Page 1: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with





Page 2: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


Page 3: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

1.Stresstolerance• Brokensleepinchildrenincreasescortisolrelease,raisesstressandalters

mood• Lackofsleepalsoaffectsemotionalcontrol,decisionmakingandmoodin

parents• Mothersofchildrenwithatopiceczema- 39minslesssleeprelatedtoanxiety


2.Sleeptoheal• Research: 80healthyadultvolunteers:4hrsofsleepnightbeforefluvaccine:


3.Sleepforpaintolerance• Lackofsleepincreasespainsensitivity• Despitebestcare,children’swardsarenotcompletelypainfreeenvironments

Page 4: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

What do we know about sleep in hospital?

Page 5: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with






Page 6: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with
Page 7: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

Tuning in…sound levels

Page 8: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


Highest 10% sound levelsSound level LAeq

WHOrecommendationsforhospitalwards:guidelines• Backgroundsoundlevelshouldnotexceed30dB• Individualnoiseeventsshouldnotexceed45dB• Ideally,patientsshouldnotbeexposedtonoiseabove35dB

Page 9: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

Sleep..a victimofchild-friendlywardenvironments?

• Lights out?• Visiting times? • Non-stop entertainment?

Page 10: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with



• Toachieveaculturethatrespectssleepalongsidesafecare

• Toachievemeasurablechangeinourwardenvironments

• Tobeaflagshipforhealthysleepinhospitalanddisseminatelearningtootherhospitals

Page 11: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


• Simpletointegrateintowardroutine

• Visual cuesusingrecognisablelogo

• Acceptabletoparentsandstaff

• Cleartoall



Page 12: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with














Before After

Commitment to promoting healthy sleepNotatall



Page 13: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with
Page 14: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


Page 15: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

Do:Environmentalchange• Soundlevelmonitorsatnursingstations

• Illuminatesabove45dBthreshold• Canbecontinuouslyrecordedanddownloaded

• Redtorchesfornighttimemedicationadministrationandobservations

Page 16: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with
Page 17: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


Page 18: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

DO: TheSHHflag– promotingbehaviourchange

Page 19: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


• Simplificationofprotocol- removalofchecklist• Parentpower!- newnapsign

Page 20: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

EVALUATE:Noiselevels• Mediansoundlevelsmeasured

across3nights=46.4dB• Thiscomparesto59.6dB


• Planforongoingprogrammeoffeedbacktowards

Page 21: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


Page 22: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with
Page 23: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


Page 24: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

Acknowledgements• DrCathyHill- Honorary


• AmyAinsworth– Project


• Steeringgroupmembers

• SouthamptonHospitalcharity

Page 25: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with


"Insomnia, Johnson?"

For more information about implementing SHH in your hospital contact:

[email protected]

Page 26: Sleep for Health in Hospital ‘SHH’ A quality improvement ... · • Lack of sleep also affects emotional control, decision making and mood in parents • Mothers of children with

References• Faraut B,LégerD,Medkour T,etal.Nappingreversesincreased

painsensitivityduetosleeprestriction.PLoS One.201527;10(2):e0117425.

• MooreK,DavidTJ,MurrayCS,ChildF,ArkwrightPD (2006).Effectofchildhoodeczemaandasthmaonparentalsleepandwell-being:aprospectivecomparativestudy.BritishJournalofDermatology;154(3):514-8.

• Raikkonen K,MatthewsKA,Pesonen AK,etal.Poorsleepandalteredhypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocorticalandsympatho-adrenal-medullarysystemactivityinchildren.JClin EndocrinolMetab.2010;95(5):2254-61.

• SpiegelK,SheridanJF,VanCauter E.Effectofsleepdeprivationonresponsetoimmunization.JAMA.2002;288:1471-2.

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