Page 1: Sharing Christ’s Love since 1960

Glorify the Lord by Your Life

Sharing Christ’s Love since 1960

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Page 2: Sharing Christ’s Love since 1960



This First Sunday of Lent details the difficulties of

dealing with temptation specifically for Jesus who, as

a human like us, was tempted but managed to resist the

devil’s enticements because of the divinity of His nature.

In our culture today, one difficult hurdle in dealing with

temptations relates to some pressing needs in our lives--

to look good, to be affirmed, to acquire more, to eat

more, to feel satisfied, etc. Jesus was tempted to use

His power to change stone into bread for His own

satisfaction, to ease His hunger. I’m reminded of a



grader who reported how, while at a family dinner,

she told her mom how much she enjoyed the food and

wanted to keep eating more and more. She said,

“Mom, over here” (pointing to her mouth) “want more,

but over here” (pointing to her belly) “does not want

any more.” Some temptations present us with the lure

of wanting more even though we know that we do not

really need more.

The second and third temptations of Jesus address the

use of power and influence. Since Jesus was imbued

with a unique connection with God the Father, the devil

tempted him to gain a world-wide kingdom and to

test his influence with God by jumping off a high place,

expecting protection from harm. These temptations

challenge us to reflect on how we use our personal

power—for our own glory or for the good of others,

especially those who are powerless. Also, how many

times have we been tempted to “test” God by making

our devotion contingent on getting what we pray for?

Finally, note that Jesus was tempted during a time He

had set aside for God. The monks of the desert used

to say that in the desert one could find either God or

Satan. We know that in all the places where God

dwells Satan too is busy tempting people to do the

work of evil. We must always be aware and ready

to resist as Jesus did.

Thus Lent, especially during this first week, challenges us

to raise our consciousness and examine how we can stay

on the path to holiness in the face of temptations. How

do we do this? Prayer and self-sacrifice are traditional

ways to keep temptations at bay. Self-sacrifice (such

as fasting from food, sweets, alcohol, or addictive

substances, or refraining from watching TV) elevates

our minds and hearts toward the love of God and of

others, as opposed to love of self. Prayer puts us in

direct communication with God, which involves offering

our whole being to God and listening to God

(meditating), especially through scripture.

Another practice characteristic of Lent is almsgiving.

While some of us may associate charitable giving as

“getting rid of stuff,” almsgiving focuses on sharing

rather than just giving. Lent affords us another occasion

wherein we can share with the less fortunate among us.

We have an excellent sharing opportunity through

Operation Rice Bowl, a practice of the Catholic Church

where we donate our spare change or other monies

every week for distribution to the poor and needy

through the work of Catholic Relief Services. On behalf

of CRS, thank you for your generosity, which touches the

lives of so many.

Finally, I appeal to you to participate in the Lenten

Reconciliation Service at St. Norbert Parish on March 19

at 7:00pm, in our annual Lenten Mission on for April 7

at 7:30pm and April 8 at 7:00pm in the church, and

in Soup and Stations every Friday at 6:30pm, starting

in the Lunchroom.

May God bless you and your family.

Fr. Maina

With you a Christian, for you a priest.



We welcome the Most Reverend Mark Bartosic, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago,

who comes to celebrate and officiate our service of Confirmation. Bishop Mark Bartosic was

ordained priest on May 21, 1994, appointed Titular Bishop of Naratcata and Auxiliary Bishop of

Chicago on July 3, 2018, and ordained as a bishop on September 17, 2018.

Please pray for the 59 young people from our parish who will be confirmed in Christ this Sunday.

Page 3: Sharing Christ’s Love since 1960

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Patrick Mulhern (Mike Bretz’s nephew)

Nan Stefo

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Throughout Lent, please support Operation Rice

Bowl. Alms collected at all weekend Masses are

distributed by Catholic Relief Services to many

agencies that help the needy worldwide.

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That Christian communities, especially those

who are persecuted, feel that they are close to Christ

and have their rights respected.


Inspiración de la Semana

La tentación es parte de nuestras vidas.

Incluso Jesús luchó con la tentación. Nuestra fe nos

dice que estamos destinados a vivir nuestras vidas

al servicio del reino de Dios. A pesar de eso, a

menudo nos encontramos persiguiendo nuestros

propios deseos en lugar de los de Dios. El Evangelio

nos dice claramente que el verdadero poder se

encuentra en la aceptación de la virtud: vivir vidas

de no violencia, de misercordia y perdón. Sin

embargo, todavía no estamos convencidos y

buscamos cosas que nos lastimaran y tomamos

represalias contra quienes nos hacen daño. Cuando

Jesús enfrentó la tentación, encontró seguridad en

quién Él era, lo que lo arraigó firmemente en su

misión y le dio la determinación de confiar en Dios.

Nosotros también debemos aprender a encontrar

seguridad en nuestra identidad como hijo o hija de

Dios, a vivir nuestra misión enraizada en esa verdad

y a confiar en la presencia permanente de Dios.

Inspiration for the Week

Temptation is a part of our lives. Even Jesus

wrestled with temptation. Our faith tells us that

we are meant to live our lives in service of God's

kingdom. Yet, we often find ourselves pursuing our

own desires rather than God's. The Gospel clearly

tells us that true power is found in the embrace of

virtue: living lives of non-violence, mercy, and

forgiveness. Yet, we still are not convinced and

seek things that will hurt us and retaliate against

those who harm us. When Jesus faced temptation,

he found security in who he was, which firmly rooted

him in his mission and gave him the determination

to trust in God. We, too,

must learn to find security

in our identity as a son or

daughter of God, to live out

our mission rooted in that

truth, and to be confident in

God's abiding presence.

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Care for parishioners who are sick is important to us. Please let us

know what spiritual care is needed when by calling the rectory at

847-729-1414, option 3. In cases of hospitalization, tell the hospital

staff the religious affiliation and parish of the patient. Finally, contact

the hospital’s Pastoral Care Office at any time during a hospital stay.

To have Communion brought to someone’s home, please call the rectory.


Sunday: Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91/Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13

Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Ps 19/Mt 25:31-46

Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34Mt 6:7-15

Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51/Lk 11:29-32

Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138/Mt 7:7-12

Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130/Mt 5:20-26

Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119/Mt 5:43-48

Next Sunday: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Ps 27/Phil 3:17-4:1/Lk 9:28b-36

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Monday Evening Holy Hour: 7:00pm in Holy Family Chapel

Rosary in Polish: Monday evenings at 7:30pm in church

Mother of Perpetual Help Mass & Novena: Second and fourth

Wednesdays of the month at 6:30pm in Church

Our Lady of Fatima/Sacred Heart Devotions: Welcome the statue of the

Blessed Mother/Sacred Heart into your home and pray the rosary daily.

Contact Rose Alfon, 847-498-2489 or Zeny de Guzman, 847-480-0159.

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Edward Atchu

James Backstop

Bonny Barezky

Marie Barnes

Michael Beil

Bruce Belzer

Joyce Bergman

Sr. Mary Helen Bissen

Nancy Blochberger

Bryan Blocher

Gerri Blusha

Rob Boemmel

Diana Bonkowski

Joe Bosowski

Jack Breden

Mike Bretz

Jean Bruneau

John Bucher

Robert Budzik

Crystal Chang

Juan Paolo Claridad

Mary Anne Collins

Donna Connelly

John Crawford

Lorenza de los Reyes

Dorothy Delgado

Jan Doetsch

Matt Doetsch

Stella Dowd

Charlene Drew

Albert Dru

Carol DuBois

Dolores Falato-Funk

James Fitzgerald

Engracia Flores

Hermini Hildo Flores

Jose Mario Flores

Jennifer Gabriel

Edelmiro Garcia

Joe Giancola

Gail Giligan

Ken Gotcsh

Hope Gutierrez Cruz

Marian Haas

Karen Harnish

Amanda Harvey

Jenny Heber

Melin Sanchez


Anna Marie Herrold

Patricia Hoffman

Cecilia Jara

Loretta Karnik

Teddy Kasia

Nancy Kelly

Gina LaCassa-Pistorio

Dominik Lata

Luke Lattores

Nancy Lattores

Romano Manlubatan

Betsy Marcus

Wendy Matthys

June McArthur

Molly Anne McKenna

Doug Meder

Fr. Mike Michelini

Mary Mills

Carole Molitor

Charles Molitor

Mary Moro

Brandon Mueller

Kay Muldoon

Claudine Mulhern

Jim Mulhern

Fr. Jim Murphy

Dan Neubauer

Vi Orr

Patrick Orr-Lange

Kathy O’Shea

Mike Palmer

Brian Peck

Joyce Perryman

David Petrovski

Helene Pizics

Gerry Ploshay

Judy Ploshay

Ron Ploshay

Judy Polasek

David Pullega

Deriul Pullega

Fred Radzialowski

Lori (Mathews) Reeves

Julia Rodriguez

Shawna Ryan

Ron Sacluti

Brendan Sage

John Sage

Anna Scott

German Scott

Hank Seipp

Jeanne Shannon

Elizabeth Sharp

Joshua Sharp

Adrian Slade

Jeanne Slade

Ken Smott

Mary Snow

Carmen Sosa

Thomas Speck

Anni Stimmler

Mercedes Sulieman

Mary Ann Sullivan

Kim Sunko

Diana Szorc

Gretchen Tayne

Ben Tchaou

Marge Theriault

James Totin

George Troike

Robert Troike

Joyce Valdez

Fidencio Velazquez

Kapil Vij

Len Waldman

John Waskowski

Clare Westley

James White

Larry Winterburn

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Sharing Christ's Love through Social Concerns



As Lent gets underway, consider these practices of

prayer, fasting and almsgiving as ways to repent of

your wrongdoings and honor the passion, death, and resurrection of

our Lord Jesus Christ.

Abstinence: All Catholics who are 14 years and older are to

abstain from eating meat on all Fridays in Lent.

Lenten Reflection Books: Reflect daily on the Scripture readings

and other traditions of Lent using the books that are available in

the vestibule of church.

Operation Rice Bowl: Learn about our disadvantaged brothers

and sisters around the world, and pray, fast and give alms to

improve their lives with Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice

Bowl. Pick up a calendar of reflections, recipes and activities along

with a box in which to put your donations. Each week, bring the box

to Mass and add your donation to the bowl after Communion.

Soup & Stations: Join fellow parishioners each Friday in Lent for

a communal meal and time-honored prayer ritual. Soup and bread

are served at 6:30pm in the lunch room; Stations of the Cross are

prayed in church at 7:30pm. This Friday, March 8, the Youth Group

will provide soup and 4


graders of the parish will lead the Stations.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Join parishioners from all four

parishes in our grouping at St. Norbert on Tuesday, March 19 at

7:00pm for a celebration of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Several

priests will be available to hear individual confessions as well.

Parish Mission: Jesus: Dying and Rising in Christ will be offered

by Father Thomas Weinandy, OFM Cap on Sunday, April 7 at

7:30pm and Monday, April 8 at 7:00pm in church. Deepen your

participation in the Paschal Mystery, participate in a healing

prayer service and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and put on

the mind of Christ. There will be a book table and book signings.

Free-will offerings will be gratefully accepted. For more informa-

tion, call 847-826-4704.

If you wish to take home a Missal, please ask an usher

to get one for you from storage rather than taking one

from a pew or from under the table at the back of church.

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Current project: Campus lighting and security

Donations: $6,898.00

Costs to date: $ 789.93

Fund Balance: $6,108.07

Give your donations online at

Please remember St. Catherine Labouré in your Estate Planning.


Classes meet this weekend as well as

March 17 and 31

March 12, 6:30pm in Church: Rehearsal for



graders for Stations of the Cross

March 16, 5:00pm: Family Mass

March 17, 9:00am, in the Lunchroom: Parent and

student meeting for 2


graders about First Communion


Thursday, March 14, 6:30pm: Prepare soup

for Soup & Stations

Friday, March 15, 5:30pm: Serve soup for Soup &


Sunday, March 17, 1100am: Teen Mass

Friday, March 22, 7:00pm: Broomball


Monday, March 11

7:00pm Holy Hour (Holy Family Chapel)

7:00pm Cub Scouts (Lunchroom)

7:30pm Polish Rosary (Church)

Tuesday, March 12

8:45am Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Parish Office)

6:00pm Adult Faith Formation (Lunchroom)

Wednesday, March 13

6:00pm Catecismo (Escuela)

6:30pm Mass for the Novena of

Our Mother of Perpetual Help (Church)

7:45pm Ensemble (Church)

Thursday, March 14

6:30pm SPRED Catechist Prep Session (Rec/Blue Room)

6:30pm ESL Classes (School)

7:00pm Choir (Church)

7:00pm Knights of Columbus (Meeting Room 1)

Friday, March 15

11:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry (Parish Office)

2:30pm Girl Scouts (Rec/Blue Room & Meeting Room 1)

6:30pm Soup (Lunchroom) and 7:30 pm Stations (Church)

7:00pm Coro (Meeting Room 2)

Saturday, March 16

9:00am Cursillo (Meeting Room 1)

Sunday, March 17 ~ St. Patrick’s Day

9:00am Religious Education (School)

9:00am Adult Faith Formation (Library)

4:00pm Catecismo (Rec/Blue Room & Meeting Room 2)

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Page 5: Sharing Christ’s Love since 1960



As part of our new STEM

program, Noggin Builders

visited our Preschool and Kindergarten.

The children learned about forming

hypotheses, experimenting, and drawing

conclusions based on their observations.

It was a great experience and they can’t

wait to work with Noggin Builders again

Registration is ongoing for the 2019-20 school year. SCL offers a

rigorous Catholic education tailored to the individual needs of each

student. Academic excellence is one of the hallmarks of SCL:

Students regularly score “ready” or “exceeding” on ACT/Aspire

testing. They learn Catholic values and solid morals and experience

many extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities to help them

become well-rounded. If you are considering joining our SCL family,

please stop by the school office or call 847-724-2240 for a tour.

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On Sunday, March 24 at noon, Fr. Pawel Komperda of

Incarnation Parish will present, The Gospel of Suffering:

A Call to Courage. Come and learn about our share in the

Messianic mission, suffering for the sake of Christ, imitating Mary’s

courage, developing fortitude and spiritual maturity, and the call

to the cross in 2019. Refreshments will be served and free-will

offerings gratefully accepted.


All 20– and 30-somethings are invited to Benet

Lake Retreat Center in Wisconsin for the Lenten

retreat, Into the Desert, March 22-24. The cost is

$99 and financial assistance is available. For more information, contact

[email protected]. To register, go to


Come for the next meeting of the Widows Widowers

Support Group. We meet every third Monday of the

month in the Francis Room of the Lafayette Building at

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. We meet on Monday, March 18,

9:30–10:45am. After the meeting, we’ll go to Grandpa’s Place for

a post-St. Patrick’s Day lunch. All are welcome; feel free to bring a

friend! For more information contact Irene Alwan at 847-525-4454.

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The Yankee Candle fundraiser by St. Mary of the Willows

Guild of the SCL Women’s Club ends Monday, March 11.

Products start as low as under $10 and 40% of your sale comes

back to the Women’s Club. Visit,

enter group number 990095643, then click on “Start Shopping.”

For more information, pick up a brochure in the vestibule or call

Marcia Doeden at 847-724-1223.

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College-bound high school senior girls, you have only

until March 20 to submit your application for the

Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women’s 4-year scholarship.

The scholarship application is available in the rectory.

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White Socks Wanted: The Society is collecting

socks for homeless veterans who go to Jessie

Brown Veteran’s Hospital. Place your donations

in the basket in the vestibule.

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Brick Orders

Commemorative bricks in the

Choose Life Prayer Garden, just north of the

church, are available to honor important people

or times in our lives. The Spring sale of bricks is

going on now through April 23. Size and cost

information are on the order form which is

available on the rack in the vestibule or from

the rectory.

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By praying with the Helpers of God’s

Precious Infants, you can intercede to save

our unborn brothers and sisters at the American

Women’s Medical Center, 110 South River Road

in Des Plaines. Join the Rosary Vigil next

Saturday, March 16, from 9:30 to 10:30am

at the above location. Through the Helpers’

prayers and presence, many abortion-bound

mothers’ hearts have been changed, and their

babies saved from death. For more information,

call Russell Lundsgaard at 847-724-6344.

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Thank you for returning 163 baby bottles

filled with your donations to The Women’s

Centers. But we’re still looking to receive another

269 bottles. Please remember to bring back your

bottle—even if it’s empty. Bottles are reused

each year to save money. Containers will be

at each church exit for to receive the remaining



Of course, the celebration of Easter

awaits us at the end of our Lenten

journey. After that, we can also look forward to:

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner: Saturday,

April 27 after the 5:00pm Mass in Marian Hall.

Anyone who volunteers in any ministry is invited

to participate. Your invitation should arrive soon.



Annual Golf and Dinner Dance Fundraiser:

Friday, May 31 at Chevy Chase Country Club in

Wheeling. You are invited to golf and/or dine

and dance knowing that proceeds from this event

help fund SCL school’s Science, Technology,

Engineering & Math (STEM) programs. Watch for

additional details in future bulletins.

Page 6: Sharing Christ’s Love since 1960


Saturday, March 9

5:00 PM ~ First Sunday of Lent

Special Intentions of Angelica Omega (Birthday) by Family

†Mercedes Manansala, Sr. by Merce Manansala

†Helen Mroz by Family

Sunday, March 10 ~ First Sunday of Lent

8:00 AM

†Sam Alwan by Irene Alwan

9:30 AM

Special Intentions of Fr. Murphy by Bertha N.

†Nan Stefo by the Women’s Club

11:00 AM

Special Intentions of Doug & Peg Meder (62


Wedding Anniversary)

Special Intentions of Fr. Murphy by the Women’s Club

†Remegio de los Reyes by Vic & Zeny de Guzman

6:00 PM

Monday, March 11 ~ 8:00 AM

Special Intentions of Paul Thekkath by Family

†Ralph DeLetto by the DeLetto Family

†Jane & Bert Pope by Family

Tuesday, March 12 ~ 8:00 AM

†Betty Berns by the Enerio Family

†Gertie Dru by Al & Mary Anne Dru

†John & Anna Stonis by Family

Wednesday, March 13 ~ 8:15 AM

†Paulose Attokkaran by Family

†Joseph J. Fox, Jr. by John Fox

†Thomas F. O’Rourke, Sr. by Sandi & Tom

Thursday, March 14 ~ 8:00 AM

†Chakkuny Jacob by Family

Friday, March 15 ~ 8:00 AM

Saturday, March 16 ~ 8:00 AM

Special Intentions of Elizabeth Nellamattathil (Birthday) by Family

†Joseph J. Fox Jr. by John Fox

5:00 PM ~ Second Sunday of Lent

Also Children’s Liturgy

†Frances Budzik by the Women’s Club

†Regina Cameron by Bertha N.

†Wanda Tuszynski by Russell Lundsgaard

Sunday, March 17 ~ Second Sunday of Lent

8:00 AM

†Jeffrey Kestler by Family

†Fr. Joseph O’Brien

9:30 AM

†Gertie Dru by Al & Mary Anne Dru

†Lydia Regala by Family

11:00 AM

†Marilyn Beil by Doug & Peg Meder

†Lorraine P. O’Connor by the O’Connor Family

6:00 PM


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Celebrating the Second Sunday of Lent

Saturday, March 16

5:00 PM ~ Chilren’s Liturgy

Presider: Fr. Maina

Lectors: Children of the Parish

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

Lim Team

Servers: Bella Licudine � Brady Ondrula

� Brendan Patton

Sunday, March 17 ~ Also St. Patrick’s Day

8:00 AM

Presider: Fr. Maina

Lectors: Carol Cook � Bill Cook

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

Seipp Team

Servers: Ryan Samuels � Emily Rascher

9:30 AM

Presider: Fr. Mair

Lectors: Kathy Bretz � Zeny de Guzman

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

Abat Team


11:00 AM

Presider: Fr. Maina

Lectors: Members of the Youth Group

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

Dautel Team & Members of the Youth Group

Servers: Members of the Youth Group

6:00 PM Misa en Español

Celebrante: Padre Maina

Lectores: Silvia Perez � Claudia Silva

Monaguillos: Mirel Palillero � Martha Flores

� Martha Taboada

����� ���������

March 11-13: Bella Licudine � Mike Eschenbach

March 14-16: Vincent Lim � Abigail Gange


Ask an usher about these aids to

enhance your experience of Mass:

�� Large-print Missals

��Assistive listening devices

�� Low-gluten hosts (0.01%)

If you have suggestions for other accommodations

or need assistance, please contact Janice Seipp,

847-528-7025 or [email protected].

Important: If a medical emergency

happens in church and you call 911,

please tell the dispatcher to send first

responders to Door I (as in India).

If a medical emergency happens in Holy Family

Chapel and you call 911, please tell the

dispatcher to send first responders to Door G.

To ensure your intention is listed in the bulletin,

please request a Mass at least two weeks in advance.

If you are present when the Mass is one that you offered,

please bring it to the attention of one of our Ushers.

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