
Social Action Video:Peer Pressure and

Alcohol AbuseBy Canel Osman

BTEC Media - Unit 31


The social action video will be titled ‘Peer pressure and alcohol abuse’ and filmed and edited under the name of Canel Osman Productions.

My target audience is 15-24 years olds

Its form is social action as I want to bring about national and international change

It will be between 2-3 minutes in length

The whole video will be shot in a P.O.V angle to show the perspective of Ella (protagonist), and her evening of drinking with her best friend Kylie

Aims and purposes of my production

For my assignment, the aim is to raise awareness as well as provide information, educate and to bring about local, national or global change. After researching potential issues, I have chosen to research about alcohol abuse and drink driving. I feel as if this is an issue that affects many teenagers in our modern day society, alcohol is a substance that is easy to get hand of hence, become addicted. especially drinking too much alcohol can affect your sense of judgement and lead you on to do dangerous things like driving, resulting in others or yourself getting seriously hurt.

The objectives of my production is to use techniques such as shock and realism this is because it will bring the attention of the audience. I feel that I want to create a social action video that can open the eyes of young people and reflect on their consciences.

SCENE 1The scene starts with my protagonist Ella taking several shots at once and drinking heavily at a house party with her best friend Kylie

Narrative / Mood board

Narrative / Mood boardSCENE 2

Ella is feeling the effects of her drinking when she’s taken several shots and downed a whole bottle of rum. Ella doesn’t want to drink anymore, however, she is peer pressured by Kylie to drink even more.

SCENE 3After several drinks, Ella starts to feel dizzy however she does not realize how much she has consumed or how drunk she really is. Kylie continues drinking as she knows she can drink a lot.

SCENE 4After throwing up and stumbling in the streets, Kylie and Ella get to Kylie’s car. Kylie realizes that she is unable to drive so she hands the keys to Ella forcefully and Ella then accepts responsibility to drive.

SCENE 5They are laughing in the car oblivious that Ella is driving dangerously especially at her worst state than Kylie.

SCENE 6Ella loose control of the wheel, Kylie screams ‘Look out!’ but it was too little too late as Ella crashes the car into a pole. Kylie looks over at Ella as she dies. We will use camera movement to make it look like the crash has actually happened.

SCENE 8Facts and logos on how to and also helplines/website for people who are struggling

SCENE 7It then cuts to static then fades to black. A voice over will read the slogan “ I used to think drinking was bad for me… so I gave up thinking”.

FACTS and secondary research ‘As they grow older, the chance that young people will use alcohol

grows. Approximately 10 percent of 12-year-olds say they have used alcohol at least once. By age 13 that number doubles. And by age 15, approximately 50 percent have had at least one drink’

‘In the last 50 years road casualties caused by drink driving have fallen dramatically, but in 2012, there were still 230 deaths due to drink driving – accounting for 13% of all road fatalities’

‘Young car drivers (aged 17-24) had more drink drive accidents per 100 thousand license holders and per billion miles driven than any other age group, and the rate declines with age’

Target Audience:

15-24 year olds. I did some secondary research and found out some quantitative data to do with young drivers and their behaviors. According to, ‘(2011) Young car drivers (aged 17-24) had more drink drive accidents per 100 thousand license holders and per billion miles driven than any other age group, and the rate declines with age’. From this statistic I know that these young people are most vulnerable which means my video will grab their attention and make them listen as it relates to them. I’m also including the ages 14-16 and this is because even though they cannot drive yet, hopefully my video will educate them to be aware for when they start being influenced by alcohol and start

Cast, crew, props, spfxActors:

Ella will be played by myself Canel Osman

Kylie will be played by Sasha White

Camera crew:

Canel Osman, Sasha White


We will use my stepdads car to film the driving scene, we won’t be driving it.

We will green screen the windows to super impose the scene of a crash and use makeup to make it believable look believable.

A hospital patient gown that I will borrow from the Whittington Hospital in Archway.


We will use my house in Camden as the house where the party takes place. When we enter the car, it will be on Prowse place NW1 9PP.

Production costs

I will have help from fellow media students and use my own camera and tripod, also borrowing extra equipment from my school free of charge.

Public transport is free because we are 17 so don’t have to pay for travel.

I will edit the video myself using computers and software at my school for free.

The cause

This video will produced for THINK!, a road safety company for the drink driving aspect of this video

and also produced for Drinkaware, a charity who work towards reducing alcohol misuse in the UK.

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