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Shopping Apps 2013: Retailers, Recipes, Lists & Vouchers

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Evolution Insights: Shopper Insight Series

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• Evolution offer a range of products & services for clients in the field of shopper research:-

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Evolution is a leading research consultancy specialising in shopper motivation and behaviour. We deliver off-the-shelf, tailored and bespoke research for manufacturers, retailers and agencies.

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About Evolution Insights

As a leading publisher of shopper research, we are ideally placed to offer your business actionable shopper insight.

Our research and analysis helps clients develop targeted shopper marketing initiatives designed to influence shoppers at the point of purchase.

We use a range of research methodologies to discover genuine insights. Our research incorporates a broad spectrum of robust qualitative and quantitative research techniques.

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Page 3: Shopper Apps 2013


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Key Findings and Summary 5 Ownership of Retailer Apps, by Demographics 39 Ownership of Example Apps 40

Introduction to Smartphone Apps 8 Summary 44 Ownership of Smartphones 9 Usage of Smartphones 10 Apps: Shopping Lists 45 Ownership of Tablets 11 Examples of Current Apps 46 App Stores Current Figures 12 Ownership of Retailer Apps, by Demographics 47 The Current UK App Market 13 Ownership of Example Apps 48 Smartphone App Facts 14 Summary 51 Discovering New Apps 16 Relevance 17 Apps: Shoppers Ideas 52

Food & Grocery App Features 53 Apps: Grocery Shopping 18 Examples of Current Apps 19 Methodology 55 Ownership of Retailer Apps, by Demographics 20 Ownership of Example Apps 21 Glossary 58 Summary 27

Apps: Recipe Ideas 28 Examples of Current Apps 29 Ownership of Retailer Apps, by Demographics 30 Ownership of Example Apps 31 Summary 33

Apps: Digital Vouchers 34 Examples of Current Apps 35 Digital Redemption of Smartphone Vouchers 36 Benefits 37 Disadvantages and Issues 38

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This Report…

All of the information provided is in relation to primary household food & grocery shoppers who own a smartphone!

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66 58












Majority of shoppers (85%) use their smartphones for text messaging regularly.

Smartphones are regularly used for emails (62.9%) but less than in 2011. Irregular use is however more common now (25.4%) compared to last year (13.5%).

Using the internet on a smartphone is increasingly popular, 56.6% say they use it regularly.

Just over half of shoppers (53.8%) say they use social networking accounts on smartphones regularly.

Almost half of shoppers (44.6%) say they never use their smartphones for accessing discount vouchers / coupons.

Majority of smartphone owners use their mobile device on internet-based activities regularly, such as reading and sending emails and using the internet on their smartphone. Text messaging is however still used most regularly out of the activities listed.

Introduction: Usage of Smartphones

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Which features shoppers use on their smartphones:

*graph taken from Digital Vouchers & Coupons 2012

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Tablets are becoming increasingly popular with technology lovers. Here we can see that less than a third of smartphone owners don’t either have or want a tablet.

Introduction: Ownership of Tablets

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Ownership and usage of Tablets by smartphone owners:

Dixons reported that on the run up to Christmas 2012, they sold 5 tablets per second!

17.4mn tablets were activated

worldwide on Christmas day 2012, that’s almost two for every turkey roasted in the UK that day

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Introduction: Discovering New Apps

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How can I find out about new apps


31% hear

about apps from the media

39% find out

about apps from other


38% actively search for

new apps from the app store on their smartphone

26% say they

don’t download apps

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There are still some issues regarding the digital redemption of vouchers and coupons.

Digital Vouchers: Disadvantages and Issues

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Technology: Approximately half of shoppers still don’t have smartphones which means that using digital coupons alone isn’t profitable for a retailer.

Know-how: Lack of knowledge of how to redeem digital vouchers

Awareness: Shoppers aren’t necessarily aware of vouchers being also digitally redeemable even if they have the technology, i.e. a smartphone required.

Data security: Shoppers may still feel reluctant to give their personal details or don’t feel like they benefit enough from the trade off. Signing up with a voucher site or registration on a retailer site may not seem worth the effort.

Internet connection required: Network coverage issues are possible when internet connection is required for redemption of digital vouchers.

Technical issues: Problems in scanning vouchers can cause delays and frustration

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Shopping Lists: Ownership of Retailer Apps, by Demographics

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6 9

4 4 0 0

18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65+




5% 4%

















5% of online shoppers that own a smartphone have a

shopping list app on their phone. Here we can see how this splits over different groups…


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Secondary and desk research

Preliminary quantitative survey

Focus groups Main quantitative



Evolution carried out a preliminary survey of 100 shoppers , to test questions for the main survey.

Detailed secondary and desk research was conducted to define the digital shopper marketing landscape, macro drivers and trends, scope and examples of initiatives to date.

Initial insights gained were used to help further design the main survey.

The main survey was completed by 1031 UK adults who said they regularly shop for food & grocery and own a smartphone.

Comprehensive and detailed assessment of all the data received was then used to discover insights.

Throughout this process, primary research was supported by secondary research drawing on Evolution’s proprietary databases, national statistics, news and industry resources.

Evolution’s consultants also maintain close relationships with industry figures across retailers and manufacturers.


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Evolution’s methodology

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Detailed shopper insights were gained from a survey of 1031 UK adults who say they regularly shop for food and grocery and own a smartphone. The samples were fully representative of the UK population.

The survey contained 8 questions relating to technology ownership and app usage & awareness, – in addition to standard demographic profiling questions.

The questions were designed to give maximum insight into shoppers perspective on their awareness, usage and appeal of apps in food and grocery.

The survey was carried out online during January 2013.

Methodology: quantitative survey

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Themes including discovering new apps, disclosure of information, and creating an ideal app

Ownership of Shopping List apps

Ownership of Voucher apps

Ownership of Recipe apps

Ownership of Retailer apps

Ownership and usage of technology

Demographic profiling

Topics of questions in quantitative survey

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This presentation is a Sample Extract. Full Report 60 pages. For Details on the full report please contact [email protected]

Evolution Insights Ltd Prospect House

32 Sovereign Street Leeds

LS1 4BJ Tel: 0113 389 1038

Evolution Insights: Shopper Insight Series


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