Page 1: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Social Media: driver of change for good or bad?

Quick poll of #techMAP London

Presented by: @AkaDramaQueen – techMAP Chair

Thanks goes to: @LukeTIpping – techMAP speaker

@CharlotteBeckett @Amplifier_Paul @LeeStacey- techMAP Panelists

Page 2: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

The following results are a quick and dirty poll of your peers and their Social Media behavior to provide a local sense-check of how Social Media is influencing London Town as part of @LukeTipping ‘s presentation included above.

Page 3: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Question 1:How many really close friends do you have?

10.2% said 130.6% said 2-3

10.2% said 7+

49%% said 4-6

40% have 1-3 really close friends. 60% of us have 4+ friends.

Page 4: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Question 2:My social profiles make me look happier than I am.

14.3% said Yes.

40.8% said No! WYSIWYG*8.2% said Well, perception is reality.

36.7% said Perhaps a little.

60% of people don’t have an accurate profile. WYSYWYG = What you see is what you get.

Page 5: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Question 3:There are times when I can feel insecure, lonely and isolated.

10.2% said Nope.

57.1% said Yes! But doesn’t everybody?

10.2% said: •Daily. •Professionally – I do •All the time. •Most times.

24.4% said A few times in a month - sure!

90% of people polled can relate to this statement to some degree.

Page 6: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Question 4:Nature is important to me and plays an active role in my life.

% said 151% said Absolutely.

10.2% said No. And why is this question even here?

34.7% said Sure! There is green in London…? Right?

Page 7: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Question 5:I spend a lot of time thinking about:

12.2% said the future.

14.3% said the past.

55.1% said – Now and the future.

4.1% said Now.

14.3% said Yesterday and Tomorrow.

Page 8: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Question 6:I can pull the plug and go analogue for a whole week end… sure!

34.7% said I could but I won’t.

16.3% Said Why would we do this?

30.6% Said I could and I do.

18.4% Said Wait! The mobile doesn’t count… does it?

Only 30% of people shut off for the week end.

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Question 7:My social profiles are an accurate representation of me!

4.1% said two totally different people really.

67.3% Said Yes.

28.6% Said Not really!

Page 10: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Questions for our panel:

1. Is social media a driver of change for good? Why?

2. How has Social Media changed human behavior?

3. Are we creating split personalities? An online me and a real world me. Is online me happier, prettier, more popular?

Page 11: Social media: driving social change for better or worse?

techMAP is the real world and online community that seeks to resolve how technology is best applied within marketing, advertising and PR.


[email protected] @ShannonEastman

[email protected] @BarryFurby

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