~1Jtf]jflli1plusmnc~-Rfffrf~tyen roJWlBJc~ ~tr~~Jz~tDJ~ ~s~wPJ JIZ53~~~ o bull bull bull

22 An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The IEC shall be responsible for duties defmed in the EMampA Manual of the Project and shall audit the overall EMampA programme including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures submissions required in the EMampA Manual and any other submissions required under tllis Permit In addition the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Pem1it The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 21 of this Pennit The IEC shall notify the Director by fax within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET


middot~ R rv~t ltrt

~ EIAO ~ ~ EPO ~~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jft mgtfPJMfii ~ EP-51112016 A

Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

- 8shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


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M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 8: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl jj filfllJMfi ~EP-5112016 A

2 Specific Conditions WfEf~ftf

Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Personnel

21 An ET shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the IEC for the Project The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EMampA programme in accordance with the requirements as contained in the EMampA Manual of the Project In addition the ET Leader shall be responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) and this Permit The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances The ET Leaders log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the Project Profile (Register No PP-53420 16) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers Failure to maintain records in the log-book fa ilure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EMampA Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension cancellation or variation

1plusmnI~rfi sect8J1~JJyen1mampM ~Lf5J~~JA~f~YtiF- 1 JFJ nlltTI-IJJjtJ ~Jl 0 ~JjtJ

~Jlf1~~Il~JJi El 8971cWJ$jYj~11DTII~~t~AJfffoJ~w~ o ~plusmnJVJ~Jl~Jiplusmnl-iiSl~JjtJ ~Jl ~JJ-ampWfregJ 0 f~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amp~Ji1f~~~I~m~IJ1JrnEi~YJ 1 if~~~ 0 ~JJtJ ~Jlampf~JJtJ ~]Jsect-amp~ampttti~rJi El 89f~~-=tfffr il~B9f~~~JUE Afr~~~tmu 0 ~JJtJ~JI~-amp~ampf~tyen -c~lfffr IOJB~Hc~DJllitf~~I~JJi El fMifl ( ~Hcfffrjsectm PP-53420 16 ) 89~~amp ~i=DJ~8Jf--t~t~55LB94~Hf~~ftf EHImiddot~55L~4~FXt~55L~Hc o ~lJtJ~~Jl-amp~amp1E~l~fE

0foJ~Ji1~~1tf middot~gt5t~t~gt5t~1t1amp 1 fii1F~il~m11DTI~lJt~f~A tyenJ19j~l~JJtJ ~JJ ~Jl-amplyen9c~008Jtit1J ~ampDJ1~tisectJJ~~~AII~JJi El oofl (~Hciffii5fft PP-5342016)

89~~amp~LfDJm89JT~Aplusmn ~-amp~1H~f~A~~B~~Im o JlJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp~DIlli1Ec ~-Rfffrf~ffc~-R llliJrfII~-=tfffrJT3iU~sJI~JJtJ~JJ~JJ-amplf~~ ~llliH~f~ftfsJm 5E ~-amp~fltJ~iii~gtJlt~tDJm~~)Jffx~llJtJ~Jl~Jl-amp o ~LfDJ~~~A~D~53f~FA unHm ~1plusmn~m~JTJJJtJ~JJ~JJ~1Jtf]jflli1plusmnc~-Rfffrf~tyen roJWlBJc~ ~tr~~Jz~tDJ~ ~s~wPJ JIZ53~~~ o bull bull bull

22 An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EMampA or environmental management The IEC shall be responsible for duties defmed in the EMampA Manual of the Project and shall audit the overall EMampA programme including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures submissions required in the EMampA Manual and any other submissions required under tllis Permit In addition the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works relevant design plans and submissions under this Pem1it The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 21 of this Pennit The IEC shall notify the Director by fax within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET


middot~ R rv~t ltrt

~ EIAO ~ ~ EPO ~~

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jft mgtfPJMfii ~ EP-51112016 A

Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

- 8shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 9: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jft mgtfPJMfii ~ EP-51112016 A

Leader of each and every occurrence change of circumstances or non-compliance with the Project Profile (Register No PP-35420 16) and this Permit which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project In case the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EMampA Manual or fails to comply with this Condition the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render the Pennit liable to suspension cancellation or variation Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition

~I~~sect~~u~~M~~mM~A~~~mbull~oo~~m-~bull~bullmbull~A o 1lilJ~fttjbulliftltA~1~~I~poundr~ sect ~7yenyenJJ$FJi~fttjJ~Ji~xOJ~g~~ o1lill~ftJtbullttltA~~~ ft~~ftJi~JtJOO~~~ 7 $~[~ o1lilJ~~Ji-iftltA~f4tti1=JI~poundrj[ sect ~~~-=J=fffipJTJU sJJ eg~~ tJamp=aHtlt~~r~~I1Fsg7amptJ -EI~fmEfiJT~I~Ji~immmE mxE~~-=ttm n=iE~X14 tJampmx2fs~~mf5JT~gtJlt8g~ilX14 o Jlt~~ 1lilJ~~JtbulliftltA~f4iftltj~7Jlt~ amp~s~I~pound~bullm-t~~Mt~~pound~ tl3~m~~98t~~u~t~~~Lf~mmx~x1tt w~f4 ttlt~2fsglf~m1~1tt~ 21 rj[f5JTIttsg~c~~tm o 1E~=JtfJEJ$Ml t~gt5L~1c~~~g~I~poundr~ sect ~11 (1Hctffi~l5m PP-5342016 ) 8g~~_amp2jsglf~m~t~55L rm~tlliff~JjlUtti~poundrj[

sect PfT~~f t~J~Ji~J~ffiJtH=r~~~~~~UI1FB~ 1lill~fttjbulliftltA~f4~W~i-tjJ~ ~~~~~ 1 00I~~~~~-1J~~~-~ o 1lilJ~-Ji--A~~~~-~~~m 55L ~ttif=fJ~-=J=fffipJTJU IyenJ8g1lilJ~f~Ji-~A~~ ~U5~1~2fs~tf8gJiJiE -~ ~ t) ~OO~gtJltglf~mM~Amx~1lill~bullmbullttltA o 3zDUEEitsect7Gmx~1lilJ~-m~iftltA ~~~mif1f1lill~bullmbull~A1amp1JJ~~9-obull-amp~~mt~55L ~U~ffyenJ~5(~Lf~mJ~~s~ tf-J ~fj ~5J13~]1j)( o ramptti1=f2fs1~14 glf~mM~A8g~~~f5J1lilJ~JJtbullttltA8g~~ o

Management Organization ofMain Construction Companies

23 The Permit Holder shall no later than two weeks before the commencement of construction of the Project infom1 the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and or any form of joint ventures associated with the Project The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart names of responsible persons and their contact details

glf~mM~A~I~poundr~sect~~~I~pound~~M ~f4~~mbull 1 OO~t~t~~~0EJamp~ ~ffW~WI~~sect~~I~ffi~~~~~-~~~~-~~OO~~--amp o m~~ ~if~~f4~~sect~-H~Ji~fft~ ~JfA~M~ampqg~~~~r~ o

Water Quality Impact Mitigation Measures

24 Under normal operation any excess preliminarily treated effluent during peak flow shall be temporarily detained in the balancing tank for discharge to the drop shaft of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works as soon as the off-peak flow allows

~Km~~M~~~-~~~M~~~~~W~-~~~~~~~1E~~W 5fu 1~~~~-5frt~ftglff f~~FJJ)(yenUfmif~2fs5~7j(J~8g~ o

25 To minimize the impact of emergency discharge of untreated effluent during operation of the Project dual power supply and stand-by equipment and spare parts for the main treatment

- 8shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 10: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A Jl iJt ~CJMffi ~ EP-5112016A

units (including screw pumps coarse screens fine screens and grit removal systems) shall be provided and stored on-site

~~tiJ~f~tItEJ~ El ~WftMFa~~~fi~li9~~~fJ5sect7](8g~~ middot mamprJ~~g~~~~~)Jf~ IJamp~t~~fJ~~JC (-sect3S~~DJE~ Wplusmnt~sffl f9J~iyeni8fflampiiJgt~5~~~~5C) mf~1itfm9ampEIamp yenngtc1mm~ftt o

26 At least three months before the commencement of the operation of the Project the Permit Holder shall submit three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EMampA) Manual to the Director for approval The EMampA Manual shall set out details of the marine water quality monitoring for emergency discharge during operation of the Project All recommendations in the approved EMampA Manual shall be fully implemented

ffifEJ~ El ~WJ~~IffiJitrreg0-- 3 ~j=j bull glfPJm~~A~~rtJ~-ampm~ 3fB~1l2fsamp 1 Ji~-T ~2fs~~~-ampyen~ C~~)~$~fiyenM o C~~ ) ~$~H~~~sect~UMM~~ ~filligtcmHiHrBg5HJ7K7K~~5JtULg$~ffirJ~ orrtiltgtft cl~ ) ~WcflBgJT~~~~~iDli~ 17 deg

Odour Impact Mitigation Measures

27 To minimize odour impact during operation of the Project all odour emission sources shall be enclosed and odourous gas shall be actively extracted and diverted to the deodorizers as described in (ii) (iii) and (iv) below and as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for treatment before discharge to the atmosphere

~~i5~1~IfEJ1l sect ~WJ~MFa~Bg~~~~ middotpJT~~~5LSHWi~~fltMMamp~~~891J~~~fi~ 1i9tplusmnlk~liiJitrX~Hm~yenU~DTX (ii) (iii) amp (iv) J5JT~5tBAEzIEil 2 amp 3 pffifEIg~~WMF~ J

(i) the balancing tank inlet chambers and wet wells shall be located underground and

(ii) two new deodorizers at the odour control room with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 995 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~~~~~~~~~reg~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~~~~ i 995 ~~i~~-ampfttgtftBg~~($ bull fD YtJ~~f~t~~ o

(iii) three new deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at middotleast 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be installed and properly maintained

~~-~~7K~m~~=~Bg~~a~m~mtJ~m~~ampAbull~~z$~ ~i 998 ~~i~~-amp=tttgtft89~~~z$ middot fOYtJ~~f~Hl~~ o

(iv) ten existing deodorizers shall be upgraded with a forced ventilation system and an odour removal efficiency of at least 998 or otherwise approved by the Director for the odour removal efficiency and shall be properly maintained

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 11: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A J1 tJt ~OJgJffa~ EP-5112016A

Noise Impact Mitigation Measures

28 To minimize noise impact during operation of the Project all the fixed noise sources (except the ventilation fans) shall be installed inside a reinforced concrete structure with a soundproof door All openings of the ventilation fans shall be facing the waterfront unless approved by the Director

~poundfi)~~Ifjr~ El ifyenh$MFs8gD~if)l~~ pJT~~~Dif)m(tmW~~~~~)J=J~~~JiiiNlMJ

M5~~fplusmn~M11Hf~~ifFBtg~~toJIJ bull ~~~F1~yenU~tHttgtft i~HWJ5JT~tm~~oJ6j~loJ~ ~ middot

Landscape and Visual Impact Mitigation Measures

29 The Permit Holder shall implement the landscape and visual mitigation measures as described in the Project Profile (Register No PP-5342016) All the landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be properly maintained during construction and operation of the Project If there is any change to the landscape and visual mitigation measures the Pennit Holder shall submit to the Director for approval with four bard copies and one electronic copy of the updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal The updated landscape and visual mitigation proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and be verified by the IEC prior to submitting to the Director for approval

- 10shy

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 12: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A iJ tJt ~PJiiJf(ll ~ EP-5112016A



1 This Pem1it consists of three parts namely Part A (Main Permit) Part B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions) Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO and the following notes are for general information only 2fssect4=PJ~tt~ 3fiB ~p A1ili (sectlj=PJ~plusmn~$71) B fiB (sectJEIf~tfi El BJ~Jt~) amp C $ (sect4= PJ~Itj) ofolfisect 12fssect4=PJ~BJAplusmn~~Wt~~~~tlBJgtt1$~~~~1y1sectVIT$1$~~ T ~ttMRf~-~sectl~~m o

2 If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit the Director or his authorized officer may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant enviromnental damage and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the pennission of the Director or his authorized officer

~D~amp2fssect4=PJ~BJlOJItj ~-amp~1t~mA~~1~JimJEVJEV-amp8J[[i]~1~PJ~JJ~f~lritEI ~Immiddot~~~PJ~M~A~M~~Bl~mmw~~M~fi~~~ o~~fflRTmiddot~PJ ~M~A~I~-amp~19H~WiA~[[i]~ f1~iJHYHfOJEI~mif~ o

3 The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit The Permit Holder shall replace the 01iginaJ pennit displayed on the Project site by the amended pennit

sect4=PJ~M~APJf~ilt~sectSJZf~~tlm 13 f~BJ1~EicJ~-amp$sect~~25c2fssect4=PJ~8Jfl~dtf osectLfPJ~ M~Amre~~campBJ~PJ~bullbull~Im~EI~~RffiBl~~~PJ~ o

4 A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s) apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental pennit 7J(t~If~tfi El ~tfi~tiB5tIf~BJJHBJA ~7J(t~jtILiW PJt~iltJJ~SJZf~~tlm 12 fi 8JmJElcJ~-amp ~3 sect~~JTBJ~~sectLfPJgfi o

5 Under Section 14 of the EIAO the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend vary or cancel this Pennit The suspended varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site

mbull~~bull~m 14 bullBlmJE~-ampPJ~bull~JEVJEV-ampBJ[[i]~Tw~mbull middot ~camp~~~ ~PJ~ o EW~fflM middot ~camp~~~BJ~PJ~~m~Im~EI~~Tf~ampffi o

6 If this Pem1it is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project another environmental pennit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be cohtinued It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental pennit ~D2fssect4=PJ~1plusmnIl~Jfi El ~lsect~1ampyenJfiMFs~~5f3~3(1 ~U~~~fifJif~Jfi El LiW amp

0~~7tf~bullrJsectH~tlt~JEll~1~~-f71JJmsecttPJ~ f~bullbullsectSJZft~~tlm 26(1)fBlt~JE HfOJ Arrgt~~~~msectLfPJgttBJt~gt5LT~~~1ampyenh~~~f~tlllf1amp 2m1 fiBT5U~8JJsectEif~ rfi El ~PJmm~~ o


Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 13: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Environmental Permit No EP-5112016A 3J fJt ~lfilJillf$1 ~ EP-5112016A

(i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months -~1reg0mf~~sect=x~~ PJ~filifX 2oo ~ltamp~~ 6F

(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years -~1reg0mf~~~==x~t1ampm=x~~ middot PJ~FJifX 5oo sectt7Camp~~ 21yen

(iii) on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months -~~1regrJ3~f~~sect=x~~ middot PJ~~ 6 ~ampfilifxamp~~ 6 f~FI

(iv) on a second or subsequent sununary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year and -~1regrJ3~f~~~==x~t1ampe=x~~ middot OJ~irlifx 1oo secttltamp~~ 11yen amp

(v) in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature the court or magistrate may impose a fme of$10000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued ffff0J~5poundf~D~~1=JmfiUflti~ middot5~~1C~~tJUsectPJ8gtttfB~~~13ll~fIBgeshy

0k95~FlifX 10000 lC

8 The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit gLJ=OJm~IAOJtEIi1f$gLJ=OJm1amp 3o kpiq bullftU~~ft~~u~ 11 f~8gtt$gLJ=OJms~fffOJft~ f4mtplusmnLtm 0

9 The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice UlltttMRf3=-~~~~ffl middot fX~I~mg~middot~ middot glfPJm~~A~~M~gSffi~Uamp~~iiJ1WIT$ ~~Je o

- 12shy

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 14: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Legend liJ Jllj

-- Project Boundary ~ El lfffilll

Existing Site Area of Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS)



TO BE UPGRADED ~~tJ ~amp it r~1 m 1f Jfl1 Jli yen ri JJlt iji ~ ~



~middot ~ ~ Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -51120 16 A

fi~~DJm~i5ffE EP -51112016A I~~w -abullyen~bull~bullmbullampbullI~ Figure 1 -Location Plan for Project Site [Extracted from Figure 1 of the Application No VEP-5092016] ~- - r~ El iB~1rr1i~ [f~~f- sect $g1Jtf~i5bt VEP-5092016trg11J- ]

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 15: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

Legend Ill Jllj

-- Proposed New Facilities llUlif-JfJT~~IitE --1 -- Project Boundary ~ El iilll]

Ten Existing Deodorizers to be Retrofitted to 998 Odour Removal Efficiency

~HiII+OOEli~~tot~ampg(fli~tot~$yenY~998 - Two New Deodorizers at Odour Control (OC) Room with 995 Odour Removal Efficiency

bull tiNliiDt~lfiUyen1i~lWOUftr-J~tot~ampg(~li~t-ot~$yenY~99s

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

li jljot~tr-Jf1Ll1gtX ltrN~~ampIIl~~H~iimiddotJHfi5Jr~J


jJ1J j( )jj fJi ~~~ fJ-6 7c W E


Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works

I~~- - -~~~middot~-~-ampI~

~ I I - I=R--=-~



rr bull


Environmental Permit No EP -5 1112016A ~Ji~tDJ~~i5Jn EP -5112016A

Figure 2 - Layout of the Upgraded Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works and Location ofDeodorizers

~= - amp~~-~~-~E~reg~W~~H~~-

~ S -o () -I 0 m

i ~

I g bullbull


I 1 I I


------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


I ltf IS I


J J - -

fit j ( ~Q i(ll 1 ~


li ~~-~~o



i 1 shy

bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

ti wilta(IJfIIfteJG~(lS(~~HI~~tFiIHHfr~f

PROPOSED HVTRANSFORER ROOM amp V SW ITCH ROOM bullI jtt ~ Ci JT~ middot[1 )) ~ PYi lA ampill JFW iU liJ lA i

middot---- ------middotmiddot- middot--------- middotmiddot- --- middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot middot-middot middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot- middotmiddot- middotmiddot-----middot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middotmiddot-middot)

middotmiddot---middot- -middot-middotmiddot----____ ____

PROPOSED DEODOR IZER middot_ mill r~t ~~~ rfi

middotPROPOSED DEODORIZER m ili-- 1~~ ~~~ (fi




i i I


i lill

Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




Page 16: Servi~es - Environmental Protection Department · construction and operation of the designated project described in Part . B . subject to the conditions specified in Part C. The issue

------ -------- - - -

~V Legend Ill JtiJ

Proposed New Facilities Jiki~~~sectJj(E

ITREE PROTECT ION ZONE shymiddot-middotmiddot middot--shy middotmiddot-ll ~ ~ 1

Project Bounda ry ~ El iiiGINI


j1 ill -ry JI Uli ill I J

middotmiddot-- ~ _

middot~ middot = _I 11~ ~middot


[] [] []l


M ~ - -r11 rmill


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bull Three New Deodorizers at Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station with Odour Removal Efficiency of at least 998 trNNJVi557C~Qtlttt~=~~r(IJiiiutaamp~fflfwMI~~$~Yti99 8

Note The location of the deodorizers is indicative only subject to detailed design

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Project Title- Proposed Upgrading ofKwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works Environmental Permit No EP -5112016A NplusmnJ~LfCiJg~~i5bt EP -5112016AI~~- - -~yen~middot~-~-~-I~

Figure 3 - Layout of the Existing Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station and Proposed [Extracted from Figure 3 of the Application No VEP-50920 16)Balancing Tank and Location ofDeodorizers [t~$sectf 13 Efl~iif-151Jt VEP-50920168gfim=_]~~-~~--~~S~OO~ampmiddot-~~W~~~~H~m~




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