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Volume 8 Issue 10 October 2015

God Has Started and God Is Finishing

by Steve McMillan

Serving God asSenior Pastor

God is already there. Long before we realize it, God is present andalready at work. Before every situation, every relationship and everyexperience – God is there. We don’t beat God to the punch, thecoffee-shop or the conversation. Wherever and whatever we are upto – God goes before us.

God starts stuff. We’ve likely all sensed moments when we realizethat He is “messing around” in a life. It may be someone asking us afew spiritual questions, a moment admiring creation, or just thinkingabout the saying on a church sign. It may be an increased awarenessof my short supply of one of the fruits of the Spirit. It may be asharper pang of conscience or an unusually bitter distaste for sin,abuse, injustice or poverty. It may be the nagging sense thatsomething is missing. It seems He is always starting stuff. One

of the exciting parts of the spiritual journey is to be aware of what God is beginning inour lives and those around us. To sniff out His work in our world. To become aware ofHis hands and handiwork.

God finishes what He starts. Unlike me and my exercise plan, Bible-reading scheduleand New Year’s Resolutions, God always carries through. Think about it: over 6 billionpeople on the planet, and God has arrived at your life with work gloves and a tool beltand a plan for change. And what He starts He finishes. This means He will never quit onus. He loves us too much to do that. This means He will never let us get comfortablewith where we are at. He loves us too much to do that. One of the deepencouragements of the spiritual life is the confidence of knowing that God is using allof me and my circumstances for His purposes. He is finishing in me and through thethings that He has begun!

There is an old story about Billy Graham and his wife Ruth. Apparently they weredriving down a highway that was under a lot of construction. At one point they onlytraveled twenty miles in one hour. When they finally got past all the road work, Ruthsaid, “That’s the sign I want on my tombstone.” Billy was caught off guard, “What are you talking about?” Shepointed over to the side of the highway to a sign that said – “Construction complete – thank-you for your patience.”

(Scripture is Philippians 1:6)

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THE PARK BENCH · OCTOBER 20152by Martin Hosier

Serving God asAssociate Pastor

Human Kryptonite

While listening to CBC radio on my way to the church one morning, one of the announcers jokingly said (inreference to another announcer’s seemingly endless supply of energy), “I’d like to find his Kryptonite”. Thethought behind this comment is the notion that, just as the mineral Kryptonite debilitated the comic bookcharacter Superman, so every human being can be incapacitated if only we can find their ‘Kryptonite’ (the thingthat makes them weak).

One of the points that stuck with me as we workedour way through the sermon series Finding YourWayBack To God,was the shame the Prodigal son carriedhome with him. Even after he had come home andhad felt the embrace of his father’s love, he still said, “Iam no longer worthy to be called your son”.

I think there is justification in saying that shame isthe universal human Kryptonite because of theinsidious manner in which it robs the individual of life.Once it has a foothold in a person’s soul, the darkshadow cast by shame has a paralytic affect in everyarea of that person’s life.

Below is a list of some of the ways in which shamecan drain our joy and strength.

• Shamemakes a person feel bad about whothey are.

• Shame produces feelings of unworthiness.

• Shame prevents a person from trying to dothings they are fully capable of doing.

• Shame impedes an individual’s socialdevelopment.

• Shame leads to isolation and loneliness.

• Shame increases negative self-talk.

• Shame exaggerates one’s faults.

• Shame causes self-sabotaging behaviour.

The list could go on but you probably get thepoint. When shame is resident in the heart of theindividual, the full God-given potential of that personwill never be realized. No wonder the father in theProdigal Son story showered his son with gifts andthrew a party for him when he came home. He wantedhis son to enjoy to the fullest, every benefit that camealong with being the father’s child.

Interestingly, the father in the Prodigal Son storydidn’t even acknowledge the son’s shame; it’s as if hedidn’t even see it. While the son was still speaking ofhis unworthiness, the father was putting a robe onhis shoulders, a ring on his finger, and sandals on hisfeet – all markers of his identity as a son. Ourheavenly Father doesn’t see our shame either; all hesees when he looks at us is his son or his daughter.The longing of the Father’s heart is that we wouldtake off the rock of shame (Kryptonite) hangingaround our neck and start living the abundant lifethat is freely ours through Jesus Christ.

Romans 1:8 “Therefore, there is now no condemnationfor those who are in Christ Jesus,”

Goodbye Shame!

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Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I havecome into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens tomy voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” After hehad said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I find no guilt in him." (John 18:37, 38 ESV)

In the beginning was theWord, and theWord was with God, and theWord was God.…. And theWord became flesh and dwelt among us, and wehave seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. …. For the lawwas given throughMoses; grace and truthcame through Jesus Christ.…. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except throughme. (John1:1, 14, 17 and 14:6 ESV)

What is Truth?

Our call, our God-given desire, and our prayer in theNext Steps Ministry, is that each child of God has theconfidence and assurance that in the written, livingWord of God, we stand firmly on [the] truth, since Godis truth!

Knowing and understanding the whole as well asthe parts, from Genesis to Revelation, in context and byliterary type (not all literally OR allegorically), brings usto that assurance. We know or discern the counterfeitby knowing the real thing. Faith steps in once we havelet the Word take us as far as God intends it to.

Have you ever heard someone say something like,“Oh, well, that’s your truth; I havemine.”? This is actually"relative truth" - personal opinion, theory, conclusion.Truth by its nature and definition is absolute - fact,reality, state of a matter, body of real things, actuality.Yet our world today disdains then discards truth whileit struggles in “search for the absolutes of evil, love,justice and forgiveness” as Ravi Zacharias puts it.

Language matters, yet we see people change themeaning of words to suit the moment, situation,feelings or opinions. This confuses our connectionswith each other and also makes it easy for deception tocreep in. John MacArthur says “the consequences ofrejecting it [truth] are ravaging human society.”

As David Livingstone points out in his article JesusChrist on the Infallibility of Scripture at the Answers in

Next StepsCentralFrom

Genesiswebsite, Christ “knew the Scripturesthoroughly; He believed every word of Scripture; Hebelieved the Old Testament was historical fact, andthat it was spoken by God Himself, or written by theHoly Spirit’s inspiration, even though the pen was heldby men; He made provision for the New Testament bysending the Holy Spirit; He warned against replacing itwith something else, or adding to or subtracting fromit; Jesus obeyed the Word of God, not man.”

And so, there was Pilate responding to Christrhetorically, “What is truth?”while staring the sourceand embodiment of it right in the face, with only somevery small sense of it!!

We are in the process of cleaning up the Next StepsCentral library following the new flooring and newlayout. The books are being arranged as follows: fromleft to right, alphabetically by category, then authorlast name. Bibles are arranged alphabetically byversion or translation name. Bible Aids are ordered firstby “generic” reference material, then Old Testamentfollowed by New Testament, with material about theTrinity (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) at the end.

We encourage everyone to use these resources weare blessed with, to know the truth of God’s Word inorder to recognize the counterfeits, so we canencourage our world to find its way back to God!

Your sisters in Christ - Robin, Lorie & Lynn

Great News!Scott's Parable Book Store in Red Deerwill re-open as Kennedy's Parable onNovember 4, 2015.

Check out their website at

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THE PARK BENCH · OCTOBER 20154Abstraction vs. Obedience

In Isaiah chapter 6, we see a picture of Isaiah having anintimate encounter with the Lord. Isaiah saw the Lordhigh and lifted up; His train filled the temple. He had avision of angels singing “Holy, Holy, Holy,” the house wasfilled with smoke. Isaiah’s immediate response wastransformation. Isaiah, after seeing the reality of who Godis was urged to look at himself. In the presence of God,He saw an image of himself also. He said, “Woe is me, for Iam a man of unclean lips.” He repented. That repentanceled to his sanctification, “Then one of the seraphim flewto me, having in his hand a burning coal that he hadtaken with tongs from the altar. And he touched mymouth and said: ‘Behold, this has touched your lips; yourguilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for’” (vs. 6 and 7).For me, at one time, that would have been enough. Iencountered God in a mighty way and he transformedmy life - on to the next thing. For some, the end wouldhave been at the encounter, not allowing transformationto set in.

Not for Isaiah, no, he encountered God, wastransformed and then did something even morepowerful; this transformation launched Isaiah intoministry. Isaiah heard God say, “Whom shall I send, andwho will go for us?” (vs. 8). And Isaiah responded, “Here Iam, send me!” It wasn’t abstraction, God allowed Isaiahto experience Him in a miraculous way as to empower

him for ministry. Head knowledge moved to heartknowledge and heart knowledge moved to obedience.

Unfortunately, in a society like ours, we battleindividualism on a regular basis. It’s important toremember that experiencing God is not to fulfill someindividualistic, selfish desire; it’s not to have and keepfor ourselves, it’s not to appease us. Experiencing God isto transform us, to transform a generation, it is from theinside out; it is missional spirituality. We worship God,we read my word, we pray, we fast, to becomemore likeHim, because when we’re like Him; we can join in withHIS mission.

Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep mycommandments” (John 14:15). Love for God iscultivated through learning the word, devotion toprayer and commitment to spiritual formation. The fruitof that love is obedience. James 1:22 declares, “Butdon't just listen to God's word. You must do what itsays. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” Iencourage you not to allow abstraction to rule your life.Let’s not learn about God, experience the presence ofGod and then continue living as though we don’t knowHim. Let’s allow our encounters with God - whetherthrough the Word, prayer or encouragement fromsomeone - shape the way we live.

by Chris Cobbler

Serving God asAssociate Pastor -Worship Arts

This week, the idea of abstraction hit my heart hard. Abstraction is lofty ideas, theology, abstract concepts that wethink about without putting them into practice. In many cases we are educated beyond our obedience. We learnsomething new almost every day, we take in information constantly, we understand God in ways we hadn’t before,

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THE PARK BENCH · OCTOBER 2015 55The Father's Love

by Jason Taff

Member ofOak Park Church

Lately God has put on my heart the theme ofunderstanding the Father’s Love. Conveniently, ourchurch services have been largely circled around thistheme as we study, reflect and pray through the storyof the Prodigal Son.

The theme of understanding the father’s love islargely important for a culture of people who lackaffirmation of love in their life. Can you imagine thevoid a young boy might feel within him who never hada father to spend time with him? This boy will need toembrace life’s challenges void of his earthly father’slove.

God offers power through the Holy Spirit to fill thisvoid. A Father who is always present and alwaysloving… God can work miracles. Recently, God hastouched my life in a unique way, where I have beenhealed from a mental illness. For nine years I have hadto take medication for a mental illness called bipolardisorder. Over the past year I have worked with mypsychiatrist to slowly decrease my medication. I amnowmedication-free! My whole self relies on theFather’s love – and knows that I am incapable withouthis support.

Last week I remember driving my car down theroad, recognizing that Jesus is my best friend and thathe walks through every aspect of life with me. I am veryalone in life from a sociological perspective. I am 28years old, single and 4000km away frommy closestblood relative. Often I am alone during the day,whether working on my PhD, delivering papers,estimating roofs or teaching English (other than thetogetherness I feel with my students). Why then am I sohappy? I catch myself at times literally laughing outloud, or smiling over a Facebook quote I read, orstunned over a thought I had. Why, in such a lonelycircumstance, can I be so happy? Many may joke and

say it is because I am not with people often who makelife miserable. Of course we know this is not true(most of the time). I think it is because I "get" theFather’s love.

Do I completely get this phenomenon? Absolutelynot! Everyday I grow in discovery of what it means tobe loved with an immeasurable love by the mostpowerful force in the universe (Jesus). From a logical,reasonable perspective, the idea that an invisible forcewhom I do not often, if ever, hear from audibly, whom Ido not feel physically touch me, loves me more thananyone else and is the answer to my most innateneeds, is absolutely absurd. If I were not experiencingit every day myself, I might agree.

Yet God is bigger than that; right now I refer to ourrelationship with God from a conceptual perspective.However, I did not want to mention it here, but I willbriefly bring up how through the physical touch of abest friend, we may experience an encounter withGod, and through the voice of a homeless man, wemay hear the truth of Jesus. However, just from theconceptual point of view, it would seem absurd thatthe invisible God meets my most innate needs. Whythen, when I raise my hands in worship, do I sense hispresence seeping into areas of me that fulfill me andbring me contentment?

This God we worship is much bigger than ourthinking. The Father knows you! He knows everythought you are having and meets you next to thatthought, where he nestles himself softly beside thatfear, beside that anxiety and says, “Do not fear, I amhere”. My prayer is that people experience theFather’s love.

It's a Matter of Time!

Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour onSunday, November 1, 2:00 a.m.

(or Saturday evening, October 31, before bedtime)

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Patrick Denis, the youth leader from Decision Church, visited Canada to learn more about the HFHmission,Canada's culture and construction techniques.

The Clyde trip included a Family Camp, tour of the Hoetmer Apiary, a cattle farm and a goat farm. Patrick waslooking forward to going home to his family, and sharing what he had learned. Patrick reported on his impressions,saying howmuch he enjoyed his time here, and the “month of discovery’s and experiences.” He appreciated thechances to share in the Lumby and Vernon, Rosscarrock, Oak Park (Youth) and First Alliance church activities. Patricksaid he was impressed with how women are so naturally involved in church life here. Women’s gifts are under-utilized in Haiti. “Imagining North America and being here are two different things. Thank you for sharing theknowledge that exists here. My goal was to learn and share. So now is the time to share what is a ‘university’ ofknowledge in Haiti. I will be fighting for women and the children.” Patrick, Ryan and Ryan’s son had a great time.Patrick has been on staff for three years and his goal is to learn English. He is deeply grateful that we have made theChildren’s Ministry at Decision Church the object of our interest and love.

Heart For Home Haiti Mission

How can YOU support Heart for Home?• New board members are needed, who are

interested in both the role and work of HFH• Visit the HFH facebook page to share or comment

(• Donate directly or online through Oak Park Church

of Christ (

• Pray for the mission and share its message,including:o Guidance and wisdom for the leadership team

in Haiti operating the mission on siteo Safe and successful construction of the facilities

being finished on site at the churcho Maturity for the church people, and

community strength and supporto Continued financial support for the ministry

Container ShipmentAnother big need we can use your prayers anddonations for is to finish filling a shipping containerthat we want to get to Haiti and ship by February. Youcan help us today with a donation of any of theseitems or funds to help ship the contents. Here aresome of the major items needed:• plumbing construction pipes• compactor and jack hammer• bobcat attachments• solar water pump• scaffolding• construction forms• chain link fencing• fish tanks• extra tires• sound system• play ground• toilets• jack pipes

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THE PARK BENCH · OCTOBER 2015 7ComingEvents















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11263 Oakfield Drive SWCalgary, AB T2W 4M2Phone: 403.251.5150Fax: 403.281.9822e-mail: [email protected]

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General Offering for September 2015

Actual $31,841 Budget $30,000


The Mom2Mom group meets in the Fireside Room at Oak Park Church every Tuesday, from 10-11:30. !

Please join us for coffee, fun and discussion.!!

These tired moms need a couple more babysitters to share this help so they can enjoy some quiet time. We have wonderful

children who need a couple of people to come weekly, or bi-weekly... any help is appreciated. !

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