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Sketch Diary

A character to catch a weight.

Basic blocked out storyboard for the weight animation.

Most of the weight-catching I keyed, because I found straight-ahead gave an unreliable and incorrect result -

the timing was off. Catching is a calculated move so needs calculated


I am disappointed I had to cut my idea in half, although it does work as

a scene, even though the little guy has nothing to do. I animated him with straight-ahead to give him a more natural, less stiff motion.

I think the stretch and squat actions need more emphasising for the

barrel catch, and we also need to see the barrel enter the scene.

Arms project :

The aim was to create a limbed moving creature without legs. I tried working in perspective for the first time in this unit with a monkey bar swing moving towards the audience.

Motion reference : designs, storyboards, and key tests:

Trying to get the

perspective right.

The little swings

forward and backward

give a more relaxed

movement, as seen in the video.

Intro & Outro : to create an intro and outro for our own showreel.

After going through several ideas, I finally settled on developing the Sword in the Stone one.

Reference for sword. From

I am quite pleased with how this animation came out, although it still

needs refining. It definitely illustrates how much my animating

abilities have grown.

More so, it showed me how my understanding of human form has

developed. The anatomy was believable, and fairly consistent.

Miscellaneous sketches:

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