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Sharing success criteria for

language skills

Speaking, listening, reading and writing across the range of abilities including enrichment for Gifted

and Talented

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Clear goals

Essential awareness of success criteria

Transparency of expectations enables good progress

Effective communication of expectations

Providing the opportunities for gifted and talented to excel

Language is the key!

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To know how……to embed literacy focus in your lesson

Multiple objectives

e.g. To understand/describe the effects of the Gunpowder Plot

To explain the aims of the plotters.

To evaluate/analyse the historical interpretation of the Gunpowder Plot.

Pitching at the right level

Emphasising and explaining the meaning of the vocabulary in a lesson objective

Checking understanding of expectations

Challenging students and encouraging independence/extension tasks for Gifted and Talented

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Success criteria for language:Reading

Skimming and scanning

Fact and opinion, Fact and fiction

Inference, deduction

Synthesize information


Decoding, reading comprehension

(identifying what is important in the text; process of organizing, recalling, and recreating the information and fitting it in with what is already known, determining what is useful for an individual purpose)

(judging against given criteria)

(guessing, making judgments based on given information)

(identifying relevant information)

(knowing the difference between fact, opinion, fiction and belief)

(accessing written information, understanding information)

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Success criteria for language:Speaking and listening

Ask questions for information

(what, who, where, when)

Listen for specific purpose

Built on response of others

Justify and defend opinions(make predictions, propose solutions, create, solve lifelike

problems, speculate, construct, devise, synthesize, develop/judge ideas, problems solutions, express opinions, and

make choices and decisions)

Ask different sorts of questions to extend thinking, discuss ideas

(Why, how and in what ways)

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Success criteria for language:writing

Vocabulary choices

Sentence types

Punctuation for effect

Paragraphing and cohesion

Engaging and interesting; Constructing Analysis and arguments/different


Spelling, basic punctuation

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Example of basic writing skills hierarchy (primary writing mat)

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Literacy Tools in every day teaching/learning

practice Literacy Mats

Topic related writing mats consisting of the success criteria, level indicators, literacy tips (PEE, punctuation, connectives, sentence openers, etc.), subject related vocabulary, definitions, images, diagrams, etc…

Green pen linked to whatever the literacy objective is (make the literacy focus explicit to students, e.g. punctuation for effect, paragraphing, etc.)


Focus on vocabulary

e.g. Topic related glossaries

skill/word of the week in the bulletin, etc.

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Summary: Uniform approach to language and literacy

Effective lesson planning; trying to incorporate literacy objectives into the lesson objectives

Following universal success criteria for language

Consistent use of literacy tools

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…when planning consider: Basic Order Learning: KNOWLEDGE

If your lesson is pitched at NC Level 2/3 then lower order-thinking tasks are required. Trigger words/activities: identify, label, list, retell. Basic Order Learning:


If your lesson is pitched at NC Level 4 then lower order-thinking tasks are required. Trigger words/activities: compare, contrast, estimate, explain. Middle Order Learning: APPLICATION

If your lesson is pitched at NC Level 5 then middle order-thinking tasks are required. Trigger words/activities: solve, predict, demonstrate, relate.

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Middle Order Learning: ANALYSIS

If your lesson is pitched at NC Level 5/6 then middle order-thinking tasks are required. Trigger words/activities: differentiate, categorise, speculate, outline.

Higher Order Learning: SYNTHESIS

If your lesson is pitched at NC Level 6/7 then higher order-thinking tasks are required. Trigger words/activities: construct, build, create, summarise, design.

Higher Order Learning: EVALUATION

If your lesson is pitched at NC Level 7+ then higher order-thinking tasks are required. Trigger words/activities: judge, justify, conclude, criticise, assess.

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