  • 8/11/2019 Sigafoose Robert Diane 1993 Singapore


    Robert an d Diane Sigafoose5 0 M o n k s Hill R o a d 0 4 5 0

    Singapore 0922Republic of Singapore

    Serving in Singapore

    Forwarding Agent:Delmer R h o d e b e c k

    1 4 2 9 Norwood

    Granite City, IL 62040(618) 877-7120

    m i A N MISSION

    1429 Norwood, Granite City, IL 62040

    1 9 9 2 : A Y E A R O F S A D N E S SA N D G R E A T R E J O I C I N G


    Bo b started the only ChristianC hurch/C hu rch o f C hrist in Sri L anka in1985. W e a re s ad de ne d t ha t w e a re n o t ab leto c o n t i n u e w ith th e w o rk in S r i L a n k ab e c a u s e o f o u r f i nanc i a l di ff icu l t ies . S riLanka is some distance from Singapore andtherefore we ar e not able to give teachingand spiritual guidance to t he c hu rch . Theyar e in much need of financial, spiritual andteaching help an d desperately need yourp r a y e r s .


    We rejoice that the refugees ar e returning totheir homeland after almost 15 years of beingin refugee camps in Thailand. A month ofteaching and sharing with the people ofCambodia was very rewarding to me. I praya lso to th e L o r d J e s u s C h r i s t to w atch o ve rthe 259 who were bap ti ze d into His name.T he C h u rc h n o w h a s a f i r m f o u n d a ti o n o n

    which to build. D ay after day, in th e

    temple courts and from house to house, theynever stopped teaching and proclaiming thegood news that Jesus is the Christ. (Acts5:42)


    We rejoice that the first ChristianChurch/Church of Christ of Malays ia wasa b le t o r e n t a h ou se f o r th e m i n i s t e r to l iv ein plus a meeting place for the Church . TheChurch was officially registered this year and

    r ecogn ized by t he g o ve rn m en t.

    S I N G A P O R E C O N T I N U E S

    Diane continues to work with th e Japanesealmost every day. Bob is busy with the everyday ministry of the church. Our churchbuilding will possibly be torn down in 1993.

    W e have n o d i r ec t ion a t th is t im e from th eLord. The government bought the buildingfrom us a few years ago, bu t the church didno t receive enough money to buy anotherproper ty.

    1 9 9 3 : A Y E A R O F A N T I C I P A T I O N

    C A M B O D I A R E T U R N T R I P

    B o b r e ce ived a l e t t e r f r om t h e C hr is ti an s i nCambodia asking that he come again to teacha n d s h ar e w i th t h e m .

    The first free presidential election ofCambodia will be held on April 5, 1993.T he ou tcome o f th a t e l ec t ion wil l de te rmineif the people continue to fight a war of ifthey will finaly have peace in their country.P lease keep Cambodia in your prayers. I t is

    a country wide open to th e gospel now.After the election in May, we are not surewhat the government s stand will be towardChristianity.

    M A L A Y S I A G R O W S

    The Church is planning to have quarterlysemina r s . F o r 1993 , the semina r s wi l linclude t eaching plus training leaders andbuilding the church s foundation. JeffMarks, Minister of t he G et hs em an e Church

    o f C h ri st , M e ch an ic sv il le , Virg in ia wil l b e

  • 8/11/2019 Sigafoose Robert Diane 1993 Singapore


    our first speaker starting March 17. BobStacy, Minister of the Catlin Church ofChrist will be our speaker in November. Weare looking forward to a great time offellowship and teaching.

    It is our prayer tha t the church will grow to10 0 members by th e end of this year an d thatth e church will be self-supporting by the endof 1994. We need your financial support forthe work in Malaysia during this time. Weare still 500 per month short of our needs.One need is a place for baptisms. Anotherneed is for chairs. Many must si t on thefloor because of the shortage of chairs.

    S I N G A P O R E IS S T R E N G T H E N E D

    Richard and Josephine Wong will bereturning to Singapore after Richard finisheshis Masters program at Lincoln ChristianSeminary this summer. Richard will becomethe Senior Minister of the Singapore

    Christian Canaan Church. The congregationis very much anticipating their return.Richard and Josephine have a greatresponsibility upon their shoulders. Keepthem in your prayers.

    Edmund Au will also complete his Mastersprogram this year at Lincoln ChristianSeminary, bu t we are not sure of his plans atthis time. As he waits upon the Lord sleading, we need to pray that he will find aplace to serve.

    We pray God will use these f ine people in amightj way

    U P D A T E J U S T I N

    As we were preparing th is newslet ter to sendto you, we recieved an informative FAXfrom Bob dated March 4 1993.

    Bob and Diane have just returned fromMalaysia yesterday. They report that th ebuilding they are using for church services inMalaysia will seat 100 people comfortably.Curtains have been placed across th e front ofthe worship hall and two air-conditionershave been purchased on payments. Theair-condit ioners are a real help as they havee l im ina t ed a lmos t a ll o f th e e x t e rn a l no icethat was so disturbing besid es th e coolingbenefit. Additional cha ir s, f loor covering,and a place for baptisms are needed now.

    Twenty people have signed up for th eupcoming seminar and they are expecting atleast 40. The 20 have paid th e 15.00registration fee.

    V H S v ideo casset tes o f the miss i o n w o r k a r eavailable upon request. They will runbetween 6 and 20 minutes in length.


    SRI LANKA - spiri tualguidance

    S I N G A P O R E - n e w

    l o c a t i o nCAMBODIA - e l e c t i o n sMALAYSIA-growth

    chairs flooringbaptistry additional

    500 per month support.

    Non-Profr t

    U.S . P O S T A G E

    PA I D

    Granite City. IL 62040Permit No . 51

    G o o d N e w s

    C h r i s t i a n M i s s i o n

    4 9 N o r w oo d

    Granite City IL 62040

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    Serving in Singapore

  • 8/11/2019 Sigafoose Robert Diane 1993 Singapore



    Serving in Singapore

    Forwarding Agent:Delmer Rhodebeck

    1429 Norwood

    Granite City, IL 62040 618) 877-7120

    1429 Norwood, Granite City, IL62040

    G R E E T i n G S

    F R O m S I H G P O R E

    BO B R E T U R N E D TO T H E U N I T E DSTATES to be with his father HowardSigafoose, during a most difficult time in hislife. Howard who is 84 years old, hasrecently found that he has cancer again Hewas diagnosed as having cancer of the lungand lymph glands this time. However, afteran operation and a biopsy, they have

    discovered that he has cancer of th e thymusgland which is very uncommon. He startedradiation treatments on Thursday, April 15.W e are to ld that the t rea tments will con t inuefive days a week for five to six weeks.

    Diane was not able to come with Bobbecause of her fall 18 months ago. She stillsuffers from dizzy spells and head pains.She was afraid that an airplane trip and thechange of schedule would be too much forher. Diane is taking medication daily. Thedoctor claims that it may be another yearb ef or e s he fully recovers.

    While in th e States Bob wa s able to visitwith Richard, Josephine and Kayla Wong inLincoln, IL. Richard is busy finishing hisclass r o o m w o r k a n d wil l t hen do h is thesisbefore returning to Singapore in Septemberof this year. The church is anxiouslyawaiting th e return of th e Wong s as ar e we.

    Bob recently baptized Ynomiko, a Japaneselady that he and Diane have known forseveral years. Other Japanese people inSingapore have indicated that they wouldlike to a tt end church but their English is justnot good enough to understand all that issaid. We are discussing the possibility ofhaving a Bible study just for the Japanese,an d then we can take our time in explainingthe scripture.

  • 8/11/2019 Sigafoose Robert Diane 1993 Singapore


    m A L A Y S I A

    O n F ebr ua ry 2 7 awedding was held f lBi n t h e c h u r c h . W e

    were able to set . ^up 100 chairs but mWabout 135 attended zth e wedding. Then va tent was set up 1 .in t he p ar ki ng l ot wof the shopping center for th e wedding dinner. This visibilityle t th e people of t he communi ty know thatw e a r e t h e r e .

    A 10 day Seminar was held at th e Church inMalaysia. Jeff Marks of th e GethsemeneChurch of Christ Mechanicsville Virginawas the featured speaker. His teachingi nc lu de d Bui ld ing Quali ty Leadership andfulfilling the goals that are set. An averageof 25 attended every evening and a total of42 different people attended th e meetings.

    We are a lready anticipating ou r next Seminarwhich is to be held in June. Ro n Ritchey af o r m e r c o w o r k e r in I n d o n e s i a a n d a d e a r

    friend will be holding that meeting whichwill be entitled Building Quality ChristianC h a r a c t e r .

    F U T U R E P L A n S

    1. Cambodia If th e upcoming e lect ionsturn out right it would be good for me toreturn to this country to further the newwork tha t has begun.

    2. Australia I have again been asked tospeak at the specia l meetings that will beh e l d th i s s u m m e r.

    3. Malaysia We have applied for a visa toMalaysia so that the work of this newcongregation ca n be strengthened. We havebeen told that it is not likely we will get avisa but we have been told that before.Please pray that God will open doors for usto work more effectively .

    P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T S :

    1. Howard Sigafoose undergoing radiationJreatments untrTthensecondw k in June

    2. Diane s ti ll having severe head pains an d dizzy spells.

    3. Richard and Josephine Wong preparingfor their return to Singapore.

    4. The church in Malaysia that it willbecome completely self supporting andself propagating by August 1994.

    All con t r ibu t ions a r e t a x - d e d u c t i b l e .Videos are available upon request.

    Non-Prof i t

    U . S . P O S TA G E

    PA I D

    Granite City. IL 62040P e r m i t N o . 5 1

    G o o d N e w s

    C h r i s t i a n M i s s i o n1 4 2 9 N o r w o o d

    Granite City IL 62040

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    BOX 2 4 2 7

    KNOXVILLE TN 37901

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