
r*:-T?)r- . ~ ^ T * ' •Mfc^-.'^n*-:'


•VVi4^aQ2J, i d i i i u n - . . .

-«««« vtdiwlisitig .Vr<liuifi find

. _ J . . T O N E S , I>uhl-inl»-p.


Tlje Hujiaw tloes i«H evince" a very -kepn uppftrintinn of publifc necpsaitips, ur of

. the various euriruts of|public]ffvilbg, • Tb'1

-^ le^teui^ i i iwHHttgt tess to-iiispt'lhit1 wilh-tlip coHtly fntitking privilege,, and thereby savf the iouiiU} Buuic.||hrce niiiUona -a

MnittUu >'«>U'ril»j_ fiirnisiicd another, il ^sduhtt^atitU^Feput'tlui;1 fj . lift _ th e_KiiWcti :

^ i m m i t t e p H i f f s ^ o ^ ^ h e ' i « - o p n s i t r o n for rtpt-iiling tlie inenmc taXf At h& rtqniisi

" t h e bills "pii t|ie s u b j m ivcrq placed , thecal ct^af, Ttrlth-tiie rviui-iit iiitentlon of' buryiiipf them for thr* srssiiip.'- .\Vu taW:

"^ this to b o a disregard nf the ajnfl&r will •in.two.particulars;, first,.'itimplies bustlli iy to. tlic-rctluction of taxes—a mrapurp of paramount iiiiporttuice; second, it indi-

. cfttPRatletermiuatirtn toaplioM a l a i u biol* uioredhan all others is odious, ami for which tjiwv in-mj-Jpnger UiLflUghteiit, jtuj.

, (nation, It Stnutura arc wise ; Ibey 'will nut follow Sir; KliPvuianiti these mailers.— Thmes. ' , "

h Tut-Ybxeil q n e s l f c u f - t h a t C e i p ^ a t ^ o n

'by Uie'tjupi-cme I'ouU (ditbo 9th. .W* are glatl it ieOuHc. Anything U>.Ifttvc iHecl-ded, aotfiut i i o know Just AYhere-wt.stand ;aiid niiui,\\e have utit to do The Phelps pBupJc u Hi: have :tn.gQ. to work now, and •Boim \hv\ niH.put themi.ilvesoiiAiio^Uallj' prtiBptfrourfiiotTui!' nitU the l is ter towns; ^ddiia an.l Arcadia. M thi\ matter hal tuiiieil mil, :it now beeina to have been a mlsiuko .ua.tlut-pari of Judge Smith to iduiumiil.; ur receive msufflcient. evidence: on HieT^muTa. More pould-have been gtYen,. but be deemed It umicccfliftry. Phelps

Wlir *Veirtf,

— Il is. imposaible tiS ye t - to arrive al any

ufTairBbetweenthe'FruicuiffldI'lu^iaHM. It wff tjhuuld liclieve the French, Uiu P ius .

~~r- aiansare 4*plftyed;ont""ariiTaie going hun.c ,?>non; but if the report comes fromt\ Ger­man source, **llu Krinch cnhimt posidblv hold out lniiih lumrrr." IVoph- miM tin

- a* ^*rMn7^uTr^^Vej )5 iU-n" t I i a" t " tb : c i'msBians* Imvc h>lilv: Jaki-u *i.\ tlu-u-sand

|ll[M4ttff..- —•" '" . ' ^ -

It Ls ftiinouiuwy thilt VaHJ'-biis till'ti^fi ficili iiu-at^ri haittl lo.IaM nntil -February \\U\\ u yii iptiiillib*'supply ttf'i'ther fund. 11< -pt' aiiil: faji b;art stfuii^ iii tltt- bclcu^ner.

"-"yil. 'uiy/ 'pium TJnideau.v \\i*litue"tlie uu.

The Newark t'onsiER^ebnies" to us en-: iaij^^a't thk'-OTlinnijpaTior, SBdJli^.onc-

pf tlip. lar^i&t. as it has long been oo'e.of the ajdeit 'edited, o£ ihfr eyuntry press. We congratulate uuf. hiaglilior on his sue-eess„— 1'almym Courier* ' ' ' _ The 'Newark GOMHEU .lU'lffiT wveU enlarged aud improved to that ex­tent we.hardly knew it. Uuderi ts present ma^a^eiiieiU thi' Cot BIER has boon niade a r*i-t_-das* pupi-i,, and vve-jchevp-thecitizens ,iif that .place give it a hearty support. \Clyde Ttmes. ^ .

The Newark CuL'H^ih'asamled-ftnpaipr: culumh to each page, making- h a, ninexol-uinij paper. The CutitiBBi since Messrs. •Wilson and Jones have.had. control, has fnailo rapid .adyancement, jjoth ijh ability-

btrRmti^oT}41"1* T*wc1mtFira1neSeeutidir:"^'It/lB\noW"tUe largest paitet in the County decidedly,-1— Press, • ' -'" "" " " ' ' • '

Thy Cm HtEK iti now the Jhrgeflt newgpa.

Tim Um nians tifthe (»i!aH(l^iike,(>f Mcil* Vuburg "ccupfcd. I'utuvaJ, iv hlrialf tu-un jiear Wmlome, imt thcy'-Trere (nickly as-

faulted iuul_dijvyii i ont?, aud-Sphstqiieliilj

/ : i n cnj*ag«Um;nt innk place, which i> saiJ t i . . have eifji'tl "«ucco.-.fiillv fur tHt; .French.

Tht Luiuji^iHM_'»t.-iif _lkcitLi»'^p^- ^mftf^ . -po-lpuiitd^ tii, the press, of JJirliii sa\s , ,

fll'«'r rMelleut reasons-,'" puliticaj uud- inilt--tary. The jK.lilkjd ronauiiti are. yiiriuus,-ll.i military would seem to be simply that Jim*, cann'ut be ko^it in poaitiuu tobumbard it. {.'mint voti Bismarck, who. i** to he mail** a Puk<\ «nyH, aud' tlu- VulkiZUUtny-5- (••HT-.lfml thr.rn^i.iMu • -nt i-t-.i rct^ore ':M_'_''1,/:";_ .Tli' . fn Kj.i'M.hltt w>Hti-4rf-

iill'death: ••uctt a cuunltry"., *H no-place for Vtw-ahidim; ttgrrnalia Vt-Utx- «i'ust jret away m«TTt*avt- \lv IinpiTiali^ts aiutlteds-, to cat

—wirif^thri-rrp'r1"'"""- "*- "~~~" •-—^-

- fri.tht1 Luxi*n)b''iu^"=]>UM!re^-Prussia iiieaiM iiwlo what is risbt in tier own Yyt s. Pn^Hii'tXlaStlf «"ttui s t int ami diiigustwh. •» ^feanuhiie. King, William, of ilolhuid,'* -•ru1£»"Wf»hI;to the l.ux^mniir^er.H that, lie means to stand by the treaty1- nf !8<E7, and

_ HtU seeJba t tbe^ lukunOf liUEt^fh(fc4*a*« «inhonrgeij. tlieiiifehes'h^rnbl> a-tk l<-rn '1 hi• .Litt>e t'lrtjijiat, that fawtriLe.mui|il)!y

•_ eipxi^m«pinioiva&tft«Vetr*VVirTate. ' i j f - f e ^ 1 ? H " - ^ f c r t ^ T * with-Tlif rijriuaR, . - * - - ~ T " - !'"th, ft'i-^;J;t"i». n.c i u r r enumerated its

s M f l ^ - a s n y h t e rofMIfiiHter.iaoQey'in-Lontioii." na cnn.euher-give mofo satisfactory proof

on the liauios taken "in the first pla,co, or 1 add, There arotbp nmnv -Tr.ini; men in V\iv\\^ to.let-the mat- - -

wnrk-i* being puslied \ igorously, aud with strmis forces m \V"axHejejttualy^r

.per in Wayflo rmmty, overlapping the oth­ers by half a-coluinii or-so .in width,, and having mure though narrower) columns. Always clad>K* the prosperity of our iiiiijitirbo-Fs, ,wi*-«'iHst*p\4i™f'#ith- ~^!oA_siire~tUis-*-vidpHct* nf the Vvi kisifH increased '-patron-age"; .-From a iqiiiarkably low esbate, Eldi* &r WtSfttt has Brought rt to be one of tbe best ltic*ul uew.cpapers in tins-^fetiorrof the

;>iate—.a cu'ihVtu Newark arid to Wayne imutjty.; * * . * * ' *

* * * * — Rep tiblied n. •• **£!«' N i u a i k . C u iMKU. <>f dur'ttbtter vib-lag(\^ Iiifhw^* have -deemed upto and. nf-iw 'Hfuirf* nn»l pafrmiage htrtrr'rrnp

^ Ut< diuK'iitionBloa.Bplentljdly utinHetl'but prnbiiMe report - f :i tjem nil

ITuwlinn rctr^irt .trr»m tbe.jiyitli o f ^ F ^ ^ u o L i J ^ e f l ^ ^ ^ r t ^ ^ ^ '-^utiiu7u."M^flj^^^^^g^-abt^aTfinirthatherhiiag^ariBi nine c<»njinn- paper-^-a mammotn village paper, and (he buccal in AVayne County* Accept our hearty congratulations. We are jglrul to sec Mcb tangible evidence that tlie-Salrie-aitd-TVprtti>jf*The~fttPitiEft i s f e in«l tjuly applet niied. by lh_e inllabitahts of X. wars, ahd' \'ii iiijiy. "-Mr. Wilauh.has dia-

\\c (iiid him at tlie bead of arie of the most Utable anil prospernns countrV new «»pia

!.per.eslabn»Iunentsin^Westurji New.Vork. j . Jones, "EMI., ih .puGKsher and to whom, jre!\t (rrciUt'i^ due for its mechanical exe-i-utiou.—I'helps Citizen. * Wt' had itfWil b#-t-unfuie our extrarts c s d m r r e l r f ^ tJic pKfiOTS in'KiH^|t thu tallowing froni tlial old. iuflucntial, and

TTnth'S'^!'' jlTj^T, fKr rCJiUtJunurie~Ra3li, is

Far She ta4les, . The valufrcf «dVertiijliiiK W(IB toalisfea t>y a ru--ral NOW VorV-merchant who »aVci'tlze(l Tor-* (jnjall hoy, whonliia wlfefroelciitod.nim With two .very small Ortes.

At.Suole^of-tojAte^t^rB'nglandvftilftyor, ttt;6-Btnp©,foVMW^hvwboriro^ afcmnloolih^iJutereceive^ 15,^9 votes (Hit of 2G.5J3, - . " - - -

; :^B^n t -«»t Amiv^tilu-At'tbiltteinfllLlWr iiV "Now YwjL Satnrday.eveuitiR w«s a '(pwit HUCCOBS. Beside aoUthg nucabprteB'ft.ten'CODi jrogogajjiJiir Torinoapttjce.aheftmml .purchaBers tor cor-tala tor fiairiW $50.eaeJi,,.aml for one ropelftiil *i_So. -"" _ :

. Tbroo.^i£jican,Udlca*ro.-Hi&^noij(*'i of «-• tied foreigners,gamely-: MibBCIara^Ua.ughior of' LeonaroT \V. Jerome-: MISB Emily Hchombcrg,, tKb notet} belle of FhtladelPhift: i n d Miss Siinih.:

A,£'eorfft lndy of fijfihlon. IIHB ordered a.^or-.geouH-coflln aud fjanoral-trapiplagfi, an5 "proposes to, liaro all her fl-iond^ and aiftualptwyjeB' with-1]ut('partIal((y'iDrit<>d to attend her gl>petjujt<B; by

Siiaaish npods. the latest uofo|,|y-Xa *liead;£eAr,': have Wea Introduced, aa'd1 iro rnnch worn by JfO'ing ladioa in going to a»d from bpora,'"cohortL

pr ovcbtnj^partifla, .Yahog-ladlBB say.'they arc-"Lovel^s'MnRamuchaa-thoy-d0 not " niusB the.

Capable ironien ar« gratfqaliy obtalnitog lucra^ t.iye^emplo-ymont in• Washingtonjw-clerka In ,th«, departmeg(» and aa .naitspapor correBpondcntB; Aicu'da-ysahie& a yonng- lady war.appoTaiea* ^enographertoirduty inr-the bfflco of the -Serreth-ry -of'the "Interior, a poaftion fthWH" few meii

.coitld All, ~ ~ •

in An Iowa breach orpromise case, the Avomnii s^-orcttfat ilie-accimed had buggod'hof-ovc-ry night-forHBveralmo.nths.nadSiindaynightB an.' rtll>3 o'clock in the morning. The 'villainrwne--fiuBU^nfrdpilatandlcoBts. He said it waa the. nioBt roasoriablo;liugglbE,li'o cvor.ex-perienced.' !

_'aftlxcaia thoahoeB^fttreTTpnTeii areexpkliigadoaiofim-, pleasant comjnentt. Tho we^era-nto-Jikeiiflil-tfr diemonnted cavalrymen fromithonoiso they make: in.7i>:alking,.flnd eooiiomicsl hoaBoketfbors ^ay; ;they cannot atand'tho damage dono to their car-' pete-

AeoupfoweremarriedatoneF'of tho ohmclios-in Lowell, aiasa., afewdaya.ago.aiitllinmediato. ly upon leavingthesaored-edifice rommencod a war of wor|lB,in wbtotr oaths^ircrojijenf iflfll At th^^owin^iD^^^rSrl^onbrinoph. the twain' separated, ;the bride passing down one street m\ the griiom another frtiiowcd-fe^jrffffid. .

Thofp fa groat etcltemont ju.Boatud on account of an alleged conspiracy agaiaat Mrs. Phojbo H. PheljiP, afstor.ort'nited States. Senajor -!r» Har­ris, of Albanyiby her husband, Hon. Charles A. Phelps, to have her incarcerated in niunntlc asy • .luhb MrflvPhelpstJajlaayorilrielReraiTability ^ad>h*8-been conneetPd •wUbilirp^nTiofiai staff Jf the Boflton travttter. She declares that ahe line

'Plvpei'ty^For oi F r o m O E p ^ P S - R r f ^ t p i C O ^ . l O l ' a r k Row; N.V.


MCOIlCIJIning .-.0 Mt§s uf cliuuV

Qo6(l 'Buildings'.* 'sph-iidld' orouavu* '

81-3mIlfafi«ltU of Ka^' SVwilvk tilul.'J 1.-.* niilrs north.or riMiVS, N.V. Fur .Idrtlfer tWrlirnliir, enqulrnDtitho pronii^c.. "' n\\l

-. I'uiiii'!.. -Suv.- as j^-o..._ ii,*-* nurtrvt;,' >

For Sale! crffcj8jS£ Alt iv liursfiii'ii, A W ^ ^ f t o b d Pccond Hand 2 8EATED OEMGGRAT WflGON! Encjnirp o l j . G. BI.AKEI.V & Ca

Il'brS^le. Tiu- lUi'Hi of Vi

—'••••.Nijiriu-k. -Aa""* t5ho& l un t l , 6 uf uldeh it u o o t l i--BfeiMingg ' j^aed, * V » % of_;iH ~

k i i u l s . Oil ier wishes to retire from farming.'

F a y i A p n t s , to buit purcli/iser. .„ ,"7iu4

30 aiiifjtiil"'^ JWAhPaittf K ii g r a.¥ I u g 8! ' 'Slia'o'i'HfcK ILLUSTHATIONS ^

_ ^ Mit»jr^iinff-7:«ml'^,^rtrnt-Tlrirriirtor"i ny of thl'iu -li«nloro«8.HAU• atxout UiS principal

-t-'tlp8'-»f tin' Is'iitul; th« bistlis, and witorliig pl»ce«, -Imll'flribtit, each Ufj-hts ami oarnh'at. htrqot EUtlitn Hi HBOITIH- t 'iltu|i) ag.1-^l,iou0uUli-a at Vod'vo, -Sog^ir and Tobacco J

j ^_ i ^U^n<14^ t f t ^^ t i s t f t ; 3 inTr ^u*r«nfflre!

H A U ' W O I C D ; * t ' t u M S H i - N ^ i - c o n * I'A \ V j H a r t t o r J ^ y,binu » '

& Boi S o n Canal vStfoct, '!.

_JiL JJeiii-ly New House, Good JBaCtt, OutUousesi Kj-tlitg, «<?, For :nai-HCnl<n-s- ciiqub-c oil tho promises i f » W • -T. McBRYDE. <

For Sale! T h e v e r y iflvgant

a i i t l . dcsh-jil>le* Bi-icli _ l t e s i d c i n - c o f N liEV-i

.NOX-DSj-located »»n tlu- uorucv of A ' i e n u a & HaMMm frt 'reets. 'H Kith- Srmth^>r llio jUrthoilk'i Church. Tk-.'lot ia a

" - T a K G E T T O T m i a ^ ^ '; the re - i s a--BA'K#.—AltPNTi.YVC'B OF FRUIT of various -feiii'Us

60 OD WELL AN!) tHSTERN ^aqd-'everything to ni-iko- a 'e»mi"i'tabh» and 'pleasant T;hiiraJ, %hr hoati' isVrll fininhpVI arid good-asntiv. ,, -- - •- -

For- -partitjiihtt-s*- t-nqnirc-• o r / Dl^ 'U: TllQiria-s, or jifLl\v uuin-r. , Mich ,

nnjioua to discredit bee story bymRMngfhcniuV lie believe her Insane,

A few days agpacrowd of .ladies looking fli' (ho dresses diepinxed o"nrframesin th« Bhow-wlri-(lowofaBostohdry goods store, were startled by a lean, flanctlmoniotis-lookuig elk-footer of th»-4**"* •AomffP*lbowins;hi» way among theni, wui

pfcycJ ujiUMiiiL t'UyEgy: fljHHnrt from the. atJia^Iftra-momaiit's-ffa^antro^^Ses" pnlixi Mui'i; :nni h r krrr^ pushingmaward, until. hibition,sloivly:soliroqui3ea'in itsepu'lchral tono: " ' ' " ' , " * - - » - * — -*-.i " Yea,yos; like mem-all^ All ahoirT ait false.

sliifful and inuUiodi -NO head,_ irattrRlija, jiti riundj alUhowlr Justlike-themaiFri'

When Miss Kate Field.lectnred In Boston, alio .Has dressed in rWh bluo, ailk, .mth Wiitc lai-c trimmings; abunciWrosebuds on her'bosom, aad:the red cover of her manuscript, took gan 'ihc rawiM8«rip^]OlntB-erfi*vp coTortoTtic tiTiif an J!

White; while the same Idea in color was carrM OJIUP4b»«tagr a11 augruiliuia-Otfllutof 16vc-Jj ro^es was in the foreground, and farther back a bine cloak trbnmejl with ermine jay iipou the arm ora CTHnson chair. .,'

Thocfltlos nroafter pfive iogaii with a very Bharp- stick-.- - jjho iifia Just, 'glvWtho <' Bright Sido'VtoaNew London audience, and ihP Siq* of that city says-TV Her subject was one that IB" ejisilyniastfr^l, conseqireutlytt would du~her np credittojay_tba_tsjmmBstercfllt. Generally,Eho audience, wore .more surpTiseii than plenacd.^-They eipBctei^to flateh to something above the ^u-orage; they hoard something which\VouId fail to affort thojiverage mue^cithar rrnjf - Vuyj, woiild*tako.tiie.rronbloto;hear her ngain, under the moat lavqralile circumatancoij' . *'

liftU«'iu*; i.ifit to-lin inserted liere: Tim KPWSITC X Y , < 'litTUBR under thp

cilUorfiU managcuient'of our ahle;and well 4«K»wn- aadHatr^r*^hT^r-tbmialh^1f"Mrr .(jiporr , Vtt Dn',™.UftV .ctpantled wouderfully in M2&. [I t tmmui bt-tUT itself in matti-r) llii- i'vidftu-r of. it,g npprfldation by the: hizujia of Newark must he particularly luTPing to ,*Mr». AVilauri* as it Is wclKdo* r n n l . A 'hitter paju-r U not jirinted in

.thr.-Stau- "f 'XL-W York. *

l s 7 t . •

tlie I^s tom t|ue=ttiou.ony %ttjrpient• jy still aiSroff';_ RuasidrorrnrLW^'tlpi; pimonvip^n .-

. LuuIu^rf"hwtd.-^tJ4iij^^ .Vuitria waits upon thr* touiw- of i\t<nt:

fb tin Iialtun I^irHaiiK'ntlilii* tii '^t;, '

£iiaFuiit£es-4t> tlit* Pope art* nrfvn'cateit

; -Tht- Xcw King-&f Spain ao\y onhis vvaj '•* Martr'} v:rr+ •' v^: - •., l ^ f - o f a i c ud>

.f**vfuii(*s In the state. ^—4ft44n^4^HiHsmii Th-ii-lj Tn^ ijif jU-tiiucrat7

..... «»|.pM«rtiHU-irtihn-aTriTrTtcttnti "•''f-TrrfirtT •icifilory. jin? frhjEftl a vulct'/

~The TrisTi 'JYfbtnir?

, M r PbilUpa in in* InHuii* Ijrggl wftt< ^"""tftpVn wrmp"-~r^ilKs*d&jt), Uentbiiufiu. I

utu U* talk u»:y«n nUui^^arv^'t 'nrrnell. tiff* Champion nf Irish ^ihertHa.," ."Jut that was all we heard tAmut Dan O'Connctt" fnf u 'b^f^hmir ;iift^vimi_;_Uei.ib6li u p t h . " subject of agitatioiV. in the abstract. Iiv#

paid an agitator fo 'this country had i*nnn' t.^~ht coiiflTdm'-d. Ahbntj})? gahuuika, fo&t,

t>v a. porspn whose/chief orrupation4t waa

-tn innrftUrng j tTt1»l'Ai>f>cii*TTw^ rFrTf fif \w*

taiuT'air A- nation !6f affitatora. Ho 'said, " ' -'TVmefTc^" wa*• a fouiiTry nf^thf j;fratiM

cowards that h_p had -fver seen. H? said that Aramrans did not dan- to differ out

^ BTsn-wtthanotlier, *H<rspRk**"or fJi^nTn?' • it txuttunw aud -caiefui- *^4 wF- ppflple wh«

u U_ uf their gminid'-ercry ? tep of tiro-way, and always kept .ppoyye"(.\ff fiitir.shoul.h-i

- : "m-¥^iVn»'iqi^M^illiJukii*^-at llinni.. .tjtr, "opnkjp of rhV f'l.tWh, Hu JV1 ' '? , nti-1 TVr-tvl*oIittes nRtlir* tlirrt(* great tduratt-rs. But

iit> Rpnmw.l.t'o.rrrnSrler noiir.of-tliein e\art*. 'y .relhbli-^ujiiifjLiill^um i f c

: Tin- lathe' Fi'ifT>il-nr\<\ (In- X-'nntiER are' ','ff(:iTd together .for $;l.^).. This makes a; apk'iidid- magazine- tr> ffaeaTriHytOI fcauld: . i s ^ Its cnlor.ed-iuid?t>UW faShinn^enKra." • i' ~,\, i-a "tuJUa aiiiluiini^Jhiucoua matter

.have all raro merit, dnd-make tliis moullily": tftry fh^irnt.lA.f/ip.'llittfrtqMy----^f-ni>ji^i>tr»v und.ilie mnifry _',:ctin?;.a mwitUdy fav l»?i, .if you

'w.aiU Homethips really- iisefulNis well as JjeauUful-anit Hitefeatitiifi'itS^"'^^ 'Phfeno-:

•J^J}*Q.l; LjiftiaL Kx_tJtiUiuUl«t.or-iht»- it-audTp Call and t*ei» it foryourselfr

tlionght it wo'uW liraiivirigrkalUc piirnon^-f „" ijfi.n to- auc -an -etlitorJ inakc *i jruirryr-£if

Ii'mserfVliy feifnig' the .truth. ,AIar(yr^ d<-

. •',*. IrsyAia,xc^iniui.b. -luialitur-nug-lit .^ua^vuii^wTO^-JwitljT** -at" tirff^-'StSiS'CTihtr*

?<rrpp(r"ld'ea»,' iu niilltlfa- tlie' matter wa?: , s t i l I%orHc*. A-f rn»4 MMPHii W«t*W ira= Eul-

irre~out^r»hocouid~lk\ the-truih most'forei-Myy I m r j h P oi»P-ttjin fn.jj,) C^QCtaliL t h t

nirtst adfoitly, say VT'^raTHnojlE?" l E i ilwia -n«ma^< tb^_ mat

" tfTr-sn-That Tdo psrtjlny\y nnt fosc u.'\t,U : A uxan-whispers- in rWasUuifftoir what lin rtpnld. iiot have known at homo, and w.his-pers aii home wlint ht\ wouli lnnf fur ihe

( « o i l d lmvc repeated at,.Washington, and h? wnuld he .politically dead. If he w*>n*

.known rh both places. Mr. P.rcnnsidpH-tht*-t> t euui a* Ihi* only safe school for Anieru,

. c a n ^ i a loam ai. In the Lyrotrtli, people

, Eiftt'-weforwrorcjytir :mirT in fhrrr nnWipy"

" fih?ivtth^

oat ju>iiu Willi thr; t ^ n ^ I t i U ? ouly 53.I5.^Yar hothJj..8G8, Yet our faithr -is t?lear :anil" strcmg

S^'dp uilf pay fur liie---CouitiEB and ptytfcU'tJIirtlHy .Vagazinc'foT out* year, ^riulin )unr Kiibssciipiionfl^arly. -

Tkjtimest'g MofHhhf gtaiuis uniiviiled as-a .fa'uily nmgaziiip. Its rholec Jiteratuiy, its aupuii.1 ouihu^ Jifc. l»»g*» ani'iunfof v'aluai t.!r"ltif«'»rinatiou uu mi^cellanegus-sulifccts, 'iH.piacttriti nwfrclraMe infornratlori'-m-n*. •„*ard f'ttirc Fiwliinii", and artistic UlUiitra-tinn'«7^rrve. ii^JjusiTiainiTo^ngVvclI"earned" ^tiiY'ihe^ModdJ^gaztnc of Arnsrlsa," :

VVtHr tire ItorKrEH^hOTh ttS tl ',{•* ItititdMiillP-. f(.>i- Si'T.V

there i»:iit> magazine or paper printed .thiflrirfvptpBrTTmipli matrer for tie-money > - UXL: iiiaiutiiMU4.*Vt i*. Jjidepeiidcntz*t\tui ;;ir_wjiiit i t i-u'ntaii^ji^surpassed anywhere, we are"yeTl6"Jearn it. Its tliscuaslona.cov-«r ihi* win.h* inline pi toplca. We -want a ujiht l i i Jujx^iiuiAv^uWy^a\$*for«BtHi and the^Toimer.

are ready H W . ana* will he for a -Wr

I d u b prlt-L'S.. i ' r rsnns who have j>aid •for. thi' LuLjiiki* fur l s r i q tn take qa many 'papers arid maga?lnea fis thej-like .at our r h r a p r a t e , wliiili,will always he asfpr-tuui4jdlK>-bub&u,aoiiu^2i-th&(;^oTmi^prie^' rrmri rtm p T f p ^ ^ ' r ^ p r ^ i t P tho paper'or rnnffflrryr-Wf -u7r:ruTnrati{U"loiavor oar friends, - -_-T*iy Anrrtrn'T Arrrtm'inrristi tlraj^jnrjfE iiln?trated farmerV Jfontldy, we offer with

are not in harmony 'with their imn. This

_.^JgpCCfiioatXUCU.m waa hfifim in Hnsmn, where they asojl to invite such rehels as 1 uoiiibt'and btephensincome npAudrcn der a reason for the (je"4J'£ry that was in them. He had »pok«-n Hiforc^oo T'^yreums, Imi-he.always fotnnl a M"cw Englandrr al tht1 Ijottym of iht-min -onie way.

f ie spoke at toiptb of the enormitips of ; "fhr* old Trl-ih."^>«1P, whhh-f-ir .w$ciu&

- rrif^lipd Hie TrHi people, anilgi'qund Uieat' in the dust. In. the strict interprelatiori of British law; an fiet"forth in.thia"rridr,

*4^take-k&}:^iiu :i ttjht' ib\ bteathe.'' H'e

tuerflahavij lipen ^o u.fieu particularizPd in t-14^a|ipr^'iiin^--iwnif^r6>,iior--.TCppat:^thenr 2iu .urmef *a» afTord to ^o-rwithrjn.trlt -" \W:77flVt ttpitincoifs pnpnlar Magazine, wiMithe tutiuEi:. for &Du.~. I t- iaalarge, well printed and wclUedited Monthly thatr rani's amotip Iho very .best in ihis-or.any other country. It contains nothing but that,-which, w w s \\\v> marks of ability Spcrimens tritLalWA'tt, .!»& found, a t o n r :

feet', arid'Wc should he happy ta • forward' nainr-o and money. It ls-a $4 Magazine. .. If JSalloji's J/oynrt«fli-.w*a5 bottor-known JrFflir? Rectfon, we arc sure ihat it would be

lare to agilate; dare tuJIstett t» 4dea9-rhat- -^orc^highiy prizeA It fe ryaUy a valuable monthly. Iiridii&lirncal article8vil»stones,<

r««1d Vrt**, if fr* vrr*lt-\ vntc fuf a pluU'&tr

ant. juftt as«r" might .voir in the Smith, provided he Would vote fur:——& .pe^jn.

"cTp; . D'g'onnell undertook, tltc tapk of rescuing and pl.evaling .•".oon.ntio of ignorant and -p^inrurU'U IfitilLuicn... l ie ba<l hot

- - d o l l a r - l a 'money, not a-a'Hgip pTpH3-at."Hia command, rbnd nota-fliend to aid 'Mm, ex-eppt tbese poor paupers of '{fcliihd! His

- ^--liands wefe-'firmly::boiw$r.a» it W P > ' - with hempen cords, Even ihc power and-

mpani of orggni/^Uon^oredyuiL' i l him, i. A ri d ypf tjiio el o q'u en t. I rjslr-trfosngHrt;

Vverythins is good. "Call 'and gee' H fo? y.-i irVUe^vrrire-whirthc C«»rniBR, ?3.00.

'Hu- propnVlpr of the Gfreat ^ipshonees i ^ m e d y r ^ M n i y ^ e s e l ^ y ' W Q o t credit ; they have introduced i i i t&tt i '^rcatRepub­

l i c a Triiimpba&i Jltdical Discovery* which :is really., and tAuthfuily, without a single -|»araJh*ld:ih the VdHcJhistnry of Jlledjcine. Tlie Radical Cur<"» made rliy.tho Great. Indian Kemedir. in "FWifriV f'omplninlfl, tJyspepsio, Scrofula; "vVca^ness, Debility,, ^ c , arriiitlK trupscnseuftheiefm, sui'pns-, iii£ and astonishing. , The Remedy .is CPJ> f amlvav ic tp ry in TPa^ity;"'"~' *•"•»--

_ ^ ™ - . - ^ ^ ^JBZU - ' . . „ - . Wo do not uudenale Hio'foTCes of T*rc;-

:jij*Ucejind ^ i s t o c r a G y ^ - We- dir-notr for­get that a ver^. large minority of the Amer­ican People still .hold to tfieir inmost hearts that- Blacks have no rights which Whiles a r c bound io- riespect. wefxiily apprcci- ' at^the; desperation wherewith all the .war­ring elements of luitretl tu licuubUwm achiejvemsnt will, he combined ahtfhuVled against tho battlements of ttepuhHemuJu*-tendency, in the Presidential Election oX tvrs:- we do^not:o*ouBl"ihal locaL acces s , fTrciiitated byJRcpitblican feuds and.dissen-siqpB, w i i n n s p i r e . t h e c ^ r ^ n ^ Q s L w i i h ^ a . aangnluohbpo ofvTetory. s n e h j p h^jcxed, ;it-to^pTrt^oitlf'ila' 'utmosiatrMgUT in the earlier stages of tho contests of i8t>4 -and

th'atthe Amefjjonh People sEill hless" Gnrt that, on tlie/*ed. hattlo^fields of our latr Civil War, tho Union was upheld arid SIfc v^iy defllroyed,"an6r*jpflt never conaciously deprae^jhjrt .tlie, precious, blood theCEon poured out "was iavifihedTri vain. ."

T U B TfosiTNS believes in the prosecution: of'the great struggle by legitimate means to beneficent finds. ,To State SoY.ej&igMyu_

1roiiplJBe^tOUias^lu^1e^l=f^^ Integrity ;

tns lave j j : -fnr-Bi«c^^Llbrt3EKKr33r;""-fa-* "PftSc^rptimi.TIIrifrapchlisement: to Popu-

faindo its utmost- to iraiteir the glku* fi&y whcn;tho South shall vio With the. North-in exultation•knd,-#aiUud»-ovec the disap-. pearance-bf tho-Iaat;trace op-taint of lhat r

spirit which impelled Mail, t Q ^ M t , in 'Aba owncfshipann1 "diiatrelfiood; 6 r h i a fellow

Profoundly do wereaU&O'tnatiihecquiqat. ,13- HOI y e t E n r t M - - j I ^ L .jffllllnna mi " more, or less publlciyi^fhe 'downfalHof. thi

T- 7 ~--^dwfotiHvnt1j^€ifiBB$i- and rear ilierr children to hate tho/oby whose valor anoT, constancy its overthrow was achieved. ' I f we.cYcjr seem id^ differ, -casfiniiaily^ "fadmi

\v«(-6k, tn rercivp uames-and money,, arid mak<- rim H*ts. fi>|^iHjy^>Mh6jianj)M ^ . . .^ .„ ,__,., nrii&iy/inFSjmxJinT^llgT^o^ ilt&eTTtepublEca^ our conyictionthat mag-

Hariimity isnov/rweakrftjslsVthat is never politic,- Tm^MtvdeYils; a r e ; not oast out by Beelzebub/must serve to explain alleged recentricitlefr whose perfect yibdicatiun wv w e ^ p a y e - ^ ^ i m ^ a n g ' r i e f i e ^ I o n i - ^ ^ ^ ™ ^ " TnK-TmBrNE.has-been,!is, and- niugtJbc, a zealous arHocate of Protection to Homr •Indiifitry. .Segardjng habf^mif Idieocas^as t he grejBSTjEQQ to^umi^-pi^greB8-,---tfaG. bane of human happiness, ^ e seek to- win

thp rVurtEB, • EV "vcax..,fijri-$u.0u. -lW^ut-e«unti^eritema8se8*^nTthT3^.eTisnar,

PT.u(.imiiin .""anii ( <)l UIKir KvcinitK- I.iiniji *»u!». \-ll3tt*l ,

*!YitniTiP;— "" ' ^ r ' ' * -in4f)4t*t»(li*'nf - . - . , - ' • . " -\ Krir-nltnTlBtf 5n>iitlil , Aincricaii Uiuim. ' • i imu) \ t \ v Idfkci'f -.. - - - ..-.--•- — tJountry.tjpiitleni"»i----' rTcariTi- rtinH Inm e, -Watciimnn artfl-Ileflprt • , . •irarpf-r'o'iVcciki}, .. .'-'• - . -rfftYper's llaztii. AHiany t lonnml r - -,- ' - """ ••"* Nripnt ' t lr American. fVorM, - • . T h e Workingninii. ' JioiiUilv''- ~f


- m' 4.00 3.00 *.00.

~* J.25 At«-

4:OQ fi.25

..*».M.-' 3-50 J;.'>0

•3 25 3.W

Ing.luTeso^ e sca l a t ion , p^Trafflc,'and of always ovefcrowded iiyofessjongLlo- the li*anTnTiinJaThToTFrMu^ W r would gladly deplete ouPoveTcxowdeAcities^ where thousaBOJ f alhly; jost le and crowd iti mieg^qTedguest'fff-'Bomething to Do," to ;cover prairies-and plains with colonies ab­sorbed in Agriculture, Mechanics and'Man-ufactures, and constantly prdjecting into thv=1rfaiik,T0ld,WiraerneHS rEe*nbmes and' the works of civilized Man. Holding'the Protection of Homo, IndusHy by 'discrim­inating duties' oh important Wates and Fabrics essential t6- i h t r raptd, ^bneJLcenl diffusion of Production in all its phases find departments, and so t o the instruction.. rtf n , U f , p e q p l e J a j L H m ^ ^ a M . ^ i u j a - u f Peace, we urge our countrymen to adhere to and uphold that policy, in undoubUng faith tliatthc true IntcresrtiflbtcrfaclassiiiL a section, "but-of" each Section and overy useful classy-is thereby 'subge^oo'^nrrpror .motedi - —, - 't .- . ' . . . '

Tfig TmnrsB aims to be prominently a Newapapei. I t s correspondents traveree every gtato, aro preseht on evTjiy-important hatffe-Jield, are early advised of eTery nota­ble Cabinet decision, ottserve the "proeepd-ings- of Gongress, of Legislatures,, -and of tkinvehtions, apdreport to us fay telegraph alt that seemB ofL general interest. WV h - » - — - — - •

> 8 P E C % NOTICES. Tliose wild aro .sicU, <>r

Afflicted uitli. n»y. cim-iiK-. •JIlHciiIty, >IiuultI -without- i]plnj- write fin* I»r. Ilaiiiiltou'- Tlt-at-ib'Oj s f h t l'rl'u to dnv miilifi

B- Lbi>Sil>AV' i'.XJ. JIQK.4JCE3. , WWl.

r>crson'fMi\i| O^Si Uif«Xi j " — --**3*

•town and"ceunty; 14 nUUblo' nliiABiOt


tnt fur'

Kf^'ht1 rtairtbMSr^uTi Ifihftni}.* BfcvciiitA 's iotr tf l m>w Otwry,-.jliti ».supMljfM^Stool BUKriivine Qivtrtr A tnij Jh iaJ i r i ' OOW'imklng $6»tuiS0 por il«y Io onsli. Auflrefijt ^.~^-

- . . . . J . ' B ; ^ S R D * 0 ( ) . 3 H ' o r | £ l l » w , N T.

jPureh ed jn' hjQjfajii Suit-; Bo^ts, BMo€s, Lad ie s Gaite3hs, &c.

NEW A0VERTI8EME(j|S. •(iauj.Ey-§PAUca,v'tM_Fiinoji:Bt., )w^i^^y"-^P^^7^i^^-'''-'^-y-

worWi. l 00'pfi? j - 1 , ^T , -(.AUr.CT- Htoro in tha D^IWK: Sti-oi-ls, Ne-Bitrlc,3S. V.

tSloeki, Corner of Main unci Pulni.yra S9

TSip^Sqmipiiph.BwIi. • 'J .03-1-2 Cents Poi-Jfni-il.

mu iviT'i ftp m :mmc _'m m^m mms, A •ui.ii^.-'onmilu.ilottmvol.jtjtftHlhtoiTBtii.g AVUKTII ^ i pt AT •!& C ^ K l t i ££$ i A l i l i ;

.- These gooil.i -are'.juiiv.iuwl ri«gulftrr«tttHafe-'Mio"

D nmiiiinl of trnvol, jut a ; aB.VjjQ\fil,- _

E1U-: J1 PUj.t| AN'D KELIAUEKl. No. Goiiweiiiidn\' .t

E\ i-f offcrpd-iutiiiBjiiarkrl.

"i" 'CmftWrMAX d l F T to all'. Vcur lv . 1 s u b s c r i b e ^ to ApiilotonN . l o n r u a l , i<uliil»iii'il ' V « e « y . T w o . Months „tiiibs6'riptiim (Jit^Tis. TUL-?UuiUm«rNuvromVer'.iiiiiI pecaaibi'r, 1K70, ijK-un.grfttis'ib iiU>ubscrih'iirii rdraIuitiL'-'S4.IHi-

-f-.r-pu-iaulftJl „ - : - - - - . ' -: - - - - - -.. f l iJUic JfeMwi' fl£nmklflg' a trlat-gttiifiJomtsjiL-

•t-»*w wliKthiT tliO • Ifljo-H, oati have ft for T t V O ' •mtOnrr-IIS-Mitri nUUns us em? Cents,

t'totiiri*equt> AUi irion, consisUng uf splfiidliJjy p i iriUail-uu«iiiif-<ti prtsuTt •actnicry': cohurit'nvvil In Novnijlit-r. h. A t -J.Kro,V-£ Co.. I*Ubh8lii>rH. Now' •Yiiiac." i-* EM; R O B i E . \% rt-uiiy Jgr Puliii «tfoD, Hjii^Biogfapiiy. of CSott; I l o u t , B , L q e , >yf*ujiM-7*byj«N;Cuoi<E. iiqtimr ui

Nearly , f sc r mitlior


Ai>plo*ouj*te C o . , I » u b J i N t n ; r N , N*w

l l , l fu of sidimwal Jaokson^^UViiHiigttpp pri-V ; t i -l'v-'l , « ' o , ' 5 K>j»aEP8: HliifilraioitT TdTiusul'i

, "New Yjiib <j,te_

Tc_Jpjisiim^iy£^ t - - • - -

m BCfiptioil USPtt," <jfi'Cl«of PjlJU-

aaimuli?>roni('tir.;is. uu\i< his 'follow buffi-Vers. tlin

xicHire it, lie will, bciiii ^ (inn usptt," ttvci«bj*.

lions fur pri-|iiirtii# nnii ti-tiJK*tlti:

Jut-v^iig—Sircar- iHTtnmirlltlv 1 •» ' ' .-". .—-•»--- . by-

u to, » nil

I u-i-miy of HIP ( iu-•H6\ wifii Wtt- tlinip-

mi-pit nf thiit.ijrpiiil dii.ii.iae, -C*iiipturtr»tif)iK- by " - , m " T A """"••'•- ' •• • - -— 3 i c - W . u a to

nii-o-. To nil

ilu-y will tin! ASTHMA. Bui iluiiircEcrmflnn tfirruTiv**** -"-.- • • "—"ifriT. HfHV .tir'

A«ENTLfeMAN'w)io,«uilVi'i.l fur ' t fur t i iVom - Kevvam Debility. I.'rViimtiiW -<k»rni . »uii all

thoKiTtiCtaof itjiiUiiul JnUiac'ifUnii'ivrtl, \hv thu sakn of suiTfi-iiiL'-humaiiiiv, <.i-ri-I i r r t - to all wh'ti iH'wl it , tin- rifffican't-'iltiWliiiii-ftir ui.-ikiiigthi* fiiqRe- iVBlt*ly-ln*A\itir|j he wa > <. tucil. biifl'.ti m mstrfng to mm l»- tin- aih-rrr^rrN hiiJAJw^ caivilo^i.l<tii'ffiug. in ilrrttrt eoullttffacpt'



,, . - Metttfic £.erdscne Lamp,

1 .ll-tua u w l u u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f p r^ViWpIogXdo ortia-akiliff. 'liuitis »y t'"akU!-U Si,!3&'- cf llad'i.gtvrjt more ikhti -no ! U i»_j»Tj".cily t|.is-ai4uisUc. TJio liglrt ' * -- " 1.n,.iue..ij y, " • ' •

•Ac .1-h .

.urn -\: wti>xi!X Piuitli bi'^StiTr .-W'lJMm-UttrsJli^NJ-ii--


: - ' » ' • • -4-1

m • ... i . -



- 3 ^ • ---~ffN—

Clinton -^Ho£ed»-ANX3

mmwt mm uww > S 8 E'uvhang? Sti'fof,

.._—JBLVA t - J i l i i * - A- « h , — — ~ - -2*tr ZrrviirH'tf>rN.

H. HrMOitSE-S Mr M lijis j list n*turwtl fr^tu NVu 5'orh amllia'v-fflfi h"«j;Itl itf- prrfrt- . l^rgnriPT-tlim-

" nighs, VuIdB, .Astlllria; (O gho, hiH-p;ttf'"flf~

' T H E BENEFIT, andrsrt.hfpiits his pri'-i g, ih»mi-tu tin '

trq:W"E^T^F'fJTiH'€ JWress .tiomls, PlahiiPls, Shcct-

tng-s. Plaids, WoWriJ and •

i l i L T B B f C n E A P + P r i n t s 7 l - 2 p ( s . t o l a c t s . ' « < " ( * • - a l l - ' W o o l S ft t i .11 M - # 1 i O O.

O o o r H t j - n o m a S J i i ^ <«11 ;

a f n i o iM p l a c e , a n d hup c a n v . j j i c o d . . 10

Lager Beer Saloon, lunch Room

KAST NHH-. JiP A\II ! ( i \ v W I M i ; S'l.W

Hurd TaWu nnrl ri'lltluil liis Sjtli.nn iin.l | .»t tin-\yll.ilo t'BtabliKlimuht tit tlt.iruti?), H'|..tir. hfi i. now i i i r ta i l im'ss to i r r . iv , . " i!f i l t ." ,

. J U r V n i K M i l l r i i t s f . . \ [ 1.1.6. liiifl, Ai iEs


nmphe'el in llio cnti, trhimplisdby tlirfmcrej.twii.Di.injji.i im'.f c

pnwpr nf woirlnand thimdgnttismpfhissmiL j,ii!l(."i.'i.i,. " ' ' " - - Mr; P . Baid te liart.Ijpni-a WelisiiJrBn.teiay j J S " ' ..-juulfliJliaun;-and Ewre t t , aorHW<Ii«erM'|w.(rT«tTn "

oratnrs of jiie dfty...lmt not one of them' -S-HiiruiM ennfd. .eujiaj:baijO :Canno!I. JQe coor fdprs fe j j^aS 'BJJ ,^ - ' " ' his jrtcal power to hnra Ida in his extra-jAUtintr.-, (irdiuaiy Mclf-pn^t^^J^JSmmiMi^lK^iJ^jj^ •

•'JuTiBffiiitabT? fun. "The impreBSion -Jlr. IS^"" ' ! „ ' , . . . rTumips leff upon his Iicnrerft waft (.h,it|;Htrrp'or-tf ivf«mlirr his hero was a very great man, am! IJial:'. Jrf"'.'] f *i"."i'a,, u-ohe i-eoily- gfeai i nm had as mnrh" rjalJ .r..Vu p o » e r a s tonJetijjflB. of Smaller ones. ' }iiointVJUogMino


vices .from Bui-ope. byi3ftblc far Biore Hmfr onr entire -receipts for the issue in which those, advices reached our readers. If lav­ish outlay, unsleeping, vjgijan're! and un; UoTffia-ea'faith in the flberality and dia tom nient...of the reading public, will enable" us to make a jounia)' which h a s no sopprior in tluvaoouracy, variety, and freRlniess of. its contents, T n » TSIIICNK shall hi* suchm •journal. . To'AgrlcuHure and-tlie siihservicnt arts, wo have devoted,, and' shall persistently devoTb/moremeansand space ' tbanany o.f ou,r rivals. We Siffl to fflako T i i s TOffljay TBIBDNB such 'a pa^er as no farmoK^an afford ia-Stf^hant^bowm'et wldBIy i i t

'^r-TTOTffdrBray;dTffer-Tf<it^rs.--OtirfepniW. r- I of the Cattib, :Horsc,"iTOlJlce,.nnd. General

•J-TO ' Market* are so full ahdTicoUrate, our'es-.ii» { siiys jn clucidatipitif th*- iSrmer's .callrmr 8.00 Uhd bur regular reports bFfije Farmer's

J A i M K s l » € - i m i > E , I , r o i » " r . TfiTSSTA»K rntip rogulariv UdttvpM, Smiup

anitKonnrE, KVilitV JtAV, arrtvfiiu tii Nmvark :forthoa:M MorninpTmfn,.atnl loavluc trio vil. IngP nt 3 r. M . aifil tlip Vc« ark ftrpot at J -JO p M

FARE ONL.y 17^ CENtfS.

-B-H. w. lias., athfePiplcian

late of Syracuse, 3ST. Y„ ^ 1[f stU'Ct^ull^J^oniij. the tieujitf n f ^ t n a t k :i

U v i i*OplC •vfr(n*K^tfnt P^ !",^ y ^ ^ ^ ^a,^^, t i ^ ,

WfkRl/ILL" -J- XICIf&Loy BLOCK, wiipri'!»• iH-prei.arfl to tn-at 'Lht luijumh^ ami ' all other di«pa>i:K.'

I^veirs, Fever Seres, Kidney or Graycls, Eiabetes, Sferofula, Inflaiamation ofthe Lungs,-

:&c, See,;. &e. «•' _ JJi^AlihaKbecn mnrnnter* iirftny yrai'rf, a*rril lilri'imivorsaJ-ftiiWf'-'*:)- thr l.i-«-t u'cotninunl i l ia t ' t*nn bo given. r- \

TlieDiictof.wiPiiPs (t itriVl'iT«tri>»HliaT In- IIQCBJ not6lirimtM)^a*»ii*tnrTrrF5Tn' •TTSnaBpi'.""T."ut KP Tiqes,r]airii (aht l 'n ill MI.1I-n--i^lu-d.-riw-n-ij; ttf;

SIT that tjeeniB of general interest, w e 'r°o».<"raim(an.i'H.ii ,, ,, to^«^iie^«Jr%torflci^ >fSS^^^ff^S^'vm m - ^ ilBcnflC" tlfnt ni-eturflWe^

The Dortar c a n i i o fmimt nr anv turn* VflJFlT o r UA-Y TION. Dr. \V. MAU*E.

^ 0 . 2 S o v c c l i i l l A M o l r p t t r p n i o p K ; i?p ftfiire. Nt-nark, S. 'y.

or IWai"ket - F O B S-KHB

Newark JPieople. v_, .Ci- ijial<-- wifTiw^-t-O' -inform tho •public thotll.e tlo^rkpopB 011 'hand rrpnlarly a. Iargp ftiiii complete

whieli.lio is williup to-spll'.at prices MI rm\> a s t o b e curtoiii ol

Pleasing Everyjbp.dy.. _ „ _ . . . . . _ . f f r * T P p S . itT-Pf, i*"'Ti , S a m i i c c in . l . j 'owl , .

4.80 i fsting, that the .poorest tariner\-JlI flhdJ which, lie supplies -by tin. pmmd of InSarpo


NiHv ih ite-Kleveitf -Vtar^mSHRhcH Karnrons larstorjifw tlicfFaf U> A lie w Ci)ll<).refi*H Qtory'evi'rj

kyOhiits wlUtUu.XittlaJ'oUtfc fidikodala-iiy.4.ha lieBfatSthtt-itNt Arri^rs^ml olhers,TPuroignj. aud UQJ. iiwWfoOurre^onijhjw^-f^pDc-narn'i^ntH of Rtllg-jQUsandSoc-nlal'^jriWJBjncH^ P r i n ^ *2 60 » yt-ut, l:ii)imUpriirjiuinl%c^ooniinl^biiatOQmi'vaKsefn-' iBiiUflcrti-UoiisoomaietKiiPiit any Uriio For apeoi-uu'iii (•nrloai-a tM'ft-?l)jiL',etBiuiiio nronny'poiitseit. -Atldr^fl-Rirg M^rnpPlST . .114 Naasau^St. N. V

HOLIDAt IfoiTENrafor 1871 Ctiiitoiii*-.n C I i r i t t i t i U H S t o r y . S t i l o n d j i a Phff« Jrng-o s^oMJ^fcrfjjtS.paK-i-'Wi-VtraWd. -•Simrirrw-tji rpeoii»F7n^n^cBtaiap-fViri1ii!ltabH'. Ad-

l i f^KahdAOci l ' J iv .Vr tNau l i^NCE COMl'AMT, ufilartford, Conti. C.ieh

'At-si'ts Sl,5tW.bOO- Urnnts L I F E nml ICudQWnienC-I 'oIicios •>< «1I apjiro-visi ruroie, Amptti se'oiintvj.iw rnt<>«. Ale. i&aurv&^tpntitft ACC' l jg iKJiXS 3

pnimrnFflcnTh orti>fHTdtanbillty. Poll--iduL-mlllfiit Jiy^tIirt-»ve»r--or-ni«iitlii nV-Viid . 9 7 0 0 p p r (I a j l o r M x Y f a r » In-bciipfitstt^fioJ^g_MslsrA-

liUwir l a m u . " - W . JJlnehi IiriTt-MflSaaobnKitti1 \c*fii'uHiinif Colfcjc'6.

• It ik jicrfucUy nimdtpii)MvP, stW-Habottor light , nid.J'' Hmw t'conrtiiilcnlfujaii-niiyoihorlii'iiipinasu.1' •W. W \V.-llvla-.-SiipWfiili HchauIiir.rhHji!g«;

Ttic-apimlii»g(it'atlw}iii(i frri-H-fmin alnsfe luups iM'l'"4^u'«wid UFtuikihrft^watp a j;rwit •iemntld -ft*i*

.iLld-umj.' It -PA'JfS'Vii HPII It. .So ld b y C n i l -vci i iHurN; A f f e f t t s i I v d i u e d c v c r y . t v l i o r « .

AM,4 t~, Cimtmrwvl **m^ e ^ M n T n W t i l E T t T ," c y . r i e i • -" J " "• - "

it ill st/- ' I n Up-tup. A \ P | Eljiri'^iiigo paid. -I.1J lust 111 grinding tViTClhuh Uo cavort

Half »:

^ , ,One , l !o i i nd ' o f L n m i d r y Simp -W-r»fHnu(Womo Hoft

j .O $>' . dratnrtuu**- Imtot ia l

imp ^rUjmnke twelveiinnrta

Royal. Havina Lottery. FrUmt 't.a-lm.1 ' ~iii\>T* .inrrirniVfiDlf ITiritisa>.i l.> KETilCiK |! | - IIA>rjv.4taoii / i . .R I ,

;n» liic.,1 mid tmvL-Ullif; -Miuettmbn. Alt.

X. V. (Will slaitiiU R. H|WAL.t(H[t, '6i Fu l l lfttw| ^ ^ . . p ^ . , p A

75 PIECES FELTINC1S; In all ryiftlltit'H, sftiftiblti |V>r Kubi- iJinnliS

- SSO:J.'lecim,0U Cltitlii. ^-.—lit iii^i4tltlm rnitHptaiitniST: ~ 7 '

' 4 D fiOZEKT";3&4ATS. In nll.nualUict. anil etvlos. An tin' ivUl lio solil to tlto TEAi)B AT J KEK8'-PRICES, amlalj retail at.(1:


; - . . . . ., - .Mj j IATl i^TKKtHV, -

• • . . " . <~ l t iH>' t ic«tciv N.-X.

in- n i . .„ | . rfi..i.j.j. M.\NiTAt-rtr-r

«•?- A

e.i.GLiiii&Cft, 146 STATE STREET,

" N E . A - H L - K N T l i . A L B l i ' P ' o ' r .

EOCHESTEE,"W. •%-,-'Dealer^ ifrthu-host <rradi's wtv V _ , -

W i n s ia NO iitiMitcui aff , ;

I i..'-iKiit -ci-r.-ri-Oyrflund ii«ir,jou will rcoidve. - , t l . ---" • =-£-.._«.-Ai-1..™ « I * \ I . . I I « . f n f t t r n h t m l

1 1

jimil- .t'C'^Vrt-ptrtiirt. «t'y"nr fwturo liUnlinnd • Hv.ih:-iinmt-anil .Uoti- of marrtngo. Address

i ^ . \ , l'.'U, i h m * ^ N * 24,ful tuoui le . h i v .

^ 1 < > . ^ - - I J--r3L7,--M-! -SVhttfriiitVtlio Milv man from liinliud t • - •-. ^VLatl.uuH«.tI'« nifi-AiidnuiOiiJuuJ -Wli'ut htri-netitPiM. fuol'lo curly -hoftfi ^

. . .Mala l . jOIH!f«» in««- r^ firttuiiWtolta^lW

hii ?'-simrs™«l)rENTC'KEs • • '- '/li 'T-^l't'-a/ .1/fTi-r", Veantifvlhrl Itiirratetl. .1 iv.-l. itatniinn^nirilvn'an&liliiipjt-. Uralitwr.

.„oiiii,»aui.nii.i<>Srilii.i A »'ivid piolii,««r Ufo ill II.,. T . u i J o . - IfuU uf nu \ . l Intorinatliili^A I . h i - flpiHuti-n-Btliiir.' A/ V-ODToM-pr s , • ,i ,„.,u[.. . ' - . , ! .«'i..- I . r t o s ' e m a i l . -

AUmi i u a ( s i » ^u} ,L-AUUA^JlO^.L-U*;Uia- , t - -- [-fard. roci i . ^ _



C/1U. L(> fi uV tllil t.KXAT «ITXi> •lopiiLivntB ninwift thi- 'i«"HF.-v'' S , "-fe-jfajt

fm Ci Si- %$ vi D. *%" f* ™ *»-.-•'-: -»t—r s,yij 't"t*.f.ntr* Vip r* tifIS Ilnve-ii iim-n.-.M.t-.c-ci ,• Siivor PliitodCastors, Cakt- gaskets, Vl.- -fa* *«»V Vir,.toKWS. J-

Spoon'H, l.\„.l<s, Tulil, CiiWefy,. Napkin Ri.ngH, e t i * W !J?r«>* N a v ' n ? - - ^ L - i . " " ^ ! '


sOitu.- law .uHl.^iit-iul-id -!<i_)4es nt' -Bronze ParlOf Tianil).--; IIL-MITCS -jitiy quantity- uf Nij'hiu.s, ii.nd: . . n fi-w gc-nU-i'l./H-k-s of' Wi.irstedHQQfia Ibiv. •."

thi- La'lii.-.-~aiijyjjl'wltiuli..will miilic. a, vai v iijipmpi-iate GhriwtuwiS Giffc.

._ \\'i;. have-also a tfhie. stuck pi' Einlrroidcred 'd&llai-fi,. ' ^

IIiuuIkL-rclrls. &ti, •l'LK'AS-b (JA:LL ANiJ) SEE TIIEM.,

livi.r m. Ht-iid-iiir-Krioi' -La,:, ai t»' » t-luli form 1 ... u. t-..mi>i!ii) II ivltir full iliii-oti i.'i.-rmvWfiK « '"-Hi' mviiij; ly cuitdtiiiiL.ra aiiU ieniiii iuriiti'»a P"f- al» or--itaiiinur.

- ' - - « H B - Q - B B ; & T r ..-•

""iAN'.TJRA m., ••-• • 8Kt3« r°ns$Er~si'hx0B'A *•; ' -r u h f i i . X E ' W ' V O B K . . ) n « i


ORGANS, «feo., Dav& just put down ilicir Prices!

RL'FUS KEE11. WW. T . BARNEV jiliK liBIIAH # MTItl AM) $M%- --•'

: s p 3 a T S i - B

HOIilDAYS. 38m4

Over 100 Dift'eieul Stjics ^M»j,f ^iai-,4ii-^ta..ii«in wjmuoimW a W i W ? ^ " ' " '

l'-lonrH of .

jttEJX-XtY - « , aiACKiE'W-l

..•j^Dssm MAV III, i n i Nil AT I U < DIH1.1-.

8a Stiilc sti, Ri>cli«frteiv N. Y. j T'lf. Sl-f tTAl. Wlm>iuil» a . J I l , , . . , i . l u r i .

Wefltpxn NtiK'Vwt'kj at l.-ticM«r}. m{i:«,"tit. !

STElNWiY & SON'S, -I'rioo $D00ahJ iipwa <N . 1.

: / ^ 4 U J f i a A ; M ^ S a a i ' ^ - - . r froni ktaa upwards. TW T U ' u » ' a.'r l « CM.\SH-" tvol] tlinwi), liliD tunid. old, iclia'Ii'r a.--: ttntn'-h ' Siiitaro.-Grand Aod Upright

I * Hrrtig Choice.&fectii>ns~ftorn Vie Lent Pgei _ / j l^\-tiUlriI1KdUTCm-I.R-tSH--"ARB- A'ttJEBlA ' \tS; j .- . \Vith an IjUrudtiot <>a. \ v , „

' tt'lCUAM Cri'lBX BRfAffify; .-•... i t "irT.i*'voI-aiitp'*isib^.handBiiriiostimd.eliritpi$at"-|L- '»;" • iftiTiptioirtiuoKoxtntil, ond* oOntnloB- more to.glflrj t

i-tidliriii'j&mi), and make | t y».iV(irSaiIy-popn|irrtli, ' \i\uy hook itv'er pulilihhed, It lins xomoUiing at «

. ^ J ^ S ^ ' o r uTPi-y oiil>—for ihp'nM, the lnlddlp^^g'ed• «tj tlH>>nuncf. Itliau Hitciloctuai louil for mi-ry lust*,

hiii<"i".l iin.l I ' l iW .'«f-hiimiiij!'.j Kict'rptitiirUic Blbtaj

9 ;.lli!i «'fIi-u'lLitt.oot» iny»t *u*t-»l .itiid nrout frpijaimr^ . - j ly rt'fsrrijd-twin tliafaniilj'*- r. \

Tlit' Wboh'wofk Hna-conipUed -uiider'thu qiiper,'-v.HtMiV4.fiWHt^tM*,^j.r.K?'iftreAST.anioureifliai>oi(>i£ . '•'"• .11^ hVn'ft jiui-l crnii ammnr'pi'kirai .-r- .--. — _1 . ... .. tSbr^Tp^T^4^^IHKVw^o»rltia^3lIe^>«HU -«llb80Q:iinei>9bt-auiiftilly pFioted, PSOU-BIV MIVP

t-trnrprf. -iinnilHonioh- bodna ,Bol'd -onfy sfiroujrh I Agi'tt>8 by suhsrriptfon Tcacbors, Crprgymeii, »u-, tiif-M^ii: ihWIiij'uit Women ritn scchrt- gnjort pfti l-tilth li|{bt work-'ov taking an agi'iicy , l"crm» Hbt-ruf .bvqii fordpsTriptiv J . B,''KUKJ»&. , ; ro .« 39 P d r h I t o w , iy* V. ilw*



A i ; \ V . V l t J R i N. V .

' t'oiiii.<Jf niral Llfclnsurance (.'o> , ASsEfe USE HULfUUt OK -U.0J.LMlH-:

ijntl r«jVnHi nirrt"iBinj£__piiii uCtllii iiUiad^ttL autt 'T'^ifd^''rdm'piifil('/Iir»hicli-to-iriBu'rc. ApplV. giving .j refort-upW-t^ Atl'UjKO UrPECJT, QonBral . ' - -s" " " - . W t T i b y , N . y . -I JTuw York Stat.-, 11m3

JMSfllLJllBIlI-&-fiftJii j •jW*4»Jii'ta«w»-'i»A»'''v^w^>ul *"J *lt'

Portablf„t'iti>liiet ami MHIOJI-l i tun bi,iiBtn«iip IUI bid An .Seiid SlfiD-t» -UI'fiiN'.r/'\i!L-«-w- ' - " " - - 1 111" 1 1 ' -• -'

Ta& "lorgcai Faotofj, -ttnffit .

Kt^rfuced' Fixed JfHcei* $5tl* 3feTfi,"T^PfeA .#1-00, $li35, $150, $M7r>, :

I WAS 1 L'ltEU t>K •I^KA^NESS AND. ' i 'A TAKKH »-j a«tmj.t.- icnio.I> and w»JJ «.ond Hit* tC r.lTil f.<;- . . . . T 1I«4 V I H r U l f I HUGKTT^i-^ey ( H y , N. J -

. llut>iiusti:iitiiitirni>li> ,N« conipi-tinn. /hbp'jil p iy__ lv t ^NI i3 r rn r : 8 -^ th8 t . .PW!a ' 11H-4

$10 MA»E -ICROM 50 Cents! yunijjthinji .iinft-01l> hi-t'iK-il' 'by exvrybn'dv Call iu«j "*»««», *-r -4a—*^oijila4T*t*ti»rtp03tigo. pnhli f.-)-liUcirt" n-lVll-^Hil*. f.»f. $lo.--lt. L Wuleiill, " Ui,'i>i>.«iiL:>,w-.K.=i:.— , - - — - - f i i w i J


gest and Gheajieil Stock f ^ n l i i i i HELl and iiim-anlii. Laenl- Aif.llts, Ileal.'

" T H E -1(0111.11' wit! . ' mi l itni'iiPBU'i p o r t e r J o b b e r

laliua «f ^ P . . f Hi>j<gK. i r l T i , - K ' ^ BOOTS Sf?:! SHOES'FOrGE-NtS, i/ADIES ANfi OWtDREHS' WEAR Irrrpt 'torn Kiiruni- JTlitiiUcr n i i d

U's, Violin

Agents Bead'* iftus-J I V i: Ul.LLI 'AV ,\UE.STtt, AAiALAUV-nf ' fSO U .Jifet- iwuKimd fxpoT^Gr, hr fillo'** a- Inr«u'coin;.

m-R"ioi^ to -di-ouriK'W sod- 'wtiikiiorfdl inviiiitiOii*. A'ldnws M WA'OWEB& (J» .Marnhbll, alirdi.

1 " I I \ \ I •'t»"i : T L U ' U K V i'U »\i»LK.—IWtiaies' V "imcrHtiijiiHliwtr-ln-Uiu.injtm^L-M,. wifhuut Injury'

mt im-Uir i aentt.y.mail for $1 '-'5.

itetfcA-r^llM^!DiLarrt^;s¥SiiiB in^Ivolatou&M and" vjltfcteaMict-dj 0010 3irir^$:!Jiy'mail. , ...

The Japafi §"© HairStaiii-t?o!nra thr wliiaKfianilJ hair nht-afitlFiil ULAPI. np. :juitMU^^W-»iiMrft»^f--iiHv-oiit.p>i'iiarnrrmf"''-7r.>n" L-V'maii' AtWr-B-! S. B. 'Tl 'HAM, Jftr.- 7'J1 J u p p KUi't-t njl.ftilulJbia.d't -» irctjjti'n fitftt" free- -Sold fay; all priiygla'* • .

l o Z O m ; J L w o v A K Y B A L S A M S i n / 1 / flu-old<*tnininnrrfmi,*TTir(i.HKllVr'.ll't» t'.mMimp Una •'Ki-tliinj.' t u t a T " Ji*rTCtli. B>»i'(L' .& Co., ttllStflU

GHttiirs, VioliiiHi unci Bowp,. : iilSXiajiecii i i o « t I » O r g a n s ,

Brass anil-fiei4uan 'Sflvei*

in !\te wafk "t-'A"lare*0 As**P"ftrnent-of Babyjs Wear .

S'i..-«v« ti.tfl.* t . d .ii'-lo tbt' pMdHs-o-ftfrr^t'AIOl.' - «i"l li-tv 11 tm rs .iin] tlii lr Minn u.tij cuotl initkt-

^ " TiTTT.n" . r Tt»j«ooTt'• j-ii--. « i d U. -mn'M-f.wi m — - --I'n HTi>t-* --i-t'il iiHinr und a<l iri-fa tn 'AVKliUH't - -

-Mot-UitUVr *'bHlPtr^.r.lrt, f%. 7l1%r '

mr' . 'nradloy (f STi'ti ' h \ t v H E I i FIEKOE-

-rVttMr-r AND

•Sim A 1«A V, .stinv l ^ r T V ^ t ^ . J 4 ; » i ^ l ^ r ^ 1 ^ ' a . i f - W t i ( l - B n n a J t l i a W l l i l i o n t w ; ifnidP siw'hliinSp'-il' _T. .. "JHWS. i i . "

EI|i"v I'^rosh Siariiijfs, THiuiulii^.s, . i . v , for eypfy ifi«Irui)H-ni':~ PiildUltpr «f HHELT MI'SIG*. BlhiiH mid Hiind B»ol*. - lNdTl in TTON.. SUSDAY st ' i inm, A ^ I J i'lib'ucn si ran* TWinKS, 4-r , &r \vy L- • . u -. • ' - . v t- „ U" w I ) , W«rrai^»H»eriVorrT^' 1^ 1 0 ou" ^ b ^ " f > uflpr f xmnltiauoii • —T _ . ^ ' _ £ U S U t t A . U K X W r - ~ T'Xiu— -:s??_!?.i»,i?- .**.'. rli'- ,!.'.l.lfSim -

T11E O-Ll)-" A S It 11 KSV11 ,VS I IJ.lj.K.

SfiAfll-mfEING-fiMF CtlMSTl'Ef E S f A B L J S i i M l . i J - 1 - ,

f-ivq°.4IVNIiIJEP-V-Utlis Nulcrlf-OF 'Iilt.A.Nt.w TORK.r tNniAT. BVILR'IAO u t l ' u l . - I

O n Ml - I . I i S t . , t : « r . I M . A T T ' V '*.-' f i l K © W-K » H R'A;fl K . t . . . , i R O . t : t l - E ! * * K i f e - ^ _ ,

TItl' -n#uTannjruTTTiK Th.-' :liiiuVi' ~. :1S2R lioa jufltlc'i'il «»thrr« u» i.'uuuttil,;|t ..(n-signu, oln;dc«. Hn«rre*:R-rani«' uti.l' i-vtii illi--tfut uf pin- IjuildiiiK. tu- rmslnnTl-uifrf InrniTuig' HIP public j " -^ . ; 4.

^lr-tnrprirsfr^ (iui- woit'lr [li,al*Ht-i.r

i,l I ns ri'iir^'-ntnil.. tall nt -tin.- 011 Bsi.tHkW: Store. "l. W,AV-jS.«fcY B8.0CK,.- N E W A R K , , ft, Y. ; - '

•JU.B™»"^B- ' ™ I ' gi-.-.-rt, t V"OM'AFti l? " a t .


| i ^ n p 'ORII PtlinftJ i<r»iii;hial and Luiiit.ililllistltli-s.nfe t-i£ppduiHly«pal ii!;il>»>, hato-rioiit- of tli»t niuHralingTEiumblo-ljotiob liif-tP. *r(''.\nr> Ki»)|tiHijflnrd an like n i-btrm • RJj iK*' tt-ri'r^ii^M.-'«ndii.*i!ae£IIi?uiiiiH-wni-iind lli«y irro-

• i adfilitcd-lti-tliP mico. \S"td=by PmaghiU." .t..ip-Pi«).i adaiitpd.tii.tliP mice .anliiai.y Pmag] Atott-itfail-nMCSfK jr.trfilHJVElt OIL—. TWrnTisririTi tTTiii atni >an-l»fti pm: no ntju-r

n t Uu. joH'for ariicjif-^iUArdi ^\dn&l^'«a»fiutJi^ pure'd-in tliP:ufioof-tlio>Cfr6oWoff Oi/tir/tA Oiirf if used ai'otndlup Lo din-cilonH, I t is thp most certain-/a^fi/aiid (jTe^n-i/iuro fiir Catarrh Jtriown. t J o V t ^ i f j / c anfl M K R I N D K R piichBgi-almo-flgiveirol^faufllfltonttorankd aplift ^ ^ ^ ^ » « a iU-i . i i iAWiiO i.f tl.ii ivmod.t. 7Vy»/ -iat.rby Draggijits, piicjj 60' vu.,uf M^ttifr'intrtt jri«ftfii" iiild, for flo ot». .s-H E MAVLt.X&-l '0, ChiircliiiHwi Mon'roo. a . . X , V ^ ' ~ ^ ^ , | )Si*< I B O . n A N f V i - A i . y _ i ( i 1 i y , o r fit'utlcman '1 -r(m;wiiR*p fI,P00 a mort1u.flpairo.Uicij-. ywnuba] '

--flrd-.-rwimtcliion-wlfttr nny-*.infIlni7'""^A-ilt..|l .., , . ! , „ . , • ,. f„ ~V;'i'. .1 UMtnblJMlimont. - . — - . '_.--*.••--. — i ' . v _ l _ — . l U " ^ - ^ - - ^ ' , , -^'.-——

-Yxrn-* *i^tt£1'first3mrJttroi*it»ht- Piirinr Sfnvr >"•

-I'lui't'1. mid

SXU' pagea

-ft^CY^" FASPfN^V^U^-V"rfnig^gizjJt*iifl i t t». - ~wt\$>&. iUDpagcB-, olntb. FWi uiitractlons to uflft'ihtB*.(iow- rf"* "

aiiLtpiiS af'tvlil, bow ta MesnuTizo, bcroiiic Tniuco or Writtijr 3iodhjm»i Cfviiiafirin.

•m. 'Atphphij. Plii'ostfpv nf Omenn and IdilljLtfbAUuiF

Mpiritunl -m. ATphfniv, Pbi'OMTpv nf

II^P, ic-c. iill-pDiitnim-a iii'-lliis took-; 10O.D0O Bold. l-ripp t.'y. tnuU 'rn r'nili ft 25, jiapf-'r C)\eth'$lt X<K. 11 BK<~AJJ-3C -BtiKiOajtnlimt -ta act- Jiflh-agimU^vlll- r& CFtre a«impif' copy ol.tbo-worEfrcr." AtYtYit cirpital lit-ri-qiiiri'il. all di-si-MMis of fbiiU'id pinplnj'mcnt-Btuinl.rsi'iiil toi-'tbob-iit, iTifl.>Btj-g iopts for pu'ttgc t..'T U EVANS 4sCU.-JlSoji)i 8th HU C h l l a . - ---M^u:.„iZ. •.U*nf*.'4t.«aa*'tu'i ('"': Bulla].:, N;

^p.-™™.-™™ , _ , , , T r - , v , i , -- '1*'^20n!rl*nlTir>*-<*o^ Rftplm|t<'W..Jg^JLT^dT«JU.I " ' . . ^ w U ^ ^ l L l X I w ^ ^ o V t - ^ i S o " . KoohP8t?lV^^f7T^;"1Pv'- 4=nmv&. t/oV

Svriicu^. X V ,_._ ' X U j f a M J E T . - S e m i *

n a i , . I * J i y s i c a l j a i i d l l o r v o u H M o b i l -n y > t'f nfrcfui «»d • -ir- P r l c t ^ i c e h u i ; AJdtVatr SEilTETATlT.-Hu eutrfW Anafomy, 018 Broadway.

n a i

siairEn 'Npiv-Voftef

A ^>A^fH»F A n.-rj;.iimu. ftlii-ln rpSldiliing'lfl Bnutll Anicrt"

caaa.«.'4)tiM'iunur}:;|tliacoT(rrrd a Bttfe'and; ElmpJe. ruuudy tut Uiu.'UutKi-.of. NorvoUB WenkiiosB, Early Uocfty, Diseiiflcs of i the Urinary liiid'sSehrtnoI Or-gaiiH, and the ulmlo' train of- iJiHorder? .brought on " batit ful .and vicious 'tmbitH Great nuoit'er»

• o*i,(!i,jj.fluri:d,.bjr Uiw nOhio remcdy" Hromptrd' n .li'-iirp to benefit tbeaflicti-d ond- uofiirtanatd^

J^iwfi-ifiirfiU, -tjie -recerpty 'fur • prppn'Ttny 17R5" yBilfg^ "Uniie, in si scilltd enitdopp, tuany io

. !t. F r t* of tfi*w Adnrp«4 JOHfilHT T INMA-VHt.ati.on. &&t}*}Bjtaaae; ^ojr York City.

NEW ADVEBTiSEMENTS. ..m ABdOTT & 0 6 . , SSli 84 N»JMU s t , N. V'

HORACE 1/ATERS, No. -JS-I I I m a d i v , y , N p i v Y o r l c ,

wl'l disnoEP of ON*)? Iltf?* dtEfi 3'IIVNOS,- SIISI.O lEchNtJ aoddROANS oft X flrsWInsa -niafierii,,Jri» IUlliuf> OhlpkoHilg" it. ffi B,AT BXTRKSIKLT LOW

PHIJ'BH r6it c ipn , tifurso- niB «o»Tn. or. wtil tnfco fromi0toS25-moDtliIyu"nt pnid - ' 2 ly l

T ROOF Rliiek":ii Song' Tat-toK

LOHGES tn tin. \ niied! .E««t: n, p . . -ot i f third'<f a rollo l o n ^ - o n d

-MAll^H^BftNtr niiiiAr WRAftik -r-rfcoBtiy'orp''»3. oirPUliir nu^ .iuni>lcsti tliflnnmifrfollirpr

B E S n i J O t W J N O f i j - i . j 320 No «<a( l rn in3a; , .Xoi>yoi . l i

AND '.tnt-iuUt»g,Atitidtowtli-4foiaauinitid-ini4rfheir na 'ui-T aT luiiu^xXalfwliit^ tj>Vi% its Inwr.-'priWOT'ip , by" Pr«fvO S ;K.>vvii-r- Bend for Cirr'ulnn uiid Kjiwf

A-idri-63 NATIONAL 1 r t l l i r s l l lN 'O-


t i r - - — . , - . -

^GiWris¥-4 :*-t>f l ' f?s . r ;# ' '

STO¥. iS , -.--UMtnbljMUniont*

TTiavt- no Agents in t In* Goutitrr. :^iajj4i<'^^HiM>uHrrltiSir*^ , i n

il.'*-j«3nn* uxpriiiiu-iii'itu-iiu^n.-^ti Ajw-nt. -r --* CRAPE.'BKOCU'A. CASHM-EKE ANli

PLAID SHAWLS.. unrl_ all .Lri-riitH-l-tH-' cleanscil wilh-

'OUtJujiUy.tiJ.tha-cutiyfaY-r 'AU«.>•*- •'-• -y*--— L A-I> I-K.S ' iind (i K -N T L X M L Ji ' i i ' .

" " TT0OLEN (509DS ^ CleniR'Ptl or'Colored wiiTjoni IEIjj|intir,V'aiitl:

nrt*nst*(i ntcr-Ir Alsn. ' . "--„-"' _ ~~"' S'-EA!lrHKKK":iuJ "KTIT nBV,'JES irlr.iiinl.

Sflk, \\"n6lcn nv O'ottiiit fii'<«U-+*{"evrrs-(ICscripHorr 'TJTPCI nil T-nlfirX •tnfp,rtiriislit'il ivith hofttiifss and Ui'Kpatcii. uu \ti$y TWI-iruifubU! tui uiu'. "" ~ "r"7 ~ "'.'"'' " -' ._ T : Gorifclii" dy*** 'Blafk e w r i Tu. MI.I. TluttsdJiy :roa Friday.

Goods returneil'"iti-oiiej:.«*el^ G o a d s KcbeivtMl-iHitl U f H i r h ^ d by

AtliirPFS X>. I .EARV. Mill s'trtH-t, rnnii-i of i*bit slrcutr Uoiiii^.(-.'i - -ti/m^

-non p.i — _--fot-.r*^iitii*elfihRiri'sr'-»"-

^chts wanted for the U G H t OF THE'WOULD.'™

CulUjimUt*' P'K'-tWiMiil'ft. " litft'.-«>f +JbriBt-f*t-A| '« i t i - , Eifti gv\ ^t* and Martj.ri1. *-tr'"irt.]H'. h -• Evidi-tirPB nf ''bfiK'la'MH '^1_ Ulrtorr ni ttn» 7rrmt.-'r>> J<>f.pj>T<n» rTTieiurv nf "litTri-H dl.•ffr' 111 ""''l-"1"wua<-i.tviljr-taiiliwmn

l f t . . t WltttHlhlr " r ^ l - r j . |-iauiiiij^/mfi<iy lino pngraviiigri: Tho ysholir.'Oriii •inc ii roinjiU'tu Trpasury i>r ('iin»tin» Kno«j jd?P * H* T-T-tX I*. 2(1-8 Spvfi.tfrHTHilladetnliia ' Ilw4

i+.-L -i

J ^ F i t s HAEWESS Eerfeetly^; •^Prevents Cracking. "" l©*Doe8npt Fry out or Gtim ..jLhg"Sisrfiica^ .?-.-~. : -«®"Preserves the Leather. i »6P Excludes i Water, - which j

renders it Excellent for1

Boots, $hoes, #c. «?" Gives -TJHiyer^al Satisfao-i —."^ioiif*"*-." -——•=--=--—^-"^ m - -" -», 1-liilKiin.ltiitlf I'mii. hv ilir rVACLUI Olf. (.UMI-ANy. n.llv l'li'l'l'ii-lui-; ; Rdchentcr. N. V. < . • I

Sold. byGronise & 06., and; Frank Miller, Newark, itf. T,

(Tvl 6 . \V, i lUiaaN. ProsldMie, J , . H AI.I'.EK. «—V

LOAN ASSOCIATIOM "Nu~B'Pntvi>r,8 Cntumi-reinl Buildlntr^.

Arp holding Ait Rrpat indu'i'Phn'nt'' *" 1" di-rf rf StfiJ fM. jflovoriirni'iii.HOndtKtliatriri'-fomi in (•(•" pm-I nff

-•'-J~- "-'-: prii»iBl')iiw^f iltp Fiin-ljni' liiii. j'oi>d vkOthTir m¥PefinPnia Uirolt^f tl .nn' in

O-jri'tfJ'hr wUfa'aionoi19 '.JLi' H I'Ah Hun I jn«dol ( , i f i in „ ^ 3 3 - - $ J * f 4 V Kunyllromjuleiawc. A j : ffuUaln, N..Y-

PIMPL or' ,


- 3.ffl,|Cl(ib anfj fclndrerl gaf te r inp , .wS-io inTw. 4,gd j csting, that tho .poorest farmer tvJU fliid 3.a), therein a jnln<M>{ suggestion, and. coofrot, Iqnantltii!!

Ii-tt plfftor ilnfl't I ' S j o f * H r t i h^cannol remain.ignorant*ith--. cSi l l . fVciiiiPiKM s'oo ' "W.POsltlvo and sortons loss, W e Bell -ThEU.„v . .: f i r t , „ . „ , , ,

t a w a B n g r f o f waste papor;, and, tliongh lts.f*!' . LOTH, C K E I M T S . . , . i sqbscrlptliMl- i»" already verylarge, w,0:be. HB;hae leai ncil- that tln-j iiro out conduqh-o 5.4v; lleve that a Half Million more-fai^crs will I t o ' t h o .linf>|iini'i>? >f miinkiml in Viirr'al, XVA take it -Whcnevorit.flhall ,bfi commended tol 'nor of Diftrkt-t-rji.n- in |rifticii!«r in. all l™. thPlr attention. Wo ask nur frionBa.cVcry j-Other iiiitici* ciictiimira lwvo timir o w n j-L wherotoaid-us.ln'Soicohimondfngit, , - w n j i i l 'his .market, .soiilli of Rwd &. MJ. Address'XniTEii)uNS,.NeiT Y o r k city. jBa rnor s lOtf

I 'M lii^ 'PurTFfi'Hof'tiip Hkiiureojoi'1

jl&ulahat^ ^ puruvdenmbl^Bfllm tlmt'onntaln^-ntr •-iKnti, Itlt-owe'sthoahinrfifliClciir and lidniitlful-'ry-llr. Byni''ily.iinilj'ou will u'o no otlii-f.

Prlc,. W-IH n.tinx. mfttlO'ldrC-.B abJgjaJOLKAtir . j SliyinnwaiuiH. * » * -


TSTOP fBEVHStr'niBilCCO. 'Knvpjjoiif truiiiDv niid rpttorc jotrr lionllh, "l»y Ufing ,I>n;"Br}ii's AiiUdolL'-forTobiifCO TIIIR IS not n 011b • fitltnto-init n t'uri-fiifSrnrjkinir^t'ricwtng, and Snuff I **!b*njLC. few pi rsoniiari.-avt-arpoftlintprribic.jrjflpctii;

blhprVlft-nTirkotiTPir in^cBfinenfa l


OBN13STG GiOEYirl ts Yot^rres . [ b - -Dii. J>o . B- ELLIS, Largo Snipr, Imradnsi' 'Prof

ft-. t*t\ri^fiddll« rt'WilStlOrirr lUicVt-taVflfng diaclon-yi M*Iio p r c r c i r t c s ott i l i « J Una, ^TlwAvbuluioiUjcDilaltldjarti nad 1M -JuiTofttw*"

" " P r o i i o n i Bn\S'' '".V •»I",:'*:d t» jinMrrVat- .xwnu.on , WIUTTKV ' - . --_ * i-iMUIJ USTKKKBTa 01* OlOU»ATIO»,-.CHRiaTtATtnT-

** K i n g ofc y t o v t s.H t^-nre t>. H pi,WWiti>irT'.Ti 411 Bronibo «l r r r t . - i — ' Nt-ii York _ _ „ _ _ _ H»rt'

gsaeoy^uMistrntiaam v." '•; v'. . -• ; -• • ~ -—m "" TA'S'fEIV-A«ENTS--:to sun our new. .iHoa'ra

lj,fed tetok of -Traudii


VBitll t J r ^ i m r l r f l H ! i n e 4 1 i s J - J

tlml Imvp He(.iVmai!i..irf'tiirfT' " M n r n i h p ; Glorjr,' ' ' v i z . — j sliahinpf tin? sVair from-fho

*oifrs!tieT~SypliQii l'luo or niofr p r n p i - r t y spi-akiHR , . .

. a n - ^ A i i \ i l a r v - F inn . .vM/tT, fBy.Col T^Fhnnia.w Knor. A comiiroTioiiGivo ana. J i s j i s t s i n h c a t m g thP too , j l „ M , r 4 , l i . A . , , . l W l n n » limy „,o Io.dny.-Mlrti!li lof tlie Ptr tvo, aild an OVfn . i i y u u i It-ciiardsuii« ' l l ^ o i i t i th*. illiarppr."and-whiCh-clllf 'fti'rat|nVf,ii(I t o ' s , n ' n T w a l ^ ' . l-'IitDncpnta a^roa.r ' i i i . Bt>> " " • I'.- }<«.% u l O l i a . J U r v : ^ P - 4 | a i ! ^ ! ! : ^ ! s !

^.-^ . i i rCi iJr i i t pleasure:' TliCH. no linvc other clirarirr I"ar-_

" ' "Tt t i raVeC Ainuiig^otir • (.''WiiOKSi'nves'ilu'

_ "few Empire" I d n s . t h e Ifml-r-HS IlPing •hf- tiroulusl Sfovo eyec. '"•tfefed tu tho tinblic in I"'iiit »f cciinnniy-

!••' S.iwnjx flffy jiur <•""' itHftlt'lj uvur ajtj.'iitiifcaj'i


'M. A-iiri! can-hi;-.m-tin-litmud. an cntirtf" season >uiln»iit re-kincljinjr. and

mnrc dnlf tlinmgli 'ip.-iiiiiuiathtn .nr nlag" or


tffei =1 '-i'r-

Fpif SAT,S'lvJ;KVw'uEnE. ndfiy " —

>. w AndforraloATllbloflalo only by tho

Grftit Atlantic & Pacific Ten Co


UARBOLIC TABLETS, l i 'iM^a.jiU'fuct-iiafio-

l"il'ii.;i hy nicitiift uf iliy ' , •'•'i\ili.iry a i r chamli.-r i l i» ' (

hr.L'l.t tn, -fj,, . writ,- nl'l Atptinr.uiinK rpniody. for n!I B-onohlal Difflpul K.i- "ii i n . g u n n o .J ti,.B. l C o u f t h f c e-a!dA; i fear t ."- - - . A-tiima. Drnther .

.; '-• "VLl- - 'u r i i l , . .Hid th t ; J jft.-Dryftt^flwftbVfPirrratur Wind,l!lpulund idl Qa* * " l i t r ill.I hu ^oa l is jviliit-cd ' ' l " " ! " dlwaspa;" '"

} Tho -woiidnrfnt twidprn rttifp/FSPi-y nf C'arbflln Atid, i« 4if.ntined to iippnmr inio -bT th? ((rpnti-Bt 'iilffl'iujj1? to -iiinultind Iii its Opplloatmn tii diseases., -of tiin tliroiit aiid Jte jrwit Tnirntiyp" ipjnltlPfl In SEC alii-ctioilH of theC'llEST AMI L'rjiiis,

t • i asln. * arid jBtsKnt t h rmiRJi iii. gtulij. - >

Altj.t-tlit* abrnfrrg snb= -Mnliau-d by ;


Nor Using* Them. Timti wo huydtliQ

r i r S l - l / i a S b oebUnw*ife..! . „ . umui PBWCEBAaMRNER, EXPERT,

Dr. ItfElis^ Carbolic TaWets cnntniii MbPr ingri-'ll^nt'i tinit-pmnll; rJipniii'iriohH' rti,ivlitrhPti>rntnatV. rorolifUp. ".]>rodu^li]^ a Tablet * m"-ir(«,l)ljj|.Iy ojetjltinal and Ul to r ndnpled (of'tliB • -" "

.Va«f« i.f thp thriMii'thna any preparatlun nt-pr bo- ' fbrp'..)T<-r.d t«> "- « . . - . . ibrp'..)T<-rtd t« thnriii-Jtc.

^AXJ^Jto^i.^ lot* f/dwv't loi othorjjoods b v *™*iiiJ

dbt-ir [ilaeo-

flliro you opt . ^t t tbSinrja*'

rnrlrfled.oir on yoo in

nraount lo invest «r i-nrimnir'-, write «-r i;irc"m-ih r;rntr.n,.Bnd yau wni.Jponi H-iii your.advan'ngp ^ - _ ' - - '

ni; fo i 2?vU;i

Bteam Engines.

'ami ii li.t-l ..f ..ilivra. All M . U « «.tv f» (MlSll! AMD S E E US i n l w >iirr ' • - " P K I C ' E S T H - A T ' C J I K V O T ' H E BJ.-AT. Then »Bit|ii., mir.afm. In. -:-Z-: " : ^ hillof eTTryflrlnfr.iff.thp'lI.iHKareTTfii' , I ' l i i i i t s - p i f e , OlaskS Sii ,s i i , ' I ' i i i - t ) , . -^ ! ) t r i i iNl |«H, a n i l B i - u s l i c «

a l l K i n d s , ^ i n - W i i ^ W t a l t H f i Wiii-ei, G l f u ? s : W a r o , P u i n p s 5Xl><?iiaJtul.lJL-i»iL.i«ic %V<4J*r«.H-j-l»prrth n p t o 513 f t . ""

w i i n . . „ » « . . . r . . n i . . i-IRON. SiNKS;41l'f.b.™.niiil ittylba.

TH£ FIRST PREMIUM-- ._uwu^miMs,ii>Ai,uu OVpry FniroiHor'pd foreompptlUnn Jfpnd fnr t.'lr- , ouIniiaiidPriop'.Lwt. -* . . . . •-(. --


g.M. JOU


- For Coughs, and Colds Wel ls ' C'itrbplic T a b l e t s . . A M A S l j I t E C n i l R T R Y - T I f m f

fl V", .14 I 'HTT'"BT S0l . I1HV SRI IUUIsTa M y, SOLE


, T l . « Sargent a j id. moNt . c o u i p l c l o . FrocKK^.Xaiian4jJl.Jvcuptloim.. flud-4ni-^ nHaurl'liimil"ur~StatToimry imil 1'orti.blo tjlfrfni [

" .'ii!a £implo. l-aglntMi;. BoHi^i. arrti . . g t V - ^Itlfrr t^.-rim Tfflrmna.

A W121CK pirftr/nKr-are, malB.or- femalo 111. i. nrtv riiahufiii-turlriK bualneaif a.

N" .pai'ltaLjaMiuicaiL. A.I«lrosa—NOVKCTT— Bg°»'- . ~ « * - . . . - - — ll"-4-

f- f'LOTUFS WR.raoFRK. iiW-. Umls I KKULIMAliK, .rtftBtii-rffrrrr flu- iTioTpSf

< 3 i r t l o r , v - ' We rnnn»t..Ve excflifii-^.Ptf.u STyn;iliiy7

Rfrenls fuii . , ' - !

pTtho nuiiOii&Woedun tticCli'iinfa"fty»trm-. ,.I*y«I"1Pj-i -gfiir TllFuJiipTit',- D>Kiii!iu of the Livpr, Hallow. C<im \ plntion, t'otliveneanof tj]6bowcli.|l,098-of Memory'-nndotirFT'diBPaBHarptliP alllictionB brtmght On byJ t t e t i ' o Tin Antitloto tejiprflj vogotablp and harm-1

,hl.nd«-p(n«on to t f i^ i t |tlio JioartlVat , V " V a n U H H II H U M » . ' " * ?» »•» k , .

fonri:-Kniii|.iPHpeiit-frDvft>rsoppnw-*3 per <i"»wt,iow Avciiuo-anu 4 imors jbtiht.oi| inrVdin-itrniJ AiiilrpfB'M- J y a r ^ ' l l / W C n n n o n S C N . ' Y . llftiSl i _. " I V f i l i e r ^ *'

t J i w i i o r _ ;

i" iSrcofain -Rliildt* all C^pletp;.^Uofe JII 'MTPTM: i«".t light -ever iii-ulo from kero^ni-. In oonolusiuit-ne stV; •

Subscribe for the Newark CaiwlmW^

-Is. our Sjiec.ittlt^v. Wi'-an* BI|.

"*^T'I»<» <*i"«*ji< A i * « s * n i « .

H"4<4V4+'*v -ftHTr; -nrry StTT^ 11 tTtfT vITTj

nr ball.- H'c can niako-ynii a. savin'r^-of twcntV'-nrrv, i,| | n

I'^tb ptaiiib .il tvorUmon. dninjr nun own wr,rK, patinE nri H'c f-ny A-v-i:andvl> bo hoat in .nrides and -fiiialitv'of r>0fl(il

T ** Bl^AKEIiY &fcjefe

Oe>n>c-AV I1 •<• n'lll'tl I'l.lilnArnlr. li.ujillC .if ill, f-'l « • Ill


."ii-'ri S o e , .o u r


mtm inily titu- iiiuT rolialilo

ijlaa 0UaiW»n*l )iiW inTOnmmienlr1 af)"H^ lirTcan e«»J'f'>.""^i'ooplo bf :.\E*VAItJK rogulnrly,on, : Mondays and Thursdays ~.-.

with tim

I Tbm tho Laltos nnii tlio o'cwttrnffordB. ,' hvt ' i 'Uhing tiint in kpiil-irv-doalPf't inthin. Imp -gpiii-i'iillv.dio will furnlHii. '

! Ilf mil drivo boforpyoiirdnor antlicajniointed 'ilnjfl amLfiiU4>ly~- >ia; tabic witlf - ' '

[ TntitTTM^nTii rert nrnt iti.iieoi.wr" -L i fivcry thing-the SctlxonAMorS** tM- -


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