Page 1: Social Media: Embracing the Opportunities, Averting the Risks

Embracing the Opportunities, Averting the Risks.

Russell Herder


Page 2: Social Media: Embracing the Opportunities, Averting the Risks

Russell HerderRussell Herder

Page 3: Social Media: Embracing the Opportunities, Averting the Risks
Page 4: Social Media: Embracing the Opportunities, Averting the Risks

Social media use is growing…quickly

U.S. Internet Users Who Visit Social Networking Sites

Q2 2008 27%

Visit Social Networking Sites

Q2 2008 27%

Q2 2009 43%

Source: TNS and The Conference Board, June 2009

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Perceived Value of Social Media

Enhance relationships with 81%

Perceived Value of Social Media

Enhance relationships with customers/clients



Build company brand



69%Recruitment tool

Customer service


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Enhance employee morale

Multiple responses allowed

Source: Social Media Policy Survey, Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, 2009

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Social Media Vehicles Being UsedFacebook 80%

Social Media Vehicles Being Used

Blogs 43%


















Second Life



0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

M lti l ll d

Second Life


Multiple responses allowed

Source: Social Media Policy Survey, Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, 2009

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Projected Use of Social MediaProjected Use of Social Media(Over Next Year)

Decrease, 2%

Maintain, 25%

Increase, 73%

Source: Social Media Policy Survey, Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, 2009

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Key Reasons Management y gUses Social Media

1. To read what customers may 1. To read what customers may be saying

2. To monitor a competitor

3. To see what employees may be sharing

Source: Social Media Policy Survey, Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, 2009

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81% believe social media poses a corporate security risk

Source: Social Media Policy Survey, Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, 2009

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If You’re Not Using Social Media, g ,Why?

Don’t know enough about it 51%


40%Confidentiality/security issues

C d b t l d ti it


37%Concerned about employee productivity

No need for it

0% 20% 40% 60%

Multiple responses allowed

Source: Social Media Policy Survey, Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, 2009

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4 in 10 block social media access

Source: Social Media Policy Survey, Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, 2009

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Incidents are increasing

17% disciplined an employee for 17% disciplined an employee for violating blog or message board policies

15% have disciplined an employee for violating multimedia sharing/posting policies policies

13% of U.S. companies investigated an 13% of U.S. companies investigated an exposure event involving mobile or Web-based short message services (Twitter)

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What were you thinking?

53% of employees say their social networking pages are none of their employers’ business

61% say that they won’t change what they’re doing online

27% don’t consider the ethical consequences of posting consequences of posting comments, photos, or videos online

Source: Deloitte LLP, Ethics & Workplace Survey, 2009

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Legal Issues That Can Arise from Social Media Use

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A false statement that injures someone's reputation and exposes him to public contempt, hatred, ridicule or condemnationridicule or condemnation

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Anonymous Blogging –Paris Regional Medical Center, TX

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The FedEx fiasco

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Employment claims



Hostile work environmentHostile work environment

And more…

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Confidentiality and corporate security

Client or patient informationClient or patient information

Other employees’ privacy

Intellectual property

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And more…

Business disputes

F dFraud

Criminal liability

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Companies Having a Written Social Media Policy

Employee Training Conducted on Social Media

Yes, 10%

Written Social Media Policy on Social Media

Yes, 31%

No, 69%



No, 90%

Source: Social Media Policy Survey, Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law, 2009

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Key Elements in a Social Media Policy

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Establish a position

Define the company’s philosophy on social media on social media

Mirror the culture

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Mayo Clinic

“The main thing Mayo employees need to remember about blogs and social

ki i i h h b i networking sites is that the same basic policies apply in these spaces as in other

areas of their lives ”areas of their lives.

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“All of us at RightNow are working to rid the All of us at RightNow are working to rid the world of bad experiences. Contributing to

online communities by blogging, wiki posting, participating in forums, etc., is a good way to extend our mission. We believe participation i li di th h th i l b in online discourse through the social web can empower us as global professionals,

innovators and citizens ”innovators and citizens.

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U.S. Coast Guard

“Becoming a more agile and change-centric Becoming a more agile and change centric organization requires that we understand and interact through social media... The

governmental and public affairs directorate will coordinate our organizational

engagement in the social media environment engagement in the social media environment with interim policy, guidance, tools and

processes ”processes.

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Require transparency

Ask employees to be…• OpenOpen• Honest• Respectful

T ll h diff i h i l id i f h i b iTell them to differentiate their personal identity from their businessidentity

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Safeguard confidential and propriety information

Especially since social media can be less formal, there is increased risk for inadvertent disclosure

Reinforce your confidentiality policies and explain how to apply them to the social media environment

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Avoid conflicts of interest

f h d f lDefine how to identify potential conflicts of interest, what types are prohibited and who to talk to when in doubtto when in doubt

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When in doubt, spell it out

Employees should make it clear that their views about work-related matters do not represent the views of their employer or any other personother person

Encourage a disclaimer when confusion could exist, such as:

“The views expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not represent the views of my

employer or any other person ” employer or any other person.

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Make sure to address the basics



Monitoring rights

Di i li id liDisciplinary guidelines

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Organizations – and social media policies – differ depending upon…

• Levels of desired social media participation

• Culture and degree of “acceptable” behavior

• Methods of conflict resolution • Methods of conflict resolution

• Opinions on the overall value of social media

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Be sure to…

Look inside firstLook inside first

Engage appropriate resources

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Remember, social media is about…

New technology

New generation

New normsNew norms

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Should you monitor employee social media use?

Depends on company culture

Always reserve the right

Monitor if facts and circumstances warrant

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How do you get top management on board?

Stick: Lawsuit examples and potential litigation

Carrot: Brand awareness, marketing and customer awareness

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Strategies for management engagement

Competitive review

Executive briefings

Adoption of policies to guide employee behavioremployee behavior

Organization-wide employee training

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Are you liable “off the clock”?

No such thing anymore as “work hours”

Can be liable at any time, in any place

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When something does happen…

First, look to policies and procedures

Second, consult appropriate professionals (e.g., HR, legal, account management)

Use as a learning opportunity

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How do you control “social not-working”?


Turn use into productive use

With growing number of Millennials in the workplace, p ,remember that social media is often a replacement for e-mail

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How do you shape behavior?

Consider generational gap

Be open to opportunity

Training, training, training

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An effective training plan should…

Be grounded in the company’s values and ethics

Reach every employee in the company

Be an interactive educational opportunity

Be ongoing

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Does the value of social media outweigh the risks?

O t it t t ith Opportunity to connect with customers/patients/clients

Platform for customer service

Opportunity to engage employees

Excellent vehicle for crisis communicationscommunications

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