  • 1. Social Learning InnovationA Mzinga Financial Services Focus Group

2. Event Agenda
3. Mzinga
Strategy & Vision
4. Today, the pressure on businesses is higher than ever to
5. Develop & attract new talent
Up to 80% of effective employee development occurs informally, through team collaboration and conversations.
Yet, employee programs are still focused on organizational approaches, rather than solutions that are employee-centric
6. Work smarter & more efficiently
According to IDC, the cost of NOT easily finding information = $3,300 per employee each year
(Thats $3.3M in annual lost opportunity cost for a business of 1000 people)
7. Improve loyalty & satisfaction
More than 90% of customers' issues haven't been unearthed in most organizations, and in addition, often the organization doesn't have answers for them, according to Forrester Research.
These issues lead to long support calls, poor issue resolution, cost increases and customer dissatisfaction.
8. How can todays learning organizations rise to the occasion despite the mounting challenges?
9. Mzinga Vision
We lead the on-demand social learning solutions market by providing our customers unique and compelling insights into their constituents needs to connect, interact and excel.
10. Social Learning Solution Ecosystem
11. Mzinga Next-Generation Solution Framework
Role-based Applications
Open Platforms
Open Protocols
12. Theres More!
Role-based Applications
Mobile and Tethered
Open Platforms
Open Protocols
13. Role-based Solution Value
Customer experience
Learning & talent
Mkt Research

Solution roles
Mzinga Platform
The platform
Analytics& Reporting
14. Improve employeedevelopment & productivity.
Streamline recruiting & on-boarding

  • Expand access to talent & establish extended workforce networks

15. Speed time to competency by making mentors/experts more accessible 16. Provide ready access to blended new hire and training resourcesIncrease productivity & performance

  • Eliminate duplicate work efforts by repeating best practices

17. Gain up to 30% productivity by blending formal and social learning 18. Reduce project timelines by 34% through peer-to-peer interaction
Today, we use Mzinga for learning and development for both employees and customers, and we'll be extending that to include powerful social interactivity, web collaboration and analytics - all managed from one environment.
Increase satisfaction & retention

  • Give employees a voice and enable them to provide feedback

19. Increase knowledge retention by addressing general learning styles 20. Empower employees to participate in innovation & business strategiesGrow market awareness

- Steven Brewer, Training & Development Manager at The Philadelphia Insurance Companies
21. 15
Measurable business results
22. Improving the overall
customer experience.
Improve customer response times

  • 36% of consumers prefer using websites to get answers to questions rather than via telephone or email- and 57% are very likely to abandon purchases if they cannot find quick answers to questions.

Drive satisfaction, loyalty & retention

  • Live chat, peer-to-peer forums, just-in-time customer education and direct access to experts help customers get answers questions quickly- improving satisfaction and reducing abandonment.

Reduce support costs

  • Telephone support costs $6 to $12 or higher per contact.

23. Online chat costs only $5 and is 63% more effective, and web-based customerself-service costs just a few cents per contact.
We wanted to create an interactive forum where job seekers could find information to further their career goals. It allows our members to connect with both our experts and their peers to plan the next steps in their career path.

- Michael Harvey, Chief Executive at Monster.comsCareerOne
24. Measurable business results
25. Leveraging Multi-Site
Capabilities of OmniSocial 2
George Patsouris
VP, Training & Development
Natixis Global Associates
26. Agenda
Firm background and learning needs
OmniSocial solution and challenges
Using multi-site function as a proof-of-concept model
27. Firm Overview
Natixis Global Associates is the distribution affiliate of Natixis Global Asset Management, a $719 billion* firm, offering a multi-boutique structure, giving clients a single point of access to a diverse range of specialized, affiliated money managers worldwide.

  • Headquartered in Boston

28. 375 employees 29. Over 125 sales people 30. Over 50 located in field or satellite offices *as of 12/31/2010
31. Learning needs and challenges

  • Company has experienced rapid growth over the past 5 years

32. Many new employees (sales staff) 33. Expanding product line9 fund launches in 18 months

  • Newly acquired affiliates

Four acquisitions in four years

  • Affiliates investment manages are independent

Access to PMs limited
Need to leverage knowledge within firm

  • Best practices shared live

Not usually captured in print or media

  • Compliance risk

Too many sources of information
Sales people saving info to desktops/files
34. Omni Social solutions
Omni Socialoffers multiple solutions to our learning issues:
Blogs Product Specialists can routinely share updates to portfolios and share insights on industry trends
Wikis Dynamic reference resource
Discussions Centralized location to share best practices and ask questions
File Sharing One-stop shop for storing learning-related content
35. OS2 Implementation Challenges

  • Social media still somewhat new

Untested as a learning tool
If we build it, will they come?

  • Uncertainty around social media regulations

36. No external social media presence 37. Limited resource needs 38. No policies, processes, and procedures 39. Compliance concernsModeration
Record keeping
40. Alternate Solution

  • Needed a way to alleviate Compliance concerns needed to identify content that fit outside of the industry

41. New corporate Community Initiative launched while upgrading to OS2 42. Opportunity to use social media functionality on non-industry contentProof-of-concept of social media
Low-risk test for Compliance
43. Community Initiative and Site
Community Initiative

  • 8 charity partners

44. Teams of 10-15 people led by EVP working with each charity 45. Create and implement annual plan of educational, volunteer and fundraising eventsCommunity Connection site

  • Separate site and URL for:

Event registration and tracking
Blogs general corporate Blog and charity-specific blogs
General audience-ask/answer questions about charities, corporate policies, etc; and, solicit ideas and feedback about program
Charity teams-to communicate among the teams; and to share ideas, provide updates on projects and voice questions or concerns
46. Natixis CommunityConnection
47. Questions, comments or suggestions
Contact me:
George Patsouris
Vice President, Training & Development
Natixis Global Associates
[email protected]
P: 617.449.2542
M: 617.899.5200
48. Mzinga
Analytics & Social Intelligence
Navdeep Alam
Director, Data Architecture
49. Knowledge Continuum
Use knowledge to establish and achieve goals/ROI
Analyze & synthesize derived information
Give meaning to obtained data
Obtain the raw facts
Bakers depiction of the Knowledge Continuum, 2007
50. Mzinga Analytics & Reporting Vision
Analyze your community
Benchmark your community to others
Analyze your community PLUS interactions on the social web

  • Members

51. Roles 52. Content 53. Behaviors 54. By role 55. By industry 56. By company size 57. By community size 1 23
(Other sites)
Your site

  • Sentiment

58. Competitive analysis 59. Social graphing 60. Business intelligence

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