
Date: 6.11.2014





3- The Island Show- Ayşegülnur Kabaca 6- Torture at Prison- Gülce Sündüz Şengönül 9- The Monkey Head- Şeyma Uslu 11- Deniz Elif Gülderer 14- Fun Fact 15- Bedri’s Shadow- İsmail Durak 17- Cursed- Cemre Avanaş 19- Bankruptcy- Bahadır Yıldırım 20- The Shop- Ahmet Sefa Genç 23- A Mysterious Memory- Mehmet Furkan Özen 26- Mafia Wars- Kübra Yıldız 29- Speaking Picture- Seda Çeçen 31- Tiffany the Tomboy- Aysu Öz 34- Signposts- Aysena Nur Çınar 40- Friendship- Hande Sekmen 42- A Frightening Night- Berk Furkan Uçar 44- Şimal Çiçek



Ayşegülnur Kabaca

“Be careful what you watch you may receive it”

Mr. Darcy was headed to China when their ship was destroyed.

Now, he is shipwrecked with five other passengers; Oliver,

Samantha, Susan, Jean and Ali.

“The island is quite enormous and enchanting.” Mr. Darcy

muttered slowly as he walked back to the shore. Susan was there

cooking a crab that Oliver had catched earlier that day. They ate

the crab in absolute silence then Darcy and Ali got into the forest

to find other supplies for shelter and food. Inside the forest they

found a little golden totem with eyes made of rubies. “Oh if the

cannibals who left this totem here won‟t eat us then we can be rich

after we survive” exclaimed Ali. Then they returned to the shore.

But something was strange Samantha wasn‟t near the bonfire

anymore. All of the survivors tried to find her but they couldn‟t.

“Maybe a wild boar ate her.” mumbled Jean. Jean was a mean guy

who had no sense of humanity. “But we could find her clothes if

she was eaten!” he screamed and laughed loudly. Then he returned

to the shore to get some sleep. The others looked for Samantha and

they found her near the river. She was poisoned because of a berry

she ate in the forest. They took him back to the camp and made

medicine for her. “She will be all right after sleeping.” mumbled



Jean was a mean spirited guy who made fun of every situation.

Everyone except him was working on their survival. Together they

made a shelter and started building a raft. Women were cooking

and men were finding resources. But Jean was taking advantage of

their hard work and made fun of them because he thought that they

could never leave the island.

The next day Darcy got up early and tried to catch a fish. Then he

heard a falling sound and walked into the forest. He walked for a

long time but then he saw some little buildings like bungalows and

started to spy on the village. There were some men and women

dressed in modern clothes with cameras around them. Darcy was

furious about the situation but then someone noticed him and

shouted “there is a guy hiding in the bushes!”. Darcy tried to run

away but a huge man catched him from his neck. He said “come

with me.” in an aggresive voice.

The guard who catched Darcy took him to a crazy decorated

room with a big chair on the middle. There was a little guy sitting

on the chair. He turned and shouted “Welcome to da show biz,

Mista Darcey!” Mr Darcy was a bit freaked out because he thought

that they were alone on the island and they were going to die but he

learns that some maniac planned this for a reality show. He shouted

wildly at first but then the little guy named Ajunn told him that they

could negotiate. He was named after the Turkish Reality Show Guy

named Acun who took advantage of other people for money. He

didn‟t look really upset about his name because he chose a carrier

after him. Mr Darcy negotiated with Ajunn and came back to the

village like nothing ever happened. People were scared because

they couldn‟t find him but Jean was really happy and asked Darcy

if he has been somewhere relaxing under the sun. Then Darcy got

an idea.


The next morning Darcy got up early and went to the studio to

find Ajunn. He told him about Jean and he told Ajunn that Jean

needed a cruel punishment. Ajunn agreed and they made a plan.

Darcy returned to the shore but Jean was sleeping. Then he found

a rope and tied him to the raft and let him out to the sea with some

robotic sharks. Jean didn‟t know that they were robot sharks so he

would be really scared and then after he learned his lesson Darcy

would get him back to the island. So he carried on with his plan

and tied him to the raft and let him get away on the sea. Then

sharks arrived Jean wake up and he shouted “Help!” but no one

came to help him. Then the sharks ate him. They weren‟t robotic

sharks actually and there was no one named Oliver, Ali,

Samantha, Susan or Ajunn on the island. There was only his

friend Jean with him. Darcy was a guy who had psychological

problems because reality shows in Turkey were so bad and he

watched them all day.


TORTURE AT THE PRISON Gülce Sündüz Şengönül

The cell was dark and low.A small light beam was escaping

between the cell doors.There was a stinking smell.The smell

came from the other dead prisoners.I felt so tired as if someone

walked on me for an entire day.My collar was damaged and my

arms were devastated.My shirt head dust and mud all over it

because of the last torture .The gardian usually torture me

everday.Sometimes he use to torture other prisoners too.The

gardian was nearly 1.80 cm and he weighted about 100 kg.He

had a stubbly beard and he had a mousthache.He had a oily

face.He had messy hair.His hair was also oily and head

dandruff.I was wearing a dark blue and bright green training

suit.The suit was damaged because of his tortures.I felt like my

arms were going to fall apart My face was beaten up and abused

because of the gardian‟s tortures.I have been living in this cell

since the summer of 2013.Before I came here I was a fashion

model.I use to have my pictures in my magazines.I had a

family.A beautiful elegant classy tall wife and small energytic

soft children.I was kidnapped from my house.From that day this

ugly gardian tortured me continously.When I came to this

prison I was very handsome and I had a shining face.But after

all these months I became old and devastated.


The doors of my cell started to open creakily.The light coming from

the outside and the light blinded my eyes.I saw the gardian‟s

silhoutte.I started praying because I didn‟t want him to choose m

efor torturing today.I saw his hands getting into the cell and I felt his

hands behind my neck.He lifted me from the back of my shirt.And

threw me out of the cell.I saw the other prisoners looking at me with

pitty.Today he had chosen me.Outside of the cell there was a big

television and there was a tenis match on the TV.But there was no

sound because he was listening rock music from the radio.That

music was loud and I couldn‟t stand this music.In the middle of sa-

lon there was table.On the table there were a lot of disgusting and

stinky foods from night.The gardian‟s house was nastly like himself.

He had wore a black t-shirt and sweetpants.He was depressing

me.And then he took me and put on the front of window because of

smell.Though,he had wore smelled socks of yesterday.Outside of

the prison was very hot.The air was muggy.I couldn‟t stand that all


Suddenly the gardian came to me fast.I was scared because he took

me abruptly that time I didn‟t wait.He hold me from my throat.I felt

a pain such as choking.His behaviour was always like that .He was

behaving harsh and rude.He threw me out of the door.That marble

was very cold.And he took keys of house and he pulled the door.I

heard irritating and loudly sound from the door.Time to

torture.Torturing was begining I was feeling weight on my head.I

was feeling dizzy while I was coming down from the

stairs.Yesterday It was rain.But today the weather was very

hot.Because of yesterday‟s rain,there were puddles on the flor.At

every turn I was being like choking.I couldn‟t open my eyes because

of leaped water.On the road I felt sticky thing.All the time I was

sticking on the floor.It was disgusting.A few minutes later the

guardian rubbed me to pavement.I felt very bad pain.


Then the gardian went on such as nothing happened.We went to a

place that very crowded. Everywhere there were tall,thin

poles.Sudden I felt a pain.Because I felt a pain because I felt

another head on my head.My face was puckered.Approximately I

have been there for 4 hours and anymore I was bored.I just moved

to right,to left,up and down.That was very boring.And then I saw

the crowd again.I came back to same road.I got it,we were

returning to prison.I guess I was coming again to end of tortures.

The end of all tortures,I came back to prison.I guess I had a stiff

neck.Because I couldn‟t move it. When the gardian entered the

prison I breathed.But although that relax I was feeling ache and

pain. My face was wet.There was a mug on mey head.Again he

didn‟t clean up my head.He took me from the floor and lifted met

o my prison.Then doors of prison were closed.Again the prison

was dark and low. I was tired,I had a sleep.It was hard to be

shoe.See you on other tortures.


Once upon a time, therewas a traveler couple named Mr. Beckett and

Mrs. Beckett. They were quite wealthy and want to digress and forget

their pain because they couldnt have a baby by an awful illness. They

traveled all around the World such as Russia, India, Norway, Nigeria etc.

Their aim in each country is tasting the most famous meal of that town.

Mrs. Beckett was very thrilled, active and energetic person as the

contrary of her husband Mr. Beckett. He was faded, pensive, calm, silent

but quite smart. However,behind every kind of face and appearance, they

are suffering terrible for a baby. After all struggle with the illness for

years, they accepted their destiny and tried to find ways to get rid off

theirpain. Because of this reason they were looking for extreme and

strange experiences. One day they heard that there is a restaurant in one

of South Africa‟s small district which offers living monkey brain to its

customers. When Mrs. Beckett gotaware of this, “Oh my God! Look, we

have to try this, lets go to South Africa immediately!” she exclaimed.

Even tough she didnt let Mr. Beckett tomake a little comment about the

trip and booked flight tickets. When the travel day came, during the

flight, Mrs. Beckett talked about the languages that are spoken in South

Africa with the dictionaries she bought, also telling stories about the

slaves that are made brought and worked by rich Europeans by force with

laughing loudly and make plannings crazily and excitedly such as

jumpout and try to play with child lion during the safari.



Her husband was listening him toughtfully but its realised clearly from

his face that he is feeling excited about this extraordinary experience as

well. After a nosy flight by Mrs. Beckett‟s unnecessary tittle-tattles, they

come out the plane and arrived the restaurant soon. When they entered

the restaurant, 4 big circle stables appeared with a small hollow place at

the middle of it. One of famous chinese poet‟s poems were hanged the

Wall on long papers. However at the other side of Wall was covered by

hat with different shapes, colours, designs. They were so many that Mrs.

Beckett couldnt stop her curiousy and questioned unpatiently “why did

you hang all these hats to your restaurants walls?” to the owner of the

restaurant with colory clothes and black long hat. He threatened as if he

didnt hear the question and come along with them in order to Show a

suitible and empty table. He said : “your meal will be ready soon,

monkey and our talented hunter is about to come from the jungle, I will

bring you beverage untill they come” and left unconcernly. Mrs. Beckett

was shocked about the restaurant‟s view and the owner‟s behaviours. But

she quickly forget about these and went totake a look to hats curiously.

She realised that all hats were really thickand big. She tought that the

person who is owner of them must want to hide himself or herself from

something or somebody. During these deep toughts, a hunter and monkey

appeared the door. Mrs. Beckett screamed and ran to their table. Now she

only focused on a taste of a living monkey‟s brain. The monkey moved

and behaved so fast that a hunter and owner of the restaurant could put

into the monkey place very hardly. They were strong and talented but the

monkey tried to resist to them with shouting very loudly. Mrs. Beckett

was so happy that she was laughing loudly too. After put the monkey‟s

head into to hollow place, the owner cut the head quickly. During this

work, the monkey was still alive and shouting sufferingly. Mr. Beckett

and Mrs. Beckett started to eat its brain with blood by fork and spoon

normally. After first piece of living monkey‟s brain, Mr. Beckett made his

first sentence: “ it is quite delicious.”


I am trying to open my eyes. My eyelids are heavier than my will

to wake up. I give up. I am hearing a thin tickling sound. It's

interrupted with a loud wild roar, not a natural wild roar though, a

strange mechanic, metalic one. It makes me open my eyes with

shock and fear. That damn loud roar! Happens every 15 minutes!

TWICE! The bed is crathing with a disturbing sound as I am

trying to get myself out of it's tiring warm arms made of metal

and cotton. My eyes are still blurred of the unfamiliar bright light,

not that I don't see it every night but that it is unfamiliar to my


My head is spinning with a sharp sour smell. The smell of

sickness and lost faith. It makes me want to throw up. There are

no windows but it doesn't matter that much. Even if there were

any windows still there wouldn't be anything to see.

I became blind. Sometimes I wish that I was only blind, but I was

caught up in this sickness that made me blind, deaf and deligent.

It's an illness, a desease created by mankind. An illness that makes

a man see only grey, a big dark cloud. An illness that makes a man

hear only screams and roars. An illness that is so unescapeable

thateven if you cry or shout, there is never a way out.The 'grey'

surrounds you like a hungry beast to devour you as a whole, the

sounds scrath the walls of your head to drive you crazy and your

tongue gets tied to your throught to silence you as if the

catastrophe is not on action.

- Deniz Elif Gülderer


Once you get caught in this sickness you are quarantined. You are

made to live with others like your. Millions like you. You start to

live in a deep grey coffin. A coffin so cold that freezes your heart

and bones. A coffin so loud no words of warmth are spoken. A

coffin so crowded and as so lonely. Again, today I woke up in my

coffin just about 18 seconds ago. It is as dark as before even

though there is light here the darkness that the disease placed in

me reflects to the coffin.

The sickness is spreading all throught the globe and I know I am

not alone in this big grey map of hell. There surely are others like

me. Others that I can not reach, I cannot talk nor touch and feel.

The coffin creates a dark mist around each individual that bans us

from interacting. The mist around us consists of our sorrow,

worry, pain and misfortune.

People are tortured, made to walk with sticks screwed under their

shoes, pieces of fabric are forcefully knotted around their necks.

They are made to wear disguises of paint all over their faces and

hair to hide who they were before they caught the disease.

It -the sickness- has brought many rules with itself. Rules of

intelligence, beauty, society, ideology... Rules that if the ill didn't

obey, their sickness would get worse. Being crushed under their

loneliness, they would be forced to drift away from the coffin.

The disease seperated the outlaws from its community of sickened

brains, left them alone so they would soon come back to the

system of the great illness and obey.

The rules that the disease brought were secrets. Whispers that

were told into the folks' ears during the night time, the emptiness

of a students head, a picture of a beautiful woman, the hunger in

an artists eyes,the prettiness of a silver watch, the carelessness of

a working mother and the foolishness of her child.

The disease of urbanism, industrialization and capitalism.









Bedri had just took his pen off the paper. It was time for lunch. For lunch Bedri had a meat pie. After Ben had finished his meat pie he played soccer with his friends Fatih and Berkecan. Suddenly the bell rang, so the boys rushed back to class. In front of the classroom they saw their teacher,(Mr Osman). By the time the bell had finished everyone was in two straight lines. During class they had math. Today they were doing multiplication. Bedri was in highest group. For the lesson Bedri‟s group were working on the laptops. then it was time free time Bedri drew all teams of the Fifa World Cup. After a couple of hours it was time to go home. Today Bedri was walking home. After he got home he rang the doorbell…Nobody answered. He called his mother…She didn‟t answer. So Bedri waited, and waited, and waited, until it finally started to get dark. Bedri started seeing very peculiar things like (moving shadows, the shape of water beside him and nature coming to life). Bedri suddenly re-membered that one of his friends had previously warned him about this. He said it was called THE WITCHING HOUR. Bedri noticed a gigantic shadow moving. But it was moving in a slow motion. Bedri sprinted as fast as he could downtown towards his school as he noticed the giant chasing him. As soon as he got there he discov-ered that it had been burnt down because of a boy named Aykut Yılmaz. Aykut was trying to show his friends a magic trick when his lighter went out of control and burnt the school. Bedri ran to safety behind a rock, but realised it was the shell of a turtle. So Bedri ran as fast as he could towards a restaurant called Yasir‟s. There, he met Fatih and Berkecan for a meeting about what to do. Suddenly Bedri had a great idea.


“Why don‟t we go to your dad‟s secret weapon base and use the tasers there to electrocute the giant”. Bedri said to Berkecan. “That‟s a great idea”, Berkecan said. So one by one they crept out of the demolished restaurant and walked towards Berkecan‟s house. Once they reached Berkecan‟s house, Berkecan entered the secret house code which was „AO53‟. A door then appeared in the ground. So Bedri, Berkecan and Fatih walked down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, they saw approximately fifty weap-ons hanging on the wall. Berkecan grabbed three tasers and gave one to Bedri and one to Fatih and kept one for himself. They then ran up the stairs and headed towards the giant. Once they reached the giant, all three of them tasered the left leg of the giant. All at once the giant fell onto the ground. “YOU‟VE saved the town of Yenibosna”, the mayor screamed.


It was six a.m. when the alarm clock woke me up.It was rainy

and dark as night and it gave me happiness as I know that I could

just go out and do whatever I want, go wherever I desire.The rain

always gave me that felling.I never liked the caustic feeling of the


I slowly gotout of the bed.I had a great eager to go out so as fast

as I can,I got ready.

I groveled through the door.

Then for a moment,I felt just so small. Although the weather was

rainy,although there was no one on the streets that could make me

feel unimportant,I felt sore dundant.

As therain got faster,I got faster.The rain drops started gruffly

down my head and body.The heaviness of the drops gave me a

great pain.I got worried,I wanted to escape,I wanted to run but I

just couldn‟t!

I started falling.

Suddenly every side of me was in mud.I was in a pit.I didn‟t

know what to do,hot to get out of this hollow.

Rain was filling the hole,I had to hurry but again I just

couldn‟t.There were so many like me in there.They were crawling

with no hope.They weren‟ talking,they weren‟t reacting but just

crawling in slob all assumed in brown mucus.

It was the first time that the rain betrayaled me.

There was no opportunity for me to just stand there.I had to do

something,I had to get out of this hole!

CURSED Cemre Avanaş


I started climbing through the rough walls. I ignored the

heavy rain drops,I ignored the ones down there, I ignored

the rough ground.I climbed and climbed.

I was about to reach the top and I had to go on but for a

moment I felt just so hopeless. The atmosphere inside,the

careless ones there and the thought of the betrayal of the

rain almost made me give up.

But then something happened. One just lookes like me

came out of mud. It was like all my troubles were gone, like

the rain ran lower just like the way I like.

She came near me,looked at my eyes and told me we could

manage to escape together. The happiness in her face gave

me the hope I needed, gave me the courage I was looking


She held me and again, I was climbing, this time with her

near me.And then…

We did it.

We managed it.

We were outside again.

I felt the rain. I felt the freash air in every cell of mine. Just

before the great pain I felt. I started to shout, the thing on

me started to shout, she started to shout. I was under a

black, bright green shoe. She held me, cursed being a snail.

Rest of it is all darkness.


In a little town of a big country , there was a carpenter. He was living with his family . Everyday he went to work early but came back to home late. His business wasn’t really big , he had a little workshop. He had gotten the workshop from his father. Because the workshop could bequest his brothers and sisters. In a normal day , he got ready to go to work and he got out of his home. He arrived at the workshop and worked until lunch time . After the lunch , when he came back to the workshop , he saw his best friend. They talked for 15 minutes. After the talk , carpenter’s friend offered the partnership for a big company. Carpenter thought about this offer after his friend’s left. And the next day he accepted to be a partner of the big company. 8 partners worked together . And the company improved. But the other 7 partners including the carpenter’s friend agreed with each other and escaped with the company’s money. There was just the carpenter left. The company bankrupted. After partners escaped , all the company’s debt was left to the carpenter . Carpenter came back to the little workshop. He started working at 06.00 and coming back at 00.00 . His daughter and son couldn’t see him during these years because they were sleeping at 21.40 and they woke up at 08.00 . Carpenter worked hard everyday . He finished the company’s debt in five years . And he improved his workshop . The workshop became a company. Now, he tries to hang out with his family. He is working alone, without a partner.

BANKRUPTCY Bahadır Yıldırım


It‟s a shop I must have walked past a million times before, but

have barely noticed until now, and have never thought to enter. A

nondescript, little, brown brick building, crammed between a hair

salon and a gun store, with a tiny window display offering an

assortment of forgettable items that are of no interest to me. But I

have some extra time on my hands today and decide to take a

quick peek.

The interior is cool and dark, and it takes a moment for my eyes to

adjust. An overpowering rose scent hangs thickly in the air; nearly

enough to turn me away. Instead I continue further into the store,

eyes scanning the shelves for anything interesting. Indeed, there

are a great variety of items – and yet none whatsoever appeal to


“Can I help you?”

I look up to see an elderly woman behind a counter. She looks

vaguely startled, and I wonder when she last saw a customer enter

her shop.

“Just browsing,” I reply.

I make a full circle of the place and confirm that there is indeed

nothing here that I wish to purchase. I wonder how the old woman

manages to stay in business. I head towards the door, but pause

when I notice one interesting item. A large old book, perched on a

wooden stand.

THE SHOP Ahmet Sefa Genç


There is no visible title on the well-worn leather cover, and it is

held shut with a thick metal clasp. Upon further inspection I see

that a combination lock is affixed to the clasp.

The numbers read: 02-11-32.

I try the latch with the current combination, but it does not open. I

am now even more curious to discover what lies between the

book‟s pages. “What is this book about?” I ask the old woman,

who has been staring at me quietly the whole time. “Do you know

the combination?”

“I do,” the woman replies, but adds nothing more.

I am annoyed by her response, and decide that I‟ve had enough of

this place. I turn to leave and am almost out the door, when I hear

the woman say, “Try your birthday.”

I give her an odd look as I wander back over to the book. She‟s

crazy, I think. And yet, I am compelled. With my index finger I

swipe the numbers into place so that they now show my birth

month, day, and year.

To my astonishment, the latch clicks open. I pull back the heavy

cover and flip through the pages. “This can‟t be right,” I murmur

in shock as I realize the book is a biography… about me!

I look up to question the woman, but she is gone and the shop

suddenly seems different, brighter. The shelves are now stocked

with all my favorite things. I wander through the aisles again –

how did I miss this before? And this? I would buy any of these

items, gladly!

Gone is the disgusting smell of rose, replaced with my own

favorite smell.


I sit behind the counter and wait for a customer to come in and buy

something, but they all walk past the window as though the place

were invisible. The few that do enter seem uninterested in what I

have to sell, or complain that the smell in the air is too strong.

Until one day, a young woman takes an interest in the book. “It

won‟t open,” she notes,

smacking on her gum.

“Try your birthday,” I say.


Though it is one of the faded memories of my life today,

there are times when I remember his face clearly, especially

his eyes. As he had yellow spots on his eyes we called him

spotty. He would have been a stray dog, until, he came to me.

I was seven years old. My dad had just got transferred to

Nasik. We had shifted into a rented house. The house was

surrounded by lots of bushes and vines. It was raining very

heavily on the day we shifted.

I went out and felt those refreshing raindrops with a cool

breeze on my face. It was a cold dark night. We had our meal

and went to sleep.

Somehow in the midnight I heard a loud thud outside the

main door. I mustered courage and peeped out through the

window adjoining the door and I was really amused with

what I saw outside.

There was a small puppy lying on an old rug which my

mother had put outside the door. It was wet and shivering. At

first it was difficult to see the little one. It had a black body

which was darker even than a black rainy cloud. It was the

yellow spots on its eyes, which made me realize its presence.

It was trying to get inside the curved rug to avoid the chilling

air outside and it had managed to get in as I could see only

his head outside the rug.



I saw that the flower pot kept on the window sill had fallen

down. I felt pity for poor soul. I went in and came out with

an old towel. I went near the innocent one and held it in my

hand and wiped the puppy till he had become dry. I took it

inside and made a bed for him with a woolen rug and a

small pillow. He seemed very comfortable in his new bed as

he went to sleep immediately.

The next day morning, everyone in the family came to

know about the unusual guest. “Shall we keep him with

us?” I questioned my mom.

Like any other parents would, my parents first totally

refused my idea but I and my sister convinced them to keep


Slowly Spotty got easily mingled with everyone and

became one of the family members. We got used to all his

small habits and pranks.

Days passed on and one evening when Spotty returned from

his long walk, he appeared very exhausted. He came to my

room and sat near me. It was then I saw that his hind leg

was injured and was bleeding. I called out my mother and

she quickly tied a bandage around his leg and gave him

food to eat.

I was very upset. But the next day, Spotty was up to his

usual pranks though he limped a bit.

After this incident my relation with Spotty became more

intense. I really admired him a lot for his courage.


Almost a year later, one midnight we heard Spotty barking

breathlessly. We came out and saw that he was barking

continuously heading somewhere.

After some time Spotty became quite. I patted him on his

back and came inside. The next day morning, my heart

skipped a beat when I didn‟t see Spotty. I searched for him

in each and every corner but he was nowhere. And this time

he had gone and would never come back. I cried and waited

for him. We waited for one long week. But there were no

signs of him.

Then one day my Dad got transferred to Mumbai. We

shifted back to Mumbai. What would have happened to

Spotty? Would he have died? These were the only questions

in my mind, but they all remained unanswered forever.


It was silent but suddenly a loud noise came out from nowhere.

There was a girl that was sitting on the corner and crying

painfully. She looked deeply around the hall, maybe thinking

about important things.

Immediately, she screamed and started to cry.

3 days ago

Anna: Mum, what should i wear?

Her mother: You can wear whatever you want.

Anna: Mummy, can you choose it for me , please? I can not

choose which colour I should wear.

Her mother: Okay, wait. I am coming.

Then she came to Anna‟s room.

Her mother: In my opinion you should wear the red one.

Anna: Mum, I dont like red, it looks like blood. when i see the

colour red, it reminds me of death.

Her mother: Don‟t believe in silly things. Red is the colour of


Anna: Okay mummy it is enough. I will wear the red one.

Her father: Hey, where are you? I am still waiting, be quick,


Anna: Okay dad, we will come immediately.

They were going to copartner‟s son‟s wedding. Her father was the

most popular guy in the mafia and all of the mafias were there.

There were a lot of dangerous people with guns everywhere.

MAFIA WARS Kübra Yıldız


Anna‟s father‟s and copartner‟s enemy attacked them. Thenthe

were sounds of shooting and screams. Everywhere was covered in

blood. She was very worried about her parents and started to look

for her parents and eventually found them. However suddenly

they died. She called emergency service, passed out and opened

her eyes in the hospital. She didn‟t have any relative. She was

alone in the dangerous world.She was just 13 years old. She

dicharged from the hospital and screamed, started to cry. She felt

very angry and promised herself to kill her parents murderer. She

went to home and had all of her parent‟s Money. She thought it

for a long time. Days/ weeks passed and she was thinking about

how she could kill her parents‟ murderer easily. She decided to

learn martial arts and went to Japan.


Five years later, she became the strongest woman in the Japanese

mafia. She came back to Russia to kill her parents‟ murderer.

Actually she wanted to start the biggest mafia war in Russia and

destroy them. She had power and grudge but she didn‟t know how

to do it impressively. There was mafia assembly that night. She

wore the red cloth and swooped down the mafia meeting. Before

she killed them, she explained why she kills them. Anna said “

Did you remember me? You killed my parents five years ago and

innocent people. Mafia is a terrible thing in the world because of

this it must destroy and i will destroy each of you will die and go

to the hell.” They attacked her. A guy cut her leg but she didn‟t

stop killing them. The last one was her parents‟ murderer. She

shoot his eyes, mouth, heart and finally his head.


I am a picture. No, not the kind you‟re expecting me to be: an

invaluable piece of art, a portrait maybe, of a lady with an

complicated half-smile that the world finds time to be obsessed

about; hanging on the wall of the world‟s largest museum. Not a

picture worth looking at, let alone gaze at, in fact.

If you could hear me, you‟d know that I know about the oil

painting you call Mona Lisa, located in the Louvre museum.

You‟d know I know about nouns too! I can entertain you with the

inside jokes shared by teachers and even their whims and pains.

You‟d know your austere teachers also worry about fashion and

leave over with their “homework” just as you do.

But of course, my voice goes unheard, lost in the familiar chaos

called silence which envelops photographs of our stature.

Breaking into pieces of our blurry faces become one with their

environments; barely visible, perfectly unimportant.

I am flattened, along with my other colleagues, in the rarely

opened pages of an old yearbook, which people so fondly browse

through. I catch a fleeting glimpse of these visitors when they

sometimes and unknowingly find themselves here, where they see

numerous ladies covered uniformly in plain, blue saris(the dress

of India). These seem to classify me into a category, a single

collective noun, which the editors thought, enough to describe us.

Under the picture, there are no names, unlike the other pages with

other people on them. So we must suppose this collective noun of

people is not a person, just one big category that‟s unworthy of

attention and so goes unnoticed by people, despite their

inexhaustible contributions.



Your memory related me, or any of my colleagues, will be poor,

almost disappearing. But my recollection of you doesn‟t get rid

of me. I remember you, from the naive three-year-old kid holding

my hand on the way to the washroom, to the maturing girl with

accentuated features, in her youth. You were hand-in-hand with

another boy, afraid of the teachers for sure, but indifferent to me,

because I don‟t have the right or permission to rebuke you. Now I

see you as an established reporter, writing for the New York

Times, ready to get married even. You have no idea, who or

where I am, yet. So you, this wise young audience, who care

enough to linger on the page I keep busy, allow me to somehow

telepathically transmit my messages, which is how I‟m able to

articulate my thoughts into words. But you cannot differentiate

between our faces; to you it all appears the same. We are just

there because that‟s how it should be, do work, and get no

recognition. But then, there‟s the payment, you‟d argue. True; the

yearly pictures too, where we keep busy an infinitesimal part.

But I want to scream out from the picture, scream till I‟m heard,

till the sound waves carry the scream to the nearby person who

cares so little. I want to say “I have a name! My name is Fatema!

Do you hear me? I am Fatema!”

But then, you‟ll desperate flip the page over, flattening me again

in the store up of pages, burying those sound waves so restless

and impatient to reach you.


Tiffany Brooks is an eighteen year old teenage girl who had troubles

in her high school life previously. Fortunately this was the last year

of highschool and this hopefully means that she is starting a new

unproblematical life in college in 3 months. This year will be a start

of a brand new life for her.

At least she hopes like that for now...

Tiffany is the youngest child of Mr. and Ms. Brooks. She is the only

daughter of them. Other 3 siblings of Tiffany are all boy and older

than her. This caused her to grow like a boy. When she is compared

with her girl peers we can see that she is much stronger, less girly.

We can say that this characteristic of Tiffany is the actual reason

why her high school life accepted as problematical. She lives in a

suburb named Zigzag. Where girls act "too much girly" with her

own words. Four years ago, when she finished secondary school,

her parents didn't let her go for a high school which isn't placed in

Zigzag. This was an indirect way to force her to go to the high

school which will become a nightmare for her. Because there was

only one high school in the suburb. The reason why she didn't want

to go to the Zigzag High School is that her all peers have already

enrolled in Zigzag High School. Through the secondary school she

has always been excluded by her friends. Girls didn't want her in

their groups because she doesn't like playing with barbies or going

shopping to buy new pinkish clothes and thousands of other reasons

that Tiffany doesn't like but all the other girls do. When it comes to

boys, this time she didn't want to be friends with them altough they

don't keep her distance. She doesn't want them around her because,

her 3 brothers are such fail people in the eyes of her. She finds the

way they treat to people or even the way they treat to each other, so

rude and selfish. And that caused to have a hate for boys.



There wasn't any friendship problem for her in primary school but

by the time the secondary school started girls also started to form

groups. Pink Lovers, Tall Ones, Forever Dancing. Of course

Tiffany didn't included to any group. Because she doesn't like

pink or dancing. Also she was almost the shortest girl in the

school. So all the Gates of groups were closed. And all the groups

were in control of Kayla Beast. Kayla the Silly as Tiffany's words.

Kayla's nickname of course wasn't the Silly but the Slim. She

tought Silly fits better than slim and that's way she is the silly one

for her. She is the most popular girl in the school. And all the girls

obey her dictations doesn't matter if they are rational or not. Kayla

hated Tiffany. So do all the girls. She was the actual reason why

she describes her primary and high school life as nightmare.

Because they were in the same school all those years. The idea of

starting the college has always seemed as a salvation for years.

Because her parents didn't limit her in this subject. She was free to

go to school that she wants for the first time. She didn't think

going abroad or outside the city for college as the city's only

college that has the gastronomy department is only 30 minutes far

way from Zigzag.


Because she always wanted to be a cook since childhood.

However the school takes half an hour to go, she decided to stay

in dormitory in weekdays. At least to avoid from their brother for

5 days. And all the rooms in the dormitory were double. That was

also an advantage. Because she always shared the big but same

room with her brothers up to now.

Summer has finished. She signed to the dormitory. And waited for

the monday to come. :) She has started to hope that her roommate

is a nice person and she eventually can start a new life and

develop a new identity. In the evening of Sunday she moved in

her room and waited for the other girl to come.. One hour passed

and the teacher guiding her new roommate appeared in the door.

That was the weirdest minute she has ever lived until that

time. Because she was super-excited first but when those words

said by the teacher, she faint dead away. "Yes, Ms. Beast. This is

your new room for the next 4 years...


Daphne and her mother finally went on holiday that they had planned for a long time.They were full of exciment and had so much fun at the hotel where they settled during 1 week. They wanted to see the places to be seen so as a result of their conversation with an officer at the hotel ,they decided to go to the “ancient city” which could be considered far from where the hotel were located. Early in the morning when they were about to set off,they asked the officer if he could show them the driving directions on the map,but, he told them to follow the signs so that they could make it to the ancient city. They set out early in the morning,taking snacks in case they get hungry.Daphne was so excited because she did not do something with her mother for so long.Daphne and her mother were accompanied by music playing on the radio, and way too far from the settlement. They were climbing the steep road towards the mountain.Trees and greenery were no longer visible,and the car was on the narrow road anymore.Also two sides of the path were surrounded by high cliffs stretching to the sky and the road was flat. They were close to the summit of the mountain slopes and it was a rocky road and large holes prevented the car from keep going so that it could go slowly. They tried to progress in this way for a while. Daphne and her mother’s exciment and joy from the morning had been dominated by anxiety and distress. It had begun to frighten Daphne but she was trying not to expose. Daphne’s fear was growing every second and she muttered: “Please, get back now,Mom,look even the car is forced and also I’m so bored.” Her mother was afraid too,but, she did not want to bridle,she wanted Daphne to learn the life and continued to adventurous journey. “We are almost there Daphne,besides we have followed the signs.” she said.

SIGNPOSTS Aysena Nur Çınar


After a while , they entered a narrower road that a car could not even pass. “Mom let’s go back, we won’t be able to make it to there.” Daphne screamed. When her mother did not listen to her and continued to move, the car stucked between the rocks. Car wouldn’t move but they wanted to get off. Doors could not be opened and they could not go out from the windows.They were both very frightened. While Daphne was crying, her mother tried to calm her at the same time she was thinking the possible solutions. “Don’t be afraid Daphne,now I will call for the service so they can come and take us to the hotel.” she said. When she took her phone out of her bag,she realized that there was no signal. Daphne’s mother kept comforting her although she did not know what to do. Until the night,Daphne and her mother cried and hugged each other as they consumed the limited food they had brought with them. The fear was increased thoroughly by the nightfall and they could hear the sounds of wild animals. Daphne and her mother started to think they wouldn’t be able to get out from the car. They opened the car's headlights to decrease a little bit of fear, but after a while thinking it would finish the car's battery, Daphne’s mother started the engine.Through midnight,Daphne,who was exhausted, fell asleep and her mother was droping off at times then woke up again,it happened a few times.A short while later, the lights were turned off by the end of the petrol car and the car had stopped. Daphne woke up with the morning’s first light then woke her mother up.They were both hungry and thirsty. They had started to believe the idea strongly that they would die in the car and fell into despair. When Daphne and her mother thought about the car would be their graves,after a while they would suffer and die because of hunger and thirst and when their dead bodies would be found,their fear was growing.


They heard the sound of the engine through the end of the third day and the sound was getting closer.After 3 days passed by,the mother and her daughter were unconscious and they couldn’t even react. A short while later, they approached the sound as well then heard the human voices.They wanted to wake up and yell that “We are here!” but they just couldn’t find the power inside. Then the police said “Dont be afraid, we will get you out of the car soon!” After struggling for a while, the car went backwards with a squeak. Finally the police took Daphne and her mother out of the car and gave them water immediately. Although Daphne’s mother collected herself, Daphne couldn’t get it together. “How did you find us?” asked the mother. “The officer at the hotel made us know. We’ve been trying to find you for 3 days and also someone changed the signposts so that’s why you took the wrong turnings.”







He was very hungry and tired.Because of his sister.He was thinking

about his sister‟s matter.She was not okey for a four days.She has

high temperatures.He was very upset for it, but he could not do

anything for she.Because he was only fourteen.If he is about twenty

now he can do something for his sister.For example he can find a

job for earn money. He and his sister have not got mother or fa-

ther.Their parents died when Chris was ten.They were living their

grandfather’ home.But he could not do anything, too. Because of his

age and lick of money. He was too old. So they were poor. They had

no money. Even they could go to the doctor they could not by her

medicine. But Chris did not want wait. So he thought that he must

do something for his sister. Because he loved his sister too much.

He wanted to play with his sister again, as last time. He decided to

finda way about it. But firstly he had to visit his best friends; their

neighbor Daniel. He was his class mate and close mate. He went. He

rang the door. Daniel’s mother opened the door. She was very happy

when she saw Chris. Then Ms. Fenson called his son. Daniel came.

He was very happy too see Chris, too. Then they went to park to talk

each other. Chris told everything to Daniel. Daniel was very sad to

hear that. And he said ‘’do not worry we will do something for your

sister, believe me we can save her. And we can be her hero?’’ Chris

smiled when heard it. They decided to go to their teachers. Maybe

Ms. Bean could help them. She loved them. They went to their




An they started to look for her. They looked everywhere. But she

was not at school on that day. Daniel went his brother’s teacher.

He was Ms. Bean’s husband; Mr. Bean. He thought that Mr. Bean

must be know where she is. And they started to find him. But he

was not at school, too. They were very disappointed. But they did

not give in. Because Daniel was not want ; sad Chris. So they

need to find another way. If they can find some money it will be

okay for them. But how? They decided to go to their headmas-

ter .Ms. Rose was very serious that day. So they could not ask

their question to her easily. They just asked how could they find

their teachers. Ms. Rose asked just one question quickly. Because

she was very busy in that time. Ms. Bean and her husband went to

holiday together. They felt bored themself…………… Chris

asked their phone number to Daniel. Daniel said that ‘’ I do not

know but my mother has their phone number. Because they were

close friends in the past time. ‘’ Hey! Chris you need money, don’t

you?’’ asked Daniel. ‘’ Yes’’ Chris replied. ‘’Oh why are we look-

ing for our teacher I have some money, already. I saved’’ said

Daniel. ‘’ If you accept my offer I can give you all of my money ‘’

said Daniel. Chris was surprised when he heard it. Why could not

they think it before.’’ Yes please Daniel.Ineed this money. But not

for me you know it is only…’’said Chris. And completed his sen-

tences but it will be my debts. I will give you your money again in

the future. They laughed. Daniel said ‘’Ok’’. Because he knew

that he say no, Chris can not be relax., when he take the money.


It was a dark, stormy night, with the moon and stars illuminating

theirselves greatly, weather is overcast. Animals are laboring to

survive the abnormal conditions of the weather. Suddenly a rumble

of thunder was heard and a fork of yellow lightning struck a

mysterious, gloomy forest, which resulted in a sleuth of scary brown,

grizzly bears emerging from the trees. The bears started bolting away

from the large, green forest and eventually came to a huge river with

rushing rapids and cascading waterfalls. Because these bears are all

hungry. Thay are going to starve unless they do not eat anything in

the stormy night. They caught a large number of tiny, silvery- grey

fish in their gigantic paws and resumed their aimless wandering.

They got enough.

Meanwhile, the brightly coloured ducks that inhabited the nearby

calm, serene, lily pad filled pond, had also heard the thunder and

observed the humungous lightning strike and had managed to quickly

fly to a small, costal town to the south of the pond. When they

arrived, they started foraging for food like the bears. After a while,

they managed to locate a burger topped with tomato, lettuce, onion

and cheese dropped on the ground, which the ducks began to speedily

devour. So where the burger come from? A few hours later, the bears

had stampeded onto a golf course, only to be cornered by golf club

wielding middle aged men wearing luminous shirts and old style

clothes. The man got really scared because of the bears -bears are

really dangerous animals that they hug each other they can kill their

collateral.- It was a frightening night for him after that a man called

animal control, and a busload of animal cops and workers, clad in

blue and beige shirts with denim shorts and brown cowboy hats

began their attempts to restrain the animals. Did they manage to curb

these bears?



Eventually when all of the large grizzly bears were caught, animal

controllers used tranquilizer injections. Bears are shot down by

these injections for a moment because injections effect lasts for an

hour. After bears are woken up. Animal controllers thought that

forest is theirs, we can not harm any animal or any plant. We can

not ruin the hormony of the nature. So that , they are set free into

their natural habitat, only after full health checks and being fitted,

they were able to go back though.

A few days later, the yellow, blue, purple and green ducks also

decided to fly back to their serene habitat, where they could swim

in peace. The middle aged golfers although shaken up, decided to

resume their game. The animal cops and the workers have never

seen a case like this since that fateful fork of lightning struck.

To this day, grizzly bears are never seen anywhere near golf courses

filled with middle aged men and luminous shirts. Also animals

know the kill people or any animals and plants unnecesarrily.

Finally, the animal controllers and the harmony of the nature blocks

to death of golfers.


Part 1

„‟The coming of Elizabethan traders,wealthy merchants and

aristocrats owned the company to Burma was in 1826.That year…

Oh God..One year ago I swear to you the town hadnt been that

much crowded and hadnt seen food in abundance but when they

came they brought all misery,dirtiness and hunger. Each of trees

had borne five fruits and each of women had bore five children‟‟

said the old lady.She was looking thoughtful as I thought she was

trying to remember something.

„‟The family that had the most delicious bananas in the town were

our neighbor .Here its their story‟‟

Part 2

The father was a miserable farmer who had five children.The

elderest one was nearly ten years old.The mother had died while

she was giving her fifth born and left her husband alone with all

those bad conditions.They got a little house and a field.They were

cultivating the most tasteful bananas in the town but they werent

growing up anything else to sell.The only thing poor man had

was that little field and his five children .One of the boys had a

strawberry garden.It was his duity to take care of the garden.10

years old-girl-the elderest one-was cleaning the house and

cooking the meal like a mother.The family werent getting much

money it was enough for them.



Şimal Çiçek


Part 3

„‟Be quiet‟‟said the father gently when he opened the door.He was

confused to make silent which one because the children‟s sobs were

mixed.‟‟ They even removed the tombstones‟‟said while thinking

about his wife whose body was stil warm.He snuffed out the candles

and started to talk

„‟Nothing is happening to the town or your strawberry garden or

your fatty cat.‟‟

Part 4

The dawn hadnt broke yet and the town was completely silent even

there were no birds in the sky.The silence was broken by a sudden

knock at the door.Father opened the door gently.The man who was

bald and wearing servant clothes came in even he wasnt invited.The

servant didnt look at father‟s face because he was busy to search


Sir James Lancaster has confiscated that town.From now; %50

of your product and some of your field belongs to him.There

wont be any problems If you consider what I said.Have a

good day ,Sir.’’said the servant.

Part 5 People in town became poorer day by day because of the burden of tax liabilities.On the other hand Lancaster family was living in a manor that had more than fifty rooms.Even Madames monkeys that had golden leashes on their colar was richer than all town. Everywhere was full of bananas but especially these damn

monkeys were stealing his bananas One of the girls got sick

because of malnutrition.The poor man looked at bananas ,he

stayed calm not to shoot the monkeys


Part 6 That was the 5th time that monkeys came to his field. ‘’Go away from here you damn’’ the rock that father threw made monkey’s head bleed.Father took the bananas that monkey left when he fled.Bananas were crushed but they could be eaten anyway. 2 hours later same servant came and started to yell at the poor man.He said he would punished by Lancesters .The punishment was taking all the bananas he had and a chicken that gave an egg every day for his children.Father couldnt say anything just wanted to see his wife again one last time and got into the house desperately. They all died one by one because of illness ,malnutrition

and sadness of could not do nothing.



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