Page 1: · IlIK AVATKMFORD NEWS isiiiinsntD 1SV7. (Aldimmu IIEIIMOXIS Proprietor.) I.AKC.K T

IlIK A V A T K M F O R D NEWSisiiiinsntD 1SV7.


I'II M IV/ H'-' every Friday J.Vfiiin ;", if Xn. 49 A'lii;) Strvet["ITOSITK I N K I 'KoVI SCH I . nAXK.]

1'iai i Tin:!- K I' KN I K ; Yr.Aiii.v (is AH V A N C K ) 13S.;I! Y I 'CM, Yr.Mti.Y , 1,'is., i s Anv .vxc K.

Agents for Sain of THE NEWS:WAT!- I ' l O U l ' —Mr. YV. Ki.m. l . i t t lr - lu-iu^i'V-slivrl .T K A M I M i F.—Miss CI .A .\I. V , liffi cslmu'iil, Kooms, in

Sic-.iin|..<irirl.PASSAC!-'. EAST—Tin.' Mis?™ LOVK , Hoti-1 , Siiume.DAi:H I ( % K - ( ) X . S l ! l l i— M r . . T . M . M r u i - nv, NVwsAi;i - iit.JJL'N CiAKVAN—Mr. Ki>v .\i:n I!KI :X X A N , Stntiuui-r,

Ac , 1W niul IVIi'Krn pli Office , Tho Square.K1I.MACTIIOMAS—Mr. M. ill 'SXK , Grocer, Ac.I.ISMOl iE—Mr. Jimx N O O X A X , Tlic Mall \Var.:hou?oNKW KOSS—Mr. 1> . M OHAN , News Agent. Ac.


I X T K X D E V ORDER of S A I L I X O — JA X., \H73.M VfOTICK .—The WatcrfordSte nmship

m|\»-J^p l\ Company receive Goods for Shipment

a^^H\f i.oii thp following Twins only :—They reserve4Snan£*r&b the ri ght to curry by nn.y, not by particularV essels, with liberty to Tow Ships run! call at other Hortuni! will not he accountable for injuries or losses arising from

delay, accidents of the Sens, Kiwi's, Fire , the Queen's, defective Navigation , or aeciiU'iitsfrum any other cau-e ,nor (or any loss which mipht have hi'Oii eoverrd by Iusuraiirrnor fur Leakage, l'.renkai;*', Conilition , Quality, or contents ulany Parcel* orl'arkngi-s , unless spcriall y entenil ami ait ra-Irem Krcieht pai-t . (ioods not rcinoveil to be Stored at therisk ami expanse of the Consignees.

\V A T K It F O It I) A N D 1! It I S T () I. .Oij '3t/ t /".urn. r-r other i-hirihle Vessel , direct.

1'rnm Waterier. ) to llri'tnl : Fiom llrisli .l to Watri foiil :Tiis-<l:iv , Jan. 7 ... 1 Aft 'r. TIjurMl. iv, .Ian. 2 ... s MumTu.s.lav , „ I I . . . S .Mi.rn. Tliiir>.l:iy , ,, !' .- 2 Aft 'iiTU. MI.IV , „ '.'1 ... ]'.' .\'.ioii. .'rhliralav, „ li! ... S M,,niTuisdaV, „ •*> ... ;<d:iv, „ Si ... 12 X.» ,n.

ITlinsilay, „ -M ... 7 Muni.Jurcrv ii .

From Wnt.rfonl to l"nsi.- l , I n in liristol to Wal irfoirl ,Direct. I cnllinp at lVinkmkr Durk.

FrMa .v. •'¦•>"• n ... !> Morn Tu. s.lav, Jan. " ... 12J Aft ' iil"ri.!:i>, .. 1" ... :; Affi i TiM-.lay, „ l» ... 7 .MumFri") :i'v, „ IT .. s Morn Tm-.lay, „ -Jl No SailingTtuUy, ,. -I X.i S.'iilin -.- .TuiMlay, „ 'JS ... r, y\,mii'riiliiy, » •'' ••• "" M"ni;

{£*' f">n Kail y Mnniiui:Sailing, the Cabin of t l ipSlcnm-ers wil l lir Open to receive P;issruff"!'s arriving from Lond onby the Ni--hl Jlail Trail..

Cabin Fare , lf.<. Oil.; Servant* and Children , lO*. 0.1.Iteturn do., -Jos. ; or with liln -rty to return fro m DublinCork , or Woilord , 31s. I'd., Steward's fee lucluded ; D.i k7». Od. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin.

W A T E II F U U D A X 1) L I V E R P O O L,loro, CumiHn . or other rligiMe Vessels.—Three Sailiii(;»

Weekl y.HUH WATrnpol l' : )l:f)M MVERrn oL:

Friilar, Jan. :i — 12 NnniiTnnrsilaT," Jan. S -IS XoonMoiulnr. „ •', — .'! Afl 'ii Hmulny, „ 0 — :l Aft 'ii"»YiliiMday „ s — n Afl 'ii Wiiliuwlay, „ S — IS MomFriday, ,, 1" — '•' M"rn Triilay, ,, 10 — X MornMwiilay „ 1" — •" AftVMniula y, „ 1:1 —In MornWtiln.-«Hy t, If, — .1 Afl 'l^, „ IS — I I MomVridav, ,, 17 — 12 Nooiii lriday, „ 17 — IJ y,u, uMi'lJ'lav . „ 2< — :l Aft 'n ' Mmiilay, ,, J.i — -J Aft 'uWwiiii-Mlay „ •£! — •'• Affn «.. |i,,Ml:iy, „ •.-_• — 4 MomKriilay. ,, - V — s 1'ri.lay „ '.'I — r; AffnMomlay ,, -7 — :i Affn .Yt lay, „ '."7 — !l MomIVtilncMlay „ -' — 1 Affn Wcilurulnr, „ L'll —1« .MomFriilar, ' „ .11 — 12 NimtiM-'riilar, „ :(1 —12 Noon

Caiiiu Far* , 15>. ; Servants and Children. 10?; Deck , IdaChildrt n. r.i;. Females attend the Ladies 'Cal n.

Goods received at Clarence Dock.W A T K H F O U D A X I l N E W KO S S .

F ROM WATi nFonn—Dail y, Sundays excepted , at 3 .15r.M.FBOM N KW Hob«—Dail y, Sundays exrepted , at H.!.*¦ A .M .

W A T K It F 0 I! H A N D D U X C A X X 0 X .K BOM W A T I KFHII H—Dail y, .Sundays no-pled, at .I.'.'O r.M.FH O M 1)1' NCA >> ON — Daily, Suiid»\s I'Mept id , at S.1S A .M

The Xew IJos- and I > U I I . ::IU ..'II SLM-IIIT, wil l not lily oilChristina* D.iy or Si. S:. j .i. .:ii 's D.i) , *J-J:!i and "li'.n IK-ct-in-btr.

KiTths MTtl l . d and i- \cry inf. •rinatiiai irivell hy tilt 1 Ay ent fr .Drist 'tl—Tli.' lii-ui- rul S",.;>m I'a. -ket llllii'e. Lirrr/ uml —\Vat.rl.i: .l Shi p ( 'mnpaliy, •.'.'> , llrunswii 'k-stri'et ,VWhiiniton l:uildiiiL '>. » u l in t i i i ' l ' ijiii|.ii n>''» 'M\re, tin-M A L L , W A l K U F i i U D .

N A T K I N A Ii F, I X K.C W T T H I: .<T K A M I :I :> "i' T H I S I .I X K A I M : T I I I ;

LAIMK .I T y.l .SV/.M .AA ' S TI C i M S I I I l ' S AF1.U.V1



X^ErSr" i> COMPANY (LIMITED).f i m S i 3V ^4^/A "u; n('w fuU-powercd lirilisli IronSI JSyyr«jffi«} Screw Stcani-slii p3f l , ip< . T..n» Sl. ip '. Toi..

K'lYfT , CJrn'vin .'¦""'.I . KN. i l .ANf , K. tup '.'• '•"?PI" M X ':i~ ..- . 4!M «> ' T I I K i 'l 'K K N, Andnwi ... 4 1 1 1

ITALY, Tl«.u.|.sr.H r."2 ¦ l l i i l . l .AM) , lirxv •>'"FnA.\ri:. 'i i...,u-..ii r.n ¦. I :I :I .\ . i.'iwnju aoi¦JASAH.\, Wi'li«n r :v*»i i lU'.l.YCTlA, l \nv/ = :c.'74<i«KK C K , Thomas X t 'l ! I l K N M A H K , Suiauir :;7~ .Wlil tdl"<.tiatditd Irom l. ive i i»n . l to Xrw Yolk us iollo«s

ITALY \VeduoscIay Jan. Ml).CAN -VDA Wi'iliii-silay Jan. 15th."OUEECE Wcilnesilay Jan. ^ud.

Ami lioui Qui.'iistowii the liilliiwin i; days,i'lip Sal.n.n nccon,ih(,d:ition on lio:u d these Steamerf i^

lA . wpiit-fil , the SlKtr.rooms bein.' unusually large, andj / en oil tin- Salooi.s uli ch .ite s i lu . i t id in the poop uu deck

— tl.e pi-i p being 13'J Lei li.i n.l!;ite of pa-safe 12, 1", ^i .1 i7 O.i inras , .lcccrdini; to ac-

com ll . i l lation in Stale io n. - .- .I I .» ii :i ! same pri»ilrge illSain- n. LVturn ricVe * '. I A I IJ I -f iw Iini lifa s .

The Steer aye aiTOnnn- 'dation isulit (ju :illed for space, li ght ,»nn T » nti!.,tn.M. Alitimlaute of Fnsli Provihiom strvid upCwAed l.y tl.r l.\ itnpaiiyN .¦•tewanls . 1'nleji ol passajie uuIteilncid 'IV IIIK.

l'i.-!.i. Looted tl.rciui f li to A'pinwall , San Frami'co ,tW 11. 1.»i ,1 1 luwns of Canada , and ol tti p United Stall", OilfinniralU. t M i i i « : ulso, to Australia , Xt-w Z-aland, China ,iDd .li. pHii , at l'.w tlt icu ^ti r.ite^ , via Xew Yoik and SanFmnci-ro. For Ficicht or Pasture nr'p 'y to

Ti!K X ^T I ONA I . STI:JI M SHIP CI .MP A NT (L IMITKU),\il nnd '2.1, \ V a t i r — t t i H , l.ivtipi id ;

To. X. and .1. Ccsmisii nnd II KOB ., Queiustown ; toMr. J. ,\L Mt' ai-iiv , Xi ivs Au'ent. t .'arrick-oii-Suir;Mr , W ILLI A M WA LSZI, Dunt*:i [»au ;Mi . I'ucf. OLDES , IVtuiHitu , Cspp'.quln ;Sir. PA TRICK LA SO A S, I l i u m i l i o n ;Si r. J EUIX IAII M UKPIIT , 20 K I H B atifct , Walerford jMr. U ICHAKD P HKLA 5, Porilaw ; or to theAim t f ,,r Uatrrf uTi i— M I C I I A K I . I I O W X K Y , Quay.


In coui.i'Ctiun with the WA I K I U U K I I AMI LI .M K I I I C K :UIUNY A II :KHJ 1-.I> .I M> C K .M H A I . 1 I:KI .AM > Lines.


^«A £>) fi .- .v 'JViii nS nii'f .V' 'i' /''"•'¦¦' .V'lil Jf p»y

UP.—Irf-nvc W.MKini .Rl iat 1 p.m., on Arrival of 11 .1aa.m. Train Irom Limriick , 1 IP ..',II Trainfrom M.'i iy buiou^li , A K H M I M . in LO.MUI.V (wca-tl i i - ral .d fiicuinhlatice.s piTinitting) at 12.5 onfo!!i,\vii.^' 'Ijiy.

DOWN. - - I . C A M : LU X P H X (PaililiiiKloii; at -I. ."!! p.m.,;HM I A I:I : I V K A 'I W.M H I H I U I I (wi- .'i t l i i r ami cir-i:iiinst ;inri *H pi rni i tt i i if) aK'iiit \).'.iU a.m., inlinn. f '. i l l . i 'T ia ins i i i i llic 'A'atiifori l ami Liiiiu-i i ( i; ai.i! Cchl ial In- lainl Lit . is .

I ' A I! I.' .< - WA TElt i 'i Ul ' AM ' /.".\;» '.Y:SIM .I.I- (av ii i lalj l i ."! DaysJ I si. (.'las< k SaNum , Mil "il

L'r. .l C!:is. \ S:,li,,i, , ::.-.< li.|:-. i . 1 (.'lass ,v r..n; Caliin . ii's ",|

llm U'.N<(:iv;u!alj !f furl month) 1st <'Is* X Sahimi , T'is„ ., L'tnl Clss iVSal.inii ,

Kii rtl . i'r i ii l i .r inati im ••an I T nlitaii. ini I'min Mi s.-i.s.1K ',\ iiL iI ( .'»., Xi'W Mil f'unl : ami Mr. I h i n N K Y ,A. l i l phi Wli.-n l', Watorlijii l ; ami I) ¦< ¦ I !KM I KU K A I I I S

lii- twi - i 'i i I ,I 1. IT important Stations , i li i > TiiiM ' Tal.'li s,an.l Tl-.i - i ui^ li l:.'i"-s f-r C.*ils, .V C-., ..I' Mr. W. .1. ISi .-S K U , th< . Cn-al Wi sti . i i i Coinpany '.s A genl , 1'aul'sSiiuarr , Wiiicrl ' / riL

.1. CK I K I I S O X , (ii n. nil Mnim».T.Piid.lihj t .,11 , J i mp, I S7-. [my. K


^.alvSis. /~\-s ''' "'" l '"' I"""""''1'" "r "th' r FirsteSjkffjK^ \_S clasF , fiill-pnwcri 'il St iams- l i ips*¦ IBL-JCI i'fTT " :" '"• il i ' ^pa irlKM Irom L I Y K H P O O L

TO NKW YOJv K , KVK11V WEDNESDAY.Cai'lain. Caii !ai«.

W V O M l N i ; .J. P H I C K U I X X K M ITA T F ,nWIsco.s i ^Vw.Kri 'ei i i ' i i ' - M A X I l A 'I 'JA N .K. WIii i .cr i vH i A I I O J A M * - M ni i i iA > MOM A N A (Ii inld i:i!)MiVAliA '

.'.'. W. K.T- y i l . ' D A K O l A ill , , .)

•\re ioteiid.c ! lo S*il .¦. I,,|| I|W :—IDAHO W.iliicsilay Ut Jan.MINN ESOT A Wcdiii^cuy Mh .Ian.MAN HATTAN Wi ilnesdny l.",th Jan.WISC ONSIN WwInosiJay liiiml Jan.

CALLI NG nt Ql .KK.N s r O ^X the ,l i ,v I ,ll.,« ,¦,., ,to iml.alk Pns.ticel'.

Puirntrrk I II ' CV HI tl.ri.Ut;!' to !"-n Fi.nni>c, »nd all inlandtown« it low tales.

Hutrtiif P.i.>.-,te fiom l.iverp'i. 1 to New t-fM .iu"•"Mtlo lr.-. nn.l i'i7 17- ., and i-Jl. M,M» P.—i.Kf»t'«^u«l ,H ..S- 'l l.e |aiter inelude- m lninle.l supp ly olprofibignii , »..Ved niul served up l.y the (.'otnpHti) ' sttwmdv

t ot li fiiili | nt ,n.«aB |., app ly to"'•U. CAMPION , I ' us'iiii.limw Qiiay, W»tirli rd jJ() HN DEYEKErX. Qu.y. Wnieiloid;THOM AS K A V A N A I i l l . tlie Square, lluii j mvouJAJ ll S SCOT T & (.'•• ., Queimi-j wii ; or t..

UUION &. CO., "5 Witei-slreet , Liferpool


J A N U A U Y , 18 7 3 .Jii-:/u!rtr S TEA M C O M M UN I C A T I O N htliccen

Waterford and London, Plymouth andSouthampton, Cork, Dublin, Belfast,

A N D G L A S G O W .1 \i rPllK new and poxrerliil Screw Slcnmct6SMO -1 TOU'AltD. CUMIII t Ai: , OALATA -

^m^S^»SKEItllYVOUE, EDDYSTOX K. SAXDA 'yjl'JT'll^^r.AKKLOW . urn intended ta Sail I.K undir(weather pcrmittiui;, unless prevented liy any unt'ureserncircum<tancv>), with lilwrty to Tow Vcs^olii , and lo renderAsaistauce. to Vessels in !)i«tri.isft :—

FHOM WATEKFOUD TO C.LASUOW,Wnlncsday, 1st J.ui., 1 r.ui., via DulilinFriday, 3id „ 1 p.m., via Cuk and llelfastWednesday, 8lh „ 1 p.m., „,'„ |)ul,|,nWeilnesilay, 8th „ 1 p.m.; ri« Cm kFriday, 10th „ 1 p.m., via Cilc aud lielfastWediifjdny, 15th „ 1 p.m., vin DublinWidnt'sdny IStli „ I p.m., via Cuik.Friday , 17lh „ 1 p.m., via Cork and HclfastWednesday, 2'2ud ., 1 p.m., via DuMin.Wednesday, '2'2H A „ 1 p.u< ., tin Cork.Friday, 8-H h „ 1 p.m., f in C u k and liclfast.WVlnesday, Sflili „ 1 p.u., fia DuulinWidne sd ay, 29th „ 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, aist „ 1 p.m., cia Cork, and Belfast.


FUIDAY , at 1 p.m. ; Huil to (ireenock , 7 p.m.N OTK .— The Steamer oil Frid«y BOOS via Cork

FHOM WATF.KFOKD TO UKLFAST, Via COUK .Kvery F U I D A Y , ... ... at 1 p.m.


Fl i OM W A I K K F O K D TO DUULIN , Direct ,Kvcry WKDXKSDAYS ... ,,t 1 p.m.


FHOM WATKHFOHI ) TO COUK direct.Kvery WKDXKSDAY ... ot 1 p.m.Kvoiy FKIDAY , ... at 1 p.m.


W A T K H F O H I ) T O L O N D O N .Calliup at Plymoiltli

Fl'.OM w . \ T K R P 0 h | i, [ FKOM lOSDOil,Tue.-ilay, Jau. 7 — 3 p.m. Snturday, Jan. Is — :! ]i.m

Tuesiliiy, „ liS — It p.iu

LONDON TO WATKKF0K1 ) .I'allinc at Plviiuiutli.

Tm-day, Jan. 11 — s a.m. 1 1'liur-il.iy, Jan. 2.1 — s a.m| Tuesiby, Teli. 4 — s

wtri: l :r< > t: l i Til I ' l .VM .HTII . j 'l.v»i'il'TII Tn W A T K I I F I I I I I I .Tile.-il:iy Jan. 7 — J p.m. Weilneiilaj, Jan. i.ri — p.iuSaturday, „ It — :l p.m. Friday, „ 2t _ 8 p.m,Tuesday, ,, US — :; p.m. Wetlni «ilay, Veil. S — s p.iu

WA 1l:l: |nl:li TO SUCTimilTUN. S.'lTHA.11iy«iX Til WATi rRV OIl l lTrsu-liippin..- at Plyuimitli. Transhipliiiii! at Plvmoiith.

Tiies.lay, Jan. 7 — •" p.m. Kvtry Wuiliiesiliiy, ' at S a.mSatnr.lay, ,, IS — :! ]i.m.Tu.-.-ilay ,, 1W — •*! p.ui .

These Stivur.ers have ucelk'nl At'cmninolatioii fur P.H.acngcrs.

PASSAGK-MOXKY :Cabin, netiirn. Dirt

WaterforJ lo Olati;ow & lltlfast , 17« . Ud. ^5s. IU H .„ Cork ... fls — ,-«„ Dublin ... Hli — 0<„ Plymi.ntli i Southampton "Hi ao< l i l t„ London ... *Joi ;t7s Oil ld<

t»4*' XOTK.—The Clyde Shi ppinR Company Insure allGoods Shi pped by tlie»o Linis ol Strainers, ut 3«<ld pur Cent,to Tn.ilprs having yuarly .i [iiL'i'inent«,flnd os piv Cent, lo oc-casional Shi ppers —values lo he declared at time of Shi p-ment. Forms and all inform.itinn to he had at the Offices.

For Hales of Freight , Ae. , apply to— CO R K ST E A M S H I P

Co., Pennine ljuay, Cork ; CA.K'IUS and K OA .N , Xn. 'JO,Kdrii O.u:iy, Di i iLiN ; J . C. P INKKKT OX , II) VictoriaSt ., ; I l K N K V I. W.Mtlxn, Pl ymou'll ; J A MR SH A II T L K Y , A Co., 1.17, Leaileoli.ill >inet , l.oiiili .u ; al-o atM II .LFK 'H W H A K F , Ka»l Suntlifii -lil , and W EST: K BSIWii.M r, S. niliw.irk , I don ; and tho

CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY ,Southampton , Gieenork , (Jlas^ow , HIU | Waterfnrd.


•« '\, -t Ci'J'EAM Jk'twtcn IilVEKPOOL

^BS A ;XI ) |'°U'I '|I A -



Tin' follo»iii k- and other (hi.1-rl.iM fii!l-po»i red Sle.micr*are iot iui led lo tin in a leuular I I I M ' as nhove : .S A I N T LOUIS 1,SI V I C K S I i U U l i a.ij lKl. M K J I P / . I S i'.orii I KX A . S iVK'1JlI> sl.s.>J ] "l' j '.VJi HI U KI . I i l A N '.'.lulj

•' D O M I N I O N " L I N Kl-'Ult HOS'J'ON AND I'OltTLA.VlJ, U.S.

The next Strainet eaiiin ^ will he I hoLOUD ( 'LIVE Wednesday, .he.uary S.M I S S I S S I P P I Wednesday, Jan. 15.

Carryniif tioods an 1 Passeiunr at throti^li rates to allpaita of Canada .


M I S S O U U I . . . . . . .Wulni.-Jay Janu.irv 2

1MV0HTANT Td KMKiKAXT S.Ass lSTKl i l'AS SA r.r.r.—The Stcnim-IMif I l i i , l.ini. Imvc

heen iip i 'iiinteil l.y lite G .vennnei .i uf l l ic Dgmininn tACanada lor the convey^nci- ol elij ihle euii.Tani , t u u h o i npa-*aires wil l he givi n at rcdncvii rale* .

Applicants >hould state orcnptttoti and ajo, nmi fnrwarilccitifirate ot trharactcr fiom a minister uf rt l i ^iou or justiceof tbe peace to loral passen/er iu'c'iit-1.

For rnlc< of Frrivhl nn I (.'alili P^stajc apply InTAYLOi: , TIPP i;i:, .t CO., lUn,'r.nVs liuiMinit s . ChapelSlteat , Literpixil : for Cabin and Svnire Pas^aie app lv t"the Mai. . iL "H F Owher<. , F L I N N , V A I N , and MOXT-l i O . M K l : Y, Lancclut 's-liey , Liv. rp .ul; J O H N DAWsON <tCo., l ^i iein vtown , lo au'J.M

M. II. C A M P I O N , ffl Ciistorn-hou-c Quay. Waterford ur.1. M. M U H P l l Y . r..rr,rV.. . -uir.

'• \Y U 1 T K K '1' -\ Jt " L 1 X ]¦:.OCEANIC STEAM XAVIGATIOX CO. (Limiti il)


1^—^ riM 'ESK "cw < fi' ll-powcreil Steam-\\] *iz~ y \}r' JL shi ps Kail from|| ^|J>]f(!>bSfc

L1VKltl 'u01' " " - oiri iin:si.Avs.

11/ QCEEXSTOWX - - nn l' iaiiA i s.ATLAX 'J IC ... Tliursilny,; ... Jim. 'Jili.A I J1UATIC ... Thursday, ... Jau. lCtli .OCKA.VIC ... Thursday, ... Jiiu. 2:)nl.H ALTIC .. Tlmreday, . Jiin. HOili.

This.- steamships ntloi d s[-eciat accommodation to (,'ntiinPH'SOI I CCI S ; tin- s.ilonn , Mati ' -iooni', and MnoV r-riHiins are.itnid>h:p«. A Bui^con and stewardrn carried. Saloon , i'181«- . and 'Jl Gu'ti ^ab ; l t . lurn Tickrt* 3"» Giiiiieat ; St. erni<cX Q (j> . tor lulls and Inrlher pat l i i 'tllats , app ly lo

I S M A Y , I M K I K . & CO., io \VMn-s l im , l.ivei po.,1 ;nod 7. K»-t fodiA- avenue , Louiloil. [)- i8-tl l

T. S. HA P.V K Y nf Knuland Insurance OUioe , Walvrlcil.1. M. M L "!!P (IV ,( l-( , New Lii ie . '.airirk-on-Suii - .Mr. I . A I i k ' l .v , (i .-v. - riiuitnt Kinl i f ia l i i i l l Cdiilin—if ,ner for

III . . Doii . iui. u i.f CanaJi , at 111 Kill n Quay, Duhliu , mid.Mr. OW KILI., I ;. .V . Mi ineot Kinu'ii. t ioi i C->inini- ,-ioiier (orll.e P i iiv in iv i.f t^-i-h-e , ;.t san e inll l l lM ) , w ill g i ve lu l l i l l -f ' i r ' i a 'i '-n e. - l i i- . - Ti i 'i . . I ' t ii.-»d: i r' n .- ia l lv .

1MPDUTANT TU EMIGHA. S 'TS.Emigration Offlce j 43 New Lane

C A 1! It 1 C K - O X • S U 1 H .

171 1 l:ST-CLA*.S s'I KAi: KitsTwire -a-wee k trim. Qunus-? l . w n , llul.nn , D.n>, G^- L-. w , Livrrpi~.l , «u.| L-nuloii

I., X.-w Y. . lk , l:...:.. i, . g.i.l,. e, P, .l lUud l l lalt i lu. ,1.- , I I d. l l l ,,\. w l lr li -an- , < i a!v. -1l.l l , Xi.m»\ , Sweil . l l , l lul v , CVileutu,vi., Mi . / C.n-al. Cry Mi . i i l l i ! y-C'.ip« of

'(iond llopi- ,.Mi'l l.. .u ine , X.-w /. al.iml , Sj ;li|.-y, Queensland, by Hie lol-lo i i i i i .' I n . - : U Int . - S ar , l i i i i -n ,

' .M.i I liur , Allau 'liu i- , An-chor M i l l I ;r, .- . N.i li. .n. i l , I noon , Ti ai .ev & l laldit in , &•:

K H . I l i . ,, .- A I L I Xl i M M P f t J l o i i l h l y lo .M. Ihonii,. ' ,Sj.-li.y, X i» Z- aUlnl »u.t (iue.u-l.ii.d. Xjw Orleans, Phd-:..'|. :.,!.'.., o.d X.-w V. ik W . i l l v .

.1 . M. M U H P l l Y I .' A^. i , l lor the liur l initn i i andMi> *i uu H i v i r n..,li ..a.i Co., i- ; M > I I . . :I I M I I to I— in* Haiho-idTil l . . Is ,,| :, I. u l a t e , l o ail p - r i s ot I In- L'uit id States amiCaiiud i. To ? i,ve ICiu' ^i i int ^ 11 I *

CII in.position

and delay int i . iveli oi) ; l l i rmik-li A I I M - I I I M , I,.- i, al-o pieparrd I n g i 'e l h eii*ee— ;,iy i i i loruiat i . .n lo Tu ket- l ioMeit* and intend-in.'r i i i' .'i .nit- , re*p.cln, _' the S.l.- ol Lund ill I lie Wc- lr . i l iStale* , now in tin: I.amis ot :!¦>- i . i i l M . -y coii:)aiiy, who l ia le¦J

TI .1 H i,l> i 0 i.l air. > to -i- .l :it a low t a t , - , i-u 1 len ye-ns' C1 e i lit .Men u i l h (.uiiiliv , w h o unih t.Ti iiid l .nmuif , I,a re many ail-

v aolH ^."^ t,y t ff.- l i t l l i . l er ol Il,e:i i h 'l i l i , n, who are 1-lllltll-d

to In. ' Kranl 1- ,. l land , under i i i l n i n n>ln, t ioi»..1. M. .Mt'itniv i i tuins lii> l,'-t ilianls lo hit miinrrniie

f n i n J - lor II . . . k:n.l suppoit Ibey have i.ll..idrd him ill hi-11111 .T.1I 1..11 hu.-:i,e>s lor l l ie last titteeu j i n r n , and hopes toin, nt a cot i t i t i i iat ir e ol I bat c^ni ic.u * l» e l n... ( i iiy- t l )


fid , QUAY.

Jus t l' }t l ,l i >he <t t j -os t Jr t e fu r Tun .S/<iwi; ..t,


X K --.'i. l!v I I I . MI V •s. « n i i, M.D., ol ihe U'I I HI TK I I)

Of JdlM, .ill.Il T n'l the " P.'.p le\ ( lo lleallh,," &C.A MuhirH l W,,i k on the N , w S|eeialTriMinent , by Midi,

ci ti", (,ii ly, o| Nt ivoi i- ' , Meniu l , »iid Ph)siea l Dr ln l i t ), Lowi n s ol >p riN , I I II I IL'I— tl ol l , I'm lies-, of SiK bt , Pani lulDr. * m k , U i m t .,1 Ki. .-r*.'\ , and I 'te in- t t l i re Dei hue ; w i l d in..' l i l ' l i . , l i - lor p e i t . i t l . - , M i i t i "l l ||. heal lh l»d vigour , byih- N i w S i - K i i A i . T i i t . A i M K .vT . l l.e W A II M M I Voice( l l > > > p.ip^l 1^ l i lu - t i . i l . ' l w I'b •- ..-t". ai.d t(-%ti i i i r , i i lH N . ( i i v t s

a.lvi .e htnl ml, > ]..iCole by tl . i - u«e ol the New ijcinl i l les ,u i l l , a New Ch.j.lri -11 the 11-ea l . l al.u I K lre lr i t i ly , lor• hei'l l l. ' ot X. IV. .us d. -e.i-es , W i l l , L, I t e l i trull, Pal le l l lr t t l - oI , . ,V , - l . i . ' l l l . « -,— «d. .1 Hell!, ll y. ploVll i i - I I . H I Kl.M.' T U I C I l Y

I.S M'T L l F K ni.d u i l l not * lit.- NerluU- Iv l. ihly . Flee hypo-l lur ton >lran,|.-. Ad.I, ess Dr. II. .-sum, if lluilonCr iMint , Loud, n, W .C.

1.J I OK T A M I'l L'. 'fMliV I'ATlKSTf.—CoNsl'I. f A Lns'-

DllX 1' H V S I C I A . N U l l l l o l' T I' f t .— 1 1 1 . .-S l l l l l M i l l , fur die

bun lit 1,1 ro l i l l t iy p a l l e n t' , • II Ui'i'iv i li i ; i lis e l ip l lul . s ol l l . e

Ca^i s, send his op l l l ii i l l , W i t h u t lv ile and dirL'CtlOUs tor t h e

Uiost t>ucLC £»ful usloialiou to health. ( olo-U





THAIN ' ALTEHATIONS.On Suoilayx die Up Train will leave Waicrforil at 12 noon ,

ami llm Donn Train will li-nvo .Murj linroiiuh at 4.0 p in.On ami after Ihe Id day nf OCTOllIill, 1S72 .

Tlie shortest root.- from \Valurr. . .J nu.f Ki lkenny t.» Dubl lo .Alh lnne . P- i lmnnn, Par.oiutown .on NauaK bt '* rm .M.liyhon.'.

ir/- linprovi:.! cj t i ick Hn<! rhr.iueii < la i l > * bi*twe.-n M.irvl ori.ui!h ami olhel' hlnliomi to Wat*,fur.!, tliracavia Ne« Miltor.l to I HIU .I UO and all Blalionsoa llie Great U'es-Urn railuajof Kn^lanil.

H T A T I O V . l -'M / l lt l , ! * 2 1 H U t a.l iHBTAI 1ON8. C|mfi cb5(i clni> ,(.Ia>i 0|aM_| C|11M

^ ___ A .M. r.M. r.M. I_TM 11. on P.M .I, tn h in h m j li in a m p in

W.\|erfuril...i/iviiir/iirl' 7 15 IS <&\ 4 30 | 12 IIKiliiiaco w 7 Vi Vi «.'.- 4 <l) — 12 13 —Mullinavii t 7 M 1 9 4 5n — \'i '25 —Hnllyhali . ...... 7 M 1 all 5 10 — 12 50 —Ttlnmanlown 8 III 1 Ai 5 25 » 1 /i —Henuelsbrii'Se 8 i5 1 65 5 35 — 1 '.'0 —Kilkenny ...-.arrival 8 111 2 18 0 II — \ *i —

Do departure S 5.1 2 30 6 15 — 1 50 —n.illyra KKrl _.... 0 lf> •.' Jo G 35 — 2 111 —Attan. iBh 9 ..'j — 6 43 — i 1.3 —Abbcjleix 9 flu 3 111 7 0 — 2 :il) —Marj-horo ' nrrirrl 111 10 3 311 7 20 — :l 11 —HU.jboroiuh atp _ «p 1 16 3 4!l 7 37 — 3 44 —P.Turlington Ju.,c "n l!( ( 1 ?;( 3 43 —Dublin arrhal 3 4f. S 35 9 Ao — S 45 —Aihlone Juncli . n arr l 1 4') 6 !ll — —. — —Maiyhorn '...i<r;i down lo 40 7 1 !l 52 — 0 S5 ! —Koscri'ti.U'jn.otistii.Jn 11 7 T Hli I t O 27 — III 27 I —Ro'Cien 11 -14 8 1:1 I — — — —I'.-ireoiistown ». 12 I t 8 'V.I \ — — —I'mlninna « 12 .':!• f) VR | — — —Nennii l l l j 32 !l 1! : — — — —TeiniJrmorc . . f l l 31 H 7 ; I0 .',C .— 111 .',!! —Tl.urlen n r r i i n l l l 47 n .111 I I 15 — I I lit ~


T K A I S I I «> N WIF.I 1IAVH. BI.*n t > A V h

»T »TIO\» ,H M l !*3 l 1 II 4 i I "j &3 I !! iiChi.*. Clan. i:i.i«8. i:lai». Class. Cl»»» .

' A.M. ' A M. i P.M. r.M. f.M, . ' P.M.

I li in '. li 111 ' h m li in a 111 p mTl i urlc i dcpnrlurt — ¦ 7 111 I _ J 3= _ ¦ ¦> 2Temple re. I 7 -J8 I — 2 54 — ' 2'arsm»in.,tn — , 7 .', 11 ¦ _ :] Ir> _ • 2 4JNenn K li I — - IS 30 I — 1 4J — j —Portiimna » ,..! 6 11 ' I VII — I —I'.iraonslown ( — j 1; 4(1 — I 2 5 — ' —Unserr _ ' ; 1:1 I _ 2 4.1 -- I —Maryhoro "\ I...11;, ' _ j< :j| I _ | 3 40 —. 3 24A i b l . n.t J d r . c i i o u ... ,M | i — j S If, I — ~ 1 —Ili i l ihn departure . _ , 1; II I !l 11 ! I II — 8 3ul'.-rt .- i i l in i i tnn Juno -n! — l u l l ' I n '_>:! j 2 43 — 11 UlMnryl.oro '. <irrl...,l,ni _ ; H ::S ' 10 4 . i 3 4 _ '11 52

n o w x T H A i s s j — 1 .'Mtiil jMurylM . ro ' ...tU-purt tire F In 10 .'.n I .1 55 — 1 (IAbl.cylnx , . ; ' !. 11 I I l u ; 4 1.-, _ H .J - .Att'i|>ai:li ' _ 0 15 I I I « I 4 .'III — 4 :i5l lHl lyiai - io- l ! _ !, '...1 i l l 3--> I 40 _ ' I «.-,Ki lLeuny . . . .arr ival , — !' ii 1,2 11 5 .1 — r, Id

Do i t ipurti tn 7 4.i In ¦ f l'J 5 5 1.', — .p. 2(1Rui>n<!t-t 'ri ili!<! 7 .',7 ,lo in 112 17 5 '.'7 _ .'. :!;TIlolIlliMowil ,. S In 111 £1 12 3D 5 45 -• .', 41Ibl l l l l . i ie ,. 8 :i'l ||ll :ii |I2 45 C II — li 0Mtllliiuvul 9 55 ¦[< > 55 ' I I" li 25 — li I tKilniacnw !i M 1 — i 1 25 It X — t inWnter/onl irriral !) 31) 11 '.'(I ! 1 45 ' 7 0 _ 7 II

:,%ole..— l l i i i t l i,'.i,Bh t ickt ia nre issued at oi l tbu Ki lkennyJu ic l ion •lalioush)' lltis tmin . ( * Mail trains) .

Tickers issued |:,f Sing le J.,urn,j are available only for theTr-in bj nliich Ih .y are i>»ue.l .

Firm anil . ecot.d Class lielum Tickets are issuer! between anyt w o Sl Hih i ns available for t In- •¦.nil' ilny ; those is'Ui-d for any.livuncu exc[-ftlinf{ 5ll inile^, will bo aiaihiblu for telurn on llied ay a f i c r the ilmu ,,f l l ie Ticlct: nnd Iho-o iMucd biiwcrn Wa-terfii r.i an.l Slain.n-. to Kilkenny,inclusive, and Maryboroug h, wil lbe avai lable fur return for two dar» alter the dale of tilt) 'l'icket.First an.l Second cl.isi Keiurn Tickets Issued on Saturday aroretutmible on Suiurdiijt , Sunilay, or Monday ; and Iliose issuedoil Sunday are returnable on Sunday or Monday.

Third Clsss ltrlurn Ticieta is>ueil at nil Slaliona bj TblidCUss Ti.iiiis, arailnblc 10 rtturn tho samo day by aoy Trainexct-pl the Mails.

Through Tickets, at low fa res, arc issued at Maryborough anilKi lkenny , via Wmeitoril and Milfonl Hsvrn , 10 anil from Ion-don, Dover , Rcl Hil l , Aldtr-hol . iti-adinK, liasmcslokc. Swin-ilon, Oj fi. iJ , iiirinii i Kliaro , Worcesler , Hereford , Cliellcnhtm,lirlstol , Oloncester , Nc»i«rl . Mcrlhjr , Alw rdare , Cirdiir, Seath ,Swansea, I.lauelly , Carmaitben, and Caiman hen Junction , andNew Milford.

W, W I L L I A M S , Secretary.

WATK H KOIi l ) A X D L I . M K I t I C K RAILWAY .Up Train* fn tm tl 'aterfnrd.; T H A I S * O5 W l k K HAVS. s'l.t

W A T K R t O K I l f" I"*-' '¦> , 4 '" "~

5 I I,* >TTO ,„„„., ia . i : i l i . l 2 1 .v.' I , -.1. ! l .fj 1 ij u n1.1. , 1 1 1 « . Class |CI:i >« Clii .H. l ' :a>> .:i;ias 8 . Class t.'lan

i A.M. |_>. '-i. _A _". _r_Ji. I . !_e. M . I^M^

1 h In I h 111 li in . h 111 - h 111 1 h ill h 111Wairrloid....i'r/'.| r: ii ... II 10 ... I 2 45 | h 311 s ;(oCairiek ¦ 11 -Is ... I I <* ; ... :i a 1 [I is 11 \7>rhuunel I 7 'I' ... 12 20 i ... 3 S'l In 11 10 (I.lunrlion «r/r/ s- (.', .„ I 4 ", ; ... 5 ].", !|2 0 17 I)!>,r, .i l .1 4'i ... 5 35 j ... !l 411 4 so 4 3,1L'I I H K nrr i ru l l I i'l ... ¦ s 1: ... SJ -J -j ;> 2 {1Dublin tlrp ... !) 0 ' II li III - III - 1 0 7 4.', 7 45Cork H n II 411 I — I it 45 III fi in ii.lunction S 1« 12 411 I 1 1.1 | 2 :m I 5 .'16 \\i 15 12 15Liruenek.... «rirlni 11 1 411 I 2 45 j 3 :;i . c 40 I 1 211 1 'JO

Dotril Tra in* tram Limerick:

\ T H « I X* O S lUK I 1 A V H , R 'PTL I M M .H U i > ¦ - 1 3* I 4* 1 5 ¦ li' T7"

inn- .Tr.rutll HH» l !(s l ' U2 ! U v ! I !.!¦ I 12 r 7\ .1

_ ' A.^M. !_*_ >•. I A . M . I , M. | r. M . ¦ r . M . I- .M .

h in h 111 . Ii 'I, | h in I h m "Ti III "ii" "

in/.iiM-nck /-•/. ,; n , u 10 i i I.-, u s.; I i o in i:, HI nJuiicti,.ii..«i/ii'«/ 7 i lii :..'. la ;', I I .',n I .'i in 1^ II u o'.•¦¦• k. J l O 0 ] ! 5-. . 'J 2-', ! ... , » a • -J ¦'> 2 iDublin ; ... j :t pi i I 4 ¦ ¦ 5 X, I !l 411 . 4 3n 4 3ul 'f » i . i x •'¦;• ... | _ 'I ll I ... : I 0 ' 7 45 7 45< -'o» K ,, ; ... ... H II i . . . ; i 45 . 1(1 III III lit. lu l .v l ion ' 7 M ... !'.' .15 ... i .') .1(1 12 IS 13 |J-'- •• f •'¦' ... ! I 4s ... 6 :,n 2 10 2 13< :-irriek \ 9 VI ; ... ¦ '.' I i ... 7 1!5 •.' 55 2 55Wni i -ilopl —urir) 1(1 U i ... '.' 4.1 ... ! K 111 I 3 \:, 3 4J

M n i l T r a im u.arked u i l l i a u ak ler lHk .r i k > N - K l r » l Cla»s Sinij le l i ek- t , l l - , r,.l ; .-crnnd rlo. 11 (Id

Tlnr.l .:o, >:> 0d. Iltturn -I'ir.t CI H SB . •-'!» Bd ; Second do, Ills ( 1T. A I M I W O I I T I I , Srcntary,

WATKKKOltD AXD T l iA M O R E RAIL WAY.Week Itav Trains.

' "> m a in , p m , p in . p in p n. . p m p in p u¦ h m ' I, I.i h MI i h in . I, in I, in h m n m h lu

W' 1, . , 1 « M (i 11 o .12 15 '2 :m ' 4 II 5 311 7 I:, .| 0rum- '.I 15 'I I :io; | If, . :| |5 , 4 Uil 'II (,. 7 4.". a 311

S l t n t l ' i ij Trains.

run, ' - :| * '• 1 - 7 : 8 :>_ • _ « 01 n in p m p in p 11^

j, HI p n i p ni j; in

; h 111 1 b in ; h 111 li ni ii in li 111 . h 111 ' h iiT li~m

W o r d •- 1 - > • 1 a 15 - 1 :aj -j :m i :ri 9 1 ' 1 ;rmiiif ' •¦' i s 1 1 a is l a « ' l n •¦; o . n .in: .. . ;" ; '


M a l l t r a i l l ) • 0*. .V. M A K K H , .Secrtlal,

LOAXS OH m:j ij - :xruitKti •„¦ V K I I K X T U U K STUCK


J. I K K I .A M I II M I .W .U (,'II M I A NV (I'ur tho inn-past: ulR K I 'L A C I N f i t in, IXSTALSIKXTS of llio l iOVEUX..MEXT LOAN anil liO.N'DS Jiilliii | » dm:) arc ]irc|inri.|],until l u i t l i L -r Xutici:, tn Atcfpt LOAXS ON ilORT-( i A ( J K 11OXDS nt li per Cent., payable) upon OnoVcar'ii notice, or for niieh turni ol /e'irs as may bofm.'il ; anil lor ilio Dubi.nturu .Stuck, lmriug tijuiilpriority with lhr ,Mort^.iKU liomls, bearing Interest ttt¦li p(.*r Cent, in porj ictiiiiy.

Thi-y will also nciMrjit LOANS on DKPOSIT,lii .-arin^ Inti- ri-si at -1 J l'K| { CEXT, jiayablu on OnoVisir'.s not icii ; at 1 pur Cum. payable on Six Months'Xutiui.- ; lit :<1 JIUI 1 (.'uiiL , payablu on Three .Months'notice ; and at 3 per Cent., i.nvablo on ono month'snonce.

For tin: Your finlin^ this 2!ltli (if Kept., 1H71 , thuTr.ill'u: Heri'i weir .t:il ,K I H Ss. l hl.—thu Winkingami otln-r Kxpensi'S bein^ Jtl ( i ,d7u I 'U . - il.—leaving al,nUui'i. (,r ir i r»,7-ia I .",.-. IJ il ^ bein^iloublu thu Ainoiintiei |uirei l for llie Inte i i ' .-t i.n Loans', after llm pnyim-ntul' wl i i i li ilirru is , i l u i e r i n e, a tuiisiiluriiljl u surplusfor Diviih - nils to Sliai- i .-I i uhlcrri.

Tln-y w i l l , i vi 'iy l lalf-yi .-ar , fend lo racl. Cn.-dilor aSial i ' iu i - i iL .-hovviii^' llm lu l l pai t ie i i la is aii'l Aniountof tin: sfvora l LU I I I M I I IKI liy thu (,'oinpaiiy.

App liratimiK in In ., addressed tn thu uiiilersiijtieil , utthe, Company '* OHirrs , WaH'i ford Teiiniiius.

( l i v Onh-r) ,W I I J J A M WIM -IA.M.S, Kecrelury. -

Walerford Marrl i , Hh , 1H7^.

lJAU-'J'KN.W J'fJS'l'A IJ J 'J CARDSAll descriptions of Printing on such Cards

£¦<('" 7iV«r"ili'.( n( 'J'IIK WA IKIII OUD X KMS O/'icc.



CA.SSKLI/S OKII - iN TAL CUl-'FKK l a hi 'l ic l iun of Ibu lil lest K'ovMl ^ ol Ea,i Iniha,

I n l l i < - pruee-K of roa^Mu ^ »iid Krir. thi i ^ the full Mri -Mjf lh ut,(lliol" 1 oa 11 if | l . ~. 1 v. - .l , 1, 1. .1.- 1,,,- il eipnil I- i I h e C.ll. e somud. pr.z.-d in O|[ |1- : .N T A L CO U X T K I K S, THE PER .KECl lOX i.l t d l - K K K . l!.- 'o r c l pi ic- 1- . I J.I . p.r lb.C1AS.SKJ.1/.S ( .( JJ 'FKl '.'S arc also f upp licil ut

J 1U.I., Is . , 1- . -M.. 1-. . Ii I ., ,,i, , l 1. . b.l. per lb ., by Ilin-i-eis ilii'oiu'hoiit lielmnl, 111 (.'.uu-,1 LI -, anil »ir-light I'mb.i|;i'8fro m r.lie I .I I I K V to une poiiinl .CASSK1/S (J(JI - 'KKKS l .avu sociiroil thu most

l\,d, --plead l epu l. i l l o l i , ii li- l they, heetl hlitbl yl- ^le • -l ltr , l .«n :l . xt . i. siv. - l y ii-.- .l tbroujh- ul liehunl tur nearlyA O.UAI ; TKI! 01' A CK.VI L'liy .CAHSKlil.'.S IXTl-'KKS , cclcbi-atcd lor ilicir

liia i|'i, , mi; now Mi| phi.'d ul l i t I I K D U C K DDUTV. ( u i ) l U- l U

M ri-i.H. n H I I I I I . I :.S A I . I : r.vCASSKLL , H.MJT1I .t CO., Si) l 'KNCHUKCH .ST.,

L f) X D O N ;$7/j " A>t 'l .So/./ (,1/ (!,i.nrs lli i - uwjh 'iul Ireland.





SPARKLING, REFRESHING, NOURISHING, AXD ECONOMICAL , to bo had of tho i.-riucipa!KoUitors. Obsorvo Trado lliirki , as othor brands >\ro frei[uontly substituted.

Breweries—Edinburgh. Established 1749. Waterford Stores—81, Custom-HouseQuay. Dublin—7, Lower Abbey-street and Sackvillc Place. Belfast—5, Glo'stcr-strect. Cork—Merchant's Quay. Limerick—12, Brunswick-street. Drogheda—30,West-street. London—Belvedere Road, S.E, Liverpool—1, Seel-street.

— - Y US T '" "D I S P L A Y O F N E W

AUTUMN ANDWK respectfully annouueo thu return of our llnyor Irom tho Loading Markets with a largo ami

choice selection of


Supcrfino ClotliH , Pilots , Beaver, WitncyH , Doeskins, Tweeds, Sealskins, 1'olarians , Dogskins, Plain aod1'ringi-il Waterproof Tweeds ; tho ScdnD Cloth for Ladies' Jackets , in all tho new aliodcs.

DRESS DEPARTMENT:Black and Faucy Silka , French Jlerinos , Sateen Cloths, Hepps , .Snrgos, Diagonnle, Plain nnd Fancy

Poplins , Persians, Cords, Arabians , Al pacas , Coburgs, Ac.Also, A L A R G E S T O C K OF

SUPER, CRISP and ABERDEEN WINCEYS , which were contracted for ju January last, and whichwe will offer to our Customers nt old Prices.

SHAWL DEPARTMENTContains Paisley, Reversible, Square and Scarf Sawls , Cloth anil Wool lillln , Handkerchiefs, &c.

DRAPERY DEPARTMENT :Flannels , Calicos , Linens, Ilcssiiins , Tickcns, Sheetings, Towels, Nuj ikins , Tnliie Cloths , &v.

£5}" Jlosia 'j und Ghivef , Tirf , Scurfs, Collars , Vuilrcl lof , ll "l * awl ('"/'•< '" 'jrcul rnrivt y.Wo arc your obedient Servants ,

M. T O W FJ1 & S O N S2 & 3, BROAD STREET.


"W" I L LI A JS/L IR O S B }A f iKNT roll

TJIO MAS lik-KENZIK & SONS, CAMDEX Ql .'AV , CORK.DOL'Ill .K Fir ilUOW I 'LOUdltS , hv Ihe UKST . M A K K I I S ; SU ' I N U :ui.l W I I I J H r , I ' M U J O I I S ,

" () I' A L L S I Z i; S.HOWARD'S IRON HAUKOWS r<n TWO nnd T 1 I U K K 1IAI!HO W.« ; T I I I I K S I I I X O M A C I I I X K S ,

WIXXOWKIIS, I'ONV ti KAILS, C I I A I T and F C I I/ .l-: (.'i r iTKI t r f .

TURN T l' PULPKKS ami SL10KUS ; K I H L 1 ) iinil 1)R I ! , I - ti l l UU B K I l S j J 'ATKX T(J11UKNH; UAKDKN ami LAWN SKATS ; KXTKAX CK mid i'UOLD (i .Vl'HS

1'AlOr CARL'S , &u.UKST 1'KKIIIXG STUFFS, viz. :—Lyman's Canadian Linsncil C':ik<; ; fj j tlon Cike ; M I;K K N Z I K 'S

Stock Feeding Meal ; l'ALM NUT KKK N 'AL - M K A L ; Linserd Meal , Ac.CZr Just arrived , UUADFOUD 'S WASH INT., W l t I X ( i I NT (J , and MANGL1XU MACIIIXKS ,

o F K v io K y s i /. K .11'iU bi; ht ippy to seii 'l Vricwl Culalttyn es nn A i 'j 'l 'v ^t l i 'j n . niiii. fini

^v ii E A T JbtS^S H ° w f N GIDO'V 'IN 'S FABMEBS' miB3STID3


IT will alFO promote the Germination ami Growth of Seed Wheat , ami increase the Produce of tbi; Crutiequal to a chanjri' of Seed.

A XIXi:i 'K.\NY I'ACKKT is sufficient fi.r SIX l ib ' SI IKLS i,l SKK1 ) WHKAT , wh ii- li can bo Dressedand lit In Sow in a Quarter nf nn I [our.

In using it no Lime or lirit.o is rnjuin d ; Ihe pn painlic n of Ihr Si i-d i< ntli-ndi d with liltlc troublo, am]it is easier and drift' for the Drill nt the lime uf Si.wiiif ; tl i Mi any i . i lu r plan.

Testimonials fiom the largest WluM (in.wers in the King dmii , Ina i ii.^ vridunci: In its great powerand efficacy, may ho had of Agents whn are appointed lor every disuiict.


wii i i ix sAl .K AI;F. .\T.S :


CALTIOX—Every Ciiiuinc Packet liears a factirnile of tin. l'ro |n i i l i . i '!- .Signalurc— H KNU V Unw .v,Woburn , Hills—to counterfeit wli iel i is tVlnny.

JVrii i Il .c A -jrir uUmnl jl/ci.:«ii- i . «— " J:tA VX'S I 'AKJIKI I S ' 1 I I I I . N U is the cheapeM and best dressing forS l id W h e a t . Hy t l .r u»e i.f it 1 c.t y is t-'nuit in Wlnnl dlict iial l y prcvenl id , l.ut the under-grounilravages ol I lie Slnjr , IM I I I I , and Win woun , cc-> ii] i!«l<:l y nin i ih i l a l id . Tl.e I €- > t ; j i. t.i. ; ;> '.- in favor of it are now

so numerous thut tearcely buy tiling could he said wliieli would nol be an rrim or r u iM . "

A G I'! N T S :DI-III .IS— S. ll.,y ,I , Dni..-_.i.t . Li , Mnry-rlm

^V. l>ni i t im<. i i i l f c Sr.ii , St. I I.- IIK ll.l!» :;.rAiiT—W. Jji .l .l . ij i ,V l .'n., Uriifpibls'.DI. WM- AT K H K - Mii 'jli l.'ri.'ki rry.Ai :» . \ i i i i —Tin- " (i i i i i r i l inu " Ollico.M.ino— 'I'. .Mnrt in , S idMimn.Wl:xim:|.- Kr. .1. rio Wnuil , Si.tUFiit:in.CI .VV .N K — 1) . Cn.iiiii .

'A i iKXT KIK WATKltroniP , - - - Mr. W I L L I A M I 'OWKIi , Seiilsman, King-strrel

Sl'KClAIi N0T 1GK.


(6Vr.,....,,- (., ir. /.fll i. ' l',').

Mil, O 'H K I L L V lieiss to inform the Xulii l ity,

Gi- i i lry, and I'ublie nf the County and Coiintii' M thai liusinesx is I t K S U M K I ) in (In: nlmvoold eslalilished 1'actiny. A lurfje varii.ty uf C'arringrs .Cars, Croydons, Ac , on haniln , and L\i l i y deM'ri piimiof Carriage , Cats, ie., wil l bo found • i|>iiil lo D u l i l i nor l.iiiKlun l iuii i . .sl:i . if .U5J" liepaiia ilt inu in sniii- rioi- J - ty lu , at Low 1' i io s.


BKfJ to intimate thai Ihi -v have nnw nddvc' tu l ln .-irbuKiuLs s a HUASS d K N C I j . Y.'.'M-

IXO KSTAHLIS1I .M KNT , where Urass Wort;, nfi 'vi ryJcscriptiuu will I KJ nisi and liiiished nil' in Fir»l.rla.'-dsty le, and with as litt lu delay as juwsi liU 1.

M C LKA .N and M CI.V I U S I I also bi-g tn ti - tnli - r theirsincero tliankH fnr tho kind patronage In-Mowed onthem, and hope, by their constant ultention lo busi-uess, tn merit a eniitinimnce ofname.

lf*5" Lewi , Jirasx , Onf b , and It on Works ,3, LITTLE GKOI Ki K'S STltKET, WATKKFOKI )

aud KOSK -INN STHK1X K ILKKNXV.N.II. — Green-house*, Conservatories, and l'ulilic

Building.i Honied on the most improved principle Ij ytho circulation of hot water. (my lO-iiin *

GLENFIELD STARCH,la the onl y kind useil in Her llujeaty 's Lauiidiy.


( i L K K F I K L 1) S T A II C II ,They aro respectfully tolicited to give it

a T u t A I.,And carefull y follow out thu directions printed

on every I'lickage , and i f t l i ia in done,They will my, liko tho Q r.KKX's Laundress,

It is lite f inest March thuy crcr used.If^V' When you nsk for (ji.r.snu.u .STAIH - II , S - V.

that yon ;/c( il , as inferior kinds are often substi-tuted for tho Kiko of extra prolit. Uuwurc ,theiefoic , ofspuriouu Imitations.



CURES Guaranteed of CORNS,l iUNI OSS , VA l.l.Uti l TlKiS , V I I I I J I L A I X S , lUUi:.

(JUI .AU ,n<d iwanowiNG TUV-KAILS ,and all Disorders that prevent the free use of thufeet and limbs, without pain , cutting, or inconveni-ence, by a process known tn, and onl y carried out b.C

Ji ll . J U H El ' ll M U J l l ' J I V,Surgeon Chiniuoilibt mill Auutuinicil I'rulnMir ul lliu r.ilho-lutcy •>> the lluinaii Fnot. Lailies ami Crtith-mwi iittriidnlat llipir own KmiiUiu'i'* by A|i|«'i»'ini'iit , iir at

11, CAT11KIJUAL SQUAKK , A VATKKI - f ) IUJ .$dtr Ti-ktiii.oniiiN Irmn tlie h iiilinif Nuhil i i t , ( .'Irmy, anil

(Jenny, tlir i iui i l inut lli<- L'mli'J kiun' h>ui ,iin>l hililuint- il by I In-most rliiim-til M I..| II-:I I men , whu mvi: pcil i-ct l iheily lu pub-liuli Ihrir Ct'ililiciti'A t.i lii» li mit sucu-n. The I OIL AV I I ar-Irom amount Ins mniirr.nis 'IVjliiiniiiiuls : —

( From the Jti,, l,t- Itev. Dr. O 'JJr ien , Il.C.ll . oflt '<iterfnr<l and j .hmnrr).

Mr. Jupi-pli Murp liv , cliin>|ii«li*t , has .xtr . i i l . i l from my f«-tn.-vi.rnl lunis, witli onl rn-iitin ' tin: sliuhd -x . |, :,in. 1 MiilVriit, h tur «i ivi .nil v. '.'ir.- fnnii tin .-f l-'r.nis :i|.j .li. .1 lu |nirM>imnf liifh clinr:u t. i ';is'.t*. hut withnut SIIIT .-> S . I LIIII

iiuw u-idk n-ilhi'n'iit .-:t-", niul f"'tl quil ir I ' liiii furtuli l i. ; niul ir-¦...iiiiiii.iiil Mr. Murnliy 'ii na'tliml uf i-itriii-linii n< In-inir ninstauwAwfnl. "• 0 'l l i i iK.v, K.C.I1.

(fViim f/i - ii. .Sir Ji 'kn ( I 'IKJ /I , h'.C.II .)Sir J OHN (iotiiii l»vs t« int'irm Mr. Ml.'U'iir tlml his trint-

niriitu f l i i j H. i n hux I H - I :II wntl smi-' A-fNl . iiii.l lli:it In; is nnivrn|ii|,li-l|.|y fliriil nf tin: mm* whiirh li.- lia.l l« .11 H1ll.1i.1- ..-Mr.I . .UN luisiilrii I.I -. -1 I inf.inn.-.l l.y "tlii-r Irii -ncUnf lii." Unit Mr.-Mwii l ' l lT him I R-. II i- .|ii;illy MM«.-sliil. April Jolh , IWK.

(/• •. /. 11-1.J, /•>,., M.i> ., ;. '„../.. .,).Mr. Ml ' l i l 'UV : In r.-ply t" .v "iir kirul ilii |i i iri.> , I ui.i h:i|.|.y t.:

inf..nil y . iu i lu i l tin: twi, mifl l .'i.nw Imvpni- i iri - i l In In- truiilik-wmii- i'wn h:ir.l niitaiiln ]ii<t< , mil; 1111 KU-II Hindi tin', « i r u line-fully triiiU.'il ; niul this murniiii! I '>«' l'i'rf'Ttly rmiifiirtiililr .

J OHN II KLV , 7 Cniuliy 'ri rniri-,I'liliii lin lluiul , , l.nnii.m, S.U'.

(From Will i 'i i i i Cxrmll , /•>/., M . I ) ) .Mr. Jr,si:|.|i M i l i I ' l l Y , l .'l i ir .P ii '«l i- l . has c . |« i~ i l i . l i.n wvi - ni l

lirreuuii wi l l kimwu In inu >y itli wiirl.Kli: H«W. I l»- lu-vii I i imtu Ini u rkilfnl iii'M-tiliiniL-r in liw urt. W. Ciuiiuu., il.U.

il, LaJj-bui', AYuk-rfurd, lf70.


Cu l:K—Tli<mi:iH M 'K i l i z i . - ,V S'.i'.-, mill ."I, I):iw.-,ouMr. .1 , Dill Int .

l) l : .u ; l lMM — I' . ,1. I J i- .-iy .V I 'u., Drnys.'Mi'.K l l . K I . > > \ — I ) . KluiU.uiik , l l r i i ^-ui rl .l'.\l:l...w ¦ I * . M . >t«. .Nir , >'< r« l-n::iM.TI.- A I . I I :- linli. i t » i i l |...|.;,v l.'n., S..I .Slnn.-i.i v l l . L l - .N .N V- 1'. iri. r, l i p- I l l , rr , S.-. « l.- ii|.. ii.i : sMM.. | :l l lV -I', lirviiii , Si,:., Ac.


-MK. IO. HOIJ J.MOXS,Ol dici i in , I' u l c i i l i v '¦( ,S/« ¦• ¦Uu ¦/. .-¦, .l;.in!'/Ur 'i(ivr nj

VV. I .I .-'/'. I .'. ,.' i.7./ .- .--..'

1'.', XAS.SAU 8' 1'ltKK' l ' , D U I i h l X ,AMI

'11 l l E X I i l l i l l I 'l . V l 'K , S' l l l l l H i : l . l i l t A V I \, LI I .MI I I X,l l> Y . : ir- 1'mti - - i nii:i:ly i : - l : il . l i - l | . . | i l l I l l l l i l i l i i ,

BKI i f j to ca i i i iu i i t i n ; l 'u l i l i c against iV- ti.-ci.l II . . - i.. .n: i i . ;i , in, , l i - j . i , .in I I r . ^ l i- i i i . n i - j i t i i n i l

l i l . ii l l . l I V I . I - l i . - MI . l iy - IM I , n l u r h .. l'. ' vi l . i; |, |j

i l i ' l l l , i . . ' l i t : i l In V i - ' . i. . . . r i t l i i . i i - i s l i . i t < - M i'i m i . ly l l l .- i . - l

fnn i i l i i . tr , i. i i 'l i i i i - ' - i l. i . t t i i- ii.nv i i i i m v »*i i y tr. .I MI H

It In u-l l i I.i. 11..! I X . . i:. h.'.- . . - ! . I- N |.| i- l i i L'h- (>.. ihdi ' l i-i . . 111.111

pclihlu " i l M l n l h i r M ii . - M n r i - , v\ hirh hi.- n. - i l l i i-r I'nn ^lri i f^,II | . | .IUV.-. I, I a.- |n.-. .- .. ', . .U. .I mi t in ' ll.h.n.t.i .' i> ih-iu.i l . ! , -

ir .mi I.;-- .iL-i---i r . i T . - in. :h. .1 ..: i. . l . i ;. i in^ l i l . i ->. -> in J > . - l » - c t t v . 1

. i^l i t |:i in . i i l i- r o: n.ii.ii . | . .|. . i I U .J

.-.I t i .ni i- Hi . in i, lu-

q u r u l l y - I ||'|.I I - I -I I ) , a- -tu-li : . i>- :. . l i i i i i i i t . l v - i l l . i t i i l tn p i r-

si-rvi.1 thu ij'i-s I I I I I I I I |I:I :I I .I I tu i x l i r i i n ' nl. l nai". I h . y have

Iwu u-i . l l iv t i n- ii"-i il i - l i n i ! i i il |« i - -un» ami . M n u l n la

ol' ti l l ' l-'ai' ii l lv ul Uu- I\'IM ^.I"I II

U I I SI C C V K .— 1% I--INI -> i- .ni I..' -iii: «-i l l.y I- IH - I IMI'II I! u psn'iIII .¦'pi'Ct.ltlr- , nr nil.: ul ih i - l i la .-M- , il l u hil.-r , sl . it l l li; tinili»l;iuc- (mil. tin; ij.' >'> ') ' •'¦"< ¦''-"> MH - I H print » > t h ll , nmllhu>i- w h o have u-. l rihp i..y..1 *p>rl.u- !. .-. liy l i i i -ntiuliuu thr ira^e unit th- M-ril . i ri n' .-, :u l i t . ('.. i i i i i . i i i iu- .i ' intM frutn W.iti - i -fonl mill lla V11.1111 I .V in l.i- . l i i . i l . . l In M 11 . M ) I . ( ) .M( I .\SK-i i i l i l i . l i inci i t , No. 11) , . \AhSAL.'-^ri'. KKT , i /wi((-uHi'c 4jHal t IJ imr l, with in uuu ..I H A W b O . N - S l l l K K I ,D U U L I N .

&4'~ K.'|iair« nf all ki i . i l - p ini iipt l y altoinhv l to .X K W L V i.N V K N i K D TI :LI :M.:U )' I:S,

Cntuhinin/ pn i lahi l i ty n i l h t:\lr.n .nluiiiry power mid clrar>liens ul V I M I I I I , »vliii:ii .-upir-r i li! cvriy otlu-r kiml lor l'nik.'l , iJ. -cr Stalkiii) .-, Mi i i tH iy , .Sea, mij sil ,purple", l.u'h hy ilay nn.l niuhl , ;md hinm; from 1 incheiiwi l l - l iuw i l i i - l i i i iMly .Inpil i' l 'ii l l lte > , ii-. l'liti.—1U- . liili-.U.!., 1.1-.., til-., -J'l.., It-:

N K W PAY A.N P A.VrUONOMICAL TKLK.SUUI'K ,l'K R'K to COMI'LKi K — Wilb-npiriur a inch acl iruinniicohject i:.'a-> , Iwu lliiprnv. il rye piicrs , hull t {l.i-a , purtn l- lutui-h.1 jninlrd tj taii.l . Tliib i-iti'.i..riliiiury ii i i lruui eut willcli .ail y .-.hnvv thi' iuit>t iinpiir 'iint ht'tvi -uly biidu> , uiiil i-xhibitwith di-tiuciin--i > (hi.' taci* .f.l nn individual , ur ol a cluck ,slu-.-|., i-atll .1, Ac, at iu:.l:y niili-^' ilKtalu-i ' , t-i|U.illiti ^ iu theinu't rh^rutial puinU tnuiu c;!.!;.*e* ua 'jally ^upp llt;d uti;0U oi C"U.

I .M1M S U V I -'. ') pOLll l .K OI'KKA , I SACK , & F I K L UGLASSKS— riiei ; K's. U l ., 15- ., --'I- . ; MIIIIII n- > utc inMZU tl iHl t i . ;y -I 'l' u.In II Walcii I'uckit , y i t riral in eitelltol powi r the l.u|ji-t in u!c ; al-.ii Miciuscupu ot thu giedtcstpower, fitiin .">-. , iil.d»il.l.i lMiutu^r.iplis.

MACKi LAXTKIiNS A . N I ) DISSOLVING VIKWS—('li-nr , bril l iant , hiuip le , though un^ui'p:l^ f-.r cirtct.—Slides i:i |!irat variety — I 'nuuc, Sccuir, Kducutioiul , Il lu.stra -UI .K tallies , Ar. A KUpcrinr Laiitciu and 12 sinks I rum Ti.0i. A l.'aliilnxii " uu upp liiMlinn.

A D . M l l t A L I-TIZUUY'S- IMl 'UOVKD IIAKOMETKI1— AiTiir.iti 'l y lureit 'llin^ the Wr- ather, lundnniiiL'ly louuutcdi:i .M ihnj aiiy, with Tlirruiuim-trr , puce onl y 15.-.

SOLOJKiX 'S NKW MOPKI. I I A U U . M K I 'K i :, price1-S (III . (Vr.ict 'Ihi'i i/ii uiii- li-iv , »t l-i . ll prt- iird.-. .

1M 1'KOVEI ) ACl I US I IU I .NSTKL' M KN 1S fur tilrcineii ii.I i -v . iy il.'j ire t . r iKatn .h- .

CAUTION ! — l u cniiMi i uii iri' uf i i i lnnlous iitlrmpls , it is iirrrsiji v In mil e name and luldirs-, midtn |i,ittiL'iii.ii ly * hi- .ir in niui.l , llu.t .Mil. K. ftOLU.MUN 'SONLY - ii

C4J" Xuuibi-r N I X K I K K N , XASSAL '-STUKET, DUI I-LIN , the Kiituiice FX CLU MVKLY hy thu I I A L L . D O O I I ,—that ho is not ruiwectej tvith any person of sam *. similar ,or other name , mid that h« cuip hiis NO At iKNTS OilT K A V K I - I . K I i S .

' |uih;l-


BJtKKCJI I -OADKI {.S,C K N T I t A L - F I U K Oil Jl'I.V .

BltKKCII I.OADKKS ,Fiom i'ln 10". iipuanls.

BHl'JKCU I.UAD.KKS ,I:, tot Lmiilnii M..t . ., s

SKCOM) I I A N I i .A dMtl'i ptivi! C.I I B I I VU I- ami 1' ii i- e List lurwnnleil nn im'ip

ul 'lhrc.: S'm"|-<-11 , >T K , \ X D,

fO - ljJ 1.UNPON.

rjilll ) H H i l l I ' l M C K OF JIKAT. —tireat ticDiioinyX L'llocliid by tmiiii ?

LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OP MEATg j}" Head carefully the nriiiti:i | ia-itriK-liniis.CAI I ION'.—Xuiii ; yi'iuiiiu; w i i l i n u l llanm Lli:ni i i 's,

tho inventor's, signature, liewaru ul' ull imitationextract (sU-tf)

H O T E L 5M I L P O R D n A V E N .

THE SOUTH WALES HOTEK.,ADJOINING the Terminus of tho South Wales

Kailwny Company at Now Milford, nnd theLanding Stn«o of tho Wnterfonl Royal Mail Tuckets.

Tho I'lililio aro respectfully informed that the abovooxtoii8ivo Kstablishnient is replete with every accom-modation. Colfee, Commercial, nnd Sitting Rooms ;Hilliard nnd Smoking Hootns. Tho Kootna aro lnrgo,lofty, nnd airy, beautifully decorated, olegantly fur-ni.shed, and are otlienviso fitted up with ovory regardto comfort and couveuienco.

This Hotel is (situated on tho banks of tho far-famed Jlilford Haven, uud cummaud (a most e.xten-civu view of Ilor Majesty's Dockyard , nnd of theromantic and picturesque Sceuerv of the neighbour-hood.

Visitors, Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, andFamilies will Jind this Establishment, for situationand comfort , combined with Jlodcralo Chajycs, s-ir-|i,".ssed by no other in the 1'iincipality-

\£2A" Hot, Cold , and Shower llaths.All communications should iio addressed to

0y J. WI1KT?.'OK, Manager.


If you v:anl ei- ivfo rl , 'f.iirc-aicnfo, ctniZ economyT it v T it K


f a' " LUNCHEONS read y at all times. (jyl)


WALTKR ] I AN LUX , riti.niiKTOi t ,BEOS to iiifurin his Commercial friends and tho

jiulihi- "{PiiiM -iill y, that he has just made larjjoadditions and iinprnv i- mi- iiis in his Hotel , anil trustsby strict ntti-i. tiuii lo biisine.1-;- , lo merit that kind pa-tronage which they have hit hrrlo so liberall y bestowed .

The Posri.vii Ksr.iut. isn.MKNT oonducti-d as hereto-fore, anil Omnilmsi -s . as usual , attend all the Trains.

K'ilki -nny, Mar i'h S, 1S7I . [nil i latfj


r B 1111S is a Coril ml and Crmilinta lih: lintel , in whichJL L- ver yllii i i K ''an be had IK til'.1 imiditraic

li- l - l l i : -- .

Cy4i" Ili - . t Dul i l in ami Wexfnni Spir i t s ; also llrnndicaWines, I'uricr , Ah- , ,Vi\ (: . i i ir,-U'.)

(iSj'j " l'ar.< nn I l i r i ' at I hi 1 shortest nutii'i .-.

I) I,' li I , I N .Commercial & Privat e Lodging House

¦IU .M A K I. I ) ! ) ) ! I ) l ! i II N T U K lO T.

i>AI!"l i :S Vis i l ini ' D u i . l i u »n !»' ncr.i imini . ibt f i l ,with or or wiiliiint l!n:ii-.|, and all thi- condoits

ul" :i I I O I I I P , on .MuJi-rati .. TITIII- I . ["2'i- lfJl»s,V Si t i in t i . ,n c- , i:|..s.- I" S:ti.- k v i l l . - -i=lr. -t t.

IJ U I! I. I N .The Europnan Hotel , Bolton Street,

r i V I K KUI i Ol 'KAN is the lar^'.-st, the best situate ,JL and I Iio most comfortable Hotr 1 in the City. Allmodern improvements have lie n recently introduced ,and the cm ire Iluu su papered , painted , and decorated.

Twi'iity Suiti 's of A partments for families. Draw-ing linom.s from 2s. Od. to 5i. tiitliny Rooms on theground Hour frei: of charge.

|£v}"Koup, b'ish, Joints , l-'owl , and Entree in CoffeeRoom and liestaiirant , from Two to Seven o'Clnekrlai lv . Jli 'd , including .Servants, 2s. fid., 2s.and Is. lid.

[ui:il-tij J. - MOI.ONY , l'io|.rii'tor.



A N I N D D . N, rniilaitiing the Anns ofQI JL\- lu-nrlv i-v.-ry r:iiuily in Kp^-hilnl, Iri- l :ui.l , :inil

JEL S V . I I I I I I I . 'Tli.' V . - ult i.f Tl i ir tv Yi-niv * l.:il«iur ,KVjk • xliM.-U.l I' l iM ii ' iiml I' rivuti' lt«iinl i'. I'aiu-

. fc**U \ i li. .- . l . - i p.u.- ..f l. i . . . > vii i -.- t l , . i r i : l l i : . -:T..rl'll . \T l lFrSr^L-lAKMS :ir.- r. i|i:< - t . . l t.i -iml Xiiim- :.ii . l i: . .uiitv . Mr.V jKjJl.'I'I.I.KIiiS li l i l i l l^il i 'Vi.l . i l HiAliy y M < I.. 11n-^ l l . - i .- i l i l i/ , i\ i n:ili!i .1 t < > : i i i- \ \ *>T nil iiu i - l i i . t i - , i-x-ITBL / lil:iinui|.' I-"U' Ann- .-l inii l i l U- IH - I ' I H - l.v tin: l i i : i . l i , f

j r / ¦'¦"¦' finally, - in.I :ill t in - l i i l iVn- nt l.riu.Vln s 11,, i- i-nf—

l i . _-rl l i i - r 1 tn- * .iri 'M- ii.:nl,-i .f r::il. in-y to In- i.l;ttiiloin- ;ii:lii;iKit ,tl i . . l. rr.jH r In ri !<li. ' .:' .i..Hi>- for S. rv;n:l.- l . iv .- r i .>—u- l iat!..- I I M . I :t 1> I how ! l i . '< ' :tm:i:.'" .-l:..u|.| l»- ].:iiutiil , :i ..- 'ii - ,lii, ^I., ¦t in- I I . ! . - . -t I., r s i l ' l i i - i i i i i i i i - t t - : - I'lain Sktt .- l i ol An,,- . ::-.l i.L j l .'o lo i i l i . l i l i t t . . , ~ f ; Al l l i ^ , Cl't'M . ulul I'auiily Motto , li.lil .:. -A i i n s ..f 31 ;¦ u ni:.! « i i . . I.!, i..:..I ti« i-t l i i - r , I'-'..- . ; I l i t tul:ii - ^i- ^i /i-, Miit: i l ih- fur u] ni mi- tu i::ni-; ill u Lihiarv or Hall , XJ:;< '; .-MII '-'I I - fuiit uf Ann' 1 1 ; . I • ..- .- i/ .- i ,'m?.

I ' K D I l i l t K K S T I I . M 'K I I . - - fum-i-l iti(. -riiniti i>ii !IKIV In. olitainil III -W ( i r i int "I Arm.- , t i n - n.-.-t t , l sum , :mtl linn- tn ri. M ori-l'- '- li:iiiu - . WilU .cm !.. .1 , :u:.l i-vt rv kiu.l uf -,'i-ui-;\.lo-i.- .- l l il. | . .rili:ili '.» ol.|;lill.-. l f iom I'. u i - l i U , , , 'nl- .

TIIK M AM.'AI. Ill' UI:1:AI.1I|;V , i.,ur Kiii.- nniiij ;-.,:).- . ii .l ., li- .- l fn-- , l.y T. I :I:I . I . I :|..S.

i# f g&g -y / t R E S T K N C I i A V E D o n SEALS ,

In.- wi th I i . - .-t . Ii-. ; l . ivn-y l i ut t . -n - , .".- . i . . - r i l t . / t i i ; l-j i-.-niviiiM

>i l v. r >\* .-!.-. l' r i- 1 . -"-^- I ' I' 'I' 1-"' l l ; ( I t '"' :l|.'l Mol l . ., his . JU T

.'|..» II - l!".-l: I ' li i l . - . A i 'ii"' , Cri .-t , :ui.| .M o l : . ., i l i - - .. ; i i i t l v l i i , i> l i . . l ,¦J. . ¦ l

':...-l. l".:il. ', II: . . Ann- of M ' i i i 'i i i . 1 W i l ,. l i l i - i i i l i i l t.i>.|.||n-r,

.;;- .*• 1:.-.^ l":i t i - i -r .-* i : i l - i l .L-r:^. . l ui t h i- i i:irtiTly (.'...- i t .- of

Arm!-, I'roiu Li I - ., :i:."l i.l>v..ii.i , iucoi.liii-; I., tl.c-iiuml». i- ot



.- 'KAI.^ , *i : l i i l i " i i y l . i imll i s I- . ; I v ory l la i i- l l i-s ,y< i;.| • .-Tu.N K S I . A I .-S M l v . r luoniit i-i l , f iom Jus. each ;(fuLI) W A I i 'lt SKA1.S, from IJ. . t., I;I 1... rutli.

^ iSr ( ' I ' L L I . 'H- .VS I .EVK1! EMUOSSl.VfiVir. V> I 'l ll i-.-. -il - 1 ., f.- r .Sliimiiiiv I'li lur with

v^ \"X I M -t , Ai l i . . 1, . l .'....:u .- . Any I'I IM.1I i:m u?c

«-, ¦¦:•>¦. j r .- 1 ; ; l i i . i s i i K n . in v-.rii-usi?yiv .» ' O l -olo., .- . M U N l M l l l A M S , l 'l:l>TS ,

«\.\ ¦-- -• T ,\. - . -,.n:.l.l - l..r All . i iui- ; - .-l.c-l- -Hi "

? V» ¦.'•S5«A I :¦;, . „, tl.r I:,!.' I'lilu.' l u t, Slll 'l all'22/ -.-, :'i ,.- i:..viil l . i . i . i l j . .-. s i.. . t.i Tli- i:m-

3 / -V ("M |.. i-- . r . n l l t l i - I ri- m- li lti .v:il |-':uiiilv . amiVi.':V \ Xol. i l i ty i . f I l-.iruv . ."• Hi. i :.- - Tin; Anns

.ir ra A V^&te

.|.Slii-i t-s-i:"lli-."'-' "f HM oi . l :i:..l I anil.ri. lvi- . J l .•'liii-tr-lli-r

M- li . «tv 'i Hi- - i l i i . - l i l - I-'' .-"li r i- t .- - T i n- t ' lf .-l.-" nn.l .Mott.K- s iw.l

i iv l l i i - ' l a i l i 'l. N » i v . i i .- l i - . t- Tli- An..- . S,,|, , ui,.i(•' i i . t - . . f . v . i - .- 11 , .I . .- 1 M nn- i i i i - . i:>^li..t.- - l l i i- ( o r . . i n l s , ami Ar I l i irl- . liaii.iii', an.l Mi- it i- l i (: . .IIIIIII.II-

vr < I - - I . . - . I - i • :.,:.- M LT:. I ...-. - J I S I i . i - t .- -ni-.liiiar.v MI. I I I I -¦.TI


" Tin-.- ran- ami v.-iln:il.l,: ro l lut io i i - . . f I-'smiilj - Cn-.-ts ,i, , - , . l i . . f . . i . Ino -.w. I.. l) i . |.i,l,li.- , an- .-ol.lal 1« . l»-r .-lli'i-l ; ViSh. . t - '." 'Hi.- »Ti..!.- .n . , . f .~ i -v TlKiii .-anil i l i l l .- ir l i t f i i - s t .-i

i ir im.- 'i im. l ir nii- l i i , t-Ji . l!v T. ( • i i . i . i i Ti.N . SI - II I Kii-inivrr

ami lii. ' Sinki r, liy api'i-hitiu. Ml tu lli-r Maji-ily's (iuTariiini-ut,k.: , .1.-. "

^^ OOI.II ) flOLl ) S K i X K T H

'"V SSjS '' I '/r'sTKHS, Sixti-rn Ouillc-ui iwli , nil

^ ^ Is i- .-init Hall niarknl. Tlu» Hall uiarkH tin-only .Miiinintro>r ).urt-' tlnld. Si-ml «Uc of HIIUIT bylining a i.i.T-c- uf tlin-ill , a.u.1 iiiciitiou the lw>»J.f!"»J i;!u.'«i.

V 1SITINO CAKI ' S .—A Gcntleuiii n"* CirJ l'l.ito Ku-Kmv.i l , .ind 5U CirJi prinlnl . 2< . 8.1. P"'t Iroc-

L*ily 's fi.r.U -'I- . Wi- ili l i i i R (.'.PI M , 5D I- BC II lur l.ul y f ml(iuullriuii i , ii'l iMiili 'i—i'J Knvelopw , uiaiJi-u siHiiic |.riiiti '.l

iniiih' , all cimi|.>li., lit". II I. post f"'1"-¦\1O C I l A l i f i E fur Knvrnv in-z DIE ni lh CRKST,ll .Ml)NC )l i l iA .M, or ADDKK SS , if nn !»• «ivenl..r n ftiiiiu -n It >x of Sliitiiinnry, contaiiiillit .1 Ri'Din ul thevrry lii ->t r.ipi- 1 , ."I'l Kirr- Il i inJrtd EhVi-hi|ii» to Match ,all Shin -p- 'il 1'l.iin , Kn-f ii f C'liiir-.--- ; il Smmi ol in Colour,1- . l i l . |.. r lut i Shivls i- i ira—the Die rein.iiiiiii|{ hi're forlutiirr U i i h i - .

01- 1- IC1-: SKALS , 111 KS , KNDOIISIN H STAMPS .li .rMii i i i | i iux Noti-i , l l i lU anil t'lipqurn ; Kit e

llramN l..r .Miirkiiu: U'um! ; Sli-ucil I'liilm for TarkiiiRCii-t;4 ; I l i t l n l'ir .M i ok i i iK- An hilrttural Drf.wiin.-i ; Move-<l.lo Typ« I'nr iliili-n . Door l'latM, I'liRraveil wilh Njuie,12- . i l l . : dit to , with Name and i'rofeiMMi , 2K

M A I I K VUL'H L I X K N . —The most e.i»y Mi'thoil olMark i ng Limn , C'ou^e TOUTN, Ac , ij wi lh CUL-

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N IIIIIP , (.'ii-' t , '.r M0110 71.111 ., in n fov liniir'. Ci'itiliruteIr-ni Dr. Sl i . iulan Mu ^l ' r . i l l :— " StV(.r.i l Ir i i l n wil l ) .Mr.CII H I'I IHI 'H I'- 'I elm-SiiviT l'lati' -, imluci'H mi? to pronr.untrethem i Xfi'll.-ni , 'hi* 1 1 ( l i - t s :>u- iti,ir l.- t-il in .1 jrrp hindculiiiir , .ni.l a l l i - i h'lihim n i lh l i l lu - r PII I IIS > II or SnJ.i , iheyi riii.-uii un.ilui' i"!. — M I K U 1 H A X MI>1 'II AI T . Oillivu olChi iiii^ll), l« ivi>ri:; "', M-iy l.'iih , lttjl." Kn-e br p.iJ-l, nnriwipl ot r-M 'u.i- , » i i h I ' lM ilirrcliiiu- - . Ini t ia ls , 1» . f-.cli ;Nun:!1 "', l i l . : Nam'- ami l i i i l h iU . -l. . t i l ; Si-t ol MiiTcableN U I I I I- I I - , --• l» !- 1" -

¦'• • ; I 'rel . 5-. ; D.iul.lo Cn-st, IU'.

T H O M A S ( M J L L E T O N ,.S'iu( /.'iwmiw rni.' / ¦!> S i , i l , : r In Her Majest y and the

J,-.ii / . i I fii.iu' ;/ , l,y fy eria l /j'j'oi'iifmfiif ,2j, CI!. \Ni;OUl:X->T., LVii. -rnl .ST. Jl AIITIN'S LANK ,

l . U N I I i l N , W.C.Thi! l lrp i l i l icSti i . l io auj I . i i . i . uy upi-n daily. The Uritest

C'. i l i . i i i < . i i <.t Knj rhNli an.l l-'oi-.-l^u llnal.lic Ittmb-i ¦¦¦ tlicKi i iL '. l . - i i i . l'.,-t i) , : i , . - 1 l, , l , . , , |, ,iM l,l, -at Ci. inluii i in- . i r. etI'u-t Ullin- , W.C. I Ins Kl.i < » ol nil Nations , -I SILM-I K , I.MHI -tilnily ill,nun,.:.-].{

$>>•" ( l i i . r - lot auv uf the above will be ieciive.1 ut TUBN!.«• •> di'.i '-, W uni l . - i . l .

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dtli.'.., Km -.—I I I I - !. W'.i 't'iii.r. l . f ium l.'ofi'Fl.i. K , Du lioos<fc l.'.i., I.OIM I OII i - i i i n i a? \"ii»' , nr Wj" 'i ni i ln Lifn Drop-, tho( r. i i u . l y lur N.-i v.iu-li ^s-. , <Vi'.

Dr. l > n linos' t '.Mnp, -ni!. l It. II . I IMI- , for I' .iim in thol.arl: , L'i a » i 'l, i h i u i i i ii t i - ' i i , uui i t , ii,: I' nco l i. ll i l . to 33i

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Li.stun mail , Cljp li iiin ,J. M. I-Mwnnl ", I>q. (.Managing), 02 and 53, Crutched-

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h.iin -stirr't.Cosat'LTiSK A B A L VH T .— Kilwin Lwlifstfr, K<q., M.D. and

H.H.S. (liltc ^iipi-miti'iiilr iit nt llir- (i inftniurnt FondAlusL-tiin at ^uii:h Ktiisiugton ) , 1-8 HcKiz-.* l'Hrlc , II.uop-Ml-llll .

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A I H :IUI ;I:D IMIO -SI'K'JTUS.The inn is I01111 ..I Inr Ibe purpose of nrquiring ami

c.n r)-im: out i-n rtn f \trnih:il » tin: " I'ackol Tea ' busincHinf the Aiulo IndtHii Tc.i Cu.npany, who^p hiritc .'ind mlu^bleculincclioii iixtriulu ni lar back us IS37. In consiiju.'iicf ,h.iwt'vcr , ol l l ic l.irizc nt the wholesale trade of theAi t f l n- lnutan TP;I Ciinipanc , tlipy arc iilnnlutply coir pell^dthnuqli unwil l in g ly, tn di<pi)-< i. .it thirir " l'ju-ket 'IV:i hu-i -ni.-B , as beiii jf iiiL*uui|iHlilili' with their position as uhiiUsateIrail er.'.

Tho i'-ppcial ol.j- 'rt in i- ;nii:£ TP.I direct frnm '',e iv .i n--l:ou«e i n M i i l . d p:.rkt- l - . lu in ?un: i l s rH.-u:hin jr ! - - . 1 1 U ..f

l lu- cuu-uin.r in a \vli..l.-«..iu.; anil pur-- r.,11 ha- ¦> . Iv.'- i v

p.uket wi l l l- i'ar 111. - f...--- iu. l l . ' ol l l . c i- i ^l i - i M i ri . ..I i l l - :i .. '> - .

Tin- A ii;sl» I i i ' l i - ' U T.- .i ( V i i . p i' iy l - . -n . ir su M:.-I I-U ,:.,

Ihr pri . l i iii l ihf n t i inr i ! or l ln- p . i i . n i ..I , 1 . - , .;-,:,. - . . . . .

ilirreed tu i iu a r a n li i : t h e pH ju u u: ui > l ;v i l .- i . - l ul V i ( ¦ i-

Ci'l l l . , for tin- f'n >l, nn I h e p.u.l 1.J 1 cal- . l . i l y^ p.-l . . . .

mint , dated 2Ut day ut A IIXI M , 1B7'-'.Tlie nuiueruMs ai:fiit« , uti .jilwih , pl.nit , nnd a i:nii-:.i- :.:Ve

quantity of fits t-L-hi.-s T.-H.I hi,rr bi. -n a-q.iir n i b;. tlunAs.-ociillirin upon ixcivdiu ^l y n- lv- .n * :.^- i.iis t. t in- .

The buiim-rs Ihus n-cunil is lu.l oui ;. :u p.-rl.ct w- r k i l ic ,hut rxivu> ive i inlriH are nnw i-f-n ^ t- \ . t'ii:L-.l . Tin.- histi l iTidHid IMII I by the A I I I ; I O - I I I ,I I I . I I IV., C'.niipauy, K :U at thel.iti ! ot 10 prr t't'lit. pi-r anl i l i tn , his:.!.- ratr> iiu- l o i w u i d tnnext yi'.il'.H aiTimnt- ; Miin u| 1.1 ,iti <-x!ra divdctirl uf 'JOp-r tviit . , and tin- D ir i c l i i iM. f l l rs A-uci i l i i i i i aut iL - this aim.lint will l-u ion-idp:..!ii y iuL'i-i.i-.r-J hv l lt i lh. rdrvr loping l i t ' - spi- ii .il tr.i . l i - by n ds i i n c t ni I:;*.I .:

X it-ou .Tin- Tea Tir.di- is utiir ul th.. m.»t I t i c ia t iv . .* .nut important

in the i.r i l ish )-liii |>ii ' i- . I:i til the ti iiine c- 11-11111pn-.11 nuiuliiiled tu h-V--'17,-JiJU Ih.'., vvhih : 111 li*71 1 I ;I|,IJ (H IIJ

IJ' .H) His. wore ci.iounml , lifiiij ; ail inciu- iMj ul alijtit l'j ,-p.-r rent , prr ani i i i in .

The Teas fuld l.y tin: An ^-lo-Iiul:nn T.M f.' inip.iny hr.ver.b'aiiiid a 11 it;li rt-j .n::ilnm and an- li:ut-h in tav.n with tin:pill .In- . Tin: lndii .11 anil ( Iriu TP.I A»- c a l i o n «i'l |M «etl . . - iniMii !. ot prortiKii i ; the > U I I I I .. cl.iss ut T< a , an.l r>Ei:i-f-l iu l i i i M will Loiioli: t y S :ITII I ^ the l.u^e prt-lis u^inil j inter-r. pti-d hy rituih - is , as a ciii^:di.riib!e icducliuii wil l he u»ideon tho:r oldii - .

Tin- DiiPL 'tura linvi ; coi:s»ntpil In th f ir nlnunernlion boiiiupaitly coutin fc'i-iit lip iin Ihe it-atisntiuit of :i dividend ol 1IJpi-r cent, per annum upnn tin: paij-up cupital ot thuCoinpuui .

The special adtantnit ps I.IT. rnl In the sliarrhnMm are ,in the lir>t iust^iin- , that 1,1 i-iubling tbeiii lu ubtdiu I'mu'I ra at :i ini i i t l i i t l l i . Li.ttt.

Srcimilly, that l l ie pr.ifils up to 111 per ipul. will he paid.'iDMl.lUy II .S a divid. u-1 upon tbe cap ital invented.

'Unruly, that the rnnainiiu piufi:, upon the whole olll ie Tin suld by the A.ssuciatiuti will be divided iu theli.rowiuir in- itr i:r : —

f ll ie - lbi id us a I.,111,1 t.i Ihe bhail 'huldtis.I l l l i ' -M ll rd to ill ,: : i- l l l l - i f the Cullipanv . li n.ltli ie-thiid tu n res.- ive fnu.l uf the Asanciation.In oidrr to sreure. the influence uf 11 Urne HUI I i iuinctoti.s

piuprielaiy , the auit.'Uiit i.f llie sh-ires has been itiiiih: small.I h e p.iyiiulit ul 11 w i l l purchase a shaic, and the hul-Jcru i i l It- rxpinpl all I ti r 1 In r hiihilily.

^Imu'.d no iilli iMiiH 'i. l l.c iimdi: the diposil will bu riturnrilin lul '.

T ie contincls mlircil iutu 'Jnd anil 21st August , lsT'J,l.ctw eon the Al i t lk- t i id ia i t Tt-a C'unip.iity (Luniti-il) ;.n.lJohn M. K-lwarii ^ , uu b. hall ul tbi. Asiocialiou: 3()thAumiit, 1«72, lielu'i-i'ii this AsMici alion a.iil .Mr. -lol in M.Ivlwards 1.11U Mr. 11. I f u i l u i i , can be seen citbtr ut Iliojllii-i: uf the suliril. r ur ul)iL-i.s 01 the Assneialijn.

Founs uf app i Crtliotl lur slimes, prnfepecttlsr? , Rl,d nitfnrlhi- r itifuiii ialiuu inuy be ohtniutd of llie l lnuke iH ',Snlii:itcr , ur ut Iht oll'tos ul the I'oinuany, 12 und 5.'!,Criitcli id - friii i - , M uk, L-i u.luii , K.C. InM- 3in


SI I A ICi: , •""( ELKCTRO -1'I.ATE.Tn tin- I j r r . us ami Ituvw. FAJ I I L T , .VC.

Ilr f p.rial Ali|iuiiitni. r.t to His linral ll«ln.,- ..s l'i in..-.- .,f Wnl.v1'Hl/iK MKDALS— LIIMM .N, DLIILIN , A N D I'.MIIS .

WATCH KS . CLOCKSOf all *'iii-/-«, "I - to -00 J Of all kimln, at 2 to 1000

(tu ineas . j Guineas.l,fv. r, Vi- itii -n l , ! Church , Turret ,Iliirizulit 'il , Dli p'oj , j I 'urri.ig p , Cllluie ,Utir '.nuiii.'iiT , L'l.ii.n. '^ia-jh ,; l>i uiii r'-ruoiu tin ! Drawing-Koyhss , Crliln- SBLMIIJ. , . mum, Hal! , - • .ReiiiMtcr s , Iudian , Ac. : LiOr ai t , llrail - -. ' , .. - .

l iOLI) . IKWKLl .Kr .Y, > I I . V K '.: ASH i: !.Ki 'T:;t)Tlie Latent Fashions. I I 'LATK .f t -Vnii . . , . -- -i. .

Mr.-if. leK , Itrnralu'M, I ll.i rS.iiT,- ,l-'ir-iiiiKs, l.nck.-ls, j 'l*ci i:.l !.i -..l;'.i-: •-.¦ v i. ,Ni 'iklaci-s , Cbaiii", ] r. u.'i-. , l t . i -koi« ,Kin)!- , MiuU , 1 l i . k - r .int. , l .'lar. ' .1I'll is , CMSSI- , &r , I ."•;,.. 11- , Fin li- , .!¦ .l l l ns t l i i l n l C i l a l uf u c- o f U'alrl - . ( .' ¦ ck- , .1. ...

post Ireo lur I iv.i s tJ inp s . Wale . . . -. L'.u K- , J t ^ . .. < ¦•;., n. ,ll'latu S-L- II I tu all pt t t i of tho iv,.r..i . .*? . . \ . r ;n..i i-...^ Cal-jli cu • po-t free , 2,1.

•d/ Wiitcbi-.s n-paire.1 l.y skil ' c.l w. irknnn. OI.I silver ,JewelUr)*, Watchu', ccc, t'-U'htitigi-d. r.leubaiil .i, blnppi-rsand Clubs supp lied.


a^'.l-l'lit) . L 0 N 1) O X . (cow•VTEHVOUS DK 1J1LITY, ami ,ill NKRVUL ' SJ.1 AFFECTIONS, wbethor llie n«ult ul pjrly irrura urotherwise , are by very simple ami ineiprnsive nieiuis quickl ycured in both trance nn.l ttertnauy. The Ai lvvrtnier ii rrsi-dent iu thii country, w i l l In: happy to .srml tiro tu .ill app li-cants lull particulars ut* l l ie tnude ol treatment then' .-tdoptrd ,on receipt of u directed ei.vclui.i- . All p.-rMHi. may euro Ilium.selves , ^nrf thus not mil the risk nt bumf victimised. A'lJrrssMom. A. D DV AI., 13 , Niwiiiarki- l-slri-et HirmiinbHin.

1IKALTI1 A N D M A N L Y V1UOII. —A Mnlicol man i fSO yPiirs ' eiperipncp in the treatment of N K U V O U S DK-1I1L1TV , tspcriDBtorrbu: and other alTectionH which are oftenacquired iu enrly life , ami unfi t lutferers tor marriage Andother social duties , has nnblitthed a lJook f; irinir the fullbeuerit of bis lung tipenence Kmti ^, with plain directionslor the recovery ut* lUallli nnd Strength. A kinxle copyBvut tj nuy nddreKi un r «.j.?t uf Oue Stamp. Addresa to tbeSucretnrv, Insiituto of Anatomy Birmingham fil- lvl

'¦yf. . ——-*V~-T yr**^

THE j ffl^s^p and



nine-ore tlinuks for tho support ho has receivedduring tho last Ifj years. Ho now begs to inform thoPublic that ho him got .1 Lnrgo Suply of ChimneyPieces, Head Stones, li rnvo StoiiCB , and Monuments ;Grates and Kitchen Ranges ; also, a Large Stock ofCut Stotio for Building purposes.

His Stock-in-Trndu is rained st abont £3,000, andwill pell on the most reasonable TermB. »22-ly


Letting of the Tolls of Fiddown Bridge.f|""|HB Directors of tho aboyo Company aro prepared

I to consider TENDERS for Letting the TOLLSol tho nbovo Bridge, cither by tho Yoar or otherwise ,as may bo ngrced on. Thu llridgs is iu cxcolli-ntorder, nnd is CI I -MO to tl:« l-'iihhinn Station , on iln:Witterford and Limerick Railway , thero spniniin^ ;:.;liiv t- r Suir, nud i-oumx-tiii"; tho important Agric;i!:iinil District urouud 1'iliown , Bessboroug h, ,tc-., i . . •. .County Kilkenny side, with Portlnw , Curriiu!. .:«and surrounding district , iu tho Countv W ati: : . . .':.

Tenders , marked " Tender for Fiddowti '. '.; ¦. ': ¦<¦ 'will bo received by the undersigued (from \v!;o::. .'urtber information may bo had).—lly order,

J. F. MCOLL, .-iicr^t.rr.Head Offices, Wateriord Torminua, \t ij i . '

Page 2: · IlIK AVATKMFORD NEWS isiiiinsntD 1SV7. (Aldimmu IIEIIMOXIS Proprietor.) I.AKC.K T


OF HOUSES, TRAVELLING MACHINES , &c.will take place at LAI;KE.VCEDO»I»'.N'B Veterinary

Establishment, BERESFOKD STHEKT, Watcrford,On MONDAY, Gtu JAN., ut 1 o'Clock.

THOMAS WALSH & SOX , Auctioneers.


F A R M F O R S A LE ;AUCTION of the Truant' s Interest in a farm 0/about

121 -4crcs, Jfay, Straw , Turnips , Manure, J'e-

TO ]3E SOLD HY AUCTION , on tho Promisesou WEDNESDAY , tho 8lh January, 1S73, at

Twelvo o'Clock (by permission), if not prey ouslySold by 1'rivato Coutract , as the Tenant is removingto % larger Farm, an K.tcollout FA KM situate atHOUSELAND, near FKTUAttU, Co. Woifort), con.taiuing about 121 Acres, at tho Annual Kent of W-2iG$. -kl. '1'liore is ft capital Two-storied SlatedDWELLING-HOUSE, with spacious Out-offlcDB (notrequiring n, shilling outlay) on tho Lands, which urowoll Fenced and Watered, and within easy accoss ofWaterford. Thero aro also Four Workmen's Houseson tho Farm. Immediate Possession will bo given,

(535" At samo time will bo SOLD, » quantity ofHAY, STKAW, TUKXU'd , MA.NUK K, &c.

For further information app ly toJOHN HOIHNSOS , Homeland, I''othnril , orTHOMAS WALSH .t SON, Auctiooeoi-s.

Tho Mall, Waterford , Dec. 27, Io7:i il27-2t




TO HE SOLI) by PU11L1C AUCTION , on TUES-DAY, the 7th J A N U A U Y , 137.3, at 1:2 o'Cluek ,

Noon , at tho Dwelling House on iho Lands of I.A K A H ,latel y iu tho possession of .Mr. lVmcK WAI .SU , 1'artof suiil LANDS of LAl tA l I , containing 1-IS A . an. lor.statute measure, he'll (with another part of saidLauds, iu possession of Mr. ill CA.N .V, uuiuuiuiug 1-J DA .i!u. SUi 1. statute measure) under a Lease, dated liOthA pril , 1S02, from lij th .March, 1S02 , for the life of oneMr . i i ic i iAi iu WALSH , (who is still alive) and lil yearstu commence from the 2Uih September or tho 2itli.Maieli--whichever should next happen alter tlie lie-L'ease of iho said JilcH.iuii WAI .SI I , at the yearly rentfor both of said parts of .Ui^U late currency , cijuiva-Icut to £2C3 Is. bid. ]iresem currency .

Tlio i«a-t noiv to bu sold (1-13.1. DJI . lui' .) lias beenfor many years in iho separate enjoyment of saidPA T K K K W AI .SU nud his late Father, M AXCIIKWWA LMI , and tho ulher part of said lands (11D.\ . 2li.'Mv,) are in like separate possession of said Mr.JKCA NX and his predecessor in title. The part to botold now contributes one nioiely of taid rent , withrout charge, both amouuliug to ,U 1OU '¦is. (id. a year,besides JL'^ti 12s. Jd. a year for iho " IJrickey Drain-age"

Tho other part not for Sale (M CCAN .N 'S) contributedtho other moiety of Kiiil rent, with rent charge,both amounting to .L'Hili ,is. Od. a year, besides j tlS(is. 3d. for tho '• J lrickuy Drainage."

The Poor luw Yali iat i<>u <if U10 part for &1I0 is£'SS (is. (Al., ntu l of .Vi. .MiL'.vx .v 's part , 11)1. Thelands are guuil grazing lands, are nearly all iu pas-ture. Plenty ul Water for Cattle at all Seasons.

Thero is a first-class two-storey Slated DVVKLI.IMJ1IOI.SK, and extensive On-OrHiKS, viz., one storeySlated Boiler , Hen , Pig (2), Cattle, Dairy, Stabling(six llorseaj , ami tivo-styrey Sl.itcd JJurii for Cornand Potatoes, with Thatched Turf and cateusiveCattle Sheds.

The House is in Drst-clnsi condition. Charm ingextcusivc view, well sheltered, and tho (J roundsOrnamentall y l'laued , tastefull y laid out , and adjoinsa first-class high-road , distant four miles from thoSeaport towu of Duiignrvau. l"it for tlio immediatoreception of u gentleman and his family. All reutwill 60 paid up loU'J lh .September, 167-. Immediatepossession can be given on cumph'iiuu of Purchase.

N ICHOLAS WHAM , the Caretaker, will show ihopremises.

For further funiculars , as to t i t le , conditions oftaie, &a ,, app ly to

PK11JSE K1.U.V, .Solicitor for Vendor,02U.31] 2 Little lieorgo's street , Waterford.



J. PENDEK , baviug received instruc-tions from the lk-preseniatives of thelate JOHN M L K I I I V , EHI will Sell byrLBLIC AUCTION ,

0,1 JlOADA l' oii i , l;»i. .YWth .h,

rii 11 K EXTiiiK ri:i:Nrn.iiK ..r_L SEVEN )ll)i ;si-:s , sii WELLlXt i .

TON JtOW , ilCKMOKr.'.

The FL K X I T I I IK is of the most sulj .-lan.tial kind , and iu good preservation , consistingchielly of eight mahogany Dining Tables ;

Chairs in llair.Cloth , with Loungers andSolas to match ; three .Sideboards ami Chef-lcuirrs ; Hook-cases ; falling-leal , Card , anden lier fancy Tables ; Carpets ;u,d lings ; Win.di.iv Hang ing..-, Minds, Femli .-iv , ami Htcels ;

I!) . ! I I. IHIMS -:S7 Freucli , Albert , and Kli plioU-^ leada ; 'M very ^upeiiur Feather \U*\H ;"!-<• , lii ilster.-!, l'fllow.-- , lilanket!) , yii i l i *-,L'.iu:.:erpatics , Sheets , Ac. Seven llaiiMat l i i J-ies ; Muhoyany and DeiM.'he.sts o(Drawers ; \Vardrotj«-;« , Dresh-iu^Table:-", Jl.ii inStands and Ware, Toili-t (Masses , liiddets ,Cane Chair.-*, 'J'owel Airers , Ac.

The KnciiK N s ar.d I'A N T U I K S aro fully fur.nit liccl.

As all must be Sold in two day s, the Satowil l commence al Eleven o'Clock , sharp, eachday.

.IOIIN I 'KXDKK , Auctioneer.

FUEL FUND FOR THE POORrj iHK -MAY Oi; HI- ' W A T K I M n i . 'l ) , a* TieasurorJL to th is Fund , has t in- ploa-mi-u of acknowled gingthe following additional .Su>'?cripti<u>v :—llifsrs. Sti'J ili ' .'ii.-on , llros. l'airliriiok ... ili fl 0Cujit. P. P. Bitman , i.\' ., l!t-l:noiit ... 1 0 0Joseph Ouhliyn , Iicorillu ... ... ] 0 0

£S5" Tho Suli.-xription List lies at the Mayor 'sOllii .'i 1, whfru contributions will bo r(.'Ceivcd amiacknowled ged iu due cou rse. Sub-eribi.TS who havenot done EO no reijuostcl to send iu the amount oftheir subscriptions at once

JAMES SCOTT, Maynr , Treasurer.E D W A H I ) S. KK.N N K Y , Secretary .



f l Vi HK LET, and linup. diatr Pussi.-ssii.n ( l ive n ,X. tho beautifull y situated House , OlliccM , and

J.aml, containing jicariy .VI Acre.*, l i t e l y held In- J Jr.(J fiM.AN , decea'id. Tim House cm mils fmu vinwRof Lismore Castle , anil I he Yalli -y of the Jlluckwati - r ,nnd is situate u-iihiii h.-ill a mile i<l ' the Town ul Li.--iuore, fo which n llaihvay is i.o>v opun l'nnii Fi-rmuy,ciiiiiiectiiiL ' it with Dublin , • .'mk , and olhi-r parts dfIreland. Tlio I' uro iveli Kuilt il to a i'uuiil y ofrefipuctability, and will l;« put in thoroug h re,.air furtho Tenant.

Proposals wi l i bo receive! bv F. K. Ci i:»i:y , K.-i|.,Liemore Castlo, l.ismorr .

TO BE LET,Ql'ltlXC FAHM COTTACK , T l i AMOKK , whic hlO has Stable and Cuuch-housn attaelu-d , :> i i i ( (.'n'jt l-siiscd Kitchen Oanlen. The llou»e cin.tiuii- SevenJtiMl-room*, Drawiug-iooms , Kitchen , Parlour , aniltwo l'iiii ti'in>, :ill fully furnish'-d.(ci iy -l f ) A pply t» -Mr. P. F I .K M I N I ;, Tr.i'ii i'ir.

SITUATION WANTED.BY a rrt: :pr:rlablo 'I'out;:.' \V(jtnan , :is COOK and

LAl .'NDKK.S S, or f .Oim and H A I K Y . M A l l l .Cm b« well rccommouifi il. A'lilress " U.S.," Xu. 1",Georgc's-street , Waterfurd. " II'

'10 IIK (J IVEX A WAV !A N i « Mfilicstl Woik 1.u M - . i i i i i ^, -, ti n- c.m-c .,11.1 1 ure ol

l i r r i iM l i ir ^ ilt frline in ii.iin , .\--iv.,us iJrt - i li ty , liii{i < itcnt-y*'¦., «¦» •• l !uli-s li.r r»iiii,vi:, k- IV H HUI ll; ->|U ;dllic.iliiniH thai

d .> - i> ,y ih'.- liii|i|ii!ii -i>- ' iil U'. llf.l Lui-. iit

I ^ V K H Y -MAX lli.S OWN L>O (JTOJt,JLJ r - . r 'i ixi .SI .-IIII |H iiiil'-irM 1n.1v nvi y i- 1 i i ,,- iiiiiii riuu-iiiii;ni . '- 'i i- *h'i M-II>I tiiMr \M \* 'W r < i t l n n u'< |mlili>li t r Mi -10' .Mii l « *liic« lli>-y wr i t e tl irii '.iu- l\i-, tic!il'.nu> i . v i . w , (mmiui :1!ii' ,i i i J i i i irn i!-,|.iofi- .-s Iu vine I1IMM>I"< I\ I | 1| lu - l tu uMi .l iii . .>tr-i <l ul MeUiciuo , ati 'l otl.vr ahiurditi» as ami us theytrcdcLi- i itive.

A |/lM>'ri<H, 'J.iyi-ars i-tli'ii'ivi Irene IBUI ill ll'i-tn- iitincutnr Uftu 'nt) Hii t l ih»- VHtiuu s in i- nidl .mil n>-i\iji u Hl U-c tiiti i4 reiiilluix l l i i r i l cn i i i , will M'lnl Iui'. MI no-i ;.t of 'I'm) IVunySlumps 'n prf |i»y )po-(.iat- , :l | > I I I I |<I I I I 'I •cint i iir.ln s; liis liisli.'yiuccfti!*tiil it'i-l I'Dl y rnlr licatmrut , w i t h nil I I IL* nrci->i»iyprwrri p'i""' »i»l il irrcliMiu hy whicl i sullrrers 1n.1v run'lli tnisrl v t-H »l t pifl 'li '.r ci'.l. A(l ilre>H M r . LA W K S , Mellirn lI'II I I IM H- I , I I Ilai i.l Cnurt . IliJhoiii , ] .nw\i>i> .

HOLLOWAV 'S 1'II .US.—The chicfcsl wou'ltr lun> ».— lli 'i uioiinpainlil x mtilicii 'K ilicre.iirj IliaaiipeliU , rlreiKllii 'iiii the stmuicli , rlrau-rs the liver , correctsuilioa«iie»» , pievi ii ia flituliMicy, pur{n r-< [lie i-jhtnn , inti>i,-M n |1>R lier«i'», mJ ri-iiixtul. K MHIIII I lieullli . Thf rnor.mou< demanil f-.r these l'dls throughuut the globe a>.toiii»lic 3ettrybody, sod 11 ningle tri;»l cunviucri tlie moit srepticnlthat no mrOicine «iu»li Holluway 'i l'ilu in \t« alnlity trreui»v» All ruinpUmta inci>l>'ul«l lo tho tiuinaii rice. I tierare * ble»Binit to the qlllicteJ , anil • btwn to all tli»t latwntUII .I IT inle111.1 l nr 1 ilcuul ili^ntp. Purification of tlie blond,rum ?«l "full p-MmiM limn tin1 »ecretivu orjtaru, and gentle»|ii-ra !i\i ' nriimi , Hiir tha prolific »ouicc» o( tUe eitemivecurative range ol Hulluway 's i'illf.



This Establishment having undergono a thoroughromoc!e|liu£, ivill DOIT bo found repleto with overyarticlo conuoctcd with tho praotico of Mcdicino. Itwill bo tho object of tho Proprietors , by scrupulouseuro is the selecfion and proparatioti of nil theirarticles, to ronintain a character for tho 6upply ofHcdiciuos, in tho purity and efficacy of which perfectrelianco may bo placed , our constant aim boing in allcases to supply tho finest possible quality of Medicinesat s tr ic t ly ninilmtfc charges.

Tin: Couroi ;.vi>iN(; DWAUTMKST for PhysiciansandSurgeons' Prescri ptions will obtain our pursonal careand atlcutioii ; it will bo a princip le in this Establish-ment, in older to oasuro accuracy, never to committhia important trust into tlm hands of inexperiencedor incompetent persons. As tho cflioacy of n pro-scription BO entirely deponds on the pari ty of tho in-gredients employed , our Drugs and Chemicals, &:.,will bo procured ouly from Houses of ktiown reputa-tion. For tho Convenience ol families residing inTramorc and Duiimore, wo shall havo our M«:diciooadelivered free of charge. App lication of Lccc) iC3, amievery office within tho'provinco of au ApothecaryBkilfull y and promptl y attended to.

THK JJ FT IAII . D KI 'AUT MK .ST is supplied with ovoryDrug, Chemical imd .Mrdiciiial preparation in generaluse ; also, with lavement Instrumonts. StomachPumps and Jfreasl I'unips, Feedinp Jlottles, itc, ontho newest and most approved princip les j Trusses,Elastic Stockings , Ac.

A 1.1. 1'ATKXT M K I U C I X C S of repute ; l'urfunio. f audToilet Ui'i |uisites b_v various Makers. Orders by postpromptly attended "to.


MAISON DE JEUNESSE,lo K A S S A U S T K E E T , D U B L NPatronised by Her Excellency tho Countess SI'K.VCEII ,

Tho Xobilily and (ieutry of Ireland.

MKS. CAHUOLIi begs to aunouueo her returnfro m l'A IUS and IMS DOS with o largo a3-

tortment of XEW GOODS, suitable for tho comingseason , in

LADIES' and CH If .Ul tEXS ' OUTFITTING ,Especially Children 's Dresses and M I L I .I N K K Y , ofwhich .she solicits an inspection.

I N F A N T 'S L VK AVKTIK S , from £15 ; W KIII I I .VII audI N D I A N OITHI.S from X- 0. I/ists post freo.

Mrs. C. directs special attention to hor Stock ofChildren's DUKSSKS aud Mll.uxi:uv (nftur the latestParisian Fashions) suitable forCmt i siMAS and Blum-llAVl ' l'KSKXTa.OUTF1TT1NC and HA IIY.LIXE.V WAKKIIOUSE

30 NASSA U .iritKKT, 1) 1!HUN. [d l :i.3m


Xiy taubcr 'JtUt, 1S72.H E N R Y A U D L E Y & CO.

WU1LK returning their sincere and gratefulacknowledgments to tlio public for tho

extensive Patronage hitherto bestowed uponthem , beg to acquaint their kind patrons thatthey havo added to their Stock, n all Depart*incuts, t 0 M 1' It 1 s I s 0 :GitocKiUEs :unl OILS, 1'F.KFUMKUY.


CANVAS, &C.which they can confidentl y recommend.

X.I).—SOI.K A iiKNTS iu Waterfoi'd for I'KACUCK

and U C CHAN 'S 1'ATKXT PA1XTS.tS/ff i Orders executed with accuracy and des-



H:i* i-sii . -.l A SKI * U A S C I: l'oi.tcu.s It. t '.it- nuc-i nil ufTWIONTV -O-Vr ; Mn.l.lO.VS STKUI -IXI J .

Tlii>t cniil l» i i * im>s lui> l i.- i in I'liui'.neil l.y ilurct Iran..ic l i i ' ti wi t ' i inthvi.hial ipriul ei . , nu ;uu;il (;;ui> ;iti.j ii l iuvii, ^la-en iiKi'lt" wil l i SI I I V nt l i i - i I ' .l-o 1.


SKC'UIUTY OK TII K HH 'U K S T Ol t D KKis maiutitititd by ;ii' As ;ur.iicc Kj'- .l ulncli is uiKqintni'il by

lW. <'• H I I J - mlier Or.i.-j in lliu cuenlry.AfCl Alf lATKO Kt.Mi.S Lo JM .'JSSAssiii I.NCO 'IK , ui!J,7o:J

'I HK KKPOUT Mil . 1S71Xoir IIKI.VI- I?s<.'f7U,

s'iii\v< the S- ' > t i > '"' *i i -A. i i l \ - l icit- :'si'nt iii pro<p<*ril y.X K W I 'ui.iciK s W I-: I :K KI- 'FKC KIJ ton ii ,ia i^<j :

( in 1'ici •¦¦'-'' • * Ll '-'-ViTT mi X I n - |M *• .*iii \i> . \ I -M I .T H K A H I M T i u X I'll l 'L:-M)> WAS Jjj iiL .171

I 'flu- :..:jt-- 'i M I ni.i'Jf in -n>y \v:ir] ,Theip is iipj .rinlMi iu lite l» < ('..r , 1 lie K I- V K N C K Acccm

avul II A I .A M- K SntLT , us ili'i>u:ihi! wnli tlm U O A U U otI KAI 'K.

iiCJii o'i Of f i ce—Xi - . !' Ii i .w Ki i SA C K V I L L U ST., I I C I I I IX .J . K . I 'TUSKI! , I.t'» iilL'iil Stcretary.

Ai i . s.vj> :II t i terf t inl — M K A M I M AN , II I I O T I I I :I :S. Mrrcliaiil * , O.u:iy.

,. T. I 1. A i K l N - . M; lll :i|t i-r 11.11,k I.I In l . l l l l l .Ji i ij i i / i irvan—1.UWAKU I ) . U A T , Miuim|r Piovmcial IlkJ.ismorc—Varani./• ii r . / t iu i—V-ciii i .A'nc Uoss—Y.. •'. Pl "i:CKi.i. , Mnii.imr , nf la-land.(VtrrM--oM-i "«ir—Tii '.JiA r 'i. IU WELL ..Umv.ih.i-. il l -.c i . i l ln-:o>v :il-t U. irumLer , 1B7-, will rn::l<

al Hie itivt si'jn iu 3t?7-i» tnr 'l'tt. i uliu 'i.' Veils' Jl'inu-i-s .iml/

. Alliance Life and Fire AssuranceC 0 M V A N Y ,

iiA H riioi.vMi;ir /.AM:, /.OXI >UX.CAITI'AL :—KJVK .MILLIONS STKllLING ,

r n t i i i i K S T :Sir Jlosi.s -MO M K I ' I I I I I K , Hart., P.K.S.

ffi*}" Pro-peetusi'S , ISaiu of Assuranco aud cveijinformatiiin niav l«: had nf

Mu. K I C H A K O HAKIU.S, Af,'ont ,iStoek and .Sharcbroki-r, 15 l^ueeii-st., Waterford ,

M A I: I NIC A US C I I A \aCar(jucF , j ier .Steamer and Nuili ii) ; Vessel , to any

Port in the lri.<h , Jiii.-tol , and Kng lish ChannelsInsured on very Moderate Terms , as. well as a 'l Searisks. War risks taken. (,.()

The Ulster Marine Insurance Co. (Limited)

CA P 1 T A L:—JUHHI .IW, full y subscribed.I I |U KI "I I I |IS :

Cn.v . I n : i t .- , l-:-n., cl'i i i , ,\i.i:::.i .\i.i :i: M'I . MSI: Ii,n ,?i . !:. I I A . IV A V i:- < i. . M .:P . ; i' ..N. :v j-;-» |.J. I1. <\, I:I;V. :•;., ' I). •¦. • ••||.i *:-io.s , Ksi|.

M: IP :'.;I '• a'l'l l.'.'i 'i rwrili -Tj, .".*- •> . 'IM I M U K ,l,,:\< . li.luut.Caigce-s l-'rti jj'-ts J hsu i e d (t i t Moderate Turms.

C'a'ms ;no'npil y and lib erall y te.iled. Itate.s takeuupon t '.io fcpot jy the l.oc;-l A 'j ent ,

L. A. t tYAX , Watcrford .X.15.—Th lu is the onl y Irish Olliee doing Jlarine

Iuiuranco l;u.-iiiets. [jali'-Jy]

PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO.HICl lAHDSO X , Hl tOTIlKH S , A CO., HKI.FA ST,Inform tlie I'ublic that they havo been appointed

QOJ.K ACiKXTS IX 1KKI ,AXD for tin: aboveO ( i U A X O , and in eniiiiexio o with K.-imr , liavuopi ned liranch HOUSKS iu COKK and DI.'J IL IN , thi -y aiv now |j; ej>;i i ti! lo .Sill on the followingterms :

Prico .ClU per Ton , for Lots of not less than 30Tdlis ; (if

i'l I ¦>. for any Kinal lur (pumlity, per Ion , in bags ,prr |/r .» > s Wri ght. Oth .-r icrins on .

. (; i ;Ol ;Ulv SVIirn - ;, :i.s .street,i l l I-Tn. . <.w . A''i:ul ill Wiiii- rfiird.


I', i) . C L A X C YBK(iS linvc lo n lurn his liu. i thunkn to his many

friends fur ll,. :r kii ^.l palronag. ; since openingliusim-ss , and li'ipe.4 , by ,-lricl atleulion lo orders,nnd Mipp ly iuK I !I ': bi-sl work , executed iu the mostcupi- riur iiiiuiii .- r , tu tiu-rit a uoiitiiiiiaucu of r-auii1,

A large and v:<ri<. -d nssuitiuent of Jewelry , Colilai.d .Silver Wmclii-.-', itc, mi liaud.-i.

( 'ounity ( - rs aliei i i ltd on thi: Shorlest Xntiee.

Wholesale Flower and Feather WarehouseM A D A M . -. JtO/.K AND CO.,

Fl tKNCH KI.OWKI. .t I K A T I I K I t J i l l 'OltTKIt S.Wn-nlhs and .M'J U U I S i.f cvi-rv descripiion iu

Slt (i-k i,r Made l<. (Inl.- i- . *

1 Ol 111.

_ i:i .t i:.. CANNd.V -sTl iCKT, CITV , WS\H) S ."/•...• (I- 1)1 -. I .'< ( /..¦ I. ;/.-."—*..: DoiU 'nn WKj, chip.

¦i 'r , V::-: ' 'S.i.

Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture ,I. OU CI.KAXSIXIi a.'.I CI.KAi:lX(i ( In.- llU«)Dlr..raI1 A I.I. I M I ' C I I I I I K X , wli.-ili.-r aii- ,iii i; l i . m j uutl i«rn-li ',li 'ir uiiy nth.-r ¦¦-.|i»- , niiin.l U Inn Im- lilt' inoin-im-mliil. ll i;mr. O:.l S,i - i.> ; ,in,n t'licratul S .U-H III tillXi-ck : Ulov -i ' i ' l K le l..T, , i .,r l'minl.-* miFair, Scurvy t> in- ; Cilin i..u- f itvis j l)l.«,d nn<l Slcu. I), s.m-fs ; l i l . i . liulat S.M;:1 H . 1;.I :1 , ,| ,, I In- l( !ou(l tiom nilInipuii) .Nla 'lrr , I1..111 w i i . i . v e r UIM: a iiMim.

As I IJW U I I I I U I C 1- l . l ia - anl tu l l i i - i» !» i - , mill warranted freeliom i i i t i cu iy - win. li al t p i l l s H I U I uiosi incihcinca snM lorilie aii.ivc u'i-i -H sis iij ii i iiin — 1I1 , ' I'r'ijTietor Milieus »ufT <r ir«to pivi* it a tn-il tn i. si. its v.iiiic.

IH0CSANH3 op i i s i i M O x iA i . s mnji AM, I'MIT*.•S.> 1] in IJijllles 'J-. ;H. i- iii:li , H I I I I 111 Casc« , emuH tnin R G

H i t l l » , l l « . cicli , rutlicii 'iit tu i n p.-ruiaiiciit iuro inl'Hi .sf/11.diu^ rust'*-, l<y nil H Uriiiisli iwti Pair/it Mr-djcinuVindiir» ; or smit .to any ail ilnsi on ictei pl uf 'SI or 132» I U U I |J <, V y

K. J. Ci .AllKi: , Clinmi.l , Hiiili-strctt , Lincoln.WII0I.C9Ai. li A 'lE.VIU :

If'.ircfrty &. .Sun.., J.un- loii , ftu.i ail lha VVI IO I L'SJ I U Houscir.

D O G S O U T OF C O N D I T I O N nrcpromptly rcetorc<l by the uso of NAI-UIKK'.SJ'OWDKHS, which Jieinovo Worms, «ivoTouo to thoStom&Kb, aod proilucc fi ret-rato Condition. In Packets—2s, .isCd, aud 5A— of all Chcmints ,- or by Post, olBAKCI .AV A SONH , 1)5 FarrliiKdou-atieet , IAII U OM , audor IU IIILTON A Co, Sackville-at., Dublin; aoi :i .niN<i 4Co, Cork ; aud OKAI /AN * Co.. Holfagt. o'i'A.lim.


can bo had READY HADB in all Sizes.Our FINK WHITE SHIRTS for Morning or Even*

ing Wear, can also bo bad in all tho various Sizesready for immediato uso.

SHIRTS to MEASURE or PATTERN mado in asuperior manner on tbo shortest notice

Cfgf OUTFITS for India aod tho Colonies.Kdtimatcs, Pattorns, and Instructions , SOT Solf-

ireaaHramoDt , froo on applicatio n p. TOBIN & SONS,



G&'NO. IB, HENRIETTA STB.KKT.Terms, on application. [d t-3m"l


LADIES, No. 51, KING STREET.THE courso of Instruction comprises French ,

Italian , English in all its branches ; Music Sing-injr, Arithmetic , Plain and Ornamental JS'eedlowork.

Terms known ou app lication to(flU-tf) iliss O'MAKA , Principal, "1 Kiug-streot.


GREAT SALE OF PIANOFORTESIMPOKTHD direct from the Manufacturers, Messrs.

COI.I.AKII it CriLl.AKI) , KlKKMAX , D.M.MAI.VK , DuiNS *.MKAU , Ac, Ac., at

0. A. JONES' AEUSIO DKE'OT,1^ 0 , Q U A Y , II' A y E K /¦• O H O .

H A R M O N I U M S in great variety, Eng lish andFrench make; Violins, Cornets, Concertinos, Drums,Flutes, lianjoes Music lioxes, Ac. Ac.,


20,000 XKW HOXCS am! PIKCES, at ONK Timtiitho Marked Prieu for Cash , tho ontiru STOCK now

SELLING OFF AT A GREAT KEDUCTIOX!previous to Alteration of Premises.

C: A . J O N E SIMl 'OnTm of l 'lAXOFORTKS , 1IAIIM0NIUM S , f rc.


Megs to call attentfoj to his extensive TUNINGand ItEPAIKlXO business. His Tunors visit all thoSouthern and Midlaud Counties of Ireland Quarterl y.

54}" l'ianol'ortcs and Harmoniums hired by thoMouth or Year, with option to purchase, and on thoThree Years' system.

C. A. JONES' MUSIC WAREHOUSE.Crickcttiug, Archery, Croquet, auU other Games, at

unusually Low Prices. [my-t-tfjGUNSMITHS AXD DEALER S IX ALL KINDS OF


T I M B E RT710U SALE, nt NKWPAHK , between Six andJ2 Seven Hundred GROSS TRKKS, conaistiug ofFir, Larch , liecch, Oak, Ash , and a few Sycamore.

jjg" For particulars apply to M A I I T I X W ALSH , atLodge Gate, or to the Owner, F. G. U LOOMKIKLD . TheTimber is all marked, nnd can be secu at any tiuio.

Xowpark , Xov . 15th , lb7U.


WANTED, au energetic A gent in WATERFORI I fortbo Sale of first-class yEitATEii and M I .NOAI.

W ATKKS . Any person doing business largely amongHotels, Restaurants, Spirit Dealers, aod Family Gro-cers will fiiid this a valuable adj unct. Solvent Secu-rity required.

App ly by letter, addressed, ".Mineral Waters," tothis oflico. •

CONTRACTOR WANTED,mO TAKE DOWN the SPIRE of STJUDUALLYJL PAK1SU CHURC H , County Waterfoul , aud toRE-BUILD tame, according to the Plans and Kpecili-Kit ions ID bo .seen with Mr. KoiiKitr DO U M K K , Secrc-tftry to tbo Select . Vestry, Cairi jjauna , Stradbally,(|iosl town , Piltown) who will receive Teudurs, andgive overy iuformoliou. d27-2t

BOY WANTED.WANTED, for this Office , a good stout boy, able

and willing to work as Porter. Must bo re-commended.


l i i t t y Fnc.M J i lf l - L S a ) • I' l j i - I U X O S l t l C E l ;I H a strong, rich J-.'.vtiact, ol the best gioivths of

this Tobacco Pluut , It w i l l instanil y Kill allVermin on tho Sheep, increase tho Growth of thei\oo l, and will bo found tlio only cortaiii prorontaliy i;and cure for Scab.

Floj k Musters usiii^' lliis Extract will Hiul it supe-rior to the Tobacco Juice usually alluring.

J'ricc—Foul PEXCI; per Ib. ;"supp lied direct, fromthe Customs' Bonded Warehouse by the specially au-thorised Maker.", tu 'JV. '. lm)

LA1DLAW & CO., GLASGOW.Atj K.vis I O K iuK/ .A.vo.—TUO.MA .S .Mt .KKNZlE A

S O X S , (Limited), ;M , D;uvao(i--tn;et , Dublin •11111ERNIA BUILDINGS , Victoria Quay , Dublin.

District Lunatic Asylum, Waterford.1111E GOVERNORS of the above Asyum will at

. their Meeting on WEDNESDAY, the Stli day ofJ AM.A U V , IS,:i , proceed lo Appoint si CLERK , al a.Salary of XJUO »ei- A JJJJ U JJI . A /) ;))italious to belodged with the Resident Medical Siipi .-rimeiideiit not,later thau TUESDAY , 7th January .—H y order ,

W. C. R K I D , Acting Clerk.Hoard Room , ll ih Ducuinlier. Jh7i . dr.f.3t


G 11 E A T 1 1 E D U C T I U N !



I ' vrchi f ' l , i.i . ing (.> the /.•.ilfne...< of (he Scu.iou,

MUCH UNDER LAST MONTH'S l'lUCES,And OfTem to her CUSTOMKHS , nnd thoso who

may give her a Trial , iho same advantages.

M It s. K li" L L V ,M l L U S E I i Y , MAS T U:, AXD (JEXEKAL

DI.AI'KIIY" 7 5 , Q V A Y , WA T K I I F O H D .

I'.S.- 1 have added QUILTS and DLAXKETS tomy Stock. dC-tf

THANKS.riAUK SmKJl s uf CliAi i irv grutefully acknowled geJL tlio l'ollriwin g d..ii.iti<, t i.s .—J»hri A. Blake , K-i |.,lur St. Martin 's ( . lrphaiia>;e , i-'l ; to Iho CniniiMiiiay ,i'l ; to the Poor, £1. A. P. Muln-r, K=<( . , 10 tho Poori l- Itr i l H K CI I K I S T I A N Bi tni i iKi i s mi.Ht xratofull y ncknnwl-JL edge tin: lolknvin^ additional Subscriptions :—Sir II. I' . T. B.inon , ilari., X'.i ; Lvwit Jlnniancoiio,i;i U. i Right Hun. Lnnl Careiv, .CI ; M I H -SM . JohnTuin A Co., £1 ; Messi-a. Wylie it I.uckheud , XI j I).Liiuiibrua , (iriinag li , i'l ; Julm It ymi , TliimiaK stfeel ,X I ; John A. Blake, J.P., X I ; Patrick Carroll, 5s.

Ml! . C A U D E N ,


t£}"7 Tlir. MALL , WATEKKOIti ) .[ja3.1y

Tc I I O U - K Ki.ri 'KEa. — W ATI S' 1! KI > LOTI O N , HI prcp:irol liy tl e Id lu (iKuicni . WAlrf , K*<|.. V. S., ¦>! Dublin ,lie« l- .<ii -J 5» i>ios ..I hor*.rs dn.l ilons wi t l . uut Iti« uti cuf b.ili il:i<ci-s ; ptliT, 1- . 10J . |)<T 1' il it I t s . 0.1. |u-r Gulloil.It il a clif- tp liti.l in.isl . ll'lLM rnt i ipl . t icatloll Iui i.ll ruU HUtlalitil siuiis in anini.tU; it :iUu ile>.r. y> (Ou'millrnli ill lln.bkln , iiti 'l Ulna.deftl y all.ij s l ln: irilUU.ill C.iUinl liythuui. Apphu.l ul the tuul nl thu t i) t.r innu?, whenliei-L'i ml> »nil .ln>li i;i)ic ili.-ms. lvi- ., the l.i 'H.n it; a» 11[h*.'> *i"b* ''>' K 1> ''' >'i 1 IM' 'n<*il l '.. *lv , mill undille , orli artit - SH r*-dli "I h. 'iM " , 1'- is f .xc.'Ikut , itti . l Ninip le of uppli-CU '. K . II . K"i il l .* 1 ni |£v*«.mi ul-. . , t.t CH I I J.- , fuui mid inuulliun.«|M'lit , hackuil lrat-i iil n i itf la am- , 1111.I lur luutscalil ulA'Kjr iiin; ili > kC*- . it I'H 11 f;.«fe mi.l ri-r' .-iin mneily. l ln \rLK\unit l l n t V K U , awl M 'M A -S L E U uii'l C.I ., Dublin , WhuloultAc-i ts, wlm .dvi mippiy WjTIb' KM I I U O C A I I O .S (uvcr OGyc.iri iu u.v), liiuiuus l..r rtfu.nvlu^ cui l.y , .SJ .IM I I , bpimn, HIII Igilu- r e i iUr K ciuiut -., uil l iuut mark or bleiui.-li. " On( thirdt i f 11 buttle does the work nf ayuin 'a ;" 8s, OJ., 7'., millUs. ¦>.]. i-ncli , with lud ihr.-ctinu-', mill useful intocinutiou tnhorse ktppeu. "' 1 luuml WA 1T .->' K MDKOCATON > III »> I

Mpilally, nud it lm< R X T I U B L V mwivtil A vrry Uritt: splinttrum my fnvourilu liuntei 'n m ur tme-lL- x . 1 linvt* icco tn it tn nil my In-Miil " . -- .-.. H OWU LL , Ll.iiidj>ell , C.11-iiwrllii-ii. — D. L inl. ir ill ) , lh7U." .,1.1 111 Wmcrluiil li>' 0.\V11iTK nnil H K N B V H KLL . untl hy all Cii-*uji8tK

TlIROAT At'fECTIU.VS -1.V1J UOA ESE.ViJSS.—All Sllf-frril'K tium irrilalluii nl lliu llinwl , J. II J liu.irs»iif*s , wj]|be niriet-bl y i>urprt-i«il ut tlie -dmnu itmiieiiiultt relief affordedby Die use or " lliuwn's Bronchia ' Troclie*." These Itiinou- i" Icz IIK**»" nre U''W Mild by moU le-pcciiible clii'inistn illtlli - i rotintry 8t IH l^d pur dux. IVuhlo ttoublej ivllh a" Imcliinit cou<li ," a " ili glu cuM," nr i.couch r»l Hffcctionicaimul try Hi-111 .no bouu , UH b'lmUr UoHtile < , if allowdi-il lopii.^iim, result m ht-riuut Puluiuoii ry uuil Ai,ihuiut:c ullecturns. See tlie wurl- i " Ilrawn '9 llmuchiul Trocbe-i"me ua the O'oreruinent Staoiji tround laiL box.— LouilooDrpot , iU'A Oxlord Street


Curtaiu Mnterinl a , nnd Coraico Poles.HARE'S PATENT FLOOR CLOTHS.


C3T Inspection solicited.P. TOBIN & SONS,




«J A P P A JL U R G I N G JL 0 W D E R ,

Is a great boon and convonicncc ; being Tnste-I C»J , it is tdki.ii with (li- tfli'il , winch ante* all II"

tronlili", danger , aud of balling a hurBc wit liu!ors.

It operates willi c-rlm'iiiy usA safety, il«c» not f poil liykeepiiiir , nntl tuny bu hull Irom Hiiy Chvioitit , or Poit Freetr 'in the Aeentf.

Sold in Pack*, equal iu atrrntflh tu a 5, 0, or 7 dracliuiPurrtiiifr BH II . OMV. SU I L L IN O EA C H .

For Kennel use, ulsu, the lucJitino is auperb. See di-rections.

From y . Archialt, E *J., ] iiinisklllen.—1\ia JappaP.iwik-r ncteil wry uiculy, ami is a inticli Ci>ui - way than ilieultl one of ni»iii( t physic tu a home; it carried oil* ivitli itl!U'ni"rous HIIIH II iv.irui« .

From .V. Small , V.S., ll 'attrfori , Senior V.S., of Ire-laiul.—To physic liorsis ofl" Kr'-1"'1*! untraincil onen, ami thniettia * resist hulhnit , Juppa Puwilur i- i a niiglity convenience.1 nv it for Hur«c» 1111J D-«1 in preference to physic balli'livays; it in 'iihilili- in Uui'ls , null cau lie givrn to n hursein I I I H ilrink. [11 treatin g a liurse that Ini-t soiu throat oril i fticulry in fM-allmvinj.-, nml in luik-jaw especially, wlieupunalivc action U iinpi ' ia t iv - , thin puwilcr is essentiall y«eful.— Veterinarian.

H AKCI -AY &. Soxa | U K W K I .Y .t D UA I'KU I M'M ABTKR iCo.London, | Dunlin , j t/uhliu ,

Who id>o supply I IAl .VK V s l'OWDEltS ol l ' l iEI 'AKKI )ACOXITE , lur Cl i l lOXIC COb'till, NOISY RBsl'I*KATIO 'N, &c, in Pickets el tia, ii- . H.I .

vVunn a, alsu n coaiinoii c;>use of cuu^h , cannot rxist in anmiaul \i bile ¦ jkiuR it. This is RUuruhu-eil. Ilorsea takeit in tlicir fenl , mill can wurk while n>iup it.

" Xumcrous lluiitei -3 that cuUi-h take Harvey 's Powders,-cguljrly, ai;d firu lliu ^i kept up to the m^rk thr->ug h theliunling season , that otherwise would lie all but u«less."—Bclt' t Life.

" Uiicrupubus persons give Aconite in excess , to schur^e.i| that um brokdi-winrlcil, ami thus , by cuiicealing tli etiifirmi'ty, ure eiuultd to ilispo-e of n worthless, uottuli iuittcj to vutciiu j ry im-prclii.n. " (Sec Circulars).

OEOI.d 'E WHITE , Wttlerlord.H. Uiaii , do

J. LEE, C.irrick-oii.i 'uir.Ii. GUAHAM , CluniuH.I) . WHITNEY , S«w liuu

[Ocl8-13l] '/ '¦ W. .MORTOXi Carluw.

I M P O RT A N T TO SMOKERSLarge Arrival of American Cavendish.

HAVING IMPORTED a largo quantity of finestKICHJI0XD CA.VESU1SU, C'ut and Uncut ,

under bond to tho Customs in tli ia city, I Jiavo thisweek paid tlutj thcrcou, aud am now offering it forSalo atVJ 11K0AV STHJiJ ir, and } l,-anch I 'sialUshmcnt ,

I I A V A N N A HOUSE , IU QUA Y,And respectfully solicit au earl y call from my name-roils Patrons and Friends. do'-lf

RODERICK RYAN,General Grocer, 12 Broad-strtct, and Uavanna House,

111 QUAY.|J2F An ASSISTANT WANTED , of good address and

activo, industrious habits. Uucxceplional roforonoeB»nd security required. Ono haviug o connection inWaterford liroforrod.


PURSUANT to nn Order of the Hinit C' r orC'liAN'CKii v, made iu the matter of tlio Kstato of

A X I I K K W R VAN , late of Knockhoui-t' , iu the County ofWali .'rford , decuaacd— H KN KY CI I A I T K K I S , FK K D K U I I .K

MAVN AKI 1, aud AI.KXA.VKKH .SA.ML'KI.SO.V, PlaintilTs;J O H N R V A N , Defendant—tho Creditors of tho saidA N I I K K W R VAN , who died in or about tho month ofM.-ucli , )ij( i7, lire, oil or before tlie JU it i day ol' ^^.\)• -AI IV , lBTil , to fcuud hy post, prupaid , to Mr . THOMAS t\ST I I A M SK , of I'l Lower Ormond Quay, in the City ofDublin , tlio .Solicitor of J OHN R VAN , Administratorde b'mis non of iho deceased, their Christian aud KUI -names, addressea and descriptions—and in iho caseoffirma , tho names of the nicmbors , and tho stylo ortitlo of firm—tho full particulars of the ir claims, aHtaiemont o' their accounte , and tho nature of thesecurities (if any) held by them ; or , in defaultthereof, they wil l be peremptorily exuludud Irom thebent lit of tho said Order.

Every Creditor holding any security is to produceiho samo before the Ui ^'ln Hon. tho Master of thoRolls , ut Ilia Chamhcis , l't iur Courts , Dublin , ou thelith day of FKII I I I .'A K V , lh?:i , at EI UTI .-II of 1)11: Clm.-kin lliu 1'orenoon , beiu^ the limo apnuiuted for adjti-dicraiug on tho claimH

Dated this Kith day of December , 157-.15. K. 'WHITEHTONE , Chief ClerkK. LEAHY , Solicitor (jpr 1'lainlilfi ,

!t-co\v) Xi Kildaro street , Dublin.

Not ice.— Surrcnikr 1' iVif r.f bi-lls .) ' Choice «f Ass i 'jncc


In tho Matter of PATII ICK i'/.K.<iixr.,of tho Main Street ,Tramorc, in the (juunty of Waterford , Victuallerand Farmer , a liaukrupt.

ri^HE Judges of the Court of Hankruptcy ami In._1_ liolvuncy wil l hit at the said Court , Four Courts ,Dublin , on TUESDAY , the Mth day o f / J A N U A R Y ,1S7H, al the hour of Eleven n 'Clnck in the ForunooD ,for tbo Surrender of the said l iaukrupt , Proof ofDubla , and choice of an AsN i gnco in this matter, ofwhich sitting all persons coucorned aro to Tako No-tice.

All Persons indebted to tho said liaukrupt in anyfluiu-whateve r , or who havo any of his Estate orKH'ects, aro not to pay or deliver samo oxcept toLtXIL 'S II KXUV JJ K K K I S C , Upper Ormoud-qnuy, Dub-lin , tbo Official Assignee.

And all persons kuowiug of the concRalment of anyproperty of iho said Bankrupt aro reiiueisted to givenotice theroof to the Agent.

Dated this t f l a t day of December , 1S7-.A. F. LLOYD , Deputy Registrar.

WELD0N , O'li l t lEN it IKMVAlt D, Agents totho Uaukruplcy, Number '67, North tireatCieorge'a Street, Dublin. It


A SECOND-HAND BH OUC -HAM, iu cxculletitOrder , to be Sold cheap.

App ly to Mr. O'LK A H V , Carriage Factory. j a3


rp i IE "idr l j t lZK MEDAL , DUIU.I.V EXI1UHTI0KX }Bii5 , lur i-xii-lli'i.c« ul M 1 N E U A L W A I BUS , w»»

""""j j'ii 'w Ii K V A X D D J i A 1' K 11.

BI-: W I. E V A N I) D K A P E I t ' S


B K W [, E V A X I) l> U A P K It ' SI , i ; .MONAI ) K.

BE W L E Y A X I ) D 11 A I' K K ' St l l X U h l t MEEK.

E W 1. K Y A~

X I) lili A I' K K ' --SEI/l / KIl W A I K I .1.

1-; vV I. K Y A~


J) I) It A P K U ' -s


BE \V L E Y A -N 1) I) K A I' K P. '.'--I . I I I I I A WA TKH.

B K W 1. 10 Y A X I) I) It A I' E K ' •-yKUATKD SA i:SAPARII.1.A.HEWLF .Y A.V0 D K A I 'E K ,

-i. .M .l l J V -b l u i :KT , DcilI-lN. f- l - f i ti

•I f i 'A 'V'/W f .i r J I O U N S I I Y ' x I I E A I ' I S G un - l . M0W1NUM A C H I N E S ,

Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds ofFanning Implements and Machines.

CO M M I N S A N I) C O M P A X Y .(it! QUAY , WATER KORD. flti - fim


J4}" A.MI AI.I. Tin: IIK»T I NKS,In J AIIS at lid., la., la. fid., and 'J.6. each ,

111 UK ll.MiAT " THE NE WS " OFFICE , KINO .ST.,

fcSJ" With all kinds of STATIONERY, &c,





iliftropnliiaii Meat Mnrket, London.Oilwl CIUIVUK Flout , Cart , and Sliurk Covers.Winnowing Sheets and Rick Covern .Oilwl Cunvu.1 i/oraii-ioin Covers, lined and Htntj ipcd.Woollen do. do. do.India Rubber do. do. do.Oilwl Waterproof Cart and Float Govern,lloi-su .Mouth Dags.I'arred Canvasis for Hatch Covers.Waterproof (Ji (» A)iron8, lined with Woollen Rugs.

A lar(ii! supply of Twilled Sackt.Seed Potatoes of various Boris.Xati iifj i'otaiocB of guod (juulity.For Prices and other information , npp ly to

(nuU) WILLIAM mGUTJIAN,Seedsman and Gepi-ra l Agent , Lower

Thotnas-streut and Bridge-street , Waterford


JOUN FALCONEU, 03, Upper tJackTillo.street, Dab'°a

A. ll. >i< D. G

C O L L E G E S C H O O L .Patron—Tho Most Reverend DOMI .VICK. O'BEIEN .D.D .

THE ENSUING TERM BEGINS ON MONDAY,j ANUARt 13th. While Englinh and Commarcial

Classes hold tho foremost place in the Courso, specialfacilitios , under experienced direction , are affordedScholars preparing for Ecclesiastical or Medical Col-leges, tho Universities or Compotitivo Examinations.

Tho Boarding Houses for Boys not resident iu thoCity, aro under tho supervision of the Sohool Autho-rities.

Full and clear Reports of Conduct aad Progress inStudies aro furnished EVERY MONTH . Parents andGuardians aro requested to Sign alj Cards showingloss than tho normal number of marks.

N.B.—It will bo greatl y to thoad vantago of Pup ilsto enter ns early as possibto ia Term.

S3T For Prospectuses »nd further informationapp ly to

R EV. JOSEPH A. PHELAS, Princi pal.StephoD.strcet , Watnrford. j3-2t


TRAIN ALTERATIONS.¦\TOT1CE.—On and from Iho 1st JANUARY , 1873,-131 theli Down Train from Limeriok will notleave until G.I5 a.m.. and will be correspondingly laterfrom all other stations to Waterford.—B y ordur ,

ISAAC BANKS , Traffic Slauagor.Limerick Terminus, Deo. 30, 1872. 2t

Wttatcrfbrtr ittrttUcts.Waterford , January 3rd , 1S73.

Weather einitiiiucs wrt anil stormj-. Siipiilies fiorn furmcritritliug. Values alwut as last week.

roUKNiS WIIKAT—A better silo, n-t an ailvunoo of Oil. to]» . \icr l/.irrel.

INDIAN' COHS—Demnn.l sinncwhat imiirovcil . Extrcmuprice.-i at liu-t week f rw.'ly paiil , ami in some owes an ad-vance of &1. per barrel.

FL0U11—A larijfi itorannil, anil owiuj : to short made, Usmany mills, an fiooilotl, enn't work, tales ivcro at un ftil-vnnceof la. to 2s. per sack..


P R I C K S CU I U U N TIItI.<ir. _ Nr-w.- Oi-n.

W]IK.VT, iicr1iarrd of asillw. ». <'. « d. .«. (i. r. ll.— whit. :i" » t o :n nim 0 to t» 11_ Hi,i . - - - '.'7 G !2I O Vl) 0 00 0- ShinniiiB lln - - M 0 7 Ot) I) 00 0

nAUI,EV, per irarrd of 22 11b*.— (Vimling - - • I t 1 15 0 i(0 0 00 0- Mallinsj • - - 10 8 iu e n. 0 00 0

OATS, l«r l.arri:! of 1-Wlli.-. -1- lihrk - - ¦ -I lfl « Kl 10W 0 00 0_ White - - - 10 r, 11 IMI O 0 0<i l)_ (; r( .j- - - - 10 0 U 0V) 0 Ov 0

FMUIl, persiu-k , "f -J*ill>s._ 'siri.-rliiio .-i . . - 4 ^ 0 SO OW 0 00 0— Inferiors - - - V I D "I 0IW 0 ft) 0

OATMKAI- , li. r ftick . -j '¦•/. I) (XI 0"0 0 (H 0U1M.V, Jiw dvt. - - S O 0 0; 0 0 0 U

KORKHiX. _ F"«- WIIKAT , pur li.irr.-lof 'Jvil lw. " ' t. a f . ll

— American, .Siiriiiifaml Wintcr • -00 0to <» ) 0— Mnrian iip lii '"' ° °'1 n— ISi-n!iiin *ki -11 C -1-' 0— (il.irka . 'lX'aliro?, suul 0.1CM. - -:» 6 3i 0— Ihmil 00 0 '« 0

ISDTAX CDRX , Wllnw , Ilil.-Sfa aiullialati - IS 0 M B— — Ihntil anil ro.voaian - • • 10 l> 17 0— — American, - - - -17 0 17 :l— — rnncli xiul American Whito .00 0 00 0_ _ KKyptUn - - - -00 0 00 0— — llama;,-.',! - - - -") 0 In 0

FLOUH , American, lu-r l .arrel of IWil lw. • . Oil « Ou 0— I'nmcli , per ?a<-k , (.f iSOD.s. - - - 00 0 00 0

INDIAN MI-:AI., Ainmi:>ui, per Kick nf -WII*. 00 0 ' W 0f Il.iuie .Mamifaelnre, per ) IQ K 70 „- ~ t rack, of iwlbs. S |1S ° °

Imports fy Exports for Week ending Thursday, 2nd- i'ns';IMPOHTS. ¦ KXFOHT.-s.

Wlii>at • *'"i yuart.-r« . Wh.'at - 101", Iiarn'l.-i .iD'lian C'ini II 1 "; .1". HaU - - '.'1H ill .(Iain - - iln. P.arley • ito.JiarW- • .In . Iiiilian l .'oru il".,. I -JU Siu-li!- . Kli ii ir - - M .1".Hour j l!i,rrel". Uatin. al - SieUs.Meal • I'I Harks. lu.lian <l'>.

WATEI iKOHD BUTTER M.MtKET.Number ot F irkin * iceig hed at the i'ui/i'r M u t t e r Mnrk t t

f o r Week ni-!inff Friday (this day) , ant I' ricex .Satnr.lav , — 17 — IIS.'. "I . lo lif.- . n.|.M..II.I.-./, — 1 - I'- '. '"I. "'" ¦ "¦!.T...-<. lay, — 11 — ."¦••. nl. I/ H .-. IM .W.-.|n,-/.l:.y — •; — I l -J i. ".I . 1-iiii . HI .ri i i ir^Uy, - -1' - "--¦ •¦¦'• I '- '"- ".I.Kr.lav , — U — .""¦. "'I. "¦"*¦ 1*1.

Nn.".,f tirk 'uin i 'i irri -poiuIiiiK w.-.-fc l:nt — lit.l'riir j » r i .v.l. — l "- i f . '»!. I'/ I" " Oil.

(( .'iiiTcclc-.i this -Jay lor Tin M 'atrrfort Nric.)l - l f ij VJSIDN.--.

BAI :. IS I'li i-s, i»'r cwl. — — -"'I- W. to ik 1*!.iln- .M. .1.. . — — •''''¦• ",l. .',.i- . G,|.F KCT il". — — "- • o.l. IN. ul.II IM -S .1". — — i- 1'. M . •''"*. IM.T.M.1...W ,1". — — '''< ¦ M . *'•'¦ "il.I,A1,D (ehali.Ui. rs') — — :"•'"• IHl. *'*• W.

lSKTClIKHS" JI KAT.H i l t - .u-r I!, 7.1 li, :M I I. I M I I , |"-r i|r. 0s 10.1 t" (.« IM

i)'.i. iteak , I'M to 1- | \'I:M . l' l-l!.. Ihl iM to 0HIMurros . p . r 1I... M i"l t,. I'M I I'. MIK , jwr II.. Gd to 7.1

I'OTATUKS.Avcnii?: pn'f , Til to M r-r rtoi.e.

1IHKAII .W I U TK , K-i' llli — o.l. to 7Jil | H» I:S H I .I>, per W. 5H tu ij.1

W 1 I 1 S K K Y .Drrii.iN, per isdlou, 1!'- . 1*1. I 01.1, CVHK , giillon, li-. uJUVIIK , pilllclli'i.ll , '*. M. I

X'KN I.|.SI' , prewl , 11* . to JI- . I l'KAl. — O-i Oil . tn a-i M111 IM .IN , w , per l.rl , -''« . to »ly. S'.I.K . — Us 'M. t-i IW 0,1Ji-u.Mos , l'. r II.. m iM lo ml. '. TI U I .MT, — <>* 0.1. ti, m si

Fi nvi, A N D i- :i;i (.-.I'mvi., jirr |uir, I', to 4--. I 'A I K.i .;H, por 1^0, 11« 0.1 10 12<Iri-Krvs l'i* 10 I s'4 i.f - r pair I '!I :I:M:, ' 'i lo 0i. iM a cou].lc

SOAl' A N D CANI l LKS .WiuiK. i n-r ewt. 'JI-- . t., I...- . «l I Jl i. ri.1., i»rlli. — ".'. 7.1.lii-.jws ,i" -;.- . to :Vf . iM I U MT , ilo. — IH . i>l il.

Wlldl, AND IIIDI - :."- worn., I- . 10.1 In Is IM I il.nrs , ->J'. to -12'. U.1 |."r ..-v.-tW t:niKi:.VK wi:.l' si I" Is . Kl , Kir.", H. In H. per II..SK I X W OOL. 1* 'i'l to 1" . .H ! iJ.M.v , Yi' . tn '.-It . iK-r ilnz.

T 1 M II I: II .MKMi ' i . , l>rT ton , 7"-! I'll 7"« <Hl I SI A V I . S, pir W*\ iili".Y KLUJ W 1'I N K , ill 73s u.1 t.. O's I l .ATlls .iivr ilo 11.S 12s l:J.-f 0>l

i: II A I. S .Cow.s .pcr ton, :!¦'- . "'I tn'-u M . i I . "KI: , prr ton , "I'la . 01 <¦<> !»•

l-'i l U D K I t A N D C.ltr.l'.X CHOI' S.II A V , tMtr ton — .Vi« tuisi* . M A N ,;OI .I .S , per t'.ii , li.s to 17SrltAW , ivlimiti .- ll , -T.' tn .»• TU I I X I I M , \\rr ton . l:i« to 1»

lln . oatefi , -Ij- tu 50i. M .II .JTS , jn-rtou, -*t>" tn 40*

IMl 'OKTS Or" FORKICS GRAIN '. ,Tynemouth C.istle , Wuotl, Oite.-a, WX) i \rt. n'licat—White

HrutliL -ra Cu.

IStttli;*., iitarviiigc^, «v 53crttfus ,^iiRo.inceirii t i t i 'f M i r t h s , M - i r r i a g e t i i U ta l k s . Is. f a c h — p r e . / i a C i l

U I 11 T II S .At II. lmoi.l House , the wife of (.'apt. 1*. I\ Brcuan , J.I1., of

a diurlilvr.(In thU inornii.?, tlm 2n.l iiist., the wilii ol UaTiil KlUliealy,

J->-.i ., 'i.f uikiu K hlrr.u.i tin i'ltli ult ,I at |!-«lr-i::, l .'1-mmol , the wife of

Patrick tri.ri. -u , Kt'i|., T.C., (it a iliin^liti r.(In tin: -''Hi «lt . «t Aiine- .-l-w.-t , Cluuiiicl , tlio wifo of D.

I/ Ksq., of a <n.i.Uu tile -otli ul fc- t at lti.-.lm.Hi'.town , Cluumel , tbc wife of T.

A. (Ju'io , KMI ., .1.1* .. of a.s'.n.(I n tlio -7lU illliui", at Place, Clouulel, tlie wifo of

ll.ili. rt If. -mp liill . E*i ., of a win.II11 the Still lilt., the Kife of Jvliu Tultcr, l'.i.|., M.D ., Kil-

k.-luiy, of lwin->uu H.Ijireuib, r '£., at. Caelle Kamfonl , Kilkcnnr , tho wife of

Krati , -is|>«tlliTai. , K-.).. >.f 11 *«ti itli .l lieir.l)i«. 'J--', :.t Car.len Vale , Allilo.n- , tins trite ot John l'earce ,

K-.|., National Hank , Carluw , ..f 11 il i.l|;liti r.Ih 1'. I *. Hi" wif« of l'etrr .Mac.Mali '.n, 1C-*t., Solicitor, l'arliu-

iii.-nt- ilr.- . t . Kilkn nj, of 11 nun.Un tlu- -.ll. nit., -it N,lsoii-r lr ,- .-t , Tippi .-rary, tho wifo nl Mr.

William I. .M.J.-, K.I C, ofa.lai.i' l .t .r.

M A 11 H I A ( I K S .Dm. ."I , l.y :-|»cial lici-li-i ! ut '.'l.uivli / ¦!SI. Ant lruw, W«().ind

Itow , llnl.liii , >>r I'"' II. >'. M. Marry , I." I '., Willitui Williuin.«,IL-.|., H cli 'tarv to tl..- W:tt i-if..iil IU .'.I In-l.tml ILiilivav ,I" Ttr . -a Maria , lUuvlit . r i f l'..lwar. l K-ll/, K»i|., late ..t Curl ,anil i.ini: ..I M.>. I I 'K II ll.- , ..f Ca:h.-riiic->lrve t , Wnlirrfuril.

( in TluirMla v , tl..- -J .J lli ll,e., at I In! l'r,.tc-tal.l Calli.-ilnvl ,in tl .i* c:ty, l.y ill" Ili -v . V. Ciml.K .- . U.K ., .Mr. Ju.-.-pli . r, of Car.lilf , to Jairuin -tl i ! Kliz -aWlll, l-l.le»t llallfliler ul.Mr. llulicrl Arumiir , H.I. I.'., Wuli-riolil.

DrcL-iulirr -'I , at St. M.u-y 'H Clmri-h , t 'lonuiul , (.'liarles Kil«-aril,s,o.inlS"ii i'f .l"si'ph riif.b«.r.i. Ks.i., of Auui -r M ill",l .'J. i i imi ) , ta Kli/--.. r.-licl .'f .Mm I. * 1'o.T Kaok.-y, Hsu., an.llai.'j ht .-r of .lie- lalu Thouiii* Qnill , 1C:>1., Ui.iliuuii.tiiUjM -u iluu-c,,il.

At St. Mary 's Clinn'li , KiniiiCurlliy , Willium Kngluuil , i-M.-.t- "I, of t l .-lat. ; Wiu. K. Youuu, Ks<i ., of l.i.maki- .-ry, eouutyI.ilu.-nel., to \luii.'siri:t Clfiin -i .tina , younv'i>l ilau^l.tcr ,.f tli ..-Uly Ji.l.n tt'.i-k.-i , K't i., i.f Tral. e. '

Ii.-. - . _'-, t .tsi K. -viu 's, Ar.I .ur i:l- -arv , K;.1 , llarri>t. r-at-lairI,. Katl.l.'.-li M..jl.... , .laujilit, ml lleni-. Jlojlail, Kfli ., ll.l..

I) K A T II S .1 in III- 1'itli "ll . al In.- r—" , N. 'Wtnwu , roiinly Kil

Unn > . ami .!.-. .¦> , .liy ri-.- i . ll.-.l . Mr. Matli .-w t''l, -aryin lh< - t.'<l li y.'.ir "f l.w ;..'¦•- l.«.|iiii-ui Ullieu au.l lli|;li Msv*w.-i-.-"11.T.-.I up ill l ln- r.ilh '.li.- Cl.ur.-li i.f Kill.lai roM-. for th .n-|uH .-<il ' il.ri-.i-.i l , Her. ; all.. .- U...,ayi..-, C.(;., Kilmwovr , iirtiI'intiii - ; as hi-f li priiTl. Tl..: f..ll..wii,s cli-rcynicu , witli 11 Iar*«c.u^r.-::ili'in "t s"rr "win-_' r.-lali\.s urn! friuii,!*, were aUo lir..-.".-in : — lt.-v.l- . ll..iii .:l lir. i.a:. . I' .I 1., Kilinaeow ; t'atlierMal.-r . lv K , ralh.-r l'..iv. r. IM' ., ami John fleary , C.C.,bMtl .ri' t o l '.i.'.l.-.-a-nM. ilwi.iii '.". .l.ilm D.-lahunty , 1V1'., nmlK.I III .JII .I JLIalmii ty , l;.i:.. .Mul l i i .na l ; Father Murp hy . C.U.,Sll.vru.- -. Win. llrcoan. I ' .i: ., .M..-.iic -.iii, an.l It.-v. Dr. Clenry,St. i lohu 'i. i:.'lli-i'>', Wai i-rliml. Aft . r lliu Diviuu s.-rviee, tbo re-mains i.f .l.-casril w. ruiiil 'lT .-.! in t in- elnirehyanl of KilmKCow ,ami.l III,' ,-iu..t.-..i r.-,-r.l- ..r very uMuy wli.i i^t.iMii. il muchm life . Mr. Cl.ary «* f.,r 11 cnii'i .1.-raliln t me a nieuihcr nf <.f (iii.'inli.'iNS wliar )»¦ rh iiu 'iil Mm.-,-If (wnj i'iisul ulmii.-li iii:iiteiie..i of iut(.-ll..ei , .f j,','i.ile , uuayjuuiiui: maiinen.-It.l .l'.

tin the UHlh l)i.:., al l..iMirst..w ii , Catherine Power, wifn ol.Mr. Jnhn I'IIIV . r, .l.i-|.ly an.l ?» r.-irn-ttiil , forwbuin tbeKl.a.-i Won an oniee uu,l lli 'li M;u-s at Ki V-a, uu tho IWth ult —It. I. P.

lln the in.I inst., at Nn. *¦">, l!are..urt tru-t, Dublin (the r«i-it.- lli 'M of Julm t.'iii i in , K-'|.l, KM I I I I V , tin: Irloviil wife of JohnWnli , |->i|., of this city, il.-ply ri-.-r. ll.M by all who knew her.

ll.-c. -T, ut Simp-on » Ho.-i-iUI , Dublin , lVtnr Johu'/nncr)y IYi*"."or of Chemistry at the Uirillia-strwt School of.M.ilieiut , IIBII I <K.

tin the irttli iiwt., at ralmerstown . enmity Kilkenny, ThomasFinn , Knj ., 1115.1I IU , fortiliid liy tin: riti i of 'tlie Chlireh.

LOCAL K.-Y1LW AV TKAKFIC.Fur the U i'cfc ending Friday, Dec. 27 , 1872.

Wat.rforil l.iimriek I.m.riek WaU-rf'il K'lkenny_ nu.l ; anil I nml ami Kil- 1 Jenc-iou

Limerivk/ Knyu.'.-i j Knnis kenuy (31 Itiii 'way(77 iniU-s M i inik '^JJJ uiilt^ lulled T2wi in»lea

uth-ii). •; i, |H'n. j o'j.'ii. oiwn. I ojivn.

£ B. d. t a. il. > i: r. a .e s. a. t >. 1!i'n.iseni'er.'. ; j il'll'-ce'*, Ac. !'.'. 11 ll Kit. H oi

(iWxlF .Cnilli. '. 7i 18 7^1 » 5.

TnUll .- 171 !> 7'ill J SjConesp'ilinx ¦Hcet lasty 'r. 100 ll H 133 14 ti]


Tuo»d»y, 7th, Gnilragh Crow RMO« iJ^^Tu^SSS.House ; Fridar, 1Mb, Templwrom ,, Hth MraM^thomu ; Thuraday, 16th, Wodliindj ; Friday, 17th, Mount

*$fa%S%gSS£**a». 6th. Ballytoe i «>"»*V,»g.Sawcuitla • X ox if aj, 13th, 81at« Qnarriai i Thoi»d»y, Uth,ArK" • MoudayTioth. KflUnao pflico Barrack i TJungaj .-»rd Moher ; Moaday, 27th.KilCa5li ! TharnaBy, 30tli, Wood-rooffe Police Barrnck.—Twelto o'clook.

Kj°M.-.»t Hoci(D8.-MondaT, 6th, KUmanagll: Wednesdaykth, KcUa ; Friday, lOtb, Lyrath Oatt.—Eleren 0 oloO.

A R R I V E D .28th—GalftU , «, Rob!n»on, OlMgow.go ; Vulture, >, DavU ,

Milfnrd, c c i SanOm OlMgow. g 0.

Sr^&^btr'. wport , ccaU s O.ido, Comtnin ,Cardiff, coals ; Aiorcan, Edward London, Cork copper j*ndlcsul ; John Munro, ProndargMt, Canliff, coals ; -Kolas, rowir,Carlliff. coala ; Margaret, Kinsclla, Now^rt, coals ; Stagtt%£$2SMS£i.'Z

3*at«*. g 0; P«olla, Jone,, Ca.n,

"lst-UrTB. Coffey, Liverpool. ? c; Juvcrna », Hurt, Bris-tol « c • Slilakolf , », Pcarn. Milford, K c ; Tliouias, Parson,Bridiwater, S e; Blwnr.1 Bock, Williams, Kevrport. couU iTy^cmSSth Castle, Wood, Odtsia, whwt ; John Uro^leu,Chithaoi, Porthcwl, coals.

S A I L E D .• Western, r, Milforil Pcarn, t; o ; KildyKtone , » ,

London, Wariui.BCi Krin, Wwtonl , Hont. malt ; \' ''iGlajcow ItobertaoD, 1,- c j Come On, Bristol , MatheWJ , herringAnn ami Mary, Swan-ca, Iluehe., ballast j Do liccr, lialt.morcKellfFcu, baltot ; Kiliranl Vittory, Liverpool, Browne , fish an.loil • ClUdash. NV-atli, Fnrn'-t , ballost ; Paragon, Whitclia*-",buliast ; Mentor, Lirerpool , K C.

.30th—Camilla , H , I.ivetpool , K c.3Ist-Malakoff, .., Jlilfonl , "c; Gipsy, 6, Bristol, g e.; Vulture,

8, Milford, Davij, (• c.2nd—(ircat Western, s, Milfunl , p c.

M O O N ' S C II A. N G i iS .First Qnarter, Sun.l.iy, 61I1 Jan 9 27 p.m.full Moon , .Wuu.l.iy, 13 1. J<n * 23 p.m.I,nl Quarter , TuH-d.v ,2lst J»n 8 30 p.'"-New Mnnn , Tu«.ila .\'l S3lli Jan » 27 p.m.


Three ppr Cert. Con«.l.< — OH —Sew3 per Cent S ock — »' -, »-JB.tnk or I'eland l (l" 2 -Netional Iinnk S? o7t O7 L

Minister lUnk , Limited 3. "'Ililicniinn Hank . ~". ""Provinci iil H.'nk -" "¦*- «¦* l.ii'criKml (liiniteil ) 1° — lo"'City of DiiUiHSleaiii liuinpiiny !U" W-t ~

K A I L W A V SWalerforil A Crntrnl lrelanil 5 per cent 20Waterford it Central lielnnd tltX) paid BoWn Urf aal awl Limerick. 11) ) p M —Walcrfuid .Mid Limerick XeW 6 p"r

cent, redceinalile firrat Simtlierii ami Wi-vtem H:> i

'lite SSaterforii itto" BE JUST, ASI) mil NOT.


With each revolving year, a Mayor generallydeparts, and a new one ia born to supply hisplace. With the close of 1873, Dr. SCOTT passedinto the roll of the Mayors who have been inWatcrford , and at noon on tho 1st day of Jan.,1873, Councillor ST. GEORGE FREKM AK enteredupon those duties which aro necessary to havehis name, for all time, inscribed upon tlie honor-able roll of Chief Magistrates of this ancientcity. During the year closed, Dr. SCOTT dis-charged the duties of tlic irksome office of Mayorwith good sense and moderation in all his aciiona-and we are .sure that he has retired from thin ,olliix without having, by any unjust or hars h net ,created an enemy amongst, his fellow-citizen s,whilst ho has made not a. few friends by thedili gent and painstaking ability which hf: exer-cised in fui lilmciiC of tho obli gations ho hadundertaken. To this fact , amp le tu.siimnur iaburno by tho unanimous resolution of thau k?passed to him by his brother inag istraics ;tndli.'lluiv-C'orpurat '.'r.s. Jn his successor, tho Councilhave evidently .secured tho services of 11 ju.-t andsturn president , whose determination to pre-serve ordur nnd ilucorum in t) io proceedings olthat body was plainl y manifested , aud receiveddeserved eulog iuiu , at the meeting on Wednes-day, i'or tlic preservation of tho dignity, asnoil n.s lor tho transaction of the public businessfor which lliu Council assembles, it is necessarythat empty platitudes and useless disp lavs ofbuiicoin be should be discountenanced as much aspossible, and for this happy consummation , theKi ght, Worshi pful ST. U KOKG S F UEKMAN seemsto be " the ri ght man in the right, place." • Wepresent elsewhere a lull report of iho pro-ceedings, by which il will be seen that , as u.-.ualon sucli occasions, tlie Council adjourned soonafter tlie installatio n of tho new Mayor.


The readers of " Waterford intelli gence" incertain Dublin daily papers arc often amused , i(not amazed or pained , by tlie extraordinary" Muuehauscus" which are "wired" from thiscity by iiidu.sLrious correspondents, always read yto make an " honest penny ;" but tlie generalverdict is, if all tho " news" in those papers be olla like character , then indeed those jou rna ls arcdear, even for u penny. Attention has beenrrei|iieiuly called, iu these columns , and else-where, to the extraordinary character of thiimanufactured intelli gence, and we have reasonto believo that personal representations havebeen made to the conductors of those journals olthe mischievous tendency of some of this " news,"aud yet. xtrange to say, the columns of thosepapers are open to everything smacking.of tinsensational. After the election of Mayor on tlie1st of December, the proceedings of the TownCouncil were made to appear as if there hadbeen a "free fight" amongst a parcel of rowdiesin the Council Chamber , the members of thatbody being the Billiugsgato actors. Then , aftera meeting of the local committee of the RoyalAgricultural show, ire were confidentl y informedthat the subscri ption lint was underconsideration ,and that the amount subscribed " is now closeon i.lbvO."

The value of the news may be gathort-d f romthe fact that , at the meeting in i|ucstiou , therewas not a single allusion made, in any shape, tnthe subscri ption list , which , it may be worthwhile to state here, is not within X'-XO of thenmount mentioned. But hist , and most seriousof all , is the ronorted "scene" in tho TowuCouncil on Wednesday, which , iu its mainfeatures, y c must pronounce to bo a terriblelibel on tru th , and hi ghl y calculated lo dogriuvous inj u ry, as it puts language of an ob.noxiou s character into tin: month s of .v pi.-akerswho never uttered it. Ind f .i i l , i.'it: report inquestion is so hi ghly detrimental In tti " 10putation of the Town Council , as a body, as wellas iu their individual capacity, that we believethey are bound to, at least, record tlicir solemnprotest against such misrepresentation.


The iitndo of distribution was under discus.-iouat a num i .'i'ousl y attended special meeting of theKelief (.'mmnittcu <m Saturdaj' last , when it iv.i.sdecided that the poor should be relieved accord-ing to parishes , and this plan has been adoptedrrith very considerable success during tho week.For the four parishes , 1'crrybank being added toone, four days in each week have heen appointedas follows :—St. Patrick' s on Monday ; St. •lohn '.son Tuesday ; Trinity Within on Thursday ; andTrinity Without and Kerry bank on Sal 111 day.The Committee sit at the Mayor 's Olliocou tlio.sudays from ton to twelve o'clock , and with ,thtassistance of tin: clergymen of ihc parishe s, nndthe relievin g olliccr , a personal knowled ge of theapp licants is obtained in all cases. At tinpresent moment , there are about "i.H'J.J persona111 recei pt of this relief. It is needless to say,that with such a roll of deserving applicants, nvery considerable fund will be needed by theOommittco , to enable them to continue themeritorious work iu which they aro engaged ;and we would beg to remind all those who haveput down their names, as well as the. chariubly-disposcd who have not yet subscribed that notime should be lose in sending in their money.

THE MILKOItD LINE.Wo understand that of tlie tbrco powerful steam

shi ps, building on tho Clyde, for this line, two aroin a ibrwnrii Mute , and wil l bo rctvly for BCS. aboutliny n«st. \Ve Wnowj* no undeitakiDi; which so pro-grcssnd within n comparativel y Rhort period us tlioililford line, nod yet, wo belicvo, it is only in itsinfancy. With tho Lismore, Athenry, Tuftm , andother railways opening up to Watorfonl , the Milfordroute, with the new steamers, must commaud an im-mense trade.

TESTIMONIAL TO il. A. ANTHONV, ESQ.We bare seen in tho window of Mr. JOB. Moslem's

jewellery establishment , the Quay, a gplondid testi-monial to Michael A. Anthony, Esq., Dangarvao, aaa mark of respect and regard from a number of hisfellow-towDsmen. It ia in tho Bbape of a beautifulgold medal , and massive gold chain , both wrought ina manner that would reflect tho highest credit onany establishment in the kingdom, ot which Mr . J.Mosley's is ono of the first. Wo are glad of this pro-sontation to Mr. Anthony, because it is a proof ofhow highly be is appreciated for his talents and pnb-lio worth. Indeed, we never saw his ability broughtont ao frilly beforo us as on tho occasion of tho rail,way qnestion in our court honso, when the interestsof his native town wero, to a certain extent , really inj eopardy. Mr. Anthony has long and energeticallylaboured in tho cauBfi of Union Rating, and other oa-aential projects for tho benefit of tho town, nnd whenthe heated feelings which tho lato municipal contestshavo engendered, shall bo forgotten , wo havo nodoubt that bis worth and ability will bo more full yrecognised and approciatod . Ou tho obvurso of thomodal aro tho DuDgarvau arms, splendidly omblo-zoned , and tlio reverse boars tiio f ollowing nppro.priato inscription :—" Presented by the frionda and" admirers of Micliiiel A. Anthony, Esq., as a tokun" of their regard and respect fur him , who, during" U10 tnnny years )ie was chairman of tbo Town Coi<§" lui.isionern, discharged his duly with much ability ," zeal , anil to tho matoriul benefit of tho town of" Uuiigarv.111." Tho presentation will tako placo im.mediatoly.

BANQUKT OF THE MAYOR OF KII.KKX.VV,On YVeilnCH ilny evening, tho Mayor of Kilkot iny,

Win. Koiica ly, Es<(., gnvo a grand banquet to tho cor.porntiou and several guests—including Sir J. Gray,M.I'., and Alilcrmou Kedmoudand lluid , Waturfonl —at tho Club-Houso Hotol , of that patriotic city. Thoatlemlanco was largo and regpectiilile. Tho bauquoswas served up in -Mr. Simon Morris's best sty le, undincluded wines of the purest vintage, aud all the ito-licai-itH of tho season. Tlio largo rnum was bril.l iautl y li ghted , anil tastefully decorated. The Mayeroccupied tho chair with muru than his usual ubiliiyaud oloqueuce ; ho was receive.I wi th applause,again 11ml again renewed. Sir John G ray, tho popu-lar representative of tho city, spoko with groat powerand fcllect , in doing which (10 reviewed past ic'U-laiion , and said the question of iho day now wasthat of education , insisting that—financiall y andotherwise—Ireland Rli i .ulil havo perfect equality andf reedom. As to Home liulc, he said hi; neverchanged from what, l.o wua iu the titno of ihe greatLiburator—tho natural right uf all Irishmen to ma-n.tjj o their own affairs. Conns.'llor ll.irum spokewilh jjruat effect ou tenant right. Dr. Sigurnon , i.fthu Catholic Univer sity, made- :. luarnc.l i-'pcocli iureply to Mr. I'rou.le. Aldrrm. 'ti Ciilhui , Mahcr , l'ot-tor, lti;v. Mr. Ilayden, Ur. Cutnerfo:-.!, Cxins-llurLougbnan , Mr. Shortal , Mr. Collis , .Mr. M;ic M;iborj,Mr. Morn'J, Aid. Kvdmonil , and Aid . Iluid , also ad.dressed the chair. Tho proceeding*, which were oftho must cordial , social, ami gratif y ing nature , didnot conclude ti l l after inidui '-ht.

DKATII OF JOHN" FuWKtt , KS(j., J.I'.On X«'i\''s liii.'llt , nt hi.- r,:si.U-ncr Tmn.'jr.-, J,.h:i Pow. r,

Kr-q., J.l' ., Int.: uf Kiii tf-striml , in tl.i- tity. Mr. l'uwor wa- formany je;irs i:xt,:ii^i7i:ly o»i,'.'i '.''l in i:t're;uitil,r pilrniit! inWnti-rfonl, |irincii,.illr in tli': '.-'Jrii .iii.l Il'jnr tra'lv , nu.l wa* .1m'-niW ol many of our jmMic iKc.r.l- . . II.: ti .k AQ actiropart in p<ilitic» , M an nltl- 'iuc Wliij f , in tin: .lavs ot thu;iSitatiou. Iu 1>-M , he f ill: ') th '.- . ol&ee "! -Mayor, aoJ sjb.-...fluently, when his nephew , Mr. John A. llUk.-, »u mua'wrtgrthi.'city, atl'l euppoiLnl the Tory p;.rty In the lluurcot (j-.n-motis, >lr. Power rt-ceiv.^l the eytumi.-. luii of the pt-ace fro:a tbcDerby tJuvcrnmcnt. Kor sumo ye:ira back Mr. Power liw b ;?.iu [ailing h..altli , but thousli "i:ik in lwily, hbi iutcllcct rackiir to DiuUj t.—K.t.l' .

BOAIID Ol' GUARDIANS—Wri iN EM iir .Sir II. J. I'AIM ., Hart., J.P., in (lie cliair.

Also prn«cnt—Captain l'ower, D.V.C. ; MessrEClanipntt , O'Sheii , ond W. Kell y.

K KI .I K I '.—Tiiere was a heavy list of applicants fo:relief, very many housolcss croaluri's liy iho rnrentlluods. This duty lasted u[i to three o'clock. On theaubjnet of iho tlistress causeil by lliu Hoods, a letterwas read from Mr. W. Matuiltoti , b.O.I., K' v '"g "touching descripiiiin uf the mi.icry thtH ereat.-fi , ati 'iexpritsiiif,- gravo l'eara there wuuM ho many .ij ip lica-tiona for relief from Kiln.acow.

Ul:. IJ IKIWM :. --'rim Haiiciiun uf ilie (.luvi-rnmi!.1.Hoard to I he clei .- iiiin of iJr. IJrowiio ,.i3 ftecoud tlis-

pcnsi.'i'y ductur f"r Waierford , was received.(',.Mi;.\ ''is. Mr. l^iiinlan waft declnr.-d the inouth'rt

cotiti ;ici"r I'ur beef .'it. fi.s.s., ami rouinl.-i nt GUI. ; .Mr.J. liyaii , lor pork oleak.'*, at .">]d v and o£ s

at Is. lid.a du/.t.-n.

C"i:i-ui:\rK I'I:O I I I ;I V .\\;i K.vilMi.—Tlm IfcibliaHoard wrote diiwn , in reply to t!ie guardian*' inquiry,that corpnrutc prupi'riy was not exempt from rating,und calling for the linal closing of his, arrears bj Mr.U. Gibson . '

SA X I T A I I V .— Messrs . J. I'mver, Woodstnwn ; Uoy lo,Tramorc ; Carroll , Kilrnacevogue ; ami -llaefcey, Kit .niacoiv, rL 'l*orli:(l their diatn'ctH healthy, . mi/wr/oflicer I'all:.--, Waturfunl , reported scrvieo of 22 saoi-tary milieus -, two cases of Hcarlatina nud ono of lerer.—Adjourned.

£1,7UO tu credit of union.

KI I . K K X X Y UN 1OX—Yt rsrtRDAv.UA N I K I . M'CA I I I I I V , I'd.1 , in the chair , and suhioqnoat'.y

liKiniiiK H K A I .K, Ksq. J.T.Also present :—Aid. Maher, Mr. (.iraco, Mr. W,

L'omiirford Mr. M. Carroll , Sir i . Blunder], Mr.Murp hy.

The Cleric s;iiJ thfrc were m»w GS1 inmates "i thohoii=o, i.r o'l ni'irij ihan last yenr. Cash in bank inluv. i .' i.f union , JL'i.jl 1. A favourablo report wasreail of the very excellent management of linthouse, rspeeiall y ou (.'hristtuas day, when the inmateahail u very 'uuil dinner. .S:r .Icho Ulundcu repyrtw.on the state uf the hous<> , including,' the dead hoose,iu which he morn ventilation. Tho hospi-tal w.i.s in an excellent state , and thy coruumpiioa less t lia ii last year. A letter «as read from tin)liirhop of Oiisdry , neeepting the terms of the board,£'.50 each a yew- aud apartment;, for fuur nurse. -lailics who are tu act as nurses ia the houso support-i%' ihomselves. A notica of motion lo increase tbobaker's ,>:i!ary was not proceeded with. A tender fortimber was ordered to bo advertised 'a l "> 'ocapapei.", and THK VY.vrKKr'uiiti Xtws.

> A F KAK V CI . Sr.n iM. —This ninrniu^, shortly aftertwo o'cluclc , a fuarfnl storm of wind , hail , rain , thun-der , au.l very vivid lightning, broke over our city,going appa rently diagonally from .S.K. to X.\?., andduring its contlnunnco created very cons'derablaalarm. Tho weather throughout tho day was fine,the wind somewhat S.E. in tho afteruooo, showingsi giiK of frost. At acven, however, tho wind veeredmoro to thu S, aud somo rain fell , not of loDg eoflti-niianeu , aud tho stars were up and bril liant at 1*-twecn e'eveu and. twelve. Shorly after midnightheavy clouds shut up tho sta , tho \riudro88 fiercely,rain camo dowu iu torrents , and 30 wont oitaptoafi(?r two, when peals of thuudcr, quickly repeated,with vivM flashes of white, sheet lightniug, reverbe-rated throug h ,lho density overhead, and illamiiutedtho (liu-lcnc.m orery fivo seconds. Shortly beforethroe o'clock the storm b&d reached it» onlmio*-ting point ; tho darku&ia became intflflsflr 8tl";tho li ghtn ing muro vividl y bri ght ; tho thanderp.'ale.l moru angrily still within two miles overbeM,ami then Tell , perhaps , onu of the heaviost ihoiW*of hall wo remember, tlio firmament beiog, for Mmotlueo minute s , in a most fearful stato of commotion.C!riidiiall y the f turm espeuded itself , aud aa the clockj truek three tho last peal of thundor , and tho Its'llash ul' li gh tn ing , disturbed our city. To-daj twbei'n calm , anil somewhat free l'rotn ruin.

Tit.u- iiiTiiJU .—A post or so buck , ereditabhjmentionwas made in the liieul pupt-r.-i ut' uu operation P*f'forineil by Mr. Small , V.6., liouu-mreel, 00 a Wittbeloi.Kin ^

to Mr. ll..-arae, i>f tho Club, by cutting i" . an.l inserting a lube in thu thorax , throng"which iu breathe. I )userveil praiso was giveu to ""feat , l.ut \\u Imv.! this week rciM'ivcJ a lottor trooMr . S . I'.. I l i - i i ig , V.S ., Kilki 'nny, ri.ferriugto tho OM«iand characterising it as ut' iho simplest character,.Mr. doing wviica : —" Tlio .ijimalion it performed DJmaking au iucisuil wound iu tho skin and ring °' of thu Irachia , an.I inserting a tubo maad i01

thu purpotej or. whi n yon have tho wound made 11the Bkin , lumuvo half uf two riugH from tho eag81

inwiinls , in a si-micircular manucr, formiog acorop'***circli 1, thri.iig h ulnch put your tube, for tho »ir j*go into tLo lungs." The oa=,e is ouo, however, MWiiiterosling tn profebHiuuals, in which the public >"nil concern'1 1..

l ir .\sn.—The Messrs. Whito aro discharging t"American shi p .4( !.in(a of 2,000 tous of guano.

I-'I/ H U U S K !— For the TEKT .I and BREATII--few ilrn;.i ilie lu|ii il Vlori 'llna spriultleil on a we. •**bru»h |.l.l lutes .1 i.lcount Rilier , which tburo^i jhly '""*the IVih inim ail p ir.isi'.rs or iiu|iuriUM,liarutnt tu« pwi['i.t lunar , .,lup- ilrcay, ^iv .s 10 the Teeth • P**Tp.iirlj nliKt -nr ..-, mi u ilelulmiol frigMDM lo the W")JIt muurfN H II ui.pleMA nt 'J,inr crisiuic (rom dwayed J**2or I..I . .an s.n.,l.e. Tlie Frag rant F-oriline beinj WVrin |..iit .,1 ll.H .ty imd ^werl berl« , 't loraetia)" '¦".clouilv , l.ut 11 it, ilrliciuiii to tlie tmie . s.i.l it u tbelBi'1"Toil..; ,:i.c.,,,ry ul thu .icr. l'n« •¦!'. «J;, for '"¦• S..11 I 1- . p. r jnr for tU r Kl.iii.'in« " I'owJer," of -'I Cn'8,^HI .J I'. i '.i niirs . V.tvmti b) H. C. GiUV P, 493 0lf*«Stlf, :! . 1,,,11.Inn. , .\

VALI ;AJII .K Dist -ovERY pon THE HAIR ! -~ }tim.iy ,.,-,I U .M,I l,..,r ,l.. S-u.|{, c«lW " The ««'«° 2Sit-M-wr ," now W,u« wH hy ">°« tl.«roi.f »ud 1« "»*,M Ui Hi |»-r Unle, i< l»» l »aper» eilmic «H " Hiir •tttl Jr||-t..r it K ill jm -iUvily reitort in eviry co«. Ortjot '''hair to it. ./.KlMl colon, l> *U", mp V'XC,t

lT«'Jl *t*ilj. ,1 , or Ituv. i.K th« di.i«r M.Ue .mil of moil *j

iiiinr, - It iu..« tt. n«ir cbarioingiy be»atifnl, ij»»

»» pruiiiofiw llio Ktowl h on btld -pot., ^"VSRU..S. nr , not d*.yri. C.rti««f f™« ¦*- V«g*

r 7, s l Vilao^0l


n odd tbat tho command £$of a vessel sboold be entru.b.d to the «?«*&:H would seem more propor to look for t°'«»*Z$)

° Tbe'cosmopoWan says America wants a £***§klike the Bink of England. -fg

Page 3: · IlIK AVATKMFORD NEWS isiiiinsntD 1SV7. (Aldimmu IIEIIMOXIS Proprietor.) I.AKC.K T


Tho follu'.viug reply to tho address of tho mag is-trates of Watorrord, rocontly published, has been re-

coivod by tho Mayor, from tho Oblato Fathrr.i .itIncbicore, county Dublin :—

To the Hl-j itt Worshipful the Mayer nnd their Worshipsthe Mag istrates of Waterford.

G F.STLEMKN —Tbo Oblako Fathers beg, with manythanks, to acknowled ge the roceipt of your esteemedaddre?*, and to as6uro you of their high appreciationof such a testimonial emanating from such ft sourco,albeit that they must deprecate tho loo flatteringterms in which your kindness has couched it.

Whilst fully coineidui g with you iu the belief thatmuch good was effected during tho period of their so-jo urn in your city , they nro far from arrogating tothemselves tho merit of lip ing its efliciont cause.

You. gentlemen , must bo well that when thoharvest i* already ri j io for tho sieklo, it nomla nogre.iteierciso of skill to cut it down and gatherit iutu tho barn. It 's nut to the reapers, but to those,who have prepared the ground and planted tho poodseed, IIJII I watered it with the sweat of their toil , thatthe abundant return is (under Providence) to be at-tributed.

Well (to contrast the spiritual with tho temporal),tho Oblato Fathers found themselves ill your Church dimp ly gathering what your respectedlocal clergy lincl planted , and reaping a crop uponwhich for years they had expended their ungrud ginglabours.

To them , then (under 0»d), bo all tho glory of thogroat success achieved. For the Oblato Fathers itwill amply suffice , that they have been deemedworthy tu take part- in ll io j ,'ood work , nud in andoing, to merit the approval of gentlemen so deserv-ing of respoct as the Mayor and magistrates of Water-ford.

House of lietrent, Inchieore , Doe. 27, 1872.

MONTH 'S M I N I 1-—Tho month's miud for tho reposeof tho uoul of tho lato lamented John Murp hy, Esq.of Dunmoro Kast , took place .11 tho cliapel of Killen ,on yesterday. Celebrant , Uev. Mr. M'Cann , C.C.,Killea. Deacon , Hev. J. Shoeh y, C.C., Waterford.Sub-Deacon , Hev. It. rhelnii , CO., Killea. Itcv. K.O'Dounell , l\ 1'., presided. Also present—Kov. li.Duuphy, (J.C., Clogbeen j Hev. T. M'Crath, CO., Tri-nity Without : ltuv. T. O'Krieu, C.fJ., 'I'ramorc; Uev.i. A. ltyau , C.C., do; Kov. I'. M'Carthy, CO., do;Rev. M. Keating, C.C., chaplain Urauliao Convent.

3tr. (jviKM Sv.nvicr.—Tho anniversary ollieo andHigh Ma's for tho reposo of tho soul of Sister MaryXavicr, daughter of James Kearney, Ksq., J.I1.,Graced ieu , tiiok place iu tbo neat little, chapol atSt. Mary 's, Ursuiine Convent , to day. The Kev. I1.Kent , l\l\, presided. Tho mass was sung by theHer. .M. Keating, chaplain to the Convent. Tho Hev.31. -Muotiev, C.U., Cahir, was deacon, and iho Hev. It.Dunp hy, C.C., Clogheen , sub.deacon. The Itev. Win.Wholnri , C.C., master of ceremonies. A large num-ber of the clergy of the city attended. After Hi ghMa??, the good nuus of St. Mary 's entertained thoclergvnien to a i l- if i 'icr .

K K Q I M E M M AS*.—The month' s memory of tho latoTiorco Keating , Ksq., a member of a hi ghl y respect-abfo f amily, county Tipperary was held iu St. Mary'sRoman Catholic Cimrch , Clonmel. Tho Hev. T. Kug-liah , r.l'., presided. Amongst tho other clorgymeupresent were—Her. T. Gilbouoly, P.P., Clcrihan ; Hov.M. Duggan , Clcrihau ; Hov. H. Slcadou, Hov. Mr.Flynn , and Hev. Mr- Walsh, St. Mary 's j Hov. Mr.Tower, O.S.F., and Jtev. Mr. Prcndorgast , O.S.F. Mrs.Keating (wife of deceased) and lior Bister occupiedleats in the sanctuary. The offico fiuished , solemnhigh mass commenced , tho celebrant being tho Her.SI. Duggan , Clcrihan ; ileaccn , Hev. Mr. Flynn , St.ilary's ; Mib-dcaron , ltev. Mr. Walsh , 8t. Mary 's.Throughout tho proceedings tho Church was veryfull , tho aisles especially being densely crowdnd bythe friends and numerous acquaintances of tho de-ceased gentleman.

1'AUISII CII I .KC II OK CA R K K K .—Tlio bctuiifu! newfront of the Catholic par ish church of Carnek-un-Suir,to which wo have so frei|uenlly referred, has j«stbcon completed. Thin addition has greatly enlargedthe sacred editice ; ami now that tho work has beenbrought to a conclusion , wo must eay that it reflectsgreat credit on the trul y good and spirited parishion-ers, and subscribers generall y, lu Tact , iho church ,as it now stands, would bo worthy <if .1 largo city.The builder is Mr. James Morau , Waterford, who hasgiven every satisfaction

C E I C M A N V A M I ru t 1'OI - K —U OMK , MO N I I A V —ThoGorman Charge d'Affaires ut tho Hol y See has leftHorn1}, in consequence uf the unp leasant feeling ex-isting between (iennany and the I'ope, and iu ord?rto avoid the necessity of p iv ing his respects to theHoly Father on New Year 's Day. Diplomatic rela-tions between Germany and tho Vatican are nowtherefore suspended.

ltuMK , TVKVD.W.—The I'ope received to-day fieveralItalian and forei gn families. His Holiness made aspeech iu French , in the course of which ho wishedtis hearers u hotter yea r than that which is mmcoining in an end. Among tbu so present wore re-marked Admirnl Lord (,'laruncu l'.igu t and .Mr. Jicod,Jate eonstrnctor of the liritish Navy.

SISTKUS OF Cl lAKlTY' -S UA'/AAlt.Tho annual bazaar, in aid of the poor relieved by

the saintl y Sinters of Charily in ibis city, took placeon Monday last , at thu Assembly rooms, City Hall ,and , despite the fearfu l wetness of the day, tlmt.benevolence of the pi.-np lo of Waterford , so trul y in.born of tho heart , was not to lie baulked in llm go .dwork bv tho repelling intlj enco of weather , forthroughout tho day, as also at ni ght , up to closingLour, ihe rooms wero thronged , almost , if T:ot (mileKB much,.is wo remcmlii-r to have seen thorn on any fur.lucr occasion. As usual , tho str .Us were ta stefullyarranged in the large room , and I.ere the ministeringangels of charity, the g"od lad y stall-keepers , dis-charged their luugthuned , salf-imposcd duty—n dutymost grateful to them , however—with a -/eal and anuntiring grace, reaping n j -isi reward in * the warm ,•xteiiiivc patrouago they ncivcd, every shilling,every sixpence obtained—and i|uickly, indeed , theycame wurming thi-ir kind ami gcntlo hearts wilbtho reflectiuti that m fat wire their Heaven.bornefforts being sncces.-lul in miti gating the rigors of atrving season to th. ; sick and shivering of earth.Here, too, was that indefatigable worker in the causoofcharitv , .Mr. 1'. Manuing, T.C., presiding over theLottery ' l!"i, aided by bis other kind friends ,whciicu COTO checks that wero dul y honouredin tl,e Council Chamber adj oining-, in tho formof tumberless toys, more or less valuable, andall Cuticiug tu the youthful possessor. Tho nobloepartniet.t was very tastefully d«coruted with cver-grwus, here aud then) appearing tho appropriatemottoes, such as " 1 was hungry and you gava mo tooat ;" " I was thirsty and you gavo me to drink ,"whilst in the centre nf the gallery was draped thebeautifullv i l luminate d banner of the good Sisters,bearing the ecroll at foot , " The lovo ofC'bn/st con-Bt ininctb us ," and lit up at cveuing had u vorybrilliant effect. Amongit tho numbers unendingwere moat , if not nil our City Catholic Clergy, withas ever , many of our Prousmnt fellow-citizens ; amearnest desire seemed pervading all to make the bazaara 6U CI.-I.-SJ, and we are rejoiced to find thai , as far anpossible, such desire was obtained. The excellentbai.d of the Waterford Artillery, under their leader,llcrr Zincant, attended , throug h ihe cuurteous leaveof the adjutant , Captain Cufl'e, and performed somecLoite si-lrctiouK throug hout tho proceedings. Thefollowing are thu name s of the lad y htall-kccpers,wilh the prizes and winners :—

Mrs. SOTU'X table-Plated cruot staud ; won byMr. Commit!*.

The Mis«;s Udw ardu ' t iMn— A valuable t-ighl dayclui-k ; wi.n bv Mr. W. Clu-ny.

Mrs. and tho Missus Fu.-ley'n table — Bagatelletable ; won by Mrs. John Kgan.

Misses Hun t und Jlinj Jlyrny 't tablo—A sweetcak-j ; owi.ei-iiip uiiMullled.

Mrs. .1. Hyan '.s table— Costl y cidL-r.ilown i | i iill;Wun by Mr. I!. Uywi.

ThrMi-b ' -i- M u t p liy:iri<l i !issf;.-<iiil.!"'H l .-i l.l> ' —Clirisl-mill" hamper ; won by Mi-K U'Don rn -l l , Kin g fiUu i- 1.

ilib. J lobbyi. and Mr-i . .1. l lnl i l i yn 'ti tablu -l>rawii.jjroom cloitk ; «i.» by Mrs. 1'. I). Walsh.

Miss Hreimn'H VAJ \» — Oinamcii lul wa lnu t wuiktalilf; won by Mr. J. Tighc, Walorfoid and'-iickRailway.

Miss Slaney 's tablo—Plati:d tea service ; won byMr. Hhrnoy, Killottnran.

Mrs. W. Kelly and Miss Norton 's ta li ln— A fortune-teller , and sundry articles fur ratllc.

Mrs . and Miss Kcdniond and Mi»s Mngsnn (London)—A dozun of champagne, and bnakfas*. cruet tray.The former won by Mr. Thomas Phi-Ian, T.C., llroad.atrect , anil the latter by Mr. M. Power.

Mik s rhelan's table—I.ano-e, elegantl y bounl hifoof Christ ; won by Mr.-:. John Kgan, fl -

Miss w'alshe 's table—A caso of ].nrL wine.Ill the lottery, ably presided over , :i« usual , by Mr.

SfaaoiDg T.C, W «.TO M I imni'-nso and varied amountof prizes, HOIUU nf a valuable character. Amongsttho winner s wen-, Mrs. Fenuessy for a very hand-tome pole screen , aud Mafttrr lt yau f ur an equall yenticicg prize of half a soverei gn.

TIID eoufectionary was siveeil y dispi ;n»:>l by MissHishop and Miss McKenua , whoso dcparnnenl wasnot at all the lowest in point nf revenue for the day.

A novel and vory engro**ing leaturo iu the pin-cecdiuga was thu adi l itiun of u Laml<oniu roulettetable, upecially brought here frnm Dub'in fnr thu pur .poee, and presided over by Masters Michael andEdward Redmond , tho young sons of Aid. iC»dinon<l ,Kiog.jtrtet. Here wad nn enticing centre; of attrac-tion for col alone the ju veniles, but those much older ,and thu contributions by it to tho good cau.e was notthe least ,,f (|l0 receipts.

The bazaar closed at about half-paEt ton.

MALICIOUS I.N J I - KY —Karly in the morning of yes-terday «o'nuiMg lit , wooden gates belonging t o- i n uwrtaiirj , neighliours , retidiug iu thu Coplaghmoro"Wrict , near Callau—ouo named James Muhtr , thuotter llichaol Kiellc—were maliciously taken away,»od broken. This act seems to bo generally ascribedw bomo connexion with thu local differences known*• ib. -' CilJan civil war."


AS SUVOR or WAIKIt fCll l l l FOR 1S73—WITH A MfLTI.ruciTY or oTiitit I IUSINKSS W H I C H WASN 'T U U L K P ,OWIN0 TO AN DNKXVHCTKU U0M.AV3E.According to precedent, tho Corporation met in

the Largo Koom, City Hall, on Wednesday, New^ ear s Day, to instal St. George Fieouian, Esq., T.C,as Mayor of Watorford for 1873, and for tho despatchof other business.Tho HiKht Worshipful J. SCOTT, Mayor, in tho chair.

Also pnvent—Aluormun W. Juknson , J.r. ; T. W. Jaculi,J.I.; (,. IWmond , W. K. Commiua , 11. Power, 1>. Kcily, J.P.(.•iiiiicillotv i St. (icnrRO Freeman, Mnjor Kloct ; T. V. Kcil.r,HiKh .Sheriff ; II. Galln-o/, J.I'.; D. Kiwli, P. Mackcv, J T.Rj-au , II. F. Slattcry, T. Phclan (Ilroail-streitt), I". Munnloj ,! , Ty • Sar5nt>t . K. Cnurtuar , J. Fishi-r, 11. Muliony. Thiw.l'kelau (.inUn-Rtrcct), (i. Wliite, II. I^c, H. J. Cos, 1*. U.V ''! ;b;, J I > - ; M - O'iliara, J. M'JJncrv, Dr. G. I. Mttkmv,i; S - - i""1"'1 FoIr- •' • () 'llellly, with 'Messrs. J. Uclauunty,M.P., Trcvare*-; It Htao , Snpcriatendent of \Yorks ; audh. S. Kiimi'f, Mnyor 'p I ccrctarj.

Amongs t tho gnnoru l pub lic- insido nnd outsido thobar , of whom of tho latter thcro waa a vory crowded ,and at times domoustrativo attondauce, thoro werotho following:—

William Railway, city Hij li Shcriir-i-lert ; di>t. Wysc. )tn.->n-mnro Himsoj J. A. Illakt, t'ishory CnuimSiuiunt'r; I'.Z>'. llui-ralian, City Sub-Sli.-ritT ; Ju» l>h HtrausiuMi , Josrpll Walsli ,(lirui of Wnlsh uml Sun , aj i-tieiu-ra, .Mall). E.|l-'il!M"lB, J.HrniHwr, A: N. D'Ni-ill , .1. II. M'Cmlh, ex T.U. ; Jolm l'uwcr(lNnvt-r ntiil ;JMJU 3, tlreiit (!L-or^»?»-Htrc^t), Ur. Cmnlcll , T.Ciirran , |J. Sginrmw, K. I'nwi r, .1.1'., (I'nworrfnwn, Traiuoro),).. Itvan , lM,.l!..(i. H. l!:iki-r, Wutcrfor.l and Trillion; lWlway,L. FttzgiblKin , &c.

Tho first portion of tho business was tho callingover of tho roll by Mr. John O'ltrien , Town Clerk,and the tho minutes of tho prior meeting. Thatdono, tho Council proceeded to tho important andMtractivo programme for tho <lav.


Tow.v CI.F.KK , addressing tho Mnyor.Elec t, whosat at tho left of tho chair , arked—Arc you ready toassume the office of Mayor of Waterford ?

.MA Yon-Er.KCT—Yes.Tho Town Clerk requested tho Mayor-Elect

to riso. Ho did so, and then took tho nsuul declar-ation , after which ho subscri bed tho recently enactedand improved oath of alleg iance, primaril y moved forin tho Corporation of Wrttorfbrd by Captain WilliamJohnson , J.I'., one of tho present respected aldermenof tho Tower Ward . That completed , tho SwordUoarcr (Mr. Thomas) arrayed His Worshi p ia biscloak , a very striking and elabora tely embroideredgarment, and tlicu tbo out-going Mayor iuvosted bissuccessor with tho " Urbs Intacta," or mayoraltychain , of which trulv beautiful insignia we neednow scarcely say our present chief magistrato wastho indefati gablo ori ginator , at tho sumo time ex.pressing tho sincere plcasnro he felt at resigning tnhim tho chain of oftice , amuriug him of his convictionthat it camo to ablo hands , nud , retiring from thecbair," heartil y wished th» proscnt chie f magistraten Jiappy now yuar. This seene, short in its opera-ation, was witnessed by tho enliro auditory withseeming apparently deep interest , and its coiicluyiunwas warmly cheered , tho enthusiastic approbationbeing doubl y intensified when St. Georgo Freeman ,Ksci., T.C, thus arrayed in his robes, surmountedby tho official chain , in tho handsomely, artisticall ycarved, and luxuriously upholstered mayor's chair,took his seat aB Mayor and Chief Magistrato of Water-ford for what promises to ho tho memorable year of1S7.'). Ou silcnco being at length restored,

Tim Hight Worshi pfu l Sr. IJK.OUCH: FK K K M A N , Mayorof Waterlord , roso nnd said—I believe, MessieursAldermen , Councillors, nnd Citizens of Waterford ,it is usual ou such occasions as tho present for thenow Mayor to say a fow words on taking oOieo. Imen u to follow this excelled example, but I do notintend , I. assuro you , to detain you boyoud n veryf ew moments. My first duty, and a most pleasingduty it i.«, on occupying this chair, is to thank youheartil y, very heartily indeed , for having elected meto this high oflice , aud I sincerely thank you for tbotruly kind way in which you have conferred thehonor. This honor which you havo so couforrod uponme, gentlemen, 1 regard as a high ono in ovcry pos.fliblo respect. It is an hom»r to any man, of whichho may well bo proud , to ho unanimousl y eloctod byhis fellow-citizens to preside over such a city as Wa-terford, lino old city which stands foremost, ifnot the foremost of tbo ancient chartered cities ofIreland (hear , hear) ; a city which 1 may DOW , I feel ,claim as my own , at least by adoption , endeared tomo as it is hv all thoic feelings aud associationswhich can undent' a locality to thu human heart ;endeared tj me, wiien in life's earl y j norn/ug Jwas hero with my uncle, aud binco then endeared tomo by every domestic aud other lies which can attachone to a locality ; but now tho strongest (io of allhas arisen in the hi gh honor you have conferred uponuu 1, and 1 can onl y say that iu this chair evervrll'ort shall hi ; m.-ido by mo to preserve tho dignities ,wilh tbn privileges and rights of tho city nf Waterford(hear, hear). W it is a source of prido to bo thuselecled to presido over such a city as Waterford , it isequall y a mutter of prido to bo chosen to presideover such a corporation as t int of Watorford—acorpnralii 'U which holds a deservedly high placoamongst iho civic bodies of Ireland ; aliko dis-tinguished by tho moderation of its dobntea ; thejustice and wisdom of its decisions, and tho mostfriendl y feeling so animating all its mernbors, that ,n-iih this moderation aud loleratiou amongst us,althoug h many ditVcriug ii^op iniou , and ull holdiugiboso opinions (strong ly, all is merged in ouo clforlfor thu common good of our city (hear, hear) . Al-though 1 miss from amongst u« some " old familiarfaces," I am sure there is not a membor hero who,iu his capacity of a representative of the public , isnot ready, aud who will not be ever reidy, to mergoall BUC I I feeling, and dovolo bis energ ies to advancethe progress, of our good old city (hear, bear). Asmy position for tho coming year will lie moro of alisteuer than that of a speaker , you will pardon me, Ihope if 1 iuf l ict a li t t lo of that torture upon you atthis moment , but not tn any great extent (hear).We open our year under favourable -auspices, 1 doi);;uk , i» many resj iectK. Your uld {friuvnnco , tlicLamp Tax , has been abolished , and you aro .in thatposition not enjoyed , 1 believe, by any other city nfthe empire, of being free from any munici pal taxwhatever (hear, hear) . Thu water question now re-mains to be carried to completion ; it H virtuallypassed, ani although it lias brrn somewhat of "afountain of bitterness,; 1 [lmpe its waters ni l l besweetened, and that tho " winter nf our discontent 11

will becomo summer wiilin ii! nny unduo taxation(hrar , hoar). There is, iiowovur, jour old ntereo.typed grievance, upon wlii i -h your mayors aro eve rexpected to say a won) , aud thai is thu Jiridgo (hear).Thcrc\ it is still ; tho toll collector remains them, and ,liko the Jews.of old , shows us that hu keeps the Pass,over. Mind, gentlemen, 1 do tint promise to free the{frid ge, but if any feasible project should b<; broughtforward , and any fair menus shown for tho removalof that obstacle , I will promise as your Mayor , and Ithink I mav do the samu for the corporation , thatevery facility will bo given by us to havo this p lan ,or thoso means carriod to- completion (hear, hearj.There are other matters of local importance to whichwo may refer for a moment. Perhaps there is not acity in the south of Ireland for its size, population,and importance, with markets of which wo havo suchlit tln reason to be proud as tbo city of Watirford ,aud although we cannot hope to havo tho defect re-medied in tho present year, wo may, in that time,accomplish much that could put such a result iuprogress (hear, hear) . Wo have then the mainten-ance of our strcots , and their further improvement ,with tho view , amongst others, of taking advantageof the increasing traffic coming to our port in con-nection with tho fleet of vessels trading to ourharbour; to give them and tho railways now working,uml limit! others now being projected , every facilitylor their traflic , ami thai wo may endeavour to makeW.itcrfonl , what shu lias overy element of being,th»i gr«- :il hig hway for the eo*nmorco of tin;South and Soul Ii-Knst of Ireland with Eng land (hear ,hear). Then thi 'rc is our Military condition , ni|ui's-tion which must always claim our attention (hea r,bear). Thu nnd >-enui-gi) of i-earlalii ia- has bri-nsweeping throug h our midst; it has taken au;iy thupo"r infant aud tho sickly mother , und whilst 1 dnnot say it can bu ke pt away altogether, 1 must saythat tho virul iMieu uf t ins 'lisi - .-iso caw bo i/meljI f ' i- siMi wI by a proper aili ' i i tiun lo military mmiMin*I wif rtnrry to read tin' other day that , the lerribhrlmlrrn WHO going thn iu gh tliu \vt :st nf Kuroj ur, imd Imay lir-ns mention Hint «n tin! two occ.iKioiiH on whichit visit i-d thuse rnuntrii ;e , it was found to have beerimported frnm Hninbiir g li. At this moment eom<cases aro reported in II unb\ir gli , but in making thornremarks i am not to bu taken as an alarmist (hear)I liiiiko them solely to show tho necessity wo arcunder of maintaining :i due- inspection over ouilodging houses ; keeping up prnper sewers ; exam-ining the food of tbo people, airing that it is whole-some nnd pure , and , in an especial manner , to preventadulteration of milk , in which nlfi.'iicc , I am happy toth ink , wo are not so bad as in other p laces, an articleof food on which y n many nf tmr poor pcopli) so verymuch depend (hear, hear) . Then ugain there is tin-crime of ilrunkt -uncs ii. Miin y strict provisions arelaid down uudc-r the m-w act for its suppression , andthose eiMicttnontx 1 hoj m will be enforced , for bad asi.s. the ciirs.ii of ilrunkenm.'K.'i, it is matin fur, far worsewhen caused by adulterated , deleterious drink , aspecies of driiukc -iint -M which fills our workhouses,our jails , and our lunatic asy lums with their manyBad nnd despairing vict ims (hear , hear) . It is foithu?o and such like purposes, gi-i,tJemefi , we nro scuthero ; our duty here is lo havt i thosi! obj ect* attainedas far as possible, and not to indulge iu anyth ing likereligious or [mli'iicnl discussions wiien in this cham-ber. Tho people havo nmplc rights to j iuld publicmeetings, aud those rights shall always receive dueat tent ion; but our chief, in fact our solo duly is t)»;comideralion of HUC II mutters us thosu to which Ihave taken tho liberty to draw your attention, ^oumay Hay to mi', oh ! but you havo not promised any-thing tu bo effected daring your yunr ol oflbo. 'Tistruo 1 havo not done so, but nuo thing is to mu asourco of gratification, and that is, that however Imay fail iu tho discharge of my public duty—andthat shall never bo through intention (hear, hear)—at tho end of that year it cannot be your mo , that 1 was guiliy nf a breach of promiseto you (bear, hear). IJuring thu present yoar , gen-tlemen , wo aro to be lavoured iu Wutorford vf ith thopresence of tbo show of thn Jloyal AgriculturalSociety of Ireland. That show will bring to ua the

representative of royalty, nnd tho nobility and gontryof this and neighboring counties. I trust, however,it will do more. I liopo it will bring us, in largonumbers, the inon wu waut lioro ; tho farmers of thocountry ; tho men who rear those beautiful animalsWOSMT daily on our quays, /caving f or Bug/and , send-ing us back English gold in return. I do hopo to soothem nt til i show, thcro learning how to roar thosoanimals , if possiblo, better tban thoy do ovon atthis rromout, for I would bo jea lous, indcod , that onsuch r.n occasion Waterford should be Rucond to.anyother city iu tho empire. Wo had n great successin '57, when my friend near mo (Mr. John A. Wake)presided, and wo wnfit even moro now. Your help,fellow-citizens, is required for that purpose, not oulyyour subscriptions, which aro ever freely given, butyour efforts in other ways—your interest nnd yourpresence—so that when our visitors shall loavo usafter iho show, thoy will bo hcaid to declare that thopcoplti of Waterford deserved succoss and nchiovod it(hear , hear). It may bo said that ft mayor can donloul) , but my answor is, lio cannot do nny thinj with-out tbo cordial assislauco uf Iho Corporation ; with-out such aid ho is perfectl y powerless. Ou enteringon my public duties, I, at once, acknowledgo mysense if my incapacity to efficiently dischargo them ;but 1 nok to you , gentlemen , for that hel p to makonvs pessessed of Iho requisite efficiency, it possible.With vot ir help; with iho hel p of this corporation—n bod y of long tried , experienced men—with youri .liug me, I hope to bo enabled to fulfil tho duties ofthis chair without disgracing you. Ouoothcr positionto which I would wish for a moment to nlludo is thatof chiif magistrato. I would fear to trend tho foot-steps tif my predeeo.«sor in that path , if it wero notfor thu promised hel p of gentlemen on that bench ,long a I ornament to it , and a grout advantago to onrcity (1 rar, hi-ar). Wilh that aid, and the lie) ;) of onoof tho best ollicera In Ireland perhaps, and lookingup to Him for that aid which is over vouchsafed whenneeded , I hope, gentlembn , that my incapacity in thaipositio i also may bo removed , in Rotao degreo at lpastOf one thing I cau assuro myself, and that is, that asli»ng as I shall occupy that chair, I will not knoweither individual , sect , or party, but so fnr na I callshall give my decisions, aud discharge thenther dutiesof tho olh'ec to the best o" my ability (hoar , hear).When 1 como to leuvo thU chair At the closo of myyear of ouico, if I shall havo discharged its manyduties half as well as bo who baa just vacated i t jwho has fulfilled thorn with credit to himself and totho upholding of tho diguily or tho city—if I shallhavo dune so much , l a m .sure, gentlemen , you willbestow upon mo your approbation. It remains formo now, gentlemen , in wish you all a happy nowyear, and tucceas to our munici pality ; that tho yearwith in may bo one frco from r«ny persotialitiei what-ever ; that we shall ono and all givo a cordial pul ltogether for tho good of our common city, and merg-ing everything liko personality in that ono great fool-ing, si', and consult around tbiB tablo liko brothers ;to use the words of t.hti poet :

Tlipu hi u* pray th:it comi! wlmt toay,Atu l it. willcumo for a' Hint . j .i»n>i- mill vnrth oVr nil tin' c-Hrtli\\"iu lx-ar the gn-i-, ntnt a" that.

KorVtIir i t , ;,inl a' th:it ,And II I I I I I - it wi'l , >ml a' tlmt ,Tliul ni:iu tn man tin* worM o'erWill lirotlil-rs lie ami a' that.

His Worshi p resumed his soal amid vrnrru and pro-longed .I fipl.-IIIHO.

Aid. K K I I .V—1 beg to congratulate you , Mr.Mayor ,on alt.lining your present hi gh position , nnd havingdono so, my olijnct in rising i« to proposo a vnto ofthanks to your respectod predecessor (hear , hear). 1know Dr. Scott for a number of yean, and 1 havehad much experience of hia acts fe-r tho good of thecity. Thoso acts «oem to have givon satisfaction toall , nnd I know they bnv« given satisfaction to mo.Vr. Scott , as chief magistral*, both at potty sossionsati'l in the police court , was impartial in every wayin his decisions , and I havo great pleasure in movingour br«t thanks to Dr. Scott, our lato worth y mayor,for hi * upri ght and impartial conduct whilo Glliugthat position (hear , hear).

Mr. H K.MIV (>.U.],WEY—1 fcdl tho utmost plcasuro,Mr. flavor, in rising to second Iho motion just pro -posed. No man could havo discharged his dut iOB withmoro ability and credit than Dr. Scott , and no mancould better deserve this vote of thanks (hear , hear) .I perfectly concur ftt nil that has been said of h im ,and se cond this motion with much ploaaurc.

M.\"ou—M y first official duly is a very pleasantone. You have heard tho motion , gentlemen , everyword if nliich 1 ondonc, ami im many *.i aro in favornf it will say aye.

A unanimous ayo passed tho motion amid warmapp lause.

J)r. Si:orr, cx-mayor , roso to return t l iank n , andwas cordiall y received^ IIu said—Mr. Mnym , Aid.Kcil y. and gcnllemuu of Iho council , 1 beg lo say thatI feel hig hl y honored , and much obliged indeed , bythe f l i t ter ing in which this voto of thankslias b :en proposed nnd sccondod , as well as by thffvery ivarm inannoi ' I n which it has been received. 1am happy to say, gentlemen, t 'lat owifg tn thesympithet ic support of llii.s council , unvarying l yallordcd lo me, my year of ollieo wai , to me, a veryagrc?iblu ono, and 1 found ull th ings go plcusantl yforward. During Iny mayoralty I observed a largoroviva l of public riiicrj tridc iiiid ap irit in t l io city, abelief eial spirit which 1 fiuo increasing day after day,and although , n» lias been remarked , u mayor, of him-sc'f , may bo able to du but l i t t lo iu furthering publicobjects of that ur of any other kind , still , what littlemay -io done 1 am sun." wi l l bo done well and effi-cient y by my practical successor , St. GeorgeFreeman (hear , hear , and app lause). I tnuet say ,your t tal f , one and ull , is admirable und elncient , andafforded mo this vory fill lost iissi.stauco (heur , hear) .To tl .eprrt s too, I fi>el thankfu l for tho admirablu re-port? - and fair criticisms they wero kin d enough tnmakii during my year ofollicc. I am proud tu the character of this corporation for order ant)deco-um in its debutes was, with one solitary excep-tion , puitaim -d , and I irust wil l ever bn HO (hear ,IIC.IM. JJifTcTPtJt 'f!!) of opinio n inny e.\i»t ; thej r mustuxisi in all pnblit: bodies ; they aro useful becausethiiy mako debates more hcarehing, but nothing use-ful over yet came from personalities ; they aruuseless and degrading (he ar , hear). Thcro U muchnf piogress yet to bu achieved in Waterloo!, and I dos.iy 1 that riroRre.-i ran only bi: ach ieved by acombination of all men uincc-rcly nuxicus for thatobje:t (hear, hear) . 1 xuch a combinationwill be maintained in tli<! corporation for Much a pnr-posc , asi .'xi»ts in other public bodies, nud wo shall ullspcidily find tho advantage of it (bear , hear) . 1 dunot know that I have anything more to say, und beg,oncn again , to roturn you my sincere thanks for thuhonur you have done me.

The inauguration anil ita attendant ceremonies hereterii inatcd , and soveru l left the council , but verymat y remained , expecting to be favored with some-tliii g rich , on this great faast day, in the shape of nset-to , hut they wero disappointed , as the sequel willsbo.v tho reader.

11I C STIIKKT COMMIlTKr ..Aid. l tKi iMMN D said as thero was a vacancy ou the

street committee , he would beg to propose, that Mr.Thomas I'lielan (firm Jfyun and I'/ic/un, Wroadstrcol)be elected member of it for the South Ward . Iudoing so ho (Aid. It.) had much pleasure in Bay iDgthat tho great intelligi .'iico and active business habitsof Mr. Hielan would bo n decidud acquisition to thoworking of this cotnmitteu (hear, hear) .

Mr. J. T. R YAN seconded tho motion , which passedunanimousl y.

Aid. JACOH said ho had much pleasure iu seeingthi) motion pass, for ho WIIH awaro that Mr. ThomasI'hilan was particularl y qualified for tho duty per-uiaiug to a member of tho street committee (hear,hear) .

r i iK t i n itA c.ii MI IH n lit .'.vr STKKI 'I. KI HASKS .I h o 1UW .V L I.KIIK now entered on tho correspond-

nmice , ar.d the loiter read was one fro m HarryIt. -Sargent , l*si|., T.C, ouo of tho Commiltcu of the.Curr.-ig h Hunt ('hunts , to comu off in the iniddlu

of Most month , pointing nut to thu corporation thai ,in order to give a large amount of good sport to thepublic , Iho stewards, with llm Marquis of Waterfurdat their brad , hud determined ou having two daysI'u i iuing thiB ycar in the Willianistown;course;tlmt fort 'l.iM- two il.-iy* iirizr.-i to the .-imount of t'71 I hadb.i ii allotted , for which sum (he stewards wen; liabtu ;thai they had expended .t.VJH in making the course: assuitable as jio wiMe, and t.-michdi.-d by asking thucorporation , throug h the. Major , tu consider as toL ' iyiug a HuliKcriplioii. After a liltlo pause , and theM.\yor asking if any member desired to intiku amotion oil this h.-tti 'r ,

Aid. K K I I .V paid as a fox-huuter in bin earl y days ,and having fondness for tlio sport still , ho wouldwish to ask thii Town Clerk if they could apply anyof , their funds to th i s purposn ? If they could biiwould I) M glad , becaiiHi ; the obj ect was a good ono,nnd would lend much tn incria-o and impruvu thobreed of hones (Lear , hear).


Ci.i . i t i i —Vuu must first "pave, li ght , anddemise," and if you havo then a surp lnB you cautalk of other things.

Mr. KlMH U said ho thoug ht thoy could not gofarther t lnn reading thn letter that day, anil thenpostpone it to next quarter day to bavn an orderllinde on it. As to the cnrporatinii giving a sub-scri ption , ho wa< aware, that they gave a cnrpoiatiouplatn before now , ami in many places iu Kug laud theyhad tho sam> .

Aid. CU M M I N S —If yon postpone it to next quarterday you 'll just have tho letcr coming up a monthafter the races (hear , hear).

Mr. M A .V N I N I ;—Can't wo havo it considered by aspecial commit tee ?

Tow.v CLKII K—You can refer it to the finnncocoininilt o.0.

Aid. CO.M .M I .\ S—Vou can havo it heforo the financocommittee, and then you can have a special councilto sanction tho giving of tho money.

Tho motiuii j in thi * form, was moved by Mr.SIiN.vtX 'i , seconded by Aid. CO M M I N S .

Mr. K I S I I K K repeated his objection , urg ing tho no.cess'ty of a special council as the only course to le-galise an act of which ho approved.

Tho M AYOR inquired if Mr. Fisher moved any thing,but receiving no answer, liid worship put tho motion,and declared it carried.

THE COAL COSTHAI .T.Thomes Cahill , Alexand er Htrcct , recently contrac-

tor for coal to the corporation , wroto to aak somucon-sidaratioo for the loss bo sustained (£ao. ho alleged)

on his contract, at 1-S* a toll. Ou mntiuirof CaptainJOHNSON , seconded by Mr. K KOUII , tho letter was sentto tho liuancc committee

CUND CIT LA>E OPENING.• A reiiort from tho Supcrintondcnt of CorporateWorks wns lend , stating that tho end wall at th« topof this, now very fino, street, at Mr. Tobiu's bouse inHigh streot , required to bo pinned with bricK to makait socuro ; and further, that somo yards Isft open bytho widening of that ond of tho streot should bo closedtip, so as to provent them becoming the receptacles ofobjoctionablo matter, and otherwise nuisances.

Mr. J. T. R VA .V snid bo would move that tho workbo dono, as it was a very necessary ono (hear) .

MAYOR —You cannot mako a definite motiou on thomatter to-day, but yon can havo it referred to thostreet committee.

Mr. FISIIF.K—It ought to bo dono at once, for it isvory much required.

Aid . R E D M O N D —As Mr. Smith's houso, at thocorner of Lady-lano and Michael.street, under pro.cisoly similar circumstances, was attended to, andmaihi all right by tho corporation , so should Mr.Tobiu'j, for his house, at thi-j moment , is iu a veryunsafe condition (hoar, hear).

It was moved by Mr. J. T. R YAN , 6ocondcd by Mr.FisiiKit , that thu report bo sont to tho street com-mitteo, with a recommondalion that it bo attended toas speedily as possible.

TIIK JW-COI.WTS—THE KtKST FLASH.TL'O TOWN CI.F.KK hero commenced reading tho ac

counts , passed by tho financo committee, aud hid gotover thrco or four, which wera for street repairs,when ho was interrupted by

Mr. Fli ' tiKIt , who inquired woro thoso nccountspassed by tho street committee beforo they went tothe financo committed ?

Tow.v CM;UK—Vcs, sir, certainly.Mr . FisitKi t—I was told at tho last council , when I

asked the question, that there had not been any meet-ing of tho street committee, and I hoard Bince of billsbeing taken to privato houses and signed there.

C.ipt. JOHNSON—Name, nnmo (hear, hoar).Mr. FISIIEII declined to do so, ami was repeating

his question ns to tho meeting of iho street committee,when ho was met by repeated calls lo order.

M A Y O R —Tho quostion has been asked and answered ,and it cannot bo allowod to go further (hear, hear) .Now, that's sufficient (addressing Mr. Fislior).

Mr. M \ C K K Y —As chairman of tho streot committee ,may I ask, Mr. Mayor, why tho flagging, ordered bytho council for tho south side of liallybricken, has notbeen carried out, in pursuance of that direction ?

TOWN Cr.KitK—Tho matter is under consideration.Mr. MA C K K Y —Oh ! very well ; that 's suflicicnt , 1

suppose.Mr. FI S I I K K —I asked tlio samo quostion at last

meeting, nnd I ask it now. I also inquired wh y thele:isn to Um Dominican J-'atliero had not been niadoout , and I. nsk the Famo thing now ? (order , order , andmuch demonstration of apphusu outsido tho bar).

Caj it. Jon.vso.v Jiuro called Mr. Fhhor iu order, andwas followed by

Aid. CO M M I N S , who said—I am authorised by thoDominica n KatlH.T.i to states they iicrw cmpon-fri-ilMr. l-'k-her to ask such a question on their bohair.nuivor at any other timo (hear , anil laughter).

The TOWN C/.K H K eventua ll y got tlu-uug h readingthe accounts , amounting to iS'.)sr> Ss. Id., and the panmwere ordered fur payment, on motion of Mr. Corur-N A Y , seconded by .Mr. O'.MKAKA .I l l K I.AMI - TAX—Dl . s rRA.Vl ;n i sRMK.Vr— ANOTlll i l t KLsl -

JLAI l K , A N D A C'OI.LAI'HI - :.The council next took up tho notices uf motio n, o(

which there were a very largo number indeed , thufirst in order being ono in Mr. Fisher 's namo as fol-lows:— " That the conduct of tlio Town Clerk in thepreparation of tho Hurgcss Jtoll has been in excessof tho jurisdictiou given him by law, and that ho hasthereby deprived many legall y qualified burgessesof tbo right of voting."

Mr . FisilKK , boforo discussing' this question , com-plained that the order of precedence in which hisnotices stood on tho paper last day, of which thiswas one, bad been changed sinco then , and inquiredwho did so. or who bad tha power ?

Thi! Towx C'I.KRK said that , strictly speaking, Mr.Fishur should havo served fresh nolicra after tho lastcouncil , but bo (tho town cleik) had not iusiited oncomplianco with this form. Tho order in which thomotions stood had been inadvertantl y changed by his(Mr. O'H' s.) clerk , aud without his knowlod go.

Mr. 1-'I S I I K R accepted the exp lanation , and thenwent into Jiis ^nbject, premising that in bring ing itfin-ward , ho had no personal feeling against Mr.O'Jiricn to gratify. As in iho terms of his notico hecontended tha t , as well known , tho ground on which11.j burgesses wero struck off t)io roll by tho TownClerk , was their non-payment of tho Lamp Tax , buthis (Mr. F.'s) coiiK.'utiun was that this tax was not amunicipal one, where Mr. O'lirieii would have thepower to .-.ct .-if ho bud done , but a pa rochial coss,Uftit parochial cess liy tho corporation , who noted in de-fault of the vestries , and that, being so Mr. O'Uiicnhad no power to assnmo this jurisdiction to himself,and adjii ificato on fin's important quosl-'on. [Mr .O'lit t lE.v : 1 had , nnd will do it, again.] Mr. Fi-lierwas hero entering into lomc siatisticai arguments toB'IOW that this tn\ was illegal , and should nor , by i tjlion.payment , deba r any one of the franchise, but wascalled to older by the mayor, who said tho legality orotherwise Qf tho tax was not tl;o question Ij cforo thornin which opinion li'S worshi p was backed up by alargo section of tho Council, a m ijo'-ity outsidostrong ly calling nut for Mr. r'islior .wlio now said thatbe was going to show that Aid. Jacob produced alegal opinion proving that iho tax was illegal.

Mr. ilow .iini called at tent ion to llio livo minutes' , but it was not of much force at the moment ,

The M AYOR saying ho would give tho fullest lati-tude to Mr . Fisher so long as ho kept in order , Inn nolonger.

Mr. I'ISUKK observed if the fivo minutes' rule wasto be adhered to , he would sit down , and renew his¦notion for next council , when hu would have his fivemiuu 'ua ngain , nnd .so on unt i l thoy would bavij t.hiaquestion threshed , for threshed they should havu it.

M AYOK - — I don 't n-ant lo stop you so long as youkeup to ihc point.

Mr. F i s i i K U — 1 would have been done- now onl y forthose unseemly interruptions fro m tho chair—pardonmo for saving so—and ilnuo around mo (oh ! oh ! undapplause frnin the exterior ). Mr. Fisher then pro.ceudiil lo ntk , if I l ie imii.pnynient was illegal , wh yW,IM it that Co burgc-sea out of the I IS struck olf In-tliu town clerk were pill on afterwards by the inny.irand assessors at the revision !' Alderman Jacob ;ailmlast meeting bhi<wcd il .i 'nt an op inion from the Auor -uuy-C-'.'iicral , pronouncing thu lax illegal , aud if tha iwas correct , wh y should tlm so men be disfranchised '?Sir. Fisher uoncludrd by .saying ho had shown tho laxto by illega l, but would not movo his motion for thepresent , iu order lo give Mr. O'liiien an opportuni ty ,if ho ho pleased, of making nu explananion , siill hi;would reserve to himself iho right to move it iftcr-wnrds if he thoug ht fit .

Mr. .SL A I T C K I —J objec t lo Mr. O'JJrien giving anyexplanation UII I OSH a moliun iu mndo , and heru it isnot HO. 1 would also ask you , Mr. Mayor , to do yourduty ijy prevculiug- any expression outaiiio l) io coun-cil.

Aid. K F.I L Y —Horn 's a resolution (Mr. Fishnr 's),and why does he not move it ?

M AYOR —There's no motion beforo tho chair ; doosanyone move ?

Capt. JOHNSON said that Mr. Fisher had put a noticeon tho paper , which was now on it for a mouth ; itwns placarded at the City Hall , and appeared in Mr.Fishers own paper , and t hat notico was a direct, votoof cen.-.uro on tho town clerk (bear, hear) . It was udouble voto of censure-, for , if Mr. O'Urion actedwrong ly in this matter , ho firs t showed ho was ig-norant of tho law, and next that ho had done an netof great injustice, to those burgesses by removingthem from the list (hear , henr) . Mr. Fisher dis-claimed any personal feeling towards Mr. O'lJricn inthis mailer, or of touching bis character, but thomutter bad gone before tho council , nnd if any nuchexpression of opinion went forth to thu public fromthe council it would bo conceived that Mr. O'llrienhad dour this thing, and thus a very great injuryWould be put un him (hear , hear) . Mr. O'llriou banbeen an ollicer ol this corporation for tho past twentyseven years (hear, hear), und has been their confiden-tial adviser for that long period. Ho (Capt.J.) woulddefy any <mu member of this or the former corpora ,tion for Ihat timo to profo that any cloud , whatever,had been cast upon thai gentleman (hoar , hear), andho considered thai the older members especially wereloo well .mare of tho hotor of Mr. U'Hrieu to boinfluenced by any such motion as the present (hea r,hear), ferhaps Mr. fisher dhl not know llm t tJj oBurgos* Roll was not inado out at. all under thoMunici pal Act (hear , hear) . Tho Dublin Corporationfound that Act lo work so badly in that respect, thatthey broug ht iu a supplemental act , the (ith and 7lhVictoria , ni:d was tho Act under which the lu l lis made out. Hu (Capt. J.) folt thuy were bound lostand up, and to give expression to their feelingswi lh lespecl to that resolution , or that nntico of .Mr.Fisher 's, anil he (Capt. J.) would propose thoy do soin ihu following terms :—

11 It lmviiiu I- i n Miir-prgtal by tlio iirintcl nntii c papi -r oftlii -" day, -Unit t lm i-niidiict of tliu Tnwii Work in pn -inriiiit tl"'ltur u i— H It' .II !i;n In-i ll in OMW uf lii* iloty, anil MINI : liavini;li'-t-n ]iiilili-lii- ,l hi tt I' NM I paper, LTiilt -ntly I'tileiiluti it tu lUuurmi:tin; hi ^'li L-tiar.icti -r nf that ri'i'iH-Hrtnl iitlinrr , • K KS«,I.\-I:I, : Tlmtill th<- opinion uf »tii.» cuunril tins Town ClVrk, friMu tl,,, duv nfltis .-it 'lK 'iiitrm-iit tu flu.1 {in**'*rit luiiini-lit , u"»- n l«-ri>>.r itl ]17)val> . lias M-ali ' iii- l y uml iuipartially iliscliitivi'il ull ami i.vt-ry uflii.i nllirud i lu t iw to tin- full: uwl tl itin- natHfacliuii i,f tlii. Cur-|Kirati iili , uml wi> llavc full rcuiuu to Bupp'jhi ; Uo will euutltiucto nirt iu u r imilar maiitibr .' "

Some euch motion was duo to Mr. O'Brien , nndUnit, disposed of, Mr. Fisher, if iie wished, could per.80V.-re. with bin notice .

Aid. K KII .V naid that as ono of thn orig inal membersof tho reformed corporation , fin had much pleasure inhearing Capt. Johnson 's million. He knew Mr.O'lirieii for many years, und from that knowledge hu(Aid. K.) could positively nay hn never seconded alOKilut i im with niuro p luasinu than bo now secondedIke motion before them. If ho tliung hi ihut Mr.O'liiien wascupablo of doing anything mean as TownClerk , as thiB notice of Mr. FinheV s would imp ly, ho(Aid. K.) would go as fur as any ono in cunsuringhim ; but ho know, nu tho contrary, that all was fairaud honest in him ; and being so convinced , ho pleasure in seconding tho motion of CaptainJohusou.

Mr. CIALLWBY roflo lo a point of order. As Mr,

Fisher had declined ;u L'" on with his resolution , thocouncil would not." bo regular in considering thomotion mudo by Cap*.. Jolmsun. Ho (Mr. li.) did ,howevor, trust that Capl. Jolinauii would givoa noticuto bavo his motion considered at thu next council(hoar, hoar) . Iu tliri t view tho majority of the councilseemed to concur, aud uudcr thoso circumstinces,

Mr. I). KEOUII , who oxpreascd a desiro to addresstho mectinj , said ho would movo tho adjournment ofthe council , for i'>u purposo of being in order inspeaking. Having doue so, Mr. KEOUH pro-ceeded to say that there Wi-ro nut mauy there,porhaps, who knew moro than bu did of the makingout of tho Uurguss Roll , having been engaged lorsoveral years in tho putting ou of claimants, tiud hecould safoly say t hcru was no ground, whatever, lotbring ing any chargo aguiust tho Towu Clerkon this mat ter (hear. hear). Tbo origiual Btatuteunder which this roll was made out was thu 30thsection of tho 3rd aud -Ith Victoria , but, that statutewas subsequently amended by tho (ith and 7thVictoria , aud it was under that enactment tbo rullwas always made out. Mr. Kww it t was proceedingto explain this section, when ho was interrupted by

Aid. Co.MMi.<s, who said thoy wero outnf order iuhaving any discussion , as Mr. Fisher had not gono ouwith liis motion.

M AYO .I— Mr. Keogh is iu order iu speaking, as helias moved tho adjournment , of tbo council. 'Ihatmotion is now tho only question before us.

Capt. Jliltxsux—M r. Fisher cauuut witddraw hismotion without iho coo.-eht, of tho council , aud 1call ou tho council now to compel L"iu to go ouwith it. '

Several members inquired if Mr. Kuog h'a niutiunfor adjournment wus seconded , when

Mr . SkATTKiir ro-iu nud said — 1 will second it. 1feel , sir, that after thu insult wu havo received in ihuoriginal motiou proposed to us, I 'id tho remark*with which it was accompanied , that wo havu noothor courses , in justico lo ourselves, thau to adjourn.I sccoud thu moiioii

Tho MAYOR put, iho mutioii " thai tho council donow adjourn ," and declared it carried , amid somu con-fusion. The council then broke up, leaving undisposedof a very heavy notice paper, ou which Mr. Fialu-rhad several propositions.

WA tJUU- VllD (.l UAllTEll S U S H T O X S .

COUNTV COURT— TI:KSH .\ Y .Ill pursuance of a now ai luiiguiiieut , taking up Ihc

County before tho City, ihe reverse having buuu theorder of things for yuar -.t, t/i.-orgu Waters , Ks -j ., l,).C.,Chairniau , uj i-j ueil the .lamury Quarter Sessions, furthis division of llio county by laaring sumo untie ,feuded civil bills , aud ihen adjourning iu nexi muni-iug. HKliM. sll.W.

His Worship sat lliii muming at ten , and aimiiiiiedup to iwelvo wilh thu civil \i\\U . At I 'uil hour ,assislctl by the uiag i . i t rah s uf lie: di.-i i ie l , iln ; Chair-man Lunk u^ tiiu v.vimutiil hu ?iiin- t l i i u i>n.' l i>ni inirytu wh ich du ly was t l i e i i n p a i i i e- i l i u^ , liy M i . \V. J.

Ueuneh y, Cl e i k of t in : 1'IMLV, ofi in: i.i: v \ ii ..-1.1; i'

C'a[it. 1'. r. iSi:i: .%A.v , .I . I 1., l i e i inu i i t l l uu .-.o, lorcinaii.C.i pl. J. l\ ) \VL-t * , IJ d i i r i i i k i l l l l o t i . -:c ;'I 'liuiiiii.s I' ui -ueil , 'l'.(.'., '( 'minuiv ;Kiciiar d l ia iu l i l e , 1.'I I I I < :I ;I ^I I ;Juliii .MtMile, ij iil l y m.iL-iMii.1 ;Sii i inu Kent , l>a h }eaiivaii ;David C.iM-y, llu ily duir l luusu ;D.iviJ llickuy, Stuiieiiuii .M ' ;Michuul ij hiillue , iialliiiv olit: r House ;

' Waller O'lJonuull , .Sewraili ;Maurice iShauubau , tjusileiowu ;Josep h Wallers , IJawul 'oune;Tliuiiiuu Ji.irrun, Knockwn.

His Worshi p briull y adiliessud tho grand jury,observing there wuru but livu bills lo go lotoru them ,uf the usual class of cases coming up at quartersessions, uouo of them requir ing special observation,f ho grand jury leiired , and had ibcir business dis.posed of at an earl y hour , when Ibey Wuru discharged.

I.II;K.N SI -:S.Thoro wero thrco appiiualioii.-j for license--, ami

were disposed ol' iis I'ulluw.-.: —John 1'ower , .Square, seeking a licensu for Ki l ina-

combe, was granted on thu d. -ciding vulu of Lin:chairman ; Michael Walsli , Cai- i-oH ' H Cruj s, granu-d,ami Andrew Hurl ey, lJromiii :i , l-cluseil.

l.- | : l ) I I .V.\ l. II1 .S IM.SS.

./',/iii .S''"ii , a y o u t h ul c i imiua l antecedents , pleadedguilty to having .11 K'ilcii/li lieen, un ihu L 'HIi i/i ' De-cember, IMT ^ , li -oin nut nf thu school house , sluleu aclock, the properly of the Cummissiuueri uf NationalKducatiou. It secmtvl t li -ii - .Sii-n w:is ouu of ;i gangof young thieve 's recentl y p itridcring iu this city,now, happ ilv , broken up, and un ihu evoiiing nuuiudhe got inlo 'this selii iulhu:i.-e, i'i somu way or amnlier ,seir.ed tliu cluck , and inuJg ht it acrosi thu terry iulown , when , ju -,1 as liu wns lan iliiij f, liu was met liyihu teacher who was going aero.*), ;iml who, knowingIho proiieily eiitru.--ted to her , demanded its restor-ation ; audaciously hu lauglinl at her, and said hewas bring ing it to town lor repairs, for a farmernamed Walsh. She insi-led , however , ami said tinshould go wilh her to ibu policu ; hu cuiisenied , butou condition l l ial sliu wtiu ld tuny tlic c.'uck. 'J'othat pruposition sin: acceded , but. wheu sho gut thearticle in her urin.--, oil" le) was lik o nu arrow , uut ofsight. Kepairi iig to the police, ihu teacher told herstory to Constable lii yncy, hi l,ad y hane, and onChristinas night that ollicer, alter much trouble, verycleverly eapiuro.l Mr. .Shea. As btutud , hu nowpleaded guilty, ami , having regard to his antecedents,was souteucud lo livo year .-.' penal aerviiude .'.and thento seven years' police surveillance.

SiK.M.ixii C I.OHI KS .—•'¦¦'"' '¦•'•" ¦•"'• lur Coaling a

quaulily of wnariug apparel fro m a farmer namedKirwan , l ivin g at. Ki lcohan , near t l j is city, was sen-lunced lo six months' inipi isunine i i l . The pris wnorwas vury cleverl y captured by Constable l.yucli , ofCallahan'e, wi th all the tdolhus upon him , as he wasdriving entile.

Coiv .Sl'l.MMMi.—.Mill iW'.-i't.' wad found gui l ty ofbavin '.', on the ^ ;tnl -Nov., 1*7:.', at ICi l inucib ur nu H ,from Mr. J. Dee, siolm loar euws. Tins eat il.r \u-rcrecovered , ai.d Ihe pri s im-r taken by ('on.-iableGuilfoy le , a very ucliv i: ullic i-r , w<:il kuonu in Waler-fonl , and Kei ll'-: was .-a-i it to jail f..r .-ix months .

l-'oivi. SI I :.I I .I .S .:. .- .U- I ,-;< A - ii .:, lor .- l lMlil . g fowlat Ciirrielibeg on ll.e l i i l l ; Dec, w.m seul lo pi isuii lortwelve i i io i i i l i - i , h i iv i i i L ,' shown lier pc i-iii.i -i:. i'ia lur th . :fowl of oilier in- .ip li- "ii |.#r - ijn -r .,.v.i-ii.:i- .

l i t l . l . |I .N I ,I:I :H.--A l i i l l lur :m ai . -^->l c r i m i n a l us-sauli , in la~l Nuvei i ib iT , u- .-ar th« I' .n-.i , w. i> ig imrml ,bu t t In ; i i i i l i c t iue i i t . " i l l !"• -<- .'I L uj > .-i ". t i n - ;nM/.>.- .--, andthe aceu.-ed n -ma iu s huii . id lo a i i - w-- .

Tho culir t ai lj uuni '-d al. 11 -."- 1• o'eiuek.YI -;STI-; I :IJAV .

The Chairin.iu sat HI . ten o'eluel;, and proceededwilh the < mi. mi .i.s.

l.'.ne '.-/ ' v. i-V/i - .-.- .vM.—Tlii * was a piuce .-s liy (Jr. J.W. Coiidi-ll , Mai l , lor i' I'l damages , ugiiiu"l Mr. lid.Fitzgerald , depiiiy-eulk-clor of 1. ¦ in[> Tax , for allege!illegal distress l.i'r such ;i larc , t in - amoinii. of ilie dis-tmiut being £2 1 Is. Mebsrs. V. I'eel and (j ibson ,instructed bv Mr. M. Dclmidre, lor piaintilf ; Mr.Anderson , instructed by Meaars. J. O'JJiieu aud J. W.lltiwurd , for defendant.

Dr. Coudell was the onl y witness on the part of thuplaiulin", and ho swore hu refused lo pay the lamp tasbooausu ho believed it to- ho illegal ; on his doing so ,defendant entered his house , seized a sofa which hesold foriI2 1 l.i. and hewn th e present sui t .

Mr. Anderson , replying lor the defence , admit tedthu distress, nnd prouecd- d to show, by reference,that tho whole machinery lur collecting this tax , aspoiuted out by tho old Police Act , the :23rd , (ieorg o3rd., was pcrfctly legal ; that the vustricd havingfailed to li ght , the duty fell on the corporation ; thatthat body had made a contract for li ghting with theMessrs. Anderson .mil ; t h a t they had appoin-ted defcmlaut their collector , ami that he seized whenbe was refiis'd paviucnt.

Mr. John O'Jirien , toivn clerk, ilepu3Cil tha t ho years town clerk of ihu city ; he wasawaro that the vestrien never acted to light thu citysinco IN .'U to the prehent lime ; tliu corporation uJ-ways did no. Mr. O'Hiien then proved tho orders uftbo corporation for the |ire.ieni cnnlrnut , wilh M I -SSIS .Ai.dcr.suu ami Jom:s, aud Underwent .1 lengthenedcross-examination from Mr . IVnl , but thero wai liulh.iug elicited to show that thu neglect of tho vestries Iulight , and thus ) throw it on ihu corporation , u-as nuassumption instead of a. fact , or that tln-ro were anyirregularities nu ihu part of t in: corporation.

The Chairman , in giving his decision , said hethoug ht llm en-.: I'm- tlio plaiutil f would havu beenthat llio old I'olice Act, wasubiolele, but that point.was not raised , and he felt that , on the evidouco , fullproof was given that the distress was a legal one, amiliu should dismiss ihu process. «

Tnu Cuurt was engaged fur iho rest of ihu oveningwith the civil bills , amongst which wero some at Rtiituf tho Waterl 'unl (Juardiaus against certain pulativ efathers , in four of which decrees wero granted vary-ing from £5 to JU 10. This concluded tho buniactd.

F A Sl l I OX A H I . !¦: Nil 1I'.V.

The iluri|t iisnf Wnlorl'tn-il nrrivcil in Ct irrag li-luun: ou Tui -*lay cvc.iini,-.

Mrs. Miilcuinson uml suite, have left. \ iliaMarina , Ilinniwrc t-jt-it, fur >l it fliM.-inut , L-miuty \V'.it<:rfunltliu rt-Hd'-iic'o of .Saruui'l Kiuj,', f>ij ., .1.1*.

,\1>. Jiuburt T. Cnruw, U.lj , linlli nainoii a l'ark ,county Wiityrfonl , 1I :LI urrirtit at :n, Uppur 1'ariwti-, L '-umiuy-

It, i.s reported tlmt Mr. U ryati , .\ [.l'., in ccmso- 1qui-ncc of a recent iluuiwtio aflieti'iii , u nUiul to iuhuffluuil.

'I'liu Morning /W announces tliu i le . i i lr on Sun-ilay oviniii ',-u f Sir (S -uriru Mii^'r.ivi-, Hurt . T.i-il i- 'l , sir(Imrk'e Miisiinivi 1, llnrl., "f K'l'-nluill , i -mntv ir . ip i i , i l .u i' l . W.K *the thii-il HIM of sir J II I I I I fun '.ili Jli i-.-rn- i- , r- VVM U I 1 :i> -. nt i t , bylii.n in:irri;i/u u i l l i .Murv, ilair.'iit'Tnl ' l i i ir /alt: K-.-v. ~ir Klt t i t t t t 'lnilnur, Hart., uf l-:.u,t Sultun I'laiv, Ki-nt.

Our inli'iitcd yu iiiig lcll'nv-c:i:!/.t:ii , Mr. MichaelM'Gnitl l , '""' nt I 'm *.li ; - /.' (•/ ,* .\Wj,ULS nrri Tc-U iit his n.-'id rm:t\ Kunuin/ loii I'.II - A K >: I I , l.nnilun.

Sc(>r>i:.v Di.'.uif. - -On Friday ni;;).1 l- i.-t , Dr. Ouro,coroner , held an inquest , at 1'ur l law , on 'in: bod y ofJohn Slice, n fuctorjr hmid , aged Ii."), whudi-j d bli -Mcnlytho night before. Althoug h ovidenoe w.-i.i given thatdeooaeod had bo. n drinking heavil y some i l i v -i before ,JJr. Martin was of opinion thn', death :,»<l reaaltedfrom natural cauiuj, and ti verdict accordingly wasreturned.

OAliKlCK-Olf. SUll: Ci.iIiliESl'ONOl 'XCE

BOARD OP GUAltDIAXS— SATUHUAV .JOH.V HicitAiiDb-n.v, Jisq., presided.

Tho other niemb-;rs presuut were—Messrs. J. It.O'Donnoll , John Kirwan , Thomas Ii. Wilson , J.I'.,Thomas Laior, U.I.., aud tlio L'arl ol Ucssborcugli.

A DMISSIONS.— Xumeroug applicatious for iu-docrrel'of, with nbout tho avcrago ratio of outsiders,occupied somo eoiiaidorablo timo in being disposed of.Mr. Lawrence, K.O , Rtatcd that to the inclemoney oftho weather, and consequent slackness of work, mightbu attributed Lhis increase of pauperism. A womannamed Mary 1'iyuu , having twochildrou , was admittedupon her cnusentiug to prosccuto her husband, whohad descried herself aud family.

CilAKisKAHit. i ' i r . — .Mr. Kirwau moved , pursuant tonotice, that tho chargeability of Mary Flyuu aud herillegitimate child liu changed f"-um lially duru , as itivas ascertained that tho woman had been living atUathcormick and other parts uf the country withintho past livo years. Tlio Chnitmau , after diligentlyinquiring into llio case, removed tlio chargeabilityfro m Jlal lvduri i lo thu uuiull.

TH K H.\n:s.— A i r . Owen Callahnn, rato collector,appeared , and handed in clu.-iiy statements of nilrates received. Mr. Carro'l , rate collector, No. 2Division , baa JM I H's. 'Jd. outstanding, and Mr. Moore,Nu. 1 Divisi on , the sum tif .C'.I'JU 2s. uucollccted. Mr.Mooro liiej been si'i- .ously unwell for the past mouth.All rales nre expected lo bo in against tho -HitJ i i i iu i :ry .

Sr.\Ti: or TUB l lursn—ltr- i i iui i i i i i»nt l:i-t il.-i ti- , :::a ; :uluiittiilili 'ri:i u- t ins w; i k , -js ; ili.i-liiir,-itl il"-. -I ; tl:«l iln . :;; In.i II , uihiiu!i> r in hitir'iniry lici.-p;t:il, li-1i ; m fL-vt-r ho-pUnl dn., :j ;I'l- su iu iuii K "ii :ili iv'i- ilnv, :">:! ; c-urri -sp.i.nliii ;; wi-uk lru-t vc-ar.:ty ; inm-:i.=i- , 1",; t:i« .-t «-f piovi-::nii«:iii 'l ni-cc:Li;irii-.-i rcccivi-l.^iiiS;. l".l. ; du . i-oiiMiiiu -d , L 'H U'r . l id. ; avuni^i! ciut nf aniiuiKiti- fur I ILI - u-i-i- k . :;-. -j ;.l. : do. ii::irmary, :;s. lij d. ; do. inf'-vrr l in-pilnt . |i . ; |-;it ,, utiL-oMi 'i :tr! '.', tlii ^ lillto , L 'W 't ? lli. !'.t. ;Ji; ilnnf-p in f lr . ir ...' -.'it inli r ;'. t.-11'JJ 'i'v. 101. ; X 't. uu vtd-tUnrr.-lii'f , 173 ; ci-t , u t ' i l~ . .",.1. ; p ii-1 I' -.-.r^x-urcr during the week,£'l!)l Vs. ; imiMllo.-t -.1 r.iti.-. il'Wi 17.'. lhl .

I.VVKSTIGATIO.V AT THK DISl'K.VSAKV.An extraordinary general meeting of tho C.irrick -

on-Suir Dispensary Co-.u-u i i t e i t was held on Mondav ,in the b o n d room of t h i s uui 'kliouse , commencing at.twelvn u'eliic ',.- , to inq i i i i ' i . i u l u a charge broug ht byDr. Alexis Kir.zgn-.-ild , M.O., uf the district , again**,tho apothecary uf th:> worklinuso and tlistriel , l ) i -.Murp hy, an contained in his subjoined letter to thoconiuiiileii. Tho deep and desei veil respect iu whichboth gent lemen are Colt by the guardians , thiM-oin.millet!, and Ihe public generally uf ihe locali ty,induced a large .- i l i e m l a m .-' T of lli.» coiinnitlee, and ilieproceedings j iar tunk wlml ly of eudeavnur.s tu set t letl i i : ma t te r amicabl y between both , rni.her than ani n q u i r y . As wi l l l»e seen by t l i ' - npp i .-iided ducumeiu-i ,Hi -. I ' i lZ L ' e i a l i l cump '.ained u f a i i - l i i - a l by Dr. M u rp hv ,nf what hi: (Dr. F.) dceineil to hi! his duty , wh i l s t Dr.M u r p hy eoiisidercd himself whol l y j l ls l i l i e l in wi ia tle- did , on t h i ' grui iml ih : it a l ter a i-ernonabfe h i m r int l i " day, Ins was not bound tn a t tend to dispensaryt i ek e i K , exeej n where marked u r g e n t , and 1'i i i -t l i rr ,lii -iug w i i l x m t any siii i eili .vl emlu uf insti-i icl iom as tow h a t wen; his exact duiies. Tho follt iwiiig wereju 'esent :

M r. Tin , M A S li . W I I .M I X . .I .I 1., in t h i ! chair.Messrs. ( .

¦. Scull y, .1.1'.; W. U r i t t o n , O. l .'a l l ahau

( l i on , sec.) .1. ( I ' l l i i u u e l l , .1. Cyan , K. lii-uwn. -, I1.1'helaii , I' . Ti eliaii , w i t h Dr-i . Ki i 'z-.'erald and Mtn phy,.Mr. M i i l l i n - i , e le ik , and Mr. W. (Isbnrne, master utlie: fever husp iial .

'I'ln* j i i ' i c i -u 'l i u^ s v.- t r re uji i .' in ' i l by l i t e ri -a-lihi ; ofthe lo l lowing i lnct iui i ' i iK , t i n - lir.-t being I h c h.-tlerof \>r. J-'ir z^eral i l e . juiaini .'iu * h i t r iL-ciisaiiun : --

'i'-j 7' .'".' t'".v,'c/.-.,)....-V.'-V ;;/.,,. , i.~,it> i i '..],i. ', i .V(.-.'.l.'ar r i 'k - Mii - M i i r , -J ird i)t -u '- iiil> ' -r , I -7J.

i i i :xi l . l : : - i i :s-l ln ta -t ai .- l.l , nlmsit lialf-p:isl .-..-v. -n , I ¦»! al.i -.--.-i -i l ,ti. ,i i I ¦ n !,,_.- I I -I . :I. -.| .Marti ' i lle.-nn.-. Tu.- \V . Iti J I . rc-.-;¦ Iij i-_r al N '-\v -lani -, l .-.-ii-rii-U-nii-Suir, up'iu wliuiu I have LI.-I.-II iuntli -nrl : i l i i « fur .-uin.; timu !«i..k , mi :i tiokr .'i , furt i l K J. Tli. .pn.--i.'ri]ili"!i was I 'i -..a-lit lnii:I; tu IMI I liv tin: faun; iiu-.-j rng.-rHum .Mr. j l nrj ihy , :i ;~ >: I m-v . tli" latt. -r stutiss;, as I wa- in.f ' . r iui i l , thin In: n-ii i i l - l n c l - i vu til., in.-i lk-iuu wit lui t i l In :u-l«.i - l f . . r i i .

l..- a.-t tli ' -iv mi-lit 1;.- :my mi'tak. -, I wn'li: ii si ivdl' l J .II .-c-rip.t i ' iu : tin- nu ^H ' n .'¦ r r. t . i rn , ;.I wi-Ji Id ,- >ani '' au ^w. -i- . hat wi l l i .mil t in- pp-rri pti ' .n . -| l , i - I i |,,-n . ,.,, 1 f..r , wh - .-li win lil.i:ivi -i:r-fs-i-1. Tin- ilr:iv. .I, :. !, -in .- uivi ' in lv , I w.-nl mv-.-.-II Li .Mr. I... ¦ ,,V'lnii-i,l iian !,'.ul il c.niipuillnl. .1. Vlii il ' i - <ri i i i i .'. iv-lr i, ;tl ,,:i i. K .oin^ (I, . , .t :-,,. . . -ary, .Mr. .Wiu-[,':r « I.'". I'.in .' I-...I:,, :,„.! a.Mr.'. ..1 ni.' i.i H m»-l Vvcil,-,!niaiii. i-r. I I- . l i - l i n , l l v ,lal, .| llial . h- wi.uM nu !',n-,'ia- i-.m.p .i:ii,| :>liy t,i ,,: -.- j ,,,. ,-r ipli , ., :,T; j- i li-p .-n- arv i, ,inx, uuu:.. 'l . r wl. .'tli ,'i - i,,:,r|. , ',| 1 ii' ..- iii. , ,r i . i l , , 'i-\v;-s.

I - l ' i:,. .- .-i .|-.--.|i:i.| , ;, I (..-, 1 ,„.,• ., If v s illi - il lip 'Ui I., ri 'Ilui .Ci- tii:;lt i-r , iii i .ni-r lii.n l n, iv l- 'in f. ,ri i i ^ l Irm- |.i a.-t , ,.<-p. i-i;:!l tr .-i.- ::i. ,t '!.- ;c-,- v.-i r |.r.-;.il. in. in l<"t!i t-nv.i aii.I c"ini:rv.I I . in:i:ti , ¦-¦ ii:I . :ii'-n , \.,:n- ..i ,..|;. n '. -, r v an l ,

Ala::.!.-, r i ; / ... K i - \ i .|., \1 I I ., l .-.n-ri. -li-'ii i-Si -M- I l i - p ai-ai-y.Tlic rir .\l I) , -. Mu-^ J.'y '.s r,jui r idcr- .ii fuiluiv^ : —

T; II..- I ¦;...;,•„.,.., „.. .) i.-.-rt ','.',,,.,.! .,/ • »„; c'.l,v/-/.--.(,i-.•>•" ,- ll '.tf .. - i i ,- ;/ l .'.. ..i. ,n'('!.'..'.

I; I :V I I .I :.« I:.V T.,.il.iy »..:. ii.,|.| 'asi >-xtr . iunl -i i : ir ' .- siu- -.-f.iiv f"i-!::¦ pi:i-|.'i f . i ] '!iii.-,- ii.'.". SIIII I np.,iLiu-.., ill- t -1 u- uf;v I t t i I* I"' i v - l I 'V u.iii- - . I ; -. I;.' .' r,- ,, :it voar III ' ! i:.-; 1 i.l!;.;. r.A < i h t !

¦.. '!. I - f : i '--. |iy ..;' V.- :I - I -- I hull- U-- u -I- ' ; '- - I I I - , IMI .rr* i-;|.

I i : iy In HI;.-.-.. :• . I :.-f.i. t:i.. |;l, •:,/ „.' a-|.| ---ill- t., v.n a l', \ ; >; t ' :- .: -:-y <.l . - r. ., '! ,u- t l i i |-'-.ia , v.- !,ii- !i lu:lj, I h*ip - , a^ -i-tVI .II : ait - r- i "y in arrivi:!^- al a jn -t . o.iii-lii.-i' .u nn tlh: mrrit ^ < > (lli.i .-.,- ¦ .i .'.-.- Mi l,i..i::,~| |..i- v . ,u- , l...-i i.,ii. Ti>> i : i i | i r fy lint :,.|--- ,t .- '::,il la:. - - ¦.:, li;. .'. t:-r ;¦:¦-., ..-.¦;..I :• ...r par.i -r.ipli , IVIl'd:-i : ,_ i, II . :. ¦ .i i:i ..i- .l . I- ¦

uil li i- - ,."¦'„ tu j .-ira- r.»p!i Nu. 1, I d.) ii'iL il-'tir tin- tn-iiiif a i l : , - t i i -n -ni - tat- l ; la .r pr. .-'- .I p i iui i \V:LS pi ir. -t.iil iil t., nu:sif. 'i ' i i - .'lit uVl 'i i- lc , lint I v. i l l :i-!w y<ui t.i i' r..-'. lui i i - i i a i i i i - a l .--at!i-n:i "a t - ' t l i i s fa<-v . 'r ii.-i-f V.*:H :I iii:iu n-='it ' 'il^ u i t l i in ahiui 'lri 'il y:iuU <il lli , .: i-l..r 's . •.•.:, ,|.,..i-, H|.m W IK U U liuIn.i l,,-i 'ii lur:iiuu-;.|.-ra '.i:.- p.-r:-..l iu itu-n.lanti: ; why t l i i -ui l i i tli .-i |-liiy I i i - vi- it l u l l - * man t , i-m-ii iiii limir us 7.:»ip.m. ;- 'J'J.i- v, rv m.-i 'i . V.-i]li:i:n Mi 1', ua - i.-i tlio Ji.lbit uf JK ivin s;lu< : fur similar .li- .i u- .-hl , , pr. i- .rrin -.- tu j ,ay fur them 11 h'uin^ totli ' : diip. l l -ary . |.» have tl .' -lu cuaip'illll'li :' !. WUt.- l l l -r tl 'i.-f pr,.-I- l-'-nci : al"-.: ii-um hi> li:iv;u-n- -n::it ' r L-uuItJ .rnc.: in ill.! m'-.|i.i- iin'S ul ttaslii ' il fr t,iv >- ,l:iuli-li ut H :•. .pn- .- t iuu upuu whichI .-nail utl-r u . ..|.il,i-,ii , '.nil .-.i.;h i.- Hi.- fact. A',-:iiil, ii..-itli.-riifI II-- jir. - -".-.-!:.!!.!: .-. !it I., in.; ,.u t li i'u ,-v.:tiinv WLT.- mark.-d" ury .'i.l. " Nuu- it i* i,.-. - .- ..ary fur m.- In i-xplaiu ta:tt , .-um.:ti:iK- a _-u . t!i.' n iiailc r ..f pr.-clipliun.- arriving at my liuu-.:..¦it ..!.!<: i,f i l i -j , . u -t r y huni- iva- >u lal>'<: :LI Iu uciri i-iuii i,i.:.-. ri - .u- iuiju iiv, in. i.e.- aii-l 1- ..-.- "I* l inn- , I H.- II I I; ubli^-.d .-mii> -liiuntu -u tu t in: ui ;p . H a iy i fn -.- .i and fuiii- tluii-s iu :i day . t.'ndi'rt i i 'M-cin - aui- ; . . ! . .-' - i p.-.-j I tu yuur nii ' l i i- aluir-K-.-f tud. -vui. .:in h- ' iir i-v. t v . i > ii.a .' t< > 11 .< -1- < !ii]> "itidiiu ; uf .-ucli p ri*-i:i'i p !i '>ii ^a- h.- vvrul.- ' i ' l l i u L- i.i- vl-;l> t ln - .«.^ li III. .- day, lll st that ill c IM -any :n. ili . -ii. .- >h. . .iM In: iv.jiiiivd in>t .ntly, he U';i.i tu int imate.«i..-h l.y v.ri t i: ,^ . ih, r ivtu-.t " uiv. u f - uu his pii -u -i i p t i u i i . Iniv. ry in-l ui.v in ulii .-ii I;.-di.t mark hi- pr. M-ripliun urL,'i:ut , itua - al oi.-, - .- L-,III|).,III,.|. -I , and if In- ),ad ilmiis wi mi tin' pr. .-,-nti « r i - iuu , is wuul.l havu !,-i - li a t t i -n .hd tu iii tiki: uiaui, .T, liat h"did ii"t .1" -. - , ai i - l 1 i- .iu pr -. 'l.i ..- I:;- pr- .-.-ript -uii t.i pi-uv.: it . Iam ^'la'l, l i "* -v . r. t!;:.t :!..- j- i. -.-t-nt ...v.i-i..u lias .-iri.-.!n, furli trit i^ r:ty ' 1'iti- - a - -n - j " ii- .uy .-i{",tJiL-c;iry ik-Ji ii-d ; Int i i . - i tuli. '-y i:av < - a-.', l.-va >i. liiii-.t , ..t.-l' 1 liav.-li-.:u 'r'iv< -it an ai ir iunt.,i hi. ,r :,!,.! ihii. : fur inv salarv v. hii - li I ;;:n liruilv t-iiivini-- !, Iha-i nu i-i.'la : id.. ; in f.u-l , 1 Miu:. -r. ly iiud luIiuMly li-li.-v.-thai I It i i ' - 1,- . I. .iui t i-.' a -n. i l i:.ja-f ir. - tu IIIV .-,-]1* in n-.-li' .-'t ulI I I . - I ' l l i i l i . - - i ' -i - ;• - -I- ;. ¦ ... J.-. . I - . I u-ill , witli riililidi 'luv , | iutilt u a u y I MI I I I . »li"l!u-,' I i.i-- hum- ' uf in -.- l imi-dailv . is in,I luur.-ti i .lii .-II'.. .;:, l-.r !h- .:- . S I . p-r di-ln -.viii.-li I rvci.'ivi ' .

f ' ai -.i-' l . i l - : i N". -J ¦•; . : ¦- - I t . - iv-'.ti.'.l ii '.t ^'iv..- Id- nifJk-i/l.:witl. " ¦» .!. .• I' -i id I ¦¦ I' . I l i au t i ' d . Hu: lin-dii'in-s n.-n: iiutil- ji -:.:ly i - i ..: I .-: ! -." I I, . I i . iu- '' l.'ial t .Vvvv.r. - , a- .'i ¦¦ i .llii r . . - ..ililu fui- Iiav.-l!in.: tu Ui-di> l » - ..- .r. ¦ -n- I!., m. .-.. I Hi" party Hi- i-ln.ii- .: ..ftiiUiii/ i'i' .' i n.y uwu liuu u payiu.-iit , ui' ui* u-:ii:.iuulllll li> \t in--. ;.:.i : i- :¦ th - .- n-aal di-j. -t .-aiy huur. 'I'l,.: j. ar.i-J;I -.I1,!I I -U :.I '!'| i' - , '* i:. .-] d. -.( u:!il was ur-.-.-ntlv r. .inirol. " Nowi f Hiii -li «>-r. -111. ra.-. . ivl.y, I i .-k , ilid h>: I'ml uiliiu i il i ! -u. -lifai t liy v. i i l . i .- •• lu-.-.-ut " "ii Hi- pi. -ci-ipli as In: had li-.-n inthe habit > f .iuiii.' '? l:i fa.-I , hi: had an uppurluuity ui* duilt^-.-u i. II t!i- .-..-.,i,.I j .i-.. i-i pl- uu , ii Ii- had iiiadv .-l -.-utiv «> luit -t . I il l i ' -m Hi.- l.r-l . inn ii.. . h" d.-liln-i- ili-ly M -II I Iii-' -iiiudpn.-rripli uii wi lh u i i l mai l . i i r .' il " ur-' i-i. t ," knuu i i i ^' lull w.-ll ,that I .-hu., 1 1 I,..I CUIU| ,U,I I I . | ,i. W h i l h . r Iii did.-M lui ' t h" |.i.r-pus- t.f h:u.i->iu ^ ur I ' l l -hln v liu- Iu , \lu-lm-.s 1 h-avc l-i i:npar.lial ii li-i -rvi-r- tu il i- l i-nuiii i ' .

l-'t-ulil para -^ni;dl .Nu. \. Ill- -npi rlativc llli'_'llt lmvc U-i-ilu!iiitu d witli - iul d-lra. l in^ ' fi -uiu il-. t ru t i i . I udtuit ii c- i'ti iii sd-.T.-ui' - IMIUV.-I ,,I--, :,ii.] i,,v j.-i anlM -r mav liav,: t-unvi'Vi"l tl.nti l " .i , l.ii; I • • - r tu i i i ly .-ii' .uld n"t .1--, ill ,-- my i iui i tal i.r i- liy-,, ilC'Ui.lili -.u IUI Unit luui- uin^ u»" iuu>t i-xt 'iUil" And now i-mn-.s:i " .suppi—-iu v.-ri ." a di-lila-rali.' huldinu back of i-vitaiu wordsuf iiiit iL' irdic/i t iua/ i/i ,v/ („ a v, - iy ^i-.-at ilt^n i; irj inl I did say.Tin- euiu 'lu>liu '_' purl 'mn uf thin claiuu ruin thus ; " lit-dis-tiuclly .-Utid thai ho iviiuld nu lini^ur toinpiniu il any nt

mypr.-M-ript tun s af l i r di.-pi'ii.-iu-y hours, no uiattrr whutht-r niiirk i-d' ur^-iil ' < >r u:h-rivir. ." .-

¦., 'fai-trm: ; but wlir cltcl not yunr cur-r--sp.t i .l t ut IH -I H 'I 'd and t i l l yull tin- wlmlc trutll ? This , lliun^ lit ru i - . l - u n l y |...ll .-: t h u t r u t h . I li'avc any (;9utlbui :i!i -'U tin:i i u u i i i i i n — t - > d:* e-\ h is ..uii i-ui,i:lu-i..u ;LS tu tin- uttiiuM.s which¦ lu-i ar, - t l iat !¦ ". -r, -.vln-u h. b, ruin-, uwiin- that til" luti'-'il.e-'t:ii ct i i a lt y i'ia I- us- of wa- . •• I i-. lus- distinctly tu cnlpuunUpr. .-.-j i j .l iuii.-, ur -4 . nt ur oi!,i:r\\i *i:, until inyduti.-s ^haH luivrli -i-n .Miii, d liy Hi- lli.- ]ii - i i - :iry (¦.uuliiiltcc iiud liy Uu: LocalliuvM-iiia -nl I;..aid.

I I I U U- put il Iu y.iu tu f- .i-uiall y d.-claro what my iluti-s aro. Iluv- .- lf p . i f i t iv i ly In l i -v i - nud trust thiit you wi' 1 wXt- tlu.' s:lim:vii-w , that my dilli i - > f..r-a.-!i day t-riniuat.: vv.i.-n tin: ili-lk-n-Kirv duur is i-|u-. d , tu l,i-;,'iii uu tl.e rc-oprliini; nf tlml "l"or uutin; fuiluniii!.' inuriii l! -.-.

I would u i*-i-iilly rn|in-l uf th< : cuintnitti.'i 'to i-ou.-iit.-r tin:fact , llnil irh-r-:L-tlii.-r.' an: si.u di^pi:ii.s:irv UHslim l olli. -.-rs iuI n l a n d , th-iv arc but I'i :i|nitlu ciirii-J. lluw tlali du the TliuUH -dic i if olli.a-r? , whu havo IIU uimthi-carit:*, luiiiini.'- tu Kctt iuomrh t lu i i - d i i t i i - .s ? Tlu-v ranluit havis a ULsmnsa './ at :"'1(...¦us of ()„. day nuil uiirld as is .sunj ht tu 1« had h.-r.'.

In cui;c:u-i. .u t i:i-ntl( iut-ii , alluw uiu lii('-t p.- itively to aspumymi , that did I t u r n niuini-iil"V" that I fhuiild liivi: iiicnu-Vi 'iiiL -nc d Wil l iam II iii , or any uth-r Jrtiiir p:iti,-ut , by n-ftisin^tu > ipuiui.l li.'-i |-ii -.-i-i i / .li..ii.<, it n-imlil )*• tin, 1,-i-t Iliiutr l.-huuld I h i i 1. .-f d"iuu' : on t.v i-olitl-:ii-y, I havi- fn- .|iipiitly cum-puiiu.h-d pi-M-ripliuus fur thu .i.! [Hiur p.-upl- nut of my own.-tn.-k , tu >.iv. ' l!i-ui t l i- tr i iul i l . sai i ' l lu-s of uni.- of ',-iiiiii; tu tliuI 'tsiu-n-ary. I nuw l. -.-iv.: (Jii . matt-r in ymir hands, having'l!Vi-rv ruldid-lu*'' that you will jud -.-.: it ou it's ui'.-rit^ , :ind U-^ tuMl bs'crih 1: ln> M - lf , yuur ubu.ti-nl .--rvallt.

l).o:id-i-, |>7J. ltn.-iiAiib Mi-isriir.'flic first rp iesiiuii put by the Cli:n'rmau wait, what

wero they lo tin wi lh ihe h 'tter a just read , nud thenBninu other of the member:! attempted to hi ing bothidh'eers to term.*, and so prevent any actio n by thoLocal (ioveriimeiit Hoard.

Mr. (.'.illnl 'rm in.-idii froij iient eflorts to th i i friendl yend , ami proposed somo three or four varied resolu-tions eaeh olio of which , however , was laken oxcep.lion to in ( ortiona of its wording by certain uf themotnbcr.s.

Tho Chairman observed it would be well tit havotho matter amicabl y settled if possible , but be couldnot hel p say ing that UU opinion was, Ur. Murp hyhud , in this iiiMimce , acted in error.

Dr. Mur p hy urged very .strongly that hi! wasju stified in doing what he had dune. Consideringthiil the ticket wi.s not marked urgent , nnd that thomini c.tme .--o laie in thn evening, ho did nnt feelcalled nu to sict ullicrwise. It, should bo rememberedlliiil. thi.s panic man was earning 25t*. a week , und waawell iible to pny fur any medicine tie would rcijuiro.

(.'hai rmai i—If a person gurs with a dispensarytickrt In: should nut bo asked to pay .

I)r. M iir |>li \* hi t u] \iif t dutie s ns npothpeary to thodispensary were (- .veeeding ly heavy, and ho did thinkthey .-0.1'iild not bo added to by patients being sontto him at- n late l.onr in th,_» day, «ml uilliolit beingiiil '.ii-iivd thai th e ens.- waa urgent. There wero full y7."> i) dispeii-an- doctors in l iuland who hud no apothe-cary lo a-ssiVt tlicrn at all, and liu t) itl f eel ho }iadcause to eu'ii p laiu.

Tim (.'hairi i ian snid hesupposod thoso letters wouldhave to go on tin ! minutes , and tho commissionerswuit ld , nu ilmihl , send down their decision.

Mr. Bri l t on said he would far rather that the com-initleo would tleu-ido tho mattor tlienifielvi -.s, ;ini| notscud it 11]) to Dublin , iu which remark severa l tnetn -bern expressed their hearty concurrence, Mr. Mullins ,clerk of union , Miy ing the samo.

Jfr. Pi 'iihun stig^osted that tho. l r t t i medical gen-tlemen Bhould|c^ino to uu amicable arraDgcmtni as tutho dutied.

Dr. Murphy—I remember, after a former inquiry, Iwrotu to Dr. Fitzgerald , expressing a hopo that whathappoued would not disturb our uinicablo relations—fa fact a most conciliatory loiter—but ho neveranswered it.

Dr. Fitzgorald—That letter camo whon I was onmy sict bed.

Mr. Callahan—It is bos', to lot by-gones be bjo-gooos, and not inlroduco extrancon.3 matter (hoar) .

Dc. Murphy—I merely mention it to show that aftall times I luvo been anxious to do my duty.

Mr. Callahan remarked that I)r. Fitzgerald mighthavo to attend a midwifery cafe in tho,where,perhaps he would havo to remiin nil uight. If , intho moantime. be seut ii ticket to iho dispensary tohnvo a prescription inado up, who U to compound it,if not tho apothecary '/

Dr. Murph y—If marked urgent , it would bo at-tended to by mo. Afte r attending three hours daily at,tho dispensary, it is too hard , I submit, to hold meliablo lo attend every other caso that mig ht como,and all for 2s. 2d. a day.

Dr. Fitzge rald—1 nuro r send a ticket in this waybut what is urgent. I am so littlo dUposod to givotrouble, that on Saturday last I issued two nuchtickets, aud went mysolf to the dispensary to com-pound for them.

Mr. Teohaa suggested that Dr. Murp hy wouldagree to attend all tiekct-t sunt to him , Dr. Fitzgeraldpromising not tn isMie any except where ueccBsary.

Tho e'erk naid (no doctor could not make anyprotnis'). When ap.pliud to, ho should give tho ticket ,ami the paosci iution should bo niado out at once.

Dr. Murphy again suggested that all such ticketsshould bo marked u rgent , nnd that his duties shouldbo dofinod. Thoso duties were navcr duliued lor bun.

Dr. Fitzgorald stated ho rually never isiilcJ a ticketafter dispensary hours, except such as wero urgent.Nitie- t cntus of tho tickets in his register (puts it ontho table) wore of thai character.

At this time, thero appeared but small chanco ofan arrangomout , Dr. Fitzgerald declining to nndcrtnkato put tho word " urgent," on such ticko::', fayingthai, tho isRiiing of them was sufficient proof of thatbeiii"; tho fact, am! Dr. Murp h y claiming ihat suchn. word (mould be writ ten upon them.

Tlits being the *t:iti : of .'t H' iirs, tho chairman moved ,seconded by Mr. Hcull y, that an inquiry be asked for.Tho committee, however , tried a further effort , Dr .Fitzgerald observing that any ticket not urgent be leftover t i l l next morning.

The Chairman Haiti ho did not soo any reason forwr i t i ng tin; word urgent upon a lickot sent mil aftertli "jien<ary hours , fur In: agreed with Dr. Fitzgeraldtha t t ickets issiicd in i l i . i t way plainl y showed thatthey woro u rgent.

l ")r. Murp hy pressed t'i have !he ruling of the [,ncal(i' lvernnieiit on llio p -i ini , liu f. expressed himselfsal isfied wi lh P. proposition made by Mr. Uriito ti , whowas supported by Mr. lirowne , that llio committeeth'.:mHctvn3 should nuw defiuo thu duties uf ihurvpntheciry.

Dr. y itz^ei:i) 'l .v.iiil )m

would prumiao not to issuriany tickets , which were not urgent , after dispensaryhours , unti l tho following morning, and Mr. Urittousaid lio thought surh a pr -opnsiiion wai very fair .

Another p lan was now tii i - . i . and both doctors weroreipii 'sti'd lo retire , whiijh they di'l by going into thoclerk's ulHce, accum|nnied liy Mr. Osborno.

Tim cniiiiiiitLeu tlieii again cxinessed tiieir desirofor :t L'nni |iroini3f , and obsiirrcd there was but l i l t lorlifV -Tcncc beMveen tiio t.tvo doctors, tho whole bf .-ingin tho wui-i l urgen;. AVIji 1st. they were- deb.'i t ing howthe di'siivd ri 'Siilt. was lo In nl i tnined , ono who wasnot. a member , bul was ri|ti.-dl y a friend to both , Mr.O-boruc , Wiisdni ssgeireetual gnnd work iuriido milkingfriends. Sn well did hu prevail that both nllicer.-tgavo iu a l i i t lu , shook hand s-, and re-i-'tilered t h uho'ird-room, non' accompaniei) by Mr. Callahan,who was indefatigable in using his good ollices, joinedwith Mr. Osborne.

Mr . Callithau , addressing tho Chairman , stated howas happy to inform tin: committee it would not bonoce«s:uv tn go any 1'uri.hrT , as Dr. Murp hy hadconst 'iiled lo compound all iirescri ptionH sent to himby Dr. Fitzgerald , and Dr. Fitzgerald had promisedto send nom: Inn urg .'iit ca.s.'S aiter dispensary hours(l.,,ii-, heir) .

The l'ulluwi:ig lu l iuu was then drawn up andagrei'd In , on motion uf Mr. Hi ' i l l<m : —

" Th- i- mi t t ia - hav.- had t in- lu.-lind ulliivr ami a].ulh. caryli-f-M' .: th 'it i i , an I art-r ihi- iu'iuiry. har.! rcsulv-d , (h:it fur t l iufiitim.. all |.ii!-'i-i-j |itimu shall 1»- iliily and promptly at'j -n.l-il tu ,aiid aro ..I uj itiiini th:it Iho •aj iulhi - esir *' ai't . d unvi-isi-ly iu th!matt- i*. 'I'h- i-..'i imit t , 'u tru-ts th i i t th. iv will nut br: a r .-p-titiunuf a i-as-e s'.cli a« tha t n f-rr. .1 tu . and mil. f that a i-opy uf thisi-,- sululi.>n b.- v'iT-ii t > Dr. Mur|.hy, lli-:ij^ilh"car/ ."

Il was further ordered , that a n a ropy of Dr.Filzger.ild'H reput't was s.-nl to ^lr . \V. llamillun , l., a ropy of Dr. Murp hy's te , il y sli'iu ld alsobo fnrwarded to t int gentleman. Tho proceeding!then ler tuimitoi l happ il y.

IJOI iOUni fOUKT—Mosf .w.liL-fure O. It. Slarke, Ks<|.. CM., und .Mr. Melvil le ,

J .I ' . I'oger Mcf.oug ldiu , Ks'|., S.I., occupied a seatoil thi! bench.

Ii.v t iL -KNr. — ConH'abio Willi .-Mi MolTitt charged ac-'mntry woman , named Mary Mcf irat l i , with thelarceny of a shawl on ihe 2ml December instant.Prisoner slole the i-hawl from the house uf a womanmimed C.iilieriuo I'atteraon , residing nt Cook-lano ,C.irriek-on-Suir , ou above dale , and tho conatablasucceed'-d iu nt, oncu arroting her. Shy had beenL'unviuted of iliefL on two similar occasions. Sho wansent lo potty sessions, and after disposing of somedrunkard' s cases, the court roso.

T I I K W K A I 'I I K I :- —I N I :M > ATIOXS .—Tin! heavy rain-falls are producing unp !eas:utt results. A largep .irtiuii of the town is undi-r water, twenty cottagesat Ulurceii being comp letel y Milime-rgcd. Fluuds andhjiiiug-tidcs have swollen the .Suit' .six ami a half feetabovo the highest tide-mark. Miles of tillage arodestroyed. Clonea nnd oilier outlying villages nroin n bad Mate , l'nor jieoj ile are sullering extremelvfor want uf fuel and other necessaries. Shuuld ih < :present dearth of work cnnt in t ie , iho workhuuse wi l lfind it hard Iu accummodalc all the destitute appli-cants.

A F.V M . L ' K K .—Owing to ihe deplnrablo stato of thnweather, a "farewell concert ," by Mr. V. Wentwni th ,fro m yuur city, proved a failure , as no our couldventure out ou tliu uight for which it wus announce.!.

COUNT FIJI! M .Vi' lI IMONI .W, UAfSKS—T i t S U A V(Ik'fure .ludge Warran.)

.U'C'i-'ii'/ '. v. M' (Vi> ' (/, .—This was a suit by plaintiffto procure a divurco a 7i"'ii.-'<' et thorn frn m his wif>, unthe ground uf her ndullory wilh Cuptaiu ij uinr ,ngiiiiist whoni a v i td ic t fur .UIj jOUO damages has u<?enobtained in a suit for m'.n ¦.-•in. Mr. ltnpcr, on behalfuf the piaiutilf , now moved fur leave to Bubstituioservice of [liu citation on Mrs. M'Oaitb, by servingMr. For.syth , ( lie solicitor uf Captain (Juinn , aiid aMr. .icllio" . Thero w:tt an iillidavit that tho icsi-denco of Mrs. M ' Ciu i th win nt present, unknown. I IUlordship inatlu tho order, and directed that tho fact,of tho citation should bu Iwico published as an ad-vertisement iu a London newspaper.

Tin: L i C K S f i s n arr.— A Hury St. Edmunds eon-tomptirary status that tho publicans have hit upon anow way of showing their dislike to tho Homo Sec •rctary fur the part he took in passing the LicensingAct. On tho face of the clock over tlio fi gure elevenis placed a f l i p nf papvr on which is printed tho word" Hrneo." Im lu ini ; the landlord saying, " Now , jjen-tlemen , I must , bid you good evening, it has now struckIfrtice." We all kuo;v llrat a ll 'j iww K-nperur gavohis uuum to ;i mouth in tho calendar ; nud Mr. Jlrucc,as ti less l i iniiuarv , has- had conferred tipon him thnrig ht tif naming, nut a month , nor a day, but an hour.This ingenious devico tif tho wi t ty people ufllury St. Kilmond' s might fairly bo followed iu othercases. Wh y should nut each of our public mon boidentified with a part icular hour of tho day ? Atasteful design of Mr. (riadstunc engngod on hia mn-tntinal study of Homer might appropriately bo setdown for some onrl y hour of tho morning. Thenagain tho original thoug ht could bu dovelopcd andniado a liltlo more, onip'cx', A picture , of a shipwhich , at tl.o s tr iking nf rt certain hour, should bo

Contrived to turn U|"»ido down , mi ght, aptly flyiubolizt !tho Admiralty ; whilu by emp loy ing some of the hea-venly plnuel.o, Mr. A yrton would lie sufficientl y re-presented by the Ureal Bi-fir.— CI'MIC

A "IIotrsK wmt A Srtmv."—" No houso in Fleet-atrcct has a moro curious pedi gree than that gilt tndpainted shop opposite Chancery-lane (S» o 17, southside), falsely callod ' the palacu of Honry VIII. nudCardinal Wolsey.' It waa originally tho offico of thoDuch y of Cornwall in the refill of James I. It ispossible that it was th e litmic originall y built by KirAinyiis l'.iulet , at Wolsey 's command, in resentmentSir Amyas bavin ,' set WoUey, wbon a raoro parishpiiost, in tho i-tucks for a brawl. Wuliey, at tho timoof tho ignominious punishmont , was scboilnmstor lotho children of tbo Marquis of Dorset. 1'anlet wasconfined to this house fur live or six years, tu appeasetho proud Cardinal , who livod in Chancery lane, sirAmyas rebuilt his prison , coveting the fnui t wfi ||badges of thu Cardinal. I t , w:u afterwards ' N'ando'sfamous cniTee-house, whero Thurlow picked up in'ggreat brief. One ni ght Thurlow , arguing hero keunl yabout the celebrated Douglus was heard by somo law-yers, wiih deli ght , uml tbo next day, to his astonish,nicnt , wns appointed junior counsel. Thin canso wonhim a silk gnwn , and so his fortune wa3 inado by thoone luck y ni ght at ' Xando's.' No. 17 was afterwardsthu place wbero Mrs. Salmon (tho Madamo TIISSHUI Iof earl y times) exhibited her waxwork of king andqueens. There was a figuro on crntcbos at the door;Hud Old Mother Shi pton , tho witch , kicked thoustonished visitor ns bo left. —Old and .iVc" /,'),i /-,;i

ADVICE TO MOTHERS !—Mus WINSLOW'S SOOTII-IMI Mi it r voe. Cuil.nitKS , t-liuuld always ha until wl)ellUhil irm aru lul l in g ircifi ; it ralievca the lilrle .u»a« »tonr*, it |ir.»lut :t'ii natural quiet . ..p l,y iei.,.,,.,jthe child l iu iu |iiiiil , antl the : t l i e . I I .M U II imak . 'i.


" H- hrwhl H * II button." I t ,, |,-i "t -r t l i l in- ,,,;. *,

Hint »ei j ph-a.ii.t tn la-tf. It so .ii.» th,. cli.ld , it s.ifienstin- Kiii i i- , iili..\ s *il pain , rth.'VM «m I , io.jul.ri'!. rt i t ; ln, A ,.;ani.d l» tl,,' Ih-.! kll'.W U rHIIIClly t,, ,\y .r,,lf, y .,,,,| ill,,,-),,, ,'whf i l i r r in 'Mil/ from teetlnn ir. or other causet . U r,'\S u.slu* „ ^ .i>ti ,u , K Syrup is BO M by thou-nnds ut M-diu.ue'I 1.",1.' •¦il |,.,,is ot ;i,e «... „ aV i ,Xja pf r ho.i; iUi ,.Mi.iuui- u: M .iiln!i .i t m tr>t i - > to iti vn tue . — \l . ,.i t»i-i .ev . 4SI.1 u,.,,,d Str«-t , I,ou,lnn. Ui3 l v lThi! first bridgo over the Thamss was built by ¦couvout, of nuns.

Page 4: · IlIK AVATKMFORD NEWS isiiiinsntD 1SV7. (Aldimmu IIEIIMOXIS Proprietor.) I.AKC.K T


Full kncc-iWp lice tho winter ynovr.And the wiutur vrlmls aro wearily sighing ;

Toll ye the church-boll aat l ami slow,And treat} soft!/, and sjH.Tik low,1'or the Old Year lie* a-dy tng.

Old Year you must not die IYou camo to u» RO icadtly.You lived with us M> steadily,Old Year you shall not die.

lie Ucth still—he doth not movc^}Ic will not sro the dawn of day ;

Ho hath no other lift* almvu—lie gavo me a frii'tid ami n. truo. true-love,

Andthu New War wilt take 'em away.Old Year you must not go !Sn loTiir fis you have Ixru with us,Such joy as you have pi-en with us,OKI \car you shall not RO.

He frothOit hi* fcuiuiwr* to the brim :A jiiUU -r year we chall net sue ;

Tint thuii fr li his «ycs arc traxinj: «lii» ,And though lii * iVs *|irok ill of him ,

Ho was a frii -tul In mr.Old Yrar yoiiFhali noldUt !We did FO laii'.-h mul cry with you ,l' rr hall a ituml to flic with you ,Did Year, if you must iHe.

How lianl if i»rcfttiH!s ! over UJP .•now,I hoard ju >t now the crowing cock.

The shadows flicker tu ami fro ;The cricket chirps ; the lights burn low ;

*Tis nearly om> o'clock.Sliaki* lianils beforoyou die !Old \Y:ir we'll dearly rue for youWhat is it we ran do fur you ?Si'cak out Ij cfoiv roti die.

I'lIK T E X t K G K A V HN K W Y K A K ' S 1» A Y—1 S 7 3 .

llavi* yon hrard tin* Ftmnd cf the ti-lccraph wirr? ,Whi'ii tin 1 wind uwaki 'iiA their uiy.-tic choirs ?

T crniM f:uii-v :i mournful HH <> :»L'C j ias-t ,As 1 h. :ird vibmlinif tn tlm h\;\<U

Like tlw rtriui'j * "f -K"li;ui )vn -.

Ami at uiglil , wln-u ili<* )i)""» l.mks nut , j ^ilc nmlMnvi- vcm h«in( t in t ."iu'liiuir l«»ni *t

Ami aliii "*-t shrunk wi th u u:uii< 1> -^ dread ,A* i' II:ISMH I you mournfully ovi-rlii -a- l ,

Like a *-I»iril vuiiVs iinniu ?(tn ! cvtr onward it f:ull y k»v|»-.

Now faint , tinw lmul mul MmNj ? ,Through ihf ]Kinti i i ^t - i ty, milliard , it nv<«']>i< .Awl on t- * t lit f H-iin , nhrn* Iln > MI > OV.V lx uj 'S

Lie untrr.dih n , it hurrif .-' iilimp .Suii roi«v .' r'7>iimJ> /*»» * ini-sJMjj s p \y

Jty tlu*i» U -JCH U of life ami <!• ath ;Far'aiid winV t i n y l»;ir t lu i r ihrnv* a* tliey Hy,And In-atmc IivsirU at t l n i r ni'-Mn^. e si^ li .

To kuow what " tin: tilc^r. iui" caitli .Looking up to-d:iT at t ho t < !i ?raph near,

I would 1 tin- j H.wvr ,To rban^ 'ethfir si^biiit? t» thrill.- of CIICT,And srnd t1ii*in»-s^ :i^i*—" A llnpi'y Ni-w Yca r"-

To tVLTv :inxinu.s bn ast.

THE TI 1<EK CII IMKS — A CAllOLTin- Vli> arc rmpini: ncro-i tin- snow—

Acr.»s tin- snow in th« iHiri-tma* KveNow wiM ami swift, now faint ami low ,

This ^onj * tin- voice s wcavw ,¦\Vc !=mt »a rt ^iu it-in , sad and slow,

Tn tin* Kiintrd n «t uf days of ytnv ;Tor men must romr, ;inil j i n n iuu>t p>(

In tin* *iuii :k yvar.- uw-niH.rc.We rinir .i cliini '- -and :i happv cJiinif—

Tn th" imuMnl In-art - ff im' u that li. - •A- rain-- ;i \uic»M(f nlilm titno ,

On tin* shun* of tlalli l-v.Unt fair i>f nil i- tin- ln.-t swci-t cn im^—

W»- riii JT >' f thvyi-ar.-; and y»ai> to V,'Kn- f iui if tb t in* £t»Idfu harvest tiiuu

Of iiiiiin.rlaliiy.

SLWSOXAJIMS ]{IIY3IKSIn i-liitly .latiunrv(if wanut l i tli '- ^im iV cjinry ;Ainl oft in mill! Ft-lmcd'h-*

*1'alr jirilnr i»«-s we vii-w ;iri-o ;In j .'»i>Jy , blii'ltr iiiu' Man-li>iist n-iniN :ill natun- ]«ircli ;Aitil in «»r Kni'lish .\|TJIi-(I f i-nin you s-Mom '.-e;HH: ri'.l^.1'litil at Iriitth iu May\\v i;ft a sunny t[av ; *And i>r ( M nt ly in J U I I L -SVc firf at 5ini)int-r's j n>on ;In sultry bright JulyTln>«un ir'ow* in t in *- «ky ;Hut nft> r tha t , iu A UL-U -I ,Cotnr? Autiuuu witli a raw ^ilst ;Ami i f t ' n iu Si- |it> i i i lur ,\V. Vr?la.l ..f rmlil y i !II I IIT ;\Vhi',i' .-..!. umly (n -tiilK -rJ(riti(.*.J «c;ttli'-r>.nl ami 5olxr ;And ltuuiv a ill-far N <>v»ui)n rViili fn.-l ran i\.- ivmri,il,,-r ,

Hut tlmi I) I-II -III I« T I' luU Ilii- lirinu" u> ttilenmi' t 'liri-tinas rlln r

ComiKTr nN T I I R CIKIICK vi K A Win:.—HesMesBkill in domestic nffaiiv , Ins insists ntron ^ ly on gooiltemper in a wife ; ami here j ierliaji s, if ivi> apj il y hisprecepts to a cla«s rutlier above il iat whic h Uc. hailchiefly in view , wis shall perceive s prnctic:il dillicu l lyin a man 's fimiinj ; out befnic it is too late whctlirror not a womnn is what Cutj belt fajs ilia * vho ouu'lilto bo. When a man is'actuallr " cn^n^et', " as thophraso ia , hi: cannni easil y (lr:i\r bark withoutdiscredit , and yet it ofini happens that lio onl ythen be(j in» !o know anyth ing of tho woman whomhe undertakes to make his wife. Inihvl Cobhctthimself says lli.U trmpi'r id a rrry iliftk -u ll tliiii i ftu Inr ccttain li fo i i lun .d , fmi l rn are so chcn]i ,they arc t-o t'rt sily put on fi>f ti io occasiuii , andfrowns are , liy tl.c ]..vci"'s whim, interpreted intothe tvntran'. Snildiii fr. l"i< l»l«. 't t lliiuks , is hadcnoU):h , but far I n l M 'r t han ,-u!ks. " If yrni haveyour eye.s, nr ;il U><'k >* )i -'irj ' . ynn will discover .-vmp-toms of llii s , it it ui i l r -ppily ix is t « . She will atBonie. tiirtc ./io»* /( tn ^ut if tncitihvr of t l if f utni .y, orperhaps towanls youiveH' ; ai:d \(itt mav Us suretliat in this rc.-pccc manliy o n-ill not tavu <l her. "yucrulonsnens is a^reat fault. That she comp lains ,nnd roundl y comp lains , «>( your want of punctual i ty ,of your coolness ol your neglect , uf your l ik ing tin:company of others ; thes" are all very well , moreespeciall y an they aro frequentl y ' l iut to' i ju st ; butan everlaclinK comp lainin f .' is a had si j rr i. He goeson to Ray that cold indiUV. -rviic u is worse thanqueruIouFuesn . " Tri m a n '\r\ who always receivesyou with tho same civil smile , lets you at your owngood pleasure depart with the same, and «lio, whenyou take, her by tho liau -l , holds her cnld finfj i'rs asutrai ght assliekB , I say (or should if I w. re younj :),11 God inllis merey ]iie.-erve me !'1 ISuL of all laultsof tfinp '-r the melanchol y lau'ies have ilie worst.This, iioweTcr , is not ^o hopeless of euro as HIIHCothers. " liuth arms lull of chii'dri'ii is a prettyetiicioDt remedy in mo>t eases ;" atu l if these in^re-dients hewaut iup , a l i t t le real troudlo may be resoite iito." The last th in^ which he mchtions as desirablein a wife is beauty, l.ut hi: by im MKUM thinks itlost in iinportnm:e. Hut it seems odd that hispractical far.H(,'hndness did not, lead him todistinguish beauty acvonlingns it is or is not likel yto wear well. It is olmou.--, for 'nstance , that syin-metry and ^raee ol' fo i m and movement will probablybo moru lasliiij ; than a lair completion. " Thocountry p< :oj )le," he hays , " jud fji 1 tireatl y from thostato ofthi i euvt i in ^ of t i c : ankles ," and lio mighthave lidded that the townspeop le aro apt to (ollowtheir example. If il. sii to /ciiog Lu not f lean andtight , the coiiclUMuti which ho Me. est.1 is "that alloot of Fight is not what it ou^lit to be." Jferoperhaps our vener..bk- guide verges4li j,'htly upon thohypocrite. Jle was an o'.d man whi n he wrote thisbook, but he could hardl y pretend that when Im wanyoung he noticed a w o m a n 's ankle , exclusivel y froma psychological point of view. " I.wk at tho shoes,"ho Bays, apparentl y wi thou t tho limit distantconeciouinc** tlul they mu.-t ueces-aiily cover a pairof fuct. llii.« t ru th , however , his youth lul roadcrmight he truMed to discover by tin; Imhl of nature.Ho emphaticall y det.oui.ees a ."lovi n , fc ,r which hotakca " alipshrHl " to \>r a synonym. " Mako up yourmind to a rnpe," he says , " rather than to live witha sli pshod wil 'i\ Jf ii-maJe character is .so important ,and ut the KIIIM t i im ; ?'¦ obscure, young men mayperhaps th ink tha t tin}' ought I D IUSIJ no oppor-tunity of studv in ^ it. Mis dissertation on tho charm ofclennlineH.-i is i.oiv l(ap;/il y much oj' an anaclironi.-m ;nor need wi- refer to the h in ts which he gives for ob-Borvarion «»n this po :nt. 'J'h'.'rn a iks of an industriousdisposition for which a man should h.ok in a womanun: curious. He is to heivini- ol •¦ a lazy toncii'.*,"by which Cobb' .'tL means not a >ilent woman , but «jniudihtii ct Fpeakcr. Kurthcr , in- quotes a piovcrb—" Quick at meals , tpiiuk at work." (.if course a girlmuat sit as long .'!!¦ others ut dinner in society, buthex teeth , u lioin t h < y do tl .i ir work , should do itquicklv. il th'J ^(J U^ ezf^s¦ ivither

than bites her food" set her down as inconi }.;il i l y la/ .v." Another maikof ind-jstry is " a quick step tmd a sumuivliat hravytread , fhowin g th a t t h e loot comes down w i t h ahearty good will. " !!< ¦ doc* i.ot like ".••itun:< riii(.1, «<ft-stepp ing (/iris ," and a sa i in tn ing girl is sure, to tnnkea mawkish wil 'u and a cold-hcar led mother. J t is apity that (-elf -iiiadc advi-irs of working men do notj ir int and ci icu i ai c Ihis l.ool; ot ' Cohbrti 's instead ofthe i rown mawki.-li « . \ h o i l a l ion to lectotal ir i i i . l iewould have t co imd the misciah io suggestion ( Imttho father of a fann y lias not. strength of mind topass an open public -hoii M* . H a as.-umed l l .u t lhoM:to whom he wrote mi ght marrv early and Imp.pil y as he had done, and thi i t undei' any trial s andprivations there could 1 1: no place cumpaniblo tohome. .Sj ch a man as hij n.-eJ!', JJI: ^:iys, lam no rcnlcares; such a man has no troubles. •' 1 have luid alltho numerous ut.d it .di scribahle deli ghts of homoand children , and a> the same t ime all the b»chclor 'sfreedom fn m domesl ic lares." 'J'o th i i enuse—thatis, to a well -choM 'ii w i f e — far more t h a n to any otherlie ascribed th ' se labours which he certainly did notunderrate. It mii>t b> - reuicmbrn d , l.owercr , thathi: bega n life us a common soldier , taug ht him.-clf nilhe kuew , Hinl wro i < : books which wi l l last as long asSound Dense ami pun: Kng lisli have any value. —Saturday J.'ppV.r.

END or rni : Wni: r,i> -An o'.il pt ( .di:tion , repented byNj atratlamns in his (.Vn'i'W' .-, ays—

" (^uand (JcurgcN iJicu ci ucificra.<^ue Marc le rcssusciicrn ,Kt <|iio Jcau lo port ' m ,Ln I'm du monde nrrivcra."

Happears that all three conditions will be natiafiodin 1S8G. Easter will fall on tho l!(!th uf April , cr Hi.Mark's Day , Oood Kri'U y on St. George's Day, anilthe Peast of Corpus Claiiti en St. John tbo liuptiit'aDay.

paricuutivc(From the Irish Farmers' (!ti:etlo.)

VFF.I> ISO OF VOCSG H ULLS.—" A North Kerry Sub-scriber"—la it proper to give a yearling bull a. mashof boiled turnipa and meal in the niiddlo of tho day,at tho same timo giving liim raw turnips, with hay,morning and ovoning ? Tho mash will bo useful,provided that plonty of meal is mixed with it.

HAD BUTTER.—" An Old subscriber"—Relying ontho very superior quality of my butter , I havo ab-stained too long fro m selling it , and now it is moatunliko what it Imd been when first fillod—oach lirkitiwas filled at a churning. I havo been advised to havotbo worst of tins butter churned over a second titno ,¦washing it firs t well with cblorido of Iimo , but boforodoing anything would bo anxious to obtain youropinion. Thero aro sixteen firkins in this very un.fortunate position, weighing about 7- or 80 lbs. oachliikin. ^t r. Morton , in his useful " Hand-book ofDairy Husbaudry," describes tho modo of improvingraucid butter an" follows :—" Tho operation consistsiu beating tho butter in a suflicioutipiantity of wate r,in which put 25 to 30 drop.i of chlorido or lime to 2lbs. of butter. After having mixed it till all its partsare iu contact with the water , it may bo left in it foran hour or two, arid afterwards withdrawn , andwashed snow in fresh water." It has also been ro.commended that rancid buttei'Ibe kneaded wi th freshmilk , nnd then with puro water.

SCOUR > N CALVES .—ror common scour in calvesgive 2 drachms of powdorcd alum , dissolved iu a pintof hot milk , to which a drachm of ginger miry boadded and a scruple of opium , For white scour givoan ounco of magnesia dissolved tn a considorublcquanti ty of water, follow with a doso of suits, andthen with the cordial medicine.

Ow WITH Ru> U JIUKR .—" A Subscriber," ComberI l,aTo a valuable cow that has got a very euro

udder. It has been sore for a King time, say threemonth.". I have tried everything 1 could think of—fomenting with warm water, rubbing with udderoiutment of all Forts , anil all lo no effect. It has sup-Unrated , and there i.s now a grea t quant i ty of mattercoming from one of the quarters of her udder. She iswithin a mou lh of her calving. •Tho affection of theudder has been ol' siich a long standing that it is now-very dillicult to t reat. You must try and get a largop.iultieo (if woll-boiled carrots , or of linseed meal , ap.plied to t iic parts , which may be <) ono by bring ing acloth round the udder and over the loins. Havo thomatter well cleaned out by such poultices, lancoanypart where matter continues to lod ge, if tbo part isri pe, and when you him! cleansed out tho matter,dress the udder with an ointment inailo of 1 part ofiodiiln of potassium lo 7 parts of lard , and give tboiodido internall y, in doses, beginning with I) grainsdaily and increasing graduall y to 12 grains.

Si iKAKMM i K.\ M Hi.iM i.—•' Anonymous —A ramof mine, allowed with 15 owes this season, has got alight gray colouring over the lower half of ri ght eye,but not in tho chamber of eyo, which can be seenquite clear bv looking down into the eyo. Two smallspots of whiter , thicker colour are cotu iu tho gray.No inflammation perceptible. SiijliL appeared quitegone when this was suddenl y noticed . An experiencedKhep herd bled him under tho eye, and would haveused powdered alum , but I objected , as your valuablehand-book condemns it. l ie has since (for four days)used tobacco j uice, squirted into tho eye. tliricu daily ;the colour appears less and sight lather improved. Ifear he has been tender l y reared, and that this wetseason is bard on him : say what may bo wrong, andhow to treat him. Tho blindness is, most likel y,owin" to the very -severe weather, which is a frequentcause of the comp laint. Tho symptoms show the cx-isteuce of a partial ur false cataract , which will go(iff. You did right in not allowing alum to 'be blowninto the eye, neither should tobacco ju ice havo beensquirted into it. Kcop the ram sheltered in thehouse, and let him havo bran mashes,cut turni ps, &c,bnt no oats.

Fn./.F. M EADOWS .—" A Subscriber."—My furzemeadow has turned out very uupn>litablo this year,and wh y 1 cannot tell. Tho fur/ .o is utmost entirelysuperseded by grass , which i.s now ly ing, and partl ywithered. Would this stuff be of any feeding valuomixed with Ktra w, or would it bo inj urious to givo itto cattle ? Tbo withered grass wi'l be of littleuse as provender, but if you cut il and give it to yourvoung beasts they wil l pick some out of it , and let"the waste go to the dung hil l .

K oui . vo (J IMSS SKKI I S .—" C. L."—Having taken tpsome land from a tenant , I am advised to sow a cropof wheat in the potato and mangel ground , and to layii down the year after with barley and grans seeds.This: portion of the farm was manured this year w i t hfarm-dung and seaweed . What do you think of thisadvice r d'rass ahould be sown wi th the firs t corncrop which succeeds a manured root crop ; therefore ,we do not agree with the adrico you have got.

The Cork Flax Company pa-sod out of cxistencuon Monday, when a few of the shareholders assem-bled at tho Imperial Hotel , to receive tho report olthe li quidator. The latter reported that the properlysold realised ilH .'.l'll) , which had been disbursed tosundry creditors—the National Hank A'1,!H)U on ;.ocount" of its unsecured balance . Tho ivpoit wasadopted , and the company cea.n d to e.\i\t . The h**of the shareholders lia< hecii nearl y JCo",« .«IO.

T I I K K o iA I . A O U l i I L H I1AI. SOI. I K I V u r I|[|:I..IM;.

The half-yearl y report i;f the Koyal A griculturalSociety, which we pul ii-h i d last ueclc , is bj- nomeans a miislactory doeuni ' i . t . I f the Society is lucairv out et l ieicnt! y ihe objects lor which it w:n in-st i tuted , il must be well snpp'j i' i cil ; but , so far fromtha i b' ing t in - ca-", it appears tha i i luj funds havebee n regularl y dcciv:.«itig lor sunn- lime , unt i l mat tershave ie.ic.Lcd a point when , in older to allow the Si,,cictv to be carried on , s alal l i" ; of i I:I I ¦¦ ¦: l;in L ollicersinu-' l be reduced , or iln- nllim s altogether abolished.Wi thou t entering into any dircu> sion a> to the causeswhich may be suppo>ed to have led to ihis result , wemav say that it has been a-sei'l'-d by ninny personsthat the country cannot support I wo ( I tuyal ) socie-ties , having one and iluj sam-s object, in view. I t isnot meant l>y this to throw any blame upon the lan-ded proprietors and the agricultural community ofIreland in particular ; for those who say tha t Irelandcannot support two soeielii s assert nli-o that nehherKngland nor Scotland could do so, if it were a i tunip -ted in r i th iT i i f iWi- pain of tin: kingdom. I t wasonl y the other day tha t Mr. Mechi called attr ition tothe fact that there are. U H I .nun farmers iu Kug landand Wales , and yet from .' l to li .lJ OU onl y of tlmnumber subscribed lo the Ituyal Agr icul tura l Societyof Kng land , no twi ths tand ing that tho members ofl)i:it society receive gtcid money'j lor their sub-scri pt ions in the journal of the society, besides oilierpiivilcg e .*-. In like manner, the Hi ghland ami Agri-cul tural Si cicly, popul ar as it has been for many

y/Mr.J, present-* in its menih TS (tid y a small per cent-age of the farmers anil landed proprietors of Scotland.Jt II -UM M be hoj«')i'y .e, ilii-n-fw'. In id tempt establi-h-ing second societies in either of these countries. Thoamalgamation of the I »vr> Irish Uoyaj s has beenfrequently urged , ai.d some who were at one limeopposed to it are now favourable to ihu scheme; butif such should lake place, there should bi: a distinctiigricultnra ! governing ),o ly, wilh full power toniati 'ige tho department , and uppropr iato its funds.Whether th is will be tho lotiiHa t i : result or not , it isimpossible to say ; but it is very clear tliat tho KoyalAjju'cultur.'il Society must either ho be tn r supported ,or il must cease to exert any beneficial influence onthe agricultural condition of this couutry.

S.u iMii I N V K M 'K H I N liii:i..\Nn. —|)r. W. NcilsonHancock 's annual report of savings invested in Ire-land as at the :i < > ih .liuie last has been publi shed andpresented to hit> Kxcc llency t in ) J .onl Lieutenant.From the figures relating tu t in t aggregiU: invest-ments in ( ioviTiiiiieni mul India stock , in depositsand cash balances, iu Irish joint , stuck banks , and iutru K lee and i'ost ollice saving- banks , il appears thaithe amount at :ilith .Iiiuc , 1 72 , was £1111,1)17 ,1)1) ,showing a ."light deneaso ( lwM ,77n) as comparedwi th Ihu amount invested on I lUt December, 1>>7I.'J'ijr re was, however, all excemionall y lurj:o increasein tho above cla-s of iuvi sttnenu in 1*71- Thereaction , being contim-d tn the lirtit tnouths of thepresent year, has been so far eouniiy balanced by t h uineriaso of XJ .niil .'.1S7 in the six concluding monthsof la.-.l year , us to leave ilm tota l investments on iiuihJuno (.i:on,' J l7,Ui'SJ 1:1,177, 217 abovo thu lotal on;t( .i|li June , 1S7 I (. IZi 'i7i,lti'.l ,1'. t \ ) ; and ih i s is hi gherthan ihe aveiage a n n u i l increase for tivo yeiiiscndc.l ."ll .-t i , l.syo ( f l .liVV'^O). Thorouit "' ilm .-liii i.-iie." nf t in : bank note cinadaiionctdlespoi.ds with the --a t i - t i i ' S ot investments. Thui i ivf .- i i f i c / i i .- o l d ipoi - i i .- in rost-ollice savings banksshow an increase of L ' H '.' i""- -not MI gn-ai a- ei therof t h e b . i l t-y iar i in IS' ) , but frealei" t h a n theaverage of live year* pi eced j.g 1^7 1. 'I 'hi ' i tluol tn lwas X l - 7,H t »> . ' l 'h< inv.- ,'t t i i i ' t i l ol depioils in t in ;ti ur lei: saving bunj.s sl ows a s imi la r rc>uli . 'I heinve.-t if le/ it s in « lep . , - r t , ui t i i c:ts) i baJ.-jnce .H in Jri-hj .iinl sto' l. banks a i iioum lo L'27,21 l ,mm , showing adeci'"a <: ia t h e i l i -pup i i * ::i,.| ca.-l, ba i imnvj »f I ' l .'l I ,-i n k l in t i n : pa< i. f i^ m o u t h s . ( ',,,,i-ui r . - i i l w i t h iheincic.i-e in t in: < l i ' p , i> i i s in l l .o I'ost.ii l l i i -n s.n ingsbanks there has been ii il i 'c r i ' i iv in I h e i i ive^ ln ie i i l sin ( I'OVI ri ,mi l I Hoi k ,'u ll.e u n ,M.d a I ,a ir yea rs ofii .iil " ,"11"; ii i id l i i . l l a i i fock i c m a i k s 'ha l as ther ;,ie of in i i .-icsl nlJoivi ' i l in Ihe J'o.-t .o/ liii .' .viv/cgbai iks is lower 1 han I hat wh ich an inve-tor can ob-tain in t h e Funds , it lol.'mv.-- t ha t il is nol t he lavor-ab'.o n a t u r e ol ihe ter in .s in Ihe I'usl-ollicc savingbanks which causes (he d;lF rcnc(! j it appea rs toarise from tho sing le c i ieu i i i s l a n c o of the grcuierfac i l i t y tor inv:.lii,g. There i.s onl y om: OHicu inh e l a i .d for t in : i i i v e - t n i i u t and i ra i iafer of t! uCovcrnii ici i t Fund- , whi ls t tlici i ! aro up it ' .'irds ol.")!¦• i Cost-ollice savings bai iks.

A woman stood up in a .Metho .li.-I ehii ich in NewVi,rk latel y, imd jusi as ihe preacher nauie il his text ,sin; claimed that she hail a special telegram fromheaven.

At li fc f io - .l at. Walls . n.l , near .Vewcastlc. Kll ,'lalid ,ll.e Holler asked a class of boys t in ; meaning of ilmwoid "appetite ," when , alter a short pause, onelit l lu boy said , " 1 know , pir. When I'm ealin ' I ' m'appv i ""tl when 1 am dono I'm t ight . "

Ke.iuty in a modust nunni is l iku lire at a di.-tancoor liko u sharp bWoid ; neither dnih the onu bum , northoother wcund those that como too Iiear them.—Corvautos. ;

SIR 110YLE KOCUE.Sir Hoy lo Ilocho was created a baronet on Nov.

30, 17S2. IIo wan of respectablo descent, and , en-tering earl y into tho military service, distinguishedhimself greatly in America, particularly at tho takingof tho Jloro Fort in tho Havana. On quitting thoarmy ho obtained a soat in Parliament, and such wastho humour aud drollery at his command that uocould , it ia statotl , at any timo, cntirol y cbnngo thotemper of tho House, and convert angry discussionand debato into pleasant discouiso and irrepressiblelanghter. Ho was subsequentl y Master of Coromoniosat Dublin Castlo, where ho was much cstccmod forhis politeness nnd urbanity. Ho married the oldestdaughter of aii Irish baronet, nnd died (without issuu)at his house in Kcclus-streot, Dublin , ou Juno' 5, 1S07.Sir Jonah Harring tou , in I' ertonal Sketches nf his ownTimes publishod iu 1S27, says:—' air Iloy lo Itocuo was without oxception tho most

celebrated and entertaining nnti-gnimmari:in in thoIrish l'arliameut. I knew him intimately. Ho wasof a very respcctablo Irish famil y, aud in point oftippoarauco a fine , bluff , soldicr-liko gentleman.. . . He had a claim to tho titloof Fcrmoy, which ,however, ho never pursued , and was brothor to tliofamous Tiger Roche, who fought somo dospcrato duelabroad, and was near being hanged for it. Sir Boylowas perfectly well bred in all bis habits ; had beenappointed Gentleman Usher at tho Irish court , andejfeeutod that oftlco to tho day of his death with thoutmost satisfaction to himself and to evory ono inconnection with him. He married tho eldest daug hterof Sir John Covo, Hart ; nnd his lady, who was a httshleu , prematurel y inju red Sir lioy le's capacity, it wassaid , by forcing him to road (Jibbou 's Ilise and Fall ofthe Roman Umpire , whereat ho was cruollv puzzledwithout buing in tho least degree amused."

Among bis most interesting blunders aro tho fol-lnwing. In speaking on some financial question oftlio day, ho is reported to have, said:— " W h y, Mr.Speaker, should we put ourselves nut of tho way toild i inything for posterity ? What lia.s posteritydone for us ?" which ho subsequentl y explained byassuring thu House " that by j ms/cri Vy ho did notmean nur nnovl 'iiy , but Ihoso ivlio wero to comoiMin inl ii irVly after them." Ou another occasion , iusupporting Ihe Habeas Corpus .Suspension Hill inIreland , ho argued— " It would surel y bo better , Mr..Speaker, to give up not only n part , but , if necessary,even th-: iclwlv of our const i tut ion to preserve thetvmitiii 'ler." Perhaps , howorur, thu most seusiblo ofhis blunders (and Sir Jonah especiall y recommendsil, to gentlemen in tho army) was this : "Tho bestway to uv«W danger is In miv( it J I IKI I I / I." Althoug hI havo been scarcely so concise as I might linvo beenin answering your correspondent's query , I trusttho extraneous matter submitted may not bo al-together uninteresting to your readers.

Cu.wir.Ks PKirrr.13, Oxford Villas, llammerswitli .

THE MAN WHO SP0K1-; FIFTY-SIX I,AN "f.UAGKS.The .'IniuyiVci H JMwutiu . iul Monthl y contains a

very readable sketch of the most remarkable linguistthat ever lived. Guisseppo (iaspartio -Me/./.ol'anti ,the prodi gy who spoko ti l ty-six laiiguagos , was thoson of a poor carpenter of liologua , wero he was hornin 1771. He died in Koine in J f f l i J . His futher de-signed him for the paiernal calling. His work.benchhappening to bo under the window where FatherResp igbi was instructing noino private pupils in Greekaud Ij atiti , young Mczzofanti p icked up the worda hoheard and surprised his unconscious teacher wheu , onoday, without knowing the Greek al phabet or ever hav-ing seen a Greek book , be repeated , aud accurato 'yexplained a great number of the words which had fal-len on his car while at work. This anecdote is par.nllclcd by one told by Colerid ge in .his table talk ,whorea servant ,^emp loyed by u n K u g lhh clergyman ,who wasin the halm, of reading aloud his Hebre w liiblo iu hisstudy, actuall y repealed , during intervals of delirium ,wbolo chapters of the old Testament iu tho originaltext. She, like .Mezzofanti, had no knowled go of thoalphabet, grammar, or dictionary, but the memory,which had casuall y caught ' the words aud their con-nection , tenaciousl y held them.

This gifted young man desired to leave his tradennd enter the church. The kiud-he .irted old oratorianussisud him. He picked up languages wilh wonder-ful facility. His memory retained every word his earhad oncu heard. H was not onl y ihn word s but thoconnection—in idioms ),o was peculiar; dtrong—andthe iuioualiou. He learned in college Latin , Greek ,llubrcw , and Arabic. His Jirst lessuun iu Germanwere derived from a Holognese eeclceiastie, tho Ab-ba tu Thiull. He picked up French from au old priest,of lllois , Swedish from a .Swedish physician who hadbctllcd at IJologna , and Coptic , from a learned clergv 'man , and ilieCununico Miugarelli. In 17U7 ho obtainedpriest 's orders and shortl y afterward* was ap-pointed pi ofessor of Arabic in Ihe Universit y of Ho-logna. ilo (efuscl to Uikt i Um O.'IC /I «(' a/Jcgianco tcitho " Cisalp ine Republic." aud iu consequence lost liirtposition. In lhd-1 he Has restored , in 16U."> again de-prived owing lo his lidelity lo 1'ius VI I . In l .s la huobtained the position of aHsistaut librarian ot 'lu's na-tivo city, and two years afterwards hu was madechief librarian. -Vapj leou attempted to lure him toParis , .Murul to Naples , the Graud-Duko of Tuscanyto Florence , iho Kmporn r Francis to Vioinm , andeven his Holiness l'ius VII . lu Home , but in vain. I loreiu. iiued iit liologna unt i l l.Vi.', when d'regory XVI. ,uu in t imate friend of his , alter , us be laug hing lv putil , '• a regular siege," duall y succeeded in instal l inghim a I'rcbeiid of Si. John Jj ulcrau '*Church. He wassubMi | i i en t ly iho successor of ihe celebrated Mainsl ib innai i of tho Vatican , and in bi l l ho aud his pre-decessor were elevated lo the caidinalate.

11 w;..s dm ing eighteen yea rs which clap-e.l l;e-;wei;n Mexzofuiili' s elev.ilion lu ihe chief librariansbi pand bis removal lo Jlolne thut he extended and per-fected his knowled ge of the language*. ][„ was" lore igner.i' confessor" at liolo^na , a position usuall ycuiruaicd tu a large stall' in Ruinan Catlicjli c cities. I lovisilcd ihe hospitals assiduuusl y, and never failed loimprove an opportunity of picking up a new languageor perfecting his knowled go ol ono wilh which ho wasalread y familiar. It was nol that ho had simp ly aknowledge of the languages, but ho spuko thorn withfluency, pronounced them correctl y, and wroto themidiomalicull y. The J I O I I C I S and runners at llologuaalways mentioned Mezzofanii as one of iho wondorsof the town , aud no lilerary fureignur visited tbo cilyduring his residence then: who did not call upon h im.They wen: ail impressed with his proliciency. Lordliyroii , Jlerr Jacobs , Guido Gowes, Dr. Ji.'iiiifs (in.Miss .Miifuril 'ri Uccullccliuiui), and M. .Manairtnll bea rwitness tu lha powers ol this gifted, who , if hehad lived at Jiabcl , would , as onu of them has quaint *l y remarked , have been able lo havo aclcil an "cucra liuier [ r :ter. ]) r. Jiaines tay.-i : •' The last t ime I wasin Itoiui: we went logeiher lo ihe Propaganda audheard speeches delivered in thirty .livo or tl.irlv.sixlanguages by converts of various nations. Amongth ' -ni wero natives of no less than three tribes of Tar-tars , each talking bin own dialect. They did notunderstand each other, but, thu C'anlinal understoodthem all , anJ could tell wi th cr i t ical nicety Ihe pointsin which each j argon diffe red from tho others." Jlemancred Chinese lalu iu lil 'o, and yet ho was able notonl y to eonverso with tho Chine-iis students iu thel'rupaganda , but to Jireach lo thorn and deliver a setof homilies in their own tongue. Jlerr (/owes say.ithat bo spokn eight l.v.iguagus in his presence of anevening, and changed from nun to iho other with ihogreaie.-t facility, aud without confounding tho word orpi enunciation u fouu language wi th those of another.Hi: tent ^ this same traveller ihe name of God writtenwith his own hand in f> lj languages', of which ,'iU woreEuropean , not counting their xubdivi sicus iulo dia-lects ; 17 Asiatic without counting dialects ; "i African ,and lour American. Mc/./.oluiiti's l i fuwas siniplo andchi ld l ike , and duvoid of all pretension.

tJ i t u . iN inmr. i\ in i K FA M I L Y .—In my lust I saidKomelhing about Lord Amiiil y, Ihe Captain 's father ,and his political doings ; but I said nothing iibimi theori g in ol thu Whim famil y. Lord Aimal y is nuw onoof the aristocracy of Ireland , but the famil y i.s notancient , nor was the ori g in of it illustrious. Thegraudl 'a'.licr of Ihu Lord -I. ieulenaiit of Claru made allhis vast wealth as army .contractor in the French war.Humour , authent ic , 1 heard , says that iu his youthhu vended books in ibe Htrcul R of Dublin. Hy thai ,occup-ilioii he scraped a liltlu money together , andgot ii .toa more ri -xpcciable business. How hu climbedup to ihu hei ght, llial hu ul t imatel y won 1 know not ;but iu those days il was not uncommon fur men whoonce got a fooling amongst army contractors toinakoenormous fortunes. Tlm rapid rise of ihis familyfro m so humble an origin iulu ihu highest mule of ihoaristocracy is curious. Two centuries ago such afeat was not | o.-i-ibln j but now no th in g of the kindis impossible ; t 'j weal th , (lei rich , all y yourself to ajuny , support it loyall y nnd liberall y, and thoug hyour grandla lher may havu been a pauper, you maylnl find il difficult lo get a peerage. Well , shall woquarre l ^wi th all ihis 'i Not I. I.s the man worthV tobe a peer j 'Hint is Ibe onl y question worth athoug ln.

M AS . --Dm ing bis daysof youthfu l enlluisiasm eve-ry man promise* himself a c.ircer of perfect happ iness¦ of stainless respeeiabi l i ty--of matchless honor.Wi: f lat ter niir-clvc lha i ihe world wil l reform itse lffor our sake. We n u i i e i pate a faultle ss partner iu- nr f ut u r e bi He, and cheat ourselves wilh expeetalionth:it . t h e even cm rent o!' de«l inies wi l l flow over s:indsa: g//Id ; Alas; i]>e Just si :H-deception we arc com.pellcd to resign becomes a bit ter t r ial to our for-t i tude ; hut one after another , we seo those cherishedvisions fade away — wo lower out selves lo tl,o depree ofmediocrity which i.s our allotted portion— and linallylearn to be conteuied w i l h such di r iy scraps as tbocharity of foriunu throws in nur way.

A beaut i ful form is heller than a beautiful face jit gives a hi gher pli.'iisuro I IJIIII s ta tue i ur pictures ;a in tin: finest of the line arts.—Kmcifon.

T he usefu l encourages i tself ; for the mul t i t ude pro-duce it , anil uoouu can dispense wi th i t ; till: beautifu lmii- t be encouraged ; for f'.'iv can set it forth , andmany need il.— Girlhe.

The perception of the b ctiu ' ifiil is gradual nnd rot•i li g h tn in g revelation ; it requires not onl y t ime, butHome study. —Kull iui .

Where the muuth is sweet and tho eyes intell igent ,then: is always tho look of beauty , wilh a rightheart.—Leigh Hunt.

In life IIH iu art , iho boautful moves in curve 1'liuhver Lytluu.

Jieauty is a short lived lyrauuy.—Socrates. .

KEOGII , MILTON , AND CR0M.WELL.Tho class of Newdegato & Co.—tho Northern

Ornngcmon , who, in recent days, assembled inGrand Jury Rooms, and passed reiolutions of con-fidence in Judgo KCOGH ,' and admiration ofhisabominable harangue at Galway.wcre suro to im-port somothinj r into the language about " theindependent Catholic judge." As a politician ,wo know, ho entored Parliament as a Tory, andin rcl ipion wo never hoard much of his orthodoxCatholicism , but on tlio contrary his writingsand hi3 harangues bore downri ght marks ofheresy. Wo have novr before us a report of alecture delivered about sovcu years ago, lastmontu , in tlio Catholic Young Men's SocietyHal l , Denmark-street , Dublin , by ArchbishopCUM.EN, in which his Graco roviowed f t , lecturepreviousl y pronounced , wherein Judgo KEOGHshowed himself then , as ho has dono recentlyerratic in his rel igious opinions, and an admirerof anti-Catholic, inurdorous men, liko the brutalCJIOMWELL. Lectures woro boing delivered atthe period we alludo to (18C5) in the ProtestantYoung Men's Society, and in ono of them acurious statemont was mado by the Hon. JOSEPHNAPIKR , who quoted as bis authority a Catholicjud go. Tho Afclibishop,alluding to this lecture,said:—

" Tho otatemont -was, that Protestantism existedboforo tho Reformation in its greatest perfection.Kvery ono know that Protestantism hud nover boeubeard of—at loast tho nnmo of tho thing had novorboon known—beforo Martin Luther , Honry thoEi ghth ,Calvin , John Knot ,'and other holy mon .(laughter) ,introduced the Reformation into Europe. Judgo Keoghwas tho Catholic writer (hisses* nail laughter), whowas quoted by tho Hon. .loseph Napior for tbo state-ment that Protestantism existed in tho greatestperfection beforo the timo of tho Keformation. Well ,he was. not going to condemn tho jud go for thatstatement, for l'rotcstnnlisin (lid exist in its moatperfect form from the timo when nroso tlio robellionagainst tho Almighty God. Lucifer protested againstthe authority of tho Almighty, and was thereforo aProtcHtant (olieers nnd Inughtor) . Tho Jews pro-tested ngninst our .Saviour—against tbo EternalSou of God, and they woro Protestants (hear, hear).Tho learned jud go was, thoreforc , not much astraywhen ho Raid that Protestantism had been carried togreat porfection before tbo Keformation (hear) . Hobad boon reading a lecturo lately delivorod in thiscity—it was said to havo been delivered by a judgo(hear, hoar)—by nn Irishman , by a Catholic (hear,hear). After reading that lecturo ho was almostforced to thu conclusion that it could not havo beendelivered by tho person to whom it wan attributed(hear, hear). In tho first place, they knew thatMilton was a great regicide, that ho defended themurder of Charles I. it was qnito impossiblo that aju dgo in this country—a ju dgo appointed by thoyiieen—should defend and laud the man who said itwas lawfu l to put a king to death. Milton was agrea t enomy of prelates. ]fo was a rank Presby-terian. Well , one who upheld tho authority of tboQueen , tlio head of tho church , who appoints so manyprelates, could scarcely eulogiso tlio man who ceu-Ktired every act of that nature. They all knew howCromwell treated Ireland , that ho massacred tho in-habitants in tho most frightful manner. Wlir.n hotook Droghcda ho ordered tho inhabitants to be putlo the .stvord, and tho blood ran through tho streatsfor threo days. Milton , who panegyrised everythingin tho way of rebellion , ovorything in tho way ofpretended liberty, whon Cromwell camo to power,devoted his powerful talents, Iii.s wonderful talents,to tho purposes of that unhappy nnd wicked thoug hclever man (hear, hear). It was difficult to supposethat , an Irishman would becomo the eulogist of Milton ,who was tlio abject slave of Cromwell. But thenddross not onl y showed signs of fabrication iu ilshistorical and political aspects, but also and muchmorn so in its religious aspect. Kvory Catholic knewthat wlien God revealed n doctrine they weroobli ged to bow down humbl y and admit it. Tlioauthority of God admits of no controversy, and whenwe do not understand it wo aro obliged to boliovQ itnovertholoHS , when Ho rovealn it , because God isinlinito t ruth. Ho cannot deceive or bo deceived , andI hen wo are obliged to admit whatever JIo roveals.Now , tho locturo referred to iaid they woro not todo this , but to defend liborty of thought upon allmatters of religion. A Cutbolic could scarcely saysuch a thin "; as that. Xo Catholic who road biscatechism would venturo to say such a thing as that.If God Almi ghty established an authority upon earththey all know they wero obli ged to obey thatauthority. If God deputed His authority to anymini , or any institution on earth , they all knew , theyworn obli ged to obey that inst i tut ion , because GodcouM givo His authority to anyone or anybody Hewished. Now, ho had given his authority to thel'opo as head of tlio church , and to the church as anexisting body, and I lu had declared this authorityinfallible ,'and said, ' ho who honrcth not Iho churchlet him bo to theo as tho Healhun and the Publican. 'No Catholic would corao forward nnd say, ' we nronot obli ged to hear thu church.' When a lecturerproposed euch a doctrine , they must say it was notwritten by a Catholic , but was a fabrication inventedpcrbiip* by sonic, of those. anti-Catholic newspaperswho wished to lead them astray (laughter nnd ap-plause) .".

II. is clear , then , that Kr.oou'a hereditary .id-mi rat ion I 'm- rcjficidu.s ;tn<! a.s.s;is.siii.i', iv;i.s noiburn in l.liu Guliviiy pulilion , but existed :it leastsi'vcn yeans ago, anil was tlien .scenns plain l y b)Cardinal (A i.l.K .v as his Jwtiiucnrc sees it, now.

DKN SITV OK Mitt' Y0I1K POPULATION.Few persons have , any idea of tho density of

population in ccrlaiL localities of this cily. Thetenement population , always the most difficult ainungwhich to enforce proper sanitary regulations, eachyear becomoa greater, aud the area occupied by tene-ment houses annuall y increases). The statement mayappear siartling, but .it is nevertheless true , that nearlyone-half of tho penph: in this city Jivo in tenements;and moro than 50 per cent, of tho annual number ofdeaths occur among this class ; nnd the death rato iirapidlv increasing. To show thia moro plainly,certain squares i/i threo wards; have bceu solectedthe figures given in tho table below being oBicial ,fro m a .survey of thete/ iemcnt bouse* mado in ISliO ,by order of the Hoard of Jlealth. Sii'CO that timethe population in these (-ipiarod ha.i incrorsod insteadof diminishing. It should bu romembured , in orderthat tho fact nviy be full y appreciated , tiiat thoaverage number of persona in each si{iiaro throug h-out tho entire city is from .')5l> to 500, according toIhu sizo of the square.

ilany, indeed most , of theso Ef |unreK aro marshy ;tho basements aro always damp, nnd tho interior oftho blocks, where tho courtyards fhould be, arocovered with rear tenements! which shut out air andli ght. Thcao rear toucmnnt s aro found to almostovery front house. Tho buildings are the poorest do-scri ption , old and dilap idated, without modernconveniences , poorl y ventilated , and Homo of themweru once factories, now paitiliuued off into tho verynuia l lcHt apartment. Thero is no suwor in Avouuo H ,and tho street , pared wilh cohhlc-ntoiic, is halfbiin'vlin dirt , and iho gutters are choked with vugetiblogarbage 'J ho yards, too, particularly in the blocklast on tho list , are always iu a filthy condition , andfuvers aud other cont'ig ious diseases as a conweiiucucoare chronic iu tho districts thus overcrowdod , and ,but fur tho constant visits , of health otlieers, a posti-uncn wnnld bo bred there.—'N. Y. Tribune.

U K A I I I N I ) SK V I .A H K M .—Half-lledgcd larks may beeasil y reared with bread crumbs , milk, aud eumo freshBills' eggs. Larks which havo been roared or takenvery early possess tho faculty of imitation iu a highdegree.. They appropriate Homclliin K from tlio song*of all Iho birds in thu same roum. .Many years ago 1JI .ISS .MI throug h a small lown , nnd whilst 1 stood at awindow looking at a park-like garden , I admired therichness of the songs which I heard , it was in ihubeginning of July, and I rejoiced to hear sumostrophe of tho nig htingale. I perceived tho loudthr i l l of ihu blackcap, thu perfect Bong of tlm wron ,tho rolling of the liod gespu row ; Iho goldfinch sangpart of its song ; the red poll* , ihu titmouse, and ihusparrow were heard , aud tho wryneck called !U if itwero eail y spring. When 1 learned that il was a, larkwiis singiuir in a cago doso at hum) , my uduiiralioufor the hinl was to great that I left its owner no restt i l l bu mild it, to me. 1 broug ht it to my father as amm in is, gavo it a spacious cage, and tho saino foodwhich it had hitherto rccoived. t'uv n wholo wock Iexpected to hea r its song, but iu vuin ; the lark wassilent the wholo winter and spring, and then died.The ehangu must havo harmed it , althoug h it hadonl y been bufore iu a small , dirty, and miserable cago.1 received anolhet lark which had been reared , andwhich Ming beautifull y, fro m a, village. It not onl ypi -rforiued many biros' songs, but also iuiilaled theciies of bens, ducks, and even foiirl'ooled aniuiah i .Thooii which h&ve been caught very often adoptKtrangi! noies in captivity, and miiig lu them wilh the- i iori ginal sinigH ; but this happens moru frequentl y inthe later limn iu ihe earlier years uf captiviiy. — n'-.vKin-I Mnlh -r lin the Fir l -I) .

A C.\ur i»i iN MN "N CI.K A N I .IM:SS.—We aro a dirtypeople. Our distinguishing characteristic is personaluuclcmdiiirss . We veril y beliuvo that ifKOi ne celestialnaturalist should discover us, ir. giving our varietyli nanii ' , hi: would lie tar moru unxio iiH to ccle-brateour dermal impurity, than for the doubtfu l honour ofappending his own Latin genitive, to tho generiu naitii)of M > disreputabl u a race. Kor , behold , wo have nopublic bnths. II is not certain thnt man is naturallyau unclean animal ; hut it is certain that ho will notspend any comiidcrablo poit iun of iii.s iucoinu iu dailyablutions. Of course we alludo to the average man ,who ia in best n sorry beast. Public baths, after thomanner nf many European cities, nro public blessings .A clea n *kin is mure essential tu tho public moralitythan even u pew at churc h, and wo stoutly inaintHitlmt tho scriptural (is it scriptural ?) injunction ,'• Watch and Pray," U a typogra phical error , andwas originall y written , " Wash and Pray ;" and ,furthermore, ihat thesu commands stund iu tho orderof tlitir importance . As hcioro remarked , wo nroan excesBivul y dirty people. With, this trilliug ex-coptiou, nouro Kodly.— CuH/ornim Advert itcr



On Saturday, n. number of friends and admirers ofMr. J. F. NicoII, seoretary of tho Athenry, Bnnis ,and Tuam Junction Railway Company, ssaomblod, attho offioo , 53 Lower Dominick-streot, lor the purposeof making a presentation to that gontloman on thooccasion of his taking up his residence in Waterfordas secretary of tho Waterford and Limerick railwaycompany. Tho presentation consisted of a splondidBervico of silver, worth 1G0 guineas, including a tray,a tea and coflbo service, a magnificent clarot jug, anda very handsome, dessert service. Thero was, besides,a valuablo bracelet for Mrs. Nicoll. Tho tmy borotho following inscri ption :—" This tray, with a aorvicoof plate, presentod by some frionds, as a mark ofostocm and regard, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Niooll , ontho occasion of their loaving Dublin to roaido in Wa-ter ford." J. F. LO SIIIARD , Esq., occupiod tho chuir.Iu addition to 3Ir. NicolPs privato and official frionds ,tho following gentlemen, mombora of tho prosontationcommittoo, wero preaont .—Messrs. W. M'Naught, E.Vnughan , J. Falkner, and A. Cullcn.

Tlio Chairman said it gavo him tho greatest possiblopleasure to bo in that position that day, to do honourto tbo best officer ho ever mot in all bis lifo in thocbapo of a secretary (hoar, hear) . Thoy all knowwhat incalculable servico Mr. Nicol l had dono by hisearnest and aniious exertions in connection with kwo—as a friend of theirs had said not long ainco—in-significant railways in tho West of Ireland. Mr.NicoII had , with most potiont and indcfatigahlopcrsoveraiico, worked out a policy which ho had con-ceived in connection with thoso two lines, unti l itwan crowned with a success which had novcr bcunantic ipated by older and seemingly wiser lio.uls thanMr. Nicoll' s. Tho chairman of their company in whoseplaco hu now stood , behoved it importable to achievethe success that had crownod Mr. Nicoll's.labours, inhis elfort to mako a second and imp.utaut liuo of con-nection between Eng land and Ireland by way of Wn-terford (hea r) . Tho vast benefits of tlmt event wouldnot ho full y appreciated by the country for tho nexttwenty years. The gift with whic h they wero aboutto present him , BUC II as it was, was the result of aFpontnncous oxpression of opinion r.mong his friendsand admire rs. Tho honest and dcop-scatcd feelingsthat filled their minds told far more eloquently thantheflo poor valuables tho sincero esteem and ad-miration in which they held Mr. Xicoll aud his goodwifo (applause) .

Mr. Vaug han then , in a fow brief but appropriateword s, presented tbo lea service, dessert servico, t ray,mid bracelet , to Mr. NicoII in Iho name of the com-mittee. Ho said that thedeep gratification ho felt atbeing mado tho medium of convoying this well-earnedmark of rcspoct to Mr. NicoII was increased by tbogreat willingness and readiness displayed by all thatgentleman 's friends and admire rs to subscribo to thoobject of tbo movement.

Mr. Xicull , who was received with warm app lause,returned grateful thanks on behalf of Mrs . Xicollnull himself. Ilo said it was tho happ iest moment ofhis lifo to be (hero that morning to receive that hand-some gift at their hands. It was truo that he hadworked hard to enrry out tho policy alluded to. itwas a labour of luvo with him , bnt ho would bo dj ingan injustice if he did not state that, he had receivedovory aid and support from his directors iu carry ingout, whatever he suggested. Tho great work liad nowbeen accomplished , and he was certain that the futuroof tho two lines wilh which he was connected wouldbo a prosperous one. His services wero that day re-cognised in a very handsome manner indeed , and hoagain begged to thank t lum heartily for it. (applause).

Tho health of Mrs. NicoII wns then drunk inchampagne, and responded to by Mr. XicoH.

The Chairman next proposed , " The; Health andSuccess to tho Directors of tho H'atorford andLimerick Railway ." Even with all his energy andabili ty, Mr. Xicoll could never bavo accomp lishedwhat ho had without tho proteeiiug tnautlo of thoWaterfon! nnd Limerick mihr.iy lw:if(g £?iro>v/i overhim. There was nothing that that company hadpledged themselves to perform that they had notfaithfull y carried out , as they in that room happenedto know (hear, hear) .

The toast having been dul y honoured ,Tho Chairman proposed "Tho Health of Mr. Vaug-

han ," to whose zeal and perseverance the success oftho presentation movement was ilno ; and that gentle-man having responded , "The Health of Mr. M'N 'aught"was lonstod. Mr. M'Xnug ht , in acknowled ging thotoast , Raid , as ono who kne-w something of tho dis-couragements Mr. NicoII had had to encounter fromt i m o to l ime , uo ono rejoiced niotc sincerely than hudid in his success.

Mr. Vauglmn limn proposed " Tho Health of thoChairman," which was wannlv received.

Tho Chairman , in responding, said that from thet imo ho became connected w i t h the compauy unt i lthat moment , when ho was its rice, chairman , he sim-ply did his plain and m mifest duty—that was. tosupport ihu secretary in every-lhing ho proposed.

Tho proceedings then terminated , aud Mr. Xicollleft, for Watorford.

ATI IEMlY A N D Ti:AM RAILWAY.Tho twenty .n in th half-yearl y or ordinary (ad-

journ ed) meeting of directors and iharcholdcr.i of ihecompany was held on Friday, at the company 'solliccs in Tiinm , when I' OIIKUT IS U P K I N , K MI ., D.I,.,Chairman of tho Com|i:iny, presided. There werualso pr eseni—liobeit, H e n i v , .1.1'.; .lames Clarke,J.I'.; Charles lllake , Waiter M. liiake , MichaelClora n , Thomas I l i ggins , Michael l'ah y, Ax. J.1'uwlcr NicoII , K«j., secretary was also present.

AJI.W.I.A.MA T 1ON WITH W .VIKIH0UI1 .Tho Chairman , in moving the adoption of tho

repuit , said tho agreement which had been outeredinto wilh the Limerick and Waterford , aud Eng lishGreat Western Railway Companies for tho purchaseof tho Tuiim lino had alread y received the soal ofthu respective companies, und lay now on thu tablefur their inspection. With mgard to Mr. Cloran'sstatements iu to llio increased traffic charges heImd reason tu hope it would bu remedied. Thieo oftho Tuam Company and threo of tho WaterfordCompany ha l been appointed to regululo the affairsof line, and ho I KK I a communication with Mr.Hanks , tho manager of tho Limerick aud Waterlordline , staling that arrangemcula were in progresswhich would , he felt hopeful , eventuate iu tboremoval of ni l leg itimate , causes of comp laint. Tliosystem of booking throug h would , ho trusted , boearned out , and hu dad no doubt hue tho two greatcompanies would henceforth work harmooiouslytogether (hear , hear).

Mr. Henry secunded tho adoption of thu reportand statement of accounts, which passed unanimousl y.

Robert Bodkin , Esq., D.L., tiud David Rutledge ,Esq., J.P., who retired by rotation , were re-clocleddirectors. SI'Kt'tAI. JIKK.nxu.

Tho meeting having been then mado special , theChairman producud a wri t ten agreement by whichthe Limerick and Waterford Compauy undcrtuko topay to thu Tuam Company (for tho uso of their lino).C^ .IiUU per auuum , for ten years, fro m tho 1st Xov.last, with a proviso that when iho gross recei ptsamuunt to £5,000, hall tho surp lus O'.er that turn budivided equally between those companies ; the formerlo lod gu every month to the credit of thu latter ihutwelfth part of JSi .b'OO j iho lease lo bo for tun years,with power to renew it for ten years moro ou gettingor giving two years' notice.

Mr. W. M. lilako iuquired if that was not tatita.mount to tweuty years' loaso?

Thu—No ; ton years. Tho tigroomentwas carefull y drawn up by Mr. Meldoii aud upprovedby Mr. C. Kelly, y.C. They might feel assured itwas all right. Mr. Ilcnry having secoudud the.motion , tho agrccmeut was adopted and siguud byIhn chairman.

HKl ' l ll i S I T l O X (If T I I K B IX 'K K T A R V .

Tli£ Chairman rose nnd tiiid he had lo bring uudertheir mnice a resolution which hud beou unanimousl yadopted by thu directors. They wero five in number,aud Ihey all happened to bo present on iho occasion.The resolution ho r«ferred lu was [ur granting a sumof JMIH J lo their secretary , iu recognition of hia long,valuable , and fai thful Horviees. But tor his uutir -ing energy, his jrrcat exertions , bin active efficiency,and thoroug h abili ty, hu (tbo chairman) felt certainthey never could havo got on. liut for him thoywould havo sold tbo lino at i.'U,000, and now theywore getting £2,t;uO u year. Tbo chairman in-stanced .sereral other proof* of Mr. Nicoll's r.ihiabloand ablu services , and concluded ti very hi gh culo-giuiii o:i ihe merits and \v.,rUi of thai officer bvproponing that u grant of i"llH) bo paid to him , whichsum , iu his estimation , fell r-hort of bis deserts.

Mr. II iMiry seconded thu mutiou , which was agreedto tinauiiuuiisl y.

Mr. NicoII returned '.banks, and Mr. Henry haviunbeen moved to tliu sveuud chair , thu proceeding*t ermif i:,l ril.

H r i T K i i i ' i .iKs A I Uini si .M.\s.- -Tliu weather at Cam-brid ge un Christmas Hay was mild , cluur , aud open.On Thursday it was milder aud clcarur still , thu sunK I III I I I br i l l iant l y, and great -coins and wrnps wero ata discount. It was moro like a genial spring day thancharacteristic of tho rei gn of Old Fathor Christmas.Tbo thrush and the blackbird wero jovial in thogroves ; but the besL (iroof of tho mildness of thoweather was the fact that ihreu butterflies wero seendisporting themse '.vca in tho mnshino on MidsommorCummon.

Carl y lo says, " Make yourseir a good man and thenyou will bi: sure thoro is oue rascal less in tho world."

Lord Bucking ham was oncu nt a dinner wheru Mr.Grubb WHS requested to sing. Ho beggod to bo ex-cused , urg ing that ho knew not what to ling, " SingI'd be a butturll y," (suggested tho noblcnmu.

Celery salad is said to bo tlm most health y saladthat can be eaten , and is givon as a euro for jaundice,neural gia, and nervuus diseases.

U A I S I N O r i iK R I C H M O N D .—Thu Harbour Hoard arcnow engaged in mining, or romoviug, the hulk Rich-mond, sunk nt tho O_u;iy. Thu lowost tender fer thiiwork , recently received by tho board , was £150.

A OiiK .vt OAS CO M P A N Y .—Tho corporation of Man-chester iiro soiling ZS-canillo gas at 3a. per 1,000 feet ,making, at samo limo, over all expcnBes, i'GO.OOO ayear.

What 6port is liko girls' coasip ? Deer-stalking.


Before tho Right Worshipful J. Scott, mayor ;Captains W. Johnson , P. P. Brenan , Aldcrmin Jacob,and Mr. G. I. Goold , B.M. " ,

On the conclusion of tho buainoss or tho book ,which was of a light nature, the bench proceeded topay the usual high compliment to thoir worthy cniotmagistrate on the occasion of that being tbo closingday of his presiding in that court. As a preliminary,Aid. Jacob was moved to tho chair, and then

Capt JoliDSon said that, aa that was the last day onwhioh his worship, tho Mayor, would preside overtho potty sessions court as chairman , at thounanimous wish of the magistrates, ho (Capt. J.)begged to move, "That this being tho last petty scs-sioDB »t which his worship, tho Mayor, Dr. Scott, willproside, we, tho magistratos, at potty sessions assem-bled, cannot allow tho occasion to pass without ex-pressing our warm approbation of tho di gnified , just ,and honorablo manner , in which ho had dischargedtho important duty of chief mng istrato , as chairmanof this bonch for 1872, nnd that this resolution boplaced on tho book in which the records of tho courtare kept." There was no person in the habit of comingto that court who would deny that Dr. Scott haddischarged his duties with crodit , ability, and grea tcourtesy, not ouly to tho bench , with which ho wasassociated , but to the professional gentlemen midofficers of the court , and uo ono would dony that hohad acted in a dignified and independent manner(hear , hear) . Whilst discharg ing those duties, whichho was called upon by tho law to do, he had alwaysbeen most considerate in his judgments. Althoughthe mayor would VRcato tho clmir , bo (Capt. J.) hadroason to know that ho would shortl y rotnrn amongstthem as a permanent member of tho b-jnch , and hewas suro every mag istrate would bold out tho righthand of friendship ar.d fellowshi p, nnd wolcome Dr.Scott in tho warmest maunur (hear, bear) .

Mr. Ooold , R.M., had much pleasuro in secondingthe motion. Ho full y endorsed all that Capt. John-son had said , and wouldMiail with pleasure such unacquisition as Dr. pcott.

Tho Chairman also endorsed what was Raid relativnto Dr. Scott , who alway s tempered just ico withmcrey, and tho resolution was then put , aud passedncm. eon.

Tho Mayor, in returning thanks, said that his usualvolubility deserted him wheu his feelings were at alltoncbed , and they wero deeply touched at the ex-pressions of regard contained in the resolution , andtho complimentary manner in which that resolutionwas put. Since his advent , as chairman of poltysessions, he had experienced tho utmost kindness andconsideration from the jnst ices—to such a degrco asto make his ymir of offico au exceedingly agreeobloone to him. Upon looking back through the year, itwas a very pleasant reflection to find the perfectharmony which existed between tho gontlcmen of thebench—a harmony which imparted both eclat andomphasis to '^thoir decisions, which could only boderived from tho nnauimity which prevailed on everyoccasion. After his year's experience, ho had thohighost opinion of tho ability and impart iality of theboneh , and could aay that they performed many per-sonal acts of kindness in his own regard ; aud , beforesitting down, hu wished to givo his simplo tribute ofprai«o to some of thoso officials connected with hisduties. He could bear the highest testimony to theiro.tccllcnt clerk's exerlion«. Ho had been extremelyattentive nnd courteous on all occasions to himselfand tho magistrates, and from tho knowledge ho dis-played of the department whic h ho filled , he hadju stly earned the character of being a wise officialmonitor. To tho press ho was also indebted for thofair p lay whic h thoy had uniformly shown him. Thopress were most attentivo and impartial , and were auhonour to tho Fourth Estate. Ho should also com-pliment tho police of Waterford for tho manner inwhich they performed their duties, firml y, yetmoderately, and with praiseworthy forbearance. Mr.Carey, tbo Sub-inspector , from tho littlo ho knew ofhim , gavo promise that tho force in Waterford wouldgain a great accession in him. They had all recog-nised his ability , and tho anxiety ho evinced in theperformance of his duty. Captain Johneuu predictedthat his (Dr. Scott's) (lutios should not ceaao (in theexp iration of bis year of office. Ilo could say thai ifHO, ho should fcol it an honour to como again amongsttho magistrates. He thanked them all very much ,and was only sorry ho could not respond to theirsentiments in a moro becoming way (hear, hear).

DVJXi ; DXXECKSSARIL^Dr. Peter Hood relutos tho following two remark.

iiblc cases which seem to show, ho says, thai evenaged persons aro sometimes allowed tu diu unnecc-wa-rily. There are many facts which seem to show thatovun aged people are sometimes ullowed to die un-necessarily, lustances might be quoted of prisonswho wero believed tu bo (load ,but were recovered ,andamongst, them uot tho loast remarkablo was that , uf acelebrated west couutry baronet who was laid out inhUcolliu. His old butler volunteered to watch hismaster'H corpse throughout tbo night ; but , must pro-babl y tbinkiug tho time would hang hea vy ou him , heinvited a friend Lo share his vigil wilh him. Thisbutler '» oul y fault, as u servant , was bis indul gence,iu stimuluiiug beverages ; aud bu did nut omil , on th i soccasion , to have recourse lo tlivui. A H lh».' n 'r itiworu un , ihu idea rose iu the butler 's mind that ih' -n :would bu no liui'tu if hu aduiiniateru :! lo his lulu master:i u l»i>« 'uftlio brandy he aud bis companion weru en-gaged in drinking, and hu pruposed it to his contra le,saying, ' Ho has been a guod muster lo me fur manyyears imd has given mu many a glass, aud 1 will duthe uu by him befure hu is taken from our bi^ht. 'lie did us be said , and poured a glass, of brandy il . iwnlus master's throat , which had thu iusiantaueous VTII CCL

of recalling him to life, and ho turv ivu d for manyyears. A somowhal analogous ease occurred in my ownprac liCQ some years ago. One evening, aboui oigluo'eluck , thu coachmuu belong ing to the Dowager Lad yC, ran to my house and begged mu to come lu hismistress directly, for from what thu servants told himhu said , shu wus cither dying or dead. Thu disiaucuwas short from my huua'u, and 1 was speedily there.Lad y C. was in bur bud-room , Billing in n hi gh-backedchair, aud buhiud it stood n medical muu. Ilia firmobservation tu mu was, ' Her lad yshi p is gone,' and ,iudeed . bho inesunled all appearance of death hav.iug lukun pluco. Hor faco was deadly while aud cold ,her jaw had droppml , but, her eyuj noro closed. Ifoil bur pulse, and detected thu faiulcsl possiblethrill beneath my linger, aud I cuuid only comparu itto lliu tension of the liuesL cambric lliread . Lad y Csdaug hter-in-law was standing besidu me, aud Iasked her for some brandy, which shu immediatelyran fur aud brought. 1 poured out ii iargo wiucglnsa.ful and [-oured it over the tongue , and ii ian downiho ihroal as readily as if it. bad beuu poured into aj ug. Thu moment it had reached tho slumuch LadyC revived , gavu a spasmodic gasp, opened her eyes ,and said , 'tiring mo a baain.' A basiu was broug ht toher , aud shu tic onco vomited into it , bring ing up herdiuuer , which had been onl y hashed haro. She asspeedily regained perfect consciousness , nnd iuquircdof m» ' whut 1 did there at that t ime of the evening ':'At this lime Lady C. was til} years old , and shu livedfor livo years alierwards."— ISritisli Medi '-al Journal

PuKsENTATi ox TO PATH Kit lli ' itKK.—A number ofgoutleinen mul, ou thu uvouing of tho 12lli iiltiuin , atiho rasidencu uf Alderiuli u Parley, iu Sow York , lopreaeut iho Very Ruv. Father Thomas liurku with acheck for 6,^5Udolsaud au addreaa uxpruadivc of theirsuntimeulH iu regard to himself pursoually. Theuiouey was the eccuud instalment of tbo proceeds oftho throe recent kcturcs in tho Academy of Music.Tho uddrctitj wan beautiful l y engrossed ou bluu silk ,aud lioneath tbo signatures of tho chairman and sec-retarius was u likeness of r'alhor Burke , with usketch of Cluro Abbey ou oithur sido. lu design undoxecutiuu ihu acroll was elaborate , aud well deservedthe culug ium which iho artist , Mr. S. E. Warren, re-ceived from idl who saw it.

L UNAT IC AM L I M Mi si iAXAcKMt .vr.—We understandthat tho accuuuts of ihu Londonderry Lunatic Asy lumaru buiug audited by Mr. lleorgu W. r'iular , anulherof thu Puur-law auilit orn , by whom Home very .icriousirrcg u bvriliei lire being broug ht lo light. -Mr. Fiuhiyhad fuuud il necessary tu hold an investi gation intotho accounts on oalh ,nud will doubtless prube mattersto ibo butlom. It is bis intention , we have rea&oulo believe, to make theao irregularities thu subject ufa special report.— lt.iil y h'jj 'i'fs.--'.

CLO.NMKI. IJ M O N . —Thu Cuinmissicuers of NationalEducation have, upon tbo recommendation uf ihudistrict inspector , Thomas O'llara , Ksq., II.A., givena. premium of JL'2 to Williuin J. Murp hy, iluadTeacher ,for the proliciency and regularity uf thu ClonmclWurkhoneU malo school.

Nover despise humblo services—when large shipsran aground , lil t lu buatn may pull ilium oil'.

A thing of lit duty U a joy furuvur.—Kuais.licuuty is uor.-c than wine, it intoxicates both

thu huMur and iho beholder.—Zimmerman.Thu IUIUI who tried to sweeten hi.-} tea wi lh one of

his wifu's smiles has " fallen back " ou su^ar. No-thing liku lirc t princi ples after all.

Tho "liill of Mortality "—William of Prussia.What part of speech is kissing— A is tbu man who determines Iho di gnity ut' the

occupation , nut tho occupation which measures thodignity of iho man.

iioLL0\v.u \s 1'II.LS.— Worth y of capcciul note.—•Tliu se punl) leg 1'ills el tr l e«rr) <* > li« r ii .n liciiit: in r t ^u-l i t i ng the i l igt r t '.uii , nctiuic t l o l y uu the t.ver anilUo*«l5, uiviKurulin i; me nervous i>y»iriii , mul alrenitth '-iimi.'tlid body. Tliey rimac neither (MIII nor uihr-r mcuuvrinruci*.At all beaaor.s ilm tya t tm ia h.iblj tu 4utliU -u clu-ckj . In*uch> ciiMJi Tills ti 'sttore the ba 'aiitt: ot ihe cucuin i iun ,aud ward off ildtucroud attack* ut - i l i a i ibee , dj aci i tury, orcliolem. Thi-y Bro tlio tip-t conei'Uvra ol the stu iunth , w h i ndi-iOidfred h y uver tei' by ilie [ne-eucr uf imli»:f*tiblt'looU. They <-| uclllv the ll.ituleucr , Wright , mi lgeneral U iu:i4iiie» which Jr» eioi'tivlioil in the U.w- - | norlo the ncc-&4um uf iu.,ie st-riuui uihuenu , wiiuru Uebilu.iteit they du not einlau^er.

\\v (.(milder ii uur duty tn Caution the Public aciimlaupuriout iioitnti 'iu * uf I lie Uknliclil .-ii.irch , »t |»r .™i nitlm inuiket . GrocrM MII U oilu 'is bellin g the ^HIII .- , suhj.-ritbemselvts to prnalty ol £1U,(HKJ. Any coiiliJriuui i,,i., r -lontion whioh will lead lu collodion , will be bauJ sumt -h, n -warden]

U. WOT UK IU POO N .t LV, Kinninit I'-ik , Chi* .«.A young woman's conuudruin—Who is our favourite

Komiin horo ?—Marius.History repeats itself, but uover on tho samo plane.


with lbi« Powerful antidote to dissase , e?erjr man ijIm own family physician. The first Hotp fcnl Surgeonsadmit it» unparalleled nud liealintc virtuM. Foreign Co.vcruinent* aaaction its use in tbeir naval and mil itarylem'cet , and mankind throughout tba world repoiei tl,,utmost confidence in its curative propertiVi.

GOUT, UnKeMinsu , A5D H EOPSI.—These are amongthe most terrib le nnd agonising di»eaies to which the linmnuframe is luhject ; yat in their worst forms , and when aeetn.inglr incomblc, they diaappear under « per ieiering npplic a .tion of this eoothinit and powerful Oinlmetu , if strict.attention be paid to the printed iusliucl ion wrapped roundeach pot.

Bows TIIHO A T , DI P T I I K B I A , QC I N SR T . M UMP *, A J D UIDB B A H O R M K S T S UP TUB CIIB.T xxn TuitAT. —If , ,,,, ,|leapp.Mrancu of any of these di«p :i>es the Oin t m-nt lie wellrubbed, «t l«i"t t IJTBO litnca n day, upon till neck aurl up p,rp i r t of the chi-st , "o IIH to pcnelrata to the Rlandi -i |lewont cnoe* will y icM in « compai»ti»ely fhor; (j,,,,panicbliirl y if Hollo»»jr '< Pills be thk 'n in appruprul o du se,to purify the blnwl.

HAD Lr.os, H AD H BF.ASTJ , L bnhs9 , A J D ( ) M,W'OUXD ' .— \limy tliousmidi of inarlyri from Hi. n|, ,fecnnipiaiuls luvo foillnl Ills almiM t i l linrjr irt ali lr ; but ifHollow.} '- Omtiii'ii l ln- liri«kl y ami plcni i t i i l l j r n M n d npr ,,,and .uouiid t l ic ii.irt H affei'lcil , it "ill <\:v.i kl y p.-i:r t iai L- t,,the sr.urr- 'if llio r'il ; "so in.iy hi- t i l r l y RUarant i - i il , a ,,jdi«i>.^ i l r i .-Pii friiin Iho syn tf in. -Vi lh i i i ^ C.I M ln . „.,,,„aimplf or «il-r 1 Israi t ihu ul aii ipT in wh i i -li it I. :,|,|,1;M|uotliint; moro lani iarj - Ihau iti .-U I KIM OU ihe l/v;l y, I,..!!,loc.ill y m i l coi i3 ' l l i l t iui i ' i l iy .

TU B Alo r i t i iK '.s r'unsi'-^ KL i l i i - ' . i * i :- :ii) iv i:vt:H1'K s l ' l i KA TK J1AV JIK i tA I H C A I . L T ' ' l HI 1' . — Si - 1 .1 h,. .,,|,itch , hi .'i l l- rcj I I I . ' -kin , M- r . f - i l . i - l . -¦r.-, i:iiS < Ml", :ill Jnicli l-k» iiir. -cn.iii- , yi. - 'il i.i M ig i i ' v v¦« ..: t i . i- f UlrOlIl t l l l 'Mit , pr .ui.l- 1 'l l h" wi-ll rllh!i i"l H I .'I ".I Ih- i,lT ,-:,.|p ir l s t - .vu f.r l l i . » ' .' I n n i -H a <\ A \\ m i l il. ': 1'i i l i Ij.- t . iV maccording lu III.- |i. inti- i l i l i rrnion d .

A Ct l l T A I N (.'C R K yjll I' lLI .S AM) Ft~Tl.H-. — Till, -,"¦an !s ol P-I-MII1 Mllf -T I 'Xcruciatm i : i i i ' i- .V t . j t j ..• , :-. f I0lnth^-e fearfu l coinp liiinu ilir ' .u^ li lids': .I'-iu .t' -y. .\;,if,r, (. ,fJMlflmiiit -lirml i :il 1 ptir irta - l- . - .1 I'.it ¦>: l l . l . iiv iy ',Oinnni 'N *, reel .•J I .M J I I I - I -I WI - »-)iii -I) ..IT<. .T):» I :IV r, :ir: <^.inthem l.» :!"• l ' - i t . 'r , .in- 1 lio wl l , wi thou t d i l i -j u . ty , -'i:c.;il i Qnlilit or.ii in .- >-n .ry v.-lii(" ol Iht-o l iar . i^ in^ ••¦ ¦i i ij i l .ian,.Both the Ointments nnd V ill it nhtiu 'd be u »( m the f 'i!!-,u.

iti 'l (J»mpinmtit.Mail I.-.-* C:-irus (Soil) S.;i:.],ihd ||iw,'s KK I-I !U -S-- Tli.-.-fl ;.Hurm ('...nt skai l) £5iiauioix Gloi' lu l . ir S-.vtP . in g s S-u r vjL'hilM.iin * l .u ino, ,;., ^ .-'•II«.|(Chij.p. -I l lan .N PilM TIIM . UM

Co.ur.icUil an I S'.iu" U l ieu in i l i -m l.':c-r.Joillt« S in: Xi p|.!-:i \^'', : :i l sThiiOiu ' ii t iii'l Pi 'd-i a r e > u M nl Po.f, ->- i,r l l i .r .LowiT 's

Est. lblUI.m.-ll t , i,3i, ( ) x:'- i r i l«tr i :Pi , I, -.:M I-. II ; iU , l.y ,KJr r ravorv ic«p -ctali | . ! Vi'ii' lor nf M .-' l ian- ' l i : < ,!i.'h ut il.eCivilize! W.irl.l , in l'nti .mil 11' JX-, :I ; H. lj .|., 2<. Ol*.. I! I., 11-. 22.., nn I 33-. r.icli. Tli- MU .:l-n! I'.I! of 0:II -1'm^nt r'.n ' .iin- 1 ¦.-11e ounce : ;i:i'l the >: ii . i i .r-! 1{ ,\ ,,;' p;;;<four lli /-'li.

Kull puatt.l .lirrcti 'UH arr allixc -il to •¦ • ii I' .; •. .¦,„,] |j,ttimul (Tin >«¦ I M J in «">' Unism tr , cvni ::, 'i'ml-.ii 'j , An ii ';Arincii ' .in , I'.' i - i u i , or (Mm.i: -- .

I'ost Free f o r li Stamt is , oyn cix h, ;r ! J S '.- imi -s in mK,, r. l.,r.

TIIK . M K U I C A r , A U V l S K I i , <m p.-omaturoi h r i y ill tli- -y-l.-in , ami Hi -| l y :.- ' ',:, ; ci.ap-

t<:r.i un ccrlnin ih^onh'is , ami Il ie !.• -". m- an- f o r i l i ir ri-nioval ; Mnr ir.irro-iopi: a- .in aoi to -1 i _-t . -¦- ; M:»:ri:i^*-, illili-i liuMicatinn< : ruli -« and pn -enpt . . -n . '.i: tv lf- tr i -a'iiit iit ,&c. ; i l l i i s ln i t i M w i t h OI1UUT. .II- i:a»—. i'.v !): . U'j llrr UtItoo-i , l lu l l 'nnl, l lu l lor t i .Spun-, I .. -ii |..n , IV.C.

DK. UIO UOU.S' ci;lebr ;u<-i l ( ! l.'TT^E" VITJU

or I , I K K DUOI'S i l..r >p. -tir.. :- .rrnce i, XoctumalKuns^ ioiK , lipjioteucy . Sriii .il Im- .ip .ic. 'y , Uciiihtj , K pili-|nr ,an-1 all tho-e ui^ fa^ .'s for w h t u h ^I ' -tcury , Sarinp^nlla , &f.,arc loo ntlcii emp loyed by Kii ( (li "li I'M *.¦ ti i i ioi l ie ul'.imiteruin of i)m SII ITITIT'B ho i i th .

The CUTT.V' VlT.K arc the remit of !¦.!:? prac '.ical in-TC stiV-atioii ut the I'- iii . .h.- -t l, .-t ad.ip lr -l I .r iJe»e ili!i.iiii.Tlu-ir rich , st i inul . i t i i i ; ; , -to t rachic il'l.i!:!i' -, aii ' l , nbyTe .ll) ,their coinp Vtu rtn<n '>Ui»n "/ the ncrv- iut tyttim . wle,them in I'v i- iy i> -pri-t w m l h y lh..-i r sii.Tntk-.iot lilli .. TIKJmay b.: I; I «' - K M I I I IOII I bin !r;intv or i r - j '. i . i iut of iltet , ic,and in Ibi s r< <p'-<:l ;,U<i t t ivy may rUun pri- -i:iint i.:tice overmost other ;i.l ver.*i-.'-iI UH-IJJL-JOI -. liy j.r' >o) >!inic ^i/.stion—nour 'hihin.: l l io tDi i - t i lu i io i i—ci i i i r l i iu ^ tv itli . iui in»iminjtba blu >' ! hr .iciiu w i t h o u t st i i i i i r . a t in ^ tb-: I I I TT OU - -yiteaitoo tio '.f i . i iy — tln 'y . i tmiKllivn the general li.ili -.l , ami rf-tortthe lutllial hc a l lhy loni: of tin- u i .TTuu i an 1 fllue*,tlnu i- i i l iv .oins .in:I inviiror.itrix both h';ilv ilil-l rn iur ].

Thu G L'I T / K VIT.K linvi: bwu i>:: ; t icularly iiic«i»falWith youn u' pcop lt : who lia\> ihe app .-ar.iote '.f u!(l a^e ; «Loaro pnle ami effp ui iuat i -, ami u ho, haruu ' :tu u t ter ilitta ste lorevi:, y th i t i i ,-,ar« iui -upiicilalcd tor .- tui ly , bu-in»>s or enjoyment.Th- u-amls of oppure oll y hoptb-s* ct-.-*, f j irm vp by tht f a .en 1!/ / , Inn- !.'% pi. p- i in «i i ' - ;al y cuieil , uu^ l bavetj oniu gr&tef a levulVnc: "1 H»- l -ii -l .

1'rici: -1- . i» l . , 11-. ami .'J:i. . ol all I '!i*ioi-t -< , nr direct OD

recit ipt ol -:- I I I I | I- , or p..M..|licc .n.h r .i:l !re--eil In Dr. UeKons , I I . . '1 -i . l l l- . ii - , 11 - .t i . . < .1 Spur.-, I. .u'lmi , W.U.

S.,M I v V. cM . ^ t . r ,\; I 1,!., l-J l , ( '<• . : .- i r - . i , l lu f i lm ; Mr.Whiv , <>l,!.ri;- r tJllice . l ij l iy ine iu i : Mr . i: i—11 , NouH frnClt.oxiclt l l l l l - .., Liu .e i i rk : M i . i'ol.u!, . Frnn iwi:ili 3hilOlli.v, Klini -li : -Vli : "r at Tht A'lf . U:lir.-, U ill.-r Irr i l .P..::;j in :!¦¦¦ I:.i lc. ( -l , I. -on!...-.., |:!i..|ii u i t i - i l : , Uu 'lt

Ki.lHll-l.rv . l l' i . l . i rb- , N i - r t o i i - l t l e i l i l l V. Slrn tur<> ,,tc

Di!. U K H O D .-' Ci i . M I ' i i l .-M J J IK.NALPII . I .S I I- I h c-r n-mic ll .-n . i . ¦«• l b - Ki . ln .-> % in-

duM t e > > , a r- c-Mir^ 'i ' l a 'l otcr Ib.- \« . . i l I , a, t h e ..,f,-l audbi'-t Ki ' i in . l y hu !h» allow i l .u .^- r . i l - i ' -l op l.i u i l - , I l ;~cbarjrsol any k ' l i -

'l , aii.I l l - i I I hi' K I - I M - }", lll.ulj fr, >ui/t .'r-.n iry I I rj .ms ci u n .i l l t , u l u c h , il i..> ;i'Tli 'il , frfqof n ll/en 1 iu >t ..:ii> . i t t h > - iil .i-l t. -r , i t i 'l a I inj ' run;, painfult ieatliK , r .l.'pr .--i HI ..I Sp. '. u - . Ki cJ i t i i i i ii ', 1 in - 1p ic i ly lor So-r-i 'l r, Si oK .,r Hi i- i i i . '— , l."i< nf M i 'Mi ' i iJ 1, WMtlitdorM,N.-rVm-M. '--.. an.I .'T .' II I ' l - i o i 'y -.I- . -'.', whi' ii (ai iiolltu tlisI:IM:I :I I I «: II * Ir .in .ir CTiii!i.ii» l « i l l i l .'::ti.i:y Di.eaw",tbeya t,- iiii, -.|ii iU. '.l . l iy l i i . i r - l u ii a r y a i l M u un Ilile mJAci i luy "I I hu M .mi-ii-h , l lu -y p u r i f y an 1 prul l iolf the lt<nj l«>j cri't -o:is. t h > - t . l . y p n - Y i i i l :1M- lo ru i -.i^o i) "I Stone, aoi t buiedtali '.ish hu I'.fi ' ll .o lii ' .i '.' h v I U I U I • .[¦-, ol all thceorglD).

Price 1-. l i - 1 ., -J-. :•¦!., i- - i i l . , 11-. :i:id3:K pcr box , withlull .ln.-i-. "h- u.ii.ii.- li :u\ i:l. . ur-:-. Th"i i i 'nt t ine b i r j "' W. i i t r r lie lino- , I. .ml .:i." i:i w h i t e letter- , en tbaSt.imp n lVu.-l "i I'.U-I I h x . l y -;. c:;tl i l ir tciion of Her Mi-iV-ly '- I l - ' l l .ri '.I- l '' .iiiii n--:. -n-'r- , !¦•) pr .llHCt tb d puWic Uomfrao.l . ami '.i inn' .,!., wl in 'b i« !••: mr •¦ ••¦t<nor!atioo.

C A U l 'l l 'V . — < I .IIII. uiipi::i ( :ip.'"il Vmidurt »lien Illfdfor Ur. 1). - U"o-' I' ll 1.-, lnvp . itu - iopi 'i l to loi*t otbtr rjieJi-cuii '« i-r I'OUII ' .MUJ. I- ol iin';r iiu-n op.'iu tb -: jmrcbai fr, fr.imw!iii -ii t hey iibiiiui a Liu-, pr - .li " , !m' ><iiic!i invariabl y entaildi«appoii| ..iiii.iit. A-!, I r list. I>K I.Vjs' CoMPOCX p KlXllPILLS , K M I ! <lo not !i" p..:-iu '.-l '.ill- , t iy. iu anj tbinj el« ;but abnu '.l "hf Ir i-t i!:ili:n!:y "cur , i-i:cto»c Ibe nmorj at bypo-t-oll'u:.: o.-ilci or -i.i i.i- m :il...v.-, TII J Ibey will 6t HOCper re turn .

S.ihl In- McM:i-:er A ( ' ¦¦., 1J1 , Cip<-l--tr«t , Dublin ; Ur.Whin- , Ohtirrer Oliic.-, lUh y .n. n . : Mr. li .vsett, Sokthl ltChrinicle ' Ulif , I.uili-r:i. li ; Mi . I'oimt i , Fermanagh HailOilici', Ki "i -ki i l i -n ; .-iii .l -it P.'. K;n/-:r«-i , Witfct onl.

DH. D10 HDDS' r i I . l"I . .K V 1T.-K, or V EGI-TAUI.K 1 . I F F . I' lU.!-, :il.- r.i(' ¦!!> -UJ.-r-,,-ding Cl>tcr«

ml .ii'l Ihe ..I l-t v -h ; I .li- .wr-' .ihl- uM-.l'cii.i-i larmcrlr ad-miin-ie i i 'il l.y th* liiculiy, "h u b , it n now aihniltrt, toofr-qui ' i i il y i . ? u l i i i l in a i- ' t i f i r tuv.l s'.i1- of coition**.'. Tbil'iltihi!.Vi ".T, i.ll I lm i v n i t i - i i y , i l.-iii-.' tin- «turu-irb , purilj til»^cr. 'ii 'iiH , ri-inot i: h-i.Ui'b.', itr h _*<-:.' u , »%c , »n i lmleiJ c/reiult'riinr it urcci-.irv to \>r aiw.iv- -wa!l..« n2 medicinf ,!few llo-i'i onl. , l.i k.'ll 'i.iv^.ioo.lly', wnl t,.- f .oaj alHbit«icipiired to ke.'p up :i h - i l l h v »ta:e <,[ ihf - j- '.i-l n. Eqntllfadapl^l lor a l l i i ..,-, it b .ni i "ui-ti -ly 0-a'ii.iryto rr^uiale ll"dose ai:.'oril:n n- t.i ihe a.-B aii ' l i tmiis 1.'. ot tin: p.ltieiit;«billtfor f*;ina.'e rotop lii i i i J^ ihcv nrv .i !l.»ir-'fbpr unmalled. Portla. 1 J-l. , '2: Oil., -K •<¦!., 11-.. an.l XI- . P" box.

Sol.l !•)• Mr .M nni - r A Co., Ac, At-. "»« .ib-ive], a nd it O<Wattrl'nrt ,Y*K.'< (lili. -'> .

D(Ji:r5 VOUR H A U L FALL OFF, OBI L 'I I .N i ; i ; l- ;V , A,-. ? I: .... u-« KaSALIKCOU-

I 'Kl. l .K' n V-'U I X U I l i l A U , noml a:l..v.T ll.r- wmlJ for lt|inir.iicloo- p: i 'p i i l i -< , ami an t he . ill y u-llleil y tba '. Ctn Mdcpi-mh' il iip i.ii . It is k 'unrant i ' i - i l "to prmlnce ubi lk'™!inou*t«-' '.I- , Ai-., in % t.-w w-i li -, .to,! will be foond MUD'eui ly sun- . --'fill in iiouri>lnn^ , iMirhia*, and beautilj iflj tl11h.ur ; cln'i'knirf Kr .-yii^-1, -t r i ' i i ^t l ie t i in j weak Iilir , preteot*il l / ili folhii ir r.l'l anil n-I..rmrr it in b i l liifSi from •bJW"CHU*' . Upwards nl llM |ih\«icii in luifi! reoirnnitniled it i»tin: nurvi ' i .i , U" pinnwlw is i finr, Inn l thy bead of bair,andav ir t i im l ..l-liif. , in B M.T yp ar i . In Uottlr- price 2l »«»•

U l l S K l i Y K tha t a lii j iai-.- pamp hli 'l ii uiclo*i »•»MI.1I pait ii^r , which lu- u ri'.l > tn inp out iidc bearitf j »'wonU ll'j .• Cnipi-ll i ! HI tvl i i te I .M I i r s ; ihe wurdlC«pell« <C.' i l iu t r l . i r an* H 1-0 mold .li-il III i ' u h liottli- .

" 1 «»" hi l . l n ine vi 'i i ij , Imt I fin . l ni 'W hair coming ra-p i.ll y."— J. ll.ili. '. '' Thank- lo j .ni r HulV, I lllTeM";c-llrlil I li< i-|iK nml n l i ikk-^ ." —Major llrowue. " ''»lo.l my in p .iltlii'- , hul it li.i> ri-tor^l il."—MilllUiv iu . " Af iw -.'I) UMI 'II If. i l ' ln i— . . it li.n MliJ «•««•'ou-l y."-ll . U'-5-"'1

JWN.iil Kt. Tim N XW .H uili.-.'. VVaierlord.

TIIF. X KW GAS PIKUKCT HI D I I -.I.IN .—At thu j a"moi 'linf ; of the Dub lin Corporation , Ur. DyrDOM M—" Thu corporation was ilm onl y bu'l y who ought tohavo the ^'M supp lv wi th in tin: limits of the city.

"T I I K O KKS S -M A M I ;."- -This is Oic title ofn wry useful , anil much calluif-fur pnMic .Ttion,} "*i^ s-uuil in I. .,uili.i i . the first copy of which ha« M*come to haml. U'u wish il t:VL'ry success.

An I ' l i i i ' i ' i i rU ii i K {iliriMii il i i ^ isl once wrotno politelien: In thii liilc I ' l iMilcs Dicki -tiF , asking pcnm3SX»'.» iiiiik.: nu cxiiiiiiiiaiinii of his oniniuin. Mr. Dicko*r. -|.lii 'il : " I li'.-ir sir : At this lime 1 m[uiro tlio ¦»of my skull , bnt ua sunn as it shall bo at leisaru I *»willing ly |>I:ICL' il m your disposal."

vj i .'KKi t I'Aur N Ki i s .—Jt -rrohl, rit a party, noticed*doctori:i solemn black waltzing with >l yoang W/who wns ilressi-d in a silk of bril liant blue. "A»»live! tbi .-rc 's a bluu p ill dancing with a bW»draug ht! ' ' said .lerrolil. . .¦

A li t t lu irirl , when her father 's lablo w^s hoDoanawith nu esteemed friend , began ta lking very e»n*eslly iit, ibo first pauso in tho conversation- B*father checked her very Bharp ly, say ing " WbrUI »thai yuu always talk so inuelir "'—" Tnuso 1T« ««Kumi '.-in to sav," was the innocont rep ly.

" Ku.m imr 'men" are usuall y known mcn-in Wbmore knoir n than trusted.— Punch . ,

To i;iv.' pain ia iho tyranny—to mftte happy, u«»trun emp iro of beauty"—Steelo. •

I 'hcru ia noexcelleut beaaiy without some strWPm;\i in tlic iiropnrl 'wn.—Bacon. # i—ti* '

l\-\v have borne unconsciously tho spoil of )<n«»Vness.— N'/iitiier. Ji

The soul , by an instinct stroDgcr than reison, •»?.asKici.iicB beauty ni th truth.—Tuckerman. _±-

Thero ia notlainit ; that makoj its way moro dirtOJI;to I bu soul than beauty.—Addiaon. .j^'.

Beauty can afford to laug h at dirtmction»J» l£itself the greatest dfstinction.—lloyei1! ___^£i

n n iKi u a :-1 rinte -l and I'aWiauni by EDW«I..!;STK F I I K J K;.> SKV , at The llattrjord A«tpf Cr*g^Jl'riutiui f, Kou. -biu ding lill Macliiac-rulinif EaiiW1

!!meat , 49 KiD«T-»treet,in;tb.e Pariab of TriaitjW»l


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