
SEVERUS Kent State University

Studio Move In:

Moving into first year studio can be a stressful time for incoming freshmen. Our chapter decided to help make the process of setting up easier this year. As the first years moved in, our brothers were there to assist them with whatever issues they ran into. Whether it was setting up their parallel bars or teaching them how to use all of the tools in their supply kits.

Trunk or Treat:

Our Philanthropic committee participated in a University event for the children of the community on Halloween. Brothers decorated their cars and handed out candy to kids.

Our chapter currently has 44 Brothers and 9 new pledges. We are gradually establishing our chapter in the college and university and are proud of the new events we have planned.

Upcoming Events:

• Initiation (April 12, 2014)

• Beaux Arts Ball

• Relay for Life

• Fundraiser Breakfasts

Gamma Class:

In the Fall 2013 semester our chapter inducted our third pledge class, the Gamma class. On November 17, 2013, we inducted 15 new brothers. The Gamma class has already shown great initiative, with multiple members being elected to the executive board for the 2014-2015 year.

Firm Crawl:

We recently had the good fortune to visit two well-known firms operating in the Cleveland area, Vocon and Rob Maschke Architects to see how these two contrasting firms went about their work. A Severus alum, Grace Pop showed us around Vocon, telling us about the work environment and answering any questions that arose. Rob Maschke Architects treated us to dinner, while letting us browse his connected art gallery and four person architecture firm.

Portfolio Workshop:

To help our brothers gain valuable information on the various programs associated with building a Portfolio, our professional committee organized a comprehensive workshop to take us through the process. The workshop spanned over three portions in which we worked with a faculty member.

Final Production Breakfast:

To raise money for the chapter, some of the brothers gathered supplies to make pancakes, bacon, toast, and fruit salad for those in final production.

The new pledges and their bigs, to be initiated in April.

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