  • Bibliography

    Pace University, Institute of International Commercial Law

  • CISG w3 Database, Pace Law School Institute of InternationalCommercial Law.

    for Albert H. Kritzer CISG Database of the Institute of International Commercial Law ii

  • Contents


    Introduction 1

    A 1

    B 22

    C 87

    D 124

    E 152

    F 171

    G 212

    H 247

    I 297

    J 301

    K 313

    L 356

    M 396

    N 444

    O 457

    P 467

    Q 499

    R 501

    S 534

    T 609

    U 627

    V 636

    W 658

    X 690

    Y 692

    Z 698

    SiSU Metadata, document information 715

    for Albert H. Kritzer CISG Database of the Institute of International Commercial Law iii

  • Bibliography



    “A discussion of the CISG would be incomplete without taking3into account the relationship of the Convention to the Princi-ples of European Contract Law, the UNIDROIT Principles andthe lex mercatoria.” The International Sale of Goods Revis-ited, Sarcevic & Volken eds. (Kluwer 2001). In a similar vein,as Jürgen Basedow puts it: “Insofar as their rules overlap [theVienna Convention, the UNIDROIT Principles and the PECL]should be seen ... as one comprehensive model since the twosets of rules in substance closely follow the Vienna Conven-tion”, in: Towards a Universal Doctrine of Breach of Contract:The Impact of the CISG, 25 International Review of Law andEconomics (September 2005) 489.

    The cisgw3 bibliography seeks to take into account these princi-4ples as well as the CISG. The bibliography contains 8,053 citations.Help us improve and expand it by Comments/Contributions; call toour attention corrections and citations to other relevant scholarlyworks.


    ABAS, Piet61993. Rebus sic stantibus, 2d ed., Köln/Berlin/Bonn/München(1993)

    ABASCAL ZAMORA, José María [Mexico]7[Participant in development of UNIDROIT Principles]1994/1995. [Reports on international commercial law - in Spanish],published in the guia legal [legal guide] section of the newspaperFinanciero, analisis (Mexico, D.F.)

    ABASCAL ZAMORA, José María [Mexico] 8___ La compraventa internacional de mercaderías [The interna-tional sale of goods]; a nine-part series, in: FinancieroI. El caso Cinema Exótica [The case: Cinema Exótica], in: Fi-nanciero: 14:5A (11 May 1994)II. Ley aplicable y celebración del contrato de compraventa [Appli-cable law and the conclusion of the contract of sale], in: Financiero:14:5A (15 June 1994)III. Daños o faltantes en las mercaderías; importancia de notificaral vendedor [Damages in the goods; importance of notifying theseller], in: Financiero: 14:5A (22 June 1994)IV. Paso del riesgo en la compraventa internacional; ¿Quién pierdelas mercaderías dañadas o robadas? [Passage of risk in the inter-national sale of goods. The goods are damaged? The goods arestolen?], in: Financiero: 14:3A (29 June 1994)V. ¿Qué puede hacer el comprador cuando hay incumplimiento delvendedor? [Buyer’s remedies when seller is in breach of contract],in: Financiero: 14:6A (6 July 1994)VI. ¿Qué puede hacer el vendedor ante falta de pago por el com-prador? [Seller’s remedies when then buyer fails to pay the price],in: Financiero: 14:5A (13 July 1994)VII. ¡Cuidado con la prescripción!, es fácil descuidar un derecho yperderlo [Be careful with prescription rules! It is easy to be carelesswith a right and to lose it], in: Financiero: 14:6A (20 July 1994)VIII. La batalla de las formas [Battle of the forms], in: Financiero:14:6A (27 July 1994)IX. Financiero: 15 (22 November 1995)

    ABASCAL ZAMORA, José María [Mexico] 9___ Cómo conocer la jurisprudence internacional del derecho mer-cantil: el CLOUT [How to become familiar with international com-mercial case law: CLOUT (Case Law on Uncitral Texts)], in: Fi-nanciero: 14:8A (14 December 1994)

    for Albert H. Kritzer CISG Database of the Institute of International Commercial Law 1

  • Bibliography

    ABASCAL ZAMORA, José María [Mexico]10___ El derecho del comercio internacional: génesis, fuentes (con-venciones internacionales, leyes modelo, cláusulas y contratosmodelo, guías jurídicas) [The International Commercial Law:genesis, sources (international conventions, model laws, modelcontracts and model clauses, legal guides)]: an eight-part series,in: FinancieroI. Génesis del derecho del comercio internacional [Genesis of theinternational commercial law], in: Financiero: 15:5A (22 February1995)II. Las fuentes del derecho del comercio internacional [Sourcesof the international conventions and model laws], in: Financiero:15:5A (1 March 1995)III. Las convenciones internacionales de derecho uniforme [In-ternational conventions on uniform law], in: Financiero: 15:5A (8March 1995)IV. Convenciones internacionales y leyes modelo [Internationalconventions and model laws]: in: Financiero: 15:5A (15 March1995)V. Las leyes modelo del derecho del comercio internacional [Modellaws on international commercial law], in: Financiero: 15:7A (22March 1995)VI. La recopilación de reglas, usos y costumbres [Compilations ofrules, usages and customs], in: Financiero: 15:8A-9A (29 March1995)VII. Las clausulas y los contratos modelo [Contract clauses andmodel contracts], in: Financiero: 15:7A (5 April 1995)VIII. Las guías juridicas [Legal guides], in: Financiero: 15:5A (19April 1995)

    ABASCAL ZAMORA, José María [Mexico]111997. Los Principios sobre los contratos comerciales interna-cionales de UNIDROIT [compares UNIDROIT Principles withMexican law and UNCITRAL legal texts, in particular, CISG

    - in Spanish], Derecho de los negocios (Madrid: June 1997)11-24

    ABASCAL ZAMORA, José María [Mexico] 121998. Los Principios de UNIDROIT como instrumento para inter-pretar o suplementar textos internacionales de derecho uniformeo textos de derecho interno [The UNIDROIT Principles usedas an instrument to interpret and supplement international textson uniform and internal law - in Spanish], in: Los principios deUNIDROIT: ¿Un derecho Común de los Contratos para las Améri-cas?/ The UNIDROIT Principles: A Common Law of Contractsfor the Americas? (Actas/Acts - Congreso Interamerican/Inter-American Congress - Hacia un nuevo regimen para la contrataciónmercantil internacional: los Principios de UNIDROIT sobre loscontratos comerciales internacionales/ A new approach to in-ternational commercial relations: the UNIDROIT Principles ofInternational Commercial Contracts, Valencia, Venezuela (6-9November 1996), Rome: UNIDROIT (1998) 211-220

    ABDEL AZIZ, Gamal M. 131996/1997. The Conformity Obligation in Contracts for the In-ternational Sale of Goods [- in Arabic], Doctorate thesis (Cairo:1996/1997) 540 p.

    ABD EL HAMID, J. Khaled 14‹2001. Fask’ a’aqd al be’ al dawli lel badae’ wefkan le itefakeyetVienna l’am 1980 [The Avoidance of the Contract for InternationalSale of Goods according to the Vienna Convention 1980 - in Ara-bic], Doctoral thesis Cairo University, 2d ed. 628 p.› 1

    ben ABDERRAHMANE, Dahmane 151989. La conformité des marchandises dans la convention de Vi-enne du 11 avril 1980 sur les contrats de vente internationale demarchandises, [Conformity of Goods under the CISG - in French],


    for Albert H. Kritzer CISG Database of the Institute of International Commercial Law 2

  • Bibliography

    15 Droit et pratique du commerce international/International TradeLaw and Practice (Paris) (1989) 551-563

    ACADEMIE DES PRIVATISTES EUROPÉEN162000. Code européen des contrats. Projecto preliinar coordinadopor G. Gandolfi [European Contract Code. Preliminary project co-ordinated by G. Gandolfi - in Italian], Milano: Giuffrè (2000) 576 etseq.

    ACHILLES, Wilhelm-Albrecht172000. Kommentar zum UN-Kaufrechtsübereinkommen (CISG)[Commentary to the UN Sales Convention (CISG) - in German],Newied, Kriftel: Berlin (2000) 380 p.

    ACHILLES, Wilhelm-Albrecht182002. [Case comment on Battle of the Forms issues raised in BGH9 January 2002 (VIII ZR 304/00) - in German], BGHReport (2002)267-268

    ACKERMAN, Grant R. [U.S.]191988. Scholarly Commentary on Articles of the United NationsConvention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, 21Cornell International Law Journal (1988) 535-573

    ACKERMAN, Grant R. [U.S.]201992. UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale ofGoods: Annotated, Boston: Warren, Gorham & Lamont (1992)[looseleaf] [publication discontinued: 1995]

    ACKERMAN, Thomas212001. Adäquanz und Vorhersehbarkeitsregel [Adequacy and theforeseeability rule - in German], Bern / Stuttgart /Wien (2001)

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]221984. La obligación del vendedor de entregar las mercancías,según la Convención de Viena sobre compraventa internacionalde mercaderías, interpretada a la luz del Derecho Romano clásico

    [Duty of Seller to Deliver the Goods under the CISG Interpretedin the Light of Classic Roman Law, - in Spanish], in: Estudios Ju-rídicos en memoria de Roberto L. Mantilla Molina, México: Porrua(1984) 47-60

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 231984. La regla “periculum est emptoris” aplicada a la compraventainternacional de mercaderías [“Periculum est Emptoris” in Interna-tional Sales - in Spanish], 11 Anuario Jurídico (México) (1984) 237-249

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 241986. La responsabilidad del vendedor por la calidad de las mer-cancías en la compraventa internacional, Una interpretación ro-manística [Seller’s Responsibility for the Quality of the Goods inInternational Sales, a Romanistic Interpretation - in Spanish], 19Boletín Méxicano de Derecho Comparado (1986) 15-38

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 251989. La forma del contrato de compraventa internacional demercaderías [The Form of a Contract for the International Sale ofGoods - in Spanish], in: Revista de Derecho Notarial (Mexico, D.F.)23 (Nov. 1989) No. 100T.I, 21

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 261989. La Convención sobre compraventa internacional de mer-caderías [The Convention on the International Sale of Goods - inSpanish], in: Revista de Investigaciones Jurídicas (México) 13(1989) 499-676 [Documents in Spanish: CISG 532-567, AgencyConvention 568-594, Limitation Convention 581-594, ProtocolAmending Limitation Convention 595-600, ULF 601-611, ULIS612-646, Draft CISG 1978 647-672]

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 271990. Introducción a la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobrelos contratos de compraventa intenacional de mercaderías [Intro-

    for Albert H. Kritzer CISG Database of the Institute of International Commercial Law 3

  • Bibliography

    duction to CISG - in Spanish], Revista de Derecho Privado, Méx-ico, D.F. (1990) 165-198 [Introduction 165-170; CISG in Spanish171-198]

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]281990. El nuevo derecho del comercio internacional [The New Lawof International Commerce - in Spanish], in: Comercio Interna-cional Banamex (México) 2 (1990) 59-61Reviewed by PATIÑO MANFFER (1992)

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]291990. La Convención sobre los congratos de compraventa inter-nacional de mercaderías en el Derecho mexicano [The Conventionon Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in the Mexican Le-gal Order - in Spanish], in: Revista de Derecho Privado (México,D.F.) 1 (1990) 15-26

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]301990. Reglas de interpretación de la Convención sobre Com-praventa Internacional de Mercaderías [Rules of Interpretation ofthe CISG - in Spanish], Diritto del Commercio Internazionale (Mi-lan) 2 (1990), 103-125 = Revista de Investigaciones Jurídicas,México, D.F. 14 (1990) 9-31

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]311991. Estudios sobre la compraventa internacional de mer-caderías [Studies on the International Sale of Goods - in Spanish],México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (1991) 221 p.[collection of ten articles by Adame Goddard dealing with the mainfeatures of the CISG as compared with Mexican law]

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]321991. La formación del contrato de compraventa en el Códigode Comercio y en la Convención sobre compraventa internacional[The Formation of the Contract: Sales Contracts under the CodeCommercial and under the CISG - in Spanish], in: Centenario del

    Código de Comercio, México, D.F., UNAM (1991) 25-52

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 331992. Las obligaciones del comprador en la compraventa interna-cional [Obligations of the Buyer in International Sales - in Spanish],in: Revista de Derecho Comparado (México, D.F.) 3 (1992) 471-504

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 341992. El incumplimiento de las obligaciones contractuales en lacompraventa internacional [Remedies for Breach of Contract in In-ternational Sales - in Spanish], Revista de derecho privado (1992)257-295

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 351992. Book review: 1987 Bianca/Bonell Commentary on the Inter-national Sales Law, in: Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado,México, D.F. 26 (1992) 695-1022 [Review - in Spanish] [Avoidance,effects of (Tallon, Arts. 81-84) at 1017-1019; Damages (Knapp,Arts. 74-77) at 698-700; Exemptions (Tallon, Arts. 79-80) at 1019-1022; Interest (Nicholas, Art. 78) at 700-701; Preservation of thegoods (Barrera Graf, Arts. 85-88) at 695-697]

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 361993. Review of papers in 1990 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Pro-cedura Civile, Milano 44 at 715-782 [Review - in Spanish] [Generalobservations (Bonell) at 715-732; Sphere of application (Sacerdoti,Arts. 1-6) at 733-748 and (De Nova, Arts. 2-4) at 749-755; Lack ofconformity (Bin, Arts. 35-44) at 755-768; Procedural problems (LaChina) at 769-783]

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 371993. Las compraventas internacionales en la zona norteameri-cana de libre comercio [International Sales in North American FreeTrade Zone of Free Commerce - in Spanish], in: El Tratado de LibreComercio, México, D.F. (UNAM) 1993 Vol. II, 373-420

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  • Bibliography

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]381993. Las obligaciones del vendedor en la compraventa interna-cional [Obligations of the Seller in International Sales - in Spanish],in: Ars Iuris. Revista del Instituto de Documentación Juridicas dela Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Panamericana 10 (1993)11-53

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]391994. El Contrato de Compraventa Internacional [The Contract forInternational Sales - in Spanish], México, D.F. (UNAM/McGraw-Hill) 1994, 495 p. [Documents in Spanish: ULF 345-354, ULIS355-386; Draft CISG (1978) 387-411, CISG 413-445; LimitationPeriod Convention (1974) as amended by Protocol (1980) 447-462; Agency Convention (1983) 463-474]Reviewed by GARRO (1996)

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]401996. Las reglas de interpretación de los contratos internacionalesdesde la perspecitiva del derecho mexicano [The Rules of Inter-pretation for International Contracts: From the Viewpoint of Mex-ican Law - in Spanish], in: M. Joachim Bonell/Sandro Schipani,eds., “Principi per i contratti commerciali internazionali” e il sistemaguiridico latino-americano [“Principles for International Commer-cial Contracts” and the Latin-American Legal System] (SymposiumRome 13/14 December 1993), Padova, CEDAM: Roma e America,Vol. 9 (1996) 155-167 [CISG 167]

    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico]411998. Hacia un concepto internacional de contrato (o la inter-pretación de la palabra “contrato” en los Principios de Unidroit)[The international concept of contracts and interpretation of theword “contract” in the Unidroit Principles - in Spanish], in: Contrat-ación internacional. Comentarios a los Principios sobre los Con-tratos Comerciales Internacionales del Unidroit, Universidad Na-cional Autónoma de México - Universidad Panamericana (1998)


    ADAME GODDARD, Jorge [Mexico] 421998. La clásula de reserva de dominio en la compraventa inter-nacional [- in Spanish], Revista de derecho privado (Mexico 1998)97-100

    ADAMI, Francesco 431989. Les contrats “open price” dans la Convention des NationsUnies sur les contrats de vente international de marchandises,[“Open-Price” Contracts under the CISG - in French], Revue deDroit des Affaires Internationales / International Business LawJournal (Paris) (1989) 103-120

    ADAMS, John N. 441995. The Economics of Good Faith in Contract, 8 Journal of Con-tract Law (1995) 126 et seq.

    ADDIS, F. 451999. Note introduttive ai Principi UNIDROIT [Introductory note onthe UNIDROIT Principles - in Italian], in: Materiali e Commenti sulNuovo Diritto dei Contratti, a cura di G. Venturi, Padova, CEDAM(1999) 926-934

    ADEN, Menno 461997. Kollisionsrechtliche Wahlfeststellung Zugleich eine An-merkung zum Urteil des OLG Düsseldorf vom 11.07.96 - 6 U152/95 [commentary on OLG Düsseldorf 11 July 1996 - in Ger-man], Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (1997) 81-83

    ADEN, Menno 472003. Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Kommen-tar [International Commercial Arbitration - in German], 2d ed.,München (2003) 784 p.

    ADLER, Barry E. [U.S.] 481999. The Questionable Ascent of Hadley v. Baxendale, 51 Stan-ford Law Review (1999) 1547-1583

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    ADLERCREUTZ, [Sweden]491995. Avtalsrätt I [Contract Law I - in Swedish], 10th ed.(1995)

    ADLERCREUTZ, [Sweden]501996. Avtalsrätt II [Contract Law II - in Swedish], 4th ed.(1996)

    ADRIAN HERNANDEZ, T. M.511998. Las “ventajas desproporcionadas” en los Principios deUNIDROIT sobre los contratos comerciales internacionales [The“disproportionate advantages” in the UNIDROIT Principles of inter-national commercial contracts - in Spanish], in: Los principios deUNIDROIT: ¿Un derecho Común de los Contratos para las Améri-cas?/ The UNIDROIT Principles: A Common Law of Contractsfor the Americas? (Actas/Acts - Congreso Interamerican/Inter-American Congress - Hacia un nuevo regimen para la contrataciónmercantil internacional: los Principios de UNIDROIT sobre loscontratos comerciales internacionales/ A new approach to in-ternational commercial relations: the UNIDROIT Principles ofInternational Commercial Contracts, Valencia, Venezuela (6-9November 1996), Rome: UNIDROIT (1998) 293-298

    AFFOLDER, Natasha522002. Awarding compound interest in international arbitration, 12American Review of International Arbitration (2002) 45-93

    AGUIAR Jr., Ruy Rosado de531994. A Convenção de Viena e a resolução do contrato porincumprimento [The Vienna Convention and resolution of non-compliance with the contract - in Portuguese], in: Revista deInformação Legislativa (Brasília) 31 (1994) No. 121, 211-225(Annexes 219-225); in: Revista da Faculdade de Direito daUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, RS) 10(1994) Julho 7-21 (Annexes 14-20)

    AGUILAR ALVAREZ, Guillermo 541989. Observations [‹Commenting on ICC award No. 6281/1989›- in French], in: Journal du droit international - Clunet (Paris)116 (1989) 1114-1120 [1119-1120]; in: Jarvin, Sigvard/Derains,Yves/Arnaldez, Aguilard eds. Collection of ICC arbitral award-s/Recueil des sentences arbitrales de la CCI (1986-1990),Paris/New York (ICC)-Deventer/Boston: Kluwer (1994) 394-400[399-400]

    AGUILAR VIEIRA, Iacyr de 552003. La convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de venteinternationale de merchandises et son applicabilité au Brésil [TheCISG and its applicability in Brazil - in French], National Thesis No.2003STR30016, Droit International Privé: Strasbourg 3 (2003) 605p.

    AGUILAR VIEIRA, Iacyr / LACERDA da SILVA, Mileny A. 56/PEREIRA LEÂO, Alexandre2006. Direito uniforme sobre a compra e venda internacional demercadorias: convergências e divergências em sua aplicaçâo[ - in Portuguese], Revista de Direito Bancario e do Mercadode Capitais, n. 33, Sâo Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais (2006)61-83

    AHDAR, Rex J. 571990. Seller cure in the sale of goods, in: Lloyd’s Maritime andCommercial Law Quarterly (London) (1990) 364-382

    AHMADPOUR, Ayoub 582005. Economic hardship in performance of contracts: A compar-ative study of English, American, French and German law and theCISG, the UNIDROIT Principles and PECL Thesis (Ph.D.) Univer-sity of Aberdeen (2005) AICHER, Josef

    1992. Leistungsstörungen aus der Verkäufersphäre - Ein Beitrag 59zur wesentlichen Vertragsverletzung und zur aliud-Lieferung im

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    UN-Kaufrechtsübereinkommen, [Breach of Contract by the Seller.Fundamental Breach and aliud delivery under CISG - in German],Hoyer/Posch ed., Das EinheitlicheWiener Kaufrecht, Vienna: Orac(1992) 111-142

    AICHER, Josef / RUMMEL, Peter601990. Kommentar zum Allgemeinen Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch:mit IPR-Gesetz, Ehegesetz, Mietrechtsgesetz, Wohnungseigen-tumsgesetz, Landpachtgesetz, Konsumentenschutzgesetz,Produkthaftungsgesetz, UN-Kaufrecht [Commentary on the Aus-trian Civil Code (ABGB): with the Austrian Private InternationalLaw Act, the Marriage Law Act, the Lease Law Act, the LandLease Law Act, the Apartment Property Act, the Product LiabilityAct, and the CISG - in German], Wien: Manz (1990) 2 vol.

    AIMONE GIBSON, Enrique611996. Interpretación de los cantratos. Comentario al Capitulo IVde los “Principles . . .” [Interpretation of Contracts. Commentary onChapter IV of the UNIDROIT Principles . . . - in Spanish], in: M.J.Bonell/Sandro Schipani eds., “Principi per i contratti commerciali in-ternazionali” e il sistema giuridico latino-americano “[Principles forInternational Commercial Contracts” and the Latin-American Le-gal System] (Symposium Rome 13/14 December 1993), Padova,CEDAM:Roma eAmerica, Vol. 9 (1996) 141-153 [CISG 143]

    AJURA ROJO, Luis621996. Validez del contrato y ambito de aplicacion sustantivo dela Convencion de Viena sobre contratos de compraventa interna-cional demercaderias [Validity of the contract and scope of applica-tion of the CISG - in Spanish], Cuadernos de Derecho y Comercio(Spain) (December 1996) 13 et seq.


    2002. Europäischer Vertragsgesetzbuch Vorentwurf. [Euro-pean Contract Code: Preliminary Draft - in German], 10 Zeitschrift

    für Europäisches Privatrecht (2002) 139-172, 365-394

    AKADDAF, Fatima [Morocco] 64‹2001. Application of the United Nations Convention on Contractsfor the International Sale of Goods (CISG to Arab Islamic Countries:Is the CISG Compatible with Islamic Law Principles?, 13 Pace In-ternational Law Review (2001) 1-58› 3

    AKSELI, N. Orkun [Turkey] 65‹2003. Remarks on whether and the extent to which the Principlesof European Contract Law (PECL)may be used to help interpret Ar-ticle 16 of the CISG (February 2003); see also 7 Vindobona Journalof International Commercial Law and Arbitration (2003) 151-160›4

    AKSELI, N. Orkun [Turkey] 662006. Commentary on Article 15 CISG, in: André Corterier ed., commentary (April 2006). Go to ‹›and click Article 15 link.

    AKSELI, Orkun [Turkey] 672006. Revocability of offer: Editorial remarks on whether and theextent to which the Principles of European Contract Law may beused to help interpret Article 16 of the CISG, in: John Felemegased., An International Approach to the Interpretation of the UnitedNations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale ofGoods (1980) as Uniform Sales Law, Cambridge University Press(2006) 301-307

    ALBALADEJO, [Spain] 681978/1982. Comentarios al Código Civil y Compilaciones Forales[ - in Spanish], 1st ed. (1978); 2d ed. (1982)

    ALBALADEJO, [Spain] 69


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    1994. Derecho Civil, 2, Derecho de Obligaciones [ - in Spanish],9th ed. (1994)

    ALBERTS,701986. Der Einfluß vonWährungsschwankungen auf Zahlungsansprüchenach deutschem und englischem Recht [Effects of Fluctuation ofExchange Rates on Payment Claims in German and English Law- in German] (1986)

    ALBERTS,711989. Schadenseratz und Fremdwährungsrisiko [Damages andRisks of Foreign Currencies - in German], Neue JuristischeWochenschrift (1989 (609-615

    ALCOVER GARAU, Guillermo [Spain]721991. La transmisión del riesgo en la compraventa mercantil:Derecho español e internacional [Passage of Risk in CommercialSales: Spanish and International Law - in Spanish], Madrid: Civi-tas (1991) 319 p. [This is a publication of the doctoral thesis of theauthor. Its subject is CISG Article 66-70 (Passing of Risk). Theauthor also analyzes passage of risk under Spanish domestic lawand the U.S. Uniform Commercial Code.]

    ALESSI, R.731999. Luci ed ombre del nascente diritto europeo dei contratti[Lights and shadows of the emerging European law of contracts- in Italian], in: Alessi R. ed., Diritto europeo e autonomia contrat-tuale, Flaccovio: Palermo (1999) 7-46

    ALFARO, [Spain]741991. Los condiciones generales de la contratación [ - in Spanish](1991)

    AL IBRAHIM, Marwan / ABABNEH, Ala’eldin / TAHAT, Hisham752007. The Postal Acceptance Rule in the Digital Age, Journal of In-ternational Commercial Law and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (2007)47-53 ‹›

    ALJURE, Antonio 762003. Ámbito de aplicación de la Convención de NacionesUnidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional deMercaderías (CNUCIM) [Sphere of Application of the CISG - inSpanish], in: Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías: Comen-tarios a la Convención de Viena de 1980, Pontifica UniversidadJaveriana Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Bogatá, Colombia(2003) addenda

    ALLEN, Leon A. / BALUSS, Mary (Chair) 771987. Report of the Committee on International Energy Transac-tions, in: 8 Energy Law Journal (1987) 147-158

    ALLMENDINGER, Karl-Heinz 781984. Gestaltung von Liefer- (Kauf-)Verträgen im Auslands-geschäft, [Structuring of delivery (sales) contracts in foreign trade- in German], Köln: Bundesstelle für Aussenhandelsinformation(1984) 63 p. (Annex 36-63)

    ALLOTT, Antony 791968. The Unification of Laws in Africa, 16 American Journal ofComparative Law (1968) 51-87

    ALMEIDA, [Portugal] 801992. Texto e enunciado na teoria do negócio juridico [ - in Por-tuguese] (1992)

    ALMEIDA, Prado M. 812003. Le hardship dans le droit du commerce international[Hardship in International Commercial Law - in French], Bruxelles/-Paris: Bruyland/Forum eutopéen de la communication (2003) 345p.

    ALMÉN, Tore 821922. Das skandinavische Kaufrecht [Scandinavian sales law - inGerman], Bde. I-III, Deutsche Ausgabe von Neubecker, Heidel-berg: Winter (1922)

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    AL-MUHTASEB, Sa’ed Abdul Hafez831999. L’obligation de conformité dans le contrat de vente interna-tionale: etude comparée de droit français, du droit jordanien et dela CVIM [The obligation of conformity of the goods in internationalsales contracts: a comparative study of French law, Jordanian lawand the CISG - in French], National Thesis No. 1999STR30009,Droit privé: Strasbourg 3 (1999) 275 p.

    ALPA, Guido [Italy]841994. General Principles of Law, 1 Ann. Survey International &Comparative Law (1994) 1 et seq.

    ALPA, Guido [Italy]851996. Prime note di raffronto tra i Principi dell’UNIDROIT e il sis-tema contrattuale italiano [First notes on the comparison of theUNIDROIT Principles and the Italian contract system - in Italian],Contratto e impresa/Europa (1996) 316-336

    ALPA, Guido [Italy]861997. La protezione della parte debole di origine internazionale(con particolare riguardo al diritto uniforme) [International pro-tection of the weaker party (with particular regard to uniformlaw) - in Italian], in: Contratti Commerciali Internazionale ePrincipi UNIDROIT, Bonell / Bonelli eds., Milan: Giuffrè (1997)225-246

    ALPA, Guido [Italy]871999. [I Principi dell’Unidroit] Quadro di sintesi [UNIDROIT Princi-ples: Outline of development - in Italian], in: I contratti generale.Aggiornamento 1991-1998 diretta da G. Alpa e M. Bessone, Vol.I, 195-216. Torino, UTET (1999). (Giurisprudenza sistematica didiritto civile e commeciale, fondata da W. Bigiavi)

    ALPA, Guido [Italy]881999. La protezione della parte debole nei Principi dell’Unidroit[Protection of the weaker party under the UNIDROIT Principles - in

    Italian], in: I contratti generale. Aggiornamento 1991-1998 direttada G. Alpa e M. Bessone, Vol. I, 217-232. Torino, UTET (1999).(Giurisprudenza sistematica di diritto civile e commeciale, fondatada W. Bigiavi)

    ALPA, Guido [Italy] 891999. National Report: Italy, in: A New Approach to InternationalCommercial Contracts: The UNIDROIT Principles of InternationalCommercial Contracts, XVth International Congress of Compara-tive Law, Bristol, 26 July-1 August 1998, Kluwer Law International(1999) 175-190 [Underlying principles; The procedure; Systematicconstruction; Sample textual comparisons (Contractual freedom;Good faith, fairness, reasonableness; Usages; Protection of theweaker party; Negotiations; Formation of contracts; Content; Form;Preservation of the contract)]

    ALPA, Guido [Italy] 902000. European Community Resolutions and the Codificationof ‘Private Law’, European Review of Private Law (2000) 321 etseq.

    ALPA, Guido [Italy] 912000. Tendenze attuali del diritto dei contratti [Contract Law: Cur-rent Trends - in Italian], in: Istituto Giuridico Sammannese, Mis-cellanea, 6 [“I problemi dei contratti” Atti del Seminario organiz-zato dall’Istituto Giuridico Sammarinese e tenuto in San Marinonell’antico Monastero di Santa Chiara l’8 e il 9 settembre 1998](2000) 29-155

    ALPA, Guido [Italy] 922000-2001. The “Principles of European Contract Law” and theItalian Civil Code: some preliminary remarks, 15/16 Tulane Eur. &Civ. L.F. (2000-2001) 81-94

    ALPA, Guido [Italy] 932001. Foreign Law in International Legal Practice: An Italian Per-

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    spective, 36 Texas International Law Journal (2001) 495-506 [in-cludes section on Lex Mercatoria and Principles of InternationalCommercial Contracts processed by UNIDROIT]

    ALPA, Guido [Italy]942006. Harmonisation of and Codification in European ContractLaw, in: Vogenauer / Weatherill ed., The Harmonisation of Euro-pean Contract Law: Implications for European Private Laws, Busi-ness and Legal Practice, Hart Publishing: Oxford and Portland,Oregon (2006) 149-169

    ALPA, Guido / BESSONE, Mario [Italy]951980. Inadempimento, rimedi contrattuali, effetti della risoluzionenella vendita internazionale di cose mobili [Breach of contract,Remedies and Effects of Avoidance under CISG - in Italian](Convenzione di Vienna, marzo 1980), in: Foro Italiano (Roma)105 (1980) 233-254; in: Tedeschi/Alpa ed., Il contratto nel dirittonord- americano; in: Milan: Giuffrè (1980) 279-310; in: La VenditaInternazionale, (Convegno di Studi, Margherita Ligure 26-28 Sept.1980) Milan: Giuffrè (1981) 165-212 = Foro it. (Rome) 105 (1980)233-254

    ALPA, Guido / BESSONE, Mario [Italy]961991. 2/II I contratti in generale [Contracts in general - in Italian](Turin 1991)

    ALPA, Guido / GIAMPIERI, Alberto [Italy]97‹1995. Law and economics and method analysis: the contractualdamages issue, Cardozo Law Bulletin (1995)› 5 [common princi-ples of civil and common law]

    ALPA, Guido / GIAMPIERI, Alberto [Italy]981996. Analisi economica del diritto e analisi del metodo: la ques-tione del danno contrattuale [Economic analysis of law and analy-sis of the method: Issue of contractual damages - in Italian], Rivista


    trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, n. 3 (1996) 717-723

    AL-RUSHOUD, Ahmad H. [Kuwait] 991999. The right to cure defects in goods and documents, Lloyd’sMaritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Part 4 (November 1999)456-461

    van ALSTINE, Michael P. [U.S.] 1001995. Fehlender Konsens beim Vertragsabschluß nach dem ein-heitlichen UN-Kaufrecht: eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchungauf der Grundlage des deutschen sowie des US-amerikanischenRechts [Conclusion of contract without consensus under the CISG:A comparative study based on German as well as U.S.-Americanlaw - in German], Thesis Bonn 1994, Baden-Baden: Nomos. Ar-beiten zur Rechtsvergleichung, Vol. 174 (1995) 270 p.

    van ALSTINE, Michael P. [U.S.] 101‹1996. Consensus, Dissensus, and Contractual ObligationThrough the Prism of Uniform International Sales Law, 37 Vir-ginia Journal of International Law (1996) 1-105› 6 [dissensus inbattle-of-the-forms transactions under the CISG: it is the author’sthesis that for conflicting terms (“dissensus”), when the contract isperformed, in lieu of the customary mirror-image corollary – the“last shot” doctrine – “the provisions of the Convention should onlybe displaced in the face of . . . a contrary common intent”]

    van ALSTINE, Michael P. [U.S.] 102‹1998. Dynamic Treaty Interpretation, 146 University of Pensylva-nia Law Review (1998) 687-793› 7

    van ALSTINE, Michael P. [U.S.] 1031999. Of Textualism, Party Autonomy, and Good Faith, 40 William& Mary Law Review (1999) 1223-1312 [Written entirely in the con-text of U.S. UCC and common law experience. Discusses and crit-


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    icizes what the author characterizes as a growing U.S. trend (the“textualist approach to good faith”): restrict the use of good faithas a device to change the parties’ bargain. Cf. the CISG, not dis-cussed in this commentary, whose reference to good faith is lessexplicit than under the UCC. Also discusses party autonomy (bar-gaining around good faith requirements): it is the author’s thesisthat “the doctrine of good faith . . . impose[s] a heightened bur-den of expression for bargaining around its strictures with respectto discretionary contractual powers.”]

    van ALSTINE, Michael P. [U.S.]1042002. The role of national courts: Treaty law and legal transitioncosts, 77 Chicago-Kent Law Review (2002) 1303-1324

    van ALSTINE, Michael P. [U.S.]1052006. The UNCITRAL Digest, the Right to Interest, and the InterestRate Controversy, paper presented 5 November 2005 at seminarat University of Pittsburgh School of Law, in: 2 CILE Studies, “TheCISG and the Business Lawyer: The UNCITRAL Digest as a Con-tract Drafting Tool” ___ (forthcoming 2006)

    ALTERINI, Atilio Anibal [Argentina]1061997. Los principios sobre los contratos de UNIDROIT y las solu-ciones del derecho comün [The UNIDROIT Principles on Con-tracts and a common law solution - in Spanish], Ponenecia pre-sentada por Atilio Alterini - Congreso Interamericano / Presenta-tion by Atilio Alterini - Inter-American Congress - Hacia un nuevorégimen para la contratación mercantil internacional: los Princip-ios de UNIDROIT sobre los contratos internacionales / A new ap-proach to international commercial relations: the UNIDROIT Prin-ciples of International Commercial Contracts, Valencia, Venezuela(6-9 November 1996), in: Doctrina Judical, La Ley (Buenos Aires1997) - T 2, 1055-1065

    ALTERINI, Atilio Anibal [Argentina]1071998. Los Principios de UNIDROIT y las soluciones del dere-

    cho común [ - in Spanish], UNIDROIT ed., The UNIDROIT Prin-ciples: A Common Law of Contracts for the Americas? (1998)259-274

    ALVARADO HERRERA, Lucía 1081999. Los principios de UNIDROIT, Capítulo III. Validez[UNIDROIT Principles, Chapter III. Validity - in Spanish], in:Comentario a los principios de Unidroit para los Contratos delComercio Internacional, Morán Bovio ed. (Pamplona: EditorialArazandi, 1999) 161-224

    ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, José María [Spain] 109

    1992. Condiciones generales en la contratación internacional 110[General Conditions in International Contracts - in Spanish],Madrid: La Ley (1992) 187 p.

    ÁLVAREZ VEGA, Mª Isabel 1112003. Régimen jurídico de la prestación defectuosa. Significacióndel princpio de falta de conformidad en derecho europeo [ - inSpanish], in: Santiago Espiau Espiau / Antoni Vaquer Aloy ed.,Bases de un Derecho Contractual Europeo [Bases of a EuropeanContract Law], Tirant lo blanch: Valencia (2003) 321-331

    AMALDEZ, Jean Jacques 1121993. [Commentary on ICC Case No. 6653 of 1993 - in French],Journal du Droit International (1993) 1047-1053

    AMATO, Paul [U.S.] 113‹1993. Recent Developments: CISG. U.N. Convention on Con-tracts for the International Sale of Goods - The Open Price Termand Uniform Application: an Early Interpretation by the HungarianCourts, 13 Journal of Law and Commerce (1993) 1-29› 8

    AMAUDRUZ, Michel 114


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    1968. La garantie des défauts de la chose vendue et la non-conformité de la chose vendue dans la loi uniforme sur la venteinternationale des objets mobiliers corporels: Etude de droitcomparé [Warranty of the goods and non-conformity of the goodsunder ULIS: A comparative law study - in French], Bern: Lang(1968)

    AMBROSCH, Karin1151988. Fachtagung “Einheitliches Kaufrecht” [Conference on“Uniform Sales Law” - in German] (Freiburg 16-17 February1987), in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (München) 41 (1988)612-613

    AMELI, Koorosh H. [Iran]1161988. Observations, in: UNIDROIT ed., International Uniform Lawin Practice/Le droit uniforme international dans la pratique [Actsand Proceedings of the 3rd Congress on Private Law held by theInternational Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Rome 7-10 September 1987)], Oceana: New York (1988) 139-140 [Regardfor the Convention as general principles in instances in which nogoverning law specified in the contract]

    AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION1171996. Arbitration moot teaches ADR [Alternative Dispute Resolu-tion] skills to students, Dispute resolution times: ADR News fromthe American Arbitration Association (Spring 1996) 6 [a note onthe third annual Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot on theCISG, held at Vienna March 1997]

    AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION [U.S.]1181984. (Symposium Atlanta 1 August 1983). Papers by A.B.A.,Farnsworth, Honnold, Landau, Sono, Winship, The InternationalLawyer 18 (1984) 3-96; Report to the House of Delegates, 18 In-ternational Lawyer (1984) 39-51


    1987. Report of A.B.A. Committee on International Energy Trans-actions, in: 8 Energy Law Journal (1987) 147-158

    AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION [U.S.] 120‹1990. Section of International Law and Practice - Reports to theHouse of Delegates - I. Convention on the Limitation Period in theInternational Sale of Goods, 24 International Lawyer (1990) 583-599› 9

    AMISSAH, Ralph ed. 121(International Trade Law Project) ‹› : an impor-tant site for international trade law materials and links to relatedmaterials on the Internet; exploration of the by-ways opened up byits links opens up much information relevant to contracts governedby the CISG

    AMISSAH, Ralph 122‹1997. On the Net and the liberation of information that “wants” tobe free, in: Fra instututt til fakultet, Jubileumsskrift: anledning av atIRV ved Universitet i Tromsø feirer 10 år og er blitt til Det juridiskefakultet (Tromsø 20 February 1997) 59-76 [CISG references at 67-70]› 10

    AMISSAH, Ralph 123‹1997. The Autonomous Contract: Reflecting the borderlesselectronic-commercial environment in contracting, presentationat seminar on Legal Information (Bergen, Norway: September1997)› 11 = Elektronisk handel - rettslige aspekter, Randi Punsviked., Nordisk årbok i rettsinformatikk 1997 (Oslo 1997) 10-49

    AMISSAH, Ralph 124‹1997. Cross reference editorial analysis of CISG Article 65, CISGW3 Database, Pace University School of Law ‹


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    edu› December 1997, pp.1-15› 12 = Missing Specifications in Inter-national Sales: Article 65 of the United Nations Convention on Con-tracts for the International Sale of Goods, 9 Pace International LawReview (1997) 239-255

    AMISSAH, Ralph1252001. Revisiting the autonomous contract, in: Fletcher / Mistelis /Cremona ed., Foundations and perspectives of international tradelaw, London: Sweet & Maxwell (2001) 320-342

    ÄMMÄLÄ, Tuula [Finland]1261993. Sopimuksen pãtemãttömyyden korjaantumisesta [On reme-dying the invalidity of a contract - in Finnish] (1993)

    ÄMMÄLÄ, Tuula [Finland]1271997. Vilpitön mieli ja selonottovelvollisuus [Good faith and theduty of inspection - in Finnish] (Teoksessa Vilpittömästä mielestä.Toim. Ari Saaarnilehto. Turun yliopiston oikeustieteellisentiedekunnan julkaisuja. B. Muut kokoomateokset N:o 6 Turunyliopisto. Turku) 9-52

    ÄMMÄLÄ, Tuula [Finland]1281998. Järkevä ja huolellinen henkilö - “A reasonable person” - Ir-taimen kauppaa koskevan sopimuksen tulkinnassa [A “reasonableperson” in the interpretation of contracts for the sale of goods - inFinnish], in: Juhlajulkaisu Leena Kartio 1938 - 30/8 - 1998. Turunyliopiston oikeustieteellisen tiedekunnan julkaisuja. A. Juhlajulka-isut. Turku (1998) 407-420

    ÄMMÄLÄ, Tuula1292001. The International Lex Mercatoria, in: Juhlajulkaisu JuhaTolenen: Oikeustieteen rajoja etsimässä, Kirjapaino Grafia: Turku(2001) 295-311 [What is the Lex Mercatoria; Choice of law;Customary law; The UNIDROIT Principles, Principles of EuropeanContract Law, The lex mercatoria in arbitration]12‹›

    ÄMMÄLÄ, Tuula [Finland] 130‹2003. International Trade in Finland - The Applicable Rules, 5Turku Law Journal (1/2003) 85-104› 13

    AMMAR, Daniel 1311992. Vente internationale d’objets mobiliers corporels etrecherche de la loi applicable [The International Sale of Goods:Inquiries into the Applicable Law - in French] [commenting onCass. civ. 1st, 18 December 1990], in: La Semaine Juridique -Jurisclasseur Périodique (Paris) ed. E(ntreprise) (1992, II) 263(pp. 46-50); in: La Semaine Juridique - Jurisclasseur Périodique(Paris) ed. G(énérale) (1992, II) 21824 (pp. 103-106)

    AMOUSSOU-GUENOU, R. 1322005. Perspectives des Principes Asean (ou Asiatiques) du droitdes contrats [ - in French], Revue de droit des affaires international(2005) 573 et seq.

    ANASTASSIOS, Poyliadis [Greece] 1331998. H symbasis tvn Hnvmenvn Ethnvn gia th diethni pvlhsh kin-htvn kai to dikaio toy astikoy kvdikos: to rythmistiko protypo thsenoupoihshs tvn symbatikvn paravbasevn [The UN Convention onInternational Sales of goods: Model for the unification of breachof contract provisions - in Greek], Episkophsh Emporikou dikaiou(1998) 19 et seq.

    ANASTASSIOS, Valtoudis [Greece] 1341999. To dikaivma “metekplhrvshs” tou pvlhth kata th symbash thsBiennhs (CISG) [The seller’s right to cure according to the ViennaConvention: arts. 37, 48 CISG - in Greek], Armenoupoulos (1999)595-615

    ANCEL, Bertrand / MUIR WATT, Horatia 1351999. [Commentary on Cour de Cassation 16 July 1998 -


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    in French], Revue critique de droit international privé (1999)122-132

    ANDENÆS, Mads Henry1361989. Kontraktsvilkår [Express Terms of Contract - in Norwegian],Oslo: Sjørettsfondet (1989 IX, 456 p. [CISG 169, 180, 207,333]

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark]137‹1998. Furthering the Uniform Application of the CISG: Sourcesof Law on the Internet, 10 Pace International Law Review (1998)403-410› 14

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark]138‹1998. Reasonable Time in Article 39(1) of the CISG - Is Article39(1) Truly a Uniform Provision?, Pace essay› 15 = in: Pace ed.,Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale ofGoods (CISG) 1998, Kluwer Law International (1999) 63-176

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark]1392001. Uniformity in the CISG in the first decade of its application,in: Fletcher / Mistelis / Cremona ed., Foundations and perspectivesof international trade law, London: Sweet & Maxwell (2001) 289-297

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark]1402002. Reasonable time in Article 39(1) of the CISG: Is Article 39(1)truly a uniform provision? An analysis of Article 39(1) of the 1980UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods intheory and international practice, with focus on the term “reason-able time” and the establishing of a pattern for the determinationof this time in the assessment of the uniformity of the provision.Thesis. Vejleder: Joseph Lookofsky. Speciale nr. 1457, JuridiskFalutet Københavns Universitet (2002)


    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark] 1412003. The Internet: Tool of Law, Source of Law or Tool for Sources- Use of the Internet in Legal Practice using Examples from Inter-national Sales, 18th BILETA Conference: Controlling Informationon the Online Environment (April 2003) ‹›

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark] 142‹2004. Comparative Analysis. Selected Notice Requirements un-der CISG, PECL and UNIDROIT Principles: CISG Arts. 39 & 26;UNIDROIT Principles Arts. 1.9, 3.14, 7.3.2; PECL Arts. 1.303,3.304, 4.112, 9,303, 13.104 (November 2004)› 16

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark] 143‹2005. Exceptions to the Notification Rule - Are They UniformlyInterpreted?, 9 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Lawand Arbitration (1/2005) 17-42 [analysis of case law under Article40 and Article 44 CISG]› 17

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark] 1442005. Book Review: Lookofsky, Understanding the CISG in theUSA, 2d ed., [2005] Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quar-terly 126-127

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark] 145‹2005. The Uniform International Sales Law and the Global Ju-risconsultorium, 24 Journal of Law and Commerce (2005) 159-179›18

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark] 1462006. Book Review: Schlechtriem & Schwenzer, Commentary onthe UNConvention on the International Sale of Goods, 2d (English)ed. [2005], Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (2006)


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    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark]1472006. Comparative analysis between the provisions of the CISGregarding notice requirements (Arts. 39 & 26) and the counter-part provisions of the UNIDROIT Principles and the PECL, in: JohnFelemegas ed., An International Approach to the Interpretation ofthe United Nations Convention on Contracts for the InternationalSale of Goods (1980) as Uniform Sales Law, Cambridge Univer-sity Press (2006) 133-138

    ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch [Denmark]1482007. Uniform Application of the International Sales Law: Under-standing Uniformity, the Global Jurisconsultorium and Examinationand Notification Provisions of the CISG, Kluwer Law International(2007) 242 p.

    ANDERSEN, Lennart Lynge1491997. Fejo, jens [ - in Danish], in: Ruth Nielsen ed., Festskrift tilOle Lando, Kopenhagen (1997)

    ANDERSEN, Lennart Lynge / NØRGAARD, Jørgen [Denmark]1501999. Aftaleloven med kommentar [Law of Contracts with com-ments - in Danish], Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag - Kbh(1999) 287 p.

    ANDERSEN, Mads Bryde1511998. Electronic Commerce: A Challenge to Private Law, Centro distudi e ricerche di diritto comparato e straniero: saggi, conferenzee seminari, No. 32 (Rome 1998) 1-29; available online at ‹›

    ANDERSEN, Mads Bryde1522001. IT-retten [Information Technology Law - in Danish], Copen-hagen (2000)

    ANDERSEN, Mads Bryde / LOOKOFSKY, Joseph153

    2000. Lærebog i Obligationsret 1.ydelsen - beFøjelser [Course-book of the law of Commercial Obligations - in Danish], Thomson/ GadJura: Copenhagen (2001) 536 p.

    ANDERSEN, Mads Bryde / LOOKOFSKY, Joseph 1542002. Nationale aftaleregler og EU-integration: Problemer og los-ningsmodeller [ - in Danish], Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen (2002) 211et seq.

    ANELLI, Italo 1551983. La “forza maggiore” nel contratto di vendita internazionale[Force Majeure in International Sales Contracts - in Italian], in: Riv-ista dei dottori commercialisti (Milan) (1983) 10-32

    ANDREASON, Rod N. [U.S.] 156‹1999. MCC-Marble Ceramic Center: The parol evidence rule andother domestic law under the Convention on Contracts for the Inter-national Sale of Goods, 1999 Brigham Young University Law Re-view 351-379› 19

    ANDREU MARTINEZ, Belén 1572003. “Incumplimiento anticipado”: regulación en los Principios deDerecho Contractual Europeo y soluciones a la vista del Códigocivil español [ - in Spanish], in: Santiago Espiau Espiau / Antoni Va-quer Aloy ed., Bases de unDerechoContractual Europeo [Bases ofa European Contract Law], Tirant lo blanch: Valencia (2003) 333-340

    ANGEL, [Spain] 1581993. Tratado de responsibilidad civil [ - in Spanish], 3d ed.(1993)

    ANGELICI, Carlo [Italy] 1591979. “Consegna” e “proprietà” nella vendita internazionale [Deliv-ery and Ownership in International Sales - in Italian], Milan: Giuffrè(1979), 386 p.19‹›

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    ANGELICI, Carlo [Italy]1601981. La disciplina del passaggio dei rischi [The Discipline Asso-ciated with Passage of Risk - in Italian], La Vendita Internazionale,Milan: Giuffrè (1981) 211-240

    ANGELICI, Carlo [Italy]1611989-92. Commentary on CISG Articles 66-70 [- in Italian], in:Bianca ed., Commentario coordinato, Padova: CEDAM (1989-92)274-286

    de ANGELIS, Lorenzo1621981. Mancanza dell’autorizzazione valutaria: contratto invalido,contratto condizionato o inadempimento contrattuale? [Lack of Au-thorization by the Currency Authority: Non-Valid Contract, Condi-tioned Contract or Breach of Contract? - in Italian], in: La VenditaInternazionale, Milan: Giuffrè (1981) 365-369

    ANNIBALE, Silverio1632000. Riforma del sistema del italiano di diritto internazionale pri-vato [Reform of the Italian system of private international law - inItalian], Padua: Cedam (1997)

    ANTAKI, Nabil N.1641981. Les défauts de conformité et les vices cachés en droitquébécois [Lack of conformity and hidden defects under Québeclaw - in French], in: Les Ventes Internationales de Marchandises,Paris: Economica (1981) 340-368 [CISG 362-368]

    ANTAKI, Nabil N.1651991. La filière du contrat international [The intricacies of inter-national contracts - in French], Quebec: Publications du Québec(1991) 81 p. [CISG 35-38]

    ANTONMATTEI, Paul-Henri1661992. Contribution à l’étude de la force majeure [Contribution tostudies of force majeure - in French], Thesis Montpellier, Paris:LGDJ, Bibliothèque de droit privé, Tome 220, 315 p. + VIII [CISG

    40-42, 56]

    ANTWEILER, Clemens 1671995. Beweislastverteilung im UN-Kaufrecht. Insbesondere beiVertragsveletzungen des Verkäufers [Allocation of burden of proofunder the CISG. Particularly in case of seller’s breach of contract- in German], Thesis Mainz 1994, Lang: Frankfurt/M (1995) 218p.

    APPELBAUM, Richard P. / FELTSTINER, William L.F. / GESS- 168NER, Volkmar eds.2001. Rules and Networks: The Legal Culture of Global Busi-ness Transactions, Hart Publishing (2001) [includes contributionsby Richard Appelbaum, Felix Dasser, Filip De Ly, William Felt-stiner, Volkmar Gessner, Dieter Martiny] 427 p.

    ARAUJO, Nadia de 1691997. Contratos Internacionais: Autonomia de Vontade, Mercosule Convenções Internacionais [International Contracts: Autonomyof Will, Mercosul and International Conventions - in Portuguese],Rio de Janeiro, Renovar (1997) 220 p. [CISG 121-127]

    ARAUJO SEGOVIA, Ramiro (Colombia) 1702003. Principios de interpretación de la Convención de 1980 so-bre compraventa internacional demercaderías. [Principles of inter-pretation of the CISG - in Spanish],Conferencia presentada en lajornada académica “Compraventa internacional de mercaderías”.Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Especialización en derecho com-ercial. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas. Bogotá D.C. Agosto 1 de2002 (2003) 251-270

    ARCAGNI, Jose Carlos 1711993. Contratación International [International contracts - in Span-ish], in: Ruben S. Stiglitz ed., En Contratatos. Teoría General,Depalma: Buenos Aires (1993)

    ARCE CAICEDO, Edwardo 172

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    AZCUNA, Adolfo S. 2241983. The Vienna Sales Convention, 28 Ateneo Law Journal(Manila) (1983) 30-67

    AZEREDO da SILVEIRA, Mercédeh 225‹2005. Anticipatory Breach under the United Nations Conventionon Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (December 2005)›;30 see also Nordic Journal of Commercial Law ‹›


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    AZZOUNI, Ahmad227‹2002. The adoption of the 1980 Convention on the InternationalSale of Goods by the United Kingdom, Pace essay submission (27May 2002)› 32


    BAADE, Hans W.2291983. Book Review: Honnold, Uniform Law for International Sales. . . (1982), in: 11 International Journal of Legal Information 178-180

    BABIAK, Andrew [U.S.]230‹1992. Defining “Fundamental Breach” under the United NationsConvention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, 6Temple Int’l & Comp. L.J. (1992) 113-143› 33

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    BACH, Ivo / STIEBER, Christoph [Germany] 2342006. Die Unmöglichkeit der Leistung im CISG [Impossibility ofperformance under the CISG - in German], Internationales Han-delsrecht (2/2006) 59-67

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    BACHER, Klaus / EBERSTEIN, Hans Hermann [Germany]2401998. Analysis of Art. 78 in Commentary on the UN Convention onthe International Sale of Goods (CISG) [an updated English editionof the 1995 von Caemmerer/Schlechtriem KOMMENTAR], PeterSchlechtriem ed. (Oxford 1998) 591-599

    BACHMANN, Birgit2411994. Fremdwährungsschulden in der Zwangsvollstreckung.Eine vergleichende Betrachtung des deutschen, französischenund englischen Rechts [Foreign Currency Debts in ExecutionProcedures. A Comparative Look at German, French and EnglishLaw - in German], Thesis Augsburg 1993/1994, Heidelberg: Müller(1994) XXIV, 244 p. [CISG 204-205]

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    BADAWY, Ingy244

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    BAER, John R.F. 2451994. The sale of goods in international franchising - the impactof the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Interna-tional Sale of Goods, in: Tolley’s Journal of International Franchis-ing and Distribution Law (Croydon/Surrey, England) 8 (1994) 118-132

    BAEZ, Julio A. 246‹1997. Cross-reference editorial analysis of CISG Article 90, CISGW3 Database, Pace University School of Law› 34 ‹›, February 1997, pp 1-4

    BAGGE, 2471948. International Unification of Commercial Law, in: InternationalInstitute for the Unification of Private Law [UNIDROIT] (1948) 253et seq.

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