Page 1: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am
Page 2: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am going to be doing my research on cigarette smoking. Cigarettes are made up of mostly tobacco. Tobacco is a green plant that grows in North and South America. Tobacco is categorized and farmed as a potato, pepper and the poisonous nightshade. (The American Farm Association 2009) Americans have stated that tobacco began to grow in about 6,000 B.C. Farmers use lots of chemicals to grow tobacco and that’s why tobacco is really harmful for your body. Tobacco was discovered on October 15, 1492; it was offered to Christopher Columbus as a gift from the American Indian. (The History Of Tobacco 2006) That was the first time that tobacco got distributed in the United States. Cigarettes were invented in 1743, an English beggar named Horry Thornfield invented them. The United States didn’t really use tobacco until the WWI which was in 1914-1918. The cigarettes were then called the “soldiers smoke.”

Page 3: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

As opioids (found in all cigarettes) enter your brain with one puff of the cigarette. It stimulates your brain and is known to play a role in soothing pain, increasing positive emotions, and creating a reward for your brain.( American Smoking Conditions Reaction 2012) This is also happening when morphine and heroin enters your brain which is also found in cigarettes. This makes cigarettes more addicting and more harmful to your body. Smoking cigarettes usually effect your brain and your lungs and other parts of your body but these are the 2 main organs. Your lungs are two large organs that are located in the chest area. The lungs are a big part of the your respiratory system. Your respiratory system is the system of taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide. Healthy lungs are pinkish in appearance and have a sponge texture. When we inhale and


Page 4: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

-exhale the air travels up and down the wind pipe. The wind pipe then goes off into smaller parts called bronchi. The bronchi goes off to a smaller part called bronchioles. At the end of bronchioles really small air sacks enter the alveoli. When the air enters the alveoli, it combines with the liquid inside and breaks down into component parts. The alveoli transfer oxygen from the lungs into the bloodstream. The carbon dioxide that is left transfers from the blood back into the lungs. According to the American Lung Association, tobacco has over 4,800 different chemicals that can harm you in a very harmful way. Only 69 of the 4,800 chemicals are known. (American Lung Association 2007)

Page 5: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

Cigarettes contains benzene, Benzene is a solvent fuel. (Chemical Observation 2010) Solvent meaning can mix easily with other liquid in your body and can be permanently in your body with other fluids. A lot of the chemicals cigarettes contain are poisonous and very deadly. A lot of the chemicals are highly addictive. Cigarette smoke contains tiny particles. When you inhale cigarette smoke it compresses these particles and the particles get placed into the lungs as tar.

Page 6: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

Why do people smoke?  There is not a main reason that people pick up there first cigarette but

when they do it is usually because the are influenced by someone else or want to be wanted in the society. But the main reason that people keep smoking cigarettes even though they know it is very harmful is because the chemicals inside the cigarette sends a message to the brain that relaxes the Deep limbic system (DLS) which is the part of the brain that controls your emotions.( Lung Association 2011) The DLS is located in the central area of the brain and is very small, that makes it easier to reach and to be contacted with. When your brain is relaxed and is in a good mood then your brain with send messages to you and will want to feel happy and relaxed more. The average person that is influenced by others start to smoke around early 20ʻs.At that age people are adventurous and want to try new things. Smoking usually occurs in social place like malls, work, bars, clubs, school, college, and parks etc. The reason that smoking mainly occurs in social environments is because it gives people time to socialize and meet new people. Smoking cigarettes make peoplefeel that they are not alone.


Page 7: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

How Does The Human Body React To Quit Smoking 

After smoking for a long period of time it is very hard to quit smoking but, when you do your brain and your body is rewired to rely on nicotine. Nicotine is very addictive and very hard to avoid. When people quit smoking the start to get depressed and think that they are not wanted in life. After the supply is cut off then it causes the brain to panic and withdrawal symptoms. (Cigarettes Description 2004) Symptoms include irritability tiredness, flu-like symptoms, dry mouth, tightness in the chest, sore throat, headache and soreness of the mouth and gums. There are also positive outcomes when you decide to quit smoking. Your blood pressure starts to lower and become as a nonsmokers blood pressure is. The level of carbon monoxide in your body from the cigarettes starts to lower and can be replaced with healthy oxygen. Your senses starts to get better once you stop smoking.

Page 8: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am
Page 9: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am
Page 10: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am
Page 11: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am
Page 12: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

Smoking effects the brain in a Smoking effects the brain in a huge way. The first thing that huge way. The first thing that smoking aims for your brain.smoking aims for your brain.

Page 13: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

The reason that I am interested in researching this project because I will really like to know how the brain reacts when you quit smoking.

Page 14: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

I think that if the brain is addicted to the nicotine that is in the cigarettes then the outcome of the brain to stop smoking is going to effect the emotional appeal of your brain which is going to help you realize this big disadvantages of smoking cigarettes.

Facts I got to support hypothesis: One you get a puff on a cigarette 2/3 of the chemicals in the cigarette are highly addictive and head straight to the brain.

Page 15: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

Independent Varibles; the way that people answer the question on the survey.

The different people.

Page 16: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

Dependent: how people react to quit smoking cigrattes will affect the way they answer the survey.

Page 17: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

The questions on the survey is constant

The location the surveys are at is constant.

Page 18: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

Surveys, Clipboards, Pencils, Computer spread sheet, A mentor to help assist during survey.

Page 19: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

1st: Designing the surveya) Do backround research so that you are

informed about the terms,and concepts.b) Then design a question- based survey to

determine which methods the survey participants used to quit smoking.

c) Then you have to detail the difference between ex-smokers and currernt smokers.

d) Then make sure that the survey is well written and print many copies of the survey.

Page 20: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

2nd:Giving the survey out a) You are going to need at least 12

volunteers to take the survey. You can find volunteers at a local

shopping center. Leave it at a doctors or dentist office and

ask the administration to look over it.

Page 21: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

Analyzing the results.a) Calculate the success rate for each

methods of quitting smokinga) List all of the different methods used in

attempts to quit smoking.b) Tally up the number of times each method was

used in an attempt to quit smoking.c) Then tally up the numbers of successful

attempts for each method.d) Finally, collect the success rate for each


Page 22: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am



of p


e Survey Results

Page 23: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am
Page 24: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

My hypothesis was correct, my hypothesis was that is you know the outcomes of smoking cigarettes then you will be more willing to help yourself stop smoking.According to the graphs produced by the surveys given the most efficient way to quit smoking is to list all the disadvantages of smoking cigarettes are.

Page 25: Smoking (verb) is the exit of smoke or visible vapor that can harm you in extreme ways. There are a lot of different ways that you can smoke but, I am

"How Does Smoking Affect the Lungs?" LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., 02 June 2008. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

"Tobacco Addiction." NIDA for Teens. N.p., 31 Jan. 2009. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

"Quit Smoking Timeline." Quit Smoking Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

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