Page 1: Social Super Structure

Social super structure

Starting point and research.

As a start i was given by some irregular spot on the floor and a name of process - laminating (and bending plywood).

During my research i learned technics how to bend using weight, moulds, jigs, ropes and more. Then i get a book from a library about Charles & Ray Eames, it gives me more inspiration. I also research weird benches done from differen materials.

Page 2: Social Super Structure

Social super structure

Modeling and development.

I go to a workshop and found there lots of tools and machines, i’ve dove few models to visualise what i had in my mind, then i start measuring my body, and think about construction.

At first time i want to make a full size one piece bench, but before i was need to build a mould for this and order few sheets of plywood.

All the time tried to experiment with tools, to understand what they can do, and i really love that experience.

Finally i decide to do not a single piece, to not creating useless frames, and during all project i follow this rule, try to forgot about what i’m gonna do, but achieve more skills, knowledge and experience.

Page 3: Social Super Structure

Social super structure

Making and working with material.

For plywood i went to Aushan, but there was no so thin which i was need, and finally some people from a school helped me to get 3mm sheets.

That plywood was quite elastic, but still i thought using water, steam or a iron to bend it, but again i’ve just continue experiment and learn that using screws i could actually got to know how soft is it. I start from a seat, then create a back, connct them, form was good, but not strong enough to seat on.

Then i move legs close to a point where you actually sit, and change construction to connect a back. It gives a strength in seat, but connection was still poor, i mprove it again and that’s it!

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