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Shared LeadershipA Tool For Innovation, Engagement

and Inclusion

Max FreundLF Leadership

Sean Thomas-BreitfeldBuilding Movement Project

Mike AllisonMichael Allison Consulting

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1. Welcome & introductions2. Checking in3. Definitions & academic theory4. Theory into practice5. Success factors & capacities6. Making it real: Open Space

peer coaching

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Who are you? Where are you from?

What is your prior experience with shared leadership? (If any)

What is the single biggest question you have?

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What do we mean by shared leadership?

Definitions, Dimensions, and Key Research Findings

Max FreundLF Leadership

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Post-Heroic Leadership


Shared Leaders
















Romance of




Implicit Leaders

hip Theory

Social Identity Theory


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Defining Shared Leadership


“A simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process involving the serial emergence of official as well as unofficial leaders” (Pearce & Conger, 2003)

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Dimensions of shared leadership


Distribution: (De)centralization of leadership influence

Role multiplexity: How many hats people wear

Time: Stepping up (and back) as situations require

Contractor, et al. (2012)




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Visualizing shared leadership


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Mapping the literature


Supportive Factors

• Shared purpose• Norms/culture• Social support• Voice• Trust• “Vertical”

leader coaching• Psychological


Outcomes• Trust• Cohesion• Lower

conflict• Agreement• Innovation• Satisfaction• Performance

Processes• Info sharing • Transactive

memory (KWKW)

• Shared mental models

• Collective efficacy

Contingencies• Knowledge-based work• Complex task• Interdependent team• Emergent leader

prototypicality• Homogeneity of age/tenure



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Psychological Empowerment



Impact Self-Efficacy

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re &







Shared leadership as…

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Shared Leadership in Action

Sean Thomas-BreitfeldBuilding Movement Project

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Why “Alternative” Structures?

Generational factors

Desire for increased impact and effectiveness

Practices of distributing decision-making and leadership are important

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BMP’s Research

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Mapping the Options

Varied topography of alternative structures

Common foundations for distributed leadership:oHigh Levels of TrustoInvestment in LearningoValues BaseoPatience and Time

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Mapping the Options

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Mapping the Options

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Stages of Structuring Leadership

FoundationTrust LearningShared Values



Autonomy Buy-in

Info-SharingClarity Release




New Ideas

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Power to decide on programs

New ideas and innovation

More responsibility and responsiveness

Diverse external representation

Greater impact

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Case 1: Make the Road New York

Three Co-Directors at time ofthe What Works report

Leadership structure evolved as result of both growth and values

More time for meetings

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Case 2: Building Movement Project

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Shared Leadership

Widening the Spectrum of LeadershipTwo Funded Initiatives

Mike AllisonMichael Allison Consulting

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The ability to create something, solve a challenge or address an issue that is of value across communities and groups of people (based on the definition of Intelligence from Howard Gardner’s Frames of Mind).

The practice of developing and exercising intelligence in self and developing and supporting the intelligence of others.

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Definitions and Styles of Leadership




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Strengthening Organizations Mobilizing Californians


Capacity-building initiative funded by 3 foundations:the James Irvine Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett FoundationSupported a “Leadership Learning Community”

(LLC) that included peer exchanges for executive directors and senior staff, regional trainings, and comprehensive convenings.

TCC Group, a national management-consulting firm, designed, managed, and facilitated the initiative.

Twenty-seven participating organizations annual budgets ranging from $500,000 to $2 million; at least five staff members; eight board members; and one

hundred volunteers.

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Variance in who leads what, through which structures, along a spectrum between more authoritarian models, which focus on one leader, and more inclusive models which focus on the leadership of many.

Lessons Learned:The Spectrum of Leadership

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Shared Leadership Requires:


Adaptability by all leaders, most of the staff


Shared Leadership Norm

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Organizational Readiness: Prerequisites

1. Explicit commitment by senior leadership to change

2. Up front investment of time to educate and plan

3. Fundamental management practices in place4. Focus on engagement and accountability and

learning5. Identification of and agreement on shared


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Potential Points of Entry

Mindsets Attention to organizational values, culture and relationships – paying attention to the what

Behaviors & Processes Attention to domains such as communication and decision-making – paying attention to the how

Structures & Strategies Organizational restructuring – breaking out of what has been


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Important Considerations…


Dimensions of inclusion & diversityLeadership teamsConnection (and disconnection) with

influencing bodies Coherence/alignmentResponsibility of leadership

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Haas, Jr. Fund Flexible Leadership Awards


Substantial leadership development support ($35,000 to $175,000) more than 45 Haas, Jr. Fund grantees three to five years implementing solutions to the

leadership challenges and opportunities they face. While participating in the FLA,

grantees all continue to receive separate program or general operating support grants

Activities supported by the Fund’s FLA investmentsexecutive coachingstrategic planning training for executives and senior teamsboard development fund development and communications planning

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Flexible Leadership Awards


Independent five-year evaluation of the first cohort of FLA organizations found that 13 of 14 met or surpassed the leadership and mission goals they set at the start of the program.

13 of the 14 organizations grew their budgets an average of 64 percent between 2005 and 2010, for a total $19 million portfolio-wide increase, despite the economic downturn in 2008

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Flexible Leadership Awards


Shared leadership played a role implicitly or explicitly in most participating organizations

Executive Coaching for CEO and Senior Managers

Senior team development

Leadership training for Program Managers

General team building, focused on engaging staff at different levels, building trust and potential for adaptability

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Questions to ConsiderWhat are other successful ways to develop and

sustain the capacity to flex and share leadership?

How can leadership capacity be extended beyond staff to the board, to constituents and to allies?

How can shared leadership within individual organizations support and enhance field / movement building strategies?

What are the implications for philanthropy and capacity builders in supporting shared leadership in organizations and their constituencies?


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Assessing Readiness


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Making it Real

Open Spaceand

Organizational Scenarios

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Open Space Agenda

Purpose: Deepen exploration of shared leadership, apply and extend research through peer coaching.

Organizational Scenarios: create framework, spark thinking, apply research

Pitch Cases for Coaching: tell us what issue org. is trying to address; form of shared leadership (if any)

Peer Coaching: dig into cases

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Scenario 1: Leadership Transition

Background: Community-based org.; address community / domestic

violenceFounder wants to retireNext generation of managers don’t want to take on

ED role

Readiness Issues:Some competition in the past between managers

over strategy, program funding / allocation, and taking credit for wins

Board AND funders/donors primarily identify org. with founder

Key Questions: Should the organization take on a co-directorship model? What would it take to prepare them for that transition?

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Scenario 2: Spreading Leadership to Clients

Background: Emergency Food ProviderFoundation program officer raised concerns about

lack of client involvement / voice

Readiness Issues:Organization has support for the initiative, but not

raised idea with orgs. client base Leadership team is split on support Limited client feedback loops

Key Questions: How could the organization support greater leadership by clients? How would the organization need to change its practices and ways of relating to clients?

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Pitch Cases

Three Minutes to Describe:

Relevant Background

Preliminary Readiness Assessment

Key Questions facing the Organization and/or Capacity Builder

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Modified Open Space

Law of Mobility

Whoever Comes are the Right People

Whatever Happens in 30 Minutes is the Only Thing that Could Have Happened

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Peer Coaching QuestionsDescribe issue to address (2-3 min.)

How do you see the research themes showing up in this situation?What might be the intentions and feelings driving these questions

about leadership structure?

Clarify desired outcomes (5-10 min.)How would changing the leadership structure support success for

the organization?What research-based principles can you apply?

Identify potential solutions (5-10 min.)How ready is the org. for an alternative leadership structure?What model or approach seems like the best fit? How does the theory and research inform the possible approaches?

Initial action steps (2-3 min.)Can you chunk out the transition / implementation over time? What are the first action steps?

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Recap & Next Steps

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Next steps


What burning capacity-building questions still remain that warrant further exploration through research to advance the field?

Is there interest in a continuing community of practice or affinity group?

Please complete your session evaluation!

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Thank you!Let’s continue the conversation…

Max FreundLF Leadership

[email protected]

Sean Thomas-BreitfeldBuilding Movement [email protected]

Mike AllisonMichael Allison Consulting

[email protected]

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