
Social Media Maxed

10 Day Plan

10 Day Social Media Plan

Social Media Blueprint

1. Investigate and Learn

2. Set Up Social Network and Technology Accounts

3. Set Up Your Free WordPress or Blogger blog

Complete Your Blogging Planner and Write Your

First Post

5. Find Prospects on Facebook

6. Set Up a Community Fan Page on Facebook

7. Find Prospects on LinkedIn

8. Find Instant Business on Twitter

9. Manage your Profiles with HootSuite

Review and Connect all your Profiles

There are two hurdles that most new social marketers struggle to overcome. The first is technology and the second is that there is just too much information.

Frankly speaking most people are simply overwhelmed.

A fast start action plan and focus exclusively on the things you need to do to immediately get business.

Instead of explaining all the theory and giving you loads of choices Ive changed my approach to flat out tell you what works the best for each social network and give specific instructions as to what to do. You can pretty up your sites later and add other techniques but for now I want you to do the things that work right now.

I want you to do exactly as I say.

The 10 Day Plan is designed to get the absolute beginner up and running and to get the intermediary marketer focused on the activities that provide an immediate return on investment.

Now dont think this is a SMM 101 course its not.

Its a highly focused plan that will make sure you get up, running and producing new business in just 10 days. It does away with all the frills, bells and whistles and zeroes in on real tactics and strategies that will immediately get you clients and quickly drag you to the closing table.

The 10 day Plan is designed to get your social media marketing plan operational and productive in just 10 days.

Overview of the 10 Day Social Media Success Plan

On Day 1 you will identify your real estate social media strategy.

On Day 2 you will set up all your essential social network and technology accounts.

On Day 3 you will build your blog and add the most important widgets.

On Day 4 you will map out and plan your blogging strategy and publish your first blog posts.

The purpose of your blog is to provide a venue to receive thousands of new social network friends. Traffic to your blog will come from the social networks and you can expect an avalanche of prospective clients.

The most important function of your blog is to convert your visitors into contacts.

On Day 5 you will start making friends on Facebook and building your network.

On Day 6 you will create a fan page on Facebook for your local community. This is currently the single most successful tactic for rapidly growing your friend network on any of the social networks.

On Day 7 you will start making connections on Linked In and will learn how to send a message to 50 connections at a time.

On Day 8 you will learn how to listen for business on Twitter by tracking keywords that identify ready and willing buyers and sellers.

On Day 9 you will set up your control panel on Hoot Suite to monitor and manage all your social networks in one convenient dashboard.

On Day 10 youll review your entire social media marketing plan and make sure that your networks are all connected and your content is syndicated.

Day 1 Investigate and Learn

Day 1 is a study and education day. Its going to take the whole day so I suggest that you start on a weekend day.

The whole point of the study day is to build a foundation to your social media knowledge base.

Im going to share my social media strategy with you. Its different to what you will read from most social media gurus as it focuses less on being social and more on marketing.

Its a strategy that works for me as I now have over 500,000 social network friends and followers.

In particular its a strategy that will help you quickly find hundreds if not thousands of friends on social networks (I like to think of my all social network friend as potential clients).

In this course Im going to share the exact tactics I use to build my network of friends.

Before you start investigating social media you need to ask yourself the following questions:

You need to clearly answer all questions.

Theres no right or wrong answer, just write down your thoughts.At the end of the 10 Days Im going to ask you the same questions and you can compare your answers.

Write your answers in the space below:

a. What is the relevance of social media to my real estate business?

b. What do I want to get from social media?

How will I measure my return on investment from social media?

How much time per day do I have available for social media?

e. Which social media sites will help me?

f. Who are my main competitors?

g. How am I going to get the contact details and email address of my new Friends?

The reason they are relevant is because thats where you will find your next clients. The membership numbers are staggering, an estimated 500 million members, and people are spending more and more of their time on social networks.

You need to join several networks and at a minimum create a profile. Even if you dont work all the networks you should set up a profile as they all pass great search engine juice and rank highly in search results.

Social Networks are ViralIn short Metcalfe says Go send out more friend requests on Facebook already!

The great news is that Facebook and the other social networks are incredibly viral and you can simply piggyback on their network to virally expand your own personal network. In the Facebook Economy you can reach and connect with so many more people than in the old days of door-to-door or tel-canvassing.

When I took a step back and analyzed my efforts at social media marketing I came up with the following key discoveries:

Discovery Number 1Its easy to make friends online

Discovery Number 2Its difficult to sell real estate online

Discovery Number 3Its impossible to manage thousands of relationships on social networks

Main Social Media Goal Get an email address.

Thats it.

Basically I view social networks as a phenomenal lead generation tool where I can meet an unprecedented number of potential clients. But I also recognize that selling real estate is still a very personal one-on-one business so I accept that while I can find clients online I still need to close them the old fashioned way offline.

In addition Ive discovered that the only way to manage thousands of new friends and followers is to get their email address and communicate with them through mass email marketing.

The Process of Converting Strangers to Clients

Im going to give you the simple five step plan to becoming a social networking superstar. If you follow all five steps you will succeed and convert your social networking into more real estate closings.

Step 1 Identify Prospects

Step 2 - Convert Strangers into Friends

Step 3 Convert Friends into Group Members or Fans

Step 4 - Convert Group Members into Contacts

Step 5 Convert Contacts into Customers

Think of a huge funnel.

At the top of the funnel sits your social networks like Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, Linked In and Active Rain. Their role is to help you find identify prospects and make new online friends.

Twitter sits on top the funnel and acts as a huge billboard where you can broadcast your message to thousands of people.

With Facebook and Linked In you can make friends and use their communication tools to accelerate the process of converting your friends into customers who will buy or sell real estate.

WordPress is your blog. Its your backyard barbeque where you can entertain people and establish yourself as a real estate expert.

The Money Bag is your email database. You know that if you can get your friends contact details its like putting money on the bank.

Thats the social media marketing funnel. Its designed to convert your online friends into contacts.

Remember, your immediate challenge is that you dont have contact details for your new online friends.

To get contact details you need to drive your friends down the marketing funnel and direct them to through your blog into your contact database

Write a personal tag-line.

That line of text under your name is the first thing people see in your Profile. It follows your name in search hit lists. It's your brand. (Note: your e-mail address is not a brand!) Your company's brand might be so strong that it and your title are sufficient. However, you might need to refine your professional personality into a more eye-catching phrase that describes who you are at a glance.

Put your elevator pitch to work.Go back to your conference introduction. That 30-second description, the essence of who you are and what you do, is a personal elevator pitch. Use it in the Summary section to engage readers. You've got 5-10 seconds to capture their attention. The more meaningful your summary is, the more time you'll get from readers.

Point out your skills.

Think of the Specialties field as your personal search engine optimizer. It is an avenue to refine the ways people find and remember you. This searchable section is where that list of industry buzzwords from your resume belongs. This is also the place to display particular abilities and interests, the personal values you bring to your professional performance, or even a note of humor or passion.

Explain your experience.

Help the reader grasp the key points. Briefly say what the company does and what you did or do for them. Picture yourself at that conference again. After you've introduced yourself, how do you describe what you do, what your company does? Use those clear, succinct phrases here and break them into visually digestible chunks.

Distinguish yourself from the crowd.

Use the 'Additional Information' section to round out your Profile with a few key interests. Add websites that showcase your abilities or passions. Then edit the default 'My Website' label to encourage click-throughs (you get Google page rankings for those, raising your visibility). Maybe you belong to a trade association or an interest group; help other members find you by naming those groups. If you're an award winner recognized by peers, customers or employers, add prestige without bragging by listing them here.

Build your connections.

Connections are one of the most important aspects of your brand. The company you keep reflects the quality of your brand. What happens when you view a Profile and see that you know someone in common? That Profile's credibility increases. The value of that commonality works both ways. So identify connections that will add to your credibility and pursue those.A final note: As you add connections and recommendations, your Profile develops into a peer-reviewed picture of you and of your personal brand. Make sure it's in focus, well composed and easy to find. Edit your public Profile's URL to reflect your name or tagline. Then you can put it to work by adding it to your blog, linking to it from your website, and including it in your e-mail signature.

Software and Services Open an account at (free) Open an account at (free version) Open an account with

Publish a 3 to 5 page report on your local market (here are a few ideas)a. Recent Sales and Statisticsb. Neighborhood reportc. Schools and Parks reportd. Curb Appeal Report

My Blogging Planner

Name of Blog




Meta Tags

Notes on the Blogging Plan


Agents (referrals)

b. Specialize (Dont be a Generalist)

I want to specialize in the following niche(s)i. Choose Your Content Niche

GolfVacationFirst time BuyersActive AdultsRetirement CommunitiesLuxury HomesCondosLandInvestment PropertiesCommercialOther

j. Choose your Area NicheInclude a list of your target City, Neighborhoods and communities. Remember that hyper local blogging is very effective so dont be afraid to go down to the local level.




This should keep you busy until we meet again...

Classes Social Sites Maxed February Schedule

Friday, February 10, 2012 ~ 11:00AM to 1:00PM

Century 21 Americana ~ bring lunch & laptop

Friday, February 24, 2012 ~ 11:00AM to 1:00PM

Century 21 Americana ~ bring lunch & laptop


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