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Session W235Hot Topics Round Table: No Shelf Required

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ConnectNY EbooksLinette KorenEngineering LibrarianRochester Institute of Technology

2013 ASEE Conference, Atlanta, GAWednesday, June 26, 2013

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Glossary• CNY

– Connect New York• PDA / DDA

– Patron/Demand Driven Acquisitions• Pbook

– Print book• STL

– Short Term Loans

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ConnectNY • Started in 2003– Funded by Melon

Foundation• 18 Academic Libraries• Union Catalog

– Driven by Individual Catalogs

• Unmediated Consortial Borrowing

“ConnectNY is a consortium of independent academic institutions in New York State. The mission of ConnectNY is to share collections, leverage resources, and enhance services through cooperative initiatives and coordinated activities.”

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Why Ebooks? Why PDA?• Why Ebooks?

– Already Succeeding Sharing Print– Coordinate Ebook Collection Development– Pool and Share Ebook Expertise– Leverage Consortial Purchasing Power

• Why PDA?– Mirrors Unmediated Direct Borrowing– Print Usage Declining

• “End of Academic Library Circulation?” by Will Kurt

– Stretch Our Dollars

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The CNY Ebook Pilot (2009 – 2010)• Coutts• Purchase-Only

– No Short Term Loans– 2-3 Uses Triggered a Purchase– 581 Titles Purchased

• Lessons– PDA is feasible on the consortial level– Cost effective– Usage Continues

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Technical Challenges• Varying Expertise• Experience with ebook records• Union Catalog (INN-Reach)

– Fed by each library’s catalog• Do we need 17 holding entries and URLs for

each ebook?!– 1 and Only 1 Record per Title– Coding Challenges

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Communication Challenges• Committee Communication

– Wikis, Blogs– CNY Executive Committee– Periodic Reports

• CNY Stakeholders– ListServs– FAQ Developed– Troubleshooting Steps and Emails

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Selection Criteria• Subject Breadth• Profiling Options

– Imprint Date– Publisher– Price– Subject– Easily deployable

• Flexible Pricing Models• Preview Content Freely• Direct Linking

• Interface– Intuitive– No additional

software– ADA Accessibility

• MARC Records– High Quality– Regular– Timely

• Accessible Stats• Purchases “In


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Evaluation Process• Selection Criteria Developed• List of Desired Publishers• 4 Vendors Invited for Demonstrations

– Coutts– EBL– EBSCO– Ebrary

• Committee Recommended…

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And the Winner Is…• EBL• Competitive Pricing• Short-Term Loans• Flexibility of Purchase Trigger• Unlimited Simultaneous Use• No-Fee Perpetual Access

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Publishers• Berghahn Books• Continnuum

International• Wiley• M.E. Sharpe• McGraw Hill (UK

Only)• Policy Press• SAGE (UK and India)

• Cambridge UP• Edinburgh UP• New York UP• Oxford UP• Princeton UP• Stanford UP• University of

Minnesota Press• UP of Florida

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The Profile – Ever EvolvingIncludes• All Subjects• Print Imprint• Titles < $300

Excludes• Exclude Popular Audience

Level• Formats:

– Textbooks– Travel Guides– Instructor’s Manuals– Workbooks

• Non-English• Series

– Frommer’s– Dummies– Cliff Notes

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Costs and Participation• All Libraries Participating• 1% of Materials Budget• STL

– % of List Price Based on Publisher• Purchase

– List Price X Consortial Multiplier• 3 STLs, 4th Use = Purchase

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Patron Experience• Found through

catalog• Login Required

– Using local authentication

• Searchable Platform

• Downloads Available– Adobe Digital

Editions– Bluefire

• Print up to 20%• Copy and Paste up

to 5%

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Staff Experience• Reports Robust

– …but require Excel/Access magic• Local PDA Profile(s)

– So You Think You Can Juggle?• Cataloging• Downloading

– Practice Makes Perfect

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Usage by Month














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How Are They Read?






“Read” are pages read through the web browser.“Copied” are pages copied, as in “copy and paste.”

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Free Use vs. Paid Use

Free Paid





Time Spent Count“Free Use” consists of ebook viewing that does not trigger a STL or purchase; “Paid Use” consists of anything that triggers a loan or purchase.

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Titles Used vs. Titles Available

Used Unused0%











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Use of Purchased Titles



1 Library2 Libraries3 Libraries4 or More

Number of Libraries Using a Purchased Title

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Lessons LearnedChallenges• Publisher Negotiations• Changing Landscape• Coordination and

Communication• Continual Evaluation

and Refinement• It’s a Trap!

Success• Access / Collection

Balance• Funding Model

– 1% of Materials Budgets

• Cooperation• Sustainable?

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NY 3Rs E-book Pilot Phase 1• 27 page report released last week• Total of 17 academic & public libraries in

NYS• Used EBL as vendor• Phase 2 beginning and looking for NYS

participants• http://

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A few things youcan’t do with aneBook…

A proposal for three eBook acquisition models Peter Zuber

Engineering & Computer Sciences LibrarianBrigham Young University

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FIRST – Inclusion of all Titles

“All eBook titles available for sale to the publicshould also be available to libraries for lending.Libraries may choose not to purchase some titles ifrestrictions or prices are deemed unacceptable,but withholding titles under any terms removes thelibrary’s ability to provide the services its patronsneed and expect.”

ALA’s Essential Features of an eBook vendor“EBook Business Models for Public Libraries,”Digital Content & Libraries Working Group (DCWG), August, 2012

• Collection Congestion – Buy all or nothing• Selective Inclusion – All does not mean all

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SECOND – Enduring rights

“Libraries should have an option to effectively own theeBooks they purchase, including the right to transferthem to another delivery platform and to continue tolend them indefinitely. Libraries may choose morelimited options for some titles or copies, or in return forlower pricing, but they should have some option thatallows for permanent, enduring access.”

ALA’s Essential Features of an eBook vendor“EBook Business Models for Public Libraries,”Digital Content & Libraries Working Group (DCWG), August, 2012

• Subscription Based Models• Concurrent Access options

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THIRD – Integration

“Libraries try to provide coherent access across allof the services they offer. To do this effectively, theyneed access to metadata and management toolsprovided by publishers or distributors to enhancethe discovery of eBooks.Separate, stand-alone offerings of eBooks arelikely to be marginalized, or to diminishawareness of other library offerings. Mechanismsthat allow eBooks to be discovered within thelibrary’s catalog and checked out or reservedwithout undue complexity are basic needs.”

ALA’s Essential Features of an eBook vendor“EBook Business Models for Public Libraries,”Digital Content & Libraries Working Group (DCWG), August, 2012

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Vendor 1 – Collection based model

Year one (relative pricing)• Backlist for previous 3 years = 1X• Current year’s Frontlist = 8XYear two• Frontlist = 8XYear three• Frontlist = 9X

Acquisition Histories

• Usage did not justify high cost• Could not purchase individual titles• Title availability was sporadic

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Vendor 2 – Subscription based model

First initial years• Librarian selected title list based on $ available• Usage, Title list, MARC records all easily

determined, modified and obtained• About 550 titles, Cost = ~ $46/titleLately• Consortial agreement• 5897 titles, Cost = ~ $6/title• Cost to extend deselected title = ~ $750/title

Acquisition Histories

• Some titles are not available elsewhere

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Vendor 3 – Back end, Demand driven model

Commit to $ amount purchased at year end• Entire Title list exposed in OPAC• Purchase at year end determined by

UsageCost (meeting or exceeding commitment)Access type (single, multi, unlimited)

Issues• Vendor -> OCLC -> University records• Is title list the real title list?

Acquisition Histories

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Subscription based model

Vendor• Full text titles from entire or discipline-based collection

(for creative pricing, needs opportunities)• Deselect from list in predictable fashion based on

publication date• Provide MARC, RDA records• Provide institutional specific usage• Allow institution to purchase individual titles,

prior to deselection, for nominal cost.• Individually purchased titles can be purchased with

varying access.• Purchased titles can be provided through 3rd-party.

Proposal to Vendors for 3 Academic eBook models

1) Inclusion of all titles, 2) Enduring rights, 3) Integration

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Back End, Demand Driven based model

Vendor• $ commitment up front for purchase of titles at year end• Full text and access to all titles• Provide MARC, RDA records• Provide institutional specific usage• Library makes decision on titles to acquire to meet $

commitment• Individually purchased titles can be purchased with

varying access.• Purchased titles can be provided through 3rd-party.

Proposal to Vendors for 3 Academic eBook models

1) Inclusion of all titles, 2) Enduring rights, 3) Integration

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Front End, Demand Driven based model

Vendor• Full text and access to all titles• Provide MARC, RDA records• Provide institutional specific usage• Expose usage algorithm to allow agreement on trigger• Provide rental option• Individually purchased titles can be purchased with

varying access.• Purchased titles can be provided through 3rd-party.

Proposal to Vendors for 3 Academic eBook models

1) Inclusion of all titles, 2) Enduring rights, 3) Integration

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Engineering Society eBooks & Archives and New Commercial Packages: Determining Consortia Adoption


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Products Sources

Books & eBooks Textbooks Reference Works – multivolume

sets; databases Journals & Journal Articles Conference Papers & Proceedings Technical Reports Specifications Standards Working Papers Backfiles / Archive Patents Digital Library platform

Commercial Publishers Professional SocietiesAggregators &

ProvidersGovernments & Public

AgenciesNon-profitsAcademic UnitsPrivate Industry

Engineering Publishing Summary35

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Commercial Society

Usually has own platform

May use aggregatorsReceptive to consortia

dealsProfit incentivizedOffers larger range of

access & servicesPricing can be


May have independent platform

Likely to use aggregator or alternative publishing platform

More reluctant to consortia deals – price reductions

Usually maintains non-profit status

Pricing less negotiable

Commercial vs. Society Publishing:General Conclusions


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Every title can be categorized multiple ways – used differently (ie, can function as a textbook or reference work)

Libraries respond to products differently than individual consumer

Engineering content is multidisciplinary (ie, policy, environmental, hard science, clinical, computational, etc)

Work is often updated & reissued with new edition

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Society Publishing Challenges

Size / scope of publishing program Number of products released annually Emphasis on journals, proceedings, & then books, standards

Competition for authorsLicensing – concerns about differences between industry and

academe; global scopeAuthenticationPerpetual accessPackages, individual records, on demandPricing – depends on size of consortia & adoption rate Open AccessNational publishing mandates (NSF, data inclusions)DRM


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Common Goals of Libraries

Follow “Best Practices” in Scholarly Communication including Licensing: Perpetual access

Ownership vs subscription models Concurrent users Users don’t register – honor privacy/anonymity yet still get customization if requested Resource sharing – ILL Reporting of usage data by individual member; via entire consortia Front List vs archive Scholarly Uses: Library Reserves, classroom use, course management systems De-selection rights Author retains rights to scholarship – can repost Treating data Sustainable pricing Homogeneity of consortia FTE for campus is different than coverage for actual interested readers/users Multi-year acquisition Integration with Approval Plans when treated by book vendors


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Big Commercial & HybridEngineering “Houses”

Scale means everything – determines products, platform options, pricing, customer service – journals/books Cambridge University Press MIT Press Springer Wiley Elsevier Taylor & Francis (includes CRC Press) IEEE McGraw-Hill World Scientific IGI Nova Publishers – major front-list, spanning wide subject scope


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New Engineering Publishers on the Horizon

Morgan & Claypool – expanding Synthesis collectionsNowPublishers – online Foundations & Trends journalsMomentum Press – ebook line began 2008Sage – entering subject area, began with iMECHe archive –

adding books, reference worksEmerald – journal list; expanding book acquisitionsScrivener Publishing – began in 2009;Wiley distribution

partner for books; launched first 3 journals in 2013Several additional international units in UK, India, China

(DEStech Pubs, etc) Many traditional publishers expanding output in

engineering & technology related areas, ie) green, biomedical, etc


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Books, Journals & Standards: Common Packages, Issues & Concerns


Books Individual Titles or Subject Packages from book vendors, publisher

direct or via aggregators Own, subscribe, DDA options, STL Cataloging records & discoverability Residing platform or agnostic

Journals Open Access – widely different models By subscription or by article

Perpetuity Database inclusion – fulltext or links to holdings Discoverability

Links to dataCost – seems to drive decisions

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Brief Survey Conducted, Spring 2013

Focused on 12 primary societies. 11 responses. Questions asked:1. How do societies respond to serving consortia when libraries

expect savings & deep discounts for participating in such memberships

Single invoice/payment Local processing control point Competitive renewal terms

2. In the eBook market, do you currently participate in DDA or expect to in near future – seek comments about this book buying method3. How are societies responding to OA4. What are the licensing issues that most concern societies?5. What is biggest challenge in library markets?


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Lessons Learned: Quotes about Library Markets

IEEE – “volume keeps pricing competitive; always improving platform performance”

ASCE – biggest challenge is keeping up with emerging technologies and responding to members’ priorities

ASME – “respond to members’ & users’ needs” AIAA – “keep pricing fair for academic markets” MRS – “still learning from different experiences” SAE – “have learned from customers’ input” SPIE – “perfecting product line to enhance search & reading

experience” ACM – “realizing that customers are as different as publishers” IET – “markets are very different around the world” ASTM – “we need to make money but customer service is critical” SIAM – “keeping up with content is always a challenge”


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Additional Societies Critical to US Academic Libraries


Most release journals but also reference works and books: American Academy of Environmental Engineers American Ceramics Society American Concrete Institute American Institute of Chemical Engineers ASM International Audio Engineering Society Institute of Industrial Engineers Institute of Transportation Engineers Society of Manufacturing Engineers Society of Petroleum Engineers American Chemical Society American Institute of Physics etc

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Responses to Survey46

Question 1 : How do societies respond to serving consortia when libraries expect savings & deep discounts for participating in such memberships 8/11 very interested in working with consortia; confusion about

multiple memberships encourage shopping best deal; One society had concerns that ELD would become an independent

itself Problems may exist with pricing expectations – the margins are

slim, savings may not be as great as expected; institutional composition varies making pricing a challenge (11/11)

Customer service needs to be aligned to support consortia on both sides (2/11)

Threatens potential revenue that can be redirected to improving product and digital library website (7/11)

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Question #2 Summary47

2. In the eBook market, do you currently participate in PDA/DDA or expect to in near future?Only one respondent currently engaged in DDA;

but others are looking to commercial publishers to understand impact

Every respondent understood trendMay be more interested in Short Term Loans (STL)

– see that as fast growing segment in eBook salesAll indicated that they are being courted by eBook

aggregatorsExperimenting with subject based packages

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Question #3 Summary48

3. How are societies responding to OA Societies with Journal lists are increasingly discussing

this – also regarding conference papers/proceedings 4/11 respondents are well aware of campus initiatives

to subsidize Open Access funding requirements 6/11 reminded me of value-added components

publishers contribute to work 4/11 mentioned concern about users depending on

Google or Google Scholar as first search choice

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Question #4 Summary49

4. What are the licensing issues that most concern societies? No real consensus but following issues raised:IndemnificationAccess to industry via academic channels -

concerns about authentication and public institutions being open door to walk-in users

Mobile optimization – another expenseEmbargos for database access

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Question #5 Summary50

5. What is the biggest challenge in serving library markets? Relationship of membership and library subscription usage – declining

membership in zip code ranges demonstrate greater use at nearby institutions

Little new money to invest in new products Stakeholders (Boards/officers) appear convinced that libraries have more

money than they claim Editors not always aware of library concerns – part of ongoing education

process Impact factor should influence adoption but does not seem to always

follow Concern how usage dictates adoption Conflicted about just in time vs just in case – anticipating needs of

students Seeing increases in individual document supply, even from subscribing

institutions – worried about how libraries promote products

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Hard to summarize – wide range of practices/opinions/highly diverse

Societies want to please members/customers, but concerned about costs associated with “stepping up” to meet new expectations of users

Have to consider US vs global competition, customer baseCost is a serious issue – production of multi-formats &

challenge of making any profit with library sales decliningKeeping up with technology is big challengeUncertain of where library priorities areWe need to conduct more systematic surveys and continue

dialogue between libraries, publishers, vendors, societies and authors/editors

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Comments / Questions? Thank you for your attention.

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eFADA: United Arab Emirates Library Consortium

Vanessa Middleton, Petroleum Institute, UAEDorothy Byers, Khalifa University, UAE

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Consortia and eBooks and in the international context: opportunities and


• Setting goals– Sharing resources– Collective negotiation and purchase– Nation-wide repository

• Getting buy-in• Creating infrastructure• Developing collections

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eBooks in the UAE

• Upside– Most institutions are new– Quick way to expand collections– Most students computer literate

• Downside– Reading not part of culture– Will eBooks make it easier?

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Takeaways from other consortia:Top Ten Challenges and Benefits of eBooks within a Consortium

• ICOLC surveyed• 18 respondents• 88% subscribe to eBooks

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Challenges - Pricing

• Important but difficult• Avoid “buying club” model where all have to buy copy of

a triggered book• Prefer “shared access” model where all members have

access to specified number of copies

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Challenges - Savings

• Some say everyone benefited• Yes if keep publisher multipliers low (1.5-4.5)• Some say no savings• Hard to calculate for institution if consortium strikes the

deal. Compare– Price per book– What you would have collected

• No saving if duplicate in print anyway!

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Challenges - Selection• Some publishers won’t play ball• Some have too-high multipliers• Some withhold top titles• Librarian selection role changed

– Lack of individual title selection – collection vs title– Challenge to meld local selection with ebook

consortium purchases• Duplication in consortium vs approval plan• Non-English speakers not served well• Hard to please consortium with multiple types of libraries

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Challenges - Licensing

• Process difficult – esp if no legal staff– Time– Understanding terms

• Insist on ILL in license even if technology not there yet – be ready for future

• Go for perpetual licensing• Market geared more to consumer than libraries – need

models that work well

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Challenges - Access

• Decisions re hosting vs using vendor’s host site• Some members have problems setting up access• Authentication can be problem if no union catalog exists• Problem in UAE where telecom monopoly controls access

to internet• Determining number of simultaneous users needed• Multiplicity of platforms confusing for patrons• What happens if vendor disappears

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Challenges – Discovery tools

• Not sufficient for ebooks, esp for accessing images, tables, graphs in STEM fields

• No discoverability if not cataloged• Difficult to catalog without accurate title lists• Discovery tool costs• Lack of union catalog• SFX integration an issue

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Challenges – PDA(patron driven acquisitions)

• Important to have but can cause duplication among libraries

• Some ebook vendors view PDA as revenue loss• Mostly happens at institution, not consortium• Control of cost an issue• Negative notions about patron behavior• Not a full solution

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Challenges - ILL

• DRM protection – insist on liberal DRM• Variety of circ policies among institutions• Purchase vs. rent among institutions• Licensing

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Opportunities - Pricing

• Huge discounts on older materials• More flexibility on pricing than in print world• Save even with “buying club” model• Power in joining forces to negotiate• Good to find sustainable own vs rent model• Publishers are still finding their way – opportunity for


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Opportunities - Savings

• More participants leads to more savings• Big deals reduce cost per book

– Even if some books aren’t used– Not all print were used either!

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Opportunities - Selection

• Work with vendors that have good selection• Overall getting better selection• OP material becoming available

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Opportunities - Licensing

• Hope for standardization!• Get ILL included• Allow more copies during first few months of release• Data mining opportunities

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Opportunities - Access

• Gives access to many• Mobi format possibilities• Platform standardization possibilities• Broadens access, especially for smaller schools

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Opportunities – Discovery tools

• Can make platform issues seamless for patrons• Must be affordable

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Opportunities - PDA

• Working well in some consortia• Enhances collection development• Direct response to patron need• Keeps patrons more involved• Offers concrete data for financial support

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PDA Experiment• BLC (Boston Library Consortium) 2013

– 7 participants thus far– Ebrary/YBP– Selected the publishers together– Set the purchase triggers together– 705 titles in pool

• 397 unique titles used• 143 purchased = 20%• $114,413 list vs $58,963 consortium = 50% savings

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Opportunities - ILL

• Ability to lend across platforms and outside consortium• Get permission into licenses• Leverage the power of many to achieve

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Other Issues

• International licenses for content still not consistent with US & Canada

• Book vendors (YBP, Coutts, etc.) cannot provide all collections through their order platform

• Content sensitivity matters

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E-book Value Statements

Tony AponteScience and Engineering Librarian

Photo from Wikimedia Commons user Maximilian Schönherr.

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UC E-Book Value Statement

•• University of California Libraries

Collection Development Committee

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E-Book Value Statement – Why?• “…develop the marketplace in ways that support

our core values and the university’s mission.”• “…help shape the scholarly publishing

landscape…”• “…responsive to the needs of our primary users…”• “…to be effective stewards of our libraries’


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E-Book Value Statement – Why?• “work with publishers, aggregators, and others

within the academic community to develop appropriate standards and best practices that implement these principles”

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UC E-Book Value Statement

Content Supporting Research and Instruction

Photo from

Flickr Com

mons user teclasorg.



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UC E-Book Value Statement

Fair Use & Scholarly CommunicationPhoto from Flickr Commons user cseeman.

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UC E-Book Value Statement

Positive User Experience

Photo from Flickr Commons user libraryman.

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UC E-Book Value StatementProduct Platforms

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UC E-Book Value Statement

Product Platforms (cont.)

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UC E-Book Value Statement

Sustainable and fair business models

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Ideal• Currently, engineering e-book collections fall

somewhere on this continuum• Using statement in negotiations with publishers and


Photo from Flickr Commons user davidyuweb.

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AcknowledgementsThe preceding slides are based on the work of the UCLA Library Scholarly

Communications Steering Committee AND E-Book Task Force

Photo from flickr:

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