Page 1: Slovenian Convention Bureau BRAND VALUE PROPOSITION Brand Pillars & Elevator Pitch

Slovenian Convention Bureau


Brand Pillars & Elevator Pitch

Page 2: Slovenian Convention Bureau BRAND VALUE PROPOSITION Brand Pillars & Elevator Pitch


The Slovenian Convention Bureau is a member based organisation whose role it is to market Slovenia as a destination for meetings, incentives, conferences and events.

It is funded partially by Slovenian Tourist Board and by members’ annuals fees and contributions

The Slovenian Convention Bureau sits under the “I feel Slovenia” brand and mirrors its key themes:


Oasis of peace and Calm




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However, The Slovenian Convention Bureau is targeting a very specific, defined market, the MICE sector. While this market is not homogeneous, it has the following common characteristics:


Clients seek a business outcome or pursue a business objective

Decisions on destination choice for MICE are made around set criteria – access, infrastructure, value, safety, experience, appeal

Channels to market are known and very specific

Travel patterns are “off peak” and yield is high by comparison with leisure tourism

Clients often travel to escape from the familiar


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The MICE sector is most effectively targeted with coherent, consistent, compelling messages that (a) highlight the benefits of Slovenia as a meetings destination and (b) defend Slovenia against its present weaknesses

Weak destination awareness and image

Weak frequency and geographical spread of air access

Lack of international 4 and 5 star hotels

Our BRAND PILLARS and ELEVATOR PITCH capture the essence of our messaging and act as key tools to help us build a valid brand value proposition


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The BRAND PILLARS are used to help position the uniqueness of Slovenia for MICE business. They are exclusively orientated around behaviours and attitudes, highlighting the human, inter-personal benefits of doing business with Slovenian MICE professionals.

The 4 pillars – natural charm, team flexibility, personal touch and 24h smile – are built on the strong foundation of Slovenian energy, linked, in turn, with the diligence of Slovenians, a key element in the I Love Slovenia brand.

The USP for Slovenia, therefore, is its people who work diligently, flexibly, charmingly, good humouredly to provide seamless personal service for MICE professionals


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BRAND FOUNDATION: Slovenian Energy

Slovenian Energy is different. It’s naturally laid back. Relaxed. Calm.

Not all sparkly on the outside but then running quickly out of fizz.

It’s slow release, enduring, in it for the long haul. Slovenia energy is there when you

need creative input in planning your event. And it’s there throughout the event

journey, right until the end when your attendees give you a standing ovation for a

job well done. With you all the way.8

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BRAND PILLAR 1: Team Flexibility

Meetings and events come in all shapes and sizes. There’s no such thing as “one

size fits all”. That’s why you need a destination partner with “flexibility” etched into

their DNA. It comes naturally to us in Slovenia, we’re born with it. That’s

professionalism, Slovenia-style!


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BRAND PILLAR 2: 24h Smile

Working in meetings and events is full on. It’s much more 24 7 and a lot less 9 to

5. It’s requires a yes-we-can attitude, an ability to run with the punches and, of

course, a 24 hour smile. We’re there for you at all times.


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BRAND PILLAR 3: Personal Touch

The big advantage of being small is that you can focus on the little things. The

details. The personal touches that make your meeting really matter. That make it

real. Authentic. Our cities are small but pack a big punch with history and heritage

and a human dimension that connects to the pulse of the people. To the personal



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BRAND PILLAR 4: Natural Charm

Digital technology has swept like a tsunami across the meetings and events

industry. All the old paradigms have been washed away and new, exciting horizons

have opened. But sometimes it’s all too much. We need to escape. Go back to first

principles. To nature. To cities and towns with a human dimension. The natural

charm of simple, face-to-face meetings. 12

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The Elevator Pitch is a systematic presentation on Slovenia for Meetings and Events that acknowledges and accepts that Slovenia is not well know as a MICE destination

It provides key data points around location and personality and underlines 3 benefits to using Slovenia for MICE

It follows a set and fixed structure:Make an irrefutable statement

Establish credibility

Highlight benefits

Announce your call to action



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A key consideration here is the fact that many people do not know where Slovenia is or have any reference point to understand what it might be like. This statement provides clear and simple information about location; it also uses Switzerland’s “fame” as a useful reference point to help the listener imagine Slovenia

This section demonstrates credibility both in relation to Miha Kovačič and in regard to the membership of the Slovenian Convention Bureau. It highlights partnership and collaboration as key evidence of credibility


HIGHLIGHT BENEFITS CALL TO ACTION1. Feature: Fresh, new destination experience

= Benefit: Exciting for delegates

2. Feature: Collaborative MICE community = Benefit: Easy to work in for planners

3. Feature: Culture and Scenery = Benefit: Haven, Escape, Retreat

Will depend on the circumstances

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Slovenia shares a border with Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. Like Switzerland, we’ve got majestic mountains and lush river valleys but we’ve not landlocked: we’ve also got a magnificent coastline on the Adriatic. Our capital is Ljubljana. It’s a largely traffic-free city with a stunning mediaeval castle built either side of a river.


Throughout our history Slovenia has always been at the crossroads of Meditteranean, Germanic and Slavic cultures and this has left its mark on our country today. We might be one of Europe’s smallest countries but we’ve got rich traditions, widely diverse regions and, as people, we’re hard working, progressive, naturally friendly and welcoming.


And a lot less expensive than Switzerland!


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My job as Executive Director of The Slovenian Convention Bureau is to bring more meetings and events to Slovenia. I came to this role after 10 years in hotels and MICE agencies so I know about buyer expectations for meetings and events.


We have over 50 active members in our Bureau from all over Slovenia including hotels, small and large venues, and the full spectrum of agencies - DMCs, PCOs, team building, experiential etc


We know the importance and value of partnership because MICE events are only truly successful when the entire destination community all works together in support of the clients’ objectives.


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We’re a young country, and new to MICE, so most attendees haven’t been here before. This makes Slovenia appealing for today’s delegates who crave something new, different, off-the-beaten track.


When working in a destintion there needs to be a collaborative spirit amongst all suppliers. We’re small enough as a MICE community to be truly connected to each other and proud enough as a country to care about getting it right.


We’re a green county. Our cities have rich culture and human scale and our countryside has mountains, forests, rivers and lakes. Our food and wine compare with the best. We’re the perfect haven, an awesome place to escape to. But we’re on your doorstep, right in the middle of Europe.


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Please join us to experience some truly special Slovenia Energy on our next Educational Experience …


Please join us to experience some truly special Slovenia Energy at a special reception at XXX Restaurant in YYY …


Please visit with us at stand XXX to experience some truly special Slovenia Energy and hear how we can help you stage a memorable meeting …


Please let me / us visit you at your office to tell you how we can help you stage a memorable meeting / an intriguing incentive experience / an unconventional convention / an extraordinary event in Slovenia


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