
1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Acceptance of Last Meeting’s Minutes

3. Student Representative Report

4. Principal's Report

5. Upcoming Events planning

-Fun Fair – May 11th , 5:30 – 7:30 pm -Staff Appreciation, June 23rd

6. Review -Math Science Night

7. Parking Lot Items

8. Adjournment 8:00 pm

Next Meeting Date: Thursday, June 8, 2017

School Council 2015-2016

Name Position

Shari Carder Jennifer Miller-Bouchier


Amy Wilkinson Secretary

Brian Sequeira Treasurer Stuart van Oostveen Michael Dzis

School Principal Vice Principal

Nida Khan Teacher Rep. Non Teaching Rep.

Abby-Gayle Allen Shiv Ramdial

Student Representatives

Parent Representatives:

L. Durairaj, P. Nelaballi, R. Brown, T. McCulloch, J. Nepomuceno, O. Eghagha, C. Eghagha, S. Cole, R. Cole. A. Mofidi, B. & R. Keys, D. Jhirad, M. and P. Joseph, P. Nellabali, B. Chakrabarti, Amanda Kay

Shelter Bay School Council 2016-2017

April 6, 2017 Meeting

All Meetings at 6:30pm Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016 Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016 Monday, Feb 6, 2016

– joint SC meeting at Meadowvale SS Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017 Thursday, Apr. 6, 2017 Thursday, Jun. 8, 2017 Additional School Council Committee meetings will be

scheduled to plan specific events as needed.

Shelter Bay Public School School Council Meeting – Thursday, February 23, 2017

Attendees: Jenn Miller, Nida Khan, Amy Wilkinson, Barb Keys, Shari Carder, Abby-Gayle Allen, Shannon, Shiv. Ramdial, Chiddima Eghagha Open at 6:35pm

Agenda Item Discussion Action Item Person(s) responsible

Opening - mtg began at 6:35,

Acceptance of last minutes

Shannon accepted minutes from December meeting as presented.

Student Rep report

- KFC selling heart shaped cookies for $1. Started an event called acts of kindness, you can recognize other students with a heart to be posted. Grade 1-6 skating trips – fun, get a chance to learn to skate - finished b-ball unit, almost done hockey unit - Williamson/Finley have formed grade 5/6 basketball team, tournament after march break - Region of Peel water talk for 6th graders - Dr. B. came to talk about water to grade 2’s - Ballet Creole went over well, different dances for regions - school cash online – anything re: school payment to be done online, register now please - term awards this morning – everyone has been working hard, while not everyone can get awards, - re: pizza order – do we send in the sheet? - supposed to be all automated. Only 81 students that aren’t online right now - all accounting happens through cashonline, fee went up for pizza due to the cash on line system. Those that are paying cash still have to pay the premium because the cash will need to be deposited through

Stuart to follow up with Darlene for clarification. Shannon would also like to hear answer

cashonline ? could we save paper for those that need paper? - may target those families not signed up - all permission forms etc. going to come online

Principal’s Report

- EQAO results print out provided - when exempted students (e.g., students with DD, or STEP 1 ESL – brand new to English) are excluded, numbers better - we’ve been targeting our math results (also a boardwide and province wide target) and teachers are using new strategies to teach math - 85% students are reading at or above grade level in grade 6 - working hard at helping lagging readers, assessed in first term of grade 1 and then plans implemented through rest of year, and beginning of grade two (Levelled Literacy Intervention program) - other kids- “Empower” program (developed by a team at SickKids Hospital) for grade 2-6, teachers have to be specially trained on it. Building sound skills, graphophonic connections and understanding content etc. Finding it very successful for bringing lagging kids up to level - for writing, do a lot of assistive technology. For those having trouble with brain to hand process (very complex), sometimes use text to speech, etc. - most adults don’t become novelists, primarily non-fiction writing (reports, procedures, letters, persuasive writing) so we prepare for that - making progress with grade 3-6 with this - math still working hard on it. Having kids think about the strategies that they are using,

using models (open number line, arrays etc.) and manipulatives - when we support concept development, their procedural understanding improves (rather than memorizing procedures) - conceptual building diagram given out for observation (not just end product but being able to explain and understand how to get there) - looking at what skills they need to work on to reach the top of the strategies continua - number sense scores on EQAO really going up, thinking skills need to be worked on - Grade 6 now versus grade 3 - 4 years ago has mostly improved except for math (math test is getting harder) - every cohort (group of students) is different from each other - reports and IEPs have gone home, some teachers meeting with families - effective professional learning day, focus on safety - Ministry said have to have bomb threat protocol in all schools - grade 1 and 6 teachers met in morning for math strategies, using different models to improve student visualization and representation - all local kindergarten teachers met at Maplewood - learned about subitizing (seeing quantities without counting – e.g., the faces on dice) - very research based - Feb. 6 – Meadowvale family of schools school council meeting, will likely have it regularly - suggestion to have break out groups, more often meeting for action - skating 2x for grade 1-6 - suggestion to adjust permission form for next year

- grade 3-5, actual skating lessons sponsored by Toronto Maple Leafs - Basketball tournament at Meadowvale CC end of March sponsored by Pat Saito - renovations currently on bathrooms, finished downstairs, working on upstairs this week - with whole new roof, no leaks to date (last year there were 19 leaks, patched individually) - will be getting solar panels on the roof - continue to have starburst parties, Principal has a party with each level each month (Kindergarten, Junior and Primary) to celebrate students demonstrating the START values - April 5th – bike rodeo – all students grade 4-6 encouraged to bring bike/scooters to school Pat Saito, police, safety committee coming, kids will do a course on bike safety, obeying traffic laws etc. - getting a kit from Peel safety village for that - March 23 planning meeting for this - Peel Health donating new bike rack - “Your Voice Counts” survey, grades 4-6, teachers and families participate (deadline mid-April to complete) - implementation of cash for school was done the way the board has insisted. (only credit and e-cheque) - sign up is the most complicated, should be easier after that - will still need volunteers for cash counting but shouldn’t be a lot of work - follow up regarding cricket – Mrs. Findlay will look at implementing in Spring - asked staff about Art club, 1 teacher may be interested and looking for an artist volunteer to

- looking for volunteers 9-1

assist Shiv – question – are the solar panels going to be in front of the primary basketball hoop? We roof the ball a lot near that area. ? Is Art club looking for donations? – we’re in the beginning stages, may have some money but could use donations. Shannon mentioned that Michaels will offer teachers 15% off - Principal can write a letter with letterhead requesting discount - Walmart has $1000 grant, need to apply online, renews Feb. 1 - program through Rubbermaid

Principal to follow up on this Brian has been nominated to look into this grant

Upcoming Events: Math Science Night

- we have teachers signed up for centres, we need volunteers for the evening (at least one per each teacher) - March 30 - prefer shifts - Sue Halbert is the point person - 200 measuring tapes donated, Shari to man that station - query to send e-mail to different stations

- Brian, Shari and Amy volunteered for this - e-mail volunteers - Ms. Khan to send detailed e-mail

Upcoming Events: Fun Fair

- tentative date of May 13 but reconsidering for evening during week - suggestion for Thursday evening - suggestion for Thurs., May 11 after school – confirmed by consensus - times to be confirmed later, suggest to have it over dinner - need to have a fun fair meeting in March - bouncy castle people waiting for response, will be giving us a free one - will need chairs for each section

- Stuart to deal with permits for the event Shari to connect with Main Event for bouncy castle rental

Bag to school

- still planning on final collection at Math/Science night with final pick up being March 31 - start drop off on March 27 - bags to be given out with March newsletter - info sheet to include what should be donated and what isn’t appropriate - Shari the lead on this - send out reminder before March break as a cue to clean out during the week and then gather items - Synervoice to be done as well

Parking Lot Items

- Fruity Friday has started for starburst winning classes - Amy to see if Heritage Mississauga can get 3’x5’ flag ? do all grades use agenda? – 1-5, grade 6 isn’t mandatory, more independent cueing in Grade 6 - school council minutes to be updated on Shelter Bay Website - can we add breakfast club to cash online? - Principal to look into it, should be okay - YMCA strict on what can be served and it is more expensive now so tracking and collecting is becoming more challenging - trying to be creative on putting the vegetables into different meals - maybe put a wish list together for appliances and equipment (muffin tins etc.) - perhaps push the “donate to school” option on cash for school online - additional money from corporate donation for breakfast club - suggestion to put wish list in the newsletter - Jenn can see benefit to the kids with trying new food, connecting with other students etc. - does administration have a charitable plan for the year? - Principal asks staff to do 2

initiatives a year, then we also do autism. Timely twoonie programs (usually board wide) - April 10 – will be doing pink day - March – wear purple for epilepsy day - there is an orange day as well that has passed for truth and reconciliation commission - discussion on the commission, suggested read : “The Reason We Walk” - 3 years ago, autism awareness had picture frames etc. as part of the date - re: hot dog party reward – some clarification about whether there will be halal available - is the casing made out of pork? The ones purchased here are halal casings and content - yes - on recesses there are two hoops, all are on the junior net. The other net is “bent, rusty” etc. Basketball hoops need to be fixed - the juniors are practicing making speeches, some people don’t like it. Mr. Dzis came in and talked about how to make a speech and how to get points. Abby likes that it is good practice for their futures. (points list is extensive) - Mr. Dzis started “excellence in eloquence” program for the whole board - CCAT results will be released soon (Grade 4;s) (Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test)

Budget Review

Currently, $2700 in the bank Pending expenses: - fun fair - some for skating ($1000) - some outings - Jan pizza money to come in yet - held back money for games as well, may not be able to do that

this year, Principal is asking superintendent for more games - Sayonara 6’s budget = $700 $2300 is earmarked (without rest of year’s income) - discussion on format of grade 6 ceremony - will happen at end of June this year due to end of Ramadan

Next Meeting

Full meeting – April 6 Fun Fair Committee Meeting – March TBD Math Science Night info etc. March 23 Bike Rodeo Planning meeting @ 6:30 Tues., April 4, bike rodeo 9am-1pm

Meeting Closed

Adjourned at 7:52pm.

School Council Roles Parent Representative: Generally, in Ontario Public Schools, parents and legal guardians are nominated and elected to the role of parent representative. At Shelter Bay, it has been the tradition, and for the last four years, a resolution of school council, to have parent representatives simply to nominate themselves for the role and agree to attend most, if not all, of the school council meetings. Secretary The secretary keeps minutes of the meetings. These minutes are simply a documentation of what was discussed and decided at the meetings. As the minutes are part of the public record (copies are kept in the front school office for any parents to review, and also published on our school website) the minutes must be professional and constructive. Individuals should not be named and no evaluative comments should be contained in these. Treasurer The treasurer communicates in advance of school council meetings with the principal and office manager and reviews the Student Activity funds (also called non-board funds) generated by school council fundraising initiatives. The treasurer checks to see if the funds align with the school council’s fundraising plan. The role of school council is to advise the principal how these funds should be allocated and spent. The Ministry of Education and Peel District School Board regulations specify that Student Activity funds can cover expenses related directly to students and are enhancements to the program. This can include field trips, technology, supplementary resources, celebrations. Chair/Co-Chairs The chair or co-chair are responsible for meeting with the principal in advance of school council meetings and preparing and agenda. The chair or co-chairs chair meetings, following the agenda. The chair sends out the agenda and previous minutes and communicates with all members to seek their input. The chair communicates with volunteers who organize school council events, who can be parents, and staff. The chair ensures that meetings run in a smooth, orderly manner and that comments are constructive, non-evaluative and respectful. The chair communicates dates and times of meetings and events to the membership and the parents of students Principal The principal’s role is to listen to and thoughtfully consider school council’s advisement as s/he develops programs, events and budgets, ensure these meet with school goals, provincial legislation, board policies, collective agreements, the START Values and PDSB Character Traits and align well with the program at school for all students. The principal shares information with school council, and works collaboratively with the chair and school council membership to communicate decisions. The Vice-Principal works with the principal to meet these goals. Staff Representatives Staff Representatives (one teaching and one non-teaching) share with school council the initiatives that staff are undertaking and work together with school council to develop communication between staff and parents/volunteers for both staff and school council initiatives. Student Representatives Student Representatives share the student perspective and student voice about programs and initiatives for school council.

Full School Council The role of school council is to advise the principal, and to build a strong sense of community and support for Shelter Bay Public School and for public education in general. School Council is not a venue to share grievances or complaints, but these should be brought to the attention of the principal in private. School Council is expected to adhere to board policies (which are put in place by PDSB Trustees) and support board operating procedures, provincial legislation and regulations, collective agreements and school protocols. At Shelter Bay, we have a tradition of strong parental involvement through school council and through volunteers. We need volunteers for many of our events to be successful, and we will be talking about this during many of our meetings. At Shelter Bay, we explicitly teach by modeling and explaining to students our S.T.A.R.T Values – common values that were identified by students, staff and parents, and these are a big part of our pro-active and responsive processes in our Code of Conduct. We catch students displaying these values and honour them for their pro-social behavior. Our S.T.A.R.T Values are: Safety, Trust, A+ Attitude, Respect and Teamwork. We also promote the Peel District School Board Character Traits, which are: Caring, Collaboration, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Inclusiveness, all of which align well with our START Values. As parents and staff, and as a school council, we need to model these attributes to our students at all times with each other and with the children.

School Council

Fundraising Plan 2016-2017

Residual $ from 2015-2016

1. Kindergarten Trip (subsidies in 2017 to SK and grade 1) $600

2. Games $1,200

The proceeds from Spring Fun Fair, Pizza, Fundscrip, Bag2School will go to… As ranked and decided by School Council Membership, Spring 2016

1. Traditional School Council Supported Program Extensions $5,000

Dr. B - $2,600 Skating - $1200 K trip - $600 Grade Six Leaving Celebration ($700)

2. Games $2,500 Indoor Recess Games ($1,000) Language Arts Games ($1,500)

3. Trips 2017 $3,000 Arts Trip grade 4 – 6 ($1,100) Arts Trip Grade 1 – 3 Trip ($1,100) K trip/presentation ($800)

4. Electronics, Phys. Ed. & Clothing $7,000 Listening Centres – for classes that need them...($3,000) Upgrading Sound System for presentations ($1000) Gymnastic Equipment (mats, spring boards) Outdoor Soccer Nets Indoor Soccer/Hockey Nets Clothes for sports teams

5. Music $2,000 More xylophones /metallophones to make a class set More djembe drums to build up our set

Events Scheduled for this Year: School Council: Movie Nights Nov. 22 & 24, 2016 Holiday Store December 9, 2016 Spring Fun Fair (tentative) May 13, 2015 Staff Appreciation June 23, 2016 School Events (staff organized): Open House October 6, 2016 Student – Parent – Teacher Interviews Nov.17 pm & 18 am Winter Concert (*gr 2, 4, 6 and Room 123 - tentative) December 21, 2016 Spring Concert (*gr 1, 3, 5 - tentative) April 20, 2017 Kindergarten Concert April 27, 2017 Volunteer Recognition (tentative) May 26, 2017 Education Weeks (Multicultural Fair, VIP tentative) April 10 – 21, 2017 Grade Six Leaving Ceremony and Year End Awards (tentative) June 28, 2017 Welcome to Kindergaten May 25, 2017 Jointly organized Math –Science Night March 30, 2017

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