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J. Appl. Biomed.6: 117–129, 2008ISSN 1214-0287


Silver or silver nanoparticles: a hazardous threat to theenvironment and human health?Nagender Reddy Panyala1, Eladia María Peña-Méndez2, Josef Havel 1,3

1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic2Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of La

Laguna, Tenerife, Spain3Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Received 12th April 2008.Revised .27th May 2008.Published on line 23rd June 2008.

SummaryNanotechnology is a rapidly growing science of producing and utilizing nano-sized particles that measurein nanometers. These nanomaterials are already having an impact on health care. Now-a-days we are usingnanoproducts in various fields. Of these, silver nanoparticles are playing a major role in the field ofnanotechnology and nanomedicine.

Their unique size-dependent properties make these materials superior and indispensable as they showunusual physical, chemical and biological properties. Silver nanoparticles have potential antimicrobialactivity towards many pathogenic microbes. Along with this antimicrobial activity, silver nanoparticles areshowing unacceptable toxic effects on human health and the environment. The chronic exposure to silvercauses adverse effects such as permanent bluish-grey discoloration of the skin (argyria) and eyes (argyrosis).Besides argyria and argyrosis, exposure to soluble silver compounds may produce other toxic effects likeliver and kidney damage, irritation of the eyes, skin, respiratory and intestinal tract and changes to bloodcells. This review summarizes the hazardous effects of silver nanoparticles in the environment and theirstoxic effects on human health.

Key words: silver nanoparticles – antimicrobial activity – argyria – argyrosis – silver toxicity


Only in the last few years has nano-technology begunto evolve into a valuable science. And only in the last

Josef Havel, Department of Chemistry, Faculty ofScience, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37Brno, Czech Republic [email protected]+420-549 494 114+420-549 492 494

few years has the technology existed to produce thiscutting edge silver suspension. Only now has silverarrived as the natural immune system assistant it wasin the early days of mankind when it was plentiful inits metallic form in ground water. For the optimumfunction of body immunity, everyone needsnano-silver circulating in their bloodstream(

Silver is a naturally occuring precious metal, mostoften as a mineral ore in association with otherelements. It has been positioned as the 47th elementin the periodic table, having a atomic weight of 107.8

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and two natural isotopes 106.90 Ag and 108.90 Agwith abundance 52 and 48%. It has been used in awide variety of applications as it has some specialproperties like high electrical and thermalconductivity (Nordberg and Gerhardsson 1988).Ancient civilizations used this precious metal inmedicine, eating utensils, plates, cups, foodcontainers, jewellery, money/coins, clothes, buildingmaterials, and as a disinfectant for water and humaninfection.

Silver metal and silver dressings, when used inreasonable amounts, has no negative effects on thehuman body and it has a natural antimicrobial activity(Margaret et al. 2006, Sarkar et al. 2007) towardsmany pathogens such as bacteria (Hill and Pillsbury1939, Morones et al. 2005, Zhang and Sun 2007),viruses, fungi, yeast etc. Silver salts have been usedfor the treatment of mental illness, nicotine addiction,gastroenteritis and infectious diseases like syphilisand gonnorrhea (Marshall and Schneider 1977,Shelley et al. 1987, Gulbranson et al. 2000, Drake etal. 2005). New silver coated catheters are usedbecause they stop the infections that were commonplace with the old ones (Samuel et al. 2004). Toprotect us from food poisoning, silver particles arenow being put in cutting boards, table tops, surfacedisinfectants, and refrigerators. Silver is woven andimpregnated into fabrics to kill bacteria that causebody odor.

But ecologists have warned that widespread useof such a powerful antimicrobial could have seriousnegative consequences for bacteria in natural systemsif nano-anti microbials are released in waste streamsetc. There is also growing evidence that as well asbeing toxic to bacteria, silver nanoparticles are alsohighly toxic to mammalian cells (Braydich-Stolle etal. 2005, Wen et al. 2007, Gopinath et al. 2008).Silver nanoparticles have been shown to damagebrain cells (Hussain et al. 2006), liver cells (Hussainet al. 2005) and stem cells (Braydich-Stolle et al.2005). Even with prolonged exposure to colloidalsilver or silver salt deposits of metallic silver underthe skin cause skin diseases like argyria or argyrosis(Chen et al. 2007).

Even in its bulk form, silver is extremely toxic tofish (Hogstrand et al. 1996), algae, some plants, fungi(Eisler et al. 1996), crustaceans and bacteria likenitrogen fixing heterotrophic and soil formingchemolithotrophic bacteria (Albright et al. 1974).

The toxicity of a metal is influenced by severalfactors like solubility, binding specificity to abiological site, etc. The toxic effect or heavy metalpoisoning is defined as, “Any functional ormorphologic change in the body produced by aningested, injected, inhaled or absorbed drug,chemical, or biological agent”. In contrast,

Westhofen et al. (1986) observed that the affinity ofsilver for membrane and neuronal structures and thedeposition of silver as an insoluble compound (Ag2S)induce the progression of clinical diseases likegeneralized argyria. Argyrosis is a pathologicbluish-black pigmentation in a tissue resulting fromthe deposition of an insoluble albuminate of silver(

In the environment or in living organisms thesilver can be present in different forms. The mostcommon is metallic silver, silver salts (ionic silver),silver complexes and colloidal silver. Metallic silverdissolves in acids and salts like e.g. silver nitrate isformed. Aqueous solution of soluble silver nitratecontains silver in the form of hydrated silver cationsAg(H2O)n

+ which is typical “ionic silver”. However,silver cation can be complexed with various organicligands and even if silver cation is still present in themolecule, the overall charge of the complex can beneutral. Furthermore, highly stable complexes areknown which are not dissociated at all in the solutionor biological liquids. Colloidal silver is a colloidalstate of silver-containing particles in water with 1 nmto 1 micron silver or silver-containing particles. Theterm “colloidal” was coined by English chemistThomas Graham (in 1800) who was later on called as“father of colloid chemistry”. Colloidal silver can bein the form of super-fine metallic form or in the formof insoluble silver compounds, finally dispersed insolution which shows small or high turbidity. Nanosilver means usually nano-sized particles ofnanometre size and the term is connected to colloidalsilver or identical. There are now many commercialproducts, some are named as "NanoSilver". The termnano-silver refers to the nanoparticulate size of thesilver particles of 5–50 nm. Nanosilver has a moreactive surface area and better porosity thancommercial silver (Alt et al. 2004).

The aim of this paper is to give an overview andanalyze the various toxic effects of silver ornanosilver on human health and the environment.


NanoSilver is a commercial name for pure de-ionizedwater with superfine silver in suspension( Nanoparticles size isfrom 5 to 50 nm. Most of the silver is in the form ofmetallic silver nano-particles. The remaining silver isin ionic form. Because of the small size of theparticles, the total surface area of the silver exposedin solution is maximized, resulting in the highest

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possible effect per unit of silver (Alt et al. 2004). Asa result, a very small concentration of silver inNanoSilver provides greater effectiveness inside thebody than silver solutions in the colloidal form ofmany times greater concentration.

Nano-silver products are characterized by highpercentage of silver metallic form. This is importantbecause ionic silver becomes silver chloride in thestomach or bloodstream. Solubility of silver chlorideis low. In addition, the silver chloride is less effectivethan metallic silver. Only metallic particles survivethe hydrochloric acid of the stomach to remaine f f e c t i v e i n s i d e t h e b o d y(


Silver atoms can form under various conditions socalled clusters which can eventually further aggregateforming silver nanoparticles. Silver clusters can beformed e.g. by the action of laser during ablation ofmetallic silver or silver salts. For example, chargedsilver clusters like Ag2

+, Ag3+ are formed by laser

desorption/ionisation of Ag(s) or Ag salts and Agnclusters with n up to 50 – 60 were described (Staudtet al. 2000). Due to the two isotopes of silver, in massspectra characteristic isotopic envelopes aredeveloped. An example of experimental and theoretical massspectrum for Ag2 cluster is given in Fig. 1. Evidently,there are three combinations of the silver isotopesyielding three peaks in mass spectrum. Silver clusterAg8 can be stabilized in erionite channels. Erionite isa kind of zeolite which shows cavities with diameter0.63 nm and length 1.5 nm, such elongated cavitiesare connected by small windows with a diameter 0.25nm. The interconnections between the neighbouringchannels are with twisted 8-member rings (with sizes0.36 × 0.52 nm) (Ogden et al. 1999). Mass spectrumand the structure of this interesting Ag8 cluster areshown in Fig.2. Silver isotopes give rather richisotopic pattern.


There are many processes to synthesize silvernanoparticles e.g. electrochemical reduction, and/or

irradiation, etc. (Sergeev et al. 1999, Sun and Xia2002, Zhang et al. 2002, Pyatenko et al. 2004, Bogleet al. 2006, Chen and Schluesener 2007). Theliterature (Elechiguerra et al. 2005, Jose et al. 2005,Lok et al. 2006) demonstrated that silvernanoparticles with certain size ranges and shapeshave special interactions with bacteria and viruses.Through all these basic physiochemical properties,silver can easily be absorbed in cellular environmentsand it makes adhesive interactions with biologicalmacromolecules and can be translocated within thehuman body.

Silver can enter the human body through variousportals like ingestion, inhalation of dusts or fumescontaining silver (Phalen and Morrow 1973, Furchneret al. 1968), skin contact, contact with jewellery andby the application of burn creams etc. Existingliterature (Drake and Hazelwood 2005) demonstratedthat silver also gains entry into the body through theuse of acupuncture needles (Sato et al. 1999),catheters (Saint et al. 2000), dental amalgams(Catsakis and Sulica 1978), or through accidentalpuncture wounds (Rongioletti et al. 1992).

Silver ions may enter through various semi-openporuses which are present in the human body, i.e.,lungs, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, mucousmembranes of the urinogenital tract and skin mostlyin the form of silver protein complexes (Chen et al.2007). These silver nanoparticles can bind todifferent proteins and causes phagocytosis.

Although silver is absorbed in and metabolized insoft tissues, available experimental animal studiesand human clinical reports have shown that it entersinto tissues of the central nervous system or it causesneurotoxic damage. According to Cheng et al. (2004),Zhang and Sun (2007b), silver ions can also enter into the human body through the female genital tract.As per existing literature (Armitage et al. 1996),inhaled silver deposited in the lung can be absorbedthrough the wall of the alveolus. Some of the inhaledparticles are eliminated by mucocilliary action in thelungs.

Nearly 10 – 20% of the ingested silver metal isabsorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, mainly by theduodenum and small intestine. Absorption ofingested metal in the skin has also been reported, butit may depend on damage to the epithelium layerbeing present (Boosalis et al. 1987).

Silver and silver salts are distributed around thebody and they accumulated mainly in the liver,kidney and spleen. Chronic exposure of silver leadsto irreversible deposition in subcutaneous andmucous membranes. Through this deposition,melanin production is enhanced, stimulated by thepresence of silver, leading to discoloration of the skin(Armitage et al. 1996, Greene and Su 1987).

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Silver has potentially toxic effects on human healthand it can enter into the human body through variousportals. Previous literature (Kone et al. 1988)indicated that Ag+ causes early changes in thepermeability of the cell membrane to K+ and then toNa+ at concentrations that do not limit Na+, K+-ATPactivity or mitochondrial function.

As per the existing literature (Seung-heon et al.2006), it has been demonstrated that silvernanoparticles show intensive toxic effects on theproliferation and cytokine expression by peripheralblood mononuclear cells (PMBCs). At levels of over15 ppm, nano-silver was found to have a significantc y t o t o x i c e f f e c t o n P B M C s , a n dPhytohaemagglutinin-induced cytokine productionwas significantly inhibited by nano-silver (Shin et al.2007).

Fig. 1. Experimental (A) and theoretical (B) mass spectra of Ag2+cluster cation. Commercial MALDI-TOF MS instrument

(Axima-CFR, Schimadzu biotech, Japan) with a pulsed nitrogen laser of a wavelength of 337 nm was used for laser desorptionionization of silver nitrate with addition of trifluoroacetic acid.Conditions: the linear-positive mode.

Silver does not only cause dermal and cosmetic toxiceffects, but also it causes death in animals. Soto et al.(2005) have recently shown that silver nanoparticlescan be nearly 50% more toxic than chrysoliteasbestos. Nanoparticles, such as silver nanoparticles,are showing severe toxic effects on the malereproductive system. The identified research suggeststhat nanoparticles cross the blood-testes barrier andare deposited in the testes, and that there is potentialfor adverse effects on sperm cells (McAuliffe et al.2007).

In the literature of Burd et al. (2007), it wasdemonstrated that commercially availablesilver-based dressings (Acticoat™, Aquacel® Ag,Contreet® Foam, PolyMem® Silver, Urgotul®SSD)are also showing potential cytotoxic effects. Theyassessed their cytotoxicity in various cultures such asin a monolayer cell culture, a tissue explants culturemodel and a mouse expurgated wound model. Theresults showed that Acticoat™, Aquacel® Ag, andContreet® Foam, when pre-treated with specificsolutes, were likely to produce the most significant













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cytotoxic effects on both cultured keratinocytes andfibroblasts, while PolyMem® Silver and Urgotul®SSDdemonstrated the least cytotoxicity. The cytotoxicitycorrelated with the silver released from the dressingsas measured by the silver concentration in the culturemedium.


By over-exposure, silver can be accumulated in theliver, skin, kidneys, corneas, gingival, mucousmembranes, nails and spleen etc. (Rosenman et al.

1979, Sue et al. 2001). Silver ions show a highaffinity for thiol in the liver (Baldi et al. 1988, Drakeet al. 2005). Silver can accumulate and shows sometoxic effects in organs and tissues. Venugopal andLuckey (1978) noted that argyria can be considereda mechanism to detoxify silver by sequestering it inthe tissues as harmless silver-protein complexes orsilver sulphide.

Nanoparticles, such as silver nanoparticles, canbind to different tissues and can cause potential toxiceffects like cell activation, producing reactive oxygenspecies, which are more toxic to tissue, inflammationand finally all these processes gradually lead to celldeath (Xia et al. 2006).

Fig. 2. An example of Ag8 cluster structure and theoretical mass spectrum demonstrating rich isotopic envelope.

As a result of the experimental studies byGopinath and Gogoi et al. (2008), it is known thatnanomaterials can pass through cell membraneseasily and cause severe toxic effects on humanhealth. They have concluded that silver nanoparticlesin higher concentrations (> 44.0 µg ml-1) are necroticto cells, leading to rapid cell membrane rupture.Recent studies have shown that nanoparticles caneasily pass through the blood-brain and blood-testesbarriers (Borm and Kreyling 2004) in mouse models.

Through the experimental studies of Takenaka etal. (2001), it has been learned that elemental silver

nanoparticles can enter through the cardiovascularsystem. In their experiments, they have studiedpulmonary and systemic distribution of inhaled ultrafine elemental silver nanoparticles in rats. They haveobserved that Ag was found in the lungs immediatelyafter the end of exposure. They have foundsignificant amounts of Ag in the blood, liver, kidney,spleen, brain and heart. Importantly they havedetected high Ag concentrations in nasal cavities,especially in the posterior portion and lung-associatedlymph nodes. By these experiments, it is now knownthat after phagocytosis of inhaled silver nanoparticles

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by alveolar macrophages, there are Ag nanoparticlesin the region of lungs, mostly on the alveolar walls.

Effects on central nervous system (CNS)The localization of exogenous silver is distributedheterogeneously in the central nervous system. It canenter through the blood-brain barrier and accumulatein large motoneurones in the brain stem and spinalcord, neurons in cerebellar nuclei and glia. By theusage of Ag in animal experiments, it is now knownthat the biological half-life of silver in CNS is longerthan in other organs (Scott and Hamilton 1950,Furchner et al. 1968, Phalen and Morrow 1973,Rungby and Danscher 1983a, b). By prolongedadministration of different silver compounds likesilver lactate, silver nitrate and some silver proteinslike Protargol, silver accumulates in neurons and glia.Prolonged exposure to silver shows toxic effects onCNS such as cerebral ataxia (Aaseth et al. 1981).

Respiratory effectsThe respiratory system is a major portal fornanoparticles. Actually larger sized particles thannanoparticles will be seized by the microcilliarysystem which is present in the respiratory tract. Butultra fine particles like nanoparticles can be depositedon the alveolar space. It has been proved that inhaledsilver nanoparticles do not interfere with themicrocilliary elimination process (Lippmann et al.1980). At the alveolar region these particles can besubmersed into the surfactant lining of alveoli. Bythis submersion, nanoparticles can produce surfaceradicals and reactive oxygen species, which are moretoxic to alveolar surfaces (Chen et al. 2007). Somerecent studies indicated that exposure to nanoparticlescan induce oxidative stress in lung epithelial cells(Kaewamatawong et al. 2006, Limbach et al. 2007,Sharma et al. 2007) and also in alveolar macrophagecells (Soto et al. 2008). These toxic effects are due totheir intensive catalytic activity (Limbach et al.2007). So it can be said that having such a largesurface area and oxidative property, only silvernanoparticles can produce highly reactive species likereactive oxygen species at the intra-alveolar spaces(Chen et al. 2007). Through these interactions withalveolar surfaces, silver nanoparticles can causeirritation in the respiratory tract (Rosenman et al.1987). By inhalation of silver dust or fumes, alveoliand bronchial tissue will be stained. But this stainingis not harmful to human health (Brooks 1981, Drakeet al. 2005).

Argyria and argyrosisIt is known and acknowledged that long-term use ofcolloidal silver or silver salts, like AgNO3, depositmetallic silver under the skin and abdominal viscera,

turning people's skin an ashen-grey colour, anaffliction known as argyria (irreversible pigmentationof skin) and/or argyrosis (pigmentation of eyes)(Marshall and Schneider 1977, Lee et al.1994,Prescott et al. 1994, Fung et al.1996, Gulbranson etal. 2000, Menaguale et al. 2003, Brandt and Park etal. 2005, Padlewska et al. 2007). As per the literatureof Drake et al. (2005), argyria and argyrosis arecaused by the placement of silver-containingmaterials into the skin or body (Espinal et al. 1996),inhalation of silver particles (Rosenman et al. 1979),or by usage of silver-containing medicines (Fung andBowen 1996, Gulbranson et al. 2000, Tomi et al.2004), dental materials (Watanabe 1989) etc.

Dietl et al. (1984) showed that manic depressivepsychosis will develop at about the same time if nota short time after cutaneous argyria has beendiagnosed. It leads to a ruptured aortic aneurysm andfinally death. In this case they observed somedeposits of silver in the skin, mucous membranes,heart, kidney, liver, in the central nervous system andin the leptomeninges and choroid plexus also.

Even the usage of silver and silver creams cancause cutaneous side effects includinghypersensitivity reactions, allergic contact dermatitis,erythema multiforme and systemic argyria in humans(Fisher et al. 2003).

Generally argyria and argyrosis may be classifiedinto two major types, i.e., localized and generalized(Greene and Su 1987). Localized argyria is caused bythe direct contact of silver and silver-containingsubstances. Small silver particles can enter the bodythrough sweat glands or through needle punctures(Buckley et al. 1965). In this case the most commonlyaffected areas are mucous membranes, eyes andhands (Breitstadt 1995). In this generalized argyria,silver granules are found most commonly around theeccrine glands, in the walls of blood vessels, andalong elastic fibres (Robinson-Bostom et al. 2002).

Generalized argyria symptoms includepigmentation on the skin, eyes, face, ‘V of the neck´,waist, bald scalp, hands, nails and forearms (Legat etal. 1998, Bouts 1999, Johnston et al. 1999, Graham etal. 2004, Brandt et al. 2005, Bianchi et al. 2006, ).Their light microscopical studies have revealed thatfine granules cluster in the periadnexal basementmembrane and dermal elastic fibres (White et al.2003).

In generalized argyria, the degree of slate-greycutaneous discoloration varied from barelyperceptible to pronounce. Silver-containing granulesdeposit in and around cutaneous adnexal structures.Histochemical studies suggested that the granulesconsisted of silver sulphide. Indiscriminate use ofcurrently available silver-containing medications canresult in generalized argyria (Pariser 1978).

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Silver, along with its potential antimicrobial activity,also causes adverse effects not only in the humanbody (Fung and Bowen 1996) but also it causes sometoxic effects in aquatic systems and soil microbialcommunities.

Effects on soil communitiesSilver has some potential toxic effects on beneficialbacteria in soil, which play a major role in nitrogenfixation. For instance, according to the report ofSenjen (2007), it has been discovered that there iscurrently very little research available regarding theeffects of silver nanoparticles on soil microbialcommunities. Silver, with its potential bactericidalactivity, inhibits soil microbial growth at levels belowthe concentrations of other heavy metals (Murata etal. 2005, Throback et al. 2007). It shows toxic effectson human-friendly microbes like heterotrophic(nitrogen-fixing and ammonifying bacteria) andchemolithotrophic bacteria in soil communities.Chemolithotrophic bacteria belong to the lithotrophicfamily of microbes and consume inorganic material.These organisms deliver many crucial nutrientswhich are most essential in soil formation( These soilbacteria can play a key role in nitrogen fixing and thebreakdown of organic matter. These bacteria alsoform symbiotic relationships with legumes plants,which provide a major source of fixed nitrogen forboth these and other plants. By showing potentialtoxic effects on denitrifying bacteria, silver disruptsdenitrification processes leading to eco-systemdisruption. Denitrification is a bacterium drivenprocess in which nitrates are converted to nitrogengas in some soils, wetlands and in some other wetenvironments. Environmental denitrification isimportant because excess nitrates can reduce plantproductivity, which in turn can result ineutrophication in rivers, lakes and marineecosystems, and are a drinking water pollutant(Senjen 2007).

Effects on aquatic systemsSilver has some unexpected adverse toxic effects onaquatic systems like lakes, rivers etc. For instance, infreshwater fish, the acute toxicity of Ag appears to becaused solely by ionic Ag+ interacting at the gills,inhibiting basolateral Na+, K+-ATPase activity.Disruption of this enzyme inhibits active Na+ and Cl-

uptake and therefore osmoregulation by the fish(Wood 1999). Recent toxicity studies withmacro-invertebrates in the San Francisco Bay haveindicated that silver may still be adversely affecting

the health of the estuarine system (Flegal et al. 2007).Silver causes lethal damage to hepatocytes in rats andfinally it leads to cell death (Baldi et al. 2002).

Case studiesVarious forms of silver and silver-containingcompounds cause adverse effects in humans andanimals. Most studies discuss the various toxic effectsof silver on the human body and the environmentfollowing intensive ingestion and inhalation of silvercompounds. A number of studies describe the effectsof occupational exposure to metallic and solublesilver compounds.

As discussed earlier, silver has a potentialantimicrobial activity towards many pathogens (Hilland Pillsbury 1939) and it has been used in the pastfor medication purposes. According to the medicalliterature citation, numerous cases of argyria wereobserved after colloidal silver ingestion. In a typicalcase study by Chang et al. (2006), data from a 59-year-old man who was suffering from skin colourchange was analyzed. It was revealed that he hadingested colloidal silver two to three times a year forat least the previous two years, whenever he felt a´cold´ coming on. The patient believed that thecolloid silver had antibiotic properties. Along withthis skin colour change, some other symptoms werealso visible like hyperlipidemia, hypertension,diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease, benignprostatic hypertrophy, and post-traumatic stressdisorder. After a critical examination, it was reportedthat he had a diffuse blue-grey appearance on hisface, mostly on his cheeks and nose with slightsparing of the periorbital and paranasal areas. Finally,it was concluded that the ingestion of colloidal silverappears to be an increasing practice among patientsusing ‘alternative health’ practices and can lead tospecific pathological and clinical findings likeargyria.

In the literature of Drake et al. (2005), it wasmentioned that colloidal silver protein had been usedas an allergy and cold medication (Bouts 1999,Gulbranson et al. 2000, Tomi et al. 2004), in eyedrops to alleviate soreness (Loeffler and Lee 1987)and for the treatment of various ailments (White et al.2003). Prolonged usage of this silver protein as amedication caused discoloration in the fingernails,ocular agyrosis and generalized argyria.

Silver nanoparticles can show a potentialcytotoxic effect on mammalian germ line stem cells.In the experimental case study of Braydich-Stolle etal. (2005), the cytotoxicity effects of silvernanoparticles on mammalian germ line stem cellswere investigated. In this study, the effect on cellmorphology, mitochondrial function, membraneleakage etc. was taken into consideration. It was

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concluded that silver nanoparticles at 10 µg/ml andabove concentration showed dramatic changes likenecrosis and apoptosis of cells. Silver nanoparticlesat 5–10 µg/ml, drastically reduced mitochondrialfunction and cell viability.

In the second case study by White et al. (2003),data from a 58-year-old man suffering fromworsening facial discoloration over 3 years. He drankcolloidal silver protein solution for at least one yearbut was unable to estimate his total consumption. Hebelieved that this silver protein had properties to treatand prevent various diseases like dandruff andcolonic cancer. On a critical examination, adeep-blue/grey discoloration of the skin, face, neck,bald scalp, hands and forearms was observed. Hisfingernails showed a blue discoloration extendingfrom the lanulae to halfway along the nail plate.

Using a light microscope, they observed finegranules clustered in the periadnexal basementmembranes and dermal elastic fibres. Electronmicroscopic studies also revealed bright granulesbelow the dermal/epidermal junction. After all thesestudies, it was concluded that the precise mechanismof silver deposition in argyria is not fully understood,but ingestion of silver is thought to cause depositionof silver-protein complexes. Elemental silver isreduced to silver sulphide in the skin. This process iscatalysed by sunlight in a process similar to thatharnessed in photography. The process, combinedwith melanocyte stimulation, causes the cutaneousdiscolouration (White et al. 2003).

In the third case study (Tomi et al. 2004) data wasanalyzed from a 42-year-old non-smoking white mancomplaining of skin discoloration. He had initiallynoticed a slight blue-grey tinge to his skin somemonths previously, but which had increased overtime. On clinical examination, they have found apeculiar slate, blue-grey discolouring of the entiretegument, sclera, mucosal surfaces and nails. He hadapplied one to two 10 ml bottles of a topicalvasoconstrictor, Coldargan (Sigmapharm, Vienna)weekly to ameliorate the symptoms of allergicrhinitis. In microscopic studies they also observedbrownish-black perivascular pigment deposits inmuscle, nerve, sweat glands and dermis. So finally itwas concluded that the person was suffering fromgeneralized argyria on the basis of above mentionedclinical symptoms.

Along with this case study, we witnessed our owncase of argyria in an elderly Indian woman who, forseveral years, had applied the silver sulfadiazinecream every day to heal her wound and contactdermatitis. After using the silver sulfadiazine cream,a scar-localized argyria developed within a postsurgical wound and area of severe contact dermatitis.So it can be concluded that by applying this silver

sulfadiazine cream to wounds and dermatitis, itcauses some cutaneous side effects includinghypersensitivity reactions, allergic contact dermatitis,erythema multiforme and sytemic argyria.

In the fourth case study, Rosenman et al. (1987),a cross sectional study on workers engaged inmanufacturing precious metal powders was carriedout. Around 27 workers, 96% of the workers, hadraised urine silver concentrations (range 0.5–52.0µg/l, mean 11.3 µg/l) and 92% of workers had raisedblood silver concentrations (range 0.05–6.2 µg/100ml, mean 1.0 µg/100 ml). Most workers hadsymptoms of respiratory irritation and nose bleedswere reported in eight (30%) of the 27 workers.Deposition of silver in the cornea of the eye in aroundfive of eight (63%) workers was observed. Raisedurinary enzyme N-acetyl-B-D glucosaminidase(NAG) was detected in four individuals and wascorrelated with blood silver concentrations and age.It was noted that kidney function appeared to havebeen adversely affected by exposure at work but ithas not been confirmed as, up to this study, it was notknown if exposure to silver causes any decrement ornot in the kidney function.

In our own cross sectional case study, we haveanalysed twenty six workers from an industrial plantin Hyderabad, India which eliminates silver and silvercompounds like silver nitrate and silver oxide fromindustrial wastes. By the consumption of drinkingwater mixed with these silver containing industrialwastes, we have concluded that some people weresuffering from cutaneous diseases like argyria andargyrosis.

This cross sectional study revealed that fivepeople had generalized argyria and fifteen hadargyrosis. Ten of the twenty six workers hadcomplained of gastrointestinal irritation and someallergic and hypersensitivity reactions. This symptomwas significantly associated with silver in the bloodand deposition of silver in the periadnexal basementmembrane and dermal elastic fibres (White et al.2003). However, the permanent discoloration andpotential effect of some allergic reactions suggest theneed to limit exposure to silver.


After reviewing the literature one fact is noticeable.Over the past decades, the usage of silver containingmedications has become more prevailing because oftheir potential antimicrobial and bactericidal activityand people are choosing silver containing medicinesas an alternative health supplement. Earlier, we

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mentioned that silver has a natural antimicrobialactivity (Margaret et al. 2006, Sarkar et al. 2007)towards many pathogens such as bacteria (Hill andPillsbury 1939, Morones et al. 2005, Zhang and Sun2007), viruses, fungi, yeast etc.

Some people believe that silver has propertiessuch that it can protect them from diseases likecolonic cancer and some skin diseases like dermatitis.The explanation of the protection effect is still notunderstood. It is suggested that silver can disrupt thebacterial cell wall. At minimal and reasonableconcentrations of silver, there are no side effects onhuman health. Even though it is has potentialantimicrobial activity, prolonged exposure to silvercauses intensive diseases like argyria and argyrosis.

According to Drake et al. (2005), the uptake ofsilver into the human body is often much higherwhen it is administered orally as a medication thanfrom occupational exposure like inhalation of silvercompounds. The majority of occupational exposurereports involve soluble silver compounds, whichseem to cause toxic effects at lower concentrationsthan metallic and insoluble silver compounds. Forexample, blood-silver concentrations found byWilliams and Gardner (1995) and Armitage et al.(1996), were considerably higher than that found inworkers exposed to metallic silver or insoluble silvercompounds.

But in many of the studies we cannot say thatsilver could definitely be associated with an adversehealth outcome. For example the study of Rosenmanet al.(1987) was an attempt to investigate the effectsof silver on kidney function. It was found thatcreatinine clearance was depressed and urinaryenzyme NAG levels were significantly raised in theexposed group. However, it was difficult todetermine if silver caused any adverse effects onkidney function or not because the workers had alsobeen exposed to many other nephrotoxic agents.

Several cross sectional studies were carried outand it was reported that argyria is the most frequentadverse outcome from exposure to silver. Forexample even in a typical recent case study done byChang et al. (2006), it was reported that theprolonged ingestion of silver containing medicinescauses colour changes to the skin and a blue-greyappearance on the face. Along with these symptomssome other symptoms like hypertension, diabetes,gastroesophageal reflux disease, benign prostatichypertrophy and post-traumatic stress disorders werealso observed. But in some cases, many of theworkers complained of decreased vision at night.Many ophthalmologic studies have been conductedand they have concluded that decreased vision atnight is associated with the deposition of silver in thecornea.

According to the literature, it was reported thatmany people are using silver and silver compounds asmedications for symptoms such as allergies and colds(Bouts 1999, Gulbranson et al. 2000, Tomi et al.2004) and eye diseases (Loeffler and Lee 1987).

In conclusion, it has been reported that silvernanoparticles can bind to proteins and enzymes inmammalian cells. These silver nanoparticles canmake adhesive interactions with cellular membranesand produce highly reactive and toxic radicals likereactive oxygen species, which will causeinflammation and destroy cells like mitochondria.Subsequently they produce apoptogenic factors thatcause cell death and necrosis in the cellularenvironment. Silver nanoparticles can show intensivetoxic effects on the mitochondrial function and cellviability and they can produce lytic enzymes whichcan cause apoptosis and necrosis. It has been reportedthat ingestion of colloidal silver (a suspension ofsilver in microparticles and/or nanoparticles) has alsobeen linked with neurological problems, kidneydamage, stomach upset, headache, fatigue and skinirritation (Senjen 2007). Silver affects denitrificationbacteria such strongly that, in reality, disrupts thebacterium driven environmental denitrificationprocesses. As a consequence it results a great up tocatastrophic eutrophication in rivers, lakes andmarine ecosystems (Senjen 2007).

Having a tremendous surface area and smallparticle size, nanoparticles can make potentialinteractions with membrane surfaces and can easilytranslocate and become distributed throughout thehuman body. Taking into account theirphysicochemical and biological properties, it is likelythat nanoparticles possess unique toxicitymechanisms. It remains to be determined whethersilver nanoparticles and other nanoparticles willintroduce new mechanisms of injury from which newpathologies may result. Finally for silver, whethernano-sized or not, there are always the problems ofargyria and argyrosis in humans and eutrophication inthe environment.


Supports from theAcademy of Sciences of the CzechRepublic, project KAN 101630651 (Nanotechnologyfor the Society) and of the Grant Agency of the CzechRepublic, project No. 525/06/0663 are greatlyacknowledged. E.M.P-M. and J.H. acknowledge thepartial support from University of La Laguna, LaLaguna, Spain.

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