  • 1. Social Media 101 WorkshopJessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR Carrie Corbin, SPHR, MBA June 24, 2012 1

2. Your PresentersJessica Miler-Merrell, SPHR Carrie Corbin, MBA, SPHR@blogging4jobs @thealphafemme #socialhr 3. Text to Join the Community#socialhr 4. Workshop Objectives Foundational Understanding of SocialMedia Tools to Use & Advanced Strategies Best Practices Laws, Union Trends, HR & Corporate Pitfalls5 #socialhr 5. Social Media & the Law Group Activity -- How SocialMedia Involves HR?6 #socialhr 6. What does HR do? #socialhr 7. What is Social Media?8#socialhr 8. What is Social Media? Brand Management Tool Candidate Channels & Pools 24/7 Focus Group News & Information Source Conversations #socialhr 9. The Science of Social#socialhr 10. The Case for Social#socialhr 11. Not Just Social but Mobile 83% of Millenials sleep with their cell phone.#socialhr 12. Mobile + Social#socialhr 13. Tate, Taint Publishing #socialhr 14. Sweet Social Channels#socialhr 15. Overview of Social Media Tools16#socialhr 16. Leveraging LinkedIn LinkedIn Offers Many Features Including Company Profile Pages Groups Q&A 70% of Recruiters visit LinkedIn First Over 100 Million Business Profiles Linked In Apply Button17#socialhr 17. More LinkedIn18 #socialhr 18. 5 Uses of Facebook for HR19#socialhr 19. #1 Job Distribution #socialhr 20. #2 Engagement#socialhr 21. #3 Sourcing#socialhr 22. #4 Social Share#socialhr 23. # #5 Employment Brand#socialhr 24. Twittertopia There are 340 million tweetsper day#socialhr 25. Twitter Explained Tweet RT (retweet)26 #socialhr 26. Twitter Explained @ (at reply) # (hash tag)27 #socialhr 27. Pinning & Winning#socialhr 28. Pinning Tips Pins searched by keywords Drives website traffic Community 97% female 24-35 yo#socialhr 29. Other Social Sites #socialhr 30. #socialhr 31. Peeling Back the Layers32#socialhr 32. Social Tools #socialhr 33. Social Tools #socialhr 34. Social Tools35#socialhr 35. Social Tools #socialhr 36. Analytics by Google#socialhr 37. Peeling Back Social#socialhr 38. Social Media & the Law Background Checks Social Media & Discrimination Defamation & Liable Social Media & HRInvestigations Unions & ULPs Social Media Policy39#socialhr 39. Social Media & the Law40 #socialhr 40. Social Media & the Law 6 Billion Googles ea.Month Potential discriminationliability Disparate & AdverseImpact Unconscious Bias41#socialhr 41. Social Media & the Law Employment Law Cases Involving Social Media Romano v. Steelcase Inc. EEOC v. Simply Storage Mangt. TEK Systems, Inc. v. Hammerick Maryland State Senate (S.B. 971) in March 201142#socialhr 42. Social Media & the Law NLRB v. AmericanMedial Response ofConnecticut Facebook Firing Employees right forconcerted protectedactivity extends toFacebook And now. . . NLRB v. ThomasReuters Corp.43#socialhr 43. Social Media and the Law o Concerted Protected Activity o Shared opinion among 2 or more employees o Conversations around working conditions o NLRB released a social media corporate case summary o 44. Stats About Social Media 7/10 employees have friended their boss or co-worker. 1/3 employees use at least 3 devices for work. 50% of mobile users access blogs, social media via their mobile device.45#socialhr 45. More Resources More HR Top HR Blogs: Download the 3rd NLRB Social Media Brief 46. Orange You Google Us Jessica Miller-MerrellCarrie @Blogging4Jobs@thealphafemme(405) 293-2564 #socialhr

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