  • 1. Social media and employment Kate Turner 23 July 2014

2. Does Social Media have the power to change the world? By the School of International Development, University of East Anglia, UK 3. What do you think about social media? 4. Todays workshop What is social media? Why use social media? How can social media help you? 5. What social media do you use? 6. What is social media? interaction among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content it is PARTICIPATORY. For example - social platforms like Wikipedia or Twitter have completely changed the way to consume and interact with information. Services like YouTube or Facebook also transformed the way we entertain ourselves. Social media is free and is therefore very accessible. It can help to improve trust, transparency and accountability as you able to communicate more directly with your supporters. Adds more personality to your brand or organisation. The success of social media relies on regular, relevant and engaging content. the web is social media, and social media is the web 7. Why do organisations use social media? An organization can use social media to create a bigger identity and more support for DPOs and their work create relationships with people including members or other key stakeholders who might not otherwise know about the organizations activities, services, projects or what it represents politicians, persons with disabilities, donors, other DPOs to share information and persuade a wider audience to support your cause. 8. Why do you use social media? Write down 5 reasons why you use or do not use social media 9. Why do people use social media? Social Interaction Information Seeking Passing Time Entertainment Relaxation Expression Of Opinions Things To Talk About Convenience. Sharing Information. Knowing About Others Employment opportunities Networking 10. Creating connections and gathering advocates For people with disabilities and disabilities persons organisations, social media can be especially helpful with: Self-information - access to the latest news. It is a great way to keep up on your industry and any legislation or news related to living with a disability such as government announcements, UN initiatives Like-minded networking. There are online groups and forums where you can seek and receive advice and expertise. Disability awareness. Using social media is also an excellent opportunity to spread awareness about the issues people with disabilities face on a daily basis in Rwanda. And. Job opportunities 11. An introduction to two social media Linkedin Twitter Facebook 12. Linkedin LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service As of June 2013, LinkedIn reports more than 259 million acquired users in more than 200 countries and territories. The basic functionality of LinkedIn allows users (workers and employers) to create profiles and "connections" to each other in an online social network which may represent real-world professional relationships. 13. Why use Linkedin? You can Obtain introductions to the connections of connections find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by someone in one's contact network. see employers who list jobs and search for potential candidates. can review the profile of hiring managers and discover which of their existing contacts can introduce them. Post your own photos and view photos of others to aid in identification. follow different companies and can receive notifications about the new joining. Users can save (i.e. bookmark) jobs that they would like to apply for. can "like" and "congratulate" each other's updates and new employments. can see who has visited your profile page. 14. What should your Linkedin profile include? Name Qualifications and education Summary who you are, what your experience is and your skills (no more than 250 words) Languages you speak Skills you have Volunteer experience Work experience Endorsements from your contacts 15. Top tips for your Linkedin profile Your profile is not a resume or CV. Write as if you are having a conversation with someone. Inject your personality. Let people know your values and passions. In your summary, discuss what you do outside of work. You want people to want to know you. Join groups related to your area of expertise, industry, alumni, passions, social causes, and other aspects of your identity. This gives you access to more people who matter to your brand. Know the top five strengths for which you want to be recognized and use them in your profile repeatedly. If your top skill is project management, describe your project management proficiency in your summary as well as in multiple experience descriptions. This will help the right audience find you. Make sure your headshot is high quality, with good lighting and ultra-sharp focus. LinkedIn is not the place to run a casual snapshot. Make sure you write in clear simple English, with no spelling mistakes. If you are not sure, write it in MS Word first and then copy and paste it. 16. Writing your introductory profile This is VERY important! Dont include sweeping terms of self-praise, like team player, go-getter and self- motivated. Rather describe your accomplishments specifically with words like improved, created and increased and a specific explanation of exactly what you did, including numbers whenever possible. 17. The right language The worst words to use in your profile 1. Go-getter 2. Think outside of the box 3. Synergy 4. Go-to person 5. Thought leadership 6. Value add 7. Results-driven 8. Team player 9. Bottom-line 10. Hard worker 11. Strategic thinker 12. Dynamic 13. Self-motivate 14. Detail-oriented 15. Proactively 16. Track record The best words to use in your profile 1. Achieved 2. Improved 3. Trained/mentored 4. Managed 5. Created 6. Resolved 7. Volunteered 8. Influenced 9. Increased/decreased 10. Ideas 11. Negotiated 12. Launched 13. Revenue/profits 14. Under budget 15. Won 18. Write your summary You have 15 minutes to write down your summary. Think about what employers want to know about you What are your key skills and achievements? 19. Twitter Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read "tweets", which are text messages limited to 140 characters. Similar to a SMS text message but it is on the internet and can be read by anyone. Registered users can read and post tweets. It is instant - works in real-time Use hashtags # to group messages together You can follow or be followed Your profile starts with @ - eg @NUDOR_RW and you can mention people in your tweets 20. Why use twitter? 500 million registered users in 2012, who posted 340 million tweets per day. Twitter is now one of the ten most-visited websites, and has been described as "the SMS of the Internet High twitter usage in Rwanda research in 2012 showed that Rwanda is 7th largest tweeter in Africa High profile leaders and media use twitter in Rwanda Connecting your organisation to other DPOs, persons with disabilities 21. What should you use twitter for? Use it to broadcast your opinion, news or links other websites such as news articles, blogs, videos Find out relevant industry information Find out about potential employers Demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the area 22. Number of your tweets People who you follow People who follow you Suggestions of who you should follow Trends what people are talking about Live feed of tweets 23. Tips on how to use twitter effectively 1. Have a good biography - 160 characters Personal account list your profession, interests and location. Have a clear, professional and up to date photograph Organisational account list the full name of the organisation, its mission and location. Provide your website address. The picture should be the organisational logo. 2. Be selective when following only follow relevant profiles that will deliver relevant information to your timeline. 3. Credit your sources if you share some information or retweet a post, make sure you acknowledge the source such as via @user. It will bring a lot of appreciation from the person you retweet and is also important to maintaining credibility. 4. Make use of hashtags - hashtags (#) facilitate searching the information youre looking for within seconds. Using hashtags increases a users visibility in a particular area of discussion and increases the number of followers from a specific domain. 24. 5. Have a focus if you are a DPO, you should be tweeting about disability and issues around improving human rights, NOT the latest football scores. I t can put off people following you. 6. Engage - Twitter is a two-way street. You should engage and interact with other users. This helps build a relationship with other users and creates a network for you. It is very easy to interact with somebody who already replied to you or retweeted you, so dont hesitate to do it. Take a few seconds to answer, because you might get a lot in return for it. 7. Dont be a RT machine - You need to provide content, dont just RT content from other people. Why would somebody follow you instead of the source you retweet 5 times per day? 8. Avoid arguments - Getting involved in unnecessary arguments will never get you far - If amends need to be taken, then take them using the DM option or over e- mail, not publicly on Twitter. To ensure you dont get caught in such situations, avoid tweeting on hot topics regarding a persons religion, relationships, career, professional or personal issues and so on. Never tweet something that you wouldnt be comfortable saying publically. 25. 9. Dont ask to be followed - If you cant convince someone to follow your profile with your bio and tweets, they will never follow you just because you ask them to. 10. Do not delete tweets - apologizing is always better than deleting a tweet, because it will show people you can accept your mistakes and take responsibility for them. 11. Be responsive - Followers will many times provide company profiles with feedback. It is an asset for a company profile to be able to respond properly to feedback. 12. Dont spam - Spamming is the worst thing a organisations Twitter profile can do. None of us like spam and most of us stop following any profile that fills our timeline with spam instantly. Regardless of how much you want to have more followers, do not spam it can create a lot of damage from which you may never recover from. 13. No tweeting about yourself on a organizational account followers of an organization are interested in the organization, not not the person behind the profile. Making personal updates on a company profile is not a good idea. 26. Hashtags #Kwibuka20 #FF #IDPD2013 #ndiumunyarwanda #disABILITY #IDPD2013 27. A good biography Job title and skills Your activities Your website Your logo Organization description Your website Your activities Your location 28. Who to follow? International agencies: @UN_Enable, @UN, @UNICEF INGOs and NGOs: @HI_UK, @PlanGlobal Donors: @DFID_UK @VSO_Intl Rwandan DPOs: @RNUDRwanda Government: @Rwandalocalgov Media: @Igihe Influential people: @DonaldKaberuka Employers Who else should you follow? 29. Facebook Free platform to upload video, photos and more detailed information Create a network of people with an interest in your work Huge number of users You can like organisations 30. RNUD facebook page News and campaigns UN International Human Rights Day 2013 Stories and updates Number of supporters Organisational details 31. NUDOR likes VSO Rwanda Developing your networks 32. Using social media to market ourselves Digital marketing principles can now be applied to ourselves to attract potential employers There are over 39 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn. They are LinkedIn's fastest-growing demographic. 33. What are employers doing? Recruiters use social media in the hiring process Recruiters can be positively influenced by a candidates social network profile However they can also be negatively influenced by a candidates inappropraite use of social media. The best candidates can be identified and headhunted by social media through developing relationships 34. The importance of your digital footprint What people and employers read about you is really important Would you want your prospective employer to see your facebook photos? What impression would they get? If you dont want something to cause you embarrassment in the future, then its a good idea to be careful about how you represent yourself on social media. 35. Is this a good facebook photo? 36. BBC News: 8/7/2010 BBC News:13/12/2012 Independent: 22/10/2013 37. Finding employment Facebook: People you know Linkedin: People I professionally know Twitter: People I dont know 38. Tell the world that you are looking for a job! Facebook: tell friends and family Linkedin: Tell previous colleagues Targeted personal messages Place status updates Change your headline Tell groups Twitter: @Mention to followers #the job/employer you want 39. Linkedin Research company profile Find profiles of company employees Find profiles of company recruiters Twitter What is the company doing? What does the company care about? 40. Demonstrate your interest and expertise Twitter Tweet interesting stuff Interact with other stakeholders Linkedin Join relevant groups and post interesting updates and information 41. Network before you need it Linkedin Build a network before you need it Join groups be proactive be engaged Twitter Engage Relevant tweets can lead to a conversation or direct reply from an employer

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