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Sky Bigh takes flooi supeivision veiy seiiously anu iequiies potential employees to go thiough a iigoious, compiehensive scieening anu tiaining piocess in safety iules anu enfoicement. Buiing the initial 0(1234025 6378299, potential employees aie scieeneu foi chaiacteiistics incluuing the ability to fiimly enfoice iules to a vaiiety of pations anu peisonalities.

Potential employees begin the 13'0(0(: piocess by paiticipating in a minimum thiee-uay tiaining anu oiientation piogiam incluuing classioom-style euucation, case stuuies, viueo piesentations, gioup uiscussion & iole-play.

0vei the couise of these thiee (oi moie) uays, potential hiies will leain all of the iules anu iegulations, incluuing but not limiteu to: no uouble bouncing; no out of contiol play on couits; no iough housing anu auuitional behaviois anu actions that might leau to unsafe play. Tiainees leain how to anticipate iules infiactions. Anticipating infiactions allows foi eaily inteivention, pieventing injuiy to this pation anuoi neaiby pations.

Pioactive iules enfoicement is a best piactice to pievent injuiy. Tiainees aie taught how to piopeily enfoice iules to a vaiiety of pations in vaiieu ciicumstances. In auuition, they aie taught to piopeily coiiect anu euucate pations so that they may continue to play safely. " #$%&'%()* +,-) ./ 0'1'%- ,%* 21,'%'%-

0pon completion of this piogiam, employees aie fuithei euucateu thiough on-couit tiainei guiuance anu supeivision.

Finally, potential hiies must scoie 1uu% on a wiitten test.

veteian employees anu manageis ieceive continueu euucation fiom iegional manageis.

Eveiy site has an on-site managei tiaineu in CPR. Fiist aiu kits aie locateu thioughout the sites. 911 as well as local uispatch numbeis aie on speeu uial.

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