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1st December 2011

Social Media Engagement

Two thirds of Britons & Americans don’t want to ‘engage’ with brands in Social Media. So why do we bother & how can we improve this statistic?

Presented by : Irene Zalami

Senior Account Director

Web Liquid Group

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Social Media has truly changed the traditional notion of how companies

…connect, engage and evolve relationships with prospects & customers

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“Six out of ten Britons & Americans do not want to engage with brands through

Social Media, leading to companies creating ‘mountains’ of digital waste”

Source: TNS Digital Life study (surveyed 72,000 consumers across 60 countries), Nov 2011


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What I’ll be delivering …

• Main barrier to successful Social Media engagement

• The importance of community engagement

• Five “P’s” of successful


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Placing Tactics before Strategy

Biggest barrier to turning Social Media into a

competitive advantage…

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Rolling out a structured Engagement Strategy will move the dial on your Social Media results

Providing a positive experience creates valuable relationships with key stakeholders: • Turn Brand Detractors into Promoters

• Opportunity to create Brand Ambassadors

• Higher Engagement leads to higher Facebook Reach

… because your loyal Brand Ambassadors will do the work for you.

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Case Study | Cass Business School

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Drive growth in high caliber student applications across all products / courses

By creating …

Positive sentiment and brand perception

Driven by…

Engaging with potential & current students, Alumni, the business community and leveraging their positive experiences,


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Social Media: The Cass Context

• Cass previously took an organic approach with no underpinning strategy • The Facebook 2011 re-launch saw 434% more interactions than 2010 • Over last three months Cass Official Facebook Page had a higher % fan growth (31.7%) than

Lady Gaga (10.6% )!

Source: Facebook Insights

Student Intake| YoY Results

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So… what are the secrets to building impactful and meaningful Social Media engagement?

The Five “P’s” of Engagement…

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Define your purpose for engaging in Social Media

1. Proposition

Deliver genuine value to your community

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1. Proposition IBM 2011 Study| Gap between what brands think consumers want versus what consumers really want.

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2. People

Complete a Competency Gap Analysis Define specific Recruitment needs Hold holistic training to empower team

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3. (be) Provocative & Personal

Be Provocative, yet Human

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3. (be) Provocative & Personal

Be Provocative, yet human Make it personal Keep them “warm” Keep it short and sweet

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• Greenpeace launched a campaign in 2010 against Nestlé’s use of palm oil from questionable sources with a video that very few saw

• Nestlé, went legal immediately and demanded the content be removed

• Greenpeace responded by spreading the video by alternate channels and causing a far greater story

• Nestlé further antagonised users by threatening them with deletion if comments posted on their Facebook page included doctored Nestlé logos

Bad use of “policy” & engagement!

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All Staff Social Media Policy Social Media Authorised Spokespeople Policies • Risk Assessment, Crisis Mitigation & Escalation • Rules of Engagement Policies

Social Media Community Policy & SLA


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1. Define when, how and why to engage with the community

2. Don’t deal with bad people or bad content 3. Never get into a debate with disgruntled users

in an open environment 4. Be humble with responses, do not dismiss

issues or complaints 5. Always use facts – if you cannot back up what

you are saying you will find yourself in trouble! 6. Always add value

Golden Rules of Engagement

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Consider Community Engagement Process • Plan • Consider Resource • Content Management Process (inc tools) • Be consistent, responsive & committed

Measurement, optimisation & knowledge sharing process essential

Define a process to track loyal community ambassadors


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Once you’re there…

Say “Thank you”...

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Improving Community Engagement is a critical component of Social Media success. The biggest barrier of turning Social Media into a competitive advantage is placing “tactics before strategy”

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1. Proposition

2. People

3. (Be) Provocative & Personal

4. Policies

5. Process

• Define purpose for Engaging in Social Media • Add genuine value to your community

• This is an example text. • This is an example text.

• Undertake Competency Gap Assessemnt • Recruite to meet requirements • Faciliate training to Empower Social Media Authorised Spokespeople

• Be Provocative, yet human • Make it Personal • Keep it short, sweet & visible

• All Staff Policy on Social Media • Comprehesive Social Media Authorised Spokespeople Policies • Social Media Community Policy & SLA

• Community Engagement Process • Measurement, optimisation & knowledge sharing Process • Process to track active participants

You can succeed by addressing the “Five P’s of Engagement”

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Thank you…


Irene Zalami Senior Account Director Web Liquid Group D: +44 (0) 20 7251 7053 E: [email protected] T: @Boucle_d_or

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