  • 8/9/2019 Sgen Functionality in Sap


  • 8/9/2019 Sgen Functionality in Sap


    Choose this strategy if you ant to generate the loads of all ob!ects of certain softare

    components" #his may be the case$ for e%ample$ if your system has been re installed"

    &ere$ the loads that are re'uired for operations are not yet available and must be

    regenerated" (fter selecting this task$ the Selection by Software Components ofGeneration Setscreen appears" &ere you are able to restrict the amount of ob!ects to

    be generated by selecting softare components" )se the push buttons to select the

    softare components you re'uire.

    Regenerate After an SA System !pgrade

    (fter an upgrade$ you have to regenerate the load of the (*(P ob!ects in the system"

    &ere$ the folloing are re'uired:

    "#he run time of the generation process in transaction +,-N must be as short aspossible"

    "#he storage space re'uired by the (*(P loads in the database must not be too large""#he generation effort on the part of the user must be as small as possible"

    #he folloing generation set takes the above re'uirements into account" .t consists of

    all ob!ects ith loads that ere available in your system before the upgrade /that is$

    ob!ects that you already used before the upgrade0$ and all ob!ects that ere redelivered

    in the release interval beteen start release and target release of your upgrade" #he

    names of the ob!ects that ere generated before the upgrade ere stored in

    the RE#$S%file in the current directory of your system during the upgrade /profileparameter 1.23&OM-0" (fter selecting this task$ the Selection by Software

    Components of Generation Setscreen appears" &ere you are able to restrict theamount of ob!ects to be generated by selecting softare components" )se the

    pushbuttons to select the softare components you re'uire"

    Regenerate the Objects of the #ast R&n

    #his task is suitable$ for e%ample$ in the folloing cases:

    #he generation of ob!ects of the generation set that as used in the previous run as

    terminated and you ant to regenerate the remaining ob!ects"

    ou ant to regenerate all ob!ects of the generation set that as used in the previous


    (fter selecting this task$ the folloing to options are available to you:


    #he generation set that as used in the previous run of transaction +,-N is used"

    Only those ob!ects that ere not generated in the previous run or hose generation

  • 8/9/2019 Sgen Functionality in Sap


    as terminated due to a system error are generated"


    (ll ob!ects of the generation set used in the previous run of transaction +,-N are


    Regenerate E'isting #oads

    #his task allos you to regenerate all (*(P loads and invalidated loads that e%ist in

    your system$ and to generate loads for ob!ects of a S&pport ackage'ueue" #hefolloing options are available to you:

    ,enerate all Ob!ects ith -%isting 6oad

    ,enerate Ob!ects ith .nvalidated 6oad Only

    #he load of an ob!ect is invalidated if$ since the time the load as generated$ activated

    changes ere made to the ob!ect or to ob!ects used by this ob!ect$ such as includes ortables" #his may occur by importing aS&pport ackage/transaction SA(0 ora kernel patch" .f you ant to generate loads for ob!ects of a +upport Package 'ueue$start the task after importing the 'ueue" #he task determines the generation set using

    the invalidated loads in the system" .n contrast to the ,enerate ob!ects of a transport

    re'uest task$ this task also takes into account (*(P loads that ere invalidated by

    modified 1ictionary ob!ects"

    Additional Noteou can also periodically schedule an automatic regeneration of invalidated loads

    /every night$ or at other times hen the system load is lo$ for e%ample0" #o do this$schedule the RSGEN$N)#ASreport for the relevant time and period" #he report thendetermines the invalidated loads for every type of host in your system at the specified

    time$ and regenerates them"

    Generate Objects of a %ransport Re*&est

    ou can use this generation task to regenerate the (*(P load for all ob!ects in a

    transport re'uest that can be generated" #his task does not$ hoever$ take (*(P loads

    into consideration that ere invalidated by modified 1ictionary ob!ects" #o include

    these loads$ choose Regenerate E'isting #oads + GenerateObjectsith$n,alidated #oad Only" (fter choosing this task$ a screen appears thatallos you to search for the name of the transport re'uest using the selection button$

    or to specify it directly"

    Generation of -S Applications

  • 8/9/2019 Sgen Functionality in Sap


    #his task enables you to generate -Sapplications of selected softare components"-ach -&siness Ser,er ageis reali7ed technically by an (*(P ob!ect class" hen*+P applications are generated$ these classes and their (*(P loads are generated"

    *+P applications are not included in the generation sets of the Generate All Objectsof Selected Software Components Regenerate After an SA System!pgradeandRegenerate All E'isting #oadstasks$ since they are optional" ou canuse this task to deal ith these" (fter selecting this task$ the Selection by SoftwareComponents of Generation Setscreen appears" &ere you can restrict the amount of*+P applications to be generated by selecting softare components" )se the

    pushbuttons to select the softare components you re'uire"

    .f you 'uit the generation of *+P applications before it has finished$ or if the system

    terminates generation$ theRegenerate the Objects of the #ast R&ntask allosyou to resume the generation"

    Select the ser,ers for parallel generation.

    #he generation is based on a method here the generation set is divided into small

    subsets that are processed by parallel processes" 1epending on resources$ available

    servers are included in the parallel processing$ hereby multiple parallel processes

    run on one server" 9rom the Selection of Ser,ers for arallel Generationscreen$you can select the servers that are to be used in the parallel processing" Note that loads

    depend on the machine type /M#0 of a host" #his means that it only makes sense to

    parallel process the generation set of servers of the same machine type"

    #he default selection uses the server that you are logged on to" .t corresponds to your logonserver and all servers on your system that have the same machine type" .f you ant to use the

    default selection$ choose Continue" .f you ant to e%clude individual servers from the

    generation$ or if you ant to generate the load for a particular machine type that is different tothat of the logon server$ then use the pushbutton to select the corresponding servers and choose

    Continue" (fter you have selected the servers$ the system starts to automatically define the

    generation set$ and stores it in the database /,-N+-#C 1* table0" #his can take several minutes"

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