
Sixth Form Enrolment Tasks Please ensure you complete the tasks for each subject on separate sheets of paper and label them clearly with your full name.

Subject Page

Subject Page

Applied Science 2 History 14

Art 3 ICT Btec Level 3 15

Biology 4 Maths, Further Maths & Core Maths 16

Btec Level 1 5 Media Studies * 17

Business Studies/Btec Business & Finance 6 MFL: Spanish 18

Chemistry 7 Photography 19

Economics 8 Physics 20

English Language & Literature (combined) 9 Psychology 21

English Literature 10 Sociology 22

Geography 11 Sport & Exercise Science 23

Politics 12 Textiles 24

Health & Social Care Cambridge Technicals * 13

All tasks should be submitted when you enrol in August.

* All subjects with a star are also available in Level 2. Aspire | Commit | Succeed


Applied Science

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

1. Access the below link and download practical handbook for Applied



Your task:

a) For each of the Unit 1: Key Concepts in Science (14 in total),

research and write a 250-word paragraph summarising what you

already know and what you will need to know at unit’s completion.

b) Revise for a baseline test which will take place in the first week of

term. If you get below 50%, you will be given additional intervention


Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

· Download the specification (link below) and bring this with you to

first the lesson


· Access the following website and download the specification and

familiarise yourself with the content of level 3 Applied



· Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper,

pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours and a


Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

• The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

• The report should be well structured with sub-headings and useful diagrams or pictures linked into the report. All diagrams/pictures should have a reference (citation).

• References used should be listed at the end of the report and cited as

follows: Books: author, date, book title, and publisher.

• Internet sources: full web address and date(s) used by you.

It is a good idea to read science-related magazines and journals such as

the New Scientist, along with relevant newspaper articles (from the

broadsheets). Some of these are available online and on various apps.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day: August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Take a range of good quality photographs related to the theme of “Structures”. Be adventurous with viewpoints, different angles, close-ups and whole views. Your photographs could be of:

● Objects ● Interior and exterior scenes ● Organic and manmade structures

Go to interesting locations so that your photographs are


To maintain drawing practice over the long break, respond

through recording in your choice of media from the following

starting points:

● Draw three studies in a range of media from your

photographs or objects.

● Ensure they are to different scales.

● Ensure a wide range of details, tones and textures is


Component 1: Portfolio of Work internally set 50% of AS [72 marks]

Component 2: Externally set assignment: 50% of AS Response to an externally set

assignment Preparatory period + 10 hours supervised time [72 Marks]

You are expected to;

-explore relevant resources; analyse and evaluate images, objects

and artefacts; and record independent judgments

-use knowledge and understanding of the work of others to develop and extend

thinking and inform own work

-generate and explore potential lines of enquiry using appropriate media and


-apply knowledge and understanding in making images and artefacts; review and modify work; and plan and develop ideas in the light of your own and others’ evaluations -organise, select and communicate ideas, solutions and responses, and present

them in a range of visual, tactile and/or sensory forms.

Task Assessment & Guidance In Preparation for the Course

The artwork should be:

well presented

Show that you experimented with a range of media and


Show that you have used a range of skills

Respond to tasks in an imaginative way

Download the specification and bring this with you to first the lesson.

Visit different art galleries: Saatchi Gallery, Tate Modern, Tate Britain, National Gallery.

Take notes and create sketches of artworks you like and that relate to the artworks you

will have created in the tasks above.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

3. Access the below link and download practical handbook for Biology

Page 49 of the booklet lists the 12 required practicals that you will be assessed

on at A Level Biology.

Your task:

1) For each AS required practical 1-6 research at least one practical activity

that can be completed in class. You should write up a detailed method

with an equipment list, a labelled diagram, a risk assessment, and a list of

references for each practical activity.

2) Revise for a baseline test in the first week of term. If you get below 50%,

you will be given additional intervention work.

Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

1.Access the following website and download the specification, familiarise yourself with the content of A level Biology: . (this should be brought to all lessons in your folder)

2. Use the link below to read the web page to understand the link

between GCSE and A level Biology


3. Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils,

a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours and a calculator.

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

• The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

• The report should be well structured with sub-headings and useful diagrams or pictures linked into the report. All diagrams/pictures should have a reference (citation).

• References used should be listed at the end of the report and cited as follows:

Books: author, date, book title, and publisher.

• Internet sources: full web address and date(s) used by you.

It is a good idea to read Biology-related magazines and journals such

as the New Scientist, along with relevant newspaper articles (from the

broadsheets). Some of these are available online and on various apps.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


Btec Level 1

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Find a work experience placement for at least three days and write about the good things and the bad things of the experience.

Learn to cook simple items at home like pancakes - take a photo of them

Visit a tourist attraction and get a leaflet from the place.

Write a personal statement about the achievements from year 10 and 11 - update your information passport.

A range of coursework units delivered by specialist teachers in addition to

Maths and English GCSE retake preparation. You will also be placed on a

work experience placement for up to 4 weeks, in order to support you in

developing work related skills.

If you are on this course, your day will begin at 8.40am.

In Preparation for the Course

Please bring the following items with you to every lesson.

- Folder (A4 Ringbinder)

- Plastic Wallets

- Highlighters, Pens, Pencils, Ruler, Calculator, Pencil Case

- Loose sheets of A4 Lined Paper

- A reading book

Task Assessment & Guidance Other useful reading or Tasks you can do

To achieve the highest marks, your work should

· Be well presented

· Show research around a range of companies within the industry

· Show good written communication skills

Find a work experience placement for at least three days and write about the good things and the bad things.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


Business Studies or Business & Finance Btec (Double)

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

1. Watch an episode of the ‘The Apprentice’ using BBC iPlayer. write a

200 word paragraph describing what you have learnt about Business from

watching the programme.

2. Complete the following questions

a. What skills and qualities do you need to be a good project


b. What is USP, why is it so important?

c. Undertake research into the UK mobile phone industry and find out

how much the market is worth.

d. Who are the market leaders and why?

e. Is there an increase or decrease in demand,

f. How does the industry contribute to the UK economy,

g. Explain what other issues are there to consider e.g. health, crime,

safety when starting a business.

Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

Download the specification (link below) from Page 13 to 30 bring this with

you to the first lesson:


You will need to purchase the following materials: Ensure your bring with

you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener

and pens of various colours and a calculator.

Go to – www.tutor2u you can answer a quiz on topics relating to business and find additional support in the form of presentations and case studies to support your understanding of the subject.

Recommended Reading

Task Assessment & Guidance Get into the habit of following the news: both in newspapers and by watching television programmes such as: The Hotel Inspector, The Apprentice, Dragon’s Den, Running the Shop

For a really good head start on the course, consider reading the following books: Common Sense Rules: What you really need to know about business, Deborah Meaden, Anyone Can Do It, Duncan Bannatyne

To achieve the highest marks, your work should

· Be well presented

· Include up to date figures and data

· Include graphical displays of information

· Show research around a range of companies within the industry

· Show good written communication skills

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Access the below link and download practical handbook for Chemistry

Page 49 of the booklet lists the 12 required practicals that you will be

assessed on at A Level Chemistry.

Your task:

1) For each AS required practical 1-6 research at least one practical

activity that can be completed in class. You should write up a detailed

method with an equipment list, a labelled diagram, a risk assessment,

and a list of references for each practical activity.

2) Revise for a baseline test in the first week of term. If you get below

50%, you will be given additional intervention work

Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

1.Access the following website:

Download the specification and familiarise yourself with the content of A

level Chemistry. Bring this with you to your lessons.

2. Access the below Link


Read the web page to understand the link and transition between GCSE

and A level Chemistry.

3. Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a

ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours and a calculator

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

• The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

• The report should be well structured with sub-headings and useful diagrams or pictures linked into the report. All diagrams/pictures should have a reference (citation).

• References used should be listed at the end of the report and cited as

follows: Books: author, date, book title, and publisher.

• Internet sources: full web address and date(s) used by you.

It is a good idea to read Chemistry-related magazines and journals such as

the New Scientist, along with relevant newspaper articles (from the

broadsheets). Some of these are available online and on various apps.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Attempt the activity from the link below and write an essay evaluating

your decisions and choices.


Please refer to any current government policies where possible.

Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

· Download the specification link below from page 10 to page 26 & bring this

with you to the first lesson.


· Go to – www.tutor2u you can answer a quiz on topics relating to business and find additional support in the form of presentations and case studies to support your understanding of the subject.

You will need to purchase the following materials: Ensure your bring with you an A4

Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various

colours and a calculator.

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

● The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

● Your knowledge of economics, ● your ability to recognise and discuss economic data and your

ability to reason and give an argument based on an economics related questions

• Get into the habit of following the news: both in newspapers and by watching television programmes such as:

o Newsnight o Channel 4 News o Panorama

• For a really good head start on the course, consider reading the following

books: Common Sense Rules: What you really need to know about business,

Deborah Meaden, Anyone Can Do It, Duncan Bannatyne

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


English Language & Literature

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

You will write a recreative piece using an extract from one of the set texts. Come to the English office at Stanley Avenue to collect the extract - there will be a choice of two texts, one drama, one poetry.

Your recreative piece (700 words) must be in prose, and must

use the extract as its inspiration. Beachcomber: Write the story of the day on the beach from the

point of view of the person in the photograph. You must show: What you were doing and how you were feeling.

Streetcar: Write a story about Stanley. You may wish to write in the first person. You must show: Who Stanley is and how he reacts to his setting.

You must write a commentary (700 words) to go with your

creative work. This will explain how your work relates to the original text and what your writerly intentions were. You should refer to some specific language and structural choices you have made with your writing, and how you have shaped your work to communicate your purpose to your intended audience.

We will assess the quality of your written English, the

relationship between your work and the extract, and how successful your piece is in communicating the intended meanings you outline in your commentary.

Students will study a variety of texts including nonfiction, literary prose, poetry and

drama. Set texts include The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, The Great Gatsby

by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and A Streetcar Named Desire, as well as collected texts in the

AQA anthology.

The course promotes the use of Stylistics, which is a systematic language-based

approach to interpreting texts. You will learn how to apply these techniques to any type

of text, enabling you to analyse language and literature in a focused way and understand

how meaning is created on different language levels. You will also do recreative tasks,

where you adapt texts and create new meanings from them.

In Preparation for the Course

Download the specification for more information on the course and bring this with you to your first lesson.

Research Stylistics to give yourself an understanding of the approach you will be using

You will need to purchase the following materials: Ensure your bring with you an A4

Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various


Recommended Reading

Find a list of recommended reading in: U:\Faculties\English\Students\KS5

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


English Literature

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Read one of 3 short stories and write a personal response

based on your reading (1000 words).

Choose from:

● The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter

● Cathedral by Raymond Carver.

● The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Paper copies will be available from the English office at

Stanley Avenue on request.In your response you should:

● Explore what the text means to you; you might

comment on: content and ideas; the writer’s style

and the language and structure they use; how the

writer has shaped the narrative to create meaning

● Support your ideas using references from your

selected text

● Offer some argument for what you think are the most

significant aspects of your story and suggest

possible interpretations.

Students will study a variety of texts that range from over four hundred years old to

contemporary fiction, including poetry, prose and drama. In each paper students will study

set texts in relation to a genre, finding connections between texts and their literary and

historical contexts. The genres we currently study are Tragedy and Social Protest and

Political writing. Set texts include Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, The Handmaid’s

Tale by Margaret Atwood, and Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake.

Students will also have the opportunity to study texts of their own choice in the coursework

tasks. Independent reading is essential so that students become readers who bring their

own interpretations and understanding to texts.

In Preparation for the Course

Download the specification and research the course using the following link:

You will need to purchase the following materials: Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder,

lined writing paper, pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours.

Read literary texts of your choice: see

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

· The task will be assessed for good use of written English and your personal response to the text.

We want you to show your understanding of the text that you choose, and will also assess your ability to create a

coherent and informed reading.

The study of English Literature requires you to read widely and independently; you should

read a good selection of literature over the summer (classic and modern).

• You will constantly be challenged to offer different views and perspectives of texts we study,

so it would be helpful if you make notes of any reading you do over summer.

Find a list of recommended reading in: U:\Faculties\English\Students\KS5

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Pre-Enrolment Preparation Task Assessment and Guidance:

Activity 1: Find a recent article (within the last decade but the more recent

the better) about a Geographical story that interests you – it could be about

anything from a volcanic eruption to climate change, impact of gentrification

or migration You will need to create a summary of what you read and attach

it to the article

Activity 2: Answer ONE of the questions below. Your response should be

clearly structured, fully developed and be evidence of how you think like a

Geographer. a) How has the UK coastline been shaped by dynamic

processes? b) Why can residents of Kensington and Chelsea expect to live

13 years longer than residents of Govan, Glasgow? c) How do the effects of

natural hazards vary between different populations? d) How and why has

your place changed? e) How can we best respond to the challenges posed

by climate change? Your response should be around one side of A4 in


Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

Download the specification and research the course on the AQA website

You will need to purchase the following materials: Ensure your bring with

you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener

and pens of various colours.

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

Look for Geography related TV programmes (and share the link on

Edmodo), read broadsheet newspapers such as the Guardian or The

Times and think Geographically as you travel around and beyond the

British Isles. Remember, without Geography you’re nowhere! You will need

the following stationary items for A Level Geography: · Two A4 ring binders

(one for Physical and one for Human Geography). · A set of A4 coloured

folder dividers to organise your assessed work class notes etc. · Black,

blue and green pens (highlighters would be useful too)

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Keep a diary of significant political news events over the summer. You must collect clippings or print-outs of articles from newspapers. You must use: The Telegraph The Guardian The Economist The Independent The Times The New Statesman

These are serious, broadsheet newspapers. Tabloids are not acceptable

(because the level of information and analysis is too basic).

The articles you are looking for are comment articles. These are articles by

commentators who are analysing the news or giving their opinion on it.

You should collect ten or more articles on a variety of political topics and by a

number of different writers and newspapers. The focus should be on British

politics, but you can choose a few international articles too. For each clipping you

need to record your thoughts on the article, using the questions below as prompts.

You will study 3 components.

Component 1 – UK Political participation, the ideas of Conservatism,

Socialism and Liberalism.

Component 2 – Government of the UK and the ideology of


Component 3 – Government and Politics of the United States of


In Preparation for the Course

Download the specification and research the course on the AQA website. Bring this with you to your lesson.

You will need to purchase the following materials: Ensure your bring

with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a ruler, rubber,

sharpener and pens of various colours

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

You should consider the following questions:

• Is the commentator positive or negative about what is happening? • Is the commentator considering all of the evidence?

• How fair is their analysis?

• Do you agree with the commentator’s views? Why or why not?

• If you were in charge, what would you do differently to the politicians?

• What do you think the long-term consequences might be of the event that is

being analysed? How might it affect politics in the future?

Get into the habit of following the news: both in newspapers and by

watching television programmes such as Newsnight, Channel 4

News, Dispatches, The Daily Politics and The Andrew Marr Show.

• Visit the websites of the political parties in the UK (Conservative,

Labour, SNP, and Liberal Democrat) and see what they say about


• For a really good head start on the course, consider reading the

following books: “Servants of the People” and “The End of the Party”

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


Health & Social Care (Single or Double)

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Unhealthy lifestyles will see British children die before their parents”.

Write a 300 word (2 sides of an A4) report explaining:

1. Why children in the UK are considered to be unhealthy. You may

include statistics.

2. What are the implications of having an unhealthy generation? You

may consider implications for the individual e.g., life expectancy

and society e.g., the burden on the NHS.

3. What needs to be done to improve the health and wellbeing of

children in the UK?

You may consider the following statements in your report:

“Today nearly a third of children aged 2 to 15 are overweight or obese and

younger generations are becoming obese at earlier ages and staying

obese for longer.”


“Baby teeth removals 'up 24% in a decade”

Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

Download the specification from Cambridge Technical Website

Ensure you bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a

ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours.

Recommended Reading







Task Assessment & Guidance

● Work must be typed on a word document, using normal essay/report writing style.

● All work must be your own. Anything copied and pasted must be within quotes, however this should be kept to the bare minimum.

● All work must be clearly referenced to indicate where you collected the information from.

● Please proofread your work for SPAG errors

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Activity One

Produce a profile of every German Leader (both West and East) from the

end of WWII through to the reunification of Germany. Identify any key

incidents which the different leaders were involved with across the period.

Activity Two

Research Italy 1870-1945: You need to create an accurate and detailed

profile of each country to include the following factors: politics, economy,

society including structure, class systems, law and order. As well as

international relations, foreign policy and key people.

Create a detailed profile of both Giovanni Giolitti and Benito Mussolini.

Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

· Download the specification from the exam board website &

bring this with you to the first lesson.

· Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper,

pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

· The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

● Access to History: Italy: The Rise of Fascism 1896-1946 Fourth

Edition by Mark Robson

● Edexcel GCE History AS Unit 1 E/F3 the Collapse of the Liberal

State and the

● Triumph of Fascism in Italy, 1896-1943 by Geoff Stewart

● Years of Liberalism & Fascism - Italy 1870-1945 by David Evans

● Heinemann Advanced History: Mussolini & Italy: Student Book

● by Edward Townley

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


ICT Btec Level 3 (Single or Double)

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

TASK 1 -

Create a presentation to deliver to the chamber of commerce in which

you provide an evaluation of the different ways in which a business can

use social media. You should cover how social media can be used to

interact with customers and promote business products and/or services.

You should also cover ways in which social media can be used to target

a specific audience and the audience profiles of different social media


Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

Download the specification from the exam board website & bring this with

you to the first lesson.

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

· The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

● Social Media Examiner is one of many blog sites with lots of up-to-

date articles about using social media for business purposes:


● Social Media Today also focuses on social media marketing for



● Mashable is blog site with a UK based version with lots of up-to-date

articles on social media:

● Articles from the UK Guardian newspaper on a wide range of issues

related to social media:

Above are some examples of websites. Further useful resources

may be found at


All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


Core Maths, Mathematics & Further Mathematics

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Students will be given a Mathematics book called “Bridging the

Gap “on the last day of Mathematics GCSE exam. First seven

topics must be revised during the summer holiday.

First seven topics from Bridging the Gap book will be tested

under exam condition in the hall in September 2017. Students

who get 75% or above will be allowed to continue A Level

mathematics. Some will be advised to take CORE

Mathematics and others will be advised to choose an alternate


Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

Download the specification from the exam board website & bring this with you to the first


Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a ruler, rubber,

sharpener, calculator and pens of various colours.

Task Assessment & Guidance Other useful Preparation for the Course

Complete all the Exercises provided in the book. Use the online resources Mathswatch, Pearson active learn and Mymaths to guide you in completing the exercises. Make sure you mark your work using a green pen to show you have reviewed your work before submitting it.

Other Useful Preparation for the Course:

You should be confident with before starting the A-Level Maths course:

- Basic Algebra (non-calculator)

- simplifying algebraic expressions by collecting like terms - expanding and factorising expressions (one term outside) - laws of indices for all rational exponents (positive, negative, fractions) Quadratic

Functions (non-calculator) plotting graphs of quadratic functions - expanding and factorising quadratics (two brackets) solving quadratic equations by

factorising solving quadratic equations using the formula Equations And Inequalities (non-calculator) solving simultaneous linear equations by elimination solving simultaneous linear equations by substitution solving linear inequalities.

- Sine Rule And Cosine Rule (calculator allowed) using the sine rule to find missing sides and angles using the cosine rule to find missing sides and angles; using sine rule, cosine rule, trig ratios and Pythagoras in problems.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


Media Studies

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

A. Create a timeline documenting the changes that have shaped the television

industry from the 1920s until 2017.

B. Watch an episode of either 1) Game of Thrones 2) Homeland or 3) House of

Cards. Write a 700-800 word essay which analyses the use of camerawork,

mise-en-scene, editing and sound. Focus your analysis on a particular scene

(approx. 5 minutes) and explain why/if the director’s choice has made it so


C. Make a media product that tells us something about you as a media student

and consumer.

Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

You need to watch, read, listen and be interested in media - a wide

range of media consumption is essential.

• You need to be keen to create media products. Start familiarising

yourself with the Adobe suite (Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After


• Use your mobile phone to start filming/creating your own products.

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

• Task A: Use this website to create your timeline:

➔ Refer to how technological changes have influenced the way in which

audiences view TV

• Task B: Learn and apply media language techniques by going through the

resources: and

• Task C: Cut and paste are not media skills – make sure that you show your

ability to create and not just compose. It can take the form of any media style,

so be imaginative and focus on showing us what you can really do when given

a free hand to be creative.

• See examples of student coursework from previous years:

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


MFL: Spanish

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Create a grammar booklet recapping the rules of the following tenses: - - Present tense - Near Future - Future

- Past

- Imperfect

- Conditional

* Please include regular and irregular verbs

* You may add any other tenses you have covered at GCSE

Please see the prospectus

Task Assessment & Guidance In Preparation for the Course

On the first week back, you will have three mini-assessments:

- One on tenses ( applying the verb ending accurately)

- A 5 mins speaking task

- A short writing task

The speaking and the writing tasks may include the following topics:

- Family (relationships)

- Leisure

- Health

- Holidays


• Start following the news in Spanish to enhance your listening skills (TVE (a la carta)/ Antena 3)

• Continue to develop a wide range of vocabulary by reading articles

on El pais/ El mundo / 20minutos

Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper,

pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Pre-Enrolment Preparation Task Instructions

Task One: Please could you take 10 good quality photographs and get

them professionally printed related to the theme of Contrasts. Use Tesco,

Boots or online companies like SnapFish. Print to 6” by 4” size. Be

adventurous with viewpoints, different angles, close-ups and whole views

when composing your photos. Go to different interesting locations so that

your photographs are exciting or work in a studio setting considering the

light, composition and background of your photograph through placing

objects on a neutral surface.

You could take photographs of (but are not limited to)

• Objects

• The environment

• People

Use your imagination – think about what the theme ‘Contrasts’ means to

you and what makes an excellent photograph.

Task Two: Select a photograph taken by a recognised photographer.

(Source photograph from or if unsure) Analyse the image discussing; composition, content, themes and technique.

Component 1: Portfolio 72 marks 50% of AS

Component 2: Externally set assignment 72 marks 50% of AS Response to

an externally set assignment Preparatory period + 10 hours supervised time

You are expected to;

- explore relevant resources; analyse and evaluate images, objects

and artefacts; and record independent judgments

- use knowledge and understanding of the work of others to develop

and extend thinking and inform own work

-generate and explore potential lines of enquiry using appropriate

media and techniques

-apply knowledge and understanding in making images and artefacts; review and modify work; and plan and develop ideas in the light of your own and others’ evaluations

-organise, select and communicate ideas, solutions and responses, and

present them in a range of visual, tactile and/or sensory forms.

In Preparation for the Course

Ensure you are fully equipped for the new term. You will need to bring your

camera to every lesson.

Take a camera out with you and get used to taking photographs! Task Assessment & Guidance

• Ability to use your photography skills and be independent. • Respond to tasks in an imaginative way

• Take an interest in Photography through sourcing your own ideas.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Access the below link and download practical handbook for Physics:

Page 49 of the booklet lists the 12 required practicals that you will be assessed on at

A Level Biology.

Your task:

1) For each AS required practical 1-6 research at least one practical activity that

can be completed in class. You should write up a detailed method with an

equipment list, a labelled diagram, a risk assessment, and a list of references

for each practical activity.

2) Revise for a baseline test in the first week of term. If you get below 50%, you

will be given additional intervention work.

Please see the prospectus

Useful Preparation for the course

1.Access the following website and download the specification, familiarise yourself with the content of A level Physics:


this should be brought to all lessons in your folder)

2. Use the link below to read the web page to understand the link

between GCSE and A level Physics


3. Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper,

pencils, a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours and

a calculator.

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

• The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

• The report should be well structured with sub-headings and useful diagrams or pictures linked into the report. All diagrams/pictures should have a reference (citation).

• References used should be listed at the end of the report and cited as follows:

Books: author, date, book title, and publisher.

• Internet sources: full web address and date(s) used by you.

It is a good idea to read Biology-related magazines and journals

such as the New Scientist, along with relevant newspaper articles

(from the broadsheets). Some of these are available online and on

various apps.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Task one please write a response to the following

“Discuss the extent to which Psychology is a Science”

Your response should be a maximum of 200 words.

Task two using the media - TV, radio, newspapers, internet, magazines etc. look

for research studies that have been recently published on one of the following


Child Development, Obedience/Conformity, Mental health (OCD, Phobias or

Depression) or Memory

Write a short review of the research (approximately 300 words) describing:

a) What has been found

b) How the research was conducted

c) Your opinion on the usefulness of the research

d) Flaws you can spot in the method that was used.

Please see the prospectus

Other useful Preparation for the Course

Please download and print off the specification for Psychology AS

(7181_1 & 7181_2 in two separate documents and bring these with

you to the lessons.

You will also need to purchase an A4 ringbinder folder, some dividers,

lined paper, ruler, rubber, pencils, pens, highlighters and colour pens.

You should research the following text books to see which best suits

your learning style and purchase one of these so that it arrives by the

second week of the course.

● The Complete Companion Year 1 (4th Edition) by C. Flanagan

● The...

Recommended Reading

• Go to

• Go to

For a really good head start on the course, consider reading the following books: Man, Woman, Boy, Girl, Lord of the flies, The Lucifer Effect, The Selfish Gene

The following Case study articles will support your understanding of the syllabus: The Case of Genie, The Case of Clive Wearing :f you have questions.

Task Assessment & Guidance

· The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

· Your ability to be objective and unbiased · Your ability to consider evidence critically and not take things at face value

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course


If the link above does not work, please speak to/email the Sociology Teacher

([email protected]) in order to access the reading material from

the AS text book entitled “the role of education in society”

You must read the content and:

- answer the Quick Check Questions i.e. numbers 1 to 8 from page 75;

- answer the AS level questions number 1, 2, 3, and 4, from the

‘Questions to try’ section also on page 75.

Use ‘The Examiner’s Advice’ on page 75, AND ‘How to write an ESSAY’

guidance sheet to help you to include appropriate content and to structure the

essay answer.

Please type your work.

Please see the prospectus

Other useful Preparation for the Course

Please download the specification from the AQA website and bring this with

you to the first lesson.

Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils, a

ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours

Task Assessment & Guidance Recommended Reading

· The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words.

· Your ability to be objective and unbiased. · Your ability to consider evidence critically and not take things at face


Do some research on Social Policy in Modern Britain, including that related

to the current education system.

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017


Sport & Exercise Science (Single)

Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Your first task is to hand draw a diagram of the skeleton and label

25 of the major bones, these are listed in the contents box below.

You can produce this in any format you wish.

You then need to describe the six different synovial joints that are

present in the body. Think about their structure and function and give

examples of these where you can.

Correctly identify all of the following bones: cranium, clavicle, ribs, sternum, humerus, radius, ulna, scapula, ilium, pubis, ischium, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, vertebral column, vertebrae – cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx. · The six synovial joints to include: · Gliding · Hinge · Pivot Condyloid · Saddle

Mandatory Units.

Sport and Exercise Physiology.

Functional Anatomy

Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology

Field and Laboratory-Based Fitness Testing.

Applied Research Methods in Sport and Exercise Science

Coaching for Performance and Fitness.

Nutrition for Sport and Exercise Performance.

For more information, please see the prospectus.

In Preparation for the course

Download the specification for this course from the website and bring this with you

to your first lesson.



Task Assessment & Guidance Other useful Preparation for the Course

The task will be assessed for good use of written English, ability to research and synthesise information and how well you have written it up in your own words. The diagram should be neat and tidy with a variety of colours to show different types of joints as well as a key. References used should be listed to show what resources were used to research and complete the diagram correctly

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017



Pre-Enrolment Task Instructions Description of the Course

Research 3 textile Artists who have used the theme of Nature to get ideas.

Put pictures of their work on a power point.

Explain what you like about their work and why you have chosen it.

Find out something about them.

· Where do they get their inspiration from

· Where do they exhibit their work

· How long have they been a textile artist

Look for some evidence of nature and draw the things you see EG flowers,

bark of trees, Interesting stones, mushrooms or other vegetables, cobwebs

Or anything else.

These could be close up detail of one part of the vegetable or rock

Please see the prospectus

In Preparation for the Course

· Download the specification from the exam board website & bring this

with you to the first lesson.

· Ensure your bring with you an A4 Folder, lined writing paper, pencils,

a ruler, rubber, sharpener and pens of various colours.

Task Assessment & Guidance Other useful Preparation for the Course

Your work has to show that you have made a good effort to look and find

out about the artists.

You must have at least 3 nature drawings

Your work needs to be clean and presentable

Go to see exhibitions of textile art

Go to see exhibitions of art modern and impressionist

Make a collage of interesting images of textile art

All of your Pre – Enrolment Preparation Tasks must be submitted on Enrolment Day – August 2017

Entry Requirements: All courses require you to hand in an Enrolment Task More details on the courses below & enrolment tasks can be found on our website in the sixth form area.

AS Subjects

Core Requirements Other Entry Requirements/Preferences alongside a further 6 A* - C grades & the enrolment tasks Maths English

Art Level 4 or above

Level 4 or above

Art/Graphics A*-B if taken at GCSE level Ability to work to tight coursework deadlines

Biology Level 5 or above

Level 5 or above

2 Science GCSE’s at Grade A* - B required Good knowledge retention skills and make synoptic links

Business Studies

Level 4 or above

Level 5 or above

A keen interest in Business & Finance required Business Grade A*- C if taken at GCSE level

Chemistry Level 5 or above

Level 5 or above

2 Science GCSE’s at Grade A* - B required Ability to apply knowledge

Economics Level 5 or above

Level 6 or above

A keen interest in Economics Grade A*-B if taken at GCSE level preferred

English Literature

Level 4 or above

Level 6 or above

A keen interest in Reading Good extended writing skills

Government & Politics

Level 4 or above

Level 6 or above

A keen interest in World News Ability to critically analyse conflicting viewpoints

History Level 4 or above

Level 6 or above

History GCSE grade A*-B preferred A keen interest in wider reading & critical analysis

Mathematics Level 7 or above

Level 4 or above

A keen interest in mathematics/engineering Ability to manage frequent testing

Further Mathematics

Level 7 or above

Level 4 or above

A keen interest in mathematics/engineering Ability to manage frequent testing

Media Studies

Level 4 or above

Level 5 or above

A keen interest in Reading Good extended writing skills

Photography Level 4 or above

Level 5 or above

Art/Graphics Grade A*-B if taken at GCSE level Ability to work to tight coursework deadlines

Physics Level 6 or above

Level 5 or above

2 Science GCSE’s at Grade A* - B Strong Mathematical skills

Psychology Level 5 or above

Level 6 or above

Science GCSE grade A*- C required Strong critical analysis skills

Spanish Level 4 or above

Level 4 or above

Spanish GCSE grade A*-B is required A keen interest in Spanish

Sociology Level 4 or above

Level 6 or above

Strong critical analysis skills A keen interest in social policy and issues

Textiles Level 4 or above

Level 5 or above

Art/Graphics Grade A*-B if taken at GCSE level Ability to work to tight coursework deadlines

Applied Subjects: Entry Requirements

A Level 4 or above in English and Maths alongside a further 4 A*-C grades at GCSE. A keen interest in the subject area Excellent independent research skills and ability to manage coursework within tight deadlines

Applied Science Single – At the end of the year you will achieve ONE grade in this subject

Business & Finance Double – At the end of the year you will achieve TWO grades in this subject

Core Maths Single – At the end of the year you will achieve ONE grade in this subject Health & Social Care Single or Double – at the end of the year you can achieve One or Two grades

ICT Single or Double – at the end of the year you can achieve One or Two grades

Physical Education Single – at the end of the year you will achieve ONE grade in this subject

Level 2 Courses: Specific Entry Requirements

Health & Social Care Level 2-3 in English/Maths Enthusiastic about attending weekly work experience Excellent independent research skills Ability to prioritise workload & meet tight deadlines Commitment to attend all GCSE retake classes.

Media Studies Level 2-3 in English/Maths

BTec Level 1 Level 1-3 in English/Maths

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