
Vladimir Propp A discussion of his theory by Daniel and Hollie.

A bit about this bloke

He is a Russian critic and literary theorist

He analysed over 100 Russian fairytales in the 1920s

He believed you could classify characters into defined roles

Shrek is an example of this

Shrek- The Villain

The villain in Shrek is … Lord Farquaad.

You know he is a villain because he has an evil laugh and he torments and tortures other characters.

Other villains include Prince Charming and Rumpelstiltskin.

Shrek- The Helper

The helper in Shrek is …Donkey

You know he is the helper because he offers Shrek somebody to talk to and keeps him company. He also has an optimistic view on everything and helps save Fiona.

Shrek- TheDonor

The donor in Shrek is … Puss in Boot

You know he is the donor as he offers the skill of fighting, among other things.

Shrek- The Princess

The princess is …Fiona

You know she is the princess because she is being saved and wears princess like clothing with a tiara.

Shrek- The Dispatcher

The dispatcher is …Lord Farquaad

Lord Farquaad wants a wife and so he sends Shrek to get Fiona. In return, he will save Shrek’s swamp.

Shrek- The Hero

The hero is …Shrek

You know he is the hero because he saves Fiona.

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