
President’s Report 2 Social Meeting Report 3/4 Metal Shop News 5 Community Projects 6 Card Playing 6 MGMS and Bread 6 Coming Events 6 From the Workshop 7/8 Bunnings Power Pass 8 Leatherwork News 9/10 The 12Volt Group 10 Music and Art News 11 Visit by Deb Frecklington and Tim Mander 12 Welding Room Progress 13 Program for April 14

Our Vision

To provide a facility where men of all ages can feel comfortable and gather together to spend time socially, as well as in a practical manner, by participating in constructive endeavours that develop self esteem.

NEXT SOCIAL MEETING Mon 01 April 2019 10:30 for 11:00am

Mt Gravatt Show Grounds Community Hall Cost:$6.00


March 2019 Volume 10 Number 3

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Emeritus Professor Roly Sussex, an expert in

language from the University of Queensland spoke

at our Social Meeting on 04 March.

He spoke on the gradual process of change that has

been happening in our society in the use of Australian language since

the early 20th Century.

Since then we have moved from using a formal British Language to the

recognition that Australian English was not a corrupted form of the

English Language but a real language in itself .

A big welcome to this month’s new members (from left to right): David Sharp, Kevin Diprose, Roland Butnoris, Valdi Kwitowski, Brian Landford,

Alan Parkinson, Bryan Thomason, Andrew Edwards, Gary Weston

Patrons: Body: Dr Brian Kable; Mind: Assistant Prof Dr Grant Devilly; Spirit: Rt Rev Dr Doug Stevens

President: Peter Lindsay Vice-Presidents: Lloyd Akeroyd, Harry Crosbie, John Wicks

Secretary: Robert Fraser; Assistant Secretary: Breck McKay Minutes Secretary: Ken Mihill Treasurer: Graeme Cumner;

Assist. Treasurer: John Bettenay

Area Co-Ordinator's: Building & Grounds: Jim Pollock Community Projects: Bart McKnight; IT Coordinator: Neville O’Brien

Office: Don McGuiness; Recreation: John Wicks; Welfare: Richard Moulton Workshop: Lloyd Akeroyd

Immediate Past President: Murray Rogash Email: [email protected]

Mail: Secretary, Post Box No 239, Mansfield Qld 4122 PhoneShed Office: 3343 2216

Neil Egan.

Articles for the newsletter: Send articles, jokes,

comment, snippets, recipes, tips, suggestions, bouquets,

brickbats, etc.

Email to the editorial team: newsletter

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During the last few weeks we have had a number of visitors to our Shed who have said how impressed they have been with what they have seen and experienced during their visit. These visitors have commented on our facilities, but their strongest comments have been made about the range of activities we have, our members’ willingness to share their skills and experiences, and the positive way in which we interact with each other. While I know there are times when things don’t work as we might hope they would, we have a Shed of which we can be proud. For me the strength of our Shed can be attributed to the willingness of members to give of their time and energy, and to the governance and administrative systems that give structure to the day to day operations of our Shed. Taking up this second point we are sometimes asked how the management of the Shed works and how do members have their say in the running of the Shed. As you may know members elect our Management Committee annually and the Management Committee oversees the running of the Shed through a number of Sub-Committees. The Coordinators of each Sub-Committee give a verbal report at our monthly Social Meeting and there is an opportunity for members to ask the Coordinators questions about their area of responsibility. Our Sub-Committees include, Building & Grounds, Workshop, Recreation, Community Projects, Member Welfare and more. If you think you can contribute to one of these areas of interest I would encourage you look into joining a Sub-Committee. The Management Committee meets monthly and our agenda usually covers things like - reports on our finances, correspondence, recommendations from the Sub-Committees and decisions about Shed policy and procedures, the purchases we need to make and operational activities. If members would like to read the minutes of Management Committee meetings, a copy of the Minutes can be borrowed from the Office. If you have any questions about the running of our Shed please talk to me or any member of the Management Committee. Also there is a Suggestion Box near the office and we welcome your feedback through the Suggestion Box. I look forward to seeing you at the Shed. Peter Lindsay

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Date. 4 March, 2019

1.Meeting opened at 11.00 am Apologies Asbjorn Pettersson, Mike Coles, Gerry Henderson, John Elms, Don McGuinness, Nabil Wissa, Brian Wheeler, Steve Fluerty, Herb Sneyd, Gordon Crosbie, Terence

Damons. Dave Williamson, Ray O’Regan

2. President’s Comments Peter Lindsay Due to the resignation of Bill Dewhurst as Future Fund Trustee, President Peter informed the

Meeting that the management Committee had appointed Murray Rogash as a Trustee of the Future Fund.

The Shed will be closed over the Easter Long weekend. 3. Secretary Robert Fraser

t was indicated that Ms Deb Frecklington, Leader of the Opposition in Queensland, will be visiting the Shed on Tuesday 12th March. The Shed will be closed on Anzac Day.

The May Social Meeting would be on the second Monday of the month, 13th May, due to unavailability of the Hall.

The Secretary thanked the Members for their support as he continued to develop his knowledge and skills in the secretarial area.

4. Treasurer Graeme Cumner The Shed had received a donation from the staff of Greenslopes Private Hospital for the November

Fund raising effort. We have a healthy financial situation.

5. Welfare Richard Moulton Richard Moulton advised that there were 109 attendees at the Meeting.

Richard also asked that the Welfare Group be advised of any Shedders who were going into hospital so a visit could be arranged. Shedders can pass on this information to Richard either by email, phone call or advising the office.

6. Community Projects Bart McKnight Bart advised that several community projects were under way including providing planter boxes for the restaurant on Mt Gravatt and the P.A. Hospital.

Dave Tate had built some steps to aid one of our members. He also informed the Meeting that a windmill, needed as a result of the 10 Year Anniversary

competition has been found, donated and is being transported to the Shed later this month.

7. Workshop Operations Lloyd Akeroyd Lloyd detailed a number of projects being undertaken at the request of community groups and members. He said that the 12 volt Electrical Group under the direction of Bevan Beall was going ahead on a fortnightly basis. In the future it is intended to have a glass etching group.

8. Building Jim Pollock Jim advised that the Grounds and Building Committee had been busy organising the metalworking area and the new welding area. He thanked Ray Muggeridge for his efforts in this despite his recent illness.

He also advised that the Management Committee had approved the purchase of new microphones that will provide better sound at Social Meetings

9. Recreation John Wicks John Wicks invited members and their partners to the monthly Movie Show (first Saturday of each Month at 3.00 pm.

He also presented a request for the donation of a Chess Board.

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10. Information Technology Nev O’Brien

Neville thanked Don McGuiness for the work he was doing in developing the Shed Website. The

Yearly Calendar was now available for viewing on the Website.

11. Office/Shirts Peter Tyler

Peter advised that a new manufacturer of Shed Shirts was being considered. These shirts would be

cheaper and with a shorter turnaround time for members.

He thanked Ron Bowden for the enormous amount of effort and time he had put into this area.

He indicated that the Office was currently working well but foreshadowed some changes in the future.

The Photography Group was working on a project for this month of recording some iconic symbol of

Australia and next month, it was in the area of natural history.

12. Travel

Interest was gauged as to the interest in a trip to Stradbroke Island or the Port of Brisbane to be taken

in early April.

13. Any other reports

Laurie O’Brien informed the Meeting that a Sing-a-Long was being organised for the evening of 18th

April (This has now been changed to the 11th April) at 6.30 pm.


Prof Roly Sussex Cont.

The Change has accelerated since 1988 after which many dictionaries of Australian

language have been published.

Professor Sussex documented the many changes that have occurred since 1988.

These changes have been driven by the following forces:

1. The recognition of Pluralistic Languages. The Australian language along with many other

languages is languages in their own right. Australian includes lots of

colloquial sayings and an increasing acceptance of “swear words.”

2. Importation of a lot of Americanisms.

3. Political Correctness. Increasing respect given to those in society racially, genderwise,

physically and ethnically. In some situations, this may have gone too far...In terms of gender, there

have been new terms invented for male and female roles. “his” or “her” has been changed to “their”

4. The Use of Diminutives – Any Australian names are often reduced to shorted forms (often ending

in “y” or “ie”) and short forms are lengthened

5. The Use of Similes is very prevalent. For example, “flat out like a lizard drinking

6. Use of Conversions American influence has meant that many words are used with a change in

the form of the word, for example, “invitation is changed to “invite”. Quite often “ly"’ is dropped off words,

for example, “He played great tonight”

Professor Sussex ended the session answering many questions posed by Shedders.







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The Metal Shop this year has a 2 tier approach: 1 Beginners 2 Advanced 1 Beginners go through the process of identification of metals, tools, machines and processes. Participants produce various items of use whilst learning a few skills.

2. Advanced are working with Brian Nolan learning advanced sheet metal skills using machines such as a Lock Seamer.


Photo 1 Russell Caldwell & Brian Nolan on the lock seamer machine.

Photo 2 Russell, with the finished joint.

Photo 3 Russell, Gavin Sayers Bruce Meyers and Albert Lee working on special stands for the storing of irons used in bending and beating sheet metal. Their work is part of the ongoing process of setting up our workable metal shop.


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Photo 4 (Left to Right) Graeme Lee, Elwyn Jackson, Richard Moulton, Fred Darvill and Murray Horn making metal tool boxes. Photo 5 Bruce Meyers using the Pan Break machine.

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The Shed received a request from a member’s wife for assistance regarding her husband.

Our member was having some trouble getting in and out of his storage area.

A visit to the home to view the problem, followed by drawings was shown to Dave Tate

Dave offered to fix our member’s problem and built a small landing and stairs.

Dave was helped by Kevin Schneidewin, Alfio Dare and Allan Wallace.

A great Shed and Community effort. Bart McKnight


MGMS AND BREAD? Over the past year Mt Gravatt Community Centre sought some help from MGMS on Tuesday mornings in preparing donated bread for the Centre’s distribution use. Any bread products that could not be stored in the Centre was brought down to the Shed and shared.

Now a kindly soul delivers spare bread to the Shed on Tuesday mornings and our Bread ‘Engineers’ get to work and pack for sharing.

COMING EVENTS 1. Camping trip to Yarraman 25 March to 29 March 2. Saturday Movie Matinee in the Shed 3.00 pm Saturday 06 April 3. Bus trip to Brisbane Port and Lunch 9 April 7.45 am 4. Singalong Thursday 11 April 6.30 pm 5. Travel Northern NSW Bus Excursion (One Week) 2 June-8 June

Are you aware that each Monday morning at around 9.00 am CARDS are played.

At present two varieties are being enjoyed by a growing number of players. As you can see by the photo one of these is Bridge and another is 500. If you want to join in turn up at the Recreation Room and experience fun with your fellow shedders. And have a great morning of cards as well as chatting and meeting and making new friends. Also, don’t forget the coffee and bickies. If you don’t know how to play these games just join in and we will show you how EASY it really is. Geoff Rolfe




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Drew Robertson, Lloyd Akeroyd and Brad Gibson admire the new "French Cleat" tool storage area on the end of the compactus. Many members of the Wednesday woodwork group contributed to this project making holders for specific tools. The strength of this system is that tool storage holders can be improved individually and relocated easily to make the best of space.

More of these boards will appear in the workshop as needs dictate.

Open space created by the removal of the original shadow board has allowed the work bench to be relocated giving more working space. New clamp rack in place, amazing how many clamps we have when they can all be seen in one place. Now to wait for cooler weather so that the next working bee can rearrange the wood in the container to make access easier and safer. Lloyd Akeroyd

Before last Christmas break our shed received a request from Tony Rosier, Senior Registrar, Justice Department, Queensland, seeking our shed's assistance with the design and production of ten jury barrels to be placed in some of the recently built court rooms of the Supreme, District and Lands Courts. No brief or specifications provided, but we would like them yesterday. I made a quick visit to the courts to consult with the Acting Senior Registrar, to gain some indication on what they would like.

As the courts' furniture fitout is in Queensland Hoop Pine, it was obvious that the proposed jury barrels be constructed in like

materials. They are most fortunate that some years ago our shed received a donation of some beautiful 90 year old recycled beautiful and aged hoop pine that has taken on a very pleasing caramel hue. I have been nurturing these pieces for some years, threatening lashings, beatings and or firing squads for those who even dared to look in the general direction of this timber, waiting for a project or projects that would justify the use of this superb timber. The occasion has arrived and what you see is my attempt at a prototype for the judge's consideration. The barrels are to be mounted on satin chromed 10mm diameter steel frames. They are to be counter balanced ensuring the access doors stop at the top after having been being spun around. The project has been a challenge, but the outcome very rewarding. Don Tanner

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Several items have been found to be surplus to requirements at the shed. Members who wish to acquire these items can do so by submitting sealed offers to the shed office using the form below. Offers will be accepted at the office until Monday April 8th. Offers will be evaluated on Tuesday April 9 and members making successful offers will be notified.

Lot 1 Wooden base clamps, approx. 1.5 m long, extra BONUS short one

Lot 2 Pair of Metal Sash Clamps, approx. 1.8 m long

Lot 3 Pair of Pipe clamps, various lengths, BONUS short one

Lot 5 Triton Timber rack

Lot No Lot Description

Member Name

Member No Offer amount

Lot 4 Pair of Parallel jaw clamps, approx. 1.2 m long


For some time, members of Mt Gravatt Men’s Shed have had the ability to get a Bunnings Power Pass Card so that they can access the discount that this enables. Discounts depend on the items purchased but typically are around 5%.

In order to get a card members can login to and apply online or go to Bunnings with your drivers licence and the Mt Gravatt Men’s Shed ABN number and apply in person. The ABN number is available in the MGMS website on the Management Structure page.

Shedders, we are creating a Mt Gravatt Men’s Shed Cook Book containing famous recipes from Lyn Albin our famous Cooking Coach, her Cooking Group members and YOU for our 10 Year Anniversary on 9 November 2019. Lyn and the Cooking Group is persuading all members to provide a copy of their favourite recipes (or their mothers) for possible inclusion in the cook book. A photo of the provider will be arranged. Please contact Peter Tyley ([email protected]) who is ready to receive your recipe.

St Barts Anglican Church Mt Gravatt We gather for worship Every Sunday at 7.00 and 9.00 am Cr Logan Road and Mountain Street Phone: 3849 4411 MGMS Bronze Sponsor

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My name is Geoff Halter.

I joined the Shed when it was being built and joined the Leather Group at the start.

I have made bags, purses, jewellery box, belts and many more projects.

The belts in the picture are strand secret plait, a lace plait along the belt and a two strand plait along the belt.

My name is Ross Dallas.

I worked on the new men’s shed building when it was being constructed. After it was finished Rod Larkin asked if we were interested in having a six week leatherwork course. and here we are nearly 6 years later still going strong. .

We have been instructed in the art of whipmaking, covering bottles with leather, bags , purses, belts, knife sheaths and many, many other forms of leatherwork.

If you are interested, come along on Tuesday Mornings and see how we enjoy creating interesting products.

Contact Rod Larkin 0402 156 592

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Photo 1. On Tuesday 26 February it was good to meet two men from North Queensland who are dealing with spinal cord injuries at the Spinal Injuries Unit at Princess Alexandra Hospital.The wheelchair travellers are Mike Wrench (left) who is a shedder in Cairns and Luke Rampel (right).

Accompanying the two men was affable Kate Martin, Occupational Therapist at the Spinal Injury Unit.

Photo 2. We erred in the last newsletter in saying that Allan Waller was “working on a tailored padded boot for the paw of an injured dog.” It was for an injured CAT. Sorry Allan ____________________________________________________________________________________


A 12 Volt DC Interest Group met for their second session on Thursday afternoon. Within the comfort of the cool meeting room "Ohm's Law" for electrical circuits was explored. The next topics will delve into lead acid batteries and involve soldering practice. If you still wish to join,contact mentor Bevan Beall via the shed office.

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The boys performing “500 miles” and “The Shed Song” for the pollies

In all it was another fantastic, very busy fun filled, enjoyable, worthwhile and interesting session for everyone in the Guitar/Music group.

We also had the pleasure of a visit from the leader of the Queensland LNP Deb Frecklington and her Deputy Mr Tim Mander. This provided a bit of excitement for those present. They had a chat with most people from the Music/Guitar group and were suitably impressed with the shed and the activities the Mt Gravatt Shed provides. .

We played many of the songs from the songbook with a good degree of success. I think we got our performances up to a very high standard. Good effort boys it sounded very good. Terry Thomson

PS The drum playing and the steady beat which is required to enhance the performances of the group is missing. WE NEED A DRUMMER. Is there any shed member who can play the drums, keep a steady beat and wishes to join the music group??? Please make contact with Terry Thomson or Basil Wood. through the shed office.

Just finished. The artists are: 1. Robert Fraser 2. John Raines 3. John Morris Art tutor- led sessions are held on Tuesdays from 09.00 to12.00. Most group members have never painted before.

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State Government Opposition members were welcomed at the Shed on Tuesday 12 March.

They were the Leader Deb Frecklington and Deputy Leader, Tim Mander. It was their first visit.

The two seemed to enjoy meeting and talking with members who were participating in Tuesday morning group activities.

Our Shed values the support received from all governmental entities.

The visitors were surprised at the number of activities that were being offered and commented on the high degree of interest and involvement of members.

One moment of interest and humour was when Deb tried on a leather belt made by a member of the Leather Group.

A short video clip capturing the occasion may be viewed at:






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Photo 1 Soundproof installed. Time for a beer Photo 2 K A Electrical, Andrew, testing the new sub board. Photo 3 Plasterer setting the walls Photo 4 Peter Lindsay rewarding the plasterer for his assistance Photo 5 Andrew and Dave admiring the completed work


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Printed courtesy of Councillor Krista Adams and the Holland Park Ward Office

ANZAC Day Shed is closed
Easter Monday Shed is closed
Good Friday Shed is closed

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