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BAILDON MOOR – LATE EVENINGRICHARD, an elderly man in his mid-60s is driving in his campervan along a narrow, winding road which runs through the moorland listening to Not Fade Away – Buddy Holly, extremely loudly and singing and dancing along when he notices a girl perched on a rock a short distance away from the road, wearing only a thin, sleeveless, white dress. He is shocked and confused and drives on until he pulls over on the roadside opposite the rock to ask if she’s okay.

RICHARD:Hello? Miss? Are you okay?

RICHARD waits a few seconds but does not receive a response.

RICHARDYou must be freezing!

EVE, the girl perched on the rock widens her eyes and huddles her knees closer to her chest as RICHARD talks to her.

RICHARDI know, I might look a bit funny in this hat and ridiculous coat, but my wife bought them for me to that I can stay warm and visible in this weather and she makes me wear them, bless her heart. [Pauses for a moment and smiles slightly at the thought of his wife] But I promise I’m not scary, I just want to help you! Can I give you a lift somewhere? I’m heading into town anyway, it really is no bother.

EVE stares at RICHARD for a couple of moments before loosening her grip on her knees.

RICHARDI promise it’s much warmer in my campervan!

EVE[Shivering from the cold] C-c-could you take me to see my father?

RICHARDWell yes, of course I can, my dear! Come, I’ll give you my coat and you’ll soon warm up. It’s far too cold not to have one! And after all, it’s not meant to be a fashion show, is it? I mean, look at me! I look ridiculous but I’m jolly warm, and I’ll tell ya that for nothing!

EVE slides cautiously down the front of the rock, her dress catching at the bottom, and darts through the bracken towards

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the campervan. As she does so, her dress rips slightly where it was caught. RICHARD removes his coat and walks over to EVE as she approaches and wraps it round her shoulders. EVE flinches slightly at his touch and RICHARD appears somewhat awkward and embarrassed. Both characters then make their way towards the campervan.

RICHARDIt’s open – just climb in!

EVE opens the door slowly and clambers up onto the seat. She peers her head out of the door, looks in both directions and then sits back and slams it shut. RICHARD also climbs into the driver’s seat.

RICHARDOh! Please excuse me. I never asked your name!

EVE[Bluntly] It’s Eve.

RICHARDRight then, Eve. Where does your father live?

EVEBelmont Avenue, at the top of the hill.

RICHARDWell then, let’s go!

RICHARD pushes the key into the ignition and the engine roars into life. They set off down the deserted road.

RICHARDWell, I certainly never expected to see anyone out here tonight, I must admit. I was just passing through to deliver something to my wife’s mother. She loves to bake does my wife, and she made us a delightful apple crumble for our pudding tonight, except we couldn’t finish it all and it would be such a shame for it to go to waste! So I said I’d bob over to her parent’s house, you know so that they could finish it off. They live in that beautiful little cottage just over the moors. Do you know which one I mean?


RICHARDSpeaking of food, are you hungry? I bet you’d love to try some of this apple crumble. It even has cinnamon in it! I tell ya,

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it made me feel so Christmassy! We always have my wife’s homemade apple crumble on Christmas Day cos none of us really like Christmas pudding, ya see. I mean, it’s alright, you know? But we prefer apple crumble, so that’s what we have. It’s just the two of us on Christmas Day anyway, we don’t have any children or many relatives that live close enough to invite. It would be silly to make a Christmas pudding for just us, especially when we’re not even that keen on it! It’s just in my bag behind your seat, the crumble that is! Can you reach it? I think there’s a plastic spoon in there too, underneath the foil that’s covering it. My wife packed it, bless her little heart. We’ve been having trouble with the campervan, you know. I always say she’s an oldie but she’s a goldie! But my wife’s sick of her breaking down. I must admit, it is annoying, but I wouldn’t give her up for the world! But if she did break down out here, I’d be pretty stuck. The big tow truck couldn’t get down here to help me. It’s far too dangerous on these narrow winding roads, and idiots come speeding round the bends as though they’re on a bloody race track! That’s why the spoon’s there anyway, in case I get stuck so I can have something to eat until someone can come and rescue me, somehow! [He pauses and glances at EVE who’s sitting right back into her chair] What are you waiting for? Can’t you find it?

EVE peers behind the chair and spots the bag. She pulls it into the front and opens the zip. From the bag she removes the dish of apple crumble and removes the foil, and begins picking at it with the plastic spoon.

RICHARDMmmm! Smells like Christmas! Do you like it?

EVE takes a bite.

EVE[Smiling for the first time] It’s delicious!

RICHARDI knew you’d like it. How can you not like my wife’s apple crumble? Have some more! Her parents will never know. It sounds like you need the sugar more than they do anyway! You know we really shouldn’t encourage them to eat any more sugar, it’s not easy for them to get about these days, with their age and everything, and we don’t want them getting fat! But a little apple crumble from time to time never hurt anybody, did it?

EVEOh, you’re right! It really does taste like Christmas.

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RICHARDDo you have apple pie at Christmas too? That’s odd! I’ve never met anyone except me and my wife who have apple pie at Christmas before. I suppose it is a little unusual…

EVEOh, no. We have Christmas pudding. I think it must be the cinnamon. The smell just reminds me of the festive period.

RICHARDDo I take a left here?

EVEYeah. It’s not far now.

RICHARDI bet you can’t wait to see your parents and warm up! I can’t even begin to imagine how cold you must be.

EVEIt’s just my dad.


EVE-It’s OK. You weren’t to know.

EVE pauses for a moment as she gazes out of the window, as if she’s transfixed by the streetlights.

EVEI do miss him though.

RICHARDI bet he’s missed you too! If you were my daughter, I’d be worried sick!

EVEHe knows where I am. I just can’t wait to see him again. You have a daughter?

RICHARDNo. No. I wish I did, but it’s just not in God’s will.

EVEA son?

RICHARDI haven’t got any children. I’ve always wanted to have them, but it’s just never worked out…

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EVEI’m sorry.

RICHARDDon’t worry about it! You weren’t to know. That’s how you learn, don’t you think? By asking questions. Am I still going the right way?

EVEYeah, it’s just the next right.

RICHARDNext right. OK. So, have you and your dad got a lot of catching up to do then, Eve?

EVEBut you carry on down this road for a few kilomteres yet but yeah. We do. A lot of catching up.

RICHARDSounds like you’ll be chit chatting for a while then! My wife just loves to chit chat, but that’s how you can read her mood. If she’s not chattering away, she must be upset. I must have done something. It’s funny ya know, cos I find it annoying, the chattering, but I miss it when its not there. Speaking of chattering, listen to me rambling on! Why don’t you tell me about your father?

EVEHe’s a great man.

There’s a short pause as RICHARD tries to refrain from talking.

EVE[Quietly] I just need him to know I’m sorry.

RICHARDWhatever for?


RICHARDOh I’m sorry! Look at me sticking my nose in!

EVEI ran away. It was a long time ago now, but I fear that he’s never forgiven me.

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RICHARDNobody can hold a grudge forever, and nine times out of ten, and apology is all that’s necessary!

EVEYeah, well that’s why I want to apologise. I’ve been searching for a way to do it for a long time now but I’ve never found one. I love him so very dearly and I hate to think that he might be angry at me. It’s just so difficult. How do I explain that I didn’t mean for any of it to happen? I mean, I never meant to scare him. He just wouldn’t let me go to the party, and I wanted to.

RICHARDSo you went anyway?


RICHARDI see. Well I’m sure all will be forgiven when you apologise. I’m not surprised that he was concerned, I would be if I -

EVE- It’s number 10, just on the left after that red car.

RICHARD pulls up as instructed by the girl and as soon as he does so, EVE removes her seatbelt and opens the door.

EVEThanks, sir.

EVE quickly jumps out of the campervan and places the apple crumble on the seat before slamming the door shut and running down her drive and into her house.

RICHARDOh… [Quietly] You’re welcome.

RICHARD checks his mirrors and then sets off on his way once again, shaking his head slightly in amazement at EVE’s actions, when suddenly he realises that EVE still has his coat, and pulls a shocked/irritated facial expression before turning the campervan around. He pulls up again outside the house and walks down the drive to knock on the door.

EVE’S HOUSE – NIGHTA tall, middle-aged man with strawberry blond hair answers the door.

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RICHARD is confused by the presence of the man. It was only a few minutes ago that he dropped EVE off, so he expected her to answer.

RICHARDOh, hi! You must be Eve’s father. I’m Richard. I think she might still –

DAVID- What did you just say? You think this is funny? Cos I can

tell you right now, it’s certainly NOT funny!

RICHARDOh, erm… No I don’t think it’s funny, but Eve, she just has my coat and I was wondering –

DAVIDEve has your coat? Eve has your coat, does she? Are you kidding me?! OF COURSE EVE DOESN’T HAVE YOUR COAT!

RICHARD slowly takes a step back, as David’s anger rises.

RICHARDWell I don’t have it, because I lent her it and she just forgot to give it back to me when I dropped her off here just a minute or two ago.

DAVID[Angrily] You have got to be kidding me! Are you trying to piss me off? Cos it’s working!

RICHARDHonestly! I found her on the moors. She was alone and she looked cold and –

DAVID- The moors you say?

RICHARDYeah, the moors. I didn’t mean to see her, but I did. She was curled up on a rock at the side of the road. She was only wearing a thin white dress, and she was soaking! I just thought if I brought her home she could get warm and dry, and I thought you would be pleased to see her… I mean you must have been worried sick!

DAVID bursts into tears. RICHARD looks slightly perturbed.

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DAVIDHow could you have seen her? How? My darling daughter died four years ago when she went missing on the moors!

RICHARD is evidently shocked.

RICHARDOh! Oh-oh my God… But that can’t be! I only saw her five minutes ago! She was in my van! She ate my apple crumble! She told me how she ran away, and how she wanted to apologise –

DAVID- Wait. She wanted to apologise? To me?

DAVID sobs once again. RICHARD reaches out to put his hand on DAVID’S shoulder to console him.

RICHARDYes! She thought you were angry.

DAVIDAll this time and she still thinks I’m angry? I was never angry, I was concerned!

DAVID is distraught.

DAVIDWhy don’t you come in? Please. You can tell me everything she said.

RICHARDYeah, of course! I’d be happy to.

The characters walk through the front door.

DAVID’S KITCHEN – NIGHTThe characters walk into David’s kitchen. RICHARD looks around to take in his surroundings as he does so, searching for anything that could tell him something about the mysterious girl who he just dropped off at home, but is no longer here. He notices a photograph of a young girl sat with the man who just answered the door, and tries to hide his bewilderment as he realises the reality of the situation.

DAVIDDo you drink coffee? I don’t have much else in now that it’s only me.

RICHARD[With a smile] Yeah. Coffee sounds good.

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DAVID fills the kettle and puts it on to boil.

RICHARDIt’s a lovely house.

DAVIDThank you. I haven’t done much with it myself, I must admit. With her mother gone, Eve was always very domesticated. She always helped around the house. My word, when we were decorating this room she didn’t half boss me about! I might have done all the labouring, but she certainly designed it. I’m glad. It needed a woman’s touch. She always much better at that stuff than I was, but now I just can’t bring myself to change anything.

RICHARDIt must be difficult now, [tentatively] living here alone n’ all.

DAVIDIt’s quiet. Certainly quiet. It’s like when we lost Eve’s mother all over again. She died in labour. Giving birth to Eve. It was quiet when she was gone. I love Eve with all my heart, but even her cries couldn’t drown out the silence that Debbie’s loss left. I miss her. I miss them both! I lost Debbie, and then I lost my last piece of Debbie – my darling Eve. I really do miss them both so dearly.

RICHARDI can only imagine the pain you’re experiencing.

DAVIDI’m just sorry that I never really got a chance to say goodbye to either of them. Both deaths were so unexpected, and so sudden! [Pauses for a minute and runs his hands through his hair in despair] I just don’t get it! You’ve got to be winding me up! Don’t play me for a fool. It could have been anyone! [Begins pacing up and down the kitchen furiously, then stops for a moment and speaks for calmly] Couldn’t it?

RICHARDWell I can hardly believe it myself! It’s not what I expected when I picked her up, I thought she was just a normal girl who’d lost her way this evening. But it has to be true! I mean how would I know to come here if she didn’t tell me? I had no idea who you were before you answered the door, and certainly no idea who Eve was! I know it’s surprising and it must be so hard for these feelings to all be coming up again but I’m telling you she really was in my van! She ate my apple

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crumble! Shall I go get it? You can see for yourself! You can see where she stuck the spoon in. Honestly!

DAVIDOh! I just hope they know I love them, and I hope Eve knows I’m not angry at her. Oh why would she think I’m angry? I just miss her.

RICHARDShe thinks your angry because she defied you and made you worried. She told me about how she ran away and how guilty she feels about it.

DAVIDOh, Eve! I’m not angry at you! I never was! I was just concerned, and clearly with good reason… [Sobbing]

RICHARDHey, please don’t cry. Maybe she just came to me so that she could put you both at ease. She must have known I could pass on her message! Now you know she’s sorry, she can rest and you can have peace at mind.

The kettle has now boiled and DAVID proceeds to make the coffee in an attempt to hide his tears from RICHARD.

DAVIDHow many sugars?

RICHARDNone thanks.


RICHARDYeah. Just a splash. Thanks.

DAVIDEughh! This is insane! [Long pause as he stares into the coffee he’s making, leaning heavily on the kitchen counter] I’m sorry. [Passes RICHARD the coffee] I know I shouldn’t be putting this all on you, but you saw her, or you seem to think you did, and now I can’t think of anyone better to talk to. And of course there’s the fact that I’ve pretty much pushed everyone else out. I didn’t mean to but I ended up doing… I just didn’t know how to deal with it all, especially when I lost Eve because all the emotions from losing Debbie came flooding back, and I… I just…

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RICHARDIt’s okay. I understand. You don’t need to justify yourself to me. [Looking over at the dining table] Shall we sit?

DAVIDYeah. Let’s.

The pair walk over to the table and sit down at opposite sides. DAVID is clutching his coffee tightly as though he’s apprehensive.

DAVIDSo what was she wearing? I’m trying to picture her in that situation… But I’m not so sure her looking so cold and fragile is really something that I want to imagine.

RICHARDWell she was wearing a white dress, I don’t know much about fashion but it was mid length and very thin, and of course she was wet through and freezing cold from being on the moors! That’s why I gave her my coat, and why I ended up knocking on your door, to get it back.

DAVIDOh will you just shut up about that bloody coat?! I’ll buy you a new one if you care so fucking much!

RICHARD looks at DAVID, slightly taken aback by his outburst. DAVID drops his gaze and looks into the coffee he’s clutching tightly once more.

DAVIDI-I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout. Your coat just seems insignificant in all of this, you know?

RICHARDDon’t worry about the coat. I don’t want to upset you. I’ll go if you like?

DAVIDNo, no. It’s fine. I need to talk about her. I want to talk about her! It feels good to talk about her.

RICHARDOkay. [Pauses awkwardly as he thinks of how to phrase a question about her] So, what was she like as a child?

DAVIDOh, marvellous! You wouldn’t have believed it if you knew her in her early teens but she was ever so good when she was younger! I mean she even slept through the night sometimes and

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no baby is meant to do that! Right? [Chuckles] I often think Debbie must have been looking down over her. That’s why she slept through.

RICHARDAw, that’s a nice thought.

DAVIDYeah, sometimes I even think I can feel Debbie’s presence when I visit Eve, like she’s trying to comfort me. She’s always looking out for us both.

RICHARDVisit her?

DAVIDWell, visit her grave. She’s buried in the cemetery by the roundabout. You probably passed it on your way up here. The one at the back of the church. You know which one I mean?

RICHARDOh yeah, you’re right. We must have passed it on the way up here. [He pauses] Look, I know this must all seem so crazy and weird but maybe Eve just wanted you to know how she felt… feels, and that she loves you. She made that perfectly clear!

DAVIDI hope you’re right. It’s nice to be able to connect with Eve again.

RICHARD takes a mouthful of his coffee.

RICHARD[Lifting the coffee cup] Thanks for the coffee.

DAVIDNo problem. I’ll see you again?

RICHARD[Smiling] Yeah.

RICJARD stands up and then DAVID does the same. RIHARD makes his way to the door and DAVID follows to see him out.

DAVIDI mean it. Thank you.

RICHARDNo worries. See ya!

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DAVID smiles and waves as RICHARD walks up the drive. DAVID shuts the foor and RICHARD climbs into the campervan once again. He starts the ignition and heads for the cemetery that DAVID described.

THE CEMETERY – NIGHTRICHARD wanders about the cemetery looking that the headstones to fine EVE’s name when he notices something hanging from one of the headstones at the back of the cemetery. He walks over and discovers after picking it up that it’s actually his coat, and EVE’s headstone.

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