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Ms. Neville JC History

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS Ordinary Level 2000-2014

1st Yr. Course


1. Explain what is meant by the initials B.C. in the year 67 B.C. Before Christ

2. Which date is earlier, 54 B.C. or 42 A.D? 54 BC

To which century does the following date belong?

AD1825: 19th


Which date is earlier, 86 B.C. or 60 A.D? 54 BC

3. Explain what the letters AD and BC mean after each of the following


44 BC and 432 AD.

BC= Before Christ AD=Anno Domini/ In the Year of Our Lord

4. Which date is earlier: 96 BC or 90 AD? 94 BC

5. What is the difference between a primary and a secondary source?

Primary source: First hand evidence.

Secondary source: Second hand evidence

6. Why do historians prefer to obtain information from more than one

source? To check its accuracy.

7. “A diary is an example of a secondary source.”

True or False?


8. „A birth certificate is an example of a secondary source.‟


9. Give one reason why the information in historical documents sometimes

can be wrong.

Deliberate lies/ Bias/ Prejudice/ Mistakes/ Transcribed wrongly, etc.

10. Explain what is meant by a primary source.

A source from the time/ first-hand information e.g. diary, letter, newspaper of

the time, autobiography

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Ms. Neville JC History

11. The term Census refers to an official population count. True or False?


12. The term Prehistory refers to the time before writing was invented.

True or False?


13. Put an X in the box beside the correct answer below.

An Eyewitness account is an example of which type of source?

(a) Primary Source X (b) Secondary Source

14. Name two types of written sources that historians can use when finding

out about the past.

Newspapers of the time/letters/diaries

15. Name two tools used by archaeologists while working on a site.

Trowel/ bucket/ sieve/ spoon, etc.

16. Mention one place where artefacts are displayed to the public.

Museum/ Gallery/ Library/ Interpretive centre

17. Explain one of the following terms:

Bias: One-sidedness in dealing with an issue

Propaganda: Promotion of a particular political cause/Information used to

promote or damage a government, group or belief.

Museum: building in which to care for and display artefacts

18. State one way that archaeologists decide where to dig.

Aerial photographs/ Local knowledge/ Discovery of artefacts/ Ruins of

buildings, etc.

19. During an excavation, why are archaeologists very careful with objects

that they find?

Because items may be easily damaged/ fragile/ old/ valuable.

20. Name one method used by archaeologists to date objects that are


Carbon dating/ Dendrochronology/ Stratigraphy/ Book sources/ Coins/ Pottery.

21. What special name is given to objects discovered by archaeologists?

An artefact

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Ms. Neville JC History

22. Mention one difficulty an archaeologist might encounter while working

on a dig?

Extreme weather/ Flooding/ Accidental damage to finds/ Pressure to complete

dig in short time, etc.

Stone Age/Bronze Age

23. The first Irish people were Stone Age people. Why were they so called?

Because they made tools (such as arrowheads) out of stone.

24. The first Irish people were hunter-gatherers. What kind of food did they


What they hunted: Wild animals (wild boar, deer)/ fish etc.

What they gathered: Nuts/ berries etc.

25. From the list below, choose the name of a type of tomb from Ancient

Ireland. Quern; Portal Dolmen; Souterrain.

Portal Dolmen

26. Which one of the following is a site associated with Stone Age Ireland?

Newgrange; Jerpoint Abbey; Wood Quay.


27. Name one type of tomb that Stone Age people built in Ireland or name

one of those tombs.

Type: Megalithic tomb/ Dolmen/ Court cairn/ Passage tomb etc.

Name: Newgrange/ Knowth/ Poulnabrone etc.

28. Name two metals which were mixed together to make bronze.

Copper and Tin

29. Put the following periods of history in the correct order. Please start

with the earliest. Iron Age; Stone Age; Bronze Age.

1Stone Age

2Bronze Age

3Iron Age

The Celts

30. In which order did the following arrive in Ireland. Please start with the

earliest. The Vikings; The Celts; The Normans.

1 The Celts

2 The Vikings

3 The Normans

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Ms. Neville JC History

31. Mention one type of metal used by the Celts to make tools and weapons.


32. Explain these terms from Celtic Ireland:

File: A poet

Tuath: A kingdom (the land and the people)

Druid: Celtic priest/ religious leader

Bard: Poet/Musician

33. Explain the following terms relating to Celtic times in Ireland.

Fulacht Fiadh: Cooking site/method; A pit in the ground to cook food.

Ogham: Early Celtic alphabet/ stone carving or writing

Crannóg: Manmade island dwelling built by the Celts

Souterrain: Underground passageway/tunnel


34. Name one ancient civilisation outside Ireland that you have studied. Romans

35. Write down one fact about housing or burial customs from that



Fact: Rich lived in villas/Poor lived in Insulae

Fact: Believed in many Gods/ Buried the dead with a coin to pay the Ferryman

to carry them across the river Styx into the afterlife

Early Christian Ireland/Medieval Monasteries

36. Name one work of art produced by monks in early Christian Ireland.

Book of Kells/ The Derrynaflan Chalice/ The Tara Brooch/ The High Cross of Moone

37. Name one service which early Christian monasteries in Ireland gave to

local people.

They looked after the elderly, poor and the sick. Provided education for young


38. Name a monastic site from Early Christian Ireland and the saint

associated with it.

Glendalough: St. Kevin

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Ms. Neville JC History

39. What was the purpose of the round tower in the early Christian


Lookout/ Security/ Storing valuables/ Bell to call the monks to prayer.

40. From the list below, choose the name of a monastic site from early

Christian Ireland: Céide Fields; Clonmacnoise; Knowth.


41. Explain the following terms relating to a monastery in early Christian


Oratory: the church/where the monks prayed

Beehive Cell: where monks lived.

Scriptorium: a room where books were written / copied.

42. Explain the following terms relating to medieval monks and


Tonsure: Monk’s shaven head

Abbot: Head monk

Dormitory: Where the monks slept

43. Explain the following terms relating to a medieval monastery:

Cloister: Covered Walkway where the monks walked and prayed

Refectory: Room where the monks ate

Chapter House: Meeting room

Middle Ages

44. In the Middle Ages, what was a curfew?

The time of night when people had to put out their fires

45. State two dangers faced by people who lived in medieval towns.

Fire/ Disease/ Famine/ Attack/Siege, etc.

46. In the Middle Ages, what was a guild? An organisation of skilled craftsmen (or merchants) in a town.

47. During the Middle Ages, which organisation set prices and decided who

could be a craftsman?


48. In the Middle Ages, what was the Black Death?

Bubonic plague/ A disease that was spread by carried by fleas on black rats.

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Ms. Neville JC History

49. State one fact about the training which a knight received during the

Middle Ages.

Page/ Squire/ Dubbing

50. Write down the name of one stage involved in the training of a knight in

the Middle Ages.


51. During the Middle Ages, what was the name of the area around Dublin

controlled by the English? The Pale

52. Explain the following terms from the Middle Ages Abbot: Monk in charge of the monastery

Serf: Labourer/peasant who could not leave the land

Page: A young man in training to become a knight

53. Who were the first people to build castles in Ireland?

Put an X in the box beside the correct answer below.

(a) The Celts (b) The Vikings (c) The Normans X

54. What is meant by a motte and bailey castle?

Motte is a mound and a Bailey is an outer castle wall or enclosed court

An early Norman castle

55. During the Middle Ages, in which part of the castle did the lord and

lady live?

The Keep

56. Why did the Normans change from building castles in wood to building

castles in stone?

Stone castle more secure/ less danger from fires, etc.

57. Name one defensive feature of a medieval town.

Wall/ gate etc.

58. Explain one way that soldiers might have tried to capture a castle

during the Middle Ages.

Siege Tower, Giant catapults, Ballista, Digging a tunnel under the walls/

Battering Ram

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Ms. Neville JC History

59. Describe the following features of a medieval castle: Portcullis: Strong heavy spiked gate sliding up and down to block gateway

Drawbridge: Hinged bridge which raised to stop traffic crossing

Moat: A deep ditch around castle usually filled with water Turret: Roof of the keep

60. In relation to the Middle Ages, what were the terms Gothic and

Romanesque used to describe?


61. Name one stage in the training of a craftsperson during the Middle

Ages. Apprentice/Journeyman/ Master Craftsman

62. Explain the following terms relating to the Middle Ages.

Stocks: Used to punish criminals.

Charter: A document giving cities control of their own affairs/

Jousting: Knights on horseback attacking each other with lances.

63. Mention two ways in which the Normans made an impact on Irish life.

Introduction of the French/English language

The introduction of castles

New methods of warfare

New surnames

New towns

64. Give one reason why beautiful cathedrals were built during the Middle


To show how wealthy the town was/To show how important religion was in

their lives.


65. In the Renaissance, what was a patron? A wealthy person who sponsored the work of artists.

66. Name one Renaissance painter and one of that painter‟s works. Painter: Leonardo da Vinci

Painting: Mona Lisa

67. Name one Renaissance writer and one of that writer‟s works.

Writer: William Shakespeare

Work: Romeo and Juliet

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Ms. Neville JC History

68. Explain the following terms relating to Renaissance Art

Fresco was a painting done on wet plaster.

Sfumato was a smoky technique used by da Vinci/Allowing tones or

colours to shade gradually into each other/Making subjects blend into the


Perspective: Giving an impression of depth/three dimensional paintings/

It was a way of making objects in the distance look smaller.

69. Which Renaissance invention increased the supply of books, spread new

ideas and encouraged more people to read and write?

Printing (movable-type press) Johann Gutenberg

70. Give one reason why the invention of the printing press was so


More books were available / Books became more affordable/

Books could now reach wider audience/ Spread of Renaissance or Reformation

ideas/ Spread of vernacular languages/ Books became cheaper / Helped more

people to read and write; etc.

71. Give one reason why the Renaissance began in Italy.

New ideas coming in from Arab/ other cultures through trade/ wealth of

patrons/ the inspiration of Roman ruins/Wealth of city states/ fall of

Constantinople/ patronage, etc.

72. Name one northern European artist from the Renaissance and one fact

about his or her life.

Artist: Pieter Bruegal

Fact: He painted Gloomy Day/Children‟s Games

73. Name one Renaissance sculptor and one of that sculptor‟s works.

Sculptor: Michelangelo

Work: Statue of David

74. Renaissance artists usually had patrons. What was a patron?

Someone who gave financial support or sponsorship to artist

75. Name one patron of artists during the Renaissance.

Lorenzo de Medici / Cosimo de Medici / The Pope / Pope Julius II / Pope Leo X

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Ms. Neville JC History

76. Mention one scientific or medical discovery made during the


Sun at centre of universe/ heart pumps blood around the body/ Greater

knowledge of the solar system / The Earth revolved around the Sun / The use of

experiments to develop and test theories / Telescope / Greater knowledge of

anatomy / Earth is round/ etc.




1. Give one reason why Europeans became interested in exploration during

the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

To discover new lands/ To spread Christianity/To become wealthier.

2.Name one explorer and one place or route discovered by that explorer.

Explorer: Christopher Columbus

Discovery: Cuba/Hispaniola (Haiti)/America

Explorer: Vasco da Gama

Discovery: Calicut, India

Explorer: Ferdinand Magellan

Discovery: Sailed around the world

3. During the Age of Exploration, give one reason why sailors were afraid

to travel too far from shore. Give one reason why sea travel was so

dangerous during the Age of Exploration.

Fear of deep-sea monsters/ Fear of running out of food and water/ Fear of

falling ill too far from shore/ Fear of falling off the edge of the world, Attacks

by natives/ Scurvy or Shortage of fresh fruit

4. Give one reason why spices were important in the Middle Ages.

Kept food fresh/ made it taste nicer/ very valuable/medicinal purposes.

5. During the Age of Exploration, what was a Caravel?

Ship which was clinker built with lateen sails.

6. Which of the following instruments used by sailors during the Age of

Exploration measured the speed of the ship?

Log and line; Compass; Quadrant.

Log and line

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Ms. Neville JC History

7. During the Age of Exploration, explain what the following was used for:

Compass; Know what direction you were travelling

Astrolabe: Give your location in relation to the North Star

Log and Line: Measured speed of ship

Give one major fact about the following people:

Henry the Navigator: Set up school for sailing in Portugal

Columbus: Discovered America

Magellan: Led the first round-the-world voyage

8. Give one reason sea travel was easier in 1550 than it had been in 1300?

Caravel was a better ship/ More accurate navigation/ Europeans had bases

abroad by 1550/ The fear of the unknown was no longer there, etc.


9. Explain what is meant by the term Reformation.

An effort to reform the Catholic Church/ creation of new Protestant religions


10. Name one abuse which was present in the Catholic Church before the


Simony/ Nepotism/ Pluralism/ Absenteeism/ Sale of indulgences, etc.

11. Give two reasons why reformers wished to reform the Catholic Church

during the sixteenth century.

All the abuses that were present (Nepotism/Pluralism/Simony/Clerical

absenteeism) Corrupt popes.

12. Name one religious reformer whom you have studied and the city or

country associated with him.

Reformer: Martin Luther

City or country: Germany

Reformer: Jean Calvin

City or country: Geneva in Switzerland.

13. Explain the following terms from the history of the Reformation:

95 Theses: A set of religious arguments (or complaints against the RC Church)

put forward by Luther

Papal Bull: Formal speech/statement/letter to the people from the Pope

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Ms. Neville JC History

Predestination: Belief that God has decided our destiny in advance/ Belief that

some of us will be saved and others will not. Belief put forward by Calvin.

14. Name one religious reformer whom you have studied and mention one

of his teachings.

Reformer: Martin Luther

Teachings: Justification in Faith alone


15. Name one area of Ireland where a plantation occurred and the ruler

who carried it out.

Plantation: Ulster Laois/Offaly Munster Cromwellian

Ruler: King James 1 Queen Mary Queen Elizabeth Oliver Cromwell

16. Why did the plantations occur? To bring Ireland more under English rule/ To reward loyal English or Scottish

subjects, etc.

17. Who received land under the plantations?

Undertakers/ Servitors/ Soldiers/ Trusted Irish/ Members of London guilds.

18. What impact did the plantations have on Ireland? Spread English language and culture/ Brought country more under English

rule/Plantation towns were planned and orderly, etc.


19. In the case of America or France or Ireland in the eighteenth century,

give one reason why a revolution happened.

Country: America

Reason: High taxes placed on the people by the English government.

20. Name a major effect of one of revolution in America or France or

Ireland in the eighteenth century.

Country: America

Effect: Became an independent country governed by its own people.

21. Give one reason why revolution broke out in America or France or

Ireland in the 18th


People were unhappy with the system of government.

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Ms. Neville JC History

22. Explain the following terms from the Age of Revolutions:

Boston Tea Party: A protest against British taxes/ Americans throwing tea into

Boston Harbour, etc.

Guillotine: A method of execution used in France.

United Irishmen: Revolutionary organisation in Ireland etc.

23. In relation to one of the revolutions in America or France or Ireland

during the eighteenth century, name a leader of that revolution and one of

his aims.

Leader: George Washington

Aim: To get independence for the American colonists from British rule.

24. In relation to one of the revolutions in America or France or Ireland in

the eighteenth century, name a leader of that revolution and an event

associated with that revolution.

Leader: George Washington

Event: Battle of Yorktown

25. Give one reason why the revolution America or France or Ireland

succeeded or failed during the period 1770-1815

American Revolution was a success- the Americans had the help of the French

and also local knowledge of the area

26. Put the following events in the correct order. Please start with the


French Revolution; The 1798 Rebellion; The American War of


1 The American War of Independence

2 French Revolution

3 The 1798 Rebellion

Agricultural/Industrial Revolution

27. Mention one change in farming that happened as a result of the

Agricultural Revolution.

Enclosure/ New farm machinery/ New farming methods/ Better crop

rotation/Better stock breeding, etc.

28. Mention one disadvantage of the Open-field system of farming in

Britain before the Agricultural Revolution.

Spread of weeds/ spread of livestock disease

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Ms. Neville JC History

29. Mention one important development from the Agricultural revolution

and the person responsible for it?

Development: Seed drill Crop rotation Selective breeding

Person: Jethro Tull Charles Townshend Robert Bakewell

30. How did the development of the following increase the amount of food

which farmers could produce during the Agricultural Revolution?

Seed drill: More efficient sewing led to better-value crop yield from seed

Crop rotation: No fallow year meant greater land use and greater crop yield

Selective breeding: Animals were bred to give better yield of meat and/or milk

31. Give one reason why there was an Industrial Revolution in Britain.

Britain had cheap raw materials / Ready market for finished products across its

Empire / Britain had supplies of coal / She had large reserves of iron / Rapidly

increasing population provided workers and customers / Britain had many

wealthy merchants who were willing to invest in businesses / The inventors

were British

32. Name one method of transport that was developed during the Industrial


Canal barges/ Steamships/ Locomotives, etc.

33. Why was steam power so important to the success of Britain during the

Industrial Revolution?

It speeded up the production and transport of goods/ Steam power in factories or

mines/ Steamships/ Locomotives, etc.

34. Mention one invention during the Industrial Revolution and give one

reason why this invention was important.

Invention: The Rocket

Importance: Steam locomotive that carried people and goods

35. Mention one fact about housing conditions for workers in towns in

Britain during the Industrial Revolution.

People lived in very cramped conditions/Families live in one room in

tenements/ Disease spread quickly/No running water

36. Put an X in the box beside the correct answer below.

The following person was an important inventor during the Industrial

Revolution in Britain:

a. Johann Gutenberg

b. James Watt X

c. Henry Grattan

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Ms. Neville JC History

37. Mention one fact about diet or health among workers in towns in

Britain during the Industrial Revolution.

Food consisted of bread, cheese, porridge and potatoes. Disease was rampant-

typhoid was the most common disease/Very few survived to 40 years of age.

38. Name one important development from the Industrial Revolution and

the person responsible for it.

Invention: Steam Engine Power loom Spinning Jenny

Person: James Watt Edward Cartwright James Hargreaves

39. Explain why the 1830s and 1840s in Britain is sometimes known as the

railway age.

Invention of steam train/ popular way to travel or transport goods/ spread of the

railway network

The Famine

40. Why were Irish people in such fear of living in the Workhouse?

Because of the dire conditions inside/ Because those who went in mostly never

came out again, spread of diseases.

41. Explain the following terms in relation to the famine:

Blight: disease which caused potato failure

Coffin ship: an emigrant ship where many passengers died of disease

Soup kitchen: a place where soup was served to the poor

Eviction: People thrown off their land or out of their house for failing to pay


Charity: Help given to the locals in the form of soup kitchens etc.

Relief Works: Public work schemes which gave poor people chance to earn


42. Give one reason why so many people died during the Great Famine

(1845-1850). So many depended on the potato for food and when the crop failed they starved.

43. Mention two ways in which the Irish Famine of the 1840s had an impact

on Ireland.

It reduced the population (through hunger/ disease/ emigration)

The decline of the Irish language.

Changes in agriculture- move away from tillage to cattle.

End to subdivision-now the eldest son inherited the farm.

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Ms. Neville JC History


Yr. Irish History

1. Give one reason why Unionists wanted Ireland to remain part of the

United Kingdom.

Fear of Catholic Church

Economic ties to Britain

Love of the Empire


Loyal to King

2. Name one important figure during the Easter Rising 1916 Padraig Pearse

3. Write down one fact about the 1916 Easter Rising

It failed before it had even began. /Restricted to Dublin/ Outnumbered by

British troops.

4. Write down the name of one important leader during the struggle for

independence in Ireland 1912-1922.

Redmond / Dillon / Pearse / Connolly / Clarke / Griffith / Collins / de Valera

5. Explain the following terms from the Irish War of Independence

Flying column: IRA active service units

Auxiliaries: Force of ex-British officers sent to fight the IRA

The Squad: Collins’ unit for dealing with British agents

6. Write down one fact about the War of Independence in Ireland, 1919-


War between the Irish and the English/ Irish used guerrilla warfare-hit and run

tactics/ British sent over troops-Black and Tans and Auxiliaries.

7. A major change in housing that occurred in twentieth-century Ireland. Quality of housing improved/ Social housing provided for those who couldn’t

afford their own homes.

8. Name one major change in the lives of women in Ireland during the

twentieth century.

Women could vote

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Ms. Neville JC History

9. Mention one way in which World War Two had an impact on Irish life.

Ireland remained neutral/ Rationing was introduced as food was in short supply

10. Give the names of two Presidents of Ireland between 1938 and 1985.

Hyde/ Ó Ceallaigh/ de Valera/ Childers/ Ó Dálaigh/ Hillery

11. Mention one major change in farming in Ireland since 1945.

More machinery/ Less farmers/ CAP, etc.

12. Name one major change in the lives of women in Ireland since 1945

More women going out to work/ more now in senior positions/ labour-saving

appliances in the home

13. Write down the name of one female government minister in Ireland

since 1922.

Markievicz, Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, Mary O’Rourke, Joan Burton, Avril

Doyle, Mary Harney, Mary Coughlan, Mary Hanafin,

14. Mention one change in working life in Ireland since 1945.

Working hours reduced/8 hour working day was common/People entitled to 28

days holidays a year.

15. Write down one fact about Ireland during the Emergency, 1939-1945.

Ireland remained neutral during the war/Rationing was introduced

16. Mention one change in education in Ireland since 1922.

Free secondary education was introduced in the 1960’s by Donough O’Malley.

17. Mention one change in transport since 1945.

More cars/ LUAS/ DART, etc.

18. Write down the names of two leaders of the Fianna Fáil party since


De Valera/ Lemass/ Lynch/ Haughey/ Reynolds/ Ahern Any TWO

19. Mention one major change in rural life since 1945.

Tractors and other machines reduced the need for labour/Less people live in

rural areas/Many people who live in rural areas work in nearby towns and cities.

20. Write down the name of one political figure in Ireland after 1945.

Eamon De Valera / Garret Fitzgerald / Charles Haughey / Jack Lynch / Mary

Robinson / Mary MacAleese / Bertie Ahern; etc.

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Ms. Neville JC History

21. Name one important Irish female politician of the twentieth century

Markievicz/ Robinson/McAleese/ Burton

22. Mention one major change in communications in Ireland since 1945.

People e-mailing and texting rather than writing letters/Phones became more


23. Name one political leader in Northern Ireland since 1920 Sir James Craig/Terence O’Neill

European History

1.From your study of International Relations in the Twentieth Century, give

one reason why Fascism or Nazism were popular between 1922 and 1939. Fear of communism/ weak democracies/ unhappiness with the Treaty of

Versailles/ hatred of Jews/ Wall Street Crash etc.

2. From your study of International Relations in the Twentieth Century,

mention one historic event which has happened since the end of World War


Treaty of Versailles/World War Two/Cold War

3.From your study of International Relations in the Twentieth Century, give

one reason why World War II broke out in 1939. Unhappiness with Versailles settlement/ German desire to expand/

Appeasement/Weakness of League of Nations,

4.From your study of International Relations in the Twentieth Century,

mention one historic event which followed from World War Two.

The rise of the Superpowers (The Cold War), 1945-1992

5.Name one important political leader, outside of Ireland, from the period

1945-1989 and the country he/she was involved with.

Leader: John F Kennedy

Country: USA

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Ms. Neville JC History

6. Name one leader from International Relations in the Twentieth Century

and one of that leader‟s achievements.

Leader: John F Kennedy

Achievement: Forced the Russians to withdraw their missiles from Cuba.

7. Write down the name of one government leader which you learned about

in your study of International Relations in the Twentieth Century.

John F Kennedy

8. Explain the following terms

Civil War: a war between citizens of the same country

Democracy: where people rule their country by electing representatives 6M

9. Explain the following terms from International Relations in the Twentieth


Blitzkrieg: Lightning warfare

Cold War: A conflict between communism and democracy/ A conflict which,

although deep, never broke into open battle

10. Explain these terms:

Dictator: a ruler with total power such as Hitler or Stalin

Superpower: a country of supreme power or importance such as USA and once

the USSR

Common Market: The EEC/ European Union/ European Community

Empire: A group of countries under the rule of on emperor/empress

11. Explain the following terms relating to International Relations in the

Twentieth Century:

Decolonisation: withdrawing from colonies leaving them independent

Schuman Plan: proposal to pool French and German coal and steel industries

OR set up European Coal & Steel Community, and later EEC.

12. Explain the following terms relating to International Relations in the

Twentieth Century.

Holocaust: Mass murder of Jews/ The Final Solution

Colony: Country taken over and run by another

Nazi party: A party set up and controlled by Hitler

Soviet Union: Another name for Russia ruled by Stalin

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Ms. Neville JC History

13. Write down one major event that you studied in International Relations

in the Twentieth Century and give one reason why this event was


Event: Cuban Missile Crisis

Importance: End of the Cold War between Russia and America

14. From your study of International Relations in the Twentieth Century,

explain one of the following terms:

Fascism: Belief in a strong ruler or dictator who will bring order and

control/ Extreme nationalism/ Anti communist

Colonialism: A system whereby one country controls another country

Propaganda: Promotion of a particular political cause/Information used

to promote or damage a government, group or belief.

Civil Rights: The rights of citizens to freedom and equality

Censorship: Deletion or change of material which is to be published

Revolution: Overthrow of a government by force/ Total turn-around

Name one important political leader outside of Ireland from the period

1922-1989 and the country which he or she led

Country: Germany Leader: Hitler,

Country: USA Leader: John F Kennedy

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Ms. Neville JC History

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