Page 1: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Shell Features

CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration

Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Page 2: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Section Overview

I/O Substitution

Pathname Substitution

Parameter/Variable Substitution

Command Substitution

Page 3: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University


CQU 85321 System Administration Course

TextbookChapter 7

Lectures2002 #6

Page 4: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

UNIX Shell

Enables users to enter commandsText basedSimilar to MSDOS Command Prompt (but are much more powerful)Common Shells Bourne: sh, ksh, bash C: csh, tcsh

Page 5: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Shell Features

Environment variables and aliasesHistory of commands usedProgramming constructsAdded features in newer shells Command line editing Command line completion

Shell configuration files

Page 6: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Command History/Editing

Most shells maintain a history of previously entered commandshistory: View list of commands!#: Rerun command number #Command line editing Up/down arrow keys to cycle through list Left/right arrow keys to move within listed

command <ctrl><a>: move to start of command line <ctrl><e>: move to end of command line

Page 7: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Command Aliases

Shortcut for command lineSet/view using the alias commandExamples: alias ls='ls --color=tty' alias rm='rm –i'

Page 8: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Shell Variables

Customize environmentShared settings for programsAssigning Variables: var=“value”Referencing Variables: $varViewing variables: set, printenvVariables are case sensitive

Page 9: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Special Shell Variables

HOME – User’s home directory pathSHELL – Current shellUID – User’s UID numberPATH – Program search pathPS1/PS2 – Format for command prompt (prompt for csh/tcsh)

Must use “export” to set variables in shell

Page 10: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

bash Shell Logins


/etc/profile/etc/profile /etc/profile.d//etc/profile.d//etc/bashrc/etc/bashrc

~/.bash_profile~/.bash_profile ~/.bashrc~/.bashrc




Page 11: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Parsing the Command Line

Breaks the command line into componentsSpecial Characters modify operation How command runs Filename Expansion I/O redirection Quotes

Page 12: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Command Run Modifiers

Write Space – Separate argumentsNewline (<cr>) – End of lineSpecial Characters

CharacterCharacter MeaningMeaning

; Separate multiple command on same line

& Run command in the background

\ At end of line, continue on next line

|| && Logical operators based on exit status

Page 13: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Filename Expansion

Special characters representing multiple filenamesAlso referred to as globbing

CharacterCharacter MatchesMatches

* 0 or more characters

? 1 character

[ ] Matches any 1 character in [ ](including ranges)

[^ ] Matches any 1 character not in [ ](including ranges)

Page 14: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

I/O Redirection

Modifies how input and output is usedChain command to solve bigger tasks

CharactersCharacters ResultResult

command < file Use file as input for command

command > file Store command output in file

command >> file Append command output to file

command << label

Input from standard input until label

`command` Execute command then replace command name with its output

cmd1 | cmd2 Use output from cmd1 as input to cmd2

Page 15: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Standard File Descriptors

Special file pointers for input and outputExtension from C language

NameName DescriptDescriptoror

Default Default DeviceDevice

Standard input (stdin) 0 Keyboard

Standard output (stdout)

1 Screen

Standard error (stderr)

2 Screen

Page 16: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Using File Descriptors

Finer control over input/output redirectionstdout and stderr can be redirected to same file

CharactersCharacters ResultResult

command 2> file stderr output stored in file

cmd >& <file-descriptor>

Output redirected to <file-descriptor>

Cmd > file 2>&1 Stderr & stdout redirected to file

Page 17: Shell Features CSCI N321 – System and Network Administration Copyright © 2000, 2005 by Scott Orr and the Trustees of Indiana University

Quote Characters

Prevent special characters from being interpreted by the shell


NameName ActionAction

‘ Single Quote Shell ignores all special characters enclosed ‘ ’

“ Double Quote Shell ignores all special characters enclosed “ ”except for $ ‘ \

\ Backslash Shell ignores character immediately following \

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