
Shoot Shoot OutOut

A game of mental skill and

science agility!

How to Play1. Divide into 2 teams. Assign one person in

each team to be the score keeper. Assign another person in your team to be your coach. The coach is the person who will give your team’s answers.

2. Your teacher will decide which team will get to shoot first. (It will probably be the quieter team.)

3. When it is your team’s turn, you will read a question on the screen. Your team must decide on an answer together and then your coach will tell the referee (your teacher) your answer.

How to Play4. The referee will tell your team if your

answer is correct or incorrect. If your team’s answer is correct, you will receive 2 or 3 points depending on the question you selected. The score keeper must keep track of your team’s score.

5. If your team’s answer is incorrect, the other team can steal the ball from you by correctly answering your question for DOUBLE the points.

Shoot Out

2 point shots

2 point shots

3 point shots

3 point shots

Question A Question E Question I Question M

Question B Question F Question J Question N

Question C Question G Question K Question O

Question D Question H Question L Question P

Question A

Name the three states of matter.

2 points

Question A Answer

The answer is:

solid, liquid, and gas

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

Question B

Name two ways that we can change matter.

2 points

Question B Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

melting it, freezing it, heating it, etc.

Question C

What is the definition of mass?

2 points

Question C Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

Mass is the amount of matter in an object.

Question D

What is the name of the unit of measure we use to

find mass?

2 points

Question D Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:


Question E

What is the definition of volume?

2 points

Question E Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

Volume is the amount of space matter takes up.

Question F

What scientific tool is used to find the mass of an object?

2 points

Question F Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

a balance

Question G

What is the first step in using a balance scale?

2 points

Question G Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

Balance the sides so the pointer lines up with the

center mark.

Question H

Which state of matter has mass, volume, and its

own shape?

2 points

Question H Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:


Question I

What is the last step in using a balance scale?

3 points

Question I Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

Add up the grams to find the mass of the object.

Question J

What is the name of the unit of measure we use

to find volume?

3 points

Question J Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:


Question K

To measure with a balance scale, what should you do

after you have put an object in one of the balance cups?

3 points

Question K Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

Put grams in the other cup until the 2 sides balance.

Question L

What state of matter do the particles move around the most and are least tightly


3 points

Question L Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:


Question M

Define the word science.

3 points

Question M Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

Science is a way we learn about our world.

Question N

What state or states of matter have mass,

volume, and take the shape of its container?

3 points

Question N Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

liquid and gas

Question O

What instrument is used to measure volume?

3 points

Question O Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

a graduated cylinder

Question P

What do we call a person who studies the world to

explain how and why things happen?

3 points

Question P Answer

Click the basketball hoop to return to the

Shoot Out board.

The answer is:

a scientist

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