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© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

Business Blueprint | Implementation Road Map

Special Report Reveals…“How Charlotte, NC Real Estate Agent Lars Hedenborg

Sold Over 1,000 Homes in Just 6 Years - for Commissions in Excess of $7,000,000 (In A Tough Market) - and Now Works Only 1 Day Per Week Selling Over 300 Homes

Per Year and Doesn’t Meet With ANY Clients!”

by Lars HedenborgCreator of The Ultimate Business Blueprint for Real Estate Agents

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© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

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The Ultimate Business Blueprint for Real Estate Agents

As a fellow real estate agent, I realize you are bombarded by coaches and trainers promising to give you the secrets to selling more homes while working less hours and how to build a successful real estate business. But how many of these coaches and trainers have actually done it themselves?

What if I told you that you could sell hundreds of homes each year working 1 day per week...would you believe me?

My name is Lars Hedenborg and I’m a successful real estate agent in Charlotte, NC. My first full year in real estate was 2008...can you imagine what it was like to come into real estate just as the end of the financial world as we knew it was upon us!? I had zero sales experience, but I fought hard and battled my way through that tough market.

By the end of my first full year, I sold over 70 homes - earning gross commissions in excess of $500,000. And at this point in my career, I’ve sold over 1,000 homes for real estate worth in excess of $250M! That’s over $7,000,000 of gross commission income!

The cool thing is that I’ve built sustainable systems in my business and I now sell over 300 homes per year, working only 1 day per week - and I don’t meet with any clients!

Why Should You Listen to Me?

So here’s the thing, it was a painful and costly process to figure out how to get to this point. I’ve done many things right, but I’ve also made a ton of mistakes and wasted a lot of money trying things that didn’t work (literally hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain).

I’ve been coached and trained by more than a dozen real estate coaches and trainers. I’ve spent over $160,000 on real estate coaching, paying as much as $4,000 per month for coaching and $25,000 for five days of on-site coaching for my team. I am grateful to all of these coaches, but I didn’t get all the answers or systems I was looking for.

While these real estate coaches and trainers all gave me pieces to the puzzle I was

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building, I had to go outside the real estate industry to learn how to build a “real” real estate business. I was spending more than $200,000 on business, personal development, wealth, tax, direct response marketing, and internet marketing coaching and training.

So the list of coaching and training I’ve been through continues...

• I’ve been through all levels of business and personal development coaching with Tony Robbins, including Date With Destiny, Life & Wealth Mastery, Business Mastery I and II. I also had one of his top business and life coaches train me personally for 3 years. I’ve spent over $75,000 with Tony and love him for it!

• I’ve been through Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad’s Wealth and Tax Strategy training with Tom Wheelright at ProVision Wealth. I paid $20,000 for 12 one-hour sessions and it was worth 10 times the investment I made!

• I’ve been coached by Entrepreneurial Guru Dan Sullivan, Founder of Strategic Coach. I pay $12,000 for 4 one-day meetings per year; this was and continues to be a life changer for me!

• I’ve gone through the very best Internet Marketing training programs (spent more than $50,000 total) including Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, Casey Graham, Russell Brunson, Pam Hendrickson, Mike Koenigs, Eben Pagan and Brendon Burchard (all of these opened a whole new world of how to market online and crush your competition in any industry).

• I’ve been through Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing, Renegade Millionaire System, and Advanced Business training program, as well as being a Diamond Member of GKIC (spent more than $10,000).

In addition to the extensive coaching I’ve received, I also have a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, which cost me over $100,000.

So needless to say, I’ve been coached and educated by the very best in the world, inside and outside of the real estate industry. But I realize that most real estate agents

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© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

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can’t afford to spend over $400,000 and spend 6 years, like I did, to figure out how to build a business that serves them and their families.

Through painstaking trial and error, mixing and matching, applying and testing; I figured out what works and what doesn’t. Although it wasn’t easy, and was messy at times, I’ve built a business that truly serves me and my family. This year, I will take 8-10 weeks of vacation and work only 1 day per week while I’m in town.

With 2 young children and a wife that I love dearly, it was critical that I find a way to give up the grind of working deals 24/7. I had a single focus when I entered the real estate industry, a really big “Why?” that drove me to do whatever it took to build a “real” real estate business. And I’ve done it - and you can too!

Lars, Why Are You Helping Other Agents Do This?I do this because I’ve been so blessed and achieved such an extraordinary level of success, I’ve decided to help other agents achieve the same level of success I have. I teach others to open their minds to the idea of becoming a team leader or business owner, rather than going from deal to deal, working evenings and weekends, not taking as much time off as you deserve, and neglecting your family in the process.

The time and effort I put into building training programs and working with real estate agents and team leaders as a business consultant gives me great fulfillment. The return is 100 times what I put into it!

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© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

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I was tired of not finding the answers I was looking for and, worse yet, getting confused and tired of the coaching and training options in the real estate industry. So I developed a comprehensive step-by-step training system to teach top producing agents and team leaders the exact same mindsets, systems, tools, and strategies I’ve implemented in my business. The process allows others to go from rookie agent, with no sales experience whatsoever -to really busy, top producing agent - to an inspiring team leader - to a real business owner working only 1 day per week, making more money than I ever could have imagined.

And the cool thing is, all of my real estate clients “know” me and get world-class service delivered by me. However, I don’t ever meet with them or have to deal with all of the drama that goes along with helping buyers and sellers.

It’s a good life for sure...

I have spent 8 years working in Acquisitions & Strategy for an Aerospace company and traveling the world conducting extensive due diligence in the areas of operations, sales, marketing, finance, technology and legal. This experience provided me with a very unique skill set, in terms of being able to identify areas of weakness and opportunities for rapid improvement in companies I worked with.

The “Business Blueprint” described in this special report can do the same for you...

If you’re bursting at the seams, always on your phone, checking email 24/7, missing family events or your children’s school activities, or just want more time to pursue your true passions or hobbies, then you must take action and find a different way to live your life.

The basis of my real estate business training is the “4 Core Building Blocks” of The Ultimate Business Blueprint for Real Estate Agents. In each of these core building blocks, I give you the tools and systems and teach you step-by-step how to install them into your business.

I’ve set aside time for Free Strategy Sessions for top producing agents and team leaders that are serious about building a business that can run without them.

Claim Your Spot Now!

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© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

Business Blueprint | Implementation Road Map

So, What is “The Ultimate Business Blueprint for Real Estate Agents”?

The Ultimate Business Blueprint for Real Estate Agents was developed to help agents build a sustainable, systems-driven business that truly serves them. Rather than teach agents how to prospect better or how to generate more buyer leads, my training is focused more on getting passed those basic skills in order to work on building the systems to be able to scale your business so that it works for you. That being said, I do have some very good buyer and seller lead generation and conversion systems, but it’s not the end game - it’s just the start!

Check it out…

The Ultimate Business Blueprint for Real Estate Agents is based on 4 Core Building Blocks.

1. Maximum Advantage Buyer System - a system based approach to buyer lead generation, conversion and management that will help you generate high quality buyer leads and convert them into raving fan clients.

2. Maximum Payoff Seller System - generate quality seller leads that give you the maximum return on your investment, convert those leads into pre-qualified appointments, pre-sell them on your services so they’re ready to sign, get your

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© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

Business Blueprint | Implementation Road Map

listings priced right and service them so your sellers refer you to all of their friends, family and coworkers.

3. Building a Self-Managed Team - build a high powered, sales focused real estate team that is self man aged, learn how to recruit staff and agents, how to motivate agents to achieve peak productivity levels and how to get your team to embrace accountability and tracking so you know exactly what is going on in your business every day.

4. Stepping Out of Your Business - learn the tools you need to run your business as an asset that serves you vs. enslaves you, hire key people to manage the sales team and your operations and know the handful of reports you need to create and consume on a regular basis so you know where you are headed.

Over the course of the last 6 years, I’ve grown my real estate business in the following phases or sequence (notice they match the 4 Core Building Blocks). It has helped immensely to have such a simple framework for my Inner Circle and Consulting clients. Most agents tend to complicate their businesses when it really boils down to doing a few things very well.

So here is “my story” and the sequence I followed and the basis of the 4 Core Building Blocks. I tell it here in detail so you can internalize what your path might look like if you implement these tools, systems and strategies.

Mastering the Buy Side

In my first year, I was doing mainly low cost direct response buyer lead generation. I would run simple classified ads, drive buyers to a landing page, get their info, call them, convince them to meet with me, sign them to a loyalty agreement, sell them a home, close and keep in touch.

I had mastered the buyer side of the business. By the end of my first full year, I had sold over 70 homes (27 in 2007 and 44 in 2008), over 90% of which were buyers that had not known me before they responded to my advertising. Given that I had a newborn at home and a wife I wanted to keep happy, something had to give. Working with buyers made it very hard to manage my schedule, so I was forced to move over to the listing side.

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© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

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My First Key Hires

Before I could ease off on buyers, I had to find someone to help me work buyers and handle all of the admin tasks. My first hire (who is still with me today) was a full time assistant that did everything in those early years. She managed closings, serviced my listings, handled getting my marketing pieces mailed and anything else I wasn’t good at. I also met a new agent (who is still with me today) and convinced him to join my team as a buyer’s agent. These 2 hires were absolutely critical to launching my team and allowing me to focus on building the listing side of my business.

Transitioning to the Listing Side

In order to build up my listing business, I took my direct response advertising and marketing skills and applied them to seller lead generation. I focused my efforts on Expired/Withdrawn listings and FSBOs. I can’t say it was easy but I (consistently) mailed and (not-so consistently) called these potential seller clients. It worked; I was able to build a modest listing inventory by the end of 2009. I had also hired a couple more buyer agents by this time (although I didn’t have a real system to manage these agents yet).

Exiting the Buy Side

Going into 2010, my 3rd full year, I had 4 buyer agents and one admin staff. Our goal for that year was 120 sides and we hit 118 sides (85 buy sides and 33 listings). My

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© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

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personal production was 66 sides so more than half the team’s production was done by me. Even though I was more selective with buyers, they were still pulling me away from other more important activities, such as team development and training and working on my business.

So going in to 2011, I decided to give up buyers altogether and focus 100% of my efforts on building out my team and allowing my buyer agents to handle all buyer business going forward. I realized that it wasn’t fair for me to work with buyers when I had agents on my team that could service them just as well and I could work on other activities that would bring even more business to the team.

Building a Self Managed Team

In 2011, I focused my efforts entirely on developing and building out my team and listing and selling as many homes as possible. So, I hired a Listing Manager to manage the day-to-day servicing of my listings and a Sales Assistant to handle incoming seller leads. I also spent a substantial amount of time building accountability systems for my agents and client servicing systems for our buyer and seller clients.

It was a crazy year and, by the end of it, we had sold 178 homes (our goal was 180). I sold 65 listings and did not work with any buyers. We had amassed close to 100 listings and, while the market wasn’t great, things were going very well.

It was time to hire my replacement on the listing side and focus all of my efforts on perfecting our business and client servicing tools and systems. In Dec 2011, I hired my first listing partner and, within 6-9 months, I had taken myself out of working with clients directly. I had also built in simple accountability systems for both buyer and listing agents, so I could track their performance and help them achieve their goals.

I’ve set aside time for Free Strategy Sessions for top producing agents and team leaders that are serious about building a business that can run without them.

Claim Your Spot Now!

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Perfecting Our Systems

Now that I was not working with clients directly, my job was basically to bring in high quality leads, help my team convert them and then to make sure our clients had a great experience so they would refer their friends and family. The next 6 months or so (the second half of 2012) was spent dialing in my lead generation and management systems, making sure our agents were maximizing the opportunities given to them, building sustainable systems for servicing our clients from active client to contract-to-close to post-closing so that they become raving fans. In the beginning of 2013, I hired an Operations Manager to then take over running my client servicing systems. I also promoted my Sales Assistant to Sales Manager, to coordinate our sales efforts and manage the sales team on a day to day basis.

Stepping Out of The Business

At this point it was very easy to step out of the day-to-day activities and drop down to a few days per week. I had all the systems in place - our marketing was systemized, our lead conversion was systemized, our client servicing was systemized, our past client processes were systemized. Once I exited the day-to-day activities, my only responsibilities were to run our team meeting, make sure our marketing is converting at an attractive ROI, and to manage our finances. And I manage to do that working 1 day per week. I run our team meeting, meet with my Sales Manager and Operations Manager, and make sure our cash position is solid. It’s all pretty simple and the business is highly profitable and predictable.

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Why Are You Telling Me This?

The point of telling you my story is to hopefully give you an idea of what yours might look like - or what might be possible - to serve as a road map for you to follow as you begin your journey to building a sustainable business that serves you and your family.

This applies to any real estate agent or team leader, no matter what your current production and team looks like. If you already have a team, you might have to go back and install systems to build in predictability in your business and repeatable systems so that there is no guesswork…but this is the only way to be able to pull yourself out of your business and build yourself an automatic ATM like mine!

OK, so now that you know my story, let’s cover step-by-step how to go about building a sustainable and profitable real estate business.

We do this using the 4 Core Building Blocks framework.

Core Building Block #1: The Maximum Advantage Buyer System

No matter where you are in your business evolution, we must start on the buyer side. Building a hands-off buyer business is the first of the 4 Core Building Blocks and we will cover it in detail here.

þ Building an effective buyer lead generation system based on low cost direct response marketing

þBuyer lead conversion mastery (scripts and dialogs), you need to become a master of words and use them to get people to do what you need them to

þ Buyer lead management system, this is where the money is made, lead follow up is critical to your success, every lead must go into a lead incubation system

þ Buyer loyalty presentation, give up wondering if you are wasting your time, present your services and get buyers to commit to use you (even if they go new construction or FSBO)

þ Buyer forms, everything you need to get buyers to work with you, take the

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guesswork out of the buyer “listing” process, you must have a repeatable system for signing buyers

Core Building Block #2: The Maximum Payoff Listing System

Now that you have your buyer lead generation, conversion and management system in place and you have the process by which you get buyers to work with you exclusively (via your sales presentation and loyalty forms), we are ready to move on to building out a listing system that is repeatable. The focus of your efforts should be in the following areas:

þ Seller lead generation for maximum return on investment, listing lead gen is very expensive, you must make sure you are getting a return on your investment

þ Seller lead conversion mastery (scripts and dialogs), we take the same general skills that we mastered on the buy side and turn them over to the listing side, calling FSBOs, Expireds and Past Clients is key to generating listing leads

þ Seller pre-listing materials to maximize chances of getting the listing, you must pre-sell your services with a strong pre-listing package

þ 7 Step Listing Process to maximize listing success rate, you must have a repeatable process for listing homes, 7 steps followed every time will ensure your success

þ Seller marketing presentation, address objections ahead of time, your seller prospects will make you stop because they are sold on your marketing and pricing strategy

þ Listing packet materials to minimize time at seller’s home, only sign what’s necessary at the home, you have to focus on maximizing your productivity and taking pictures or room measurements is not what you want to spend your time on

þ Listing management and servicing to create raving fans, this is driven by your real estate CRM, we use Top Producer, and I suggest you use it as well - I’ve closed all 1,000+ homes in Top Producer!

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Core Building Block #3: Building a Self-Managed Team

Now to the fun stuff…and the hard part of this process…building a team and managing people. Leverage through people is the biggest step for most agents to make. There is fear associated with the financial commitment of hiring staff and supporting buyer and listing agents. That being said, if done right, this is where your business will really take off and take on a life of its own.

The key here is to build a self managed team, one that respects accountability and treats your business as if it were their own.The process of building a self-managed team is simple but not easy:

þ Organizational Structures for principal agent, team leader & owner models, knowing what you want to build before you start

þ Using the DISC Personality Profile to get the right people on the bus, personality profiling is critical to having the right people do the right work

þ Importance of raving fan culture, so you can step back & let others lead, having a repeatable world class client experience is the key to referral and repeat business

þ Accountability systems/standards for your team, you get what you tolerate, this is where the rubber meets the road, you must be able to set standards for your team to follow and have consequences accordingly

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I’ve set aside time for Free Strategy Sessions for top producing agents and team leaders that are serious about building a business that can run without them.

Claim Your Spot Now!

© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

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þ Staff roles and responsibilities, applies whether you have 1 or many staff, everyone must have clear duties and responsibilities and know how they’re going to be measured

þ Build a self managed accountable team is the key, if there is dysfunction, the team will break down and under perform

þ Recruiting, how to get agents to buy in to your vision (with lower splits!), getting proper margins on company generated business is a must, be careful not to make the 50/50 splits mistake

þ Establishing a Lead Management policy that makes you the good guy, put it in writing, make it clear, your agents can blame it on the policy, not you þ Tracking the activities of your agents, make accountability easy and fun, getting a team of winners that appreciate accountability is critical, don’t take the easy way out

þ Buyer/Listing Specialist position agreements and commission structure, put together written expectations and have agents renew them annually and recommit themselves to your team and vision

þ Weekly team rhythm, how to run effective meetings and daily huddles, just like a sports team, having an efficient and effective way to communicate and get excited about “going into battle” will separate your team from the pack

þ Setting team/agent sales goals vs. actuals and weekly review with team, this is crucial, agents will not do this for themselves so you have to do it for them, help them set and achieve their goals and they will be forever loyal to you

I know that building a team seems like it had a lot of moving parts (and it does) but it’s a process and you might not do it perfectly but keep focused on your outcome and you will get there.

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Core Building Block #4: Stepping Out of Your Business

The last step in the process is by far the most satisfying, this is where you enjoy the fruits of your labor…stepping out the day to day operations of your business. The transaction treadmill known as real estate is exhausting. Bringing home the stress that your clients dump on you and living in constant work mode is not a fun way to live. Having true systems in your business allow you to step out and be a true business owner.

So here we go, this area of focus involves some tangible number crunching sort of skills but also some higher-level mindset changes.

Stepping out of your business involves the following:

þ Developing a mission/vision and strategic plan to drive your business, having clarity in this area and something bigger than you move the business forward every day is key

þ Optimize sales funnels: phone, face-to-face, servicing, closing & beyond; real estate is a very simple business, as the owner you must master sales funnel optimization… going from lead to appointment to client to check cashed to raving fan sending you tons of referrals. Monitoring and optimizing your buyer and seller sales funnels is what you do at this level and it’s high paying work!

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þ Marketing ROI tracking to make decisions on spending and maximize ROI, if you haven’t seen my Marketing ROI Tracker, you are missing out, it’s a very simple but powerful way to see your marketing pillars and the returns they bring in, you can’t run a business without this level of clarity

þ Monthly financial review and using forecasting tools, to predict your sales, expenses and income and then track your actual against those predictions is key to truly becoming a business owner vs. a business operator, even if you aren’t a finance wizard, you must master this area of your business

þ Managing your cash - growth can literally kill a company! I have had a couple scares with respect to my business sucking up cash quicker than it was generated and I’ve learned from those lessons, every week you must run a 90- day cash flow forecast; ignore this mandate at your risk!

þ Decide today what your time is worth...never see the world the same! The first I did this exercise, I was blown away, knowing that my time is worth $500 per hour helps me make crystal clear decisions on what I can touch and what I must delegate, decide what your worth and think about that number all day long as your doing all the admin tasks that typical agents do, it will change your life. þ DPAs - 20% of your actions give you 80% of your desired results, realizing that the 80/20 is alive and well in real estate will help you see things entirely differently, make sure you do more of the activities that bring in the most results and continue to shed those activities that don’t produce the results you want

þ Dominate Your Day! Start w/ morning ritual, then 60/60/30 w/ laser focus! Personal Productivity is essential to achieving your goals, laser focus directed toward a measurable desired outcome will get you where you want to go, of course a little pig headed discipline helps but holding yourself accountable moment by moment will produce amazing results

þ Daily mental workout, review your goals and “Your Big Why” every day, for years I would look at my annual plan each day, several times a day, perhaps you’ve seen my annual business plans (if you haven’t, you’re missing out). You must have a clear vision of what you are going to accomplish each year and you must focus on those goals daily.

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Stepping out of your business is not for everyone but if you do these steps, your success will be virtually guaranteed. By having the systems in place to give you clarity regarding the critical activities in your business, your chances of success improve dramatically.

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I’ve set aside time for Free Strategy Sessions for top producing agents and team leaders that are serious about building a business that can run without them.

Claim Your Spot Now!

© Copyright 2014 Lars Hedenborg | | [email protected]

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Final Thoughts

My journey has been an awesome one, it’s been scary at times and so rewarding I’ve been brought to tears. To think of what is possible in this business should get you excited, you have the opportunity to build a business that serves hundreds of families each year in a deep and meaningful way. Don’t underestimate the impact you can have on this world by taking on the challenge of doing what few agents will even attempt. Owning a tangible business asset isn’t necessarily passive income but you can step out of the day to day operations and steer the ship and empower your staff and inspire your agents to become more than they ever thought possible. I’m honored to lead my team, they are warriors and go to battle every day.

As my personal mentor Tony Robbins said:

“You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you

decided you really are now? Don’t think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully.

Make it powerfully.”

Make a difference in the world, dare to be different, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride!

God Bless You!

At Your Service,

Lars Hedenborg

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